The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 14, 1899, Image 1

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V Of
The Norfolk Weekly News
British Call on the Boers For
I Immediate Answer
ilrut 111 Itnlli llrfilllim lu llli Silcr
iilnly III All Ioi in Il csldrnl
Willi OrmiKn Kino State It
cIhIiiii Im inliimlj Awiillnl ill Intm In
PiuvrcmiA Sept 14 President Km
Kuriiudtliu exeeutivo eouneil met liuru
to consider the reply to bo nmdu to the
British hecrotury of stnto for tlio colo
nics Mr Ohiunberliiin They lire btill
conferring by telegraph with the Or
unge Free State The decision is unx
ioubly awaited by the crowds outside
the exeeutivo building
The message is not an ultimatum in
the generally accepted sense of the
word It expresses the hope that Presi
dent Krugcr will accept the propositions
to relieve the present tension
The ouly part which is at all aggres
sive is the reiterated declination of the
British to discuss the matter of suzer
ainty in any shape or form
It is believed that the Orange Freo
lotuto volksraad will be summoned to
consider the matter
PitEToniA Sept 14 A communica
tion has been received from the im
perial government stating that though
nnxious for a speedy reply to the Brit
ish note the imperial authorities do not
desire to tie the Trunsvaal authorities
down to 48 hours The reply will
probably come before the volksraad to
day The decision will undoubtedly bo
influenced by the notion of the Orango
Preo State which President Krugcr
has consulted in regard to his reply
The government is still willing to at
tend the joint commission originally
The Transvaal war office denies any
knowledgo of the reported offer of 10
000 Irish Americans to fight against
Oreat Britain
The report us to a time limit of 48
Lours arose from the fact that tho Brit
ish diplomatic agent at Pretoria Con
yngluun Greene in presenting Mr
Chamberlains dispatch expressed a
hope that a reply would bo given by tho
Transvaal government by Thursday
The Capo Times and the Capo Argus
both consider tho British note generous
and conciliatory and all the other or
gans assume that tho Transvaal will
comply with the demands
British View of ClnuuhcrliUu Mlmlre
London Sept 14 The Times re
gards Mr Chamberlains dispatch as
clear resolute and earnest without
being peremptory without being neces
sarily an ultimatum but a prelude to
an ultimatum should the Transvaal re
ply bo unfavorable This fairly rep
resents the views of the Loudon papers
Tho Chronicle which is pro Kruger in
its sympathies urges tho Boer govern
ment to accept the British govern
ments demands which threaten no ul
terior damage to tho Transvaal
Ileal 111 iT the IiIhoiht at ItomiPH la
lahl Salisluuliiry
Renxes Sept 1 Captain Dreyfus
continues in good spirits and his health
is fairly satisfactory although the stom
ach trouble still clings to him Mine
Dreyfus visited her husband todtiy and
came away looking cheerful She
spent about an hour with him M
Laboris assistant sees him twice a day
Most of his waking hours are passed in
reading correspondence and Paris liter
ary reviews He is under tho same
discipline as prior to the trial and is al
lowed oxerciso daily in tho prison yard
A canvass screen is now hung across
tho courtyard to prevent him being
seen from tho windows of houses adja
cent and to prevent photographers get
ting snap shots of him
A guard of 40 soldiers is posted in tho
prison yard beneath his window and a
sentry with loaded riflo and fixed bayo
net is stationed on tho wall overlooking
the second courtyard where ho takes
his exercise
Another KlllliiK In Kentucky
London Ivy Sept 14 Clay county
has had another killing outside of tho
two feuds James and Cam Lewis bo
gau shooting into old mau Shells house
on Spring creek wheroupon Shell shot
James Lewis 11 times with a Win
chester killing him Cam Lewis mude
his escape The officials of Clay county
have refused to assist thoso of Laurel
county in tho safe delivery ot the two
Griflliis in jail here
Knrioiv Kiaiu From an Awful Death
Canton O Sept 14 Luther Day
ton of ex Secretary of State Day had a
narrow escapo from death while limit
ing Ho stepped upon a marshy pieco
of ground und was drawn into a quag
mire He sank to his shoulders and
was only rescued uftcr threo hours
work by his brother and a farmer who
came to his assistance
Jmter III
Mexico Mo Sept 14 Sheriff Mel
sou said yesterday that it was his opin
ion that if Alexander Jesters trial for
the murder of John M Gates brother
was postponed many mouths it would
never bo held at ull Jester has been
beriously ill for several days
Dice tiuuie Knilt In Muriler
St Louis Sept 14 rOharles It Giil
eon the son of a wealthy lawyer of
Springfield Mo was shot and instantly
killed in a Chestnut street saloon by
Duke Killiau a man with an unsavory
record The shooting resultod from a
quarrel over a dice game
One Tliniiftnml In Alleiiiliiuee ill llin An
mini Itriiiilnii ul Wiihtm
Waiioo Neb Sept 1 1 Swedish
Lutherans of live states Nebraska
Kansas Iowa Illinois ami Minnesota
are holding their annual reunion and
festival ut this place with an attend
ance of nearly 1000 Some of the best
known Swedish American teachers and
ministers in the country are present
Superintendent of Schools Nelson of
Kansas delivered an address on The
Part Played by Swedish Americans in
tho Development of Our Country Dr
Carlson of the University of Minnesota
delivered an oration on Swedish-American
character Tho musical features
form an important lmrt of the program
Dr Olson president of Augustina col
lego of Hock Island Ills spoko last
Seciinil ItcBlniciit nml A Onnlry Are In
pictcil hy ioturniir Ioynlnr
Lincoln Sept 14 Tho exercises at
Camp Stotsenburg were varied yester
day by a review of the Second regiment
and Troop A Nebraska National Guard
by the irovernor Tho review took the
place of the regular parade
The third day of tho Grand Army re
union opened with a large increase in
attendance There were fully 15000
people on the grounds Tho program
was slightly changed there being two
meetings as usual but with only ouo
speaker at each
VetrriiiiH Diiioiiiu e lire Inn Vcnllct
Lincoln Sept 14 At tho Nebraska
Grand Army reunion yesterday Chap
lain P O Johnson introduced a resolu
tion which was unanimously adopted
as follows As a convention of sol
diers who have fought in tho wars and
undertaken in the interests ot ti com
mon humanity having for their object
tho redress of wrongs perpetrated on
the weak and defenseless wo desire to
express our ubhorrenco of a verdict as in
tho case of Captain Dreyfus that con
demns an innocent man to ignominy
shame and pain and thut bespeaks the
spirit of a bigoted past rather thou that
of an triilightened present
Wnter Jloocl a mine
Eoone la Sept 14 A mile west of
tho Des Moines river at Crowe Mar
shalls mine at Incline a vein of wator
burst through tho entninco of tho mine
and filled it up in a short space of a few
hours The extent of tho damage is
not yet ascertained It may be a mouth
before the mine can be drained and
work resumed
Venezuela Colli t ConellllllllE
Washington Sept 14 Information
reaching hero is that the British -Venezuela
court of arbitration now sitting at
Paris will conclude its work and render
ii final deeisiuu about the first of the
coming mouth
Prof von Storek the laryngologist is
dead in Vienna
A Berlin paper says tho czar and Em
peror William will meet in a few days
at Potsdam
Senntor Hannas health is said at
Cleveland to preclude much activity in
politics this fall
Tho remains oi Hon James B Eus
tis former ambassador to France were
laid to rest in Cavo Hill Ky Wednes
day beside his wife
News received from Tripoli indicates
that there is no foundation lor the re
port of tho annihilation of the Foreau
Lamy mission in the Sahara desert
Judge William C Taleott was mar
ried at Valparaiso Intl Wednesday to
Mrs Alice M Boardinan Judge Tal
eott is 89 years of ago and his brido 74
Tho Laurel county Ky coal mines
wero shut down Wednesday by a striko
of 1200 miners The miners and oper
ators are apart on the question of wages
The socret service has discovered a
now counterfeit 2 silver certificate It
is of tho series of 1890 check letter
O Bruce secretary Roberts treas
The steamer Charles Nelson arrived
nt Seattle Wednesday from St Michaol
Alaska with about r00000 in gold and
200 passengers from Dawson and Cape
Dr H H Harry health officer in
chargo at Mississippi City reports ono
now case of yellow fever at that place
Tho old patients are nearly all well
No now cases have dovoloped at Jack
Mrs John Barber and her two sons
wero murdered by unknown robbers in
a crossroads store near San Antonio
Tux They were killed with a hatchet
their heads having been smashed to a
Tho Madrid government has dis
patched threo regiments to Vicaya
whero tho declaration of martial law
has caused great excitement Tho gov
ernment will prosecute the separatist
William H Sutton formerly of Chi
cago died in Forty Milo district Alaska
Fob 1 last leaving an estate valued at
f00000 Four Mrs Suttons each
claiming to bo his widow are endeavor
ing to secure the estate Threo of them
reside in Chicago
Mrs Beatrice Markalana ond her
daughter Angeliua aged 10 wore
burned to death and Joseph Markalana
the husband badly injured at their
homo iu Cleveland Wednosday as a re
sult of an attempt by the girl to start a
firo with coal oil
Tho alleged wild man that has beon
seen in tho woods near North Balti
more O during tho summer has been
captured by a largo posso of citizens
who had tho follow bound as if he were
a wild beast Tho fellow is very badly
demented but gives his name as Tim
othy Hurley of Chicago
Mr and Mrs Dubs of Torre Haute
parents of Eugeno Dobs celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary Wed
nesday with all of their six children
11 grund children and ouo great grand
child presout There was a family sup
per at which Eugene Debs upoka feel
ingly on behalf of the children
uviM 1 111 nv fnni i r
tuft uvhjiM hi al
Conference on Combines Opens
In Chicago
I ha II llntr nt I htm i pnlnleil At
lilliltlie 0iiillnu Sculiill I lolli In
thn IiiiiIiiiiIii ii Slum Ij Tetiill
Kill 4 lleliKlllri
Cine oo Sept 1 Tho Civic Feder
ation conference on the uses and
abuses of trusts and combinations be
gan hero yesterday with less than half
the delegates appointed by the various
states in attendance
New York headed by W Hourko
Cookrun and Wisconsin weio most
numerously represented Tho meeting
took place iu Central Music hall unit
was called to order hy Franklin II
Head president of the Civio Federa
tion With tho progress of tho speak
ing it became evident that many of tho
delegations had come with linn convic
tions for or against trade combinations
The speech of Mr Wootou of Toxas
during the afternoon hammering
trusts iu a merciless manner arousod
tho wildest enthusiasm in tho ranks of
tho labor delegates iu tho western dis
tricts while the easterners smiled and
kept their arms folded Ho asserted
that the commercial and industrial bon
dage being rapidly imposed upon tho toil
and talents or 70000000 American citi
zens by tho syndicated wealth of u few
great corporate monopolies is moro diro
and dangerous than tho slavery which
bowed the heads and burdened tho
backs of 4000000 southern black men
The attempt to round tho uomowhat
shapeless mass of delegates into work
ing form resulted in considerable dis
order Suggestions for tho makeup of
a committee to map out a program for
tho conference came from every part of
the house with such rapidity that it was
with difficulty that tho temporary chair
man extracted the basis for resolutions
which were finally adopted This was
not accomplished until W Bourko
Cookran and August Guns a dologato
representing tho Knights of Labor had
become tho center of u scene which pro
voked uurostrained laughter Tho hoad
of the New York contingent in an en
deavor to bring a littlo order out of
chaos arose while Mr Gans in a very
loud tone was declaring that his dele
gation was of more importance than
that of any state When tho Now
Yorker began speaking the labor dele
gate fished from a hip pocket a pair of
opera glasses and at short range con
templated the speaker commenting
jtusiMially in such a waythat tho mer
riment attained a volume which
drowned tho voico of the eastern ora
tor It was filially decided that tho
Civic Federation through its head Mr
Gans should conduct the days meet
ing ami that a committee ou program
be appointed consisting ot ono man
fiom each state delegation and one
from each organization national iu its
John W Hayes of the Knights of
Labor created something of a sensation
by declaring that ho did not intend to
bo classed with tho Now Jersey delega
tion oven if ho did vote in that cradle
of trusts Tho non attendance of
many delegates was not unexpected
and Secretary Easloy announced that
probably 100 of tho tardy ones including
Governor Pingrco would bo present to
The first tasto of the real business
confronting tho delegates came iu tho
papers dolivered by Professor J W
Jenks and Professor Henry Carter
AdaniB both under tho caption Prob
lems Beforo tho Conference
llrMin talk to Volunteer
Lincoln Sept 1 1 William J Bryan
arrived home from tho Pacific coist
yesterday and spoko last night at the
banquet tendered to the membors of the
First Nebraska regiment Colonel
Bryan said ho expected to start for Chi
cago today to attend tho trust confer
enco His stay will bo short as ho is
booked for a weok of campaigning in
Nebraska towns beginning next Mon
day Governor Poynter will probably
accompany him to Chicago
Ie Mnineit DUtrlit Conference
Demson la Sept 11 The first ses
siou of the Des Moines district confer
ence was hold yesterday Bishop J W
Joyce presided in placo of Bishop Mc
Cube who is absent ou account of sick
ness Tho conferenco promises to lie
full of interest as ministerial and lay
delegates to tho general conference are
to bo elected It is conceded that Gov
ernor Shaw will head tho list of lay
dologates About 50 clergymen are
Vuluuliln lllt In Iiibiiiiie
DunuoUK opt 1 1 Thoro was a big
surprise sprung on tho mayor and alder
men of Dubuque yesterday when Frank
D Stout camo up and handed over a
paper which donates to tho city the
ground knowu as Nutwood park which
comprises aliout 72 ucres The lowost
valuation is at fSOO per acre
nnnj5 Ilull 1 tlllift llffmo llin Murrl
lilt t Mluiit III b inn III It I en
New YmtK Sep II most ini
pot lant and interesting witness il ves
tenlays session was 1nlonel Frank II
Plat I son of Senator Thomas O Piatt
Mr Piatt was called as a witness foi
the pin pose of throwing additional light
on Ihil Ituuiapo Water company Z An
a mailer ol fact he did not give much
iiifoi minimi regauling ho water coin
pany which hoped to secure u 00000
000 cntilinct from tho city of Now York
Questioned hy Mr Hoffman who rep
resettled the Doinocntlni minority Mr
Piatt declined to answer regarding thn
amount of stock which ho held iu the
City Tuist company ntid when pressed
for an explanation said It is none of
your business
Silas H Diitohnr president of the
Humiipit Water company was also
questioned but he did not give details
regarding that organization
Alm Clmnue lu Iiiim
Drs MoiMsSept II The Iowa As
sociation of Liquor Dealers in session
hete lesohed to petition the legislature
tor changes in the liquor law which
will allow communities to veto by
seciet ballot ou the question of consent
for saloons At present a petition is
requii cd which it is said many people
daie tint sign though thoy would vote
by secret ballot for saloons It is also
asked that saloons bo allowed o lemaiu
open Liter than ID oclock and that the
present holiday closing lestrietions bu
Itiililloi Den Moines loin In
Ors Moims Sept 14 The Womans
Christian Temperance union began a
series of raids upon resorts where liquor
is sold illegally They descended upon
tlu Equitahlu Turkish bath rooms and
with a couple of officers searched tho
place finding and taking U bottles of
whisky beer and wino Tho women
say thoy are going to raid every place
iu town selling liquor contrary to law
and will do everything possible to close
them up
Mitlny lull In Fourth Itiiiinil
Sioux City Sept 14 A four night
fistic carnival under tho management
of Tommy White ojieneil in the Grand
Opera house last night Tho big event
of tho evening was a 15 round go be
tween Mysterious George Kerwin
and Pat Mnloy of Chicago Maloy was
clearly outclassed and although ho
fought gamely was forced to quit in
tho fourth round
Star Pointer has been returned to
Cleveland where his injured leg will bo
cared for
jGonoral Otis lias cabled tho war de
paitmoiit for oOOOOOO rounds of ammu
nition for tho army rifle
Admiral Howell will probably suc
ceed Admiral Farquhar as commandant
of the Norfolk navy yard
A crowd of whites near Columbia
S C fired into a negro church Fire
was returned Two casualties
Tho British Association for the Ad
vancement of Science Wednesday
granted 1000 toward an Antuiotio ex
Hev C 13 Miller editorof the Oliris
tam World ut Dayton was elected chan
cellor of Heidelberg university ut Tiffin
Union lathers at Chicago wero locked
out Tuesday by the bosses As a re
sult tho work ou many buildings is at
a standstill
Tho army commissary department
will ship 1000 tons of supplies to Porto
Hico whether or not contributions
reach that amount
Merritt Hoblit formerly of Atlanta
Ills now of Monterey Mux has licen
appointed professor ol Spanish in Drake
university Des Moines
Indignation ovr Mm outconio of the
Dreyfus trial lias caused a party of over
700 Chicagoans who wero going to the
fair iu a body to abandon their trip
Tho Missouri Kansas and Texas Hail
way company through President II C
Rouse has subscribed 5000 to tho
capital stock of the St Louis Worlds
Judging from tho preliminary move
ments being made in different places iu
Texas tho state will boycott the Pans
exposition as a result of tho Dieyfus
Charles E Suedes a grain merchant
of Harlem N D committed suicide tin
a Chicago Milwaukeo and St Paul
train ut Glenviow Ills Wednesday by
Too Chenowith of Franklin Intl a
believer in laith euro refused to give
his sick child any medicine Tho child
died and tho grand jury has returned
ttu indictment charging both father and
mother with murder
M B Carroll said to havo embez
zled u largo amount of money from tho
United States Express companys office
at Joliet was found dead iu Jiiokhon
park Chicago Wednesday night Iu
ono of his pockets was found a pathetic
note to his wifo announcing his inten
tion of committing suicide
It is likoly that 500 Frondi families
will settle near Clay City Ills within
the next six months Arrangements to
that ond havo been practically closed
and a miniature Franco iu America
with its silk wine and pertunio indus
try will soon m the curious spectacle
which thut thriving section will
Absolutely Pure
Makes the food more delicious ond wholesome
oovu wino powoo ro w j
f 0
Have You Any Trouble with Your Eyes
DO your eyes fool tired ufler reading a 3
g short timci1 E5
DO you have a pain in the forehead over 3
the oyest 3
DO your eyes begin to water after look- 3
g ing at lino print a short time 3
DOES tho print soon run together so
r that it is not clearly distinguish- 1
g able i 3
DO you have to hold your reading mat- 3
r ter farther off than usual 3
CAN you not see clearly at a distance V 3
g The jihove are only n few of Mm symptoms which
g ur a sure sin ihal lho Myos Noocl Assistance Tho 2
g only cure flint will help is lho correct adjustment of 3
properly ground glasses Anyone who is troubled
5 with Hendncho or Poor Eyesight should not fail to S
g call on J K W MAIIQUAHDT who is qualified to 5
5 adjust tho proper glasses thai will give you relief 3
It costs you nothing lo have your eyes tested The 3
g Most Scientifically Arranged Optical Room in tho 3
State and all tho necessary instruments to test the
eyes in a scientific manner Eyos Tostod in the
Evoning as well as in daytime No charge for test-
r ing and good advice free
irculuato of the Philadelphia Optical College
- T Br
We have Now Ready
An Assortment of the Klegant New things in
Also nice line of Childrens and Misses Caps
j ft
Tried Them
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Braasch Avenue
and Third St
W 0 Halls Barber Shop
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wink
First door West of Post Offlce
Jeweler and Optician
Kino wiitcli roimirliiR All crrcirn if refrao
lion properly rorroctcxl
Mrs H HHull
will arm
Facial Trttlaent Hiniearing and ShaipM
Will f lidlr eU at jronr hornet and do tojr of thl
work Order Uku for fin hair iwlteh
Prfct match fuarantMd Betldenea oa Pint
tteti Junction Ordart may b Uft at tha
Junction DrocBtora Twlaphortw 9