The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 31, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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t i
llonipmlKT tlint tho pettleniont of tho
Vhllirmlne iiucstion rt sts always with
What Admiral Downy in wiiil to have
nid in oiio thing What Admiral
Dowoy said may be ilto another
Home nion nronndacioitH for Instance
iho ConneetiiMit Yiuikoo who recently
watered tho Mock of n wntor coinj any
KvSeeretnry Alger Is said to bo out
of politics Nevertheless senatoiliil
nnitlrants in Michigan aro advised to
Ueep an oyo on hiin
Already about 1M0 vohnnrH liavo
Itoon stolen fiom tho OhlrnKO univer
sity library It in iult evident that tho
students of that school liavo u decided
thirst for knowledge
llobert IngorHoll loft property to tho
value of less than IDtHK While ho
rnil largo huiiih of nioiioy fow nion
ver woro ho generously disposed Pub
lic and privato charities found in him n
ready friond
Mr Hryiui says that hifi party has
inoro ammunition than it had in IMHI
nud Bhouhl nso it all TIiIh mny ho
good advieo hut it should bo romomborod
that tho colonel had plonty of ninmiiiil
lion once boforo on his way to Culm
1st never tisod it Ah n gonoral in be
Hold ho has not boon n column nous
pprotary Wilson estimates that tho
wheat crop will bo 100000000 bushels
t hort of what it was last year in thiH
country but tho corn crop will bo
Mmiothing ovor i000H000 bushels
tho lorgcst ever known Higher prices
can bo looked for by wheat raihors
although tho innneiiHO Rupply of corn
will have a tendency to koop down tho
pricos It certainly ought to lowor tho
price of meats as their value issupposod
to rest somewhat on tho price of corn
Farmers not alouo in Nebraska but
throughout the wholo wofit nro bettor
nblo to hold thoir grain than formorly
and this will be apt to ninko tho market
Some of tho froo trader who woro
beginning to rocovor at tho announce
ment of the increased importations in
the Hscal year 18111 under tho Dingloy
law have again lnpnod into innoouons
desuetude upon diKoovoriug that this
increiiso was almost entirely in articles
required by manufacturers whoso busi
nesses had been increased by tho pro
tective tarilV As a oouplo of iustauccB
Tho imports in 181 of raw fibers for
uboin manufacturing were JODOTJT
against fUi MlilStl last year and only
tl2imll8iu tho lnht year of tho Wil
son law Also tho imports of tin for
nso in manufacturing tin platvs were in
IMKI ll81JW7 against 8778irl in
188 and only sftJnilSJlW in the hist year
of tho WUrou law
A gentleman from Norfolk walked
clear down on Main street Wednesday
then stood up on the First National
bank stops and in a loud voice enquired
Isnt there a d l saloon in Way no
Thats how wo know ho was from Nor
folk Wayne Democrat
That was undoubtedly Brother lluse
as he was the leading representative of
Norfolk that was in Wayno ou that day
Norfolk Times
This may havo been Brother Huso
nud then again it maynt Anyway
Brother Huso has not yet seen enough
of tho inside of saloons in Wayno or
Norfolk eithor to inako his case tho
parallel of an editor who patronized tho
wet goods emporiums of both places so
frequently and persistently that his
friends had to toto him down to Blair
to take the jag cure
In one of his addresses Coin Har
vey claimed that a British syndicate
owns 80 000 acres of Nebraska land but
admitted that ho didnt know where tho
land was Ho wished to croato tho im
pression that the mouoy power was fast
assuming control of tho farming lands
and that the time was rapidly approach
ing when tho farmers would bo more
tenants or serfs That thousands of
acres of Nebraska lands are owned by
Englauds money lenders no one will
deny but that they aro an object of
envy and that it is an indication of ap
proaching Berfdom is a matter of dis
pute As a matter of fact thia syndi
cate would be immeusoly pleased to re
lease their holdings on a small per cent
of the investment Ten or fifteen years
ago nearly overy foot of saud hills in the
western part of the state was pre
empted or taken as a homestead or tim
ber claim aud as soon as proof could be
made the fellows who entered the laud
recognizing its unfitness for farming
purposes or any other purpose for that
matter secured as large a mortgage as
possible and very Mromptly pulled up
stakes and moved tiVgreeuer fields aud
pastures new leaving the land to the
mortgagees The proporty is gene
rally considered as not worth the taxes
and if Coins heart is really that way
inclined he might invest the money he
has raided for campaign purposes in this
laud aud gratuitously present it to tho
fi resented by nearly evervthing
them to accept it He could probably
m n f
thut u laiKo
M wwv u
acquire the entire ucreago witli tuei
money of which he has seen fit to re
liere these said down trodden masses
State Hank Kxamincr Coart in in tho
Max Asmus rode his hioyclo to West
Point Sunday
Frank Davenport went to Wayno to
day on business
F 1 Hale of Battle Creek is a visitor
in this metropolis
I O Wostorvelt has gono to Ohio for
a visit to his old homo
Miss Nellie terooko started on tho
noon train for Chicago
Miss Idollc It Taylor is in tho Sugar
City from Battlo Crook
Carl T Seeley and wife woro in the
city today from Madison
Wm Beruor is making some improve
monts at his place of business
Mr and Mrs B W Woolvorton woro
city visitors from Pierce today
Mr aud Mrs B F Murphv were In
tho city yesterday from Plerco
Mason Frasor and Harry Hull mado a
bicycle trip to Boemor Sunday
Mrs A N Hitchcock and son Norris
aro in tho city today from Plerco
Mr and Mrs Goo Rocrof t were in tho
city from Meadow Grove yesterday
Dr P H Salter was called to Tiltlcn
last ovoniug ou professional business
Kev Thos Walsh wont to Battlo
Creek today to tako ohargoof n funeral
Tho Pringle Theatrical company wont
to Nollgh last night whoro thoy have a
Mrs C F Shaw aud children liavo
roturned from thoir visit to Dos Moiuos
Jos Pollmau has received his harbor
certificate from the statu examining
Olydo and Harry Patterson wont to
tho Yellow Banks yesterday for a weeks
F A Huston came down from Kwing
yesterday to look after his morcantilo
interests in Norfolk
Miss Lizzie Davenport returnod last
ovoniug from a visit to relatives and
friends in Sioux City
ludgo Barnes wont to Omaha today
on legal business in matters ponding in
tho United States court
MiBB Clara Crusou who has been vis
iting Miss Margaret Morrow expects to
leave touight for her homo in Custer
Clayton Pjtter and Harry Inholder of
Pioroo members of company L drove
down to attend a mooting of tho company
last night
Tho front of tho storeroom in the
RiohardB block to bo occupied by tho
Variety store has been much improved
by a frosh coat of paint
Miss Edith Bachelor of Wayno who
is to teach ono of the rooms in tho Wash
ington school arrived in tho oity yester
day to proparo forhorwork
Rev W II McKim of Hartingtou
who has been visiting his inothor in
this city loft today for Chicago whero
ho will be gone about ton dayB
Max Leaser wont to Hoskius this
morning to take chargo of tho Edwards
and Bradford Lumber companys busi
ness at that for two weeks
Glenn nud Catheriuo White son and
daughter of Mr and Mrs B F White
came up from Omaha last night to visit
at the home of Mr and Mrs Burt Mapes
Manager Wietzor of tho sugar factory
returned hist evening from Grand Island
He camo by way of Ames whero ho in
spected tho now sugar factory now goiug
up at that place
W II Johnson and family returned
at noon from the oast Mr Johnson had
been to Nov York buying goods and
Mrs Johnson aud tho children havo
boon visiting relatives in Illinois
A lnrgo number of the youug friends
of Miss Huttio Roqua assisted her in
colobratiug her twelfth birthday at tho
homo of her parents ou South Third
street last evening Tho time was most
ploasantly passed and tho hours seemed
all too short
Tho iluuior Christian Endeavor so
ciety of tho Congregational church will
enjoy a picnic at Tufts grove tomorrow
Tho monibers uro requested to meet at
the church iu the morning at 10 oclock
whero conveyances will be in waiting to
tako them to tho grove
Tho infant daughter of Mr and Mrs
Koerber who live in Nenows addition
died Sunday evening and the funeral
was held from Christs Lutherau church
this afternoou Rev J P Mueller
oillciutiug The little one was buried in
the cemetery east of tho city
Tho entertainment to be given by the
ladies of tho M E church uext Friday
eveniug promises to bo of a most inter
estiiig character and deserving of liberal
patronage from the people of tho city
The children who are to take part aro
beiug carefully drilled and prepared and
will uo doubt execute their parts in a
highly interesting manner All aro
cordially invited to attend the enter
tainineut uud enjoy tho evening
It has been reported at Madison that
tho Norfolk delegation to the reception
would bring with it a corps of young
ladles drilled to execute military
manoeuvres Norfolk is noiui to be ren
in sight
number oi ber haudbomo youug ladies
will attend but as for an organization
drilled as above diligent inquiry fails to
reveal ono and the Madison company of
young ladles will undoubtedly bo award
ed all the honors in that direction
Tho fare for the round trip to and
from Madison on the occasion of tho re
ception to company F Thursday has
Ihicii fixed at cents There is no
question but that Norfolk will send
down a largo delegation providing tho
weather Is favorable Tho band will bo
uniformed fortho occasion and with
company L tho O A R post and the
fire department Norfolks patriotic or-
gunbatloufl will bo well represented
John Johnson was In tho city yoflter
day on his way from Box Butto county
to South Dakota While horo John In
dulged in frequent and profuse internal
libatioiiBof brain thief and nt the
timo ho was gathered in bj Otllcor Kano
his ability to box the compass do sums
in trigonomotry or write a composition
on evolution wna totally eliminated
from his mental calibre His condition
was such that ho wiih an easy mark for
any confidence game and It Is probable
that If tho officer had not taken him iu
ohargo ho would havo boon compelled to
complete his journoy on foot owing to
a lack of traveling fundB Ho was re
quested to contribute to tho running ex
penses of tho city government in tho
amount of 710 which ho paid and
wont ou his way rejoicing with cash in
his pocket
The funeral of Frank Boals yesterday
was largely attended Tho orders to
which ho belonged woro well repre
sented Those were the Trainmen and
Workmen Many Workmen went from
horo and tho local lodge at Tilden
turned out in strength The procession
formed at tho house and headed by the
Rovs G II Main and John Jeffries
walked to tho depot Horo a train had
boon gonorously placed at tho disposal
of tho friondB by Mr Reynolds on Ins
half of tho railroad company and about
150 people boarded it At Tilden the
cortege was mot by tho lodge of Work
men and together all marched to the
church Tho music was rendered by
the choir of tho M E church of Nor
folk The service was conducted by
Mr Main assisted by Mr Jeffries and
Mr Rominger tho Methodist pastor of
Tilden The exercises at the grave wore
conducted by tho lodgeB to which tho
deceased belonged
Alkvuri CollrKK Till Year
Never iu tho history of our country
was thoro a grander opportunity than
tho prosout for educated young men and
women What an auspicious moment
for those who aro just now on the
threshold of life
Grand Island Business and Normal
college has for fourteen fyears been the
loading institution of its kind in tho
woBteru states and last year more than
twice as many calls were received for
its graduates as could be supplied
Everything necessary for a successful
start in life is taught business normal
and shorthand courses Expenses low
Board only 150 per week Ono years
time given on tuition if desired Col
logo record sent free or for six cents will
send elegant catulomio
A M Haiieos President
Grand Island Nob
i A It Kxiiirxion to Plilluillililii leim
The Illinois Central Railroad company
will as usual take care of tho GAR
boyB members of the WRC aud Sons
of Veteranswho will attend tho No
tional GA R Encampment to be hold
at Philadelphia Sept 4 to i 18 This
will also bo an excellent opport unity to
visit friends in tho east aud to accom
modate all three separate rates have
been made all of which are fully ex
plained on tho Centrals GAR Flyer a
copy of which can bo had by addressing
tho undesigned at Dubuquo Iowa
Tickets will bo sold for any trains Sept
13 and good to return until Sept 12
with the usual extousion to Sept by
depositing ticket with tho Joiut Agent
at Philadelphia Write at once for IC
GA R Flyor J F Mekky
A J P A 111 Cent R R Dubuque
Komi Nutlitt Iu lunil Owner
To all whom it may concern
Tho commissioner appointed to view
and locate a road commencing at the
northeast comer of tho northwibt quar
ter of the northwest quarter of section
T in township 24 north range 1 west of
the 1th principal meridian in Madison
county Nebraska running thence east
on section line between sections 20 and
111 and 25 aud UI a distance of one mile
and OH rods aud terminating at the in
tersection of Miid section lino with the
public highway runniug from the city
of Norfolk to the town of Stanton has
reported iu favor of the establishment
thereof and all objections thereto or
claims tor damages must bo tiled in the
county clerks office on or before noon
of the 7th day of October A D 189 or
saia roau will be established without
reference thereto
Dated at Madison Nebraska this 7th
day of August IS
E G Hkilman
County Clerk
DnuU Oralu O
after you have concluded that you ought
not to drink coffee It is not a medicino
but doctors order it because it is
healthful invigorating and appetizing
It is made from pure grains and lias
that rich seal brown color aud tastes
like tho finest grades of coffee aud costs
ubout 4 as much Childreu like it and
thrive ou it because it is a geuniuo food
drink containing nothlug but nourish
ment Ask your grocer for Gruin O
the uew food drink 11 and 2i oents
Tho Variety store opens Sept 2nd
II Whaley is a city visitor
from Ncligh
F Schulz is riding around In n hand
sotno new carriage
Mr and Mrs C Bright were in the
city from Wiiifiido today
Mrs Marshall of Columbus Is visiting
her sister Mrs Mary Dean
W Lorber of Scribner is visiting at
tho homo of Rov J P Mueller
Miss Pearl Recso roturned homo last
night from her visit to St Louis
Miss Nina Walker entertained a fow
young ladles at toa yesterday afternoon
Tho Baptist Sunday school Is enjoy
ing ltB annual picnic today iu Pasowalks
Mrs V A Lowis went to Battlo
Creok this morning to visit relatiyos
and friends
Mrs A H Allinson and MIbs Miunio
Verges went to Omaha yesterday to see
tho exposition
Miss Jesslo BrandrifV of Missouri
Valley Iowa is viBiting with Miss
Mabel Stevens
Misses Clara Rudat and Irene Juno
man wont to Madison today to visit
friends and attend the reception
The Second regiment N N G has
been ordered to annual encampment at
Lincoln September to 14 inclusive
Miss Anna MoBride entertained a
number of friends at a card party last
evening at her homo in Tho Heights
A J Spencer of New Castle
Wyoming spout yesterday iu tho city
tho guest of his brother W E Sponcor
Mr uud Mrs Etnil Becker and
daughter Margio of Mitchell S D aro
visiting at tho homo of Mr aud Mrs
Morris Mayer
Tho families of G T Sprocher Dr A
Boar Burt Mapes aud C B Durlaud
enjoyed the bathing at Taf ts resort yes
terday afternoon
A game of tennis last evening between
M C Hazeu 1 C Stitt and Sol G
Mayer II H Bovee resulted iu a victory
for tho latter by a score of 1 0
Carl Ernest Elsie aud Emma Schulz
drovo to Creightou today to attend the
wedding of Wm Holleudick and Miss
Shelliu which takes place tomorrow
Miss Luella Hortman has resigned
her positiou at tho Norfolk hospital for
the insane and goue to Lincoln to accept
a situation in tho iusaue hospital at
that place
Yesterday Nick Kent dropped the
tongue of a mower with a terrific crash
upon his great too mashing that useful
but not overly ornamental member bad
ly Then ho hitehed up and came to
A boy who is visiting at the home of
Fred Hollingsworth at the Junctiou fell
from a horse ho was riding this morn
ing aud suffered a severe fracture of the
elbow joint of one arm He was given
prompt surgical attendance
Tho Variety store opens September 2
in the Richards block Como and see
our stock of entirely now goods all
marked in plain figures at cash bargain
prices Any articles you cnoose rrom
the windows for only ton cents each
Mrs August Braasch whose home is
on South Fourth street suffered a se
vere attack of apoplexy last evening and
is now lyiug at tho point of death with
but small chance of recovery Every
thing that medical kill could devise has
been done but it is thought she canuot
The News force is most fortunate in
having friouds amoug the market
gardeuers surrounding tho city and
appreciates most cordially their gener
osity in contributing of their choice
products to the pleusuro of the printer
O E Hazeu whose garden is northwest
of the city is tho latest to tender a
choice lot of melons
A wreck of tho O St P M O
freight near Wuyne this morning ob
structed the track so that tho morning
passenger from this poiut could not pass
Express mail and passengers were ex
changed nud tho passenger returned to
Ndrfolk The wreck was it is under
stood caused by the rails spreading
The engine and several cars left tho
track but no ono is reported as iujured
and the accident Is not very disastrous
Rev Fred W Leavitt formerly of
this place and now pastor of the Congre
gational church at West Poiut was
married this morning at i oclock to
MiBB Jessie McGrew at the home of the
brides parents in Genoa Rev Wm
Leavitt of this city father of the groom
officiating The nowly married couple
will accompany the parents of the
groom to their home iu this city touight
fora weeks visit Tho many friends of
Mr Leavitt in Norfolk extend hearty
Capt E II Tracy who was chosen
at the citizens meeting to take charge
of the Norfolk delegation as marshal of
the day at tho Madison reception has
found it will be impossible for him to
attend aHd Capt II C Matrau has
beeu chosen in bis place with
Arthur J Koouigsteiu and O
E Hartford as aides These gentlemen
aro all proficient iu the matter of
handling parades and it is uudoubted
that the Norfolk delegation will make a
fine appearance uuder their direction
S II McClary who has been cou
nected from the start with the Norfolk-
sugar factory and lias gradually worked
his way to aposltion of importance on
tho official forco has severed his connec
tion with the homo institution aud will
leave Saturday for Rome N Y where
ho has been given the position of super
intendent of the new fnctory Mr Mc
Clary having been raised from child
hood in Norfolk has a largo circlo of
friends who while regretting his re
moval from Norfolk social circles will
unite with Tin News in extending
hearty congratulations on his promo
The Ladies of tho Maccabees held a
meeting yesterday afternoon aud initi
ated IS now members under a special
dispensation In regard to fees Seven
other applications were acted upon and
will be initiated at a futuro meeting
The grand chiof of honor Mrs Louisa
Bonk of Omaha was expected to bo in
attoudauco but did not arrlvo until
evening Therefore another meeting
was hold last night and a pleasant timo
enjoyed After tho afternoons work
refreshments of icocroam and cako were
served and much appreciated This is
tho only exclusive ladies lodgo organi
zation in town uo nion being admittod
Frank Oweu ono of Norfolks repre
sentatives in tho Fighting First
arrived in tho city ou tho noon freight
from ColumbuB uud was mot by his
father at tho depot ond convoyed to his
homo to meet those dear to him Ho
was more anxious to meot fathermotlier
and sister than to go to the reception at
Omaha which accounts for his early
arrival Many friends met him at the
depot but no opportunity for anything
moro than a word of greeting and hearty
haudclasp was accorded then as the
folks at home were entitled to and
recoived the first consideration Frnuk is
looking extremely well and has appar
ently added to his avoirdupois since
leaving here His skin is tanned a
deep brown by his exposure to a tropical
sun but otherwise ho has changed but
very little since leaving Norfolk more
than a year ago His friends nre
anxiously awaiting au opportuinty for a
more formal greeting and to hear some
of bis conversation concerning the for
oil Philippines and his experience as a
Norfolk has two candidates for the
republican nomination for county sher
iff Job T Clements a former incum
bent of the office and S L Gardner
who has for years held the position of
assessor in Norfolk precinct Both gen
tlemen are very popular among members
of the party and for that matter among
citizens generally without regard to
political faith and tho expression How
happy I would be with one were tother
dear charmer away is most applicable
to tho situation Their mutual friends
had hoped that in some manner one
would be induced to withdraw and
leave the field to the other but failing
in this they see but a gloomy prospect
in tho division of forces and the engen
dering of bitter feelings and strife for
supremacy It has been understood
tiat Norfolk was to name its candidate
for sheriff but the prospects now are
that the delegation will be divided and
tho fight carried into the convention
The delegation nominated at the First
ward caucus Monday night were pro
nounced Gardner men he being allowed
to select them but at tho primary elec
tion held yesterday afternoon the
Clements forces had gained supremacy
and defeated the Gardner men by an
average vote of 20 to 22 electing Geo
H Spear E J Schorregge Ell Rosley
Fred Fulton and J W Edwards The
defeated nominees were W H Wida
man C F Eisoloy W A Homleben
A JohuBon aud J W Edwards And
now conies the judge and cleik of elec
tion and object to issuing credentials to
the successful delegates claiming there
were irregularities in their election
The prospects for two delegations from
the First before the county convention
seems foregone This is an outlook that
is deeply deplored and it is sincerelv
hoped that a compromise may yet be
reached In the Fourth ward the nom
inees of tho caucus W II Rish J H
Thompson and J L Hershiser were
duly elected It is said that these
are all Gardner men
TweLty lirnt Inwu Koiiiilitu
On account of the reuuiou of the 21st
Iowa to ha held at Dubuque Sept ltth
aud 14th the Illinois Central Railroad
company will make a rate of 1 1 lfare
for the rouud trip from all its Iowa
poiuts on the usual certificate plan
Purchase a regular ticket to Dubuquo
from your nearest Iowa point Be
sure and take agentB receipt for same
This receipt when properly stamped at
Dubuquo will entitle holder to return
at 1 1 rate provided there are 100 or
more certificates It is confidentially
expected 200 or more will bo iu attend
auco Part of the sessions will bo held
on the site of Old Camp Franklin aud
everj surviving family aud every
member of his family as well as
members of families of deceased mem
bers should be preseut Tickots can be
purchased Sept 10 to 11 good to return
uutil Sept 15
J F Mekky
A G P A 111 Cent R R
Dubuque Iowa
Tho democracy has had a very small
part iu the direction of public afiairs
since 18U0 aud that part is not a brillmi t
credit to its record
Sturgeon is the piano man
Pain Conquered j Health Re
stored by Lydia E Pink
hams Vegetable Compound
1 feel it my duty to write and thank
you for what your Vegetable Com
pound has done for me It is the only
medicine 1 have found that has done
me any good Before taking your medi
cine I was all run down tired all the
time no appetite pains in my back and
bearing down pains and a great suf
ferer during mciutruation After tak
ing two bottles of Lydla E linlchams
Vegetable Compound I felt like a now
woman 1 am now on my fourth bottlo
and till my pains have left me I feel
better than 1 have felt for three years
and would recommend your Compound
to every suffering woman 1 hope this
letter will help others to find a cure
for their troubles Mlts Dklla
Kkmickkh Kknsskiaku Inu
The serious ills of women develop
from neglect of early symptoms Every
pain aud ache lias a cause and the
warning they give should not be disre
Mrs Plnkham understands these
troubles better than any local phy
sician and will give every woman free
advice who is puzzled about her
health Mrs linkhnms address is
Lynn Mum Dont put off writing until
health Is completely broken down
Write at the first indication of trouble
so different stvlei Must be closed out
Ulck Krentest opportunity for ngtnts wonder
ul bnrgaius for everybody Hundreds of good
Second Hand Wheels many as good as new go
for s to 14 98 Models new high grade 1350
to ao Models new 11 to 30 We have
too many take advantage of thia great oppor
tunity at once
Write for our new plan by which thousands
have earned a nicjcleby working lor us Basitst
yet only 1 required to start Any wheel shipped
on approval subject to examination Satisfaction
guaranteed Write at once for agents prices
BROWN L2W1S CO Dept 17 Chicago U S A
Above Company are perfectly reliable Editor
IJewrny mid Uetrny
Perhaps few Bible rendcis make a dis
tinction between bewray aud betray
The two words are however iliffeieat
both in oiifdn and meaning Bewray is
to reveal An old writer says Well may
he be hint and die that will not bewray
his dUoahP lpht lie betray hi cietlit In
Proverbs xxix 24 we read He henieth
cursing aud bewrnyetb it not a passage
for which the revised version gives He
heareth the adjuration and utteieth noth
Again in Proverbs xxvii 10 we find
The ointment of his right hhnd bewrny
eth itself i e proclaims itself And so
nlso in Isaiah xri 3 and Matthew xxvi
78 Betray however means the action
of a tiaitor Of cour e to betray a man
often involves his beuiayal hut by no
means necessarily Philadelphia Press
A GronlnK intently
St Louis importance as a growing
gateway to the Bust and South is em
phasized by the action of the Burlington
railroad which lecently established u
new fast train in each direction between
that city and Denver Neatly 2000
miles of additional train service daily is
necessitated but Btnlington officials
claim that travel between the mountains
and the big city at the conllttenco of tho
Missouri and the Mississippi is large
enough to warrant them in going to con
siderable expense in older to obtain their
share of it
Dililorid the Up nt SlnnfiT
A young lady of this city was descant
ing on the iniquities of constant employ
ment of slang expiessions among all
classes of people She thought it was
indicative of ill manners and improper
breeding Why she continued only
this afternoon 1 met an impudent fellow
on the street who said as he passed Ah
there my sealskin So nonseii jcal I
was so indignant that I tinned aud told
him to 1 1111 up stieet and chase himself
- Nauvoo Independent
Frank IQnPWhn llvrHtifnpjnnnn
Mich says I whh taken with n puln
lu my bach and I whs obliged to tuke
to my tied The physician pronounced
my case mimrnlHr riaiitiiAttsn -
II compatiled by lumbugo
H iicriuiiu worse until 1
thought dec th Mould bu welcome re
lease I wag finally Induced to try
Ir Williams llnk Pills for Iule Peo
ple and nfter using live boxes wan
entirely cured
I um ro indrnt that Dr Williams
llnk illlabiied my llfp 1 wlllgladly
answer Imiilrles concerning my sick
uisa uml u underfill cure provided
stump bo enclosed for reply
KitANK Long
Hworn ti before me at Venice
Mich thia 15th duy of April leys
G II Gomumitii Justice othejtttce
rrom the Ubierxer tVuihiwj JficA
Dr Williams Pink Pills lor Pale Peonl
m neter od b the doten or hundred
but alii in pickaaet At all druggltU
or direct Irom Iht dr Willliins Medicine
Co Schtntctidt N Y 60 cents psr bos
6 botes 1260
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