v a x W iwM The Norfolk Weekly News IDKraCOIllIOME Great Rejoicing in Madison Over the Return of Com pany F of the Fighting First GREATEST DAY EVER SEEN AT THE COUNTY SEAT Thousands of People are Present to Do Honor to the Heroes Who Fired the Opening Shots in the First Battle with the Filipinos THE OITY OF MADISON LAVISHLY DECORATED FOR THE 000ASI0N Tho Soltllern Keiulieil llotnn at it luto Hour limt Mglit and Toiluy Ilu Arc tlio Guest1 r tlio Cltj A llg 1iuiitlo Suocli mill u lliiiiititt Xotlilui N Too Good for the Men from Manila Norfolk Contribute Ilei Minn to tlio Crowd anil Dntliiiiliisiii This is a groat day for Madison It is tho groatlst day that that pretty city over saw There nro more peoplo there today thau havo ever beou before all shoutiug themselves hoarse in giving a glad wolconio to tho soldiers of com pany F First Nebraska regiment who returned last night from Manila where they did heroic service for tho stars and stripes for nearly a year While these soldiers are Madisons own boys yet all the county claims an interest in them and all aro proud of their achievements and a large share of tho people of tho county are in Madison today joining with tho fathers and mothers of those boys in giving them a hearty welcome home while extending sympathy to those other fathers and mothers whoso sons are resting beneath tho sod of a far oft island Norfolk contributes a lurge crowd to swell the re j oicing throng at Madison today Many started early and drove over but more took tho train on the Union Pacific Unfortunately tho train did not get away until 11 20 -10 minutes late and it was nearly noon when Mad ison was reached Tlie train consisted of six coaches many of them profusely decorated with national colors and two of them bearing banners which said Norfolk Fire department Norfolk Welcomes Company F Tho rain of last night while it had a tendency early this morning to dis courage those who had planned to go was welcomed as an agency to purify the atmosphere and lay the dust when it was found that the showers had cleared away so that it really helped to swell the crowd rather than diminish it The delegation was under the direction of H 0 Matrau marshal of the day who was assisted by Lieut A J Koen igstein and C E Hartford as aides Tho organizations that went in a body were Mathewsou post G A It the Womans Relief Corps Company L N N G the Norfolk band aud Norfolk Fire department Besides those com posing the organizations huudreds of private citizens wont along to augment the crowd and swell the enthusiasm THE DAY AT MADISON A Shoner While the Parade i ruling Does Not Induce An one to Ieae lulut of ViintHRc Madison August ill Special to Tun Nuws Madison today welcomes homo her soldier boys who left this city a year ogo last May in response to a call of the country The city is lavishly decorated with flags and bunting in honor of this happy occasion and the streets are thronged with people who have como to help swell tho welcome Every portion of the county is repre sented aud all seem to be as glad to see the soldiers as the fathers and mothers of the boys themselves As early as yesterday peoplo from out of town be gan to arrive so that they might be present when the soldiers reached home No one slept last night or if they did it was well toward daylight and they were up again bright and early this morning ready to do honor to the he roes of tho day The train upon whioh the soldiers came was due at 8 05 but it did not get in until after 1 1 oclock Notwithstanding the lateuess of the hour the whole town was down to the station with tho baud to groet them Sixteen young ladies tho Rough Rider baud dressed in duck suits leggius aud cow boy hats boarded tho train yesterday morning aud wont to Columbus to meet the boys Tho in coming train last night was greeted with the booming of cannon aud music by tho band And such a cheer as there was when the train stopped at tho platform Such shoutiug aud glad cries of welcome must havo been heard beyond the conllues of tho city aud awakened a responsive echo in the heart of every person w ho caught the sound of that multitude of voices Then when tho boys had set foot upon homo giound once more thoro was a seeking out of ones own Fathers and mothers found their sous and clasped them in stilling embrace sisters gave their brothers and other brothers a good hug while the younger male members of the family timidly ap proached tho big hero touched his hand lightly and thus laconically expressed their welcome Hollo Bill got home aint ye One by one the boys were taken away from tho crowd aud be neath the roof of the old homo long hours were spent in talking over the stirring incidents of the past year This morning the town was awake early and preparations were hurriedly pushed to completion for tho events of tho da3 People commenced coming into town early by wagon and when tho train arrived with tlio big delega tion from Norfolk there was such a mass of visitors in tho city as never has be fore been seen At that time tho parade had been formed on streets near tho depot and stood at rest awaiting tho Norfolk people The procession which moved shortly before 12 oclock was formed in tho fol lowing order Marshal of the day Newman Grove baud Company F Madison baud Ladies cadet company consisting of a number of young ladies dressed in red and white skirts blue blouses aud mili tary caps Norfolk band Company L of Norfolk Knights of Pythias of Madison Battle Creek baud G A R of Norfolk G A R of Madison Womans Relief Corps of Norfolk Womans Roliof Corp3 of Madison Fire Department of Madison Fire Department of Norfolk Fire Department of Humphrey Oreston baud Oitizeus in carriages Citizous ou foot The Hue of march was up the street from the depot to one block east of Main passing under tho triumphal arch which is a very substantial s truoture covered with rod white and blue and decorated with the portraits of men who were prominent in the war Then the procession wheeled to the left two blocks west one block to Main and up that to tho tent near G A R hall From either side along the line of march crowds of peoplo wituessed the passing of the parade cheering lustily as each section came iuto view Duriug 1 10 parade quito a heavy shower fell but uo attention was paid to a small matter like that aud uo one deserted on account of the moisture Arriving at the tent ranks were broken and tho members of compauy F were invited to partake of a banquet whioh had been prepared for them by the ladies of Madison The feast was one fit for a klug and while some of the ladles sorved others presented eaoh sol dior with a floral offering After the sjldters were satiated other organisa tions in the parade were invited in to NORFOLK NEBRASKA TIllUSDAY AldlST 131 1890 partnko of tlii good tilings and ovon after all had Mulshed there was some to spare At the Opeiu Home Long boforo 2 oclock peoplo began as sembling at tho opera house and by that hour tlio auilitoiiuni was packed to still oeation and not a thiid of tho o who desired could gain admittance Boforo tlio oxoicises coinnieiiiod n ooinnilttoo niado a free distribution of small flags giving ovory person in tho audionco ono The waving of those em blems of liberty by that vast crowd combined with tho objects of tho day wrought enthusiasm to its hignest pitch Wltllo waiting for tlio audience to bo seated tho Norfolk band gave n few patiiotie selections When company F entered tho room tho whole audionco aioso and cheered it to tho echo After another solecloln by tho band Rev 0 W Lowrio pastor of tho Pres byterian church at this plnco led in prayer A well roudorod chorus followed entitled Uplift your voices When tho band gave a patriotic mod ley thero was it suddon pause whon some ono proposed three choers for com pany L which were given with a will Mr Stevenson as presiding olllcer of tho mooting thou steppod forward to introduce Col Simpson and in doing so ho took occasion to incorporate in his remarks a vory neat and patriotic speech Mayor Simpson of Norfolk who had beou selected to gvo tlio tuldiess of wel come addressed the soldiers of company F as comrades stating that ho used that term advisedly as ono who 1ms tho right to wear tho brono button and who with the soldiers 311st homo from tho war has boon baptized in tho tiro of battle lighting under tho dear old ling It seems proper awl right aid the speaker that wo veterans of 1 Mil -do should nddross you soldiers of isis HOb the endearing term of comrades To the speaker had been assigned tlio pleas ant duty of bidding tho soldiers in tho name and in behalf of all tho people of Madison county 11 warm and hearty welcomo home Ho recited tho fact thnt the soldiers had been performing tho highest duty known to tho citizens of nny country lighting under tho Hag tho ling that wherever it floats is the exemplification of tho highest degree of freedom and humanity known to man kind We meet with cheers and hearty greetings for those dear ones who havo been spared to roturn after having carried that old flag i000 miles across the continent and -1000 miles over tho sea 7000 miles away from homo with credit to yourselves tho localities from whence you came and tho state you rep resented Amid all this rejoicing come- the sad thought that not all who went away at their countrys call in tho pride of their young manhood havo como back They lie sleeping far from home aud friends on the distaut islands of tho sea Their names will bo enrolled among tho soldiers of tho revolution tho men of 1 SI 2 and 1S47 and the heroes who died wearing tho blue in il iio In duo time tho government will bring back their remains to be interred in their proper localities among their loved ones for whom they wont Tho speak er then ventured a word of oxporienco from one who knows aud feels what ho says when he stated to the soldiors that dear as their comrades with whom they havo marched and fought may seem to them now not until the snow of niauy winters has whitened their heads nud tho burdens of many years havo bout their forms will they feel tho full forco and strength of tho ties that bind them together as comrades The memory of their sacred dead will grow more and more tender as tlio years go along and when comrades meet m days to come eyo will catch eye hand will grasp baud tho heart will come up iuto tho throat aud words will not bo found to express tho love they havo for each other Again bidding them a hearty welcome home the speaker statod that it is tho wish of ovory man woman nnd child in Madison county that tho future career of each soldier may bo as prosper ous nnd happy as his past has boon glo rious aud horoic When Mr Simpson spoke of those members of company F who nre lying beneath tho sod of a far on laud he asked tho audience to rise while tho roll of the horo dead was read tho bugle sounding taps for them This iuvi tation was responded to and tho au dience stood with bowed heads as the names were read as follows Folkner Horace private disease September 28 1898 Sims Arthur 0 private disease Octobers 1898 Philpot William pri vate in action February o 1899 Cook Warren H private wounds February 18 1899 Vickera A H private wounds April 4 1899 Riley Walter M corporal disease April 0 1S99 Hoover H U private wouuds May o 18VJ At the close of tho address of welcome the quartette sang Homeward Bound Then Hon Johu S Robinson was in traduced who gave a timely address of about teu minutes in whioh he con veyed the happy sentiments of Madison people in welcoming home the members of company F At the close of his ro inarkj the Spaniard who deserted and enlisted in company F coining homo with tho boys was hi ought forwunl awl in trod need The Ladles quartette then gave Tho Old 1oiKet Bible Hon lohn K Hays wits the 110M speaker nnd ho was in his happiest vein giving a shoit talk which was full of pattiotisin thankfulness for tho safe teturn of tho boys and glory in their deeds of valor while fighting for tho Hag in 11 tnr oil land Tlio Soldiors Ohm us was net giv en by tlio quartette which was followed by an addi oss by Prof F S lerduo of MadiMin An original song was given by the uialo iiuartotto entitled Take oil your hats to company F Then tho audionco rose and sang tho Star Spangled Runner and tlio exor cises closed by a flag saluto to company F with thioo cheers by tho audionco Spoil The later part of tho afternoon will bo given up to sports A gamo of base ball will bo played between Newman irovo awl Norfolk touniH which promises to bo a close contest Tho colobration will close with 11 grand display of fireworks followed by a dunce this evening Tho Norfolk tram will not leave until 10 oclock to allow tho visitors to see tho fireworks For tlio bono race there wore two con testants Norfolk and Huniphroy The judges selected were Malcomb of Madi son MapeH and Clements of Norfolk tune keepers Robert Onto nud Al Bley of Madison The Norfolk team ninilo tho run ot Mil yards awl hud lot feet of hoso 111 110 seconds Botoio the Humphrey team stnitod it was ruled out and the Madison team entered tho nice It started botoio tho tune keepers weroieudy howover and us thiH 11- port closes it is preparing to nuiko an other run Norfolk peoplo who are attending tlio oolebiution nt Mitdisou today aro woll plonsed with their oiitcitiuuiiiont and pronounce the day an unqualified success CliMHioloi ol Iiist VHiiiitkii ltiiiiimiL May 10 1898 Mustered into tho serv ico of tho United States at Lincoln with 1020 men awl officers May Hi Lett Lincoln lor the Philip pines June Hi Sailed from S111 Francisco Juno SI Arrived Honolulu July 17 Reached Manila bay Aug 2 to J First buttle with tho Spaniaids assault ou Manila 1 dead 10 wounded Nov 10 Colonel Bratt succeeded by Colonel Stotsonborg Dec Hi Recoived 1000 Aineriau money Christinas iuwl laised by Oma ha World Herald Dec Kr One hundred and ninety men started lor home Feb I 1899 First battle with tho in surgents opening shots fired by tho Nebriskaiis March 1- Shipment of Christmas boxes reached regiment in the field April 23 Colonel Stotsonborg killed in action May 1 Hospital fund of llir0 Amoiicau money cabled by Omaha World Herald readers May 1 Regiment asked for tempo rary relief from firing line after three months continuous fighting May 0 Relieved from duty at tho front 35 men doad awl 202 wounded July 1 Rogimont sailed from Manila or homo with 43 officers and 81- men under Colonel Mulford July 29 Reached San Francisco Aug 23 Regiment mustered out at San Francisco Aug 24 State of Nebraska by Gov ernor Poyntor contracts for transput ta tion of entire regiment from San Fran cisco to tho homo of the fighters Aug 2i5 Departed for home Aug 50 Arrived und ontoitainod by peoplo of tho state at Omaha Until of Hid rirnt NiliraHka Aug 2 to 18 189S Assault against Manila held by tho Spaulaids Fob 4 and 15 1899 First battle with tho Filipinos at Santa Mesa Feb J Famous battle at tho water works Fob 17 Fob 20 Fob 22 playground Skirmish at Mariquiuu Second battlo of Santa Mesa Fight at Cainta devils March r and 0 Battlo on tho Mum- quina road March 7 Skirmish near the Pasig river March 2o to ill Battlo boforo Malo los in which the First Nebraskans pre cipitated the flight of Aguiualdo awl cabinet driving them to San Fernando capture of San Francisco dol Monte Meycauayau Marilao Sto Maria Gui guinto and Sto Clara Bigoa April 23 to 2fi Battle of Quiugua in Whioh Colonel Stotsonborg was killed May 3 to li Famous battlo of Caluiu pit Santa Tomas awl San Fernando Tho First Nobraskuns will bo given another grand blow out at Lincoln in two weeks Elaborate preparations are being made at the Capital city Lieutenant Colonel Frank D Eager 111 command of the regiment 111 the ab sence of Colonel Mulford is a newspa per man being tho owner of The Inde pendent a leading Populist newspaper of tho state published at Lincoln Major J N Killian of the coinmis sioued staff is uo one of tho boys boiug editor aud owner of Tho Ne braska Bieuo u Germau newspaper at Columbui Tin iMPiiTivn uincun rmiiiLMi rmm Wonderful Record of the Ne braska Regiment 10NG SIJUVIOI ON Till nitINn LINK NlllllK Ol I III Untitle 1jlt lllljlllllll J tho ItruhiiKiit Itnilli ill Colotiot nil 11 M SIiiIkkhImiik Nllll lllllll lllllll trn Ihi il llll shut ol llin Win The lighting reeoid of the Fust No bnislui in the Philippine campaign is mi exttiioidinary one When I ho logliiionl sailed for Manila it was 1200 stiong After two months fighting buioly 100 men wore left 011 the filing lino Maus er bullets and lever had done for tho rest A largo number hud been killed in battle the tost weio in the hospitals F10111 the 111 si gun of the Filipino 10 volt the Nebraska tioops weio in tlio van of the lighting In fuel il wan 11 shot Hi cd by a Noluusku volunteer that piooipitulod tho war mill tho 11111110 of the soldier was William W Giuysonof company I enlisted at Lincoln Nchraslciius marched ti imiiphautly into seeial towns al the head of tho Amciictii forces Nohiiskuus pioeipt titted tho llighl of the Filipinos holoio Malolos diiMiig Aguiualdo mid Ins cab inet In Sail Fernando nwl fiom Han Fernando lurthor ninth Nebinsltiins fought 111 the van of the tuitions battle at Cnluiiipil and Noliiiisltans weio on the 111 mg line 111 tho situ misliis which followed tho wily plea loi a tiiten bylho late General Luna It limy he leinnikeil 111 passing that the Nebraska volunteers may hae found inspiiatinii 111 the Im I thai Iheiegimont took the name ol thai olhei iiKinuiit which was enlisted iluiing Ihe sixties awl fought so httuly al Sliilolt over i years ago Along with the memory ol the Fust awl list among Us uutityrs will always oicimi MAiim 11 Mtiroitii stand the name of Colonel John M Stotsenboig No more pathetic inci dent ol the Filipino war can bo recalled than tho death ot that biavo officer while leading his regiment 111 11 victor ions charge 11 short distance cast of Ma lolos on April 211 IS99 Stotsonborg had just returned fiom a visit to his wile and daughter at Manila Ono battalion of the regiment had boon scut to the jelief of 11 dctochiuciit of tho Fourth cavalry which had been sur rounded But Major Mulford found tho enemy too stioug The colonel waved his swoid and rode at tho head of the two icmiiiunig battalions ou to tho trunches A bullet pierced his heart and tho gallant olllcer foil lifeless from his horse while his regiment yelling liko mad charged on to victory Tho two companies which havo most distinguished themselves are L of Oma ha awl D of Lincoln Tho captain oi compauy L tho Thurston rifles was Wallace O Taylor son of tho collector of tho port ol Omaha Cadet Taylor who has been prominent in Nebraska for years Taylor has recently boon promoted to tho rank of major for gal lantry All of tho killed in the rogimont wore unmarried men and almost the entire roster is ot men whoso only ties at homo aro those of sweetheart and mother Tho married men were nearly all sent homo when tho regiments weio reduced to the minimum Tho Nebraska boys wero greeted at San Frunsoisco ly a big Nebraska dele gation which included Governor Poyn tor and other prominout officials Thoir reooption was a tyjw of tho uiannor 111 which tho other volunteers havo boon received and is worth describing As tho parading column swung into Maiket street San Franciscos principal thoroughfare it was in throe distinct parts quito noticeable beenuso of tho difference 111 the uniforms of tho men First camo a rollicking band aud a body of sniurtly dresed and hearty looking men all in army blue Thoy wero tho Third artillery regulars trom tho Pres idio detailed by Mujor General Shaftor us tho government escort to the battle scarred volunteers People who did not know scanned their ruddy faces aud re marked Well they do not look so badly used up But 111 a moment thoy realised thoir mistake when there canto swinging along company after company of slim lithe young fellows with thin tunned cheeks weather worn cainpugu lrats faded khaki trousers and leggings old blue flannel shirts aud carrying dingy Springfield rifles aud rolls of much used blankets over their coatless shoulders while battered haversacks and cauteeus hunt about their loins V The ronliiist between ho homo bir nicks legulai and the filing line voluii leer lrnm lureign fields was loo gieat not to bo nppiei iitted even by n stranger to inllttiiiy iippeitiiiiii os These Kiuint smiling lellnws weio the latnuiu No bntskaitH The teal flglilois could not be nits taken Voting Colonel Mulfoid who went aw ny a major mile al Iheit IhmiI awl close behind come Iho legmieiilil bawl pltiMiig with Ihe spit it ol getiiiino gladness that awakened a sympathetic something in every heal el Itmlil ol Itiulniiiil Tho officers of roginienl awl conipm ies on iuiImiI al Han Friinst iseo woto an follows Commissioned stall Colonel lluity B Million lietiteuaut colonel Fiank I Kugor senloi major Walloon O Taylor junior major Julius N ICtl lain major and Huigeou Frank A Huy del chaplain Jaiiies A Mailley quar tet muster Win ion It McLaughlin ad jutant Butt D Whedoii Non commissioned stall Sergeant iiiaioi William L B00I11 sergeant Al boil li Rollins hospital stowutds Curl L ltiiwlstroiii George O Bunes awl Tony M Hilsabcek Bnwl onginiilly ol Fiilloiloti Diioo 01 James Ileice Company A ol Voik Captain George II lliilileiimin first lieutenant Daniel Coicorait second lieutenant Fled Fish 01 Ih st seigeiint Frank A Baker qiiar leiiniistei si tgeatil John B Millet set geant otto I Todd color sergeants Wnllit Pool killed 111 action Mniili Jr 1MIII Joseph S OviuttK A Voioih John A Glover died Sept 28 ISMS II L Hull eoipniiils C O Fremuiu O Allen Itollai Alo Boyuton Fred L Mann Joseph Bye William 13 Jimios Company B of Fullet ton Captain Claude II high Hist lieutenant Phil W Russell second lieutenant Andrew S Wadswoilli llrsl sergeant Chester W Marlin qiini lenmistei seigeant Myron Steams died 111 legimeiit hospital James F Stoieh killed in action at Siiuign seigeant William P Augustus coiporitls Ralph II Richards Albert Gin inner qiiailoriuaster sergeant P W Jewell Iouipiiiy J of Beatrice Capt till Al beit II Holliugwoitli first lieutenant Joseph A Slaich second lieutenant Ganett P Coleman first orgcuiit Wil ham II Reedy Goorgo Ij jeddes died June 21 Is IS on oyugo to Manila buried al sea John AHall UirryS Mm dock William J Fvaiis died at Cavito July 21 1S98 Lehman 0 Potors Hans Johnson Company Dol Lincoln Captain Mar tin Ilerpolsheiinor wounded first lieu tenant Alexander Van V11I111 second lieutenant Louis W Ryan first ser geant Ley H Stoner quariennastor sergeant Jcitlnie Il Devrienot Willnun A Shnler corporals William A Slutf er Hugh 13 Clapp Frank J Birrou sergeant Frank A Pascal sergeant Frederic F Cohcily sergeant Ohurloi T Ivuapp musician Lugono Linder maii Company 13 of David City Captain John F Zollinger first lieutenant Flunk B Niiiiacong second lieutenant Shci man A White first sergeant Chillies C Telleseii quui tormasler ser geant Henry Jacob sergeant Frank Graham corporals Charles 13 Cun uiiigliuiii Peter Anderson Company F ot Madison Captain Clinles F Jens first lieutenant Ait dtew C Smith second lieutenant Sam uel McI31hver first sergeant 13dwanl II Kennedy quuitcrmastcr sergeant Hairy Wotler corporals Arthur II Viekers died of wounds lecoived at Guiguinto March t0 Walter M Riley died at Malolos April 8 congestion of stomach Walter J Hunting sorgoant Joseph G Fell sergeant musicians Daniel S Friser sergeant Hurry W Viekers corporal Company G of Geneva Captain V Claris Talbot first lieutenant D W Burr second lieutenant Hurry 13 Hau nts first sergeant John A Stewart quartermaster sergeant Henry C Un derwood sergeants Goorgo S Higgm botham Francis M Walker W 13 Camp Franklin R Camp corporals Charlton IJ Hyde Alvin R Scott 13rnest W Waite Arthur S Hauuos MAJOIt WALLACE B TAYLOK Ward G Roberts Johu H McPherson Johu A Witter musiciau Bonder El wood Company II of Nelson Captain Harry L Archer first lieutenant Will iam G Dutigau second lieutenant Robert B McCoiiuell first sergeaut James A Hedgcock quartermaster ser geant William Barker Sergeauts Charles M Bowers Charles A Mellick killed near Quiuqua April 23 1S9J corporals