The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 24, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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I i
I At
Knurlli wnnl
W N UUBIC Puullnlior
KMnlillriiiMl 1S
Vm iln rxocpl SiiihIih I Hurler
wifl lltmif 11 mini KirPir jrtlW
Oliililtfliml Il
Kirn Tlnirnlnj II nmil per rnr Jl 0
Ctilrnil nl the riMnllUr ill NorfiilV Nell
fremiti olnn mutter
Telephone So 22
Hrpiililltiin foiinlj nil will Ion
The rrpiilillenii elector nf MiiiIImhi riinil
NpliriirVii lire mineMed IhmmiiI iIpIikhIi fiom
Hip kmitiiI within iirromi to I meet In ronyn
tlim nl Untile t ippV NHinisUii on Sntmilii
hiiiliiulipr llilli nl II iipWI ii hi fnrlliii imr
HCI HllVtllli lllllfllllH III till- IPIHllllPIIII
Miile nml Jiullrlnl rniiM iiliniK nnil tor the piir
IHtfpnf pliirtnK In iiiiiiiiiiiilinii ritmllilatis fur
rniiiitx up follow
hrV nl iIip illslrlrl ininl rminU rlerk
iniliitx IrimMin i oniliit ln lilt cumin ilW
diiiiilN mporinliiulriit nt mIhmiIs rniiiilj pit
oner riiiuil Mineuir nml rnlllilx riiiiiiiiln ltinet
fur tin- lliel rniiinilfhlmipr illlrlrl nml In
trniiMirt Mich nlliri h tnnj pinpeilj
mine l fmp till miiwiilinn
Tllf HWtlll IHi Inilf UK entitled I ITItP
triiliitliin tie follow Hip iippiiitlimineiit IipIhk
IhikiI Upon Hie witnoilM fin linn Ml llll
vnnl fnrumpninr In lvl lii lint one de i tfntn lit
liter fnr em Ii pie Inrt nml nun for eueli twenty
ott nr iiinjni finitinii tliin nf
Nnrful k
lrlit unnl
Sprnnil Willi
Tlilnl wnnl t
VhIIps I
Wnrnenllln II
Oiiim I
Iippii IhiiIpii -
Hurl ne I
SIipII triek V
SrlinolCintl -
Knifrirl I
Tnl n I
It Ik riininiiipiiilpil tlint nn iniixiiH I in
IihI nml Unit thn iIpIi kiiIph tin i ent ent the en
up ntpnf tin iiriclml Pilmiirle thmilil Iip
IipIiI not In tm limit SpiiUiiiIh i rt I
lit in Mum Mt
Sii n tnrj I liiiliinnn
Tht tiuin who is looking for work iml
hoping not to Hurt it is kopt pri tty busy
dodging thoso tlnyH
Hixliy tho vorBiitilo gonitis of tho Mil
coin Jouriml rioolnroH that tho Oinnhii
midway thiH yoivr is louder tlmn tho
bonilmrriinont tit Viclsbburg
Iorto Hico luiH suffered and 1ortoRieo
will bo helped Several ship IoiuIh of
Buppliesaro on tho wav anil more will
follow Americans are uover deaf to
tho cry of distress
Whon Tom Heed settles down into a
regular law practlco in Now York City
what will become of tho political liar and
yellow journal Thoy have lieen busy
these dog days telling a lot of things
about tho niau from Maino that aint so
Meantimotho big man from Jlalno isnt
saying a word but keeps on sawing wood
Mackay again bonows tho editorial
columns of tho Tribune to say that ho is
amply ablo to tako caro of himself
Jf Mackay is so positivo on this point
how does ho explain the fact that ho
was unmercifully turned down at the
democratic county convention last week
and that too nfter ho had worked and
schemed for months to bo a delegato to
tho stato convention Ordinarily most
nnyono can bo elooted a delegato to a
stato convention but Mackay found that
he couldnt though ho tried hauler than
nnyono oIbo in tho couuty ovor did to se
cure that empty honor For onco at
least it has been demonstrated that he is
not amply ablo to tako caro ot himself
The nomination of Silns A Holcomb
as tho fusion candidate for supremo
judge fails by n long ways to give satis
faction to many democrats in the Btato
It was known that this would be so but
tho ring announced some time ago that
it would bo SI nud tho opinious of tho
rank ami tllo of tho party were ignored
and Si was foisted upon them It is
announced that a large number of tho
leading democrats of the city of Lincoln
will at once form an anti Holcomb
league for the purpose of helping to
bring about his dofent at the polls This
sentiment is not couliued to Lincoln
either but may bo found amoue tho
democrats in nil parts of tho state As
good a democrat as Edgar Howard of
Fapillion could not restrain his disgust
-when ho learned tho result and relieved
his feelings in this manner Dont
come around condoling me Havent
I got Slippery Si It isnt me that needs
condoliug These are prophetio words
uttered by a man high in tho councils
of his party
Dewey anil Democracy
For some time there has been a cer
tain element in tho democratio party
who have favored the nomination of
Dewey for the presidency next year
Whether that seutiment will develop iu
to anything tangible of course cannot
be foretold at this time although nearly
all tho democrats realie that with
Dewey at tho head of their ticket they
sand n much better chance of winniug
than with Bryan The St Paul Globe
the leading democratio paper of the
northwest said editorally on this sub
The hour has come aud tho man is
here Sailiug over the sea ftom tho far
east is the colossal living figure of Amer
ican history a niun with a haud of iron
a heart of exquisite tenderness a sense
of honor which has led him through
more than three score years alou the
path of eternal rights auinu who knows
little of politics and has mingled less
witn politicians n man who has decid
ed the questions before him with the
sword ana tuo scales ot justice with all
necessary speed and witn asmuoh mercy
as possible to the fallen foe
The democratio party has but to
make this man the magnet of the cam
paign on a platform of living principles
tbe central planks of which shall bo
death to the trusts nud autonomy for the
Philippines Cuba and Porto Rico Up
on this platform cau staud the most
popular man of the webtern hemisphere
the idol of the greatest nation on earth
Gorge Dewey hero of Manila bay and
admiral of the American navy
Mrs M Yonnt returned from the
west today
T 1reeco of Btttlo Creek was in
the city yesterday
F L Lstabrook went east on tho M
O this morning
Miss Hulda Nonow loft on the noon
train for West Point
1 15 Maylard returned home from
Oinnlia yesterday noon
Roy Seymour left this morning for a
two weeks visit in York
ludgo Allen was in tho city yesterday
on his way homo from Omaha
Sol Mayer and Roht Johnson drove
out to the Yellow Hanks today
Miss KHn Blekley of Madison spent
yesterday with Miss Lydia Pheasant
lennlo McCornuek Iiiih returntil from
Yalpaiaiso where sho has been for tho
past year
i A Lulkart has returned from
Omaha where ho attended tho stato
Hairy Hartford has returned from a
visit of two weeks with friends at
Tabor Iowa
Captain Alfred Gcrecko took a moon
light rido to tho Yellow Buiks last
night and will return tonight
Miss Wobh returned yesterday to
Toronto Canada after a months visit
with her sister MrsW 1 MoNnmoo
Arthur Oveiton has resigned his posi
tion with S V True to go to school and
his place will he taken by Frank Davis
Miss Nora Stovens of Brynnt S D is
expected Saturday to attend at the bed
side of her sick sister Mrs 10 M Hunt
Leo Pasowalk left on tho noon train
for a two weeks trip into Minnesota
and Wisconsin where ho will visit his
Cecil Wunner of Stanton has ac
cepted tho position of clerk in Biuini
Bros storo and will begin work next
Mrs 0 M Gardner has returned to
her homo in Fort Dodge Iowa after a
visit of two weeks with her sister Mrs
F M Huntington
Ludwig lCooiiigstoin wont to Stanton
today to organize a -pianoforte class at
the earnest solicitation of tho music lov
ing people of that city
las McDonald took his wifo to Omaha
for treatment Tuesday morning Frank
Camel is attending to his duties at tho
electric light station during his absence
Mrs A W Ladd of Albion is visiting
at tho home of hor brother Wm Fox
aud with other friends Mrs Ladds
husband is tho aditor of tho Boouo
County News
Miles Bnrlingame oxpress messenger
on tho C St P M 0 between hero
and Sioux City hns beoii transferred to
the mil between Sioux City and Otnnhii
and will booh roinovo his family to tho
latter place
Tho Amity camp at Long Pine
which was inhabited by Misses AVood
Lyda Pheasant Ruth and Grace
Matrau and Mattie McNish has been
broken up and tho members have re
turned home
Mr aud Mrs David Banm Mrs la
cob Baum aud Mrs A S Altschuler
her daughter Fdith and son Sidney
loft for Omaha this morning Mrs
AltBchulor will go from there to her
homo in lown and Mr Baum will go to
New York to purchnse the fall and
winter stock for tho store hero
HpiiI J ninie IrHiintem
The following transfers of real estate
are reported by Chester A Fuller man
ager of the Madison county abstract
office at Norfolk
Martha L Swnynie to M R
Morris wd lot t block 6 Koeu
igsteins third addition to
Norfolk 11400 00
llrnt IVuril Chuciii
The republican electors of the First
ward are requested to meet iu caucus at
tho city hall Monday evening August
JS at 8 oclock p in for tho purpose of
electing flvo delegates to attend the
county convention at Battle Creek Sep
tember 10 and to transact such other
business as may come before them
KIdkIhi Itiigx WOntx
Handsome shut waists we liavo and
too many for this time of the yoar but
we are going to sell them nud have put
prices on them to make them go fast
See the lot we are selling at lb cents
White waiss -lb ceuts up
Mits J Bknson
South Itttli St
Omaha Nebr
Wtirner IMp
The llevator company is shelling all
of its com here and shipping it to St
C V Pettitt has contracted to put
up 110 tons of hay for M R Morris
of Norfolk
While attending the circus iu Norfolk
Inst week Nate Rowlett had his pocket
picked of several hard earned dollars
Mr nud Mrs Charles Speeco started
for JaBpar county Mo Wednesday
where they expect to make their future
home They will drive through and ex
pect to be on the road about three weeks
J G Cupliu has received word that
hiB son Ezra has enlisted iu the 34th
regiment of U S volunteers He is
now at Fort Logan Colo and expects
to be ordered to the Philippine islands
The repnblienn voters of this precinct
will hold n caucus Friday evening Sep
tember 8th for tho purpose of electing
three delegates to tho county convention
nt Battle Creek and to nominate pre
cinct ofllccrs
Mr and Mrs O II Davis who linvo
been visiting with A N McGinnis and
family returned to their homo iu Ohio
Saturday Zoll McGinnis accompanied
them with the intention of making an
extended visit in the east
loo Clements of Norlolk was in tho
city Tuenlay on business
Chester A Fuller was iu tho city last
Saturday on abstract business
Chas Martin of Battle Creek was in
tho city on business Fndny last
Atty Kiing of Hlgln was In tho city
over Sunday for a visit with his wife
Miss Carter loft Monday of this week
for Hot Springs for a lew weeks outing
Ld Frlcko and Henry Allen returned
from their trip to Omaha and points in
Iowa last Thursday
Mrs N J Bell who has beon np at
Hot Springs S D for tho Bummor re
turned Tuesday evening
Senator Allen 1 B Donovan and Too
Mm tin went down to the stato pop
convention Tuesday this week
Very little interest was taken hero in
tho pop county convention and every
thing went off us smoothly as could bo
Chris Schwnnk aud wife left Monday
for Hot Springs S D where they will
spend a month or so in the endeavor to
improve Chris health
County Supt Oram held n teachers
examination Saturday last aud several
young ladles from Norfolk took tho ex
amination at that tiino
Miss Burk of Avoca lown has taken
a position on the Chronicle force nud
will horeafter grace one of tho composi
tors stools at that otllco
Miss Eniina Fisher of Ann Arbor
Mich who hns been visiting for some
time with tho family of Rev Littlo left
for hor homo ou Monday
Rev Sharplcss exchanged pulpits
with Rev Loworio of this place last
Sunday Rev Loworio going to ONeill
and other points iu tho northwest
It may bo interesting to somo to know
that tho ciso of Ira L Huugerford vs
the Norfolk Printing Co hns been ap
pealed and will be tried boforo tho dis
trict court at tho coming session
Tho building for the city jail is being
put up this week It is just south of
tho ilre eugiuo house and about 14xJl
feet It will inclose tho two steel cells
recently purchasod trom tho county
Mr A Fisher tho proprietor of tho
favorite fruit storo ot the city went
down to Omaha Tuesday to tako in tho
sights of a largo city and incidentally to
purchase some rare goods in his lino
Tho work of laying tho stone crossings
at the intersection of Pearl and Third
btreots was commenced Thursday last
and completed Saturday The improve
ment has proved itself worth the ex-
Mrs C S Miller who has beeii visit
lug for some weeks with Mrs M A
Wyatt is suffering from tho ellocts of a
severe fall through which sho becamo
so lamed that she has been scarcely able
to bo out of bed Slow improvement iB
reported and it is to bo hoped that the
old lady may not suffer long
It wnB roported about town yesterday
that Dr E N Smart had purchased a
wagon load of melons nud was distrib
uting them among his friends We are
unable at this time to get any of the par
ticulars of tho transaction but are in
clined to believe it is unkind to make
snch remarks about tho doctor
At a mooting Tuesday evening of tho
committee having in charge tho recep
tion to the boys of company F it was
decided to set the day definitely for
Thursdny Aug ill Tho boys will be
home next Tuesday and the committee
decided it was no more than right thut
they Bhonld bo given one day at least in
which to meet their old friends ami rest
up if need be Bills are being sent nil
over the couuty toadveitiso the event
and it is hoped the weather will be
favorable so nothiug will mar tho occa
The News oo aepartuiout is com
plete iu every particular
State of Ohio City of ToLtno ss
Frank J Chksey makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F J
Chenky Co doing business in tho
city of Toledo county and stato afore
said aud that said firm will pay the
for each and every case of catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of Halls
Catakkii Ciiti
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in
my presence this Oth day of December
A D 18bl
-- A W GleasOv
t Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Cure is takeu inter
nally aud acts directly on the blood nnd
mucons surfaces of the system Send
for testimonials free
F J Chkxey Co
Toledo O
Sold by druggists 75 cents
HallB family pills are the l8t
Nilln to Contractor
Tho undersigned hereby gives notico
tlint sealed proposals for tho erection of
a brick church including nil labor nnd
mnterial will bo recohed by Rev Thos
Walsh Norfolk Nebraska until tho
hour of 8 p m on the llst day of Aug
ust 1MK
All bids must bo in strict nccordanco
with tho pliuiB nnd specifications pre
pared by J G Stitt architect of Nor
folk Nebraska which may bo seen nt
the otllco of tho architect nud mny nlso
bo seen on application to Rov Thos
Scpnrato proposnls will bo received
for tho mason work carpenter work nnd
painting or all work may bo included
iu one bid
A certified check for two per cent of
amount of bldpaynblo to tho order of
Rev Thos Walsh must accompany
each bid as a guaranty tho samo to bo
returned to unsuccessful bidders
diately on lotting tho contract The
party to whom tho contract is awarded
will bo required to give satisfactory
bond for tho faithful performance of the
It is tho intention of tho committee to
award tho contract to tho lowest respon
sible bidder but the right to reject nny
or all bids is reserved
Dated August IS ibDH
Signed Tiios Walsh
Buy nil your groceries of Box and get
tho best
Morn Iopnlnr 1 linn Kw r
Since lb0 tho Hot Springs of South
Dakota have been recognised ns the re
bort for western people
All things aro favorablo for thoso seek
ing reBt health or pleasuie This season
finds the resort well patronized by people
from Nebraska Iowa Illinois Minnesota
Wisconsin and eastern South Dakota
and ovoryono well satisfied with tho
Wonderful Waters
Delightful Climate
Modern Hotels
Varied attractions for sight seers
The Northwestern Line is tho pioneer
to this resort
The Northwestern Line runs Wagner
Palaco sleepers to Hot Springs South
Tho Northwestern Lino makes low
round trip rates to this resort
Ask your neai est railroad agent for
tho dato of the next excursion via the
Fremont Elkhoru Si Missouri Valley
R R Northwestern Line
J II Gaiile J R Buchanan
Des Moines Omaha
Gl tlm Children ii lrlnl
called Graiu O It is a delicious appe
tizing nourishing food drink to tako
tho place of coffee Soldjby all grocers
and liked by nil who have used it be
cause when properly prepared it tastes
like the finest coffee but is free from all
its injurious properties Grniu 0 nids
digestion and strengthens the nerves
It is not a stimulant but a health
builder and children as well as adults
can drink it with great benefit Costs
about one fourth as much as cotlee
Hi and 25 cents
If yon wnnt to sell or trade your
property list it with
G R Skileb Co
Farm and city loans
The Durland Trust Co
Sturgeon is the piano man
Necessity knows no laws It is a
law of nature that the blood must be
kept pure and Hoods Sarsaparilla does
F K A M V Clieiip Excursion
To PhiladolphiaPa account G A R
Eucnmpment Excursion tickets ou Sept
1 2 nud I at f iiIOo for the round trip
good to return by deposit of ticket with
joint agent at Philadelphia until Sept
Will cheerfully furnish full informa
tion regarding these low fare excursions
via the Northwestern Line
II C Matrau
He Thnt Any Good Would Win
Should be provided with good health
and everyone who would have good
health should remember that pure
rich blood is the first requisite Hoods
Sarsaparilla by giving good blood and
good health has helped many a man to
success besides giving strength and
courage to thousands ot women who
before tukiug it could not even see any
good in life to win
Kousetlie tor I phi liver ami cure
biliousness sick I headache jaundice
nausea lndlsesf tlon etc They are In
valuable to ireent a cold or break up a
fever Mild gentle certain they ure worthy
your confluence Purely vegetable they
can be taken by lilhlrcn or delicate women
rke 2Ck at all incilhlne dealers or by mall
ot C I Hood A Co Jewell Muss
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Foice and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed ou all Work
Firbt door West of Post Office
Graceful Easy nnd Long Wearing
Olga Ncthcrsole 250 Shoe
Poseses tho merit of perfect stylo fit comfort nnd durability
No brtuMtiK ia ncccssnry ranilo to conform to llio lines of tlio font
Solocry IloxIblojCliromo Kid slock that is soft ns a Rlotc yet
wears llku iron Kicch nuy 150ulioo for woar nud comfort
- ii iirniiiunni mil 111 l I 1I1C B11I1C InCllllini WPIRllt fOlP
V tHilliiiwIillliiifiiKlhpr luilf ilnllnr low lippl nml irnlf tuilltrii
inn lll llml tills elmu n ciimtilnntlnn nlctrlu and comfort
rtnnnlnctured by 1 lie Hock Island Shoe Co Rock Mand III
and sold exclusively In thli city by
A IiUIKAhT Imcshiknt
tMAS S IIItlUtiK Vitu PiiisiDfcST
I 7
-iv y
l It UllAASlII Asvt Oahiiiib
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Bny find pell oxcIibiiko 011 tliix count ry nml nil imrtc of Europe Farm Loans
The Norfolk Buildine and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
St Louis Ho Aug 12
Though only 19 jearB old I suffered from
pains nnd femnlu troubles tuo years Last
spring I Rot so bad I bad to quit work I liul
to support mj self and could not nlford a
Srlced doctor 1 KOt one bottle of Wine of
ardui nnd that made me feel better IL uc
now used several bottles nnd niu well Mv
mother used the Win for Change of Life and
was greatly relieved
I or nclvlce In rases rnitilrhu
uireruoim uuiiiiff kiiihk i i
juIIm Adilorj llrnl Tbr IIAT1
ntuuiiAiu ImmtinootHi lenu
Many girls and women find it necessary to earn their own living in
various kinds of employment Their work is often so hard and confin
ing that the health breaks down Their delicate constitutions are unfitted
for tiresome tasks Weakness nearly always mikes its appearance in the
peculiarly delicate womanly organs Constant standing on the feet
and coming and going at the beck of a superintendent or foreman in
duces falling of the womb leucorrhcea headache and backache The pay
of women workers is olten so notoriously small that when sickness
comes they have no money to engage skillful physicians To them Wine
of Caraui is truly a blessing It
cures them of their ills at a small
cost and they can act as their own
physicians No doctor can do as
much for female troubles as
Wine of Cardui
Druggists sell Large Bottles for 100
Attorneys at Lav
Homeopathic Physic inn and Surgeon
Office ovor Citizens National Bank Office
nonrs 10 Kioto 1200 a ra and to 5 KX pm
veninus 7 00 to 800
Residence Telephone No 9
Othce No 101
ffioe OTBrCltliens Natl Bank Besldenoa ooi
block north of ConvregatloDol ehuren
Fashionable Dreasmaker
Op stain In Cotton clock ovpr Banmi ttor
First 1 class work guaranteed
Norfolk Nebraska
Attorneys at Law -
Boom 10 11 and 12 II tit Block
Norfolk Nebraska
Undertakers and EnbalmerB
BeiiionaBlk Norfolk Ave
Attorney at Law
Rooms l and 2 Robertson Wigton
Block Norfolk
Mrs H HHull
Facial Treatment MnieoriDg and Shampoo
Will gladly call at yoar homes and do any of tbi
work Orders taken for One hair awitobsa
Perfect match guaranteed Besldenoe on First
street Junction Orders may be left at the
Junction Dm Htorn Telephone IS
Oil and Gasoline
NO 38
j s moHROW
Will put down now wells or rennir old ones
Iiauin Iflooiefs Sharpened guarantees
1207 Philip Ave Telephone 124
Hpadqnnrters Hemovcd from Davenports sta
ble to ieo Dudleb stable on 5th St
For Plumbing Steam Fitting Pumps
Tanks Wind Mills
And all repair work in this line ea
Batufaetion Hnaranteea
First door south of Dally New office
Prices Reasonable
Up BtairB over Warelinms Millinery
W 0 Halls Barter Shop
Everybody wants the b i8t of
meats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Onr Shep Is tbe Neates
in the City
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Llae In Connection
TclcpfaoHC 68