f V N - - FL0H5HEIMSk WENS SHe0 x ilium - ifllllJll Davenport Bros Dealers in 1 Fine Shoes Norfolk - Nebraska NORFOLK LODGE NO 97 A 0 U W Moots In Odd Follows Hall on tho Bret nnil third Fridays of encli month broth ers cordially Invitod to atteud nil our iiiooHuks W K HotTmnn Financier L HnrKvlt Ro eordor C U lolau Unstor Workman SIMPSONS CORNER OHlco Hardys Coal Olllce Good storage room Two good rooms np3tairs one large Bale room down stairs for rent Money to loan on real estate Come and see mo when you want in surance J E SIMPSON ANNOUNCEMENT Mr LuilwiK KopinKi toiii italics to iiiiiiouiice Unit hit full I fnn opens mm Hit t vttrin of liiichiiiK it twjcil upon tlio laws of relaxation The object which Iiiih iiIuiiu heon lut in vw if how to iiuhhMhu pupil to Krnii in thu fiihi tbt compruhoiihiblo way thu innt h of fncth ruliH etc which imiko up tlio iiuxlerii mt of piano plnjiiiK For purtictiliiib apply at hit- studio in the Koenilein block H BeaUtifJl Dining Room Fitted up with some of our rich and handsome suites of now designs in fur niture is an aid to appetite and diges tion We have tho finest stock of all kinds to select from and to suit all tastes and purses for country city or sub urban homes When you are around this way come iu and inspect our stock W R HOFFMAN For first class mer chant tailoring see My Tailor where you will have suits well made and trimmed which is the main part of mer chant tailoring when they are made to order Call on My Tailor and have prices quoted Tho Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 101 Minimum temperature 05 Average 82 Precipitation Total precipitation for month Barometer 2S CO Forecnst for Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Friday preceded by thowers south portion this afternoon Cooler tonight THURSDAY TIDINGS Tho other twin girl baby of Ernest Maas died last night TUe Elkhoru train from the east was an hour find a half late laht evening Twenty four ticketa for Omalia were old at the city depot ot the F E II V this morning The Sugar City Cereal mills nre adding new machinory and making quite extensive improvements to that already very complete plant It is announced that Herman Sied Bchlngaud Miss Emma Peters will bo married at Christ Lutheran church next Sunday MIbb Dawson who was injured while bathing at Tafts grove on Monday is gottiug along nicely and tlioinillcatiuis now nro that she will suffer no serious results from lnr mishap A week from next Sunday Christ Lu theran church wiUlmvo a niihsionfest at this place which will be attended not only by tho members of the church but by those from smrounding churches as well Tlio ordpr has been changed rogardlng the transportation of company L to Lin coln on Saturday and according to tho present plan tho company will leave over tho Elkhom probably at 105 Saturday morning Christ Clangor a baker was givon n berth in tho cooler last night to recover ftom a case of too much beer and this morning his honor assessed him the usual amount of dough for such cases made and provided Tho heat of last night provontod a largo audience from witnessing tho pro duction of Ktiht Lynno at tho Marquardt hull last ovoning Tho Hrownridgo As Collins company however gavo n vory good production of that worn out senti mentally sloshy pieco T Dougherty a switchman in tho yards of tho V E As M V mot with an accident at tho Cioighton depot yes terday which will lay him up a conplo of days As ho was passing from tho platform into a car tho apron gave way and lot him fall between tho car and tho platform Although the distauco to tho ground was only about five feet he was considerably bruised up about tho legs So many now pupils camo into tho eighth grado of tho schools yesterday and today that at a meeting of the board of education this morning it was do cided that justice could not bo dono all by continuing tho combined form that has prevailed since tho schools opened and Miss Gayhart was elected to teach tho second eighth grado in tho High school while Miss Mary Bryan was elected to fill tho vacancy thus made in tho Washington school George W Beyinor is not insane Tlio oxaminiug board says so and that body had ample opportunity to find out having consumed two days in hearing evidence in tho caso Tho trial con sumed all of yesterday closing about oclock last evening when the board promptly rendered a verdict that there wore no Grounds for holding tho accused and he was discharged Mr Boynier came homo last night and this morn ing again donning his uniform went back to his beat as policemun iu tho Fourth ward just as though thoro had been no unpleasant incident in his life Before the afternoon was over yester day the thermometer crawled one notch higher than tho figure shown at 1 J0 making tho highest temperature 101 de grees above zero Last eyeniug the promised cool wave came along but tho atmosphere was so thoroughly heated that it took a good while to get it tem pered down By morning however the mercury receded to 05 There were indications of ruin all nicht but none fell until about oclock this morn ing since which time it has been show ering all day making tho atmosphere more comfortable and life again worth living Fdlix Hales editor of the Tilden Citizen was in the city yesterday after noon arranging for the reception to be held in his town today When it was found that Hon W M Kobertsou could not be present to make tho address May or Sim phou was prevailed upon to the place The reception is tendered to 1 1 returned soldiers who enlisted from that town Not all of them were with the Fighting Firet n portion being in the Second and Third Nebraska Tho festivities of tho day will consist of speeches a free dinner and an afternoon of sports Mr Hales said a big crowd would bo present as all that section of tho country was expected to turn out Farm and city loans Tub Duhlavp Trust Oo DrFrank Salter Diseases of children Box can suit you on coffee Fresh oysters at John Freythalers If you want to buy or trade como and see us G R Seiler Co QUI 0 in Must block A full line of Heinz celebrated pickles and preserves at Boxs The long lino of cars on Salters sid ing contain fresh mined bright hard coal direct from tho mines As many moro cars expected today Customers will please get their bins ready orders respectfully solicited All coal thoroughly screened G B Salter Son If you want to sell or trade your property list it with G R Seiler As Co Fifty thousand dollars eastern monoy to loan on good farms G R Seiler As Co Telephone No 134 will call up J S Morrow who will come over and re pair your well or he will put down a now one Lawn mowers sharpened Good work guaranteed Buy all your groceries of Box and get the best Two heads are better than one If the one you have is dull and heavy you need Hoods Sarsaparilla It will give you prompt relief SuiderB catsups at Boxs THE NORFOLK NEWS TIITUSIUY SKPTHMHKU 7 180 1Y JOT Mil m u ill I Candidates for Sheriff Reach an Understanding GARDNER AND 0LEMENTS AGREE lllili tint rTiill lte1iKiitiM to tlio Itc publican Count Cciinont Ion With In lorntjioilliiK that they Dnttii initio WIuiko Nnnio Sbnlt bo lriKOiitiil Messrs J 1 Clements and S L Gardner both aspirants for the nomina tion as sheriff of Madison county at the hands of tho republican party have finally reached an agreement which it is hoped will sottlo amicably what was feared would bo a serious rupture in tho republican ranks Both parlies realize that to go to the county convention with a split delegation meant tho probable defeat of both for tlio nomination or iu the event that either wore nominated the antagonisms made while trying to secure favorable delegates would react at the election and make tho stucess of tho nominee very doubtful Looking nt it in this light it became very essential that an agreement bo reached and that it bo dono before tho Third ward caucus last ovoning llenco yesterday after noon the two gentlemen camo together and again wont over tho situation tho result of that conference being a stipulation which recites that an agree ment has been reached in the interest of harmony and for tho purposo of insur ing success in tho republican party Under tho agreement which is made subject to the ratification of tho repub lican caucuses each of tho two candi dates is to bo nllowed to select one half of the delegates accredited to Norfolk and after till tho delegates have boon elected thoy will bo invited to moet in caucus and ballot upon who shall be tho Norfolk candidate for sheriff nnd that when either of tho candidates shall ro coivo 20 of tho 10 voteB which Norfolk will have in tho county convention thou it is the desire of theso candidates that the one receiving the 20 votes shall havo tho unanimous support of tho ontiro delegation Tlio agreement also states that of the delegates already elected the five in the First ward shall be ac credited to Clemments and tho three in the Fourth ward to ranlner Tho other two wards are divided on tho basis of giving Gardner four iu the Sec ond ward and five in the Third Clem ments threo in the Second wnrd nnd four in tho Third It is figured that tho outsido precinct will break even al though both agree not to try to influ ence tho selection of delegates in that caucus The Third ward caucus ratified this agreement between tho two candidates at tho meeting last night and the same proposition will be submitted to tho Second wnrd caucus which convones to morrow evening If the agreomont is endorsed by that caucus then a mooting of all tho delegates will bo held at tho city hall Saturday evening to decide who shall be the candidate There is no specification as to what shall bo dono in caso the delegates fail to agreo upon a choice but as there is no desire on the part of either candidate to go into tho convention with only half his homo del egation it is presumed some way will bo providod out of tho difficulty in case tho arrangement does solve the difficulty as contemplated Third Ward Catirufl The caucus of Third ward republicans at tho city hall last evening wns fairly well attended The meeting was called to order by Committeeman Burt Mapes and the caucus was organized by the election of Mr Mapes as chairman and W N Huso as secretary Motion prevailed that tho name of J S McClary be forwarded to tho coun ty jndgo with tho recommendation that ho be selected as ono of tho judges of the general election iu November and the uamo of W H Lowe for ono of tho clerks Upon motion it was decided that the primnry election to select judges to tho couuty convention bo hold at tho office of Salter As Son from 12 to 7 this afternoon and that G B Salter be se lected as judge of such election and Clarence Salter as clerk Previous to the selection of candidates for delegates to the county convention a statement was made through a repre sentative by Messrs Clements aud Gardner aspirants for nomination as sheriff that they had come to an agree ment between thomselves and asked that the caucus ratify tho mime by allow ing Clements to select four of the dele gates from the Third ward to the coun ty convention and Gardner five After some discussion motion to that effect prevailed and the two candidates re tired and made up the list as follows W N Huso M O Hazon Burt Mapes M O Walker J B Barnes K A Bul lock W II Bucholz G M Thompson J S McClary On motion the persons named were declared the nominees of tho caucus for delegates to the oounty convention Delegates to the precinct convention yet to be called were selected as follows P F Sprecher J R Hays W II Dox ter G B Salter Geo Davenport A J Johnson J B Muylard Jack Koenig stein M R Morris Tho delegates present at tho county convention were instructed by motion to cast tho entire vote of the ward and it wns ordeietl that nopioiesbe rocog nlmd It was moved that in the cutcus con templated under the ugicenuint between Mchsih CleiuentH and Gardner to de termine which shall be the Noifolk can didate for shoiiff any delegato unable to attend shall bu authouried to -elect a representative to cist his vote Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr 1 Verges lesideiico and tilllet V wirn Two laundry glils lvnnr lloiri Fresh ovMers at tlisKinanus PERSONAL Miss Knuiui Sehuofor of Picice was a city visitor yesterday Millard ireeu is homo from a bust ness rip to Fremont George Davis has returmd from a visit to Omaha and Mlair Miss Maggie ONeill of Battle Cteek was a city visitor yesterday Mrs A B Lane went to Oakdalo this morning to spend the day John uick is in Omaha today visit ing fiieuds and taking iu the exposition Mrs 1 G Westorvolt went to Tilden yesterday to spend several Mocks on the farm Mr Hergor the Madison cigar manu facturer wns in tho city on business yesterday Mrs L Council went to Omaha todav to visit her brother Postmaster Crow and to spend n fowdaysat the exposition Mrs F II Teal is expected from Omaha this evening aud Mill be the guest of Mrs 1 B Barnes for a fow days Jack Ivoenigstoin a nephew of John Koenigstoin arrived lust evening from his homo in Louisvillo Ky font short visit Mrs Charles Bargolt of Lead City is in toMn enrouto home from Omalia and will visit several days with tho family off S Hayes Mr and Mrs S L Miller went to Tilden tins morning to atteud tho re ception which is boing given there today to the returned soldiers Miss llulduNonow has returned from a visit at West Point accompanied by her friend Mits Mapgio Meyer who will spend a week or ton days hero James better knoMii as Grandpa Powell of Wiiruerville who bus been spending the siiinmor in Chicago will arrive home on tho ovoning train today W II Mirris loft yostorday for CaldMoll Ohio his old homo taking with him his uophow Verne Morris who has been making an extended visit in this country Mrs Fred Keller has resumed her old position of bookkeeper at the sugar fac tori is n place she has filled with the greatest satisfaction during several campaigns past II C Chappell camo in from a suc cessful trip through tho west in the interest of tho Sugar City Cereal mills and has now gone on tho sauiu kind of a mission to Iowa W G Tallman who has beon in charge of the Singer Manufacturing companys oflico at this place Mont to Grand Island today whoro he goes into the companys office at that place Mrs J K Hutchesou and children are homo from Canada whoro they have been spending tho summer Where thoy Moro it was very dry not enough rain falling in beven weeks to lay tho dust Charles R Hays camo up from Mis souri Valley last evening and will remnin visiting his parents for about ten days after which ho will return toMt Voruon Iowa to resume his studies at Cornell college A congenial party consisting of Mr and Mrs H L Snyder Mr nnd Mrs J C Stitt Dr and Mrs Holden Misses Kmily Holt Anna Seymour and Helen Muylard aud Ray Seymour Ment to Omaha today to take iu the exposition Leo Pasewalk returned to tho city at 1040 this morning Ho says ho has been to Wisconsin but his friends seem to think inasmuch as he left by tho Elkhoru and returned ovor tho St Paul road that ho only went as far as Wisner and drove into tho couutry Mhorehe spent his vacation iu a hay field driving across aud taking the train at Winsido this morning Sturgeon is the piano man Houses for sale T E Odiorkb K K A- 11 V It It Kxciirnlon ItiiteM to Lincoln forHtutu a A It Iteiiiilun Exonrsion ticketa will bo sold on Sep tember t to 10 inclusive to Lincoln at one faro i5 for tho round trip good to return until Soptomber 18th II O Matrau Agent Saturday livening Meeting Tho first of the series of meetings to to be held next Sunday iu the interests of young men will be held Satnrdny evening at the Congregational church Our pooplo should plan to attend nil these moetiugs nnd bIiom their interest in and appreciation of the efforts of the state commit too of the Youug Mens Christian association in bringing to us tho atrougest meu in the state to work viz General Manager Bidwell Secre tary Willis of Omaha and others n SCHOOL BEGINS MONDAY SEPT 4 on Mill llnd a complete lino of School SuppllcM consisting of Tablets Slates Pencils Etc GEO B CMRISTOPHS Druggist Yon Get the Largest Tablet or 5c at Cliristophs naraBOBaanBncs A MILLION PEOPLE NEVER HEARD OF US Hul you have Von Know our liMlo way ol saving you money on till puivliasos Wo havo just ro om veil it liifj line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods FOR THE FALL TRADE And havo Mm Newest and Most Desirahlo Stylos in all Uie late novelties If you dont need tho koods now come and see them You will need themsoon VM IIAVH WHAT YOU WANT THE DRY GOODS PLACE F A HUSTON Robertson Blk Norfolk Neb Norfolk N A IIAINIIOIjT Iriwiilont ALKXANDKH 1IKAK Vlrn IrxHldniiL W II IIUCHOI HHliinr C W UlV AhkihtiuilCiiHliiitr National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 V 1 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exchange Interest Bald on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point InJCiiropo General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIEBCTOE8 A BKAH F I HANION K J HAIili W 11 HUOHOIJt WM ZDTZ NA KAINHOIr JOHN H HAYS K VKKOEH BH COTTON S FUESLER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand C W BRAASCH DEALER IN COALl Exclusive aent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal tue best in the market Scranton Hard Coal In all hlzes TELEPHONE Ol THE FIRST QUESTION In the School Year or the Student to Solve If your father buys bia nails at tho html ware store your mother buys her sugnr at the Krocery store where wonld bo the place to buy Tablets Pens Pencils Lnnoh Boxes SJaten Pencil Boxes and nil School Supplies All who know hold up their hands mmamm Correct you are The place is at Utters Bookstore ii FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS SEE The Norfolk Buildin and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary