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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1899)
PHHr M aw Erf w Hi1 - - r i7 4f The Norfolk Weeexy News KAISER HOLDS THE KEY Fate of Captain Dreyfus Rests With Emperor William HUMBERT WILL FOLLOW HIS LEAD If Silnvwi tylinpiirn In Allowed to llve TvMlinnnjr AcUlttnl Ji lleilltteil Otherwise Ciiiivlettnn Ih Certain I11 borl unit luminal CI111I1 Hknnis Sept 7 Tlio salvation of Captain Dreyfus hangs on n word from Kinpcror William It is the genimil opinion horo if the kaiser consuntH to allow Colonol Sohwurtzkoppen tho German military uttacho in Paris in 1814 to testify before tho court mar tial or send a deposition or what is considered still more probable to allow his deposition to bo accompanied by tho actual documents mentioned in the bordereau then Dreyfus is saved If the emperor however decides that it is not in tho interests of Germany for Colonel Soli war tzkoppen to intervene then Dreyfus enso is hopeless and his condemnation certain Tho eyes of Prance aro looking across the frontier to Stuttgart where tho kaiser is stay ing Ho is in tho position of the spec tators in a gladiatorial combat in tho coliseum in ancient Rome with Drey fus lying at tho foot of his antagonist and watching whothcr tho emperor points his thumb up or down Ho has not yet given a sign either way and Frenchmen aro waiting with breathless interest tho first indication of his will To all interests and purposes Emperor William stands todny tho arbiter of tho internal poaco of Franco for every who anticipates that King Humbert will follow his lead This is probably tho explanation of tho delay Yesterdays public proceedings woro marked by threo important episodes Tho ilrst was General Zurliudens ad mission that tho erasure and restitution of Estorlmzys name in tho potifr bleu could not havo been perpetrated by Col onol Picquart and consequently must be attributed to some one inside the general stuff Tho second was the declaration by M Paleloguo that tho secret dossier contained a document which showed that Colonel Schwartz koppen admitted his rolations with Estcrhazy and that Schwartzkoppon in tho opinion of Paleloguo sent to Estor hajiy the identical petit bleu for which Colonel Picquart was detained 10 mouths on a charge of forgery The third was General Billots broad insinu ation that Esterhazy and Gupttiu Drey fus wero accomplices which led to an impassioned protest on tho part of the accused Tho great event of the sitting was the battle royal between Labori and Jouaust over certain questions which tho advo cate wished to put to General Billot M Labori lost control of himself under the influence of his deep feeling of in dignation and his belief that Colonol lmiiiltLf ntic 1 1 1 linmi f il i iTiKfirimr lutti nuuuuil l ua utiimiuiiij fifHH in tho interest of tho military cliquo His voice which at first resounded through the court room became choked with emotion Tho spectators held their breath as ho retorted defiantly to Colonel Jouausts rofusul to put the questions his words drowning Touausts voice in an irresistiblo torrent whose force was heightened by his passionate gestures Ilttln Hope from iernmny Bkkmv Sept 7 The Lokal Anzoi gcr publishes an iuterviow with Colonel Schwartzkoppon which is believed to define Germanys policy toward the Dreyfus affair When asked whether ho would go to Rennes Colonel Schwartzkoppon curtly replied No I do not think the emperor will permit me to make a statement Have we not already adopted a lino of conduct in tho matter We havo done so twice First our ambassador to Franco declared that ve had nothing to do with the affair Then Count Von Buelow German min ister of foreign affairs continued that statement plainly and distinctly in tho reichstag 1lot to Overthrow Jremli floverniiient London Sept 7 Tho Paris corre spondent of The Daily Chronicle re ferring to tho report which tho publio prosecutor will submit to tho senate sitting as a high court to try tho persons charged with trying to bring about a change in tho form of government says The report will inoludo written ovi donco of collusion between tho anti Semites and royalists A letter from the Duke of Orleans to Andre Bulfot has been seized proving that tho pretonder has been subsidizing and fomenting tho later agitation with a view of provok ing tho government to cull out tho troops ami thus produce a revolutionary outbreak Cheyenne FlrehiiK Caught Cheyenne Sept 7 Joseph W ONeill secretary of tho Durunt Firo company was arrested by Chief of Po lico Proctor charged with iucendiarism ONeill confessed to setting tiro to tho Couroy property on tho night of Sept 4 and to tho Phillips house about a mouth ago Ho says he was under the infiuenco of liquor when ho committed the crimes and had no particular mo tive llnmleru YlklL Gomez Havana Sopt 7 Goneral Quintou Bandera visited General Gomez yester day and tho latter advocated a policy of union and concord Ho said ho had j given many thrusts with his maohetto but now ho wished to give as many embraces Ho advised Bandera to in augurate in the eastern provinces u policy of conciliation SEVEN DIE IN A WRECK Ft right tlrrnht IiiThii mill Section Oriifilt Together In a Tunnel Williamson W V Sept 7 Freight No Jl on the Norfolk and Western road broke in two and the sections emtio to gether in Dingoss tunnel Tho killed are Kuanic H AitciiKit hrikonmu Kcnosa CiiAiiiKs Booth brakeman Way no John OiiMMX llrcumu Dingoss The bodies of four t ruin ps wore also found in the wreck Superintendent V A Kit on and Trainmaster Walter Halo were almost usphyxiated The wrecking train was slow in ar riving and tho wreck took lire By id light those able crawled out ami fell ex hausted at the tunnels entrance Through freight 11 was running in two sections at full speed when it parted and ran together again near the middlo of tho tunnel Twenty three cars woro completely wrecked Tho unknown men aro supposed from their clothing to havo been tramps FIFTY PASSENGERS HURT Hour Knit CollUlon on tho Ittiltlinnie ami Ohio at CounnlMvllle CoNNFiivniK Pa Sept 7 Proba bly 50 persons wero injured in a rear end collision on tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad last night at Connollsvillo sta tion Tho presence of mind of Engi neer John Haggerty saved tho lives of many No ono was fatally hurt Tho first section of train No f and an emigrant special of eight emigrant sleepers ran into the rear of tho Cum berland accommodation Both trains were westbound The crash was ter ritis Two coaches of tho accommoda tion were wrecked tho rear end of tho last one being crushed as though it had been an eggshell Setirv Claims Seven Viet Into Skattu Sept 7 Otto Thews of Primrose In who has arrived here from Copper River Alaska brings news confirming the reported deaths of seven members of tho scientific pros pecting company of New York Tho dead are Earhardt Miller Alderman Schutz Peter Siegel Butnorand Baum gartnor George Hooker another mem ber of the party got out alive but is badly crippled with scurvy which car ried away the majority of his compan ions JhomiiK Inrrls Shot at Mend Mead Nob Sept 7 Thomas Fnrris of Saunders county was shot yesterday by John Johnson about five miles north of Mead Tho men hud quarreled over tho appraiseniont of sotno kind and Johnson ordered Fnrris from his place Upon his refusing to leave tho premises Johnson fired both barrels of a shotgun loaded with No A shot at tho intruder Tho shot took effect in tho face and head Tho man is seriously if not dan gerously hurt rresiilent Now a Union Man Ciiicaoo Sept 7 President McKiu ley is now a trades union man IIo was yesterday elected a member of the Bricklayers and Stonemasons Interna tional union No 21 of Chicago Presi dent Gubbins of the union said yester day that since the chief executive was to lay tho cortierstono of tho now post oflice it was necessary that ho become u member of the union before ho is al lowed to handloii trowel in Cook count Third Cut In llati H Kansas City Sept 7 The Burling ton company scored again in its light with tho Memphis road over rates on packing house products from Omaha and Kansas City to tho southeast Tho Burlington gave notico of its third re duction of ii cents per 100 pounds from Omaha to tho southeast making a cut of 9 cents in n little over a week Tho Memphis company will meot tho cut today TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Tho British steamer ITatina M Boll is ashore near Key West William Jennings Bryan was given an enthusiastic reception at San Fran cisco Wednesday night J M Chapman of Gcprgiu Wednes day at Salt Lake lowered tho worlds record for a paced milo on an eight lap track to l 17 2 i Tho directors of tho Atchison Topoka and Santa Fo Railroad company havo declared tin annual payment of four per cent on tho adjustment bonds payable Nov 1 Robert Miller tho American charged with tho murder of H N Ward and two Japanese women was convicted and sentenced to bo executed at Yoko hama Sopt 1 Returns from the election hold in tho Creek nation indicnto that P Porter tho leader of tho progressive element has boon elected chiof of tho nation by a small majority Lako shipping men estimate tho loss caused by tho blockade of Lako Snpor ior navigation through tho sinking of tho vessols Houghton and Fritz in tho St Marys river will amount to over 11000000 Robinsons Opera house Cincinnati was struok by lightning Wednesday eveningbut the fire was put out with trifling loss Fortunately tho theatri cal season had not yet opened in that house as it had in ovory other theater in tho city Director Merriam of tho census bureau has selected Examiner John Garber to conduct examinations to bo hold at Omaha from Nov 14 to 22 Applicants to bo examined at Omaha will bo thoso designated for appointment from No braska and South Dakota American apples are in such great de mand in Germany this year that ship nients havo commenced ono month earl ier than usual Tho first consignment left ou tho steamship Lahn und was from tho Hudson river district Last year 22851 barrols were sent abroad This year it is expected tho shipments will reach 100000 barrel NORFOLK NEBRASKA TIURSDAY NKITKMIWR 7 1891 BORR REPLY IN LONDON Chamberlain Now Has Trans vaals Answer PROPOSALS ARE UNA00EPTAHLE Aree lit lnrt hef Cnnleienee ItiKill llllltf the rranclilie anil lteiifcntiitliin Ill limit hiii li iiieliil linni the llrll Mi Cahlnet Wiii ThIIi l Ilentllnl Iaindon Sept 7 Early this morning the colonial olllco began to receive tho reply of the Transvaal government di rect Mr Uhamberlan on being re quested to make u statement declined to do sountil after tho council tomorrow Tho colonial ofllco otllcials wero busy until after oclock this morning Dis patches have been passing by special messengers between the queen and Lord Salisbury for tho pnst few days There is a rumor that in the event of war Sir Evelyn Wood adjutant general to tho forces will have supremo command The Times advises the government to convoke parliament immediately if nec essary to vote the needed supplies add ing that a further loss of time may bo dangerous and humiliating Tho Standard referring to tho reply of tho Transvaal government to Mr Chamberlain says Tho dispatch is a posit ivo insult to tho British govern ment Clearly wo aro within measure able distance of an ultimatum The Times prints a long Cape Town dispatch from Mr Mouoypcuny its Johannesburg correspondent describing the steps vhioh led to his light Com menting on the general situation Mr Moneypenny remarks Further nego tiation and dalliance will only mako Great Britain ridiculous and be fatal The only way to avoid war and to set tle the affair is to demand disarmament and make a military demonstration to enforce it IJrjje KrilKii1 tiiCiiinc In Terms London Sept 7 The Capo Town correspondent of Tho Daily Mail says threo days ago Captain J II Ilofmoyer the Afrikander leader in Capo Colony telegraphed President Kruger warning him that unless he complied with cer tain specified conditions war would bo inevitable Mr Kruger replied prom ising compliance President Stein of tho Orange Free Stato is also urging President Kruger according to The Daily Mails correspondent to coino to terms with Great Britain To SafcKuiiril lnliiiiiiielini JoiiAvVEMiliui Sopt 7 At a meet ing of tho war commission held at tho fort today a eompleto sohomo was drafted it is said for protecting and provisioning the town in tho ovent of hostilities Commander Viljoon of the Transvaal forces says that martial law will bo proclaimed immediately ou tho receipt of an ultimatum from Great Britain and a tribunal litis been estab lished to assume the necessary func tions when the state of sicgo is pro claimed TnniHviinls Latent Iteplv PniroitlA Sept 7 The latest reply of the Transvaal republic to the British demands has been published In the reply regret is expressed that the pro posals of Great Britain aro unaccept able Tho Transvaal government ad mits Great Britains rights under tho convention and international law to protect its subjects but donies a claim of suzerainty The reply agrees to a further conference regarding tho fran chise ninl representation YELLOW JACK SPREADING Forty Chhi h anil live Dentin Konorteil at Key Went Fill Key West Sept 7 Dr Porter chief executive of tho stato board of health sent out tho following yellow fever dis patch There aro about 10 etises up to date and five deaths Tho disease is slowly spreading Tho hospital has been organized and the island is well patrolled by water Tort ugas will be used as a detention camp which will be opened in threo or four days There is no excitement sit Koy West GIkiiiiIIo Itailuay Combine PiTTSHumi Sept 7 The Post says There is a plan arranged to form a gigantic railway system which will create a trunk liue consolidation greater than any now in oxistonco in this country and it will ombraco tho Balti more and Ohio Pittsburg and Western Buffalo Rochester and Pittsburg Phila delphia and Reading West Virginia and Pittsburg and soveral smaller roads in as many states To Tent Ilirn 1oml Art 4 Lincoln Sept 7 Tho act creating a food commission is called in question uml will have to go to tho supremo court before tho auditor will issue hi warrant for tho payment of the salary of tho deputy mid clerk of tho commis sion The stato auditor today decided on tho courso of declining to issuo tho warrant on the vouchor of F B Hih bard deputy food commissioner for his salary Ilaluitu unit WjoiuIiik IIohiI to llulld CiiAimoN Neb Sept 7 Tho Da kotu and Wyoming railroad will re sumo work on its construction mid push it to final completion reaching from Rapid City to Fort Pierre Thirty miles of rails aro ou the ground und coi tracts already let Aeelleutiil Killing Brady Island Neb Sept 7 At hay camp south of town Joe Zebra wa shot and instantly kilted by the acci dental discharge of a shotgun in tho hands of T Stevens a fellow laborer MEET NEXT AT CHICAGO Kiimit on IViMlmm In Itetuineil With IholiiietlmiH IlMLAiirMiiiA Sept 7 -The real business of the Grand Army gathering began yesterday with the assembling of tlie national encampment in the Grand opera house The election of the next commander-in-chief is an Important question which will be decided by the delegates It is expected that tunnel William Johnson of Cincinnati the acting eommaiidcr inohiof will lm elected to till the unexpired term of two days This will render him ineli gible to candidacy for the full term anil he will be given the title of past com mander in chief The Ilrst business after recess wiis the selection for it place for the next en campment and Chicago was chosen by acclamation The debate over the pension report was gelling very warm in the encamp ment yesterday when tho whole matter was referred back to the committee A delegate from Kansas caused consid erable uproar by introducing a resolu tion that the encampment respectfully request the president to remove the pension commissioner at ouco This brought a score of veterans to their feet all of whom wanted to speak but amotion to recommit was adopted and quirk adjournment relieved the situa tion which was becoming embarrass ing Tite delegated are moving very slowly in the matter ami generally they do not desire anything to go through that in any way rellects upon President McKiuley LOWNDES RENOMINATED Maryland lteiiillieiuiH Niiine Stuteileliet by Arclanuillnii Baltimoiii Sopt 7 The Maryland Slato liipuhlicnu convention yesterday nominated the following state ticket Governor Lloyd Lowndes comptroller I j Goldsborough attorney general ex Cougressmmi John V L Findlay The nominations were all made by acclamation and tho convention was harmonious The platform declares for the gold standard favors such a sys tem of import duties its shall protect American industries and provide stilll cient revenue for the expenses of gov ernment economically administered and commends the records made by our country in the war with Spain The Philippine plank says While vi iiiiiujru nil uiMiii rrii mil in i iirs Philippines wherein by cession from Spain we acquired the right of sover eignty duty demands that wo retain and pacify them and safeguard tlo in terests of commerce until the problem of their final disposition bo solved in such mtinner t hitt the glory of our Hag bo not sullied As to trusts the platform says Io gitimate business fairly capitalized and justly managed have built up trade at home and abroad mid given employ ment to labor sis never before and enabled us to compete in the foreign markets of the world Such interess must not be struck down by legislation aimed at tho dishonest trusts which stille competition Wo aro opposed to legislation merely for popular effect in reckless disregard of business revival sifter prolonged depression We strongly favor laws to suppress trusts and all combinations which iBitto monopoly lraveliiiK Men to Attenil Ciiicaoo Sopt 7 Tho following list of delegates to tho trust conference has been sent in by the Iowa Stato Travel ing mens association F 15 Haley sec rotary and treasurer Dcs Moines T M Jangan chairman hoard of directors Des Moines TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD The legislative council of Victoria re jected the womans suffrage bill Hon W S Hitnna a prominent poli tician of Arkansas is dead aged 10 IIo was a cousin of Senator Miirk Hunna One side of tho business part of Hor tonville Wis was destroyes by firo Wednesday night Tho damage is nearly 100000 George Asquith junior counsel for Great Britain in the Venezuela bound ary proceedings at Paris concluded his argument Wednesday The contract for bringing the mem bers of tho Thirteenth Minnesota homo from Sail Francisco was awarded tov the Great Northern ami Northern Pa nlic roads at a rate of 50 per man Charles Y Wheeler president of the Firth Sterling Steel company of Pitts burg died in Now York Wednesday aged fill yeais Mr Wheeler was editor of the Burlington Hawkeyo from 18015 to IS715 J P Bollonger shot and killed Tosoph Riley and mortally wounded Hattio Watson at Alton Ills Wednesday night Bellenger ou Tuesday secured u divorce from his wife Ho wanted the Watson women to many him The oillcials of tho London foreign ofllce say they have not ollicially acqui esced in any modus vivendi in tho matter of tho Alaskan lioundury dis pute and that no recent negotiations havo been under consideration thoro Tho central Porto Rican committee has decided to send broadcast through this country an appeal to churches for aid and to all tho banks in the country to bo posted where they can be seen to revive tho contributions to tho relief und ZJI ft AjMa ElIB rg Hu i We have Now Ready J All Assort nuMil of Ilic Klofjiml New Mimics in 11 l ii v ii it it Vl h t it STREET HATS FOR EARLY FALL WEAR Also nico lino of Childrens and Misses Cups w 1 S INSKEEPS MILLINERY S ry -5 r 2 r r 2 2 5 ra Zi sS r Sfffe WHEATLING AND BRI AI MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS FAVOR GOLD STANDARD Am r nil Hunkers Ahmic Inl Ion lleelnrei lor the Yellow Metul Oixvkiam Sept 7 The American Hauliers association put itself on rec ord unequivocally in favor of the gold standard yesterday by the adoption of u resolution the meaning of which no ono can mistake That action in con nection with the placing of Colonel Myron T Merrick in line for the presi dency of the association in MIDI made it quite a day for the national admin istration Tin adoption of the gold standard resolution was not perhaps a surprise Heretofore sill attempts to get lie association to lake action of a political nature has failed but tho view taken was that the money ques tion should be elevated above politics So when the question was brought up the association forgot its historical eon serviitiveness and voted for it unani mously PUSHED FROMTRAIN KILLED MyhtrrloliK Milliter tit llnveiiiort III Willi No to I lie IrlneipuN Davijniokt Sept 7 The Davenport police art mystified over a murder that occurred here last night It happened as the westbound passenger on the Chi cago Rock Island and Pacific railroad was leaving the station Tho train had hardly gone JiOO yards when a man on the rear platform was observed to push a companion directly into an east bound passing freight The victim fell between the wheels and was literally ground to shreds so that the body is unrecognizable His murderer sprung from the passenger train ran to the sidewalk ami disap peared in tho darkness along East Fifth street Mrs Lena Elldeeu witnessed tho crime its she leaned from a window op posite the scene ami notified tho police Iloyle DereniU Stundiinl Oil Wakhivotov Sept 7 Tho indus trial commission resumed its sitting yesterday P C Boyle editor of tho Oil City Derrick said in reply to ques tions that he owned the lfiajority of the slock of the paper and that it was the organ of the oil producers generally He said that the Standard Oil company had afforded no occaniou for criticism for the past 10 years Military Tliilu WreeUiil In IKiV Ilndov Sept 7 The Daily Mails correspondent tit Cairo says advices havo been received from Berber on the Nile that a train returning from Wady Haifa with soldiers and workmen for the Atbara district fell into u rnvino owing to the collapse of a viaduct with tho re sult that 2 1 men wero killed mid 30 others injured ieiiniiii Metlioillat Coiileriiicn Evtikikisk Kan Sopt 7 Tho Western German conference for lvau wis Missouri Iowa and Nebraska oieiied its aJd session yesterday Bishop Merrill presiding and with 200 minis ters and lay delegates present Rev Jacob Tanner preached the conferenco sermon and committees were named IlroiiKlit Imperil llllnnU Corn Pkoiua Ills Sept 7 Tho hot dry spell shows no signs of abating in this district Tho farmers aro complaining bitterly and say it is oven now too lato to save much of the corn which hiu shriveled up Powder Absosmvw Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome 0t UIN9 eO0f R CO M Ian iilwriMainiKi Wn i BARNES TYLER 1 J H Huron 1 U I Tyler Attorneys at Lav Norfolk Nebraska QR II T 1 1 OLDEN Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon OHloe over CilizeiiH NmIiiiiiiiI Hunk OMIoa limirH - 1000 to ia00 u in ami 2M to r00iiin IVHIIIIIKH 700 toSKI Keniilenuu Tolniilmno No it Ulllcn No 101 Norfolk Norfolk jyflSS MARY SHELLEY pOWKRS HAYB Nebraska DR C S PARKER DENTIST At Iliircn livery Moniliiy Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb JJ J COLK DENTIST OIlleoOTorCltltnne Natl ilitnk Hnaldaiioe on 9 blook north of Conrogatlounl olinrcli Nebraska Fashionable Dressmaker Up talm in Cotton olook oror Httume itors Klrat oUaa work irnarantoitd Norfolk Nebraska Attorneys at Law Boom 10 11 and 12 Unit Ulook Norfolk Nebraska gKSBIONS BELL Undertakers and EuibalmerBj Banlouslilk Horfolk Ays N Tt Oik Nebraska W M ROBERTSON Attorney a I Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wigton Block Norfolk For Plumbing Steam Filling Pumps Tanks Wind Mills Ami all repair work in tlila litis ca W H RISH HatUfactloD Jnarauteua Kiist door ontb of Dally New orUce MRS MARY L STANTON DRESSMAKING Ptriees treasonable Up stnirs over Warehams Millinery Mrs HHHull WILLOIVI Facial Treatment Manicuring and Slump Will gladly call at your homei and do any of thl work Orden taken for flna hair awltohaa Pei feet matob guaranteed Beildence on Pint street Jnnotlou Orden may be left at the Jnnotfon Uru Htore Telephone 16 OHAS DUDLEY HACK- LINE TELEPHONE 73 Headqnartera Hemoved from Duvcuporta ata bio to Geo ludejn etublo on 5th St ED WEGENER Livery Feed and Sale Stable Hack Llae in Connection Telephone 68 II