The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 24, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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- VV
Theflopfolk Mems
It Is tlio Mine Ort cont dollar nnd tho
people nro getting
When Mnckny and hilds nro tolil
thnt moil arc known by tho com puny
they keep they look nt each other and
wonder which it is Anil for tho lifo of
us wo cant toll Tho general public
looliroH its both
By shiehling himself behind tho rtll
torinl columns of tho Tribune yesterday
morning loo Muckny but brings into
prominence tho fact that Mr Chllds
wosnUo turned down with ns much
rmphasis as his friend Mnckny by tho
democratic enn volition last Friday
Child was on tho Muckny slato and
was particularly anxious to holp repre
sent Mndlson county in tho democratic
Btnto convention but anyono wearing
the Mnckny label was doomed to dofent
nnd it was done with a neatness nnd
ulispntch that wns truly refreshing As
one delegate In tho convention expresses
it The demociixts of Madison county
hnvo been carrying that kind of it loud
loo long
How hnth tho mighty fallon I What u
pltinblo sceno was that yesterday in tho
democrat io county convention when
that former great chieftain tho man
who not so ninny years ago dictated al
most every act of tho party and car
ried its vote in his vest pocket tho
leader whoso word wns law to tho faith
ful whnt a sceno was there my coun
trymen when ho who had been so great
wib kicked from tho eminence to which
ho had risen lluttored for a few mo
ments in thin air and then fell with a
dull sickoning thud on tho hard rooks
below Thoro was moro to tho turning
down of Or Muckny by tho democrats
yesterday than appeared on tho surface
Itseoms tho party had been getting
tired of him for somo tinio and when n
caucus wns hold in his ward to noini
jinto delogntes to tho county convention
his namo was not montlonud although
ho worked hnrd to go on tho ticket as a
dologato Notwithstanding tho sotbnek
received in tho caucus ho had tickotB
printed for uso at tho primary election
containing his name but when tho bal
lots were counted it was found that ho
had received only eight out of tho -18
votes cast in tho ward Nothing daunt
cd ho appeared lioforo tho county con
vention and picking out an innocent
countrymau who only know him as tho
former chief to mnko his motion for
him ho ngnin sprang his own nnnio ns n
delegato to tho state convention By
this timo tho members of tho party from
Norfolk thought it opportune to tench
him a lesson that would Inst him for
awhile so they nsked permission of tho
convention to sottlo their own diflloul
ties and in canons thoy docidodby unan
imous vote thnt Dr Maokny should not
bo one of tho dologatos to tho statu con
vention which action was ratified by tho
convention Thou tho doctor loft in
diBgust much to tho delight of tho dele
Ouo stntomont mndo by Coin Harvey
in his address last ovening is worthy of
attention He said that while times
may seem to bo improving there is no
real prosperity and that tho farmers aro
suffering from the mouoy power und the
trusts Lot us soo whether tho farmer
iB no bettor off than ho was three years
ago when Bryan and Harvey were rac
ing about tho country predicting diro
calamity in tho ovout that freo silver
and free trade did not prevail At that
time tho country wns being conducted
by a democratic ndmiuistrntiou work
ing uuder a democratic tnriff law thnt
Bryan himself while a member of con
gress helped to framo Tho culnniityites
of that day said that if McKiiiley wore
elected wo would have a SOU ceut dollar
and whnt tho farmer hud to soil would
be worth almost nothing in fact in the
distorted minds of those ohampions of
the people farm products would hardly
be worth hauling to market That tho
predictions so glibly made throo yenrs
ago hnvo utterly failed of fruition is
proven beyond controversy by the mar
ket roportB then und now Tuko tho
Chicago market of August 18 1S1HS and
compare it with tho same market on
August 18 18 and tho story is soon
told On August IS ISill tho prico of
September wheat in Chicago was fit
cents j yeBterday it was 70 couts Three
years ago com sold nt 21 cents yester
day tho price was IW cents Onts wore
then 11 cents now ID Pork on that
day was ftUM j yesterday SS7 Lard
then was SUM now fVO Cattle iu
South Omaha on that day sold for 15
yesterdny r JO Hogs in the same
market three yenrs ago were 5115 yes
terday 48T These liguros nro taken
Jroui tho published mnrkot reports of
three years ago yesterdny nnd yesterday
and there is no doubt as to their authen
ticity Taking all of the chief products
of the farm into consideration tho re
sult shows that the farmer is now re
ceiving an average of 47 ier cent more
for his labor than he was three years
ago under democratlo rule and this iu
face of tho fact that Coin Harvey pre
dicted at that time that farm products
- would be worth almost nothing It is
no wonder that Harvey fails to draw
U B Ovelinan started on n trip Ninth
A V Snygg of YViuimi is in the city
0 K House went to Humphrey this
W C Culoy of Creighton was n tho
city today
Miss Kriith Parker was a Pierce
vihitor yesterdny
Sheriff 13 0 Unas of Plerco wns in
tho city yesterday
1 B Maylord was a passenger to
Omaha yesterday
V h Kstabrook mndo n business trip
to Mndlson today
Dr Dolon of Missouri Valley Iowa
Ih in tho city today
Ioo Dugher of Wisnor iB visiting his
undo 1 H Conloy
lioo I Parker wns in tho city j ester
day from Coleridge
Mrs Frank Hanbo of Stnnton wis a
city visitor yesterday
Mrs Carl Znstrow who lives on South
Fourth street is very sick
Corl Jenkins has returned from Fill
lerton where ho visited Nelson Barber
F W Beck nnd F J Keller wont to
Sioux City yestorduy on a business trip
A F Moltby of Colorado Si rings
Col is in the city looking after property
U 13 Foster nnd It 1 Tuto of Plain
viow were iu tho city overnight onrouto
to Omuha
A fow young people woro very pleas
antly entertained by tho Misses Morrow
last evening
Kditor and Mrs W 13 Powers of
Plerco woro in tho city this morning
greeting friends
Mrs W Ij Van Horn who hns boon
visiting friends iu Norfolk returned to
Osmond at noon
Mrs P F Sprcchor and Mrs II 13
Hardy returned last night from their
outing in Colorado
Mrs N J Stovensou and Mrs C O
Dodgo of Madison aro in tho city today
doing somo trading
Mrs M Yount und children will re
turn tomorrow from nn extended visit
iu northern Montana
0 S 13vnns nnd C D lonkiuB went
to Omaha tliin morning to attend tho
populist state convoutiou
Miss Gertrude Austin has cccoptcd a
position in Baum Bros storo and will
commence work tomorrow
M Clussen of Humphrey wns in tho
city today a guest of C D Jenkins
whllo onronto to Souh Dakota
H 13 Owen camo in yoBterdny from
Wyoming whbro ho is engaged in rail
road grado work and will mako a short
Mrs O B Durland is entertaining a
number of neighboring ladies at her
homo on North Ninth stroot this after
Attorney V M Robertson of this
city is trying au important lawsuit be
fore tho Stovonson county Illinois bar
at Froeport
Mrs Martin Machmueller living just
west of tho city has boon quite sick
with pneumonia but is now consider
ably improved
II II Chuppoll was in the city today
from Pierco Ho will start on a trip
probably west for the Sugar City Cereal
mills tomorrow
Tho members of tho CI A It post and
ladies of tho W It 0 aro enjoying a
pionio today at tho Burrell Heed farm
south of tho city
Mr and Mrs J It HuyB nre expected
homo this evening from a visit to Mt
Vernon Iowa Chicngo 111 and
Warhington D 0
Hon Wm V Allen J B Donovan
and Jos Martin were in tho city from
Madison over night on their way to tho
convention at Omaha
Mrs F A Blukeman returned to her
homo at Independence Iowa today
nfter a three wevks visit with W 11
Blakemau and fumily
At tho meeting of company L Second
regiment held last evening John
Barnes jr was elected first nud S II
McClury second lieutenants
A mission festival of the German Lu
theran church will bo given at Hadar
next Sunday and no doubt a largo num
ber of Norfolk people will attend
G A Luikart D Hees Anton Bu
cholz A Deguer and O F W Mar
tjuardt departed for Omaha this morn
ing to attend tho democutic state con
The Nkws is iu receipt of a compli
mentary ticket to tho 18th annunl fuir
of tho Madison county Agricultural so
ciety which will bo held at Madison
September 12th to 15th
It is Faid that the Pre sbyteriaus are
abut to purchase the old Catholio church
building and will remove it to a location
on Fourth street where it will bo fitted
up to meet their present requirements
Police JudgeJIInyes has received a new
docket the old one being full Tho
new book coutnins partially printed pro
ceedings with blank forms to be filled
the farmers to his meetiugt in ebraela out making it a very convenient docket
the farmers are too busy taking care
of a bumper crop which is worth some
thing when harvested to Bpend timo to
listen to vague theories as to what will
J as W Kidder jr sold bis farm yes
terday to Lewis W Broecher of Frauk
lin county through the agency of Gow
tend moving to Oregon to mnlto their
future homo
Hev F P Wigton and daughter
Cora drovo over from Osmond yester
day Miss Cora will visit Norfolk friends
for a weeknnd Mr Wigton returned
homo today
P T Birchurd and C L Hnnsoin of
Omuha hnvo started on their annunl
trip of inspecting bridges for tho F 13
ooM V company Tho trip will tako
about two weeks
John Beck conductor on the Klkhorn
hns purchased tho house of 1 C Aid nt
the Junction Mr Aids fnmily will re
move to his house just south of tho one
they now occupy nbout tho 1st of Sep
Lester Pnrkor has purchased tho
Hichnrd Foalo property on Park avenue
between Sixth and Seventh streets and
will tako iKissession September 1 Mr
Foalo will move his family to Oklnhoma
Tho Yellow Banks continuo ia favor
as a camping place John Barnes jr
nnd Dr C S Parker going out this
afternoon prepared to spend tho balance
of tho week and acquire a tan skin and
n low mosquito bite marks
Tim llttlo sowing society at South
Norfolk known as tho Merry Work
ers will give an ico cream socinblo at
tho residence of W C Holand this even
ing for tho bonofit of tho Second Con
gregational church All aro invited
Mr and MrH 13d Wagner returned
lust evening from a thrco inonthb trip
through California Oregon and Wash
ington They visited Mrs Wagners
brother nt Portland Mr Wagners
health was much improved by tho trip
Tho following is a local brevity iu to
days Omaha Beo Robert Muuney a
lad from Norfolk charged
with tho theft of 70 from George Hill
man was discharged by Judge Gordon
after a hearing in police court Monday
From conversations overheard on the
street it is judged that nearly everybody
contemplates attending tho concert to
be given this evening at tho Congrega
tional church by Miss Nellio Gerecko
vocalist and Mr Ludwig Koenigstoiu
pianist Tickets aro on sale at Leonards
drug storo
Tho driver of tho rig thnt passed over
lit t lo Marion Salter at Oakland several
days ago passed through tho city last
evening on his wny to Aiuswortli He
roports that tho child is improving nnd
entirely out of danger It is probable
thnt Mrs Suiter nud the little girl will
bo homo by the end of this week
Tho Bpeciul car which is to convoy
the A O U W delegation to tho
Wayne picnic tomorrow came in with
last evenings train It is a handsome
coach just out of the shops with a fresh
coat of paint adorning it inside and ont
Members of the order will no doubt see
that it is well tilled tomorrow morning
Tho ladios of tho M E church aro
preparing for nu entertainment to be
given AuguBt illst Leading parts will
bo taken by childreuwho aro now being
rehearsed It will consist of fancy
drills and Mother Goose melodies The
Inst part will bo cradle songs from ninny
nations in which little girls in costumes
with dolls will sing the lnllabys sung by
the mothers of tho natious they repre
This ouo comes from Iowa An old
uiombor of Webster City died recently
of whose goodness there was some ques
tion but who was regarded as a pillar by
the pastor who posted ou the postotllce
windows a notice iu these words
Brother Johnson departed for heaven
at 400 a m and announced tho
fuueral Underneath this somebody
tacked a telegraph blauk with theso
words Heaven 840 p in Johnson
not yet arrived great anxiety
A Lyons item in the Sioux City Jour
nal this morning is ns follows The
closing day services of tho Norfolk dis
trict camp meeting which had tho
largest attendance since these meetings
begnu wns mnrred by tho drowning of
a lad a son of A T Little n farmer liv
ing upon tho reservation This little
fellow who was about l years of ago
followed a number of young men to a
pasturo bridgo near by spauning the
Logan creek and went in swinniing
with thorn Ho was not missed until
after tho boys had drossed when they
uoticed one suit of clothes too many for
their uuiuber His body wns recovered
in nbout twelve teet of water
An exchange that hns had a littlo to
do with human nature thus tells a story
A child is boru tho doctor in attend
ance gets f 10 the editor heralds the
event to the world and gotB 0 It is
christeued and the minister gets 5 and
tho editor gets 00 When it marries the
minister gets 10 nud a piece of cake
aud the editor nfter extolling him to
the skies gets 000 In course of time it
dies tho doctor gets from f5 to 1500
nud the minister perhnps gets another
5 the undertaker from 25 to 50 Tho
editor prints a notice of death aud obit
uary two columns long and gets 0000
besides lodge and society resolutions a
freo card of thanks aud a lot of poetry
No wonder the editor gets rich
The voice of ex Senator Dubois peals
out shrilly from tho tomb to the effect
thnt the silver republicans must main
tain their organization But Fred
- a a m
happen if some particular person is uot possession is to ue given Marcn oois nas teen politically neau ioj ttuse
elected to some particular office 1st next Mr Kidder and family in- many years
Will Morria of PilgorwaB a city visitor
Arthur Ahlmaii went to Wnyno to
enter a bicycle rnco
C 13 House went to Wnyno today
with his talking machine
Hev A Hoflus and dunghter of Pierce
wore city visitors yestordny
Mrs G W Box will leavo tomorrow
for Wyoming to visit a sister
MiBB Josio Heilmau of Mndlson is vis
iting friends in tho city this wedk
Mrs J H llutchiiiBOU of Winsido
was shopping in Norfolk yesterday
Mrs Myron Twiss is said to be very
sick at hor homo ou South Kighth street
Mrs H Warrick aud Mrs 13 P
Weatherby havo roturnod from a visit
with relatives in Carroll Iowa
A N McGinnlB ouo of tho prosper
ous Warnorvillo agriculturalists wns
transacting business iu tho city todny
Misses Floreneo aud Emma Pnrkor
went to Stnnton yesterdny to visit at
tho home of W W Young for a few
B S Wyatt is iu tho city from Grand
Island looking after tho Singer sowing
muchino business nud visiting with Nor
folk friends
Miss 1311a Mason of Pierce a cousin of
II J Huston of this city came down
last ovening to attend tho Koenigstoiu
Gerecko concert
Tho Ladies Aid society of tho M 13
church will meet In tho church parlors
tomorrow afternoon at 2 UU A good
attendanco is desired
John Hoilmnn nnd tho Misses Hoil
man and Sterner drovo over from Madi
son Inst evening to attend tho
Not all peoplo aro awaro that post
masters will redeem stamped envelopes
inndvertently defaced in either postage
stumps or postal cards
Tho last signs of Lemen Bros circus
tho bill boards have been torn down
and now rumors nre ntloat that Ring
lings will visit Norfolk some time next
The atmosphere was most distressing
ly sultry this morning but since the
wind has veered to tho northwest it has
become cool enough to be endurable
outside of an ico box
Tho average temperature for the 24
hours ending nt 8 oclock this morning
was the highest this season The gov
ernment thermometer yesterday indi
cated 5 the hottest time in town this
The camping party consisting of Guy
Barnes CarrolJPowers MarshallLeavitt
Krncst and John Bridge nnd Norris and
Eugene Huse which hns been out to the
Yellow Banks for the past ten days re
turned today
The LyuchjJourHnl was dressed in
mourning last week owing to thejdeath
of the editors wife Mrs A O McFar
lnnd Mr MoFarlnud who is the
brother of S It McFnrlnud of this city
has tho sympathy of Norfolk friends
This paper haf received a copy of the
Victor Col Daily Press of which F
W Sprague formerly of the Times
Tribune is local editor The Press is
an up-to-date sheet of eight pages nnd
contains about 18 columns of good live
advertisements The town was started
iu 18i aud now has a population of
10000 people A large portion of tho
business blocks of the city wore destroyed
by fire Monday It is not known
whether or not tho Press office was de
Burt Mnpes and family and Miss Etta
Durland returned last night from an ex
tended trip down the Elkhom river
While no effort wns ninde to propel
their vessol faster than the natural cur
rent would take it this was so swift
that it took themlway down to Stanton
While it wns feared that they wero car
ried sofar that their friends might
never hear of them again everybody
will be plensed to know that they havo
Bafely returned Tho craft clashed with
several wire fences eurouto and Burt
had his hand quite badly cut otherwise
tho outing was quite enjoyable
Forty ono tickets wero sold this morn
ing at tho union depot for Wayne
where tho district picnic of tho A O U
W is being held todny nud the specinl
car provided for the purpose was well
filled with members of the order their
families and frieuds Hon E JBurkett
of Liucoln and M 13 Shultz grand
master workman tho two leading
speakers of tho day joined the crowd
here and accompanied it to Wayne
Each sido of the car bore a banner on
which were the words Norfolk Lodge
No 07 A O U W Among those
Who went over were O H Chamberlain
C G Dolau nnd wife Geo Schweuk
William Bland Nick Kent Ed Grant
Mrs Woodall M L Ogden nud wifo
S T Adams and wife J M Covert and
wife John Quick and wifo Mrs L A
Miller C B Durland C 0 Gow and
wife Mrs Guthrie Mrs John Beach
Mrs Jos Schwartz Fred Koerber
F F Miller May Harshinan
It is evident that it is uot going to bo
Secretary Roots fault if tho war in the
Philippines is not vigorously pushed
The sinews of war in the shape of men
and their proper equipment are going
to be provided aud whoever is iu com
mand over there will be held respon
bible for the results
MIm Nellie lie rccUrt nnd Mr Iudnlg
nlgsteln Very Pleasantly
Iiiln a Norfolk Audience
From WpiltiVMliy Dnlly
Tho concert nt tho Congregntionnl
church Inst evening given by Mr Lud
wig Koenigstein pianoforte and Mirs
Nolle Gerecko soprano assisted by Mr
JulluB HullV violin was very well at
tended and all anticipations of a fine
musicnl treat woro fully mot if not ex
ceeded tho performors proving them
solvos at ouco naturally gifted with
musical talout and highly cultivated in
all that pertains to their chosen profes
While Miss Gerecko wnB seemingly in
difforent to tho nudionco that confronted
hor and assumed n most naturul and
pleasing manner tho tones produced by
her exceedingly sweot voice completely
charmed hor hoarers aud each uumbor
was greoted with a spontaneous burst of
npplauso that must hayo been highly
gratifying to the porformor Her rango
of voice is vory grent nnd tho notes
from tho lowest to tho highest woro
very clenr and distinct Her rendition
of n Gcnnan and an Italian song while
tho words wero unintelligible to tho
greater number of those presont were
appreciated for tho music thoy contained
nud indicated thnt her education is not
confined exclusively to music directly
Miss Gerecke was enchored nfter each
solcction nud there was every evidence
that tho nudionco would have kept hor
on tho platform for hours had thoy uot
had regard for her strength
Mr Koeuigsteius well known ability
to draw forth pleasing notes and chords
from tho piano was fully in evidence
nud tho vast amount of thought and
practice devoted to the art by him was
exemplified Tho fact that he had
committed his selections with their in
tricate movements indicated his abillity
in this direction
Without thought there can be no in
terpretation without it techuic is
worthless producing a mere rumbling
of tones thoro can be no intelligent
rendition without expression and feel
ing tho mere observance of rests aud
pedal marks does not constitute inter
pretation und techuic does not monopo
lize tho whole study of music to the ex
tent that a great many people think
This was fully demonstrated by Mr
Koeuigsteius rendition of Home Sweet
Homo and the Rubeustein numbers
which brought down the house and
those who were fortunate enough to
hear it unanimously assert that they
nover listened to a more delightful and
harmonious interpretation At times
his fingers seemed veiled with velvet
yet every note from the elegant piano
used clear and distinct and producing
the one thing above all that marks the
great artist beautiful tone
Mr Hulff also gave evidence of a high
ly seusitivo musical nature in his violin
obligato and while he has uot devoted
the study to music given by Miss Ge
recke and Mr Koenigstein there was
no doubt in tho minds of those who
heard tho concert but that his nature ac
cords with mnsio as perfectly as those
whom he assisted
Norfolk should be and is extremely
proud of those young people who repre
sent her best musical talent and it is
safe to say that should they again choose
to entertain an audience they can fill the
largest auditorium in town
Yon never knew any one who has
used a Chickering to be quite satisfied
with a piano of any other make Tho
reason is thnt there is an individuality
to the tone a superior excellence that
places it iu a class by itsolf and those
who heard it at tho Koenigstein recital
last evening could form no other couclu
siou than that tho great distinctions that
have been showered upon it for tho last
75 years have been justly bestowed
Mr Koenigstein announces that his
fall term opens September 1st aud that
while thoroughness is absolutely re
quired all work is arranged to accom
plish the most u the least possible
time Mr Koenigstein has no place ou
his program for the old fossilized time
destroying studies thnt are of uo practi
cal value Tho methods used are modern
up-to-date aud the results are beginniug
to bo quite apparent in tho progress
shown by tho pupils under his charge
O A It Kxiiirnltui to Phlliitlulplilu Ieuu
The Illinois Central Rnilrond company
willas usual take care of the GAR
boys members of the WRC and Sons
of Veteranswho will attend the Na
tional GA R Encampment to be held
at Philadelphia Sept I to I 189 This
will also bo an excellent opportunity to
visit friends in tho east nud to accom
modate all three separate rates havo
been made all of which are fully ex
plained on tho Centrals GAIt Flyer a
copy of which can bo hnd by addressing
the undersigned at Dubuque Iowa
Tickets will be sold for any traius Sept
1 1 aud a good to return until Sept 12
with tho usual extension to Sept JiO by
depositing ticket with the Joint Agent
at Philadelphia Write nt once for IO
GA It Flyer J F Meuuv
A G P A 111 Cent It It Dubuque
Tramps are being unmercifully used
iu many sections of this country The
demnud for lubor is so great that the
tramps are being greatly annoyed by
offers to york
Pain Conquered i Health Re
stored by Lydia E Pink-
hams Vegetable Compound
I feel it my duty to write and thank
you for what your Vegotablo Com
pound hns done for me It Is the only
medicine I hnve found that has done
mo any good Before taking your medi
cine 1 Wns nil run down tired nil tho
time no appetite pains in my back and
bearing down pains nnd a great suf
ferer during menstruation After tak
ing two bottles of Lydia 13 Plnkhams
Vegetable Compound I felt like a now
womnn I urn now on my fourth bottle
nnd nil my pains have left me I feel
better than 1 have felt for three years
aud would recommend your Compound
to every suffering woman I hope this
letter will help others to find n euro
for their troubles Mits Lklla
The serious ills of women develop
from neglect of early symptoms Every
pain und ache bus a cause nnd the
wiirnlng they give should not be disre
Mrs Pinkham understands these
troubles better than any local phy
sician and will give every woman freo
advice who is puzzled about her
health Mrs Iinkliains address is
Lynn Mass Dont put off writing until
health Is completely broken down
Write at the first indication of trouble
so different styles Must be closed out
ulck Rrentest opportunity for agents wonder
ill bnrKOlno for everybody Hundreds of good
Second Hand Wheels many n rood as new go
for f 3 to ujB8 Models new high grade 13 JO
to 20 W Models new 11 to 30 We have
too many take advantage of this great oppor
tunity at once
Write for our new plan bv which thousands
have earned a llicycle by working lor us Easiest
yet only 1 required to start Any wheel shipped
on approval subject to examination Satisfaction
guaranteed Write at once for agents prices
BRO WN L2 WIS CO Dept 17 Chicago U S A
Above Compauy are perfectly reliable Editor
Ilewrny 11 ml Iletrny
Perhaps few Bible renders make a dis
tinction between bewray and betray
The two words are however different
both in origin ami meaning Bcwrny is
to reveal An old writer says Well may
he be hurt and die thnt will not bewrny
his dUeuse lest he betray his credit In
Proverbs xxix 24 we read He heareth
cursing and bewruyeth it not a passage
for which the revised version gives He
henrcth the adjuration and uttereth noth
Again in Proverbs xxvii Id we find
The ointment of his right hand bowrny
eth itself i e proclaims itself And so
nlso in Isaiah xvi 3 and Matthew xxvi
73 Betray however means the action
of a traitor Of course to betray a man
often involves his bewruyiil but by no
means necessarily Philadelphia Press
A OrowliiK Rnteivnj
St Louis importance as a growing
gateway to the East and South is em
phnsized by the action of the Burlington
railroad which recently established 11
new fast train in each direction between
that city ami Denver Nearly 2000
miles of additional train service daily is
necessitated but Burlington officials
claim that travel between the mountains
and the big city at the confluence of tho
Missouri and the Mississippi is large
enough to warrant them in going to con
siderable expense iu order to obtain their
share of it
IeiIorl tin- Unp of SlnnR
A young lady of this city was descant
ing on the iniquities of constant employ
ment of slang expressions among all
classes of people She thought it was
indicative of ill manners and improper
breeding Why she continued only
this afternoon I met an impudent fellow
on the street who said as he passed Ah
there my sealskin So nonsensical I
was so indignant that I turned and told
tiim to run up street and chase himself
Nauvoo Independent
Frank Longwho Uvea near Iennon
Mich says I wantakon wlthnpuln
In my back and I wns obliged to take
toiny bed The physician pronounced
my cjiko muBrulur rheumatism ac
companied by lumbago
I grnduiWIy became worse until I
thought death would bo welcome re
lease I was finally Induced to try
Dr Williams IlnklllU for Iale Peo
ple and after using Ilvo boxes rus
entirely cured
I am confident thnt Dr Williams
Pink IMUinved my life I will gladly
answer Inquiries concern lug my sick
ness und wonderful cure provided
tump bu enclosed for reply
Fhanx Long
Bworn to before me at Venice
Mich this 15th day of April 16U8
O II Ooin3MiTiiJuficohVuce
From the Obtvrver Ftuihiny Mich
Dr Williams Pink Pill tor Pale People
are never iod b the doien or hundred
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a soiee e ev