1 i bA X Ik - V The Norfolk Weekly News CALM MM STORM England and Transvaal Pre pare for First Blow FEAR ATTACK FROM THE BOERS Not llUrlv to Walt Intll KiirIiiihI Is Itrnily to Ctllsli Tlinut Mtt limit nt lolmiiiirslUri llnii lcuclhiK War In Now Cuuslilrrcd us liiultnllo London Sopt 21 Despite nil out ward show of culm Oront Hrituin is in practically tho same condition today as was tho United Stntos u fow weeks ho foro tho opening of tho wnr wit It Spain Boneutb tho crnst of diplomatic reserve tho military ollleors uro working night and day proparing for tho signal to hegin hostilities whothor that conies or not England is not going to bo caught napping any moro than the Transvaal While Lord Salisbury is quietly at homo in Hatfield house Mr Chamber lain is buried in work at tho colonial oflleo and double forces at tho royal ar Kcual and dockyards tiro straining every nerve to equip and transport tho troops to the Cape It may be set down for certain that Great Britain will do nothing to pre cipitate mutters mid tho colonial oflleo is far from admitting that tho caso is hopeless Tho report that Great Brit ain has demanded the dismantlement of tho forts ut Johannesburg together with a material reduction in tho arma ment of tho burghers tho colonial oflleo would neither confirm or deny although it is much doubted Meanwhile tho Marquis of Landsdowuo secretary of state for war who roturncd yesterday from Dublin has held long conferences with General lxrd Garnet Wolesloy field marshal and General Sir Evelyn Wood udjutant general to the forces and the activity at headquarters is re flected in tho contract supply and transport departments Jeluuga Sails With Troops The departure of tho transport Jo lunga for tho Mediterranean yesterday with 1100 troops was witnessed by a large and enthusiastic crowd At Woolwich activity increases daily especially in tho ordnance department where Maxim guns army wagons and other paraphernalia of modern warfare are being hurried forward While rumors of tho reassembling of parliament are current tho fact is re called that in tho Afghan war in 1878 Groat Britain declared war first and then assembled parliament Last evening tUa ICCrquis of Lans downo issued a strict order to the staff of the war office warning all subordi nates to refrain from giving tho press any information The second edition of tho Morning Post contains a dispatch from Piotcr maritzburg Natal saying I have never known tho situation to bo graver The Boers only await two days rain on tho veldt bofore beginning hostilities The aro determined on war and con sider they can expect nothing olso after tho last dispatch and aro prepared to face the consequences AdviiTH from Capo Town Advices from Capo Town are to tho effect that tho Afrikanders decluro the Transvaal will not yiold further and that if tho imperial government does not recede from its present position war is iuovitablo Tho South African Nows supports the contention of tho Trans vaal that tho convention of 1884 abol ished tho suzerainty According to other advices the bur ghers are rapidly going into laager while tho exodus from Johannesburg yesterday reached 1000 persons Tho stock exchange at Johannesburg has re solved to closo tho moment martial law is proclaimed but all current contracts will bo carried out until the proclama tiou suspending all business In tho meantime tho merchants aro erecting barricades in front of their shop win dows At Pretoria tho intorest seems to be centored in tho meeting of tho Orange Free Stato volksraud today which it is hoped may somehow suggest a modus vivendi that would savo tho situation On tho other hand advices from Bloom fonteiu announce tho arrival there of a largo number of members of tho raad adding that tho report of todays sitting is already agrcod upon as the Orango Free Stuto will throw in its lot with tho Transvaal tho freo burghers being fully armed and ready to start at a moments notice A special dispatoh from Johannes burg says 450 persons loft by one train yesterday War Preparations Complute London Sept 21 Tho Johannes Lurg correspondent of tho Morning Post says Tho Boor preparations aro as completo as tho govornmont can hope to iniiko them It is believed that martial law will bo proclaimed on Thursday if no roply has been received from England by that time It is understood that tho dispatching of British troops to South Africa will bo regarded us a casus belli Tho Boor ollleors aro urging tho gov ernment to begin hostilities forthwith It is felt that tho Orango Freo Stuto cun best bo forced to action by a successful military demonstration on tho purt of tho Transvaal IllotliiK Hemmed ut Algiers Amiikks Sept 21 Tho rioting was renewed after midnight in tho Jewish quarter where there wero collisions no tweeu the anti Somites and tho police Several persons wero injured and tho police made six arrests BLOODY AFFRAY IN A BANK Murderously Assnultrit nud Ills Assailant Iatnll Shot Ciiipaoo Sept 21 Frederick J Fil bert tho aged cashier of tho Pnllntino bank in 1iillittino Ills is lying close to death as tho result of an attack made on him by a young man who gives tho nniiHMif Walter IjuwIou The latter who is unknown to anybody in Pnlla tine is in the county hospital suffering from a bullet wound which will proba bly prove fatal Henry llaggo 70 years of age a farmer whoso interven tion prevented the outright murder of the cashier is at his homo west of tho village bruised and disabled as a result of his struggle with Lawtnu whoso motive for the assault according to his statements was not robbery but ro vengo for alienating his wifes affec tions Tho assault was made with a tackhammer and tho aged cashier was struck at least a dozen times loforo Plaggo interfered William Garms n farmer was among tho first to reach tho bank rooms As he pushed open tho door ho found tho old German farmer Plaggo bleeding from a number of wounds but fighting vigorously with a stalwart young man who lay on the floor with Plaggo on top of him A bloody tack hammer and a rovolver with a broken butt lay on either side of tho men The young mans clothing was stained by blood in the region of tho abdomen Tho crowd which had gathered rapidly after tho alarm had been given separated tho two men and took tlte supKsed robber to tho village lockup Ho was too severely wounded to oiler any resistance and this fact was till that saved him from violence at tho hands of tho excited crowd that fol lowed him to jail DREYFUS DECLARATION Mukrs a Stnteiiiont to tint Iuhllr That Iln Will lrovo Ills Innocence Paius Sept 21 Tito Auroro pub lishes tho following declaration from Captain Droyfus Tho govemmont of tho republic has given mo my liberty But liberty is nothing to mo without honor From today I shall continue to seek roparagement for tho frightful ju dicial error of which I remain tho vic tim I wish Franco to know by a defin itive judgment that I am innocent My heart will only bo at rest whon there re mains not a single Frenchman who im putes to mo tho abominable crimo per petrated by another Alfred Dreyfus Dreyfus at Nantes Nantes Sopt 21 Droyfus arrived hero yesterday from Rennos accompa nied by his brothor tho chiof of theso crot police M Viguiro and ono police man Tnquiry was n kdo coucoriug the Bordeaux train and all four entorod a first class compartmont in which thoro wero already othor passongers It was intended by thus rofraining from any attempt to secure privacy to avoid exciting curiosity Dreyfus Coming to Aiunrlra Liverpool Sept 21 A quantity of luggage has arrivefl hero from Ilavro and Folkestone addressed to Mine Droyfus and rooms have also boon taken at a local hotel Tho luggago is marked for New York and it is sup posed that Droyfus is going to America TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Pig iron 1ms advanced 1 a ton The Lima O oil market passed tho dollar mark Wednesday afternoon Judge W G Pipor lato of Moscow Ida died at Pnnideuco hospital Seat tle Wednesday Elias Hatflold who lulled H E Ellis last July at Williamson W Va was Wednesday sentenced to 12 yoars in the penitentiary Tho schooner Mary Taylor tho first of tho sealers to return from Bering sea arrived at Victoria Wednesday with a batch of 64 skins Wall street was troatod to a sensation Wednesday by tho United States Flour and Milling shacrs Tho not docliue for tho duy was 25 points Tho unidentified body burned in tho Kansas City wreck proves to havo been a corpso shipped from Galena Kas on route to Milwaukee Wis Tho third day of tho supromo sossion of tho Independent Order Knights of Pythias was devoted to reading roports of the different committees Tho Association of Iron and Stool Shcot Manufacturers Wednesday ad vancod tho price of sheet from 310 to y25 a ton to take effect at ouco At Copenhagen Emperor Nicholas and tho empress brought their visit to an end Wednesday und ombarked on tho imperial yacht Polo Star bound for Kiel Tho govornmont has taken stops to secure possession of Mission Bock San Francisco bay which has been hold by tho California Dry Dock company since 1870 x John L Ilunna chiof of polico at Dalton Ga was shot and killed by throo moonshiners whom ho was try ing to arrest A posso of 125 mon started in pursuit of tho murderers Northern Pacific directors mot Wed nesday and instructed tho oxocutivu committee to consider tho advisability of paying an extra dividend of 1 per cout ou tho common stock in February Tho financial program of tho Argen tina government as rovealod in con gress moans protection to the people and industries of Argentina at tho ex pense of tho foreign capital invested in tho country Tho Georgo H Friend Paper com pany of West Carrollton lias bought the Fordham mill at Hamilton O und tho Frankliu mill at Franklin They proposed to mako writing paper in op position to tho trust Tho Canadian bank of Now York lias just rocoivod word from a trustworthy iniuo owner that tho yield from tho Klondike mines this year will bo a third less than last years output On that basis the bank expects a yield this year of about 8000000 NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY SMPTKMHKR 21J81M i ITI T im inn i i 111 lit J I I 1 1 U I in Governors and Attorneys Gen eral Discuss Combines TEN STATES ARE REPRESENTED Cloveiuor Sitjeis of Texas Is lVtiitiinrnl Cliuli man of Mm St I mil oiileienre Till lletn eon Shaw anil lours Dlllor euen of Opinion Auioui Olllrliils St LotiH Sept 21 Tho governors of Arkansas Tonmweo Michigan Mis souri Colorado and Iowa most of them accompanied by their attorneys gen eral and the attorneys general and other representatives of Moutitiin Indi ana Mississippi and Washington re sponded to the invitation of Governor Sayers of Texas to meet in conference for the purpose of discussing tho trust question and assembled yesterday at tho Planters hotel where three ses sions were hold The conference will ho concluded today when tho commit too on resolutions will be ready to re port Governor Sayers was present with his attorney general and was ohoson per manent chairman of the conference Most of the day was spent in speech making and almost every one of those present was afforded an opportunity to air his viows on the question under dis cussion All tho speakers wero listened to with great attention Thoro were several tijts between spoakers of oppo site political faith that gavo spice to tho proceedings At the morning session Governor Stephens of Missouri delivered himself of a partisan fling at the Republican national administration criticising its expansion policy and declaring that trusts and imperialism go hand in hand Governor Shaw of Iowa took up tho gauntlet thrown down by Stephens and at tho opening of the afternoon session answered him with a speech that brought smiles to the faces of most of those present In turn the governor of Arkansas put Iowas chief magistrate ou tho spit and roasted him for using facetious language at such a gathoriug Attornoy General Taylor of Indiana also took occasion to rap tho knuckles of Missouris governor Thoro seemed to bo a great dilferenco of opinion as to tho best method of remodyiug tho so called trust ovil Some of those present thought that the stato laws now in voguo wero sufficient to control the op erations of tho combinations complained of whilo others were of tho opinion that uniform laws should bo onoctod by tho several states and by congress Some wero for tho comploto annihila tion of trusts while others favored thoir regulation Governors Sayers and Pin greo in their speoches showed them selves strongly in favor of tho first idea ns was also Governor Jones of Arkan sas Governor Thomas ot Colorado and Shaw of Iowa favored the enactment of laws to restrict the combines Thoro was almost as much difference of opin ion among tho attorneys general who wero heard KlinuV Address Governor Shaw said in part I re grot that tho call for this conference did not include all that is in the mind oi him who issued it It was evidently tho purposo to make it not only an anti trust conference but an anti expansion and freo trado and freo silvor conven tion I say evidently the purposo from tho tone of tho remarks of tho chairman and from the speech of tho governor of Missouri I was interested aud diverted by tho address from tho governor of Missouri Interested for ho stated that his stato had triumph antly exterminated tho octopus I was diverted as ho told of tho downfall of Homo caused from ovils such as now confront us I was mudo to regrot that in tho expansion polioy of old Rome bho did not acquiro somo territory as pro ductive of statesmen as tho Lou isiana purchase and which might thou have produced a gover nor of sufficient foresight a legislature of sufficient wisdom an attorney general of sufficient courage and u supremo court of sufficient erudi tion and fairness to havo successfully coped with multi millionaires and bank ers which it was claimed infested tho empire to tho great damage of tho com mon pooplo I prefer a formulated bill such as I may safely submit to tho gen eral ashombly of my stato rather than resolutions I think I am politician onough to draft a sot of resolutions so drastic that if hooded all trusts and combinations would immediately tako thoir departure from tho common wealth of which I havo tho honor to bo chiof oxecutivo bat I am not so confi dent that I um statesman onough to draft a bill which will compol their ovorlasting exit providing they aro de termined to stay If tho committee whou appointed shall draft a bill which seems to mo comprolionsivo and effect ivo I will very gladly rocommend it so for I desiro horo aud now to say that I havo no sympathy with any combiuu tiou of capital which results in monop oly Governor DiiufnJ W Jones of Arkan i tOYAL sas being called on arose and in igor ouh terms scored Governor Shaw for his facet lousiiess saying tins was no time and place for remarks not tending to a furtherance of the business before tho conference lie then made u speech against tho monsters termed trusts he having felt their power among his people In Ills opinion the trusts should be annihilated Nouillhite KriNler for llliln IlAsriMis Sept 21 The Uepublican convention of the Tenth judicial district convened yexteulay morning and bal loted hteadily until I oclock in the afternoon when on the 121st ballot there was a general slunipdo to R U Keester of Hnrlau and he was declared I lie unanimous choice of the convention for disiiut indue EARTHQUAKE JN ALASKA Rilenils er Fire Ilumlinil Mllas ami Continues for a Week Skattik Sept 21 Tho steamship City of Topokn arrived from Lynn canal last evening with news of a terrible earthquake which began Sept fl and continued until Sopt 10 Tho steamer Dora carried tho news to Juneau The earthquake extended from Lit uoya bay 150 miles below Yakulat 500 mites northwest into the Cook inlet country It was the greatest phenomena witnessed in Alaska since a similar oc currence in tho Russian days Three distinct shocks wero felt at Juneau Buildings wero badly shaken Tim earthquake was most severe at Yakutat Kanan island at the entrance to Yaku tat hay wink 20 foot into the sea At high tide only the tops of trees are visi ble Huge llsuros opened in tho earth GREETINGTO IOWANS luiniuiir Shaw Cables Them Cioilspeeil on Their Vujrag Home Dis Moinks Sept 21 Governor Shaw cabled Colonel Lppcr of tho Fifty first Iowa at Manila which sails today as follows Greeting to officers and men With prayers of state you havo honored for a propitious voyage and u safe return Shaw Tho governor officially announced yesterday that he would bo unable to be in San Francisco whon tho regiinont lauds Plans for a Kefortuutory Dfs Moinks Sept 21 The quarterly conference of tho stato board of control and tho officers of stato institutions endod yesterday Tho board and super intendent agreed with Warden Touch in the proposition that Iowa should pro vide bomo sort of roformutory between the industrial schools and penitentiaries whero offenders botweon tho ages of 18 nud 10 can bo placed Warden Jones suggested that if one Iowa prison were made into a reformatory thoro would lie ample room left in tho other for con firmed criminals Set en Years lor Wilson Falls City Sopt 21 William Wil son who suffered a severe surgical operation tit the hands of a mob a few weeks ago for a criminal assault ou tho 5-year-old daughter of A W Burchard pleaded guilty and was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary The judge said that he had taken into ac count the punishment the prisoner hud already suffered Iteuiilon of Iowa Veterans Iowa City Sopt 2 Iowa City has opened its doors to tho surviving repre sentatives of the Twenty second Twenty-fourth rind Twenty eighth Iowa regi monts and a reunion such as only old soldiers can havo is in progress Many of those hero havo not met since their muster out and many aro meeting for tho last time on earth Inauguration of Ireslrlsut Muolran Iowa City Sept 21 Tho board of regents and tho faculties of the Stato university of Iowa havo arranged for tho inauguration of George Edwin Mac Lean as president of tho university on Friday Sopt 2 CONDITION ATZAMBOANGO Cieuernl Hates Cables KiMills of Serum Trip Anion Southern Island Manila Sept 21 Cable roports from Iloilo concerning tho results of General Bates second trip among tho southern islands indicate that only about 100 rebels at Zamboanga refuse to recognize American authority Pond ing the outcome on the island of Luzon tho city of Zumboangu is practically deserted The robels aro in camp four miles in the country The Moros and Filipinos aro unfriendly and disturb ances between them aro liable to occur Jolo is quiet and tho natives continue friendlv Fatal ItuimwH at llauihiuK HamhlKo la Sept 21 John ONoil an old citizen of this county was killed last night whilo returning homo by being thrown from his wagon Ho had been drinking and the team ran away Earthquake Kills Hundreds Smyrna Asia Minor Sept 21 There was a disastrous cart hquako yesterday morning at Aidin a town ou the Men der 81 miles southeast of this place Hundreds of persons wero killed in tho valley of Mouderez Absolutely Pure Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome SOYAl eWQ POkOIS CO KtW lrORS ippppppmm m Every Woman Who Walks will li ml a peculiar pleasure in r n O - bo z UJ c3 a Q The price is only one of many reasons why these shoes are famous All styles from the light dainty dress crea tion to the suhstantial shoe for tho street or out ing Price 3 OO Oxfords S250 UEEN UALITY tT3 Shoos To wiilk in shoos Mini lire Iiun nii fill anil sty lish and porfoclly com fort uhlo is a gratifying experience Mm 1 1 MA 1 yPxi I MODERN WALKING BOOT 1 Tnir C hswk C3 m rn O 52 e TO rjn r O rn C3 We have just received our Fall Line of i School Shoes FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Which is larger and more complete than ever If you want School Shoes that will give good wear at a reasonable price call on SPENCER OVELMAN NORFOLK NEBRASKA We also do First Class Repairing IWiMnfnMfiM The Popular Route FOR ALL WESTERN POINTS a j ti m i Denver Salt Lake jtWrMm rtV 3 Ir l lit l Kk The Only Direct Route The Fastest Route Cfl E lil Ospiw San Francisco Portland jjtjj j w i tf1 h rfc The Best Equipped Route The Safest Route For Time Tables Foldors Illustrated Hooks Pamphlets descriptive of the torritory traversed call on F W JUNEMAN Agent