The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 31, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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I5JK -
The FlorTolk fJeuas
V N 11U8IC Publlnhor
IMiililiriiiil W7
Ktrrr ln irril Mimlii lis nnrli
n l i riiitt Il nuill imriPnf 5IM
IMuIiIIkIipiI ivsl
Kicr Thumlii H mml pur jtmr JIMi
rntctiil lit tlio ruMiitllii nt NorfnlV Null nc
seroiul rlnff tmittci
TiiIiIiIhiiiii Nil -
Ilriii1illriui County Com ml lout
TliiMPiulillrnli nlwlorn of Mnillmii coimtj
NVIiriiKlil urn hxiiickIimI to uninl ilnli Kiitrn from
Hip nMMiil tiillnif iirrrinrtK to meet 111 riiiitnii
tloiiiil lliitlloticiA NiiliriiKlii on Miitnrilii
Hciitiiiilixi Irttli ill II oVIool ii in Tor thii iiiir
tioHiot nliTlltm ilcltwiti lo tlin rcimlillniii
stnlf mill Jnillrlitl rniiiiitioiii mill ir tlin iiir
IHixiMir iiIiiiIiik In iiomiiiiitlnii chiiiIIcIhIhh tor
roimH iilllfiH in follow h
Clirk of tln tllMrlct niurt rtiiiht rlnrk
roiint trciiMi fount HinrllT rniuiU Jtiilw
roinilj hiiiMrliitcmliUt of nliooln riniiilj rut
oniT roiint MiiMjor mill omul ommlhiiloiinr
for thn ritxl riniinilMliiiiir illclrlct mill to
tnuiMirt mili iiIIiit liimlniHKiiK inn irtiprrl
CMMlll iMfliri tllll IMIIIMMltlllll
Tlit Mwritl iiifi liiiln urn imlHIiil to iiihin
rrntiitlou im folloun llm iipMittliiiiiiriil llnn
ImimhI iimiii tlm otnoml or lion Al U llnj
wiinl for Kiiirnnr In IM1 Mutt nn iliiliwiln nl
rii for 1iirli inrlnit mnl mm Tor imrli luonly
toliK or iimjtir finrtlon tlinrnif
ii i
KliM wiitil
Sordini mini 1 iirniillln I
Tlilnl wiinl V jroin jj
Fourtli wnnl 3 Ireon inriUii i
r Ontfciilo H Deer Creek 1
Ilnttln Crunk
Shell Crunk S
School Criift -
Kniurlik 4
Tot ii I
It Ik recommended lint no pioxleti Im
till mnl Unit the ililiwilic iinfi iit oiiht tlm rn
tiriMotnof tlm piiiilnil riluiiillin hlionlil Im
lirlil not liitor than SiiiIimiiImtiI WW
linn MuHh S A McKay
Scoritniy linlrinmi
Norfolk Kindly joIiib lmntlB with Mml
iBon today in liolnhiB to wulcomo homo
her brnvu Boldior boyH
It is cortuiuly nmttor for couRrntiv
lntiou thnt Gon Milos iind tho Bcoratary
of war aro friendly and co onorato in
their planH
One prohidontinl campaign iH UHually
enotiKh to talco tho starch out of any
political issuos tho domocrauy is oapablo
of soloctinB Thoro is not now a con
tractionist in tho country who does not
hopo that nnti uxpatiBiou will take tho
placo of repudiation next year
In tho stato of MinueEota thoro aro
8800 Indians Of those 78il aro Chip
powas and 007 aro Sioux From a mighty
baud capable of swooping across that
htato murdering ovory white settler in
their trail loss than 10 yoars ago tho
tribe of tho uoblo rod man has dwindled
to almost nothing
General Coxoy of tramp army fame
has mado a fortune in load and zinc
mines at Galena Kansas Ho doesnt
have to keep off tho grass any longer
Ho employs a large uumbor of men
pays them big wages and is himself a
living mouumout of tho prosperity that
has come about uudor republican con
trol of atlairs
Tho writor has promised over sinco
ho retnrnod from tho Pacific coast with
the National Editorial association to
writo au account of tho trip but numer
ous pressing duties hiwo provoutod tak
ing up tho subject and tho notes of the
journey still roposo in tho drawer where
they wero deposited tho day that ho re
turned He hopes to tell something of
tho far wotit with its splendid climate
magniiicent ilowors and hospitable
peoplo in tho near fnturo
Tho veterans who attended tho session
of the Union Veterans loaguo at Dos
Moines last Friday are very emphatic in
their denial of tho report circulated by
tho little American sheets that resolu
tions condemning McKiuley for his
Philippine war policy wero passed and
brand tho roport aa absolutely false
This is but ouo instance of tho many
misstatements used by tho fusiouists to
lend aid to Aguinaldo and hamper thoir
own govormout Tho sentiment of tho
gathering was entirely in accord with
tho administration
It is not thought that Walter Woll
man the nowspapor arctio oxplorer who
has recently roturued from an expedi
tion toward tho north polo is going to
cut as much ice here at homo as ho an
ticipated Arctio explorers aro gottiug
to bo rather commonplace If Mr Well
man wishes to gain and hold public at
tention ho should secure tho uorth polo
and bring it homo with him for exhibi
tion Anything less than this seems
rather tame after the brilliant researches
and accounts of the journeyiugs of Kano
Greeley Peary Nauseu and a hot of
The paucity of laboriug men in some
uectioua is still very marked much to
the confusion of the fusiouists who would
like to have it appear that the working
man is being ground into the dust by
the relentless heel
of corporation cor
morants and trust magnates For in
etauce farmers around Amour S D
are Btill complaining of a lack of help
to handle their crdps aud it is a poor
hand who cannot command 200 per
day in that fectiou In the vicinity of
Bowldie tho 6ame conditions exists
while the wages paid are the highest
offered for several years At Pierre tho
city authorities have been unable to se
cure men to assist in putting down new
water mains or to even cut the weeds
along the sidewalks There may be a
famine of labor ill India to account for
all this and some such au excuse is
gratuitously suggested to the pessimis
tio sheetE
1 lie Mud 1 1 mnl
Tlm peoplo of Norfolk in common
with thoio of tho entire state extend to
tho gallant members of the Fighting
First a cordial mid heaitfolt welcome
home and wish for each individual
iiiiinbor of tho heroic regiment tho rich
est nnil most bountiful blessings to bo
In our hearts aro engraven a record
of your history making deeds in tho
far oil Philippines No news from those
distant possessions has bren mart eagor
ly scanned than tidings referring to you
and tho movements of no set of men
more closely watched than yours When
you have scored a victory our hearts
have cheered for you and as your en
gagements have all resulted victoriously
for tho glorious starB and stripes wo
have been proud that Nebraska was rep
resented in this war by such u bravo
and valiant baud of men
Tho lists of casualties have also boon
carefully read and our hearts have
droopod in sorrow for those who huvo
tilled a soldiers grave beneath tho sod
of a distant laud Your sulleriuga and
sorrows have been ours and our regrot
was always that wo wero nnnblu to pro
vont them
While as oft repeated war is to bo re
gretted it undoubtedly is to bo com
mended for certain results and disclos
ures How othorwiso could wo have
rocoivod such convincing proof that in
the breasts of tho young manhood of tho
present generation throb hearts aa patri
otically true to a groat and glorious
country as any of preceding generations V
How could wo havo bo groat an insight
into your real worth and ability
Your patriotic but distressing sorvico
has bound you to father mother to ub
all with ties strengthened a thousand
fold ties which tho dim future with
all its vicissitudoB and surprises holds
nothing which can weaken or bronk
Novor in tho history of our groat coun
try has such au uninviting Hold for
a showing of patriotic motives beou un
foldod to our ondoavors seldom havo
such obstaclos in tho way of attainment
boen encountered and it would not havo
boon a matter of surprise had thoro boon
faltering and doubt To bo ordorod to a
tropical olimato infested with disease
and swarming with onemios containing
mysterious and unknown dangers might
daunt tho bravest but in tho ranks of
tho uoblo First thoro wore no cowards
no traitors
You have given indisputable ovidonco
of a firm and uuequalod lovo of country
and you havo mado of us horo worship
ers willing and ready to sing songs of
praise to your glory and honor You
havo maintained boforo tho world a loy
alty and patriotism which has brought
honor to yoursolves and credit to the
stato you ropresout Tho deods of the
Fighting First havo already boon
heralded throughout tho land and they
will bo inscribed in history as tho most
gallant of tho war
Our wolcoaio is inadequate and oxpres
Biouloss when It comes to a disclosure of
what we really feel Wo can wring
you by tho hand embraco you and
offer you tho best within our gift but
it all seems to weakly record our senti
ments Words aro totally iucapable
wo can but say Welcomo thrico wel
come aud may tho Ruler of theunivorse
bless and prosper you
Tlio Hooster Ishiid
According to tho Indianapolis Journal
tho democrats of the dark nnd bloody
ground of Kentucky have discovered a
great issue Here It is
Tho Kentucky democrats seem to
have discovered it in the roostor Just
why the barnyard fowl should have been
adoped us the omblom of the democratic
party is not apparent unless it was
owing to his hnbit of making a great
f ubs over nothing and calling a lot of
credulous hens around him to participte
in ieastB which have no foundation
except in his own imagination The
rooster is not an American bird and his
gamiest represoutatives are found in for
eign lauds where cockflgtiug was a high
iHiforo the democratic party ever be
gan to worship him But since tho intro
duction of the Australian ballot Taw
requiring the adoption of an emblem
democrats havo sworn by the rooster
It does not matter particularly what
priuciples a democratic faction represents
or what policies it advocates if it
marches under tho banner of the rooster
it is rogular The rooster is tho party
It is not known that Tiiomas Jefferson
ever took nuy interest in roosters beyond
raising thorn for broilers Andrew
Tnsksou was something of a sport and
is said to have enjoyed a cockfight
almost as well as a horse raco The
modern democrat worships n rooster for
itself and 6inks his individuality in the
principles represented by tio bird
Hence the importance of the question
raised in Kontucky whether tho Goebel
faction shall bo permitted to uso tho
rooster as an emblem nt the head of thoir
ticket It is not so uiuoh a question of
Hryanlsm or antl Hryanism of free
silver or nnti fruo silver of expansion
or auti cxpanslou ns it is a question
of which faction is legally entitled to
tho rooster im an emblem Perhaps if
this question can be mado natiounl it
will infiiHO now life into a party that is
now dying for want of an issue
The Sliced of Warships
Thftc mo two cntnpq or rather fac
tious In the Imreiui of naval construc
tion One holds to the theory thnt speed
In a watHlilp Is n h nearly ns possible
everything while tho other Inclines to
the luw that each typo of vessel has
Its own Held of usefulness nnd that to
attempt to combine In one ship tho
dominant features of vessels of every
class would be like trying to Impart
to an elephant the qualities of u horse
by reducing tho thickness of tho si In
of the leviathan
Tho consensus of outside technical
opinion seeuiH to be ngninst the every
thing for speed crowd Tho nrgument
that no matter how heavy the battery
of a warship It Is useless If tho oppos
ing vessel la able to steam away from
her Is very promptly met by tho re
minder that It must take some tlmo
for the vessel to escape and that as
tho ofTectlve rnugc of modern guns Is
several miles sho would be more than
lllcely to tlnd herself pretty well punc
tured before sho succeeded In getting
out of harms way Then bosldes no
matter how speedy a ship may be she
enji never be regarded as of mnterlal
offensive value against vessels of heav
ier armor and nrmameut If the ef
fort were simply to afford an argument
or excuse for tho building of a large
number of fast armored or uuarmor
ed cruisers there would be no harm
In It but the dangcr of the suggestion
lies In the fact that the speed advo
cates want to tamper with the battle
ships themselvoB tho courts of last
resort In Important naval engage
ments These vessels aro built for
fighting not for running away and
while It Is also desirable that they
should lie able to cover water pretty
rapidly there should not be tolerated
a gain of a single Inch per hour where
it Is made at the expense of armor or
armament If this wero not true the
most perfect typo of war vessel would
be the ouo which could steam the
greatest number of miles In a given
time Hut lighting has to be done at
times nnd It Is that phase of tho mat
ter which makes tho battleship Invalu
able She Is guncrally supposed to be
nble to go Into a scrap without fear
of total annihilation except through
tho medium of n torpedo and while
sho may not bo able to outrace the
cockleshells sho Is morally certain to
put a period to their careers when sho
does accidentally or by design suc
ceed In cntchtng them
Wo are not apt to commend too hign
ly anything French Just now but tho
above arguments nre theirs aud It must
bo admitted that they havo common
sense behind them Tho London Kn
glneer also puts tho matter very aptly
when It says
It is to lie lupnowj thnt the enemys fleet
wants to flijht wlien It iuti to ea ami In that
case guns an J armor arc of more aluo than
llut supposing the enemys fleet wants to run
away in order to combine with another fleet it
mltlht be ilUaMiuus to catch It if your own tlcct
ill J not carry hcalcr metal and was not pro
tccteii by thicktT annul
Some ships of a runaway fleet are sure to drop
behind and the slower moving flvtt can then
destroy them
Uenarally speaking the fast ships luue a small
er coal tmpply than the ships with the heavy
Twehe knots an hour is the greatest jpced at
which evolutions have jet beeu successful
Recent advices from Cuba bring tho
cheering Information that two noto
rious brigands who havo beeu terror
izing the peoplo of the section In which
they operated havo voluntarily sur
rendered to tho authorities In tho hope
that this action may havo some weight
In bocurlng pardons after they shall
havo taken tho oath to lend honest
lives hereafter This Is another sign
of the times It shows that the lawless
elements In Cuba are rapidly reaching
tho conviction that American rule Is
a mighty bad thing for lawbreakers
nnd that the good old Spanish days of
plunder at pleasure have come to an
M Luboris reappearance In tho
Dreyfus tiial and the mental vigor ho
has displayed have already Iind a con
siderable lutlueuce In chaiiglug public
opinion ns to the result of the trial
The ussnssin tired nt the right mnu
for In dlsnbliug laborl he took out of
tho courtroom the one man whom tho
prosecution stands most In fear of the
ouo man who knows most about the
ease tho one upon whom tho defense
leans with tho greatest coutideuce
Next to Iaborl Jleutennnt Colonel
Plequnrt and tho accused are tho
strong men of the defense
As examples of unadulterated below
zero gall the mauuderlngs of tho sul
tan of Sulu a to easily entitled to rank
ns classics This savage has actually
got tho notion Into his thick ukull
that tho whole world fears him
and thnt when ho speaks tho suu
forgets to perspire while tho moon
goes under a cloud to escapo tho ef
fulgence for which this barbnrlan
fondly hnaglues that he Is responsible
General Gomez of Cuba and Santo
Domingo has not been talking very
much lately which goes to show that
the Impression which was rapidly
gaining ger till belief that the wily
old fighter was devoid of common
sense wus a mistaken one
Have yon noticed the recent multi
plication of the terms Penrl of the
Pacific and Penil of the Antilles
At the beginning of the year of grace
1808 theie was but one of each but
things have changed since then
The Hooks That Succeed
What makes u book a great popular
mceess Thousands of authors have
htudlcd this question for years but
have Htudlcd It In vain Beyond n
doubt such works us In Ills Steps
sell better a good denl better than
Mr Darwins Origin of Species Rut
they die much more rapidly In the
elegant phrase of literary gossip many
books In no way distinguishable from
common tracts or vulgar fustian catch
on Why they catch on the philos
opher cannot discover They nre with
out style nnd void Now aud then the
critic Is tempted to say ns Dr John
fcon said of Osslan that nuy mnn
could write such stuff if he abandon
ed his mind to It Rut In reality by
no abandonment of tho mind to direst
cheap commonplace can any man any
woman or any child obtulu tho popu
larity which some examples of cheap
commonplace secure There Is some
secret charm In the lucky book some
hidden ntUnlty with the needs of Its
admirers A writer in Scribucrs Mag
azine tries to unriddle tho mystery
Ho tries In vain What Is tho com
mon quality he asks what Is tho mag
netic attraction shared by David
Harum Mr Dooley In Pence nnd
War In Ills Steps nnd Trilby
Alus there Is no formulu But In tho
nature of things there must be n
formula The four books of course
though all very popular aro popular
probably In quite different ureas No
body who out of tho selected four has
rend only one can explain tho mys
tery Rut the books must hnve a com
mon quality though ono Is about
horses another ubout religion a third
about daily public events and the
fourth about art and nrtists Probably
the common quullty Is something sym
pathetic in the characters of the au
thors Mr du Maurler was one of the
most charming nnd sympathetic of
mortals to tho right persons Their
name was legion The writers of the
other books must also bo delightfully
sympathetic to crowds of their fellow
creatures This personal quality ex
pressing itself in print must wo think
bo tho secret of these astonishing suc
cesses of books which aro not works of
genius yet owe nothing to the Influ
ence of the professional boomster
Tho statistical report of tho inter
state commerce commission for the last
fiscal year gives some interesting fig
ures regarding railway accidents The
number of peoplo killed during the year
was 8rl and the number injured was
40882 Of tho killed 221 wero passen
gers and 1058 were railway employees
The remaining 4080 wero killed at
railway crossings or while stealing rides
Casualties resulting from coupling nnd
uncoupling cars numbered 0088 or over
one fifth of tho total number of casual
ties to employees Thus there would
havo been a great saving to life and
limb had tho automatic coupler with
which tho railroad companies havo been
bo loath to equip their cars been in use
Tho report shows that one passenger
was killed In every 2528138 carried
and one injured in every 170024 This
is a very good showing so fur as the
number killed is concerned though the
percentage of injured is not as low as it
has been in previous years Tho casual
ty list would be greatly reduced with
the abolition of grndo crossings which
should speedily bo done particularly on
lines running through thickly settled
State op Ohio City ok Toledo
Lucas County Sb
Frank J Ciiinky makes oath that ho
is tho senior partner of the firm of F J
Oiikkuy Co doing business in tho
city of Toledo county aud state afore
said and that said firm will pay the
for each aud overy case of catarrh that
oannot bo oured by the use of Halls
Catarkh ClUK
Sworn to before me and bub6cribed in
my presence this 0th day of December
A D 18S0
- A W Gleason
Ot Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Cure is takeu inter
nally and acts directly on the blood aud
mucous surfaces of the system Send
for testimonials free
P J OiirSEY Co
Toledo O
Sold by druggists 75 cents
HallB family pills are the best
Is often a warning that the liver Is
torpid or inactive More serious
troubles may follow Ior a prompt
elUcient cure ot Hcudiuhu unci all
liver troubles tuke
Hoods PSIls
While they rouse tho liver restore
full regular uctlon of the bowels
they do not gripe or pain do not
irritate or Inflame the Internal orpins
but have a positive tonic effect 85c
at all rtruKKfrts ory mail of
C I Rood Co Lowell Mass
Graceful Easy and Long Wearing
Olga Ncthcrsole 250 Shoe
rofcfiws tlio nusril of perfect stylo fit comfort owl durability
No brwiMtiK in tucwiry mndo lo conform lo tlto lines of tlio UU
Solo vory lloilbloi Cliroino Kid stock that Is eoft ru n rIoto ci
Nonrs llko Iron Kxccli nuy SIM shoo for wear ami comfort
ii I IW ClirtxnoKlil with Up of tlio Rnmr miillirm Wight mile
too Hit littlirf u nllrer Imlf dollar low heol mill irolf iNittern
mi will flint UilA rbmi it combination of Mrlo and comfort
nanufaCurcd by The Hock Island Shoe Co Uock Island III
anu ol delusively In this city by
Offlco oyer Citliens Nntl Bank Residence one
bloek north ol Congregational ohnrob
Fashionable Dressmaker
Up stairs In Cotton oloek over Banmt
work guaranteed
Attorneys at Law
Boonu 10 11 and 12 Mast Bloek
Norfolk Nebraska
Undertakers and EmbalmerB
Sessions Blk Norfolk Ave
Norfolk Nebraska
Attorney at Law
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Witon
Block Norfolk
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First door West of Post Ofllce
Mrs HHHull
Ptcil Treatment Ntnicoricg ted Shampot
Will g ladljr call at your homes and do any of tbl
work Orders taken or fine hair ewltobst
Pet foot matoh guaranteed Beatdence on First
street Junction Orders mar be left at the
Jnaotion Urn Htore Telephone lO
Oil and Gasoline
Jacksoh Ttnu Nov 23
I was subject to mNcarriage for three yean
and suffered constantly with backache I wrote
to you for advice and after using three bottles
of Wine of Cnrdul according to your directions
I am strong and well and the mother of a fine
girl baby
WneTOrtl 1
There is no use talking a baby in the house is the link that binds
husband and wife together Nothing is sadder than fruitless wedlock
The prattling and cooing of the little ones otfset a thousand times the
occasional worries and trials of life When a wife is barren there is x
derangement somewhere in the genital organs caused by one or more of
those common disorders known as female troubles Wine of Cardui
is the remedy It puts the organs of generation in a strong and healthy
condition fitting the wife for the sacred duty of reproducing her kind
During the period of gestation the entire system of the expectant mother
is built up to withstand the ordeal of labor and when the little one
makes Its advent it is lusty and
strong well fitted to gi ow to ma
turity in perfect health The
mother too passes through the
trial with little pain and no dread
Wine of Cardui is truly a wonder
ful medicine for women
i casts requiring special
directions mliJreM giving symptoms
Ucilf Adilrj llrpl Th IUTTAOUUA
iifiiiiK0 ciiattnnooga Tcnn
Large Bottles for 100 at Druggists
Attorneys at Law
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
Otiioe over CitlzenB National Bank Utllce
honrB 10 00 U 12 00 a in and 200 to 5 K pm
JvemrjKB 70 to S 00
Bosidence Tolepbone No 9
Office No 101
W 0 Halls Barter Shop
UendqnnrterB Removed from Davenports sta
ble to Geo Dudlejt htnlilo on 5th St
For Plumbing Stein Fitting Pumps
Tanks Wind Mills
And all repair work in this line ca
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Fi 1t door south of Daily New office
Prices Reasonable
Up stnirs over Warelmms Millinery
Everybody wants the bst of
meats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Onr Shp Ih the Neetest
in the City m
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
J s moFow
Will rot down uew rellu or repair old onea
Laoin Ifloiuers Sharpened gCnkteeb
1207 Philip Ave Telephone 124
A li