I SB l -S in Y I iSJK X m i f k f fife1 tk II M Vi Ljli M m I 1 I I 1 I - 5 lJsvr 9 ft Word to Doctors We have tho highest regard for tho medical profession Our jiiepnrntions irc not sold for tlic purposoof antagon izing them but i at iter n an aid Wo lay it down ns un established truth that internal remedies are positively injuri ous to expectant mothers The distress and discomforts expoiionecd during tho mouths ptcceding ehililbiith enn be al leviated only by external treatment by applying a linimuut that softens and re laxes the over strained muscles We make and sell such a liniment com bining the ingredients in a manner hitherto unknown and call it Mothers Friend Wo know that in thousands of cases it has proved inoie than a blessing to expectant mothcis It oveicomes morn ing sickness It lellevcs tho sense of tightness Headaches cease and dan ger from Swollen Haid and Rising Breasts is avoided Labor itself is bhortoneil and shorn of most of tho pain We know that many doctors recom mend it and we know Hint multitudes of women go to tho drug stores and buy it because they are sure their physicians liavo no objections Wo ask n trinl just a fair test There is no possible ehuuee of iujuiv being the result be cause Mothers Friend is scientific ally compounded It is sold at i a bot tle and should be used during most of the period of gestation although great Tclief is expet ienccd if used only a short time before childbirth Send for our il lustrated book about Mothers Friend THE HKADIIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA OA TREES AND PLANTS kffiWlK of Hot Varieties nl llitri Tlmcn Price Hnuill fruit in liirk o Miiitply Millions of Htrnwliorr plant very thrifty mill well rooted Out Hie hkht near homo mill hiiyo friliMit or miros rVnil for nrlcu IIbI to Norlh Bend Nurseries North Ilend Dodge County Neb Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains tJUICK SERVICE CLOSE CONNECTIONS TWO DAILY FAST TltAINS 11KTWKKN KAClt WAY OMAHA AND Atchison Kansas City and St Louis With direct connections to all South crn and Eastern points Unexcellwl tinin uml accommodiitione tO tlltl Famous Hot Sorines of Arkansas BE SURE TO SECURE TICKETS VIA THIS LINE for mom completo Information deecriptle pamphlets etc address J 0 lMIIliliUlI W C HARNES AH PnmlPA T P A Southeast Cor Hth auil Douglas Sin OMAHA NKHHASKA HUMPHREYS WITCH HAZEL OIL Piles or Hemorrhoids C Fissures Fistulas Burns Scnlds I I Wounds Bruises Cuts Sores Boils Tumors Jf Eczema Eruptions Salt Rheum Tetters EChnpped Hands Fever Blisters Sore Lips Nostrils Corns Bunions S Stings Bites of Insects Three Sizes 25c 50c and 100 Jtoldby drugglits or sent post paldon receipt of acBriittribsituio 111 lunmuabt Frazer Axle Grease ITHEOLDHEI smOUDUSC lu K Lfc H ZZrii rrT trM CiitSj 3WW m ns EVERYWHEg TWICE A ftNY THY TL Not affected by Heat or Cold Highest Awards at Centennial Paris and Worlds Fair tUmrhrUired f Frazer Lubricator Co ftdoriet Chctego SL Louli New Yott The Norfolk Ncuas Tho only time when some pooplo over hit anybody is when thoy nro firing at random It is currently reported that tho Ken tucky campaign will bo oponod with iv corkscrew loo Whoelor has reached tho Philip pines Aggy Fighting loo will got yoit if yon dont look out Tho St 1rttil Dispatch dellnes an op timist us n man who confidently expects to get back u loaned umbrella Kansas City has offered WMIOO for tho democratic national oonvention Isnt that more than tho show is worth V Wherever itis assailed it will be carried to triumphant peace Thus spoko MoKinloy of old glory and tho American patriot says Anion 1 loro is continuity of purpose Win 1 Hryau in ISIIJ freo trade specialist Win 1 Hrynn in IMHI frco coinage specialist Wm 1 Hrynn in HKMl anti trust specialist Prosperity Iiiih not only scattered its blessings far and wido over our own country but over Kuropoas well Trav elers returning from tho continent say that building ingoing on at a lively rato in Paris Herlin and other great cities and the people are employed and happy Ooni Paul is so decidedly in favor of poaco that ho is preparing for war just liko tho tho big follows who mot through thoir representatives at tho Hague a short time itfjo The truth is that all of thoin liko peaco ho well that thoy are willing to tight for it at tho drop of tho hat Tho blue glass crazo which swopt over tho country a score of years ago seems likoly to bo duplicated by a rod glass fad which now prevails in Kuropo It is clnimed for tho rod glass as it was for tho blue that it has great olUeacy in curing disease Mr Hrynn says voters nro intlueneod by their stomachs When ho runs up against tho abundant wheat crop of tho northwest and tho immense corn crop of Nobraska Kansas and Iowa and tho overflowing dinner pails of tho wot king men who are everywhere boing em ployed at higher wages ho will Hud that ho has spoken tho truth Tho full Btomnch of tho American people is what bodes disaster to Bryauism Tho souvenir edition of tho Madison Star issued last Thursday in commem oration of tho return of company P First Nebraska is a vory creditable production for a country printing office Filled with half tone cuts of soldiers of company F as well as promi nent citizens of Madison and other portious of tho county printed on flno paper and its columns dovoted to tho soldiers and other matters af interest it tho timo it makes an edition well worth preserving Tho impending cloud on tho horizon of locnl republican politics is ono which should ho dissipated even if tho party has to adopt tho latest theory of the way to destroy the effect of a cyclone in its incipieucy by shooting into it To Norfolk has been conceded by the rest of tho county tho right to name tho can didate tor sheriff and this sho will bo glad to do providod such n selection can bo made among ourselves but the pres ent indications nro that that will bo a vory difficult matter Tho troublo seems to bo that wo have not only ono candidate but two who are likoly to come before tho county convention and in tho present status of affairs Norfolk is likely to bo wrangling over which shall bo tho choico while tho rest of the county gets disgusted and throws tho nomination to some one elso It scoiub iuovitnblo that n continuation of the presout fight will not only lose the nom ination to both tho Norfolk aspirants but it will seriously handicap tho whole ticket when it conies boforo tho peoplo at tho election There ought to bo some way that this matter could bo amicably adjusted between thoperbons themselves but if thoro is nouo then members of the party should take i hand in the matter and in some fair way settle the right of one or the other to claim the Norfolk delegation as a wholo Wheu it goes into the county convention the delegation from this precinct should go as a unit asking for tho nomination of oue candidate and demanding that hobo placed ou tho ticket This can only be accomplished thaough harmony in our owu ranks and every republican who hopes to see his ticket elected this fall should work to that end If tho candi dates caunot settle their differences bo tweeu themselves we would suggest that they convene a meetiug of repre sentative republicans to talk it over and let them in eoiiio manner decide who shall bo the Norfolk candidate for sher iff Or let them submit the wholo mat ter to the republican votors at a pri imiry election held for that purpose with tho understanding that the result shall act as instructions to the dele gates to the county convention Nor folk should certniuly present only one name to the convention if we expect the nomination - j K - - SAIDTOBE INSANE tolli rnuili llnjinrr Hrlurn tlm iitinlii liiK Hoiiril till Afternoon Fiom TiiKMluyd Dnllv oorgo W Hoynmr who has benn serving as pollcoman at tho lunction was examined before tho boartl of in sanity at Madison this afternoon to de termine whothor ho is n lit subjoct for troatniont ut tho hospital Yesterday his son Howard went to tho county seat and mado complaint ngninst tho old gentleman alleging that ho believed him to bo insane and that ho had threat ened to kill cortain nionibcrs of tho fam ily for which reason the son wantod his father taken into custody Accordingly Sheriff Losoy camo up yesterday after noon and took Heymor to Madison last evening Tho neighbors scout tho idea thnt Mr Hoymer is crazy Thoy say that it has been known throughout tho Junction for soino timo that tho family was hav ing troublo and thoy attribute the whole complaint against him as duo to family dilllculties Fred Hollingsworth went to Madison this morning to testify in behalf of Mr Hoymer at tho examination this after noon Itoittl Nntlru to luml Owners To All Whom it May Concern Tho commissioner appointed to voiw and locato a road commencing at tho northeast corner of tho southeast quarter of tho southeast quartor of sec tion IK in township 22 north rnuge 1 west in Madison county Nobraska and tho northwest corner of tho southwest quarter of tho southwest quarter of sec tion il in township 22 north rango 1 east in Stanton county Nobraska run ning thonco south on county lino about 80 rods to tlio township lino between townships 21 and 22 thonco west on said township lino in said Madison county ono milo to connect with a pub lic highway loading to tho city of Madi son already established and recorded has reported in favor of tho establish ment thereof and his report having been ondorsed and concurred in by a liko commissioner from Stanton county all objections thoroto or claims for dam ages must bo tiled -in tho county clerks oillco on or before noon of tho 12th day of September A 13 189 or said road will bo established without reference thoroto G HniLMAN County Clerk The man with the hoe is busy these days threshing big crops of grain and preparing to gather a bigger oue of corn Artlolc oT incorporation of Tho Pacific Hotel Company of Nor- folk Nobraska Know all Men by Theo Presouts That wo H H Patterson E A Bul lock Daniel J Koenigstoiu E H Tracy and Burt Mapes do associato ourselves togothor for tho purpose of forming and becoming a corporation m tho stato of Nobraska for tho transaction of tho busi ness hereinafter described 1st Tho name of tho corporation shall bo Tho Pacific Hotel company of Norfolk Nebraska 2nd Tho principal place of transact ing its business shnll bo in the city of Norfolk county ot Madison stato of Ne braska lrd Tho nature of tho business to bo transacted by said corporation shall bo tho leasing purchasing operating sell ing and renting of hotels and hotel properties in tho city of Norfolk and olsowhoro and transacting such other business as naturally belongs to the own ing and operating of hotols 4th Tho authorized capitnl stock of said corporation shall bo twenty live thousand dollars 500000 in shares of ten dollors f 1000 oaoh to bo sub scribed and paid as directed by tho board of directors oth This corporation shall commence doing business on tho 8th day of August 1891 and torminato on the 8th day of August 1019 Oth Tho highest amount of indebt edness to which said corporation shnll at any time subject itself shall not bo more than live thousand dollars V 00000 7th Tho olllcers of said corporation shall be a president secretary nud treas urer who shall bo chosen by tho board of directors and shall hold their olllces for ouo year 8th Tho business of tho corporation shall bo conducted by a board of direc tors not to exceed three in number to bo olocted by tho stockholders such elec tion to tnko place at such timo and to bo conducted in such manner ivs shall bo prescribed by the by laws of said cor poration Oth The first board of directors shnll consist of tho following persons E A Bullock H II Pnttorsou ami Burt Mapes 10th Tho manner of holdiug tho meetings of tho stockholders election of otlicers uud method of conducting tho busiuess Bhall bo as prescribed in tho by laws to bo adopted by tho board of di rectors In witness whereof the undersigned have hereunto set their hands this 7th day of August A D 1899 II II Pattkuson E A Bullock DaniklJ KOEMUnTEIN E H Tuacv Bukt Mapes Tii State ok Nkwiaska County of Madison f ss On this 7th day of August 1890 bo foro mo W II Bucholz a notary pub lic in aud for said county porsonallv appeared the above namod E A Bul lock II H Patterson Daniel J Koenig stein E H Tracy and Burt Mapes who are personally known to mo to be the identical persons whoso mimes are affixed to tho above articles as members thereof and they severally acknowledg ed enid instrument to Iw their voluutury act and deed Wituess mvhand this 7th day of Aug ust A D 1699 W II Bucuolz seal Notary Public My commission expires February 8190 1 WJ - THE NORFOLK N15WS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 7 1890 Tim Wcitrrn SIrcra Omaha seems to be the objective point of all western pleasure seekers this year and the season there is now t its hsighth Coupled with the amusement attractions la another of almost as much drawing power Hay den Bros the Hrg Store Widely ad vertised ai tho greatest of the Trans MleaUalppl stores it lives up to its name and carries incredible assort ments of goods In over forty different lines Visitors make the Ulg Store their headquarters meet their friends chock their bundles free and write their letters there A postal card ad dreBsod Haydon llros Omaha will bring you prices on any goods you wunt The queen regent of Spain recently inherited a large fortune from a bach elor Alexander Solar and Ihib given fGOO000 of It to charities You Never Miss the Water Till the Well Runs Dry We never tetdiee the value of health tmtU U is gone When old time strength and vigor Are tuxntlng purify the blood by iafdng Hoods SAtapAriSt soon re stored appetite perfect digestion steady nerves and even temper tuitl prove itiis bringing back the glow of perfect health ZfwCtCS SaUapi MA Co Onmhii 1 W N U No 801801 Miss Helen Gould will be present at the ceremonies at Three Oaks Mich vrhon the Spanish cannon captured by Admiral Dewoy are presented to tho town Ar Ton UiIiir Allnns Foot EnieT It is tho only cure for Swollen Smarting Burning Sweating Feet Corns and Dunlons Ask for Allens Foot Bnse a powdor to bo shaken into the shoes At all Druggists and Shoe Stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad dress Alien 8 Olmsted Leltoy N Y Carroll D Wright says Ten thousand people starve to death each year In Greater New York while nearly 400000 a day passes over the saloon bars of that city for liquor Fanltleia Starch It rapidly smuiecliug the old style atnroh ei It haves fnbor naves money and makes collum und cuffs look like now All grouen ell It large package 10c When a wise man wantB to advertise anything in a neighborhood ho con fides It as a secret to his wife Klri Windows Hootlilnj Syrup For children teething Kuftena tbs Kums reducri tir Oaminatlon alltji pain Buret wind colic 33c a bottla Every woman has an holds her age well idea that she Cut rcntna on All Itiillwuys P II Ilillhln Ticket Broker 1505 Farnam Omaha Sardou like Balzac keeps a store of notebooks and scrapbooks for use in his work 1 IS buys new upright piano Schmol ler Mueller 1318 Farnam St Omaha Colonel Charles E Jones the Geor gia hlstorlnn has compiled a list of the surviving Confederate generals which shows that out of the original nineteen lieutenant generals seven survive of the eighty one major generals sixteen are living and of 3GG brigadier gener als ninety two survive The living lieutenant generals are James Long street Alexander P Stewart Stephen D Lee Simon B Bucknar Wade Hampton John B Gordon and Joseph Wheeler When In 1861 Governor Klrkwood of Iowa appointed Senator Allison colonel In the volunteer service and set him to raise four regiments the lat ter received most assistance from a big Scotch American college lad who offered his services in any capacity This man brought a company of his college friends and did other good work in enlisting recruits He was David B Henderson next speaker of the house Since their supply of tobacco was cut down the convicts In tho Iowa state penitentiary hnve been sullen and hard to manage and some 300 of them have refused to work Chicago physicians Interviewed on the subject say the ac tion of the prison authorities was un wise that tobacco in moderate quan tity does no harm and its quieting ef fects make prisoners as well as sol diersas Is recognized In the armies of the world more amenable to disci pline and less disposed to mischief A North Georgia candidate says We want the office because wo think we deserve it and we deserved It be cause we have lived here ten years and have never had anything except the opportunity of running for It Senator Hannas rheumatism accord ing to letters from Europe has cent ered ln his knee cap and it Is feared that sesamoldltls may set in and per manently stiffen the leg Gus Ruhlln Jack Stelzener Charley Goff and Paddy Purtoll have besn matched to fight at Chicago during the week of September 25 When a woman happens to hit upon a good argument she talks on an other which kills it John K Cowen the new president of the Baltimore Ohio Railroad com pany was graduated from Princeton at the head of his class in 186G He taught school for a time and then turned his attention to law Mr Cow ens connection with the Baltimore Ohio was due to the late Robert Gar rett one of his predecessors in the presidency of the road and a class mate at Princeton A postofflce has been established at Barnum Johnson county Wyoming and Thomas Freeguard appointed post master SPECIAL SUNDAY WORK SnrvliMH tinder AttAplrea of tho Voiiiik Menn Chrldtlnii Amoclntloii No work among tho churches this summer hns attracted moro nttoutiou throughout tho stnto than that con ducted in ninny towns under tho nus pices of tho stato committee of tho Young Mons Christian association In all towns whoro such Sundays havo boon hold the churches havo united nud all services during tho day havo boon di rected toward a greater iutorost in tho work for young mon Next Sunday will bo such n day in Norfolk Somo of tho strongest men in tho stato will bo present among whom are Goo F Bidwoll gonoral manager of tho F E it M V 11 II General Secretary Willis of Omaha Marcus Wolf of Council Bluffs J S Mooro gonoral secretary of Y M O A in stato univorsity and others who are interested All should attend tho first meeting on Saturday evening of this week ad dressed by somo of tho above persons Other moro definite arraugoments will follow later Cheap Union South On tho first and third Tuesdays of each month up to aud including Octo ber tho Southern Railway offers to homoscekers nnd settlers tho advantages of cheap one way and round trip tickets to practically all points in Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Georgia North Carolina South Caroliun Virginia and Florida Homcsoekers tickets will bo sold nt the rato of ono faro plus 2 for tho round trip tickets good 21 days from date of salo in which to return Tho southeastern territory offers to tho prospector and settler moro advant ages than nny other part of tho United States and the Southern Railway has arranged for tho salo of tickets ou tho dates mentioned above at low enough rates to enable any one to go South and investigate the opportunities offered in that territory For illustrated matter rates and fur ther particulars address Wm H Tayloh A G P A Louisville Ky J C Beam In N W P A SO Adams St Chicago Ills A It Kxcurxlon to Philadelphia Penn Tho Illinois Central Railroad company will as usual take care of the GAR boys members of the WRC and Sons of Veteranswho will attend the Na tional GA R Encampment to be hold at Philadelphia Sept -1 to 9 1899 This will also bo an excellent opportunity to visit friends in tho east aud to accom modate all three separate rates have been mado all of which are fully ex plained on tho Centrals GAR Flyer a copy of whioh can bo had by addressing tho undersigned at Dubuque Iown Tickets will bo sold for any trains Sopt 12 and I good to return until Sopt 12 with tho usunl extension to Sopt I0 by dopositiug ticket with the Joint Agent nt Philadelphia Write nt oncoforlC GA R Flyor T F Meiiky A G P A 111 Cent R R Dubuque Iown Alfciid CollrgeThlM Venr Never in tho history of our country was thoro a grander opportunity than tho present for educated young men and womon What nu auspicious moment for those who are just now on tho threshold of life Grand Island Business and Normal college hns for fourteen years been tho lending institution of its kind in tho wobtorn suites and lust year more than twice ns many calls were received for its graduates as could be supplied Everything necessary for a successful start in life is taught business normnl and shorthand courses Expem cs low Board only lf0 per weok Ouo years tiinu given on tuition if desired Col lego record sent freo or for six couts will send elegant cntaloeuo A M Hakeos President Grand Island Neb MFN AND WOMEN skin has been ns clear as glas ever since I cured my self at home after tho doctors had failed completely It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors to cure Contagious Blood Poison for the disease is be Kidney troublo preys up outhe mind discourages aud lessons ambition beauty vigor and cheer fuluoss soon disnppenr wheu tho kidneys nro out of order or diseased For pleasing results use Dr Kilmers Swnuip Root tho great kidney remedy At druggists Samplo bottle freo also pamphlet Address Dr Kil mer Co Biughamton N Y Til DTI C Hit l8 fast eaiuiue ln lUnlLL UIL popularity and be coming a housohold necessity There is no medicine that will so quickly relievo pain It is nn antiseptic destroys mi crobes and disease breeding genus Yon cannot nfford to bo without it 25c and COc at druggists Guaranteed by J D Cosgrove Prop Oakdale Neb mm PARKERS HAIR BALSAM Clcaniei and bcautlDei the hair rromoiei a luxuriant frrowth Never falls to Ileatoro Gray uair 10 lis louiaiui iioior Curei icalp diiratea htlr faUioe fOcandtUOat DrurgUU BIBBBBBBBIBflBBBflnSMnBMBSSlBEKSBSBBiMna ALWAYS USE it j COCOA PURE HEALTHFUL HOME CURE Falsa H II 1 1 1 II iMii Beware of the Doctors Patchwork You Can Cure Yourself at Home There is not the slightest doubt that the doctors do more harm than good in treating Contagious Blood Poison many victims of 4his loathsome disease would be much better off to day if they had never allowed them selves to be dosed on mercury and potash the only remedies which the doctors ever give for blood poison The doctors are wholly unnble to get rid of this vile poison and only nttempt to heal up the outward appearance of tho disease the soros and eruptions This they do by driving the poison into the system and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash and mercury The mouth and throat and other delicate parts then break out into sores and the fight is continued indefinitely the drugs doing thesystem moro dnmngo than the disease itself Mr it Ij Myers too Mulberry at Newark N 1 says hundred dollars with the doctors when I realized that they could do me no good I had large spots all ovr r my bcdyand these soon broke out into running soros nnd I endured all tho suffering which this vile disease pro duces I decided to try S S S as n lust resort and was soon greatly improved I followed closely your Direc tions for Self Treatment and the Inrge splotches on my chest began to grow paler and smaller and before long disappeared entirely J was soon cured perfectly and my I had spent a teM yond their skill Swifts Specific S S- S FOR THE BLOOD acts in nn entirely different way from potash and mercury it forces the poison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely Hence it cures the disease while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever constantly undermining tho constitution Our system of private home treat ment places a cure within the reach of all We give all necessary medical ad vice freo of charge and save the patient the embarrassment of publicity Write for full information to Swift Specific Co Atlanta Ga FALIj TRHiU Opens Monday morning Sept 3 Work for Hoard Wo furnish all students with places to work fot bonrd Vnu on ntWm this colleKe for half tho nmnev reuulred to go b Uowhere bend us 25 name and addresses of young poopl interested In business education and cet our Collide Weekly one year fro- Our m mtnluir freo o any one nuuicas VUIUIUIII 11IIOV Omulm INub J H C TRUMAN WALL PAPER From ioc a Double Roll up Window Shades1 Room Mouldings Paints Oils Glass1 MN4tist Brushes Etc Etc Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at fair Prices t A All i