The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 28, 1899, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weeexy News
Deweys Flagship Makes Tri-
umphal Journey Up the Bay
Tun tiiiiiiiiuulri4 irliiuiK n it lii
WIiIIk 1ihmIiih SiiIiiIih Itiiimi Irom
liiltM mill Milii Olympiii Ill In Ip
rnslllnii Ht liiMMIlllicnl Alirlliiliiur
Nrw YoUKSi pi JS Thi DiiKli frol
icking whilcrups tlio Olympiii moved
jnnjchtitiilly up tlu lower buy yostt nluy
mill passed through tliu piituivsquo
Mvnit nuitrded by Forts Witdsworth and
Hamilton amid the booming of mvit
jiUiiH and thero inside tlto city Kiites
Admiral Dewey and his Kiillunt lars re
ceived the glorious tliundormiH wel
come of the steel walled men-of-war as
the ship glided up to her position at the
head of the column there to remain
until the nieut naval pageant starts to
morrow Never before perhaps did n
triumphant warrior returning from a
victorious campaign receive a more
thunderous welcome Though thous
ands upon thousands witnessed it from
shore and the main anchorage at
Tompkinhville where the lleet lay fairly
Mvarmed with tugs yachts ami steam
ers and every sort of harbor craft till
jet black with wild cheering exultant
people and tho towering white walls of
the city beyond were brave with a mil
lion welcoming lags yesterdays greet
ing to Dewey was the greeting of his
comrades of the navy and it was emi
nently lit ting that his comrades in arms
should have tho lirst chanco at him
whom tho millions are waiting
to honor Tho people will begin I
to get at him on Friday and j
Saturday To outward appearance the I
welcome he received irom the fleet was
strictly professional One can find tho
salutes the trumpet nourishes tho
drum rallies tho parading of the ma
rine guard and all of the ceremonies
dono in his honor yesterday described
in the naval regulations as duo to one
of his rank But that only impressed
tho mind the more because oven tho
naval regulations inelastic as they
were could not restrain tho pent up en
thusiasm when it broke forth as it did
occasionally in rounds of cheers any
more than it could the boll cords of tho
skippers and tho joy shown by the peo
ple aboard the excursion boats Cheer
ing is not permitted by tho naval regu
lations aboard men-of-war but no ro
proof followed yesterdays breaches of
Arrival of tlm Clilrngo
It was a perfect day though drifting
clouds driven by a strong land breeze
obscured the sun during tho morning
uud the waves of the lower bay were
capped with white foam In tho after
noon tho flying clouds disappeared tho
breeze died away and the sun bathed
the sea in brilliance Very early in tho
morning befoie Dewey left his anchor
age inside Sandy Hook Rear Admiral
Howison commander of the South At
lantic squadron aboard the Chicago
which arrived outside Tuesday night
travel stained and weather beaten after
her journey of aiOOOniilesaround South
Africa foamed in past tho Hook mix
iustojoin the North Atlantic squad
ron in receiving Admiral Dewey
Doweys flagship was no sooner recog
nized than preparations were made to
give the loudest welcome tho ship could
give The guns were manned the ma
rine guards were paraded and 17 guns
were loosened in honor of Dewey
Willi Clipurrt from the Crow
The Chicagos jackies cheered wildly
as she steamed past Tho Olyinpia re
sponded with 111 guns and the two ad
mirals coining together from tho two
ends of the earth waved a welcome to
each other Tho Chicago continued to
the upper bay and in turn was saluted
by tho New York Only tho flagship of
a squadron salutes on the appearanco of
a rear admiral
The long lines of crazy quilting tho
universal language of tho sea flattered
irom tho signal halyards of tho Now
York Rear Admiral Sampsons flag
ship and tho Chicago and after a good
deal of wigwagging from tho bridges of
both ships thu Chicago dropped her
anchor at tho foot of the column close
under tho lee of Stateu Island Hear
Admiral Sampsons blue flag came
down as soon as tho Chicago found her
berth Rear Admiral Howison is his
MMiior and to tho main truck was
hauled up tho two starred rod ponntint
which denoted that ho was outranked
It was noted that tho Chicago did
not go to the head of tho column tho
place to which she was entitled becauso
tho place was reserved for tho Olympia
and to have gone there would have
forced Deweys flagship to tho end of
tho ship canal
Rear Admiral Sampsons gig was
manned and he went to pay his respects
to Rear Admiral Howison Ho was
followed by the other rhips
Meanwhile the beautiful white yacht
Dolphin wjth Assistant Secretary of
tho Navy Allen aboard had hurried
down to tho Olympiii The Dolphin
flow a whito flag containing four stars
with a fouled anchor in tho field the
flag of tho assistant secretary ami ilr
Allen personally was conveying to Ad
iniral Dewey the greetings and compli
ments of President McKiuloy Ho
went aboard in a launch and was re
ceived at the gangway by the admiral
Oljinplu SuIN li tho Hay
An officer from Fiat Hancock shortly
nfterward came aboard to convey tho
formal welcome of the army ami then
few minutes after U oclock Just a
the tide turned flood the Olyntpiv
weighed anchor and began her journey
up the bay The tugs and harbor craft
Which had been hovering about since
lavlight tooting and shrieking their
tilutatuins at every opportunity fell
iin lurwake and puffed proudly up
eh id her livery vessel she passed
gave her a vaporous salute and as the
shipping increased the noisy demon
strations bieaine almost continuous
The figure of the hero of the day was
in full relief against the sky as he stood
on the bridge chatting with Assistant
Secretary Allen anil a group of olllcers
lie occasionally turned and smiled and
bowed to the noisy escort Tho Olyin
pia was very stately as she came on
her white hull with high free board
seemed frail but the ugly looking gnus
frowning front spnusou and turret
showed where laid tho power that had
destroyed Spiins sea power on tho
other side of tho world
DilllcH Morli Thill Hit IIcsIiimI In llmiit
Dimii Iuiiiilr
TorrKA Sept 28 Commander-in-Chief
Albert D Shaw of tho J A R
spoke yesterday at tho state encamp
ment and was accorded a rousing recep
During the day Colonel Shaw denied
published stories that he desired to head
the Dewey parade These stories are
infamously false ho said I never
thought of such a thing I wanted an
escort of a 000 old soldiers to be a guard
of honor to tho admiral and to follow
him in the parade
Later Colonel Shaw issued a state
ment to the public submitting facts
in justification of requests made to
Major General Roe that tho veterans
be allowed to have the right of lino in
the Dewey parade Colonel Shaw
cites as precedents the places accorded
the veterans at the Chicago jubilee and
at tho reception of tho Tenth regiment
Pennsylvania volunteers at Pittsburg
and adds In tho light of these com
paratively recent parades the latter in
honor olVur gallant soldiers who served
in the Philippines and who possibly
heard some of Admiral Doweys guns
1 could not but feel that the Grand
Army comrades of NeV York repre
sentative of the greatest state in tho
Union which sent nioro men than any
other state to preserve the nation from
ruin were as richly entitled to head the
line of the Dowoy parade as wero tho
comrades of Pennsylvania to lead a sim
ilar civic pageant in honor of cur Spanish-American
war heroes
It gives me great pleasure to extend
to Governor Roosevelt as tho commander-in-chief
of 1150000 G A R veter
ans my warm congratulations on the
just and patriotic stand ho has taken in
behalf of the ageing veterans of tho na
tion in using his influence to have their
just request granted that they lead tho
parade in the city of New York in honor
of tho great Admiral Dewey thus as
suring to our newest veterans that
when they grow old in their turn they
shall not be the tail of any public pro
Piili liiM UltlH In Fiiil Time
Wichita Kan Sept 28 On his na
tive heath which ho left as a yearling
nine years ago John R Gentry pushed
Joe Patchen to the utmost in tho best
speed exhibition of tho year Patchen
winning in two straight heats in tho
remarkable time of S0ij and 202j
Twenty thousand wildly enthusiastic
Kansans and Oklahomaus the biggest
Patchen Gontry crowd of the year
cheered the pacing
king and the little black that beat him
Fatiil Knll of Trupne Prrforincr
Chicaoo Sept a8 Walter Shaw
while performing on a trapezo at tho
Chicago opera house last night fell a
distance of 15 feet to tho stage Tho in
juries he received resulted in death
lie was a member of the team of Shaw
Bros The other brother was holding
by his teeth a ring on which Walter
Was swinging He let go tho ring
dropping Walter Several women faint
ed when Shaw dropped but wore soon
restored to consciousness
Miss Helen Gould has given 1250
toward tho Dowey home fund
Aiello Company Italian bankers
of New York have made an assign
Tho Society of tho Army of West Vir
giuia is holding it annual reunion at
Jackson O
Forty six now cases of yollow fever
wero reported at Koy West Tuesday
and two deaths
Lord William Beresfords bay guiding
Yumho ridden by Sloan won tho
Hopeful stakes at Newmarket
New York and Boston capitalists
have bought the Silver Lake gold inino
near Silverton Colo for 2000000
Michael S Corbett Detroit manager
of the Western Union Tolegraph com
pany died at the Harper Hospital thero
Tuesday of consumption
Fire Tuesday destroyed a largo por
tion of one of tho best business blocks
in Marion Ills entailing a loss of 50
100 including tho postofllco
Tho big bell in the tower of historic
Independence hall at Philadelphia rang
out a salute Tuesduy afternoon in honor
of Admiral Doweys arrival homo
A P Stephenson u prominent and
wealthy merchant of Pittsburg tried to
kill his wife Tuesday and then com
mitted suicide Stephenson had been
drinking heavily tor several weeks and
during lits of melancholy had frequently
threatened to kill himself
Congressman David B Henderson
who is a prominent member of tio Army
of tho Tennessee has been elected an
honorary member of tho Army of the
Cumberland uud also vice president for
Iowa in recognition of his services in
behalt of tho National park at Cluclut
stands iiY mm
Orange Free State Unanimous
in Supporting Transvaal
A mini Cniilllil llnl Miii itiiil Itillnln
Hint llm Itniii Nint Sitini Imu llnlilii
Itipni t 1 1 inn liihiitiiiiiHliiu k liiillriiln it ti
I in I j Oullit Iuli
l5lirMi oviiiK Sept 2S The volks
raad of the Orange Free State Ims unan
imously resolved to instruct the govern
ment to use every means to insure
peace without violating he honor or
peace of the nation In a further reso
lution the volksraad declared its opin
ion that war would be criminal but as
serted that come what might tho Kreo
State would faithfully fulfill its obliga
tions to the Transvaal in virtue of l ho
present political alliance
Hour Plim lit CiiiiiiiiiIki
London Sept 2H Tholnhannesburg
correspondent of tho Morning Post says
Twenty trucks tilled with armed
burghers and horses left Johannesburg
for the border yesterday by way of
Elaiidsfontciu Tho plan of campaign
drawn up at Pretoria proposes to em
ploy a command of 2000 men to defeat
the slender force in Rhodesia and to
hand the territory over to the native-
It is hoped that a force of 10000 Boers
will bo sufllcient to rush the Natal bor
der capture the forts and prevent the
landing of reinforcements It is as
serted that before a year is past Russia
will interfere by creating a diversion in
some portion of the British domains
A run is commencing on tho banks in
the Transvaal and Orange Free State
The Cape Town correspondent of tho
Daily Mail says Tho Boers I believe
will construe tho occupation of Laing
nek as an act of hostility Thero lias
been tin enormous run on revolvers
The price of Mausers has advanced
from X to 22 Supplies of all kinds
aro quickly brought up President
bteyn it is reported is about to send
his family to tho Cape
At Liverpool it is asserted that the
White Star steamer Britannic and
other steamers have been engaged as
transports to carry troops to South
Kurller AiKlriH
London Sept 28 A few days now
should witness a definite development
in the Transvaal The volksraad was
sitting in secret session last evening and
the burghers doubtless had the result of
tho deliberations of tho Orange Free
State volksraad to guide them in mak
ing a decision as to the reply to Mr
Chamberlains latest dispatch which
will probably be handed to the British
diplomatic agent at Pretoria Mr
Greene today and be discussed by the
British cabinet tomorrow
The secretary of state for war the
Marquis of Lansdowne was busy until
a late hour last evening at the war
oflico A telegram from Naples shows
that the British government is buying
mules then and in the United States
It is said that 10000 are purchased but
it will take a month to get thein to
Africa and a similar time to get an
army corps to the front it is evident
that big operations will be impossible
until toward the end of October It is
believed tho British note will demand
tho absolute fulfillment of the conven
tions of 1881 and 1884 which have been
violated in numerous points but will
nccept a live years franchise
Iluxh OrilnrH Tor Five TIioiibhiiiI llniul for
Artillery Service
CiiiCAtio Sept 28 The Record says
American horses will drag English am
munition wagons and heavy artillery
over the plains of the Transvaal in the
event Great Britain and tho Boors
clash at arms Orders caiuo from Lon
don by cable yesterday to a firm of horse
doalers at tho Union Stock yards to buy
up all tho 1200 pound gunners the
western market offered and make ar
rangements for immediate shipment
Stress was laid upon the fact that the
animals wero wanted for the impending
South African campaign and the com
mission was marked rush and im
Tho horso market at the yards was
stirred by the news Telegraphic or
ders wero flashed to breeders in Illinois
Missouri Iowa and Nebraska for reser
vations of choice stock with tho ex
pectation that tho first consignment will
leavo Chicago for England the latter
part of tho week
Tho specifications that must lo ad
hered to in tho selection of the artillery
horses dealeiH say will mako the filling
of such a wholesale order somewhat
difficult of accomplishment at this
time It is demanded that the animals
bo full mutlo and weigh not less than
1200 iKMinds Tho prioes which tho
British government sot as a limit rango
from 1 10 to 125 u head
One firm declared that tho extra high
btandard needed would mean a practical
cornering of choice stock if a consign
ment as heavy as 5000 horses was made
Tir rr L
Il mi riilliiillililiii Wiiii lij it I lulu In
ii Im inii limit
NlIW Yiiliu Sept 2S He fore 1000
people alt he eiiii Athletic club last
night Kid Mi Coy clearly pi oved thai
Jack MeCiiiniiek or Philadelphia won
by a fluke it lew Weeks ago til Chicago
when hi knocked McCoy out They
met at catch weights for a 20 round
go ami Meim revi Ihcd mutters In great
shape lie -in ply smothered the big
wrestler Ite sent him down several
times but MeCoriuick was not saimlled
with these breathing spells as he lay
down wit hunt being punched He also
transgressed the rules by holding and
wrestling and was frequently cautioned
lie feigned being groggy a couple of
times and tried to catch McCoy oil his
guard so that he could swing his right
over MiCoy was not to be fooled by
these will s and kept on the alert all the
time lie would certainly have put
MeOorinick to sleep had the big fellow
stood up and fought like a man Tho
spectators became disgusted with Mi1
Corinieks actions ami so did Helcreo
Charley White who scut him to Ins
corner in the eighth round on account
of his dropping and declared McCoy the
tlilciiuii IiiIIivii ItcMtlK liunii WiimIiIiiiIiiii
Ii inn ii Mob nl tlilmeil Mini
OliliMin Sepl 28 Colored men in
Chicago last night tried to lynch James
Washington a detective because he
ran down ami Kill rendered to the Ten
nessee ollicials Edward Curl is an es
caped convict Their anger was roused
to the point of Ireii7y because Curtis
since his escape had married and led an
honest hie The crowd had surrounded
Washingtons home asi I State street
and were crying for vengeance when
a patrol wit n tilled with olllcers caino
4n response to a riot call Tho police
wore compelled to use their clubs freely
Washington was taken to the police sta
tion for safety thero being another
fight when the olllcers brought him out
of the house Washington who was
nearly paralyzed with fright says he is
tired of the detective business
Ilmri siniH nIiiIIii Im UhkIiii In tint Itnil
ICIviir VhIIi
Minmuioiis Sept a8 A special
from Grand Forks N D says the
fiercest September blizzard within tho
memory of the oldest inhabitant of tho
Red river valley is now raging Ram
began to lull early in tho day and about
dark if turned to snow The ground is
now covered Snow is falling driven
bv n severe southwest wind Thou
sand1 of acres of wheat are still in the
shock in the northern part of tho state
and threshing will bo impossible for an
other week
liiry SimiiiihI In 11 nrilnr Case
Gaiimk la Sept as In the case of
the state of Iowa vs Tolberd under in
dictment for murder brought hero on
change of venue from Cerro Gordo
county a jury has been secured The
state started to introduce its evidence
yesterday It is estimated that about
two weekswill be consunn d in the trial
Iliriiiiir Inslniiislir Il iMiil
Ciihacio Sept a8 James J McFnr
lau former post muster of Clyde Kan
was arrested at his home 551 North
Clark street yesterday charged with
embezzlement of government funds for
which ho was recently indicted at To
peka Tho prisoner is more than 10
years old
Tho Venezuelan foreign building at
Caracas was badly damaged by the ex
plosion of a ltouib Wednesday No one
was killed
Tho promotion to tho grade of renr
admiral of Captain A H MeOorinick
i commandant of the Washington navy
yard was announced Wednesday
I Tho Woods Motor Vehicle company
i has been incorporated under the laws
of Now Jersey with a capital stoclc of
10000000 to manufacture automobiles
Tho New York Ontario and West
ern railroad has re elected the retiring
boaid of directors except that Grant B
Schley succeeds John G Moore de
Thirty days further stay of execution
was granted to Mrs Cordelia Botkiu by
Judge Cook Wednesday The appeal
to the supremo court is not yet per
Quartermaster Iing at San Fran
cisco has reported to t lit war depart
ment that tho strike of tbohoilormakors
at that place will delay tho United
States transports very little if at all
Wild Wood the log cabin studio
if Mrs Elia W Pcattie near South
Haven Mich was burned to the
ground More than W of Mrs Peattios
unpublished niannscripis wero de
Rev Iiwis Lum plans who has been
preaching at Scottsboro Ala 40 years
has been sentenced to the poniUittiury
for ten years on tho charge of inhum
anly torturing his little grandsou by
burning him so badly that the child
Tho crow of the Peary steamer Wind
ward have entered suit against her al
leging that they were promised a bonus
of one third in addition to their wages
ii obliged to winter in the north and
uat this pronnse was repudiated on
their return
RanIMJ Swung
iffiim tsv VHtsaj tftowrftEEa
r rv - wT rw
ytiiAiivjxiJc liJ5vU
Mikcio the food nwre delicious find hoesoire
lUXAl JAKWi PflftDtR CO lit VOX
IS PvtMv Wnmnn Wlin Wrilk c fe
J vv
1 S
Mt r
4 O
1 a
m z
will linl a peculiar pleasure in
6t yT I i
Tho price is only one of
many reasons why I hose
shoos aro ruinous
All sly I from I ho
lifjhl dainty dross crea
lion to the suhstituliitl
shoe Tor tho si reel or oul
iiitf Price
Oxfords S250
i vJ 1 I I i
Slums Tn walk in shots
11ml ii ip lpiiiilifiil mid sty
lish ami pmfecUy coir
forlnblo is a jjrsilifyinn
L iVi
i j in wi
1 - C 11 N
I - - SV
M -----
I f vl II I
m O
We have just received our Fall Line of
School Shoes
Which is lamer and more complete than ever
If you want School Shoes that will fjive ood r
wear at a reasonable price call on
We also do First Class Repairing
The Popular Route
The Only Direct Route
The Pastcst Route
Salt Lake ffoi
S PlCTltf
San Francisco
The Best Equipped Route
The Safest Route
For Time Tublos Folders Illustrated Hooks Pamphlets descriptive of the
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