h m I jjmmv u i thefloifolkl4ras Oystors and prairio chlckcnB nro now Mrinit U1 nt tho first table A young lilx of Norfolk Rnys thnt Lit cngngtnniit ring Is mm rontinuoiiB rouuil of pleasure This yonrH rotton crop Is estimated nt llSOOOOO bales ngnlust 12000000 Inst ytnr The loss Is occasioned by Toxns Hoods thu Wlllth proposed Investigation of trusts by tho democracy begin with tlm diver trust which continues to look after Mr Bryan How about tho now wall paper trust just organized in lmiltm for fin 000 000 Is thladuototho fostering inlluonco of tho Dlngley tnrilV Tho Cubans have jirovtsil thulr right to iHHonm American rillv oiiH by tliilr hiHty kicks nud growls nt everything which hns 1koii done for thorn Hon Iniues Hamilton Lewis of Wash ington is n declared onndidnto for tho empty honor of tho kocoiuI place on tho ticket with Hryan nnxt your A serious iiuHtion for democrats to consider is whothor suicldo is a sin in politics If not of course thoy hnvo tho right to koop silver to tho foro Tho Memphis Scimitar snyB that poor old Wnttorson in boing kicked and cnfTid hy all parties and factions in Kou tuoky and ho has to grin and protoml thnt ho likos it Now that Dr Farkhurst and Mr Crokor aro ugrood tho BpiritB of tho truo believers havo boon rovivod for has not tho prophecy of tho lion and tho lamb boon rouliod Tho Gobblo Gobble in Kentucky and thoOrokor Croko r in Now York irivo tho impression that tho Throo lling Domooratio Aggregation lias a anonngorio on its hnuds Tho tin plato tniBt has put up prices eo high that independent companies with ahnudnnt capitals havo been formed and will compote with thorn for trade at lower prices treed always defeats itsolf soonor or later Nothlug is more oloquont than facts 8ayB Duns Hoviow Actual payments through tho principal clearing houses for last wook were 211 por cout greater -than a year ago and 22 por oont larger than in tho corresponding week of 182 Ouo of tho groatost surprises in tho Kentucky campaign is tho nomination of n full Rtato tickot by tho prohibition ists It was not supposed that that number of cold water peoplo could bo iouud within tho limits of the state Tho Chicago Milwnukeo and St Paul railroad recoutly ordorcd 2000 freight cars for use in carrying its fall business This is said to be tho largost single order for cars ovor givon and shows that the road anticipates an immense traffic over its linos this soasou J Sterling Morton the sago of Nebraska Oity says that combined capital has drivou out tho man with tho Tioe It is wondered if tho ex secretary of agriculture believes tho man who sits on at wo -horse onlivator and hoes two rows of corn at a timo has had anything to do along this line Now ienoral Miles has incurred tho displeasure of the yellow newspapers by oomuioudiiig tho general management of affairs in the Philippines by General Otis As a matter of cold fact the only great niilitnry lights of tho country aro h few correspondents who know every -thing and an equal number of editors who couldnt tell a column loft from RfouiK right IIou Goo D Mciklejohn assistant secretary of wnr has loft Washington for Nebraska Ho will go to Fullorton in time to bo present at the reception to company H First Nebraska which takes place tomorrow Next week he will Iks In Lincoln and on tho I tth will inako an address at the reception to bo tonderod tho returned soldiers by citizens of tho state Mr Moiklejohn will devote the rest of the time ho is in Nebraska to private affairs and politics A uumbor of construction concerns 3ive had to close their works temporari ly because tho iron ami steel mills of tho country aro unable to keep up with their orders If it wasnt for tho present ad ministration the Chicago Post says this never would have happened The iron nud steel mills would have mora material on hand than they could con renioutly dispose of and incidentally moat of them would be shut down Thus it is pniu that this mun AIcKiuley must be defeated at tho next election The movement started some time ago ty New York papers favoring short presidential campaigns is meeting with a good deal of approval in all p irts of -the nniou There is n general desire that business should not bo disturbed by mouths of time given over to political agitation and uucertaiuty Two or three months of actual campaigning is enough and it is probable that uu earnest j v effort will Ik made by tho business men to pcrRiindo tlio party lomlors to postpono tho calling of tho national convontiotiB to a coiiHldornhly later dato than heretofore TIiIh cortnlnly 1b n movo in tho right diroctlon In tho past thu country linn seriously RnfTorcd from the longthof jwlltlcal canipaigiiH Speaking of Czar Hoed who recently tendered ills resignation iir sponkor of tho hoiiso of ropreBontalivoB and whoso retirement romovoH from tho stngo of American politics a fitriking and com manding personality recalls the oft re peated story of tho representative whoso constituents had been threatening him if ho did not secure boiiio action on a certain appropiiatlon bill during tho social session and which Mr Heed would not allow him to bring Imforo tho house licit deeming It proper legislation in face of the important and serious work before them After repeated im portunities always addressed to deaf ears tho much worried niembor ex claimed For Clods sake what inn I to tell them Heed with his inimitable drawl said Just tell them that you saw mo The American High Priest of Silver says I hat the present good times are cansod by tho increase of gold mined anil put into circulation and that therefore with frco silver wo would bo yet more prosperous Ashe expresses It Any improvement in business conditions duo to tho increased production of gold or to a favorable balance of trade instond of supporting tho gold standard doctrine shows that more money makes hotter times and points tho way to bimetallism as the moans of scouring a permanent Increase In tho volumu of Btnndnrd monoy throughout tho world In othor wordB if wo havo bad times thoy aro due to tho accursed gold standard but if we havo good times and on a gold standard it simply shows that wo ought to havo silver It is rathor hard to got away from a so called argument that tits any condition Those domocratB who prido them eolvos on thoir devotion to life long principles and their rock ribboduess must be surprised to say tho least at tho record -making this year in oxportB of manufactures It will bo romombored that such old wheel horses as Sonator Vest made violent opposition in the sonato to tho Dlngloy bill on tho ground thatitB enactment would destroy our markets abroad for manufactured ar ticles which ho showod woro at that time in a remarkably flourishing con dition Havo Senator Vest and his friends noticed that tho exports of maun f acturos have roachod a million dollars a day under tho Diugloy protectivo tariff law having boon 21ll7riU01 in tho llrst sovon months of tho present year while in the corresponding mouths of tho first your of tho Wilson law they wero 110lSlltl or but about half u million dollars a day W il Weeks has sold his Scribuor News toC K Fields of Omaha and in his good byo to tho people of that town Mr Weeks poiutodly says During tho nine and ono half years that I have lived in Soribuor I havo mado many true friends that it pains mo to leavo ami tho only balm in Ciilcad is tho com fort experienced in getting away from n few enemies whoso patrouago has con sisted in tho advice they gave and who never had a good word for The News or its publisher 1 do not liko the idea of leaving hero but 1 havo found n placo where I can uuiko a living a thing that has beon impossible hero for five years The words of Mr Weoks apply with equal force to many another community besides Scribuor but tho trouble with most of tho newspaper men is that they io not havo the nerve to quit a town whou fheir papers havo ceased to earn enough m furnish them a decent living Wo veuturo to say that ouo fourth or more of the papers now published in the state have not mado a living for their proprietors during tho past five years hut most of them havo hung on eating up what they invested in hopes that the other follow down street would shut up shop and give them a larger Held and a bettor opportunity to keep their papers alive The ditliculty is pot wholly with the newspaper mou either but the peoplo themselves pro very much to blame for this condition among tho newspapers in Nebraska Every town of 100 or 000 peoplo must havo two papers to roprcsout tho two political parties and tlieu whou the town is a little larger there must be two papers to represent the two factious of the dom inant party Then the businoss men who should be especially interested in buildiug up a legitimate number of strong newspapers in a town capable ot ably represeutiug the community in which they aro published with good circulations and commanding the ro spect of the people porsist in dividing their business to such an extent that all are obliged to run on a cheap basis and very few are what they would be could they have the hearty aud uuited support of tho people where they are published When the towns come to realize that one paper well edited well printed and reaohiug 1 0t0 subscribers THJS NOltFOLK NEWS TllUltSbAY SEPTEMBER li 1890 Now Election IjAW Tho now election law enacted by tho last legislature of thin stnto to provont corrupt practlcoB at elections and to provide n ponnlty for Its violation 1b a inoastiro that was particularly needed and if Ub provisions nrollvocl up to It will do much toward smoothing the path of the candidate bosldes bringing tho result nearer tho wishes of tho people than Iibb been possible under tho prac tices heretofore in voguo In MiIh stnto Tho essential featuros of the now law aro contained in tho following selections Section I That no candidate for repre sentative or United States senator in thocongroHSof the United States or in any other public olllco created by tho constitution or laws of this Rtato to Ik tilled by popular election shall by himself or by or through any ngent or agents committee or organization or person or persons whatsoever in tho aggregate with tho intention to promote tho nomination or election of such candidate or in support of or in opposition to any measure submitted to popular veto do any of the following things which nro hereby inado unlaw ful and tho violation of any one or nil of which is mado a inisdomeanor pun ishable by lino of not lcs than lfty 00 dollars or Inipiisoiiiont In tho county jail for a period not to oxceed six months First Furnish pay for or ongago to pay for any entertainment to any mooting of doctors provions to or dur ing an election at which ho is a candidate Second Glvo away or troat to any drinks cigars or other rofroshnionts Third To pay out glvocoutrlbuto or expend or offer or agree to paygivo con tribute or oxpoud monoy or othor valua ble thing for tho purpose of promoting tho nomination or election of any candidate or in support of or opposition to any measure submitted to popular voto nt any election except for tho bona lido personal oxponses of any candidate for public olllco and for tho purpose of holding nud conducting publio meetings for tho discussion of public quostionB and thon not in excess of a sum to bo de termined upon tho following basiB namely For ilvo thousand voters or less 10000 for each ouo hundred vot ers over flvo thousand and uudor twenty- five thousandl oO for each one hundred voters ovor twenty flvo thousand and under fifty thousand 100 and nothing additional for voters over fifty thousand Any paymont contribution expendi ture or agreement or ofTpr to pay con tribute or expend any monoy or thing of value in excess of tho limit prescribed by this net for any or all such objects and purposos is horoby declared unlaw ful and to innko void tho olection of tho person making it Hut this section shall not apply in cases whoro such nomination of such cnudidnto or of any rival candidato for tho same otlico shall havo beon mado prior to tho taking ef fect of this act Nothing in this section shall rofor to traveling oxponses Sec t Every porson who shall bo n candidato bofore any caucus or conven tion or at any primary olection for nomination for any olllco which under tho laws or tho constitution of this sUto is to be filled by iopular olection or for tho ofllco of representative in the congress of the United Stntes shall within tou days after the holding of such caucus convention or primary election mako out a statement in writing and file tho same with tho clerk of tho county in which ho resides and make out ami file a dnplicato thoreof with tho board ofllcor or olllccrs if any empowered by law to issno the certificate of eleotiou to such otlico Such statement shall set forth in detail each aud all sums of money nud othor thiugs of value contributed disbursed expended or promised by him aud to tho best of his knowledge aud belief by any other porson or persons with his procurement in his behalf wholly or in part in endeavoring to secure or in any way in connection with his nomination to such olllco or place or in endeavoring to secure or defeat or in nuy wuy in connection with tho nomination of any othor person or persons at such canons convention or primary election and showing tho dates when and the persons by whom and to whom and the purposes for which each such contribution payment expend iture or promise was niadeaiid such can didate shall subscribe and swear to such statement and such dnplicato before any ofllcer authorized to administer oaths Sec -1 Every person who shall bo a candidate nt any election for any publio olllco which under the constitu tion or tho laws of this stato is to be filled by popular election or for tho office of repesentative in the congress of the Uuited Stntes shall within ten days after the election held to fill such office make out a statement in writiug and file same with tho clerk of the comity in which he resides and make outaud file n duplicate thereof with the board ofllcer or officers if nuy em powered by law to issue tho certificate of election to 6iich office or place Such statement shall set forth in dotnil each is worth and all sums of money and other thlnus four times us much as un advertising of value contributed disbursed fx medium and as a representative of the j peuded or promised by him and to tho town as two poorly gotten up uitairs best of his knowledge and belief by any with a circulation of 500 each then will other person or persons by this procure there be more creditable pnptrs in Ne J incut in his behalf wbolly or in part brosica connection with his election to such ofllco or placo or endeavoring to socuro or dofcat or in any way in connection with tho olection of any othor porson or porsons to any olllco to bo voted for on tho same day of oloolion or in sup port of or opposition to nny measuro or proposition submitted to popular voto upon tho satno day of election and showing tho dates when tho persons by and to whom nnd tho purposos for which each Riich contribution payment expenditure or proinlso was mado Such candidate shall subscribe nnd swear to such statement nud such dnplicato be fore an olllcer authorized to ndminstor oaths Sec f Any person failing to comply with tho provisions of tho third Rcction or of tho fourth soction of this act shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars to bo recovered with costs in an action brought in tho nauio of tho stato hy tho attorney general or by tho county attorney of tho county of tho candidates residence tho amount of said flue to be fixed within such limit by the jury nnd to bo paid into the school fund of said county This chaptor further provides that every political committee shall appoint and constantly maintain n treasurer to receive keep and disburse all sums of money received by said committee and that all monoy paid to tho coniniitto shall pass through tho handR of the treas urer The treasurer is required tokeop a dotailed book account of tho monoy handled by himsolf and committeo nud within twenty days aftor ovory election caucus convention or primary olection in connection with which ho shall havo received any money lllo in tho ofllco of tho county clerk n full truo nnd do tailed account and statement subscribed aud sworn to giving tho date object name of person from whom received or to whom paid of every sum of monoy rocoivod or disbursed No committoe or caudidnto is allowed to dofray any fees or oxponses in connection with tho natu ralization of any nliou or aliens If it shall be determined in court that a candidate has boon guilty of violating tho provisions of this law judgmeut shall bo rendered doclaring void tho election of such candidato and ousting and excluding him from office Failure on the part of the treasurer of a com mitteo to filo a report as required by this law will subject him to imprison ment for not less than two or more than six mouths Ouullllrittlonn oCtlie Nevt Speaker On tho first Monday in next Decembor unless unforeseen events occur you Gon David B Henderson will be elected speaker of tho house of representatives Tho position is one of remarkablo power and honor It was formerly only twice removed from tho presidency nud nlthough the lino of succossiou hns been properly diverted there is no diminution of its glory Speakers of tho house have been in tho pnst and will continue to be in the future important factors in moulding tho countrys history nnd you may well feel honored thnt upon yon will fall the mantlo so worthily won by many uotnbly Clay Colfax Blaine Randall aud Heed It will seenistruugo in this day nud generation to see the gavel in the hands of a republican othor than Mr Thomas B Reed Nothing but the lnttors voluntary choice could mako this possible Mr Reed is such a dominating charaoter he towers so loftily abovo all his colleagues in the house that the distinction of leadership would naturally be accorded to him with unanimity as long as he desired to accept it As tho immediate successor to so great a man ns Mr Reed you will sutler at first from comparison It is fortunnte therefore that you are in natural temperament nnd charac teristics his very antithesis For instance Mr Reed is a master of sarcasm you do not know the moaning of tho word Ho is cold satirical aud calculating you nro wnrm nnd generous hearted IIo is not companionablo you could not and would not avoid sociability Ho moves like a massive car of Juggernaut not hes itating to crush oven tho prostrate forms in his path your genial and sunshiny nature would shrink from inflicting a wound He measures every word with careful precision while yon pour forth eloquent sentences with volcanic force aud prodigal indifference In scores of other characteristics the ooutrnst is equally marked but I have enumerated snfllciont to show that nt least you vyill not be a miniature Reed You will be Hendorson Consequently you will be judged by your own standard and you possess an individuality that will prevent your being veiled in the shadow of the physical aud mental giant whose place you are to occupy It is extremely fortunate that you hnve had mauy years of experience in congressional lifo that you are a good politician that yoa are a man of broad veiws and endowed with the prime quality of common sense developed in large degree A word to tho uext speaker by a friend of Gen Henderson in tho September Forum It is said apropos to the becoming of a British subject of William V Astor that Queen Victoria is going to bring suit against Uncle Sam for passing a bad bid oft on her Justice Again llcrcntcd Franco has mado nnothor iloapcrnte oust in tho hope of snving from tho ilia groco it dosorves hor idol tho nrmy Or rathor at this timo It would bo just to flay that tho nrmy hnB mado tho cast as many of tho peoplo of tho republic havo bocomo nwakoncd to tho truo situ ation nnd nro no longer firm in thoir worship and support of thoir onco idol Dreyfus has boon re convicted of tho ouorinoiiB crimo for which ho spent bucIi bitter years of intetiBo misory on Isle du Plable IIo was convicted not becanso ho was guilty not becanso ho hnd en dangered tho safety of Franco or the honor of her army not becauso tho people of that republic domandod his conviction but becauso tho high and heretofore honored head of tho nrmy ncedod n sacrifice to thoir honor bo ciiuso tho toils wore slowly but surely closing nround this head nnd would cor tnlnly result in its eouiploto and dis graceful overthrow Thoy hope in this way to escapo tho punishment that is surely coming but will they Tho mills of thogods grind slowly but they grind exceeding small nnd if tho head of tho army of Franco does not in timo moot its merited pun ishment peoplo will be compelled to ac knowledge thnt tho abovo proposition heretofore infallible has for onco met defeat Tho nrmy hns ulready received its partial puuishmout in suicides heart aches aud worry nnd thnt worry is still distressing the actors in this horrible tragedy Thoy renlic that their honor whilo for tho present it is tem porarily upheld the time is coming when a greater snenfice will be needed nnd that sacrifice will bo nothing short of this same head Thoy have staved off tho calamity but at what cost Forgery intriguo porjury attempted murder and all the evils that could possibly serve their ends have been employed to the conviction of Captain Dreyfus Fear of their lives from an outraged pnblio compelled those engaged in tho trial to observe tho ut most precautions Armed guards and secret detectives were in attendance on all thoir deliberations and tho result is still far from satisfactory Tho people outside of Fiance had con fidentially up to a few days ago looked for Dreyfus to be cleared and given his liberty but sober second thought ac knowledged its impossibility as that meant tho overthrow of men high in power and the disgrace of the army The Rennes court martial which stood five to two for the conviction of the suffering captain has often mani fested marked partiality to tho prosecu tion admitting the most suspicious sort of evidence that would lend plausibility to its course whilo the defense was handicapped at every opportunity It is gouerally believed that tho people of Franco are justice loving and take the same viow of tho proceedings that is taken by tho outside world aud that they will not submit to this outrage is considered probablo A continuance of such farcical proceedings means the disgrnce uud overthrow of the republic but it is safe to presume that thoy will not be allowed to continue Friends of tho republic sinoerely hope so at least The spirit of fairness nud harmony which prevailed throughout the repub lican conference Saturday evening in dicates that the desire of every dolegato present was to promote the interests of tho party with a willingness to do everything possible to secure tho snecess of the ticket at the fall election Every thing considered not nenrly the bitter ness was developed in the conference that was ftared At the critical time when the next few moments meaut the selection of one or the other of the two men as tho candidate there woro some shnrp exchauges of oratory but when the result was flunlly renched tho best of feoiug prevniled nnd as one of tho delegates expressed it When I camo into this hall I was a Clements mau but now I am for Jard uer nnd will do all I can for his elec tion Mr Clements himself rotniued his composure throughout the whole proceeding and at its closo expresssd himself fully satisfied with the result which was mado jKissible only through his witdrawnl from tho race aud which ho did in a manner that gained for him many new friends Mr Gardner will make a strong candidate at the polls aud the harmony which now prevails in the republican party will go a long wuys toward making his electiou sure What desperate efforts the democrats aro making to harmonize Realizing the seriousuess of his recent criticism of Bryan Senator Morgan at the earnest request of his friends has made another statement iu which he says that after all Bryan is the logical candidato He also reiterates his confidence iu expansion and says thnt Brynu and McKinley stand together on the platform of pushing tho wur to a successful termina tion in the Philippines This is doubt less refreshing news both for President MoKinley and Candidate Bryan Iu ISO the Iowa democrats carrird 28 couuties in 1890 they carried 17 and in 1S9S only 10 Iu the face of their declining fortunes they go right aloiiu keeping up uppearances just as though they had a chance of winning something at the polls Iowa is now one of the It will cost over ttlid000000 to run niobt pros uerous states in the union nod I in tudeavonug to Eecureorin auy wayin Greater New York this year one of the most solidly republican niri ji ij m i ii 1 1 llr lletnrnn Trom n Tower tn Clil cnnoM to Attrnil tit- McctltiK of tllr Dniuirrntlo Nntlonnl Commlttcn a m1 ttricnrilii the Ilt nult nn n lnma nml Impotent Concloonlinn BUTIO ITV iM KHMASllUV Wabhinoton D C Tu the Edltnr 1 hev jest returned fruiii n tower tu Chicago whnre 1 went tu meet the Dlnil crntlc Nanhunnl Konimlttee wlch hod Wen mIcciIooIimI tu lite the second round In the grnte battle wlch hez been biewln fer n long time between the i fnckshuns uv the pnity Tin- lite wu with ttings hi stld uv fists and a good iiienny members lied tu hev their tutigs tied bi resoloo shuns nr threts before tha wuz allowed tu take part in the pioscedlns I lied hoped thet a frend nnd representa tive uv trover Cleveland I shood hev iC chance tu spilug Ida nntne untti tin mectin cz n koinproiiiNc candidate hoo coed be Indooced tu film tu the frunl wuust inoi e and sickiiflee hlzelf fer tile fourth time In older tu save hlz par ty and the kouutry but wen I nicnshiin ed the siibjeck iu the members uv the Nashuiiiil Konmilttee I found neerly all u v em bllteily opposed tu mi 1 wus phinely told thet the koiiimittue didnt cine tu waste no time on Noo Ger scy Dliiilcrnts eiiiiyhnw anil thet if I wanted tu stay and hear what wax tied 1 must keep still uilself Hnther than be tired out I sot hi silence wile the slrkus went on between the - wings uv tilt Diiiiicrntlc party wlch try tu oiitllop each other iu the city uv Chicago Atgeld and hlz fivudu and the fiends u v Mayor Harrison called each other profane and nasty names and Mr Bryan sot by in silence and lissened tu em fer both sides perfessed tu be hi Trends We nil felt like we wuz settin in a powder inngazinc with everybaddy wnntin tu smoke and nohuddy with kur rije enuff tu strike a match Nohuddy wnntid tu sn a wurd nbout the tariff hu the face uv the prerailin prosperity anil the tiggers tu be lied hi every custom house nnd revenoo oflis The sliver question wuz overhauled et grate length nnd the conclooshun arrived at wuz thet it mite need sum brncin up hi other is soos nrd thet it wood be unsafe tu trust it tu go alone Mr liryan hoo wo All regarded ez the wet nurse uv the silver issoo wuz plnuely nsked if he cood wean hiself frum it and he scd he cood if sum less trubblosinn nnd more promisiu wim cood be substitooted fer it This brot us down tu the konsldernshun uv the only 2 other issoos thet kin possibly be made uv enny yoose in 1500 onlcss sum fuitunit stroke uv kalaniity sliooil hit or up Iu our favor Expnushun nud The Trusts seem tu be about nil there iz left fer us tu shape up with and both uv em nir ez oncertin ez the tenure uv n lte publikin ollicholder doorln n Dimierntio iidministrasluui Wile it is troo thet expnushun hez hed a setback at the hands uv our gallant ally Agulnalilo in the Fillipocug it iz goin tu be gosh hanged ticklish bizuess tu give him credit for it on account uv the sensitivness uv sich Amerikins oz dont want tu see our boys licked or heded off in an oncornfortablo furrln kountry This iz a feclin we hev got tu reckun with and it iz goln tu be ez dan gurus ez gunpowder and dynamite tu monkey with it Whnre wood we be next summer if we express our sim pnthy with the Fillipeenoze now nnd tin whole outfit shood git licked doorin tin Christians holidays bi sum litein General we hev been urgin the President tu ap plntV Wen this question wuz squarely put tu each member uv the kominittee tu expicss hiz opinyun on the most uv US SLll 1 pilsi ho It WUZ lOCKkll til go slow puhlikly on c anything thet wood nppeer tu be unpiitriotick wile we cood whoop it up fer Aguinalilo in private ami eiikurriji the Itcpablikin Fillipeenoze uv MussiUhoosetts tu luiiiish us with nni lnoonishun On the Trusts the most uv the koin mittee wuz more outspoken and sich uv the niciuhcis ez didnt hev their fnies pade or didnt heviii ralerode pns fur nisht bi sum rich Dimicrnt hoosc niunney wuz invested in Trust stocks felt thet it wuz safe tu go in stiong iigin sich un koustitooshimal combinashuns uv capital ez dont propose tu divvy with em Doorin the eveniu Mr Bryan spoke on these pints but he wuz grately enibar rast hi the Atgeld facshun hoo wiu al together too freiidly tu him tu soot tin idees uv the Ilanisou facshuu The lat ter Hide tu make liiin feel thet thuru wuz sich n thing ez gittin U close tu nn unpopular mini ami Atgeld giv him tu oiideistainl thet he wood run thu whole bhebiilig or bust it up The koinuilttee tride tu even things up for the Harrison men hi liriu Devlin out fruiii the posishun uv Pooh Bah fur the uoozcpnpcrs Tha desided he bed huuu 1 flesh dooilu the campane uv 1S0U ami thet he needed tu he icinilliled uv it 10 a whole the iiicetlu uv the koininit Ice wuz a ilisapplutmeiit tu needy uvery hiiddy hoo wu present nnd it wuz still more so tu uvcryhuildy hoo like uilself lied their eyes sot on Chicago ex pectin tu see a grille heakon lite bot up end wuze fer us tu steer hi Instid uv thet wu only got a glimpse uv sum small men quirreliii and laherin under the deloo shun thet Ilia wuz big ones wile no buihly lied kurrije enuff tu sa what ho really thnt or what wuz best tu du It reminded me uv the time wen 1 lied an uncle die nml wo all not round not knowin wether tu cuss or cry until wo found out what he hed left us in hlz will I bed expected tu sen the koniinittee faro ibboos iiiHthl uv dodgin em and felt dis gustid tu find uilself nulling so ineuiiy men hoo kalled themselves Diiniernts lion didnt hev enny more backbone thuu a Noo Gersey clam Bui one thing I hev found out nud thet Iz thet it i golu In ho nu nil Ih et I luff job tu beat Mr Brynu fer the noininiisliiiii IIo seems tu hev the votes iu the koinuilttee wile suiu buddy else hez the niunney and the good clothes Ontu me I suppose will fall the onplesant dooty uv inforinin Mr Cleveland uv llie nnproinibin outlook and I shall put off mi vitit ez long ez I kin make excuses fer doin so I feel thet mi visit tu Chicago wuz n waste uv good muiincj and thet the result wuz u lnmu uud Impoten Suxoatrto iUhs Frum Applejack Faun wlch iz next tu rover Cleveland In the stnlt ut Noo Gersey A V