The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 14, 1899, Page 2, Image 2
Wfv w ft 4 I F I V 1 I t t r s V r - r ii if h r i i M to J - The Norfolk flus W N HUSK PMbllnUnr Ktrrr OA1IY IKMnlilUlimt IKtf tins- erctt Huuilii 1 rnrrlnr iir rttittf II ninu or rnr 5ui WKKIUV IXnlilinliixl isM Ktf t j Thiirnln 11 nmll pit your 110 Kiitrrpi nt tlm lNnUHl ut Nnrfnll Nel im fKcoud rliir miillnr Tnlrphiinr N 1 e llopiilillriiu SIiiIp OoiMPiitHi Tim rnpnhllrftii nloolorii of llm Unto of Nn lirnokn nrn tiiiiinntiil to mini ililontr rmm tlmlrtiiith riiiuitlitoiinwt in roniiitltn tn tlm clir of OmnlmiinllHirmlny tlio SIM ilny uf Bflt mtwr IKW M J oclock I mi for itnrHii if ltlnclniT In iniiiliiiitlmi onmlliinlw Kir tlio follow luff otllr Oitn JtulKiinf lliiniriiiin Hunt Two rw ut of tho Mitln iiiiIMIhH Ami to trutiMirt moll otliiT huMm M in mil iimtirrl cuinn Imfurn tlm rimwiillnii Tim wiMTiil riiunlliK nro hiiIUIimI In Hpro riiiliitlmi hk follow llm iippoitloiimiiit Im liiu IuimxI upon llii tnln iii t for lion I M llnjwnril for kowiiiii In liix kHIjk Im i loiinU oimililiiiliil hirtiii nnilotin for Ilirli IUImiIih iiinl nmjoi ruiciiim iimnoi Ailtmn Antilopn llnnniT lllnlm Iloolin llox llutln lloyil llrown llulTnlo Hurt llutlcr InKB Ciiliir Clinrn tlivrr tlimcnno tlii Colin x Cumlim CuHlnr DnVutu DllVMH UnvHon Donol Dixon Dmlgo DouuIiik nnuil Filuiorn Franklin Krontlnr FiinuiK flniifl lartlolil Hotipur tlrnnt flrpflli llnll Ilnmlltou Harlnn Hojph Hltchcorl Holt lloolitir Jlrtwnnl JrffcrKoii Norfolk- first ward 5 rteconil wiird 7 Third ward H Fourth ward 1 rOuteido 0 Joffcrtton 7 Battle Creek r Madison 11 Union Highland 1 rirview i IlilohtiMiti 10 Ivimu niS 2iKtillli J Km ii Im Imi HlMmlmll VKiiiix liiuruMir Uni oln ISLoKfltl HlMiiip llMlllllHIII SYMrlliortKiii UMorrlok HNiiuon Noinuliu Nuckolls noiim Iawniii IVrkiim llmlin IllTlMI IMiittn Iolk HimI Willow llirhiirilixin ISltork Snllnu Siirnv HuuniliirK lOSrottV llliilf tiSiivMinl ClSlmriiliu XtShcniinn Sioux Stimtoii Tluijor TliomiiH UiTliuretou Viillny Wimlii Win no Wnlmtiir WlmiiUir York INTotlll UKton 111 1 l K 14 IS iTi 10211 It Ik roooinmiMiilcil Unit no iiroxlo Im nil- willed to tho rouvniitloiiiiiiil tluUtlio ilnloKiitiii ireiiont Imi iiullinrlroil to cunt tltwMiurii iilo of liOtloloKHtlon of tlm count wulcli It CtltH It 1 further recoiimipniltMl I lint whornvor two ounly rouvtmtinim I in liclil tlm imlootitm of n pounty romnilttoo hIiiiII tiikn plnco ut tho llrnt convonllim nnil Unit in nory cnn tlio tnorotiiry bo roiiulroil to iiroiiiptl iiiIvIho tlio etuto com mittruof tlio iirKniilrutliin of mrli nuw rum mlttoii with tho iiiuncH of oIllrnrH iiiiMiiliorv IHWtollIro mlilnisH unci imino of prprhirl riprt imntod liy onrli Omiilm Nolirimku J mm S3 ISTO 11 II SntMiniti rO HiiMM Iliuiriiuiu Socrotiiry Juillolwl Convention Tlm unornl cnunlion roniprlHliiK tlm iilntli ju dioiiil illntrlcl of Nolirimku urolioroliy roqucstoil to eonil iloioKiitiH I riMiiilillcnii Juillrfnl ron ventioiito bn liolil ut Norfolk Nolirimku on llm Xilli iluy of SoplumlHir lMHInt ono oclock p in lor tlm miriKiHO of plnoiiur In noinlnittion u cnu HiliiUi for juiIko or tlm district court of fnlil dietrict nnil for tlio trnutmctlon of hiicIi otlior buolncKH us mil properly como liofoio tlm con TCiitton ThnnoAoml count log nro pntltlml untlor thin nil to riMrioiitiitloii iim follonii I imcd upon tho xilii for Hon M Ij lliiMinl for Kumrnnr t tho Htuto of Nolirimku In lMKS Autlopo I HoiIImiu Wnyno Knox It Plcrco M 1 TilKll A A Wllsn Cliiilriiiiin Sicrotni Itrpnbllcikn County CoiMoiitlon Tho ritpiililicnn oloctom of MiuIIpoii counts Nebriinkii urn riHiiiMiMl to imiul iIoIokiiIov fioin tho uotonil MitliiK luociiictK to mi it in cimwn tlonut lluttlolrook Nolirimku on Sutiiriliiy reptnilior UUh ut 11 oclock u in for tlm pur iHieoof MilrctiiiK ilolcKiiliu to llm republican liii mid luillciul coiiMMitiouB unit for tlm mil tiore of pluciiu In noniiiiiitioii cuiultilutox for flllllt llUlciK IIM flllloW H Clerk of the dihtrict court county clerk romit treimurer county hlierill count juilKe rmoit Himerinleiulent of pchoom count ouor count nur4ior nnil couiil coniiuii iiouer tor tho Kit ft conunii Htoiier ilimncl iiml to trmmiicl micli other bimiucM tin mil proper como iHforu tho conuiutioii Tlm m oral precincts uro enUtliHl to entution iih follows tlm apportionment ihiiuk tiaurd uiKiu tho voto cimt for lion M L llii wl for Kiisornor in lWVS boliiB ono ilelcKiito ut arge for ouch precinct and ono for ouch twout votes or major met ton thereof Vidloy t WiirnerUUo X lmo a Ireon Harden J Door Creek S Shell Crook H School Craft i Kiilnmnroo Kineriel 4 Total VI It l recommended that no proxies Imi admit ted and thnt the delegates proton oast the en ie vote of the precinct rrimaries should Ik -held not later than September tl 1HVI IhiKT MaiKh S A McK w Secretnr Chairman There nro a good many people who believe iu total doprnvity but its nlways the other man who is depraved Kentucky democrats nre already using such choice terms of endenrmout us thief liar murderer etc There is irreat promise of interesting timeB before election Dead men tell no tales Thnt is what makes it easy to attribute most may opinion you desire to have confirmed to Abraham Lincoln or some other patriot of the past Its n mean way of getting endorsement just the same The work of talcing the census will require iSOO supervisors i000 olerka and 0000 enumerators Five years time will be consumed in collecting collating nnd publishing the information desired It is an immense work and one which is of interest to every citizen of the country Ohio democrats must feel compli mented at the characterization given their platform by such a paper as the London Globe which in speaking of the secret and vicious alliance now iu evidence between England and tho republican administration clause in the Ohio platform designates it as a pnff of electioneering wing The condition of the national hanks of the country is more prosperous than it has ever been befoie according to Comp troller of the Currency Dawes the results be says of good crop which nro rwrponslblo for tho Himltlatlon of ninny farm dobtR Think inR pooplo now boo tho propoHltirouHiioBfl of Hllvorito sUtomontB Hint IiaiiIcr nro tho cnoinioH of proRjiority nnil thnt tlioy profit by tnking ntlvntitaRo of tho jicojilos ndvorfllty AccoruiiiR to tho compt rollers monthly Htatomont tho total outHtiuidhiR imtlonal Imnlt oiroiilntiou Hopt lflt wiwl 81ll 177 RfwtT than ono yonr ngo Tho idon of bovcotliiiR Iho 1nrlH ox pHHition noxt your bocmiBO of tho iiifntn our vonllot in tho DroyftiH cuho 1h gain Iiir nlnriniiiR ourronoy in nil conntrioR iintl it in poHHiblo thnt if tho outniRO in not oorroctod tho pntronnRo from out Hido conntrioH will bo very hiiiiiU indtod ThlH 1h bill n doHorvliiR punlHhmiint ni n untion ho torrnnt nH Ih ovidoncod by thlH verdict n not doflorviiiR of tho put roniiKo of jiiHtico loviiiR pooplo who do not divdro by any not of thtiirH to rJvo HiitOtiriiRoinont to huoIi trnvoHty of jtiHt leo Tho Unitod Stuns Rovor moot luiR now roiio ho fur with itu urinnRomontR to bo ropicHontcd thutitwillbo siblo for it to withdrnw ontiroly but it ih probiblo that tho individual put roiniRo will bovory much ntlcotod uiiIorr thnt which ovoryono ooiiHltlors n Rrcnl wronR ifl riRhtoii Slavery Qur Htlon Sn tlm Sultia lly tho hIriiIiik of the ticnty with tho Rtiltnn of tho KuhiH tho United Stilton hriiIii holds ho orulKiity over hIiuo ter ritory Ah long iih coiiRriRH does not nHsuiuo control of the IhIiiiuIh thin Ih presnmubly not In violation of the thir teenth amendment to tho coiiRtltutlon It lu howovor In vlolutlon of Amerl enn ideuH nnd the nation would not bo satlHllcd to rognril nlnvery nu u pormn ncnt flxluru oven In n Mohuiumodnn deppndenoy of thlH country Action looking townrd tho abolition of shivery In tho Solus wiih hnppily bcKiin bIiiiuI tnnoouHly with tho exteiiHlon of Ameri can BovorclKiity over tho lalnndB 5en ernl UntoH who negotiated tlio trenty riicountereil no trouble in getting tho Bultnu to ngrcc to un article giving nil laves the right to buy their own free dom LIh only Btlpulutlon being thnt tho price should be the tnnrkot value This is n fair beginning but It should be followed with all reasonable promptness by menBures which will wipe out the entire ByHtem At no distant date there should bo enforced u stipulation that no new slaves shall bo made through debt or otherwise and arrnngemcuts made by which the local government should purchnsc within a short term of years the freedom of such slaves us than re mained In bondage or somo other plan should bo devised by which those un ablo to purchase their liberty would be nble to acquire it Tho fugitive Blnve law that exists In all of those oriental countries should be speedily nulllfled and cruelty to slaves should at once be prohibited This was the plan adopted by Uic British government in dealing with tho same problem in the federated Malay stntoH nnd It worked very successfully resulting In tho complete abolition of the system In a comparatively short time With the pxerciso of proper judgment anil discretion the sume end may doubtless be speedily achieved In the Sulu Islands This Is important If true Tho scien tists have now practically n greed that tho mo culled kissing bug Is not the Plclpes melunolesthes ns has hereto fore been learnedly contended but the Comorllmus snngulsiigus Whatever its scientific name It has certainly been doing overtime iu tho uewspapers The Spanish court martial haB ac quitted Jeueral Toral of any blame lu the surrender of Santiago In fairness It could have done nothing short of this Ills conquerors long ago paid themselves the compliment of acquit ting him of all blame A word to the wise is huillcient Wise pooplo keep their blood pure with Hoods Sur8nparilla and make Bure of health Article of Incorporation Know all men by theso Presents That the undesigned have associated themselves togethor for tho purpose of forming and becoming n corporation under tho luws of Nebraska ami for that purpose have adopted nrtioles of in corporation The mime of said corporation is The Salter Coal and Grain company with its principal place of business nt Norfolk Nebraska The general nature of the business to be transacted is the purchase and selling of lumber grain coal and live stock the building owning buying selling leasing and operating elevators coal nnd lumber yards and tho doing of all things incident and necessary iu connec tion therewith aud the borrowing and lending money uecessary to the carry ing on of said business The amouut of tho capital stock is five thousaud dollars divided into shares of one huudred dollars each The time of the commencement of the business of the corporation is September 20th 189i aud to continue for tweuty five years The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation may at any ouetime subject itself shall be not to ex ceed two thirds of its capital stook The business of the corporation shall be conducted by a board of three di rectors who shall choose tho president vice president secretary and treasurer and may select the same person for any two of said ollices Sucii otlicors may or may not be stockholders Until their successors are elected aud quulified the following named persous towit G B Salter 0 B Halter and F G Salter shall coustitnte the board of directors G B Salteh O B Salter F G Saltek Incorporators THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 14 1899 AIIpii I A ti try ToiRKAi Hept 11 Prohltleiit Allon of tho Fntiiierd IVdcnitloii of tlio MIhh issippl Vulloy tecontly nrgnnied hero is angry ut Governor Stanley becnuho thnt nitlolul rifuwd t appoint liim ono of tho dolegatiH to tho Civic Pedenitiou congress ut Chicago lrehldont Allen who Ih a strong advocate of tntstH hui sent to Secretary Unsloy of tlio Civio Kedorution a copy of un open letter which ho nddriHied to tho governor The letlor advocates trusts Ho Niys This outcry against trusls does not como from tho farmers of tho Missis sippi Milloy who huvo begun to uppre ciuto trusts as a good thing and lmvo formed ono of their own for self protec tion WVhIoiu tlillhl Air toiiipiuiv Sioux Unv Sept 1 1 Tlio Wosteru Liquid Air company u branch of tho American company of Now York has been formed hero with KtOOOOO capital and l I j Kastoii and luiiies Doughty as tho incorporatois Tho corporation is under South Dakota laws It will control concessions mid franchises iu Iowa Nobrasku and Dakota lumen Kopi ronliillr Onawa la Sopt II At tho repre sentative Democratic convention of tho Fifty seventh district composed of Ida and Monona counties hold at Mnplo ton 15 F James of Ma county was nominated for representative nnd 1 M llutlmwuy Populist who bus boon a enndiduto for ronominution withdrew in tho interest of hurmony Ilojx to llu Tiled Tor a WipcIc llKATitici Nob Sept 11 Two boys Cruig nnd Wittowski were nrrnigned in justices court yestordny charged with attempting to wreck tho Rock Island train nenr Kills a few days ago by piling ties on tho truck They were bound over to tho district court in 300 each Two other boys suspected of complicity nro still at largo Iloulile Tuilfody nt St IunU St Louis Sept 11 William White CO yenrs of ago today shot uud fatnlly wounded Mrs Alice Bremser and then tried unsuccessfully to end his own lifo Jealousy was tho cause of tho tragedy To Plclit tho IteeT Tint St Louis Sopt 1 i A muss meeting of retail butchers of St Louis was culled lust night by the Retail Butchers Co Operative association to organize a systematic fight on tho beef trust The Louie Lived Ulephniit According to Aristotle Button and Cuvler tho elephant mny live for two centuries After his victory over Po ms Alexander consecrated to the sun an elephant thnt had fought for the Indian monarch nnd gnve it the name of AJax Then having attached an in scription he set It nt liberty Tho nul inal wus found 150 yenrs later making Its ago easily somewhere between three uud four centuries A Lucky Cram The Princess of Wales possesses a cross which is supposed to always bring good luck to its owner It was formerly tho property of tho king of Denmnrk having been discovered yenrs ngo in the grave of tho beautiful Qnoen Daguiar Besides its superstitious interest it is u fine work of nrt and was given by tho king to the princess on her mar riugo day Ciitnrih Cannot bo Cured witli local npplicatious as they cannot reach tho sent of tho disense Cntnrrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to euro it you must take inter nal remedies Halls Catarrh Cure iB taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure is not a quack medeciue It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription It is composed of the best tonics known combined with the best blood purifiers acting directly on tho mucous surfaces The perfect combination of the two ingre dients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh Send for testimonials free P J Cheney Co Props Toledo O Sold by druggists price 75c Halls Family Pills are tho best To Madison and return on September 11 12 HI 14 and 15 GO cents Return good on or before September 10 To Omaha and return 2 90 via Union Pacific September 12 111 and 14 return good five days from date of salo P W Junemn Agent Notice to Co n true tor Sealed proposals for the erectiou of a frame residence will bo received by the undersigned uutil tho hour of 8 p m on the 28rd day of September 1899 All bids must bo in strict accordance with the plaus and specifications pre pared by J O Stitt architect at whose office plans may be seen and with whom bids are to be filed Separate bids are to be filed for paint ing plumbing and heating The party to whom the contract is awarded will be required to give factory bond for the faithful perform ance of the contract It is the intention to award the con tract to the lowest responsible bidder but the right to reject any or all bids is reserved Sol G Mayek Dated September 111 1899 Itrtuk tlrulu O after you have concluded that you ought not to drink coffee It is not a medicine but doctors order it because it is healthful invigorating and appetizing It is made from pure graius and has that rich seal brown color and tastes like the finest grades of coffee aud costs about 4 as much Children like it aud thrive ou it because it is a genuine food drinb containing nothing but nourish- inont ARk yonr grocer for Grnin O tho now food drink 15 nnd 25 cents K K A 11 V It It Kxoiinlon Unten In Lincoln fnrHtato 1 A It Itniinlon Excursion tickotR will bo sold on Sop tomber II to 10 incliiRlvo to Lincoln at ono faro fclM for tho round trip good to return until September 18th II O Matkau Agont Iln That Any lool Would Win Should bo provided with good health nnd ovoryono who would hnvo good health should remember thnt puro rich blood is tho first requisite Hoods Sursnpnrilln by giving good blood and good health has holpod ninny n mnu to success besides giving Btrongth nnd courage to thousands ot women who boloro taking it could not oven seo any good in lifo to win To Sioux City and return during tho week Septombor II to 18 inclusive tick ets will bo sold by tho O St P M A O for 2 ir good returning on or boforo tho lgth F W JuNKMAn Agent Itoul Kmnio InuiHtem The following transfers of real estate are roportod by Ohoster A Fuller man agor of tho Madison county abstract olllco at Norfolk I suae Bridgomun administrator to J G Troutmnu wdu 41 feot lots 7 nnd 8 block 4 Mnthowsons 2nd addition Norfolk f iVvTi 00 Ollio M Bauch and husband to Nauoy Jano Young wd ne4 block 8 P M Fritz addition Madison Norfolk 0 00 F K M V it It Cheup excursion rates to Omaha oil Septombor 12 ll aud 11 Good return ing five days from date of sale 210 for the round trip H C Matkau Agent Notice Notice iB hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 14th day of April 1811 and duly filed in tho olllco of the county clerk of Madison county Nebraska on the 15th day of April 1809 and executed by Sophia jwignt to n H Patterson ana assigned to E A Bullock to secure the payment of tho sum of 7545 and upon which thero is now due the sum of 0705 do- fault having boen made in tho payment of said sum therefore I will sell the property therein described namely oue Mehlnnd piano at public anction at tho music studio of Ludwig Koenig stein in the Koenigstein block in the city of Norfolk Madison county Ne braska on tho 2rd day of September 1S99 at 2 oclock p m of said dny Dnted September 2d 1819 E A Bullock Assignee Tonight If your liver is out of order causing Biliousness Sick Headache Heart burn or Constipation take a dose of Hoods Pills On retiring and tomorrow your di gestive organs will be regulated and you will be bright active and ready for any kind of work This has been tho experience of others it will bo yours HOODS PILLS are aold by all medicine dealers 25 cts Norfolk Myrtle Hive No 30 Ladies of the Maccabees of the World Moots ovory flret nnd third Tuesdajs of onch month ut 2 o clock in tlio afternoon Visiting members are cordial invited Mrs Ida Chirk Lady Commnnder Mrs Katie Iiieh Hecord Kooper Mrs Ella RoBiuhaum Finance Keeper NOTICE Goods mentioned below are for sale at the right kind of a price Jewelry Watches Silver Novelties and everything in the Music Line Second hand SI 500 and Organs up Latest Sheet Music Leave or ders for repairing and voicing organs Pianos Tuned and action reflated by U M Henderson and all work guaranteed by C S Hayes at the old stand HAYFS JEWELRY and Music House Nebraska OjqHqJM9JoM9M19MuH9m11M91oiS 1 V iff v zMiBll11 yV SJC The price is only one of many reasons why these shoes are famous All styles from the Si light dainty dress crea tion to the substantial shoe for the street or out ing Price 3 Denver Salt Lake n 1 AJfc im w OO Oxfords 250 It - Every Woman Who Walks will find a peculiar pleasure in rvi crw UALITY Shoes To walk in shoes that arc beautiful and sty lish and perfectly com fortable is a gratifying experience PICT0 The Only Direct Route The Fastest Route ttP m in ra z 8 ra O We have just received our Fall Line of School Shoes FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Which is larger and more complete than ever If you want School Shoes that will give good wear at a reasonable price call on SPENCER OVELMAN NORFOLK NEBRASKA We also do First Class Repairing A LUIKABT Pemidest OHAS S BBIDGK Vice Pbibident MODERN WALKING BOOT W H JOHNSON Cashier V B tBBAASCH Asst Cashier The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Buy anil sell exchange on thin country and all parts of Europe Farm Loans Director Ahuus W H Johnson Ciiab S Bridob C W Hbaabch C M Bwakk O A Luikabt T F Mkuuinoeb L Sessions The Popular Route - t FOR ALL WESTERN POINTS - - - nJm Ua n r n r San Francisco Portland The Best Equipped Route The Safest Route For Time Tables Folders Illustrated Books Pamphlets descriptive of the territory traversed call ou F W JUNEMAN Agent A - m m Ml A