i m cr n t i i I - V 10 - i ft J M A w v THfi NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST 31 1890 THE FIRST FM OTODHCEWT JOHNSON DRY GOODS MMAMMiMAMdMakMMMAMMriMAMAAAMrfMAMhiiaMMA Our Immense Stock of FALL and WINTER MERCHANDISE is Now Fast Arriving Our stock will be materially larger and superior to any we have ever offered We have spent three weeks among the mills and import agents of New York City and to get every benefit in price have bought all goods in large quantities We propose to offer our trade the great est assortment of uptodate fall merchandise ever seen in northeast Nebraska and at prices lower than all competition mikmitm WE INVITE YOU TO OUR STORE Look and get prices freely No customer is ever drummed to buy goods against their own judgment in our store Our highest aim is to respect the wishes and comfort of all Make yourself at home with us Do your waiting in our store and let us be of any service to you we can Respectfully THE JOH NSON DRY GOODS COMPANY A I V