Davenport Bros
Dealers in
Fine Shoes
Norfolk - Nebraska
A 0 0 W
Moots in Odd Follows Hall on tlio first nnd
third Fridays of each month Yifliticg broth
ers cordially invitfld to attoud all our mootinr
W K Hoffman Finnnciur L U HnrKclt Uo
ordor C G Dolnn Mastor Workman
Offico Hardys Conl Office
food storage room
Two good rooms upstairs ouo large
sale room down stairs for rent
Money to loan on real estate
Come and see mo when yon want in
surance J E SIMPSON
llr LikIwIr Koenigstein withes ti mmauncn
that his full term opens now IH MKtcm of
teaching it based Umiii tlio hiwb of rcliixliii
Tins object which has nlwit been kept in view
ir how to enahlntho impil to Rrntp in the nhi
t coinprolieiiKiblo way tho iiiiifs of facts
nalrs etc which make up tlio nioilern art of
piano playing
For particulars apply tit hit t tudio ju the
Kuenmt teiii block
i i anrTrr MJMKTTh
is oar offering in furniture this week
While we always aim to get the
lateet and best and we sometimes
excel ourselves and this is one of
your opportunities to profit by our
iuickness in taking advantage of
the best thats going
For first class mer
chant tailoring see My
Tailor where you will
have suits well made
and trimmed which is
the main part of mer
chant tailoring when
they are made to order
Call on My Tailor and
have prices quoted
The Weather
Couditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to
Maximum temperature 71
Minimum temperature 85
Average as
Total precipitation for month 82
Barometer 21 08
Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight
and Friday Slightly warmer tonight
A niue pound boy arrived at the home
of Mr and Mrs J D Larrabee last
W J3 Holmes formerly of tills city
is now city editor of the Cedar Rapids
Iowa livening Gazette
The Jungle club met with Miss Lyda
Pheasant at her homo on Philip avenue
Tnesday night A delightful evouiug
was passed
A large number of friends of August
itobbert assisted him in observing his
birthday last night ut his home on First
stroot The party was an onjoynblo ouo
as most such occasions are
A company of young folks from tho
city coutoinpluto nttonding tho weokly
dance at tho hospital for insano this
Yesterday was tho first pny duy at tho
sugar factory sinco tho campaign com
menced and no small amount of money
has been put into circulation thereby
Hoy Hamilton n member of tho senior
class of tho Creighton high school in u
jumping contest Tuesday night fell in-
to 11 ditch and broke his leg On the
saino day tho nine-year-old daughter of
NiithnuiclJKoy nobis of the same place
who was whirling around in play fell
and broko her arm
Tho Salter Grain and Coal company
is the 11111110 of a new corporation that
succeeds J HSalter Sou and tlio
business of tho company will be dealing
in coal grain and live stock The com
pany is capitalized at TilXH divided in
to shares of 100 each Tlio now eleva
tor being put up by the Salter company
is rapidly assuming shape mill in u sdiort
time will bo ready for business
Nod Wilkinson loft last evening for
Lusk Wyoming whore ho will engage
with Tom Hell brother of P F Bell of
this city and 0110 of tho heaviest ranch
mon in Wyoming to learn the cattle
business Ned is a young man of brains
and push and if ho becones thoroughly
interested in tho now occupation his
friends expect that ho will make a big
success of it If ho concludes after a
time that the business is not suited to
his tasto then of courso ho will givo it
up but no such contingency is looked
Homo made taffy and fresh salted
peanuts at the Palace of Sweets
Wanted Three good competent girls
at once also one boll boy Steady em
ployment Tun Oxnaki
Bulk oysters at Glissmanus
A Grand Talk
Dr Frances Woods addressed a most
appreciative audience at tho Overland
last night upon the subject of Manila
and the Philippines
It was ouo of tho most instructive lec
tures ever given in tho city Dr Woods
was an old Nebraska City girl and bo
fore going to tho war was known as a
very strong woman for her brilliant
vorsatilo work She closely avoided all
semblance of politics in her lecture
Nebraska City Press August 27
Dr Woods will speak in Norfolk
Thursday evening September IK under
the auspices of the Womans club
Sharpless Sisters are very busy getting
ready for their opening but they are
always ready to show their elegant line
of street hats just received
A good cart for sale Rov Hifiirr
HIiIh on Opera House Site
Bids will be recoived until October 1
1809 on a suitable site for an opera
house A lot about 100 by 120 feet will
be required Address all propositions
to the Royal Mutual Life Insurance Co
Pacific hotel F Warrant
I wish to announce to my students
and the public that my studio will be
temporarily removed to the residence
corner Eighth and Koenigstein avenue
until suitable quarters can be found in
business portion of the city
To introduce the Chicago Magazine
its publishers will give away a hand
some 32 pioco silver tea set on exhibi
tion at Kiesaus A years subscription
and a chance on the tea set costs not
over f 1 nor under 1 cent
Mrs Anton Bucholz is on the sick
James Nichols was up from Madison
John B Cary of Wakefield was in the
city yesterday
Martin Slawter went to Stanton today
to take in the fair
Mrs Hull came home from Madison
on the noon train
Itussel Thompson made a round trip
to Omaha yesterday
Chos Harding made a business trip
to Omaha yesterday
W O Hall droye to Stanton today to
seo the horse races
F Koehler and family were in the
city yesterday from Pierce
Mr and Mrs J H Logemnn of Iumau
are visiting Norfolk friends
Mr and Mrs D F Sidler wore visit
ors at tho Stanton fair today
A K Aaberg one of Newman Groves
merchants is a city visitor
Rev W It McKim returned to Hart
ingtou 01 the noon train
Geo Wetherholt und family were in
towu yesterday from Hoskins
Dr O A MoKim tuado a professional
trip to Battle Creek yesterday
Mrs H Semmler aud daughter at
tended the Stanton fair yesterday
has Hagey went to Horkius
day to visit Walter Pilgers school
Dr P H Salter went to Pierce this
morning on professional business
Mrs Mary Ellis loft on last evenings
train for a visit to Hot Springs S D
Capt Alf Gerecko went duck-hunt-yesterday
and reportB very good success
Postmaster P F Sprecher has gone
to Schuyler whore his father is quite
G T Sprecher wont to Clarkson
yesterday to unload a car of toloplume
Mrs Hoar and her mother Mrs Levy
returned lust evening from their visit to
John H Hays returned last ovoning
front 11 three days business visit to
W H Hucholzund his little son Fritz
made the round trip to and from Creigh
ton yesterday
It Laflorty of Lincoln a member of
company 1 Second regiment was in
tho city last night
Richard Itcqtm went to Tnrnov today
to supervise the unloading of two cars
of telephone poles
O O Dolap and family are recent
arrivals in tho city nnd will occupy a
house on Third htreet
Clint Smith of Madison and Hob
Seller wont to Omaha this morning to
take in the exposition
Superintendent C W Crmn who
was in the city yesterday departed this
morning for Battle Creek
David Haunt returned last ovoning
from New York whero ho purchased a
largo stock of fall and winter goods
Rov J H Leedoni was in the city
yesterday from Meadow Grove to meet
his wife on her return from the west
Knox Tipplo returned yesterday from
his trip to tho oast Ho now claims any
place in tho Klkhorn valley as his homo
Mrs Peck of LuCrosso Wis is visit
ing in tho city She expects hor hus
band to join hor hero within a few days
Misses Ida Sounonschein and Maggy
Kelly attendants nt tho hospital wont
to Stanton yesterday to attoud the fair
Mr and Mrs C D Ruthor of Madison
passed through tho city yeBtorday on
their way homo from Hot Springs S D
Charles R Hays has returned to
Cornell college at Mt Vernon Iowa
whore ho continues his studies another
E A Bullock W M RobortBon and
J B Barnes sr aro attending tho re
publican state convention at Omaha
Jack and Arthur Koenigstein played
ball with tho Hoosior Hollow club
against ouo from Stanton nt the Stanton
county fair yesterday
Mrs Holon McBrido and Mrs O H
Reynolds aud daughter will leave to
morrow for Middlotown Now York to
visit relatives about six weeks
S C Bowers and Mattio Fraser of
Indiauola Iowa arrived in tho city
yesterday noon to visit at the homo of
their sister Mrs H M Roberts
Sol G Mayer returned last evening
from a trip to Chicago aud Des Moines
Most of tho time ho was away though
was probaly spent in the latter city
A L Moyer chief clerk in tho freight
department of tho Union Pacific at
Greeley Col is in the city visiting his
old time friend Agent F W luneman
of tho Union Pacific
Suiders catsups at Boxs
Buy your broad pies and cakes at
Schorreggos and got tho best
Dr Frank Salter Diseases of children
Farm and city loans
Tira Dcbland Tbdbt Oo
Fine fruits of all kind at Schorreggos
If you want to buy or trade como and
see us G It Seiler Co
Off jo in Moat block
Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr
F Verges residence and office
Buy all your groceries of Box and got
the best
For Sale
I have at my yard a barn 18x40 12
feet high which will be sold at a bar
Before you put in your winter Bupply
of 0 oal call and see O W Braasch He
always buys the best grades of coal in
the market
Tf vnn wntir in Roll nr trndn vonr
property list it with
Sturgeon is the piano man
Box can suit you on coffee
Houses for sale
T E Odiobnb
The Union Pacific will sell during tho
Greater American exposition every
Tuesday round trip tickets to Omaha
and return at 180 return ticket good
withitfseven days from date of sale also
every Saturday round trip tickets at
ijy60 return ticket good until tho fol
lowing Monday F W Junkman
Fifty thousand dollars eastern money
to loan on good farms
G R Seilkb Co
Low Kitten to Omnliu
via the Union Paciflo for the Greater
America exposition aud fes
tival September Sith to 20th 1809
Sept 21 Electro Comic parade
Sept 27th Military Fraternal and
Civic parade
Sept 28th Unexcelled Ak ear ben
Electrio Pageant
Sept 20th Coronation Ball
Tickets will be sold Sept 2th 27th
aud 23th for round trip at 290 return
ticket good within five days from date
of sale F W Junkman Agent
A llrnthnr nf T M Hull of I Ills City dels
it lrofemnrMilp In Dartmouth
Tho subject of tho following sketch
is a brother of T M Hull night watch
at the hospital for insane Tho article
is taken from the Lewistou Maine
Evening Journal and was a special from
Wutervllle the saino state The paper
also contains u good half tone likeness
of thedocter Dr Gordon Keltic Hull
whosince tho death of the renowned
Dr Rogers has held tho professorship of
physics and ustioiiouiy at Colby has re
signed his position here to accept the
associate piofcssorshlpof the department
of physics at Dai t mouth college
The announcement that Dr Hull is
to leave Colby for Dart intuit h comes as
a surprise to his many friends both in
the college and m the oily where he him
won the esteem of all
When questioned as to when his
resignation will take elVeet Dr Hull
said In Mew of the proximity of the
opening ol I lie college it is probable that
1 shall not leave Colby until Uiristmas
Moreover I have not yet formally re
signed Hut the resignation will be
handed 111 at once
Although a young man Dr Hull has
hud much educational experience
When only ll years old he passed an
examination qualifying him to teach in
tho public schools of Ontario Not being
perniited to teach at that age he eon
in the high school and after three
years there graduated with first class
honors in mathematics He was gradu
ated from tho Ontario Normal college
in 1889 obtaining a professional certifi
cate allowing him to tench in the higher
schools aud collegiate institutes of On
tario as a specialist in mathematics
After one year as instructor in tho Col
giato Institute of Hamilton Ontario
ho resumed his course in the University
of Toronto graduating with the degree
of A B in 1892 For throo years fol
lowing his graduation Dr Hull was Fel
low and assistant in physics at liis Alma
Mater Leaving Toronto ho held 11 sim
ilar position at tho University of Chicago
from to 97 in 1897 taking his degree
us doctor of philosophy In tho spring
of 97 Dr Hull accepted tho ippointmeut
to tho chair of physics at Colby con
tinuing instruction at Chicago however
until early in 98 Both last year mid
this Dr Hull luisspeut his long vacation
at Chicago whoro ho hiiH held tho posi
tion of professor of physics during tho
summer quarter Dr Hull has made an
spooiul study of light waves and electric
ity aud he is regarded as an authority in
this field of physics tho department
of tho science whoso investigation and
development ho intends to mako his life
Lake trout at Glissmanus
Wiirnerv lllo
Mrs M A Cupliu wont to Blair
Thursday returning Tuesday
Rev G II Main of Norfolk will
preach in the hall next Sunday after
Geo Cupliu of Beaver Nevada is
hero visiting his parents
lCd Carberry of Guthrie comiy Iowa
is stopping with his undo Pat Carberry
Tho populist voters will hold a cuueus
Friday ovoning Sept 22nd at 8 oclock
Mr Warner has finished his grain
dump aud commenced taking in grain
Wednesday Ho has had a telephone
put in hiB ollico for the convenience of
himself and the public
Tho G A R posts of Madison and
Norfolk will hold a campfire in Warners
hall Thursday evening Sept 21st
John Shields has leased his farm to
H J Morris and will remove his family
to Lincoln 111 as soon as he can dis
pose of his personal property
Kid Gleves
Our large aud fino lino of kid gloves 1b
in We carry tho best 100 160 aud
200 kid glove in the market for the
money Try the fino Mocha Btreot gloves
wo aro selling for 100 12r aud 150
iu black or colored
Our childrens full cloaks jackets and
caps are in ages from tho first long
cloak to 12 years
New fall lurs Collarettes stoles
double collurs etc these cool evenings
are just tho time you need them Very
handsome goods at much lower prices
than they will bo when wo re order
New dress trimmings
Mrs J Bknson
210 South Kith St
Omaha Nob
Fresh catfish at Glissmans
To err is human but to continue
the mistake of neglecting your blood is
folly Kpep the blood pure with Hoods
Notice to Nou Itenlilcut Defendant
Kate Lyons will take notice that on
the 9th day of September 1899 Chester
A Fuller a justieo of the jieuco of Nor
folk precinct Madison county Nebraska
issued an order of attachment for the
sum of T0li iu an action pending be
fore him wherein Louis C Mittelstadt
is plaintiff and Kate Lyons defendant
that property of the defendant consist
ing of money duo the said defendant
and in tho hands of B F Taylor has
been attached under said order Said
caiiso was coutinued to tho ilst day of
October 1899 at 2 oclock p m
Dated this 21st day of SoptemberlhOl
Lous C MirrusrADT
I have just added to my Finn Drug Stock a complete line of tho
This Paint is Absolutely Pure White Lead Zinc anil Linseed Oil
having been nnnlyed at the Nebraska State University with a prool
of 97 percent The V S Government has adopted tills paint for
the use In the navy being the best goods they could find upon the
market We also state with pleasure that this paint Is being used
very largely by the Heel Sugar Factory They recently painted tho
cottage out there with H P S It has given absolute satisfaction to
the management anil is a pleasure to the eves of nil who see it We
now offer to the people of Norfolk tho BEST HUNT SOLD ho If
you are conteniplnling painting let us show yon a good paint that
gives the best of satisfaction
The seekers for information regaidiug Fall Dicss iootls and all othei
necessities for Fall and Winter iu the dry goods line will find thai
we arc prepared to lully meet the demands In everything needed
Strongest Line
Novel Effects
Special Styles
The most exclusive buyers will Und that we have bargains for them
and PRIONS JUST RIGHT We would like to show you tin
goods now The early buyers have some advantage in assort lueut
Goods and prices to suit all
Robertson Blk Norfolk Neb
W llHUllOI7CnHhliir
K WUTZ AHviHtiiiKitHhinr
National Bank
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Soils Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts and Money Orders Sold oniny Point InJCurope
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fruits and Vegetables in Season
Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand
GKR nrsr
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best in the market
Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE Ol
I E IZTrniWrBH iVrvlR wk
I iJwUj 2il rflflKl yjjm
IumSBMJ iArfi
In the School Year for the Student to Solve
If your father buys his nails at the hard
ware store your mother buys her sugar at tho
grocery store whero would bo the place to buy
Tablets Pens Pencils Lunch Boxes Slates
Pencil Boxes and all School Supplies All
who know hold up their hands
Correct you are Tho place is at
f Utters Bookstore
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary