The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 21, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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I l
Tliln In mirinttn
try nnthl
II from tin wnv
KKri Wf niHilr
fn nil I n ml nf Ihr
Vim niit II
of Ihr Kqjl
nml iIIiiiiiuiiiIm
Von il rm nml rqiinl f riineh lor
Thin iiotilil uirnii iMillllcnl fi
tliiotluti fur uk
lly lie rout rntlnna nf IMHI
yiin ii rum I noil nrvrr to
In our liitrrnnl pivrrn
niriit Nil iv uu luuorr Ibnur
Mlll rn I lona
Wr unlit no Knnrllah niiiontr
our Hllrnia Von nre Inimornl
ml tlclotia You nuuld nut
utnke mmil buriihrra
If onr Intra plrnar J on not
yon arr trr to ro ntvny
If lloil itIIU It lvr will nfct
lu fur ilrath
Itrinrmbcr Mnjiibaa Hill
Tlic iiunrivl litvion tlio Hrltlsli and
the has its coiiiiillciitlons but
vii at this ilistuucu It Is iiossltilu to
distliiKululi tlio main liolnls of tin con
It Is not the wholo truth to say that
Oils is inuroly nuotlior casu of ltrltisli
Inuil frnlililii7 NVIthor is it Ilitlroly
ialr to chat go tlio hhunu wholly to
Jtoor stultliornncss There are two
Hides to tills as to overy other
Wr lirlii il mi
flu III llir Knnim
Wr lift rlo pell III-
I ii h nnil ninilr
uilllrl Wrliullt
tin Hflra
Wr pirrli only to
prntrrl uur anli
JimMb In lliilr
1 1 I niH t r i il r -
Mil It
W r il I n r
Irntlia of Ihr Intra llnnt n r
Imrrvr il inlr Illr lujtjurltr
miltlil lo rnlr
Io n il I I I olt m linvr liKYiarl
Viinr rnlr linn hrroinr lyrnn
iilonl Vnu roll ua m overy
No milloli lina 1hr rlaht In
Itarlf In n In ml full of
Itulil uitil rilninnnda Tun urr
mil hnlf rlvlllard Van arr
rrllKlunn liluola
Wr nrr lirrr atr
No will wa
Wr lo
Ik zS Mi I
map siiowiNc srrrvrioN or tkansvaal
question the savage African tribes
whom they subdued Their ancestors
went to South Africa from Holland
ttoer is Dutch for farmer That is
what the word means and that ls what
they are
The first Hoers settled in Capo Colo
ny Trouble with the KuglUli led
them to move farther inland and
further north They would build their
fcriils lu one place mid stay there un
til the encroachments of the English
xnndc It necessary for them to tight
1 gCtttflmiWrttffl V
siitisir iti5iwwi5uiiiMiWMini5Aittiui ftixirjwiUWSiiiSlA
i s v zzl rszzzzzzzzzz
f jvjx shki miaa c nv wwwnwxw iuvjktw vm wmii
i m
5 t
5 t
lJ S
r j
I5miisi5tjwiiauurun3i JiAisuwitnsi
IHKstnrNT u nun ku
From Ilia most m tnt liotoi raili I
1lon Hefore you give your sympathy
io either contestant there are a few
ncts which ought to bo considered
Here they are
The Hoers were the original settlers
the country now known as the
Transvaal republic If we leave out of
or trek SomptlmeB they fought some
times they trekked
When they finally moved beyond the
Vital river they thought tltuy were
safe from the Kugllsh The country
was u savage infested wilderness Hut
Homebody discovered gold and dia
monds in the ltoer territory Then
the Kuglish moved in and began to
work the mines The Hoers are not
miners The golden rocks of the Kami
would remain uticrushed forever if
they hail their way They wish only
to till their farms raise their stock
mid read their Itihlcs
Hut the glitter of gold nml the glint
of diamonds attracted more and mure
soiih of Britain Men of other coun
tries came too There were some Ger
mans nml n few Americans The Hoera
call them all uitlandciH or outluudcrs
It is an expressive name
Finally the ultlanders became more
numerous than the Hoers There nre
now in tlio Trnnsvnal about iMfiOOO
whites Of tills number more thnu
100KX are English Kestdcs these
there nre il000 Hermans 10000 Amer
icans and a few hundreds of almost
every other race on the globe So the
Hoers nro actually in a minority in
their own land The remainder of
their 1000000 population is composed
of blacks chiefly Katllrs
Hut tlds little handful of say DO
0H Hoers lias retained absolute sway
in the territory which was wrested
from the savages For all practical
purposes only native Hoers have full
rights of franchise They make the
laws levy the taxes and grip with
jealous hands the reins of government
Toward the ultlanders the Hoer nt
tltude has been aggressive autocratic
and possibly oppressive It depends
on the point of view The Hritlsh min
ers have had to pay handsomely for
the privilege of taking out the treas
ures which the Hoers themselves neg
lected They have- been heavily tnxed
They have been bled by government
True they have prospered and grown
enormously rich lu spite of it nil Hut
so have the Hoers and It Is the Kug
lish who hnve done the work Year
r1 51
after year the taxes have become high
er in spite of the Indignant protests
bent to England
In the meantime the political rela
tions of the two countries the little re
public and the great empire have
swung through several Interesting
The tlrst time the Hoers and the Eng
lish cla hed was when both were set
tled in what Is now Cape Colony
There came up the question of slavery
The Hoers claimed a right to enslave
the nntlve tribes Tim Hritlsh contest
d the alleged right In 1831 emanci
pation was proclaimed In the Colony
which till then hail been peopled by
Hiitlsh and Dutch alike
What adtled tu the grievance of tho
Hoer ws t tin 1 the slaveowners among
tliutn received as compensation orders
on London which they were compelled
to cash on the spot at ruinous rates
The great exodus or trek of I Slid
was the result Some 1000 Hoers by a
concerted movement abandoned Cape
Colony and moved on to the unknown
Interior Tlio bitter memory of their
stilTerliigs from hunger ami thirst ami
from the attacks of savage natives re
mains as a legacy of hatred among
their descendants to tills day
At the Orange river the trekkcrs ill-
iwiiUUI I
t ML
ly disposed ns was Mr Glitdstone de
clares that the alien laws of tho Trnns
vnal republic constitute n breach of
the Loudon conventions and that con
sequently said documents are nnnulled
Hence he argues the suzerainty Is
still In force
Possibly there Is n law In Mr Clinm
berlnlun argument but It Is backed up
by Hritlsh guns This sort of reason
ing has won before but not against
the Hoers
Although lu IKS I England definitely
ami spcclllcally renounced nil right to
Interfere lu the Internal government
of the Transvaal she now makes a
very distinct demand She says the
volksrand must puss lnw which will
make any white man eligible to full
rights of citizenship nfter n live yearn
ilir AAllinA
I -----
VA1I wWZh simw Ml
N H tflWMikak HH WWtS III1
vided Into two parties one of which
founded the Ornnge Free State The
other continuing farther eastward
founded Natnl Roth states were con
quered by the English A mnjority of
the Hoers once more tleelngfroin
ish thraldom crossed the river Vaal
and intrenched themselves In their
present position In the Transvaal
Here four rival sovereignties were
established whose Internecine feuds
Who coinnumli UritUh forcii lu South Africa
were finally harmonized by a union in
to one republic lu 18 18 the gronwet
or fundamental law was passed by a
speclnl volksraad elected for tho pur
pose and it still remnlus as the nomi
nal constitution of tho couutry
Hut the Hoers found themselves un
able to cope with the savage natives
wlio harassed them on every side and
threatened the security not only of the
Hoers themselves but of their Hritlsh
neighbors Yielding pnrtly to a deslro
for self protection partly to a show of
Hritlsh force the Hoers consented to
annexation with the Hritlsh empire lu
spite of tlio protest of Oom Paul Km
ger and other sturdy minded young
So for awhile the Hoers and Hiitlsh
fought the blacks side by side but tho
Hoera fretted under the Hritlsh yoke
and under the pica that Britain had uot
performed her promises they rose In
rebellion iu ISS0 nml nfter the bloody
victory of Majubn Hill succeeded lu
again establishing their Independence
subject to the suzerainty of her maj
esty The treaty which contained
these words was signed at Pretoria lu
August 1SSL
lu 1SS3 the Hoers sent a deputation
to London to secure tho nbolltlon of
tlio suzerainty Olailstone wus lu pow
er then and under his leadership a new
agreement was signed by which Eug
land gave up her rights of suzerainty
except In regard to treaties with for
elgu powers ami the Orange Free
State This was signed iu Loudon In
1SS1 nml tho documents are now
known as the London conventions Tlio
Interpretation of this ngreetucnt wna
the subject of the discussion which has
led up to the present state of affairs
Mr Chamberlain uot beiuc so kind-
residence without forswearing alle
giance to his native couutry
At present the only citizens entitled
to vole for president of the Hoer re
public are those who were residents
of the Transvaal previous to 1S70 or
who curried arms for tho government
iH any of Jlie vnrious wars of Inde
pendence Of course this applies only
towhlle males Voters of these quail
llcatious are known as llrst class
burghers and so far ns numbers go
they nre in a ridiculous minority
Should the request for a five year
franchise be granted the Hoers would
llntl themselves speedily legislated out
of existence Such a concession would
iinnd over the control of the govern
ment to the tiitlauders Do you won
der they object
Still there reninln the grievances of
the ultlanders Some of them deserve
to be classed as outlaws it Is true for
blackleg from the four quarters of tho
earth can be found lu the streets of
Johannesburg Yet the majority ure
not of tills description
The llrst hordes of immigrants were
naturally enough composed iu part of
gamblers nml adventurers but these
were soon succeeded by earnest prac
tical workers by men of brawn and
brains They worked the mineral
wealth of the country they spent their
savings In opening out mines in put
ting up the tinest machinery in costly
experiments of every kind they col
lected the cleverest engineers and man
agers assaycrs and chemists from all
the mining centers of tlio world they
redeemed the laud from desolation
they built the towns they constructed
the railroads they established the com-
Commander in duel ot tlie Doer forcci
merce they fought in the wins against
the ravage native tribes who despite
all the courage and fortitude of the
Hoers must finally have triumphed
over them If they had beeu left single
And they paid and have palo and nre
paying practically all the taxes It la
estlmntcd that 05 per cent of all the
magnificent revenues thut flow yearly
into the coffers of the Hoer government
In contributed by ultlnndcr The state
which they found nearly bankrupt has
now an accumulated surplus of some
They are not mere birds of passage
flitting through the land accumulating
wealth nml returning to spend It In
their own country The ultlander so
far ns the laws allow him bus made
his home In the Transvaal Ills chil
dren hnve been born there The mug
ultlccnt climate nml the wealth of the
soil neglected by the Hoer give every
guarantee of the permanent settlement
of generations
It is exactly that permanent settle
ment which the Hoer statesman dreads
Nor does lie dread It without reason
The denial of the suffrage Is not the
only grievance of the ultlander Ho
complains of unjust and oppressive
taxation of the misuse of the proceeds
In corruption of the civil service The
Hoer has little reason to complain of
either abuse Tho taxes by which the
treasury Is tilled arc not levied upon
him lie consumes his own untaxed
products He has few wants which
force him to contribute to the duties
levied on imports So long as it is not
his money that Is wasted he cares lit
tle what becomes of It
Monopolies have been Imposed upon
everything from mining machinery to
mineral waters and after enriching
their own coffers to the bursting point
the shrewd minded Hoers have ex
pended a goodly fraction of the re
maining revenue to arm and equip
their countrymen with the most mod
ern munitions of war in anticipation of
coming unrest
According to the malcontents It has
become a habit with the Hoer to hold
one hand on the throat of the ultlander
and the oilier on his family Bible
Then the ultlanders have no voice
in educational matters Their children
nre taught only the crude Hoer patois
in t lie public schools They nre de
nied the freedom of the press and in
certain ways even freedom of speech
for It Is criminal to hold public meet
ings They have no power In the mu
nicipal government of Johannesburg
nnd when they appear for trial they Jo
so before juries of Dutch burghers
The president hns the right to expel
any member of the community from
the republic without trial
Iu fact everything possible hns boon
done to eliminate the Anglo Saxon
yeast that hns been lenvening the
1 utch lump of that distraught repub
The governments method of protect
ing the Netherlands railroad forms an
other grievance The charges for car
rying passengers and freight are right
ly complained of ns exorbitant The
average charge for freight In the Unit
ed States is half n cent per mile Iu
England it Is three fourths of a cent
sont tho number of nblebodlcd Boer
who can benr arms
Tho ronl nrmy Is the nation In arms
It Is Impossible to glvo exact figures
concerning Its strength A German
nrmy olllccr who recently made a re
port on the Hoer lighting strength say
lie asked men nnd boys of nil nges In
all stations of life In all parts of tlio
Transvaal whether they would go to
war If it came to war without ever
receiving a negative or even a doubt
ful answer Even the oldest men he
met thuught they would bo good for
l 11300 Il lIMlt
wvi A I
iw -ii 1 1 ii
Where the llocrs tliraslicd the Hritlsh in 1SS1J
something as long as they had lingers
to pop a gun with and eyes to see u
The kaisers Informant thinks the
citizen army comprises at least 20000
men between the nges of 25 nnd 35
years Though the majority of ult
landers arc exempted from military
duty the younger men will rendily
help their neighbors ho thinks Of
the 00000 blacks uble to shoulder
arms 110000 may be relied upon to
fight with a will
The nation iu arms renlly means an
nrmy of mounted infautry for every
citizen soldier reports for duty on
horseback nnd there are no better rid
ers or sharpshooters in the world The
German observer says it seems to be
Impossible to tire out a Hoer or ills
mount As to getting away from his
bullets the English have tried it once
Their losses iu the war of 18S0 and
1881 were 1159 dead nnd wounded
against 110 Boers who received
This subject of the remarkable fight
ing qualities of the Boor is n fnsclnnt
ing one which hns been often denlt
with In fact
there hns been
so much exag
geration innt it1
Is hard to say J J
w hat Is thov M
truth and whatp i
Is mere -
mnnclng Hut 4p sL V CvV
even the KnSwtVIC
iisn admit tnat
a Hoer with a
distance of
1000 yards
and Tommy At
kins must be
much nearer
than that to do
effective work
The best de
fense against
an Invading nr
my however
is found iu tlicl
character of the
Transvaal bor
r i
wr j
rllle Is a llI RfrV jKS
gorous custom- jJiffiJ
ft4j StA
or even at a
- vn rXL arm
v TSitnzMmrssA
lf7t2w -
S mAwjaSB
der Shut In on all sides by mountain
ranges the Hoer could not be safer if
he had n Chinese wall all around his
Ha i
SlWa i
MLaf ED tUjjjIllJg
- -ff TifJjJiVJ Jr JC WV
iraSI mWS
Vhese figures throw n lurid light upon
the potential earnings of a railroad
which like tho Netherlands charges
from 0 to 24 cents per mile
Although there are many minor ones
ihese are the main grievances of the
ultlanders and It is because of these
that England demands the right to in
terfere in the Internal affairs of the
government the London conventions
Whether the Hoers are able to de
fend their country or not Is a disputed
question On the face it would seem
absurd that a nation which nhows a
fighting force of only 20000 could suc
cessfully resist the great armies which
England could send against It Hut
those figure do not truthfully
republic Ench entrance to the Trans
vaal except from the north is through
a mountain pass nnd the Hoers hold
these pnsses
On the other hnnd the Hoers nro
practically surrounded by British ter
iltory Beyond tlio mountains wait tho
redcoats Germany Is far away The
only friends upon whom the Hoers can
count are their brothers In the Orange
Erce State just across the Vnnl Hut
to the southeast to tlio west nnd to the
north extends British Africa Tlio
Boers only path to the sea is blocked
by Portuguese East Africa ami the
Portuguese are under British Influence
These then nre the cnuses this the
situation Now we can watch the
making of history
- ir