The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 24, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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eauty of feature
snd beauty of foot
rre both equally
to be desired
The latter enn
iilwnys be as
turtd by
ml i 4 WBffite
JMI ill LB i mMVUWv
iT - J1 1 I KtvMmSMrTu
vYil fcSai
GreenWheeler Shoes
The Grccn Whcclcr Shoes
arc famous for elegance
of fit ease and durability
No ladys wardrobe is
complete without them
Thousand of Amer
lam women mid
thuir mti eof the
high qunlity o f
th c slices We
confine the sale
to one ilcnicr
Sold Inclusively by
Norfolk Shoemen
A 0 U W
MectB in Odd Follows Hnll ou tlio first and
third Fridays of onch mouth Visiting broth
ers cordially invited to attend nil our iiiooUuku
W B Hoffman Financier L C HiirKvlt He
e order C i Dolan Master Workman
Office Hardys Coal Otllcu
Good storage room
Two good rooms upstairs oue large
Eole room dowu stairs for rent
Money to loau ou real estate
Come aud see me when you want in
surance J E SIMPSON
n ypiiH
Perpetual Motion
is realized in the continual dancing
some of our competitors keep up follow
ing our sales nud wntclnug the dray
loads we send out We sell
Furniture and China
Another one of those extra large cars
came in yesterday Call and see the
goods and get the prices
For first class mer
chant tailoring see My
Tailor where you will
have suits well made
and trimmed which is
the main part of mer
chant tailoring when
they are made to order
Call on My Tailor and
have prices quoted
The Weather
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to
Maximum temperature 78
Minimum temperature
Average il
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for mouth -Sr
Barometer 2972
Forecast for Nebraska Fair touight
aud Friday Warmer Friday iu north
and west portion tonight
Another party went out to tho Yellow
Banks today to picnic
A party of young folks eujoyed a
6traw ride last evening in the shimmer
ing moonlight
The shoo store of Spencer Ovelman
is being vastly improved by the applica
tion of paper aud paint
A car of feed is being loaded here for
the horses being used on tho Owen
Bros railroad contract out west
Mrs Moses Kidder living in the
northwest part of the city is very sick
and it is said that her recovery is
Mrs Mary Mathewsoa ib entert iuiug
a few friends this afternoon in honor of
ber guest Mrs Johu D Haskell of
Three carloadB of eggs consittiug ol
ltiOO cases have been shipped this week
from S K Dextors cold storage One
carload went to Now York one to Bos
ton nnd the other to Lowell Mass
Rev W 11 Eaton writes front Wnu
conda 111 that he and his wife are
about to start for Ottawa Kansas to
visit relatives and will return to Nor
folk about the first week iu September
Tho two years old child of Mr and
Mrs C W Broeuw was badly strangled
this morning by a piece of peanut candy
which lodged in its windpipe A physi
cian was summoned and tho obstruction
A party consisting of Messrs and
Mesdiunes C5W Kcclmrd Chester A
Fuller M DTyler Thos Vim Horn
John Van Horn aud Sessions enjoyed
apienio nt Tofts grove yesterday
Tho elovation of Columbus above
sea level as given by tho Union Pacific
engineers is 1112 feet Schuyler 11 10
Fremout 1112 Oconee 148 Piatt
Centor 1 511 Madison 1 r7 1 Norfolk
lol t Guiion 1572 Albion 17 17 Ful
lortou 1IW1 Cedar Hapido l77f
Columlnis Journal Supt OConnor
of tho Norfolk public scliools was in tho
city Thursday and gave Tho Journal
sanctum a very pleasant visit He was
looking in his usual good health and
spirits as though ho had not passed
through a siege of severe sickness
While ho was ill and without solicita
tion tho board elected him supcriuten
dtut for three years
After consultation with a number of
leading farmers Mayor Simpson has
concluded to apportion tho selection of
grains for the Paris exposition from the
district of which Norfolk is the commer
cial center nmong tho neighboring
counties Ho will ask tho secretaries of
tho various agricultural societies to
assist iu tho work From Jiorco county
ho will ask tho best peck of ryo from
Antelope county tho best half bushol of
oafs from Wayne county tho best half
busheljof wheat from Stanton county
the best half bushel of yellow corn
from Madison county tho best half
bushel of white corn from Knox county
he will request tho best peck of barley
In this way it is hoped to have each
county interested and the display will
represent tho eutiro district
The news regarding movements of the
promoters of tho Yankton A Norfolk
railway seems to have stirred up all
kinds of railroad rumors and move
met ts at Yankton A party of survey
ors of tho C St P M ec O company
left that city Tuesday with 10 days ra
tions They went northwest and the
object is to find a pathway lo and be
yond Tyndall Jim Hill of the Great
Northern threatens to invade the same
territory for about l0 miles whilo the
Chicago Northwestern is watching
movements with tho intention of look
ing after its territory This company
has a profile of a northwestern extension
and can with very little delay put a
force of graders at work There is a
large territory northwest of Yankton
which has not been tapped by railroad
lines owing to an agreement which ends
with 1899 TheNorthwesteru is nlso in
position to cross the river to Hartingtou
or Ponca as soou as the Yankton Nor
folk plans are fully matured
Extra fine salted mackerel nt
Fifty thousand dollars eastern money
to loan on good farms
G R Skiler Co
Fresh oysters at Glisstnauhs
Telephone No 112 will ring up
F Verges residence andjifiice
Suiders catsups at Boxs
Fresh celery at Karo Brothers
The IrlnKleH
Among the pleasing theatrical organi
zations to visit Norfolk the coming sea
sou may be mentioned theFriugle com
pany of comediaus specialty artists aud
talented actresses Thoy are billed for
two nights only but the local manage
ment may persuade them to remain for
tho third performance
The exchanges speak in highly com
plimentary terms of thejploys presented
nud also of the players themselves
For several years the Pringles have
played tho state of Nebraska visiting
the principal cities Norfolk has been
left out simply because no effort has
heretofore been made to book good at
tractions The local manager promises
to secure for Norfolk the best road com
binations possible in the future and
trusts that tho city will sustain its repu
tation of being appreciative in the sub
stantial way of libt rul patronage
Aside from the recular nlnv nrnilnend
The 1 I t
mill l of
ii lllj Mic
II Outlicrlng
The picnic of the Northeast Nebraska
A O U V nnd D of 11 Picnic
held at Wayne yesterday was
a success in every paiticular Tin day
opened hot and sultry but about 10
oYloik there was a slight shower which
cooled the atmosphere and the leniiiin
iler of the day was an ideal one Morn
ing trains brought delegations from
Norfolk Randolph Carroll Pender
lonen Hartingtou Hloonillcld Laurel
South Sioux City Knier on and Wisiier
while the neighboring town of Wake
Held contributed a large number of
members of the order part of whom
came by train and more drove over
bringing their tine band with them
The various trains were met at the de
pot by the Wayne reception committee
who extended the glad hand to the vis
itors and escorted them to the lodge
room Alter the last morning train
had arrived a parade was formed by
lodges led by the Wayne baud and the
line of march was taken up to the fair
1 lere a large number of seats bad been
provided under cover faced by a speak
ers platform where the exercises ol the
day were held F A Berry Carroll
president of the association ably pre
sided over the meeting which followed
After prayer by Jtev Chns Weldeiian
address ol welcome was given by Guy
H Wilbur of Wayne who in a hearty
cordial manner expressed the pleasure
of the members of Wayne lodge that so
many of those from surrounding towns
were present This was responded to
by Grand Master Woikmnn M H
Shullz on behalf of the members of the
A O U W Mrs It M ln of
Wayne then welcomed the members of
the I of H in a few well chosen sen
tences which were responded to Jy
Mrs Maggie Ynrynn of Carroll
Then the chairman introduced lion
E J Burkett of Lincoln congressman
from the second district who spoke of
the fraternal side of the A O U vY
showing that the fraternity has for its
prime object the lifting up of humani
ty and that mankind is better for
touching elbows- better for standing
side by hide in the struggle xvith the
world Mr Burkett is one of the most
gifted orators in the state and his beau
tiful word pictures retained the closest
attention of his audience
The noonhour having arrived great bas
kets were brought out and their con
tents provided the means of satisfying a
multitude of outdoor appetites
Immediately after dinner a business
meeting of tin association was held
when it was decided that another picnic
should be given next year and the place
was fixed at Randolph The otlicers
elected for the ensuing year are F A
Berry of Carroll president Bert Brown
of Wayne secretary M M Winebre
ner of Randolph treasurer Motion
prevailed that an executive committee
be chosen one meinJer by each lodge in
the district with the exception that
Randolph bo allowed three members of
the committee The executive commit
tee was authorized to draft constitution
and by laws and submit same to each
lodge for adoption
The whole audience was then called
to order and M E Shultz grand mas
ter workman of the order was intro
duced The grand master was in his
best form and in an earnest truthful
way he explained why a membership in
the A O U W is a blessing to the
man who holds it and continues to be
so during life but proves a greater bles
sing to his family when he is taken
away He spoke of the financial as
well as the fraternal phase of the order
and his xvords could not fail to carry
conviction to everyone who heard him
A Degree of Honor drill was given on
the platform by the degree team of
Wayne lodge which was very finely
executed and called forth repeated ap
plause Tim team had been practicing
but a short time yet so apt had they
been that they presented the evolutions
in a manner almost jicrfcct
The remainder of the afternoon was
given up to diversions of various kinds
including an exhibition of tight rope
walking foot races by men boys and
girls and the running down of n greased
pig Then there was a tug of war and
the day closed with a game of base Jiall
between the Carroll team and a picked
nine which resulted iu favor of the
former by a score of to to 4 The bat
teries were Noyes and Wood for Car
roll and Bury and Lunnian for the
picked nine Taken all in all the A O
U W picnic at Wayne was one of the
most enjoyable as well as profitalile oc
casions of the kind that has ever been
held iifnorthenst Nebraska and the
memlers of the Wayne lodge proved
themselves royal entertainers
Fresh oysters at Karo Brothers
DrFrauk Salter Diseases of children
Box cau suit you on coffee
Ile or Keciillon
The following letter from W J Stev
ensou chairman of the executive coin-
each evening Iry tho Pringlo compauy j mitteo thnt is rrauiuB the reception to
several novel and pleasing
features will c p y iourasita regiment is
be presouted among which are the won
derful kaleidoscopic dance with calcium
and mechanical effects the latest popu
lar ballads illustrated and sung by
trained voices A surprise is in store
for tho public for Manager Priuglo be
lieves in giving his audiences more ttiau
ho promises Reserved seats on sale at
thu usual place Monday August 28
is the opening date
Dressed catfish lake trout and wall
eyed pike at GlissmnuuB
If you xvaut to buy or trade como and
see us G R Seiikk Co
Oft xi iu Mast block
A full line of Heinz celebrated pickles
and prtbervea at Boxs
self explanatory
Madjsov August 2lb99 Hon 7 E
Simpson Norfolk Neb My Dear Sir
It is with pleasure that I auuounce to
you tho fact that we have fixed tho date
for holding our reception to company F
which will bo Thursday August HI 1899
aud have mailed to you today a package
of small posters announcing the date and
tho progurm which 1 eutrust to yon for
a general distribution in your town
Thanking you in advance for tho
trouble which wo have put you to iu
this mutter I remain
W J Stivinsos
Chairman Executive Committee
Mrs L Bowser is still operatiug tho
sod house ou the Omaha exposition
grounds which has been eularged so
that she 1b able to feed three times as
many people as last year and that tin
sod house is still a popular place to get
meals while on the grounds is attested
by the large crowds which go there every
day Mrs Bowser is also interested in
theOthella lodging house 191 1 Daven
port street where nice rooms may be se
cured at reasonable prices
Fresh ovsters at John l Vythalers
Houses for sale T E Odiokkic
Niiiiicb of Mime oT the lrluiliiil UniniU
sold In thin litiilly
The recent discussion iu the papers of
the effect upon the human system of
food made with alttin baking powdeis
aud the opinions- that have been pub
lished from noted scientists to the ellcct
that such powders render the food un
wholesome have caused numerous In
quiries for tho names of the Mirious
alum powders
The following list of baking powders
containing alum is made up from the
reports of Statu Chemist Nicholson of
Nebraska the city chemist of St Louis
tho food commission of Minnesota or
other reliable authority
IIiiUIiii IiihiIiiix Coiitiiliilni Alum
ICC Contains alum
JiiciUH Mfc Co Ciilcimo
Manhattan Contains alum
IIoukmi Chnniiciil Co Kmiibhc It
C P Contains alum
Allnti llron Co Oimi Int
German Contains alum
Coiihiilldatnd Collno Co Oninlm
Calumet Contains alum
CnlumM HiikiiiK lovwlor Co CIiu iiko
IK0 Contain alum
Grant Chemical Co Cliiciio
Climax Contains alum
Climax Hakim IondnrCo liidiiinaillH
Kenton Contains alum
Idltoi lnrllii Co Cincinnati
lack Frost Contains alum
llailiA liiipman Mf Co HI lonl
R cket Containsalum
Hlmniiiin llron A Co Chirauo
Three Meals oiitaiiis alum
Illdonniir iiukiir Orocory Co IwiiihihCII
Ill addition to these it is learned that
many grocers are selling what they call
their own private or special brands
These powders are put up for the grocer
nud his name put upon the labels by
manufacturers of alum powders in St
Louis Chicago Kansas City and else
where Tho manufacturers it is said
find their etlorts to market their goods
in this way greatly aided by tho ambi
tion of the grocer to sell a powder with
his own name upon the label especially
as ho cau make an abnormal profit upon
it Many grocers doubtless do not
know that tho powders they are thus
pushing aro alum powders which
would bo actually contraband in many
sections if sold without disguise
It is quite impossible to give the names
of all tho alum baking powders in the
market They are constantly appearing
in all sorts of disguises under all kinds
of cognomens and at all kinds of prices
eveu as low as five and ten cents a
pound They cau be avoided however
by tho housekeeper who will bear in
mind that all baking powders sold at
twenty five cents or less por pound are li
able to contain alum as pure cream of
tartar powders cannot bo produced at
anything like this price
Spiced lamb tongue at Gliss muniis
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a chattel mortgage dated on tho 2d
day of May 1899 and duly filed in the
otlice of the county clerk of Madison
county Nebraska on tho 19th diry of
July 1899 and executed by the Norfolk
Printing company a corporation to the
Wefteru Newspaper Union a corpora
tion to secure tho payment of the sum
of 8 Jt2 and upon which there is now
due tho sum of 4880 Default having
been mndo in the payment of said sum
therefore tho undersigned will sell the
property therein described namely
One Prouty newspaper press at public
auction at Davenports livery barn in
tho city of Norfolk in Madison county
Nelraska on tho 14th day of Septem
ber 1899 at 2 oclock p in of said day
Dated August 24th 1899
Wisteiiv Nkwsiaikk Union
By H L SiAtiiiNi
It is a well known fact that second
hand goods cannot bo handled kept in
tho same building and MIXED UP
WITH NEW without more or less con
taminationwith various kinds of LIVE
STOCK dunger from disease etc
NITURE iu the city not a piece of
second hand stuff iu the entire building
You get no BUGS when you buy there
Twenty two customers looked all over
town Saturday after Dinner Sets China
and Glassware then went to Johnsons
Furniture Store and bought there Thev
Moquetto Carpets Fewed lined and
laid only SJio per yard at Johnsons
Furniture Store
Staudard Rotary Shuttle Sowing Ma
chines 28 to jr at Johnsons Furniture
Store You cau have one FREE ii you
show their equal in any other make
bickering Pianos tho BEST in the
world t00 to 1000 each a JohusonB
Furniture Store
has II Johnson dont take goods
out of tho front door haul them around
several blocks and then take them iu
at the bock door in order to make peo
ple believe he is doing business
Chas H Johnson1
Fine Stationeiy and Perfumes
Our Hue of Stationery and Perfumes is the finest hi the city
We bought our stationery befoie Hie t nisi advanced the ptlce
and cau theiefoie oller you better bargaiiiH than ilealeis who
are compelled to pay more for the same class of goods Our
Pel fumes are dainty delightful ami lasting
We aie headquaileiH for Mixed Paints
Correct Pi Ices
If you are llms iilllicloil in having no
we are sorry for ou liecausollie values
olTerin in
Id canst you
ill lines of lHY 0
Hold Up Your Hands
Iu Asionisluueiit We can save you a iiarfoi
ou a very small purchase Heinei
when shoes are needed
We Bought them Cheap
Well Sell them Cheap
Robertson Blk Norfolk Neb
WUVA AMMHtMiitOiihliior
National Bank
Capital iooooooo
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Jiiiys arid Sells Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Trjuisacted
k j ham w
o PinTm
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fruits and Vegetables in Season
Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best In the market
Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 01
Union Pacific Through Trains
Direct Line
the West
t ml i isJSr fr
X V j t J
A7fc W
Wyoming Utah
California Oregon
Palace Sleeping Cars Dining Cars
Free Reclining Chair Cars
Ordinary Sleeping Cars Pintsch Lighted
For Time Tables Folders IUnstruted Hooks Pamphlets debcriptive of the
territory traversed call ou