The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 24, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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4 Great Haste is Not
Always Good Speed
cMany people trust to luck
to pull them through and are
often disappointed Do not
dilly dally in matters of
health With it you can
accomplish miracles With
out it you are no good
Keen tlif ller kidnejs bowolfi and
blood noalthy by the use of Hoods Sur
Baiiarilla the aultleps blood purifier
know n positive relief
for tlipiisiii unil that Is
rlllu It cured nit My
Hoods SarsHiid
ncuralcln Rlso
topped W H lUinwiN 101 Oak Strwt
lUtiRliamtoii Now York
Tired Feollng - My nppctltc wns
raiirkious w ller disordered and I tcrs
tlrid Hood i Snrsnpiirlllii relieved It nil
It curid a friend of mine of female wooX
tiesis MiisHssir A Mkahnr Clnyton Pel
OCtTA SaAJafiatU
Ilooili Mill eti e liver III the nnn Irritating an
only cathartic In take with Hnmla fiaraapairlUa
An Illustrated Book
t 4
especially constructed and patented for
the local treatment of female ills the
one so extensively recommended by tho
Lydla E Plnkham Medicine Co will be
in a plain sealed envelope to any one who
will write for it This book contains pages
of other helps for women who suffer from
any vaginal illness also thirty eight testi
monials selected from thousands we have
received from griteful women who have
given us their permission to print them
Dont wait until to morrow spihI for
the book to day a postal card will do
Price of Syringe 160 Guaranteed
With proper care it will last a lifetime
Special Mail Edition of
Randall Irving Tylers
Books of Modern Fiction
Four Months
After Date
A Business Romance
The Blind
Being a Tale of To day Show
ing Some of the Undercur
rents of a Big City
In these books Tyler
has struck a new and
popular vein You cant
put them down unfinished
but you read them a sec
ond or third time They
make people stop and
think Both books are
handsomely illustrated and
printed on fine paper If
you get one youll want
the other so send for both
Four Months After Onto
50 oonts
Tho Blind Gotdoss
SO oonts
Special Mall Order Edition sent
promptly postpaid on receipt of
The Stuyvesunt Publishing Co
4 233 Broaaay New York
Wiulnil Some of It
Customer Howd do Ilue you any
time to spine this iiioiiiIiikV
Tradesman CeiUunlj plenty of it
CiiMomti Sliid to hear it Id like to
hae tliiity day mine on that little bill I
owe ou Itiihiiiuiid UUpatih
Our Cllnuile
What does the foreran bulletin injV
Threatening outlier
Tun alwilup wbut sunstrokes r ehil
blaiueV Clucugo Record
Ed Luikart enmo homo last night
from Omaha
O H Miicon was in town Saturday
from Chndron
Mrs lCllen Chase of Nelijh was in tho
city yesterday
Albert Iohlinan was down from
Pierce Sat ni day
Charlt Bli r dorf is spending bin vaca
tion at PluhiN low
II N MulUiidom of ONi ill wan in
tho city yesterday
Attorney W 13 Howl was 11 Sunday
visitor from Madison
Tho Noi folic rity schools will open
two weeks fiom today
S D Kramer was u Sunday visitor in
tho city from lilooinlield
Miss Helm Wetzel went to lierco nt
lioon today to visit friends
toorgo M Dudley returned homo last
night from a visit in Omaha
Mrs J Hoffman or Battle Crock visited
friends in tho oity yesterday
Howard Keabuiy ot Plainviow is u
uebt at the home or T J Morrow
D L Host and T Piooco weio city
visitors Sat unlay from Huttle Orook
The city has lecoived another ear of
stouo to be used in building crossings
Willis McHrido of Madison spent Sat
urday night in the city with relatives
Miss Liio Tatman Iiiih returned
from her visit to Cheyenne Wyoming
Mrs Higby of York is n guest at tho
home of her daughter Mrs 13d Seymour
W H Christonh returned this morn
ing to his home in Terra Haute Indi
Mrs A 13 Lane goes to Omaha to
morrow to visit the exposition a few
Mrs Pied Linerode returned on Sat
urday from Booue Iowa where she had
been visiting threevecks
W II Buckol and wife returned last
evening the former from Washington
nnd tho latter from Chicago
Misses losie and Allio Couley have re
turned homo tho former from Fremont
and tho latter from Alliance
Judge Win V Allen Mrs Dr Long
and Miss Matilda Pricko were city vis
itors Saturday from Madison
MiFS Nellie Diugmau left this morn
ing for Xewinnu Grove where she will
teach school the coming term
Aithur Pilger is taking a weeks vaca
tion which hejiwill divide between
Omaha Siou City and Plaiuview
G T Sprecher hns gone to Clarkson
and Leigh to superintend the unloading
of poles for the new telephouo line
Miss May Templin has accepted the
position of clerk in the Variety store
soon to be opened in the Richards block
Rev Wni Leavitt conducted services
at the Congregationalchurch yesterday
morning iuthe absence of tho pastor
Walter Powell and family are plan
ning to go to Oregon to live as soon as
he can close up his business affairs here
Mrs J Younger and children aie vis
iting friends in Stanton county and in
tho meantimeIToe is keeping bachelors
Prof G H Whaley went to Neligh
this morning where he begins his duties
as principal of the city schools on Sep
tember 4
Cards are out anonnciug the marriage
of Reiuhold3Marsch and Miss Anna
Preuss both of this county which takes
place next Sundny
Miss Pearl Mackay returned to her
home in Stanton on Saturday Miss
Fraukio Warrick accompanied her and
remained over Sunday
Mrs Geo B Christoph and baby de
parted this morning on a two months
visit to relativesand friends at New
Hampton and Waukon Iowa
Miss Lizio Rees has returned from
Des Moines where sho spent her vaca
tion and is visiting her brothers family
at the hospital until school opens
Mike Bovo was up before the police
court this moruiug under tho charge of
vagrancy His fine was assessed at JTiOO
and costs which ho paid promptly
Ray Hayes CarlDavenport Joe Pow
ell and 131 win Alexander who have boon
camping at tho Yellow Banks for tho
past ten days returned homo today
Rev John Grant Schick of Nelifth
occupied tho M 13 pulpit yesterday in
tho absence of Rov Mr Main who is
attending the camp meeting at Lyons
Flunk Baker of Green Biy Wis
came down from Creighton this mom
iug to visit his brotherJiW G Baker
Ho will probably remain about a week
Theo King is this week removing his
family to Sioux Palls S D having
changed houses for which ho travels and
being assigned territory tributary to that
Mr and Mrs Chas Stitt came up
from Fremont yesterday Mr Stitt re
turned this morniiigIbutlMrs Stitt will
remain se eral days to visit relatives and
The littlo three-years-old sou of Her
man Bohu living in Edgewater fell
and broko his arm this morning Dr
Prank Salter was called and reduced tho
Philip Filler and Otto Ossinan were
bafore police court this morning charged
with disturbmgjthe peace they having
had a fistic encounter on the street
The judge fined them 5 aud costs apiece
amonuting in all to 1 120 which they
Al Hallani who is now with tho
Richardson Drug company at Omaha
arrived in the city last evening and this
morning went out to tho tamp at tho
Yollow Banks
On Saturday Pierce was visited by a
serious storm of wind and hail which
blow down chimneys trees and small
buildings nnd did a considerable damage
to growing crops
Tho stock run on tho Plkhorn has
commenced in earnest and oerythlng is
lively along tho load Nino siHcial
trains passed through yesterday and
nioro aro to follow
A night blooming cereus will opni to
night at tho homo of Mrs N J Davis
living in tho Dr Daniel house on east
Main street Those interested in
this strange tlower aro invited to call
and seo it
Wm Wanieko returned Saturday
from Hot Springs S D where ho had
been tlueo months taking treatment
for rheumatism He is very much im
proved in health and hopes ho will soon
bo rid of tho disease entirely
A number of promotions along cer
tain lines hove been made by tho P P
A M V company Tho following
named have recently been appointed
conductors Chas L Bnggs Prank V
Hurd L A Miller Flunk H Kussoll
and 13 B Taylor
Joseph Crow the now post muster at
Omaha passed through tho city yester
day enrouto homo from Nowpoit where
ho had been to pin chase a lino driving
horse His sister Mrs L Council of
this city took dinner with linn at tho
raihoad eating house
Mrs W II Layha has leturned to
her homo in Marceliue Mo Sho had
been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs
J C Chesnutwood in this city for the
past two months Miss Stella Chesnut
wood accompanied her homo and will
spend tho winter with her
The sale of tickets for tho benelit con
cert to bo given at tho Congregational
church tomorrow evening by Miss Nel
lie CJorecko and Mr Ludwig Koenig
stein is progressing nicely and the pros
pects now aro that a large audienco will
greet theso two popular young people
Seats are on sale at Leonards
A special coach will be horo tomorrow
evening to take the Norfolk delegation
to the A O U W picnic at Wayne on
Wednesday The car will bo appropri
ately decorated with banners The rate
of one iaro for tho round trip has been
made by the 0 St P M Ai O for this
occasion thus enabling delegates to go
and come back for 85 cents
A meeting of company L will bo held
at the armory this evening A first
and second lieutenant will be elected
and other business transacted Tho
office of first li utenaut was made vacant
by the resignation of Carl Pilger who
is now at Deadwood S D and the
ofllce of second lieutenant was vacated
by the discharge of Clint Aniuriue who
failed to pass the examination It is
practically conceded that J B Barnes
Jr and S H MtClary will be elected to
tho respective positions
A rod hot game of ball was played
yesterday on the Olney grounds betweuu
Pierce and Norfolk teams the score at
the end of tho ninth inning being h to 7
in favor of Norfolk Consideiable com
plaint has been made over this game oven
among those who do not object to Sun
day base ball because of tho noise
whooping and yelling that accompanied
it which seems to have been out of all
proportion to what was warranted by
tho game It is probably true that it
was an exciting contest but that was
scarcely warrant for such a tumult a
was carried on at the grounds If those
engaging in the racket havo no respect
for the Sabbath themselves they should
at least havo enough consideration for
tho wishes of those who do to conduct
a game on Sunday in an orderly manner
Battle Creek Enterprise During tho
storm last Saturday afternoon lightning
struck- tho houso of Arthur Willinms
southwest of town aud tore things up
pretty badly not a room in tho houso
escaping injury Tho bolt struck the
chiiuuoy and followed it to tho ceiling
whon it was pretty evenly distributed
throughout the houso by means of the
walls Plaster was torn oil and parts of
the partitions between the rooms were
domolished Mr Williams was in town
at tho time but Mrs Williams aud the
four children were iu tho house when
the bolt struck and strange as it may
seom not a soul was injured or so much
as felt a shock although Roy a littlo
sou who was lying on the Hoor near tho
chimney said it seemed as if he was
entirely enveloped in Haines The
escape of tho family is nothing less than
a miracle
Sterling Sun Lincoln and Hastings
aro making big preparations for holding
street fairs in September St Joe is
also arrauging to hold a monster street
fair September -1 to I inclusive They
are a now thing in this country and bid
fair to be very popular for a few sea
sons iu the cities They are practically
tho same as a state fair except that dis
lrtay and amusement features aro dis
played in booths along tho public streets
It is iu reality n great adertising
sehemo of city bnsiuess men They
realize the fact that it pays business
men to spend somo money to attract
people to their town The town that
does not do bo in some way will be left
iu tho race When the business men of
a town go to sleep and wait for somo
one to come in and wake them up they
will find tho people hao gone else
where and their opportunities huo
gone with them
This morning Mayor Simpson received
a telegram from Goeruor Poynter
stating that It is desired that your city
share in tha Pirst reginiont train fund
Please send mo Monday what you hae
This is the fund that the governor Iiiih
been trying to raise during tho past two
weeks to bring homo tho lnombeiH of
tho First Nebraska by sieeial train from
San riancisco By pionipt action on
the pint of tho cltious of the state it is
hoped to be able to aocuinuliito enough
to bring tho soldiers homo Tho
mayor ut ouco investigated tho matter
and found that G A Luikart D Kees
and lr Koipcr had already sent 20 00
apiece and that D P Owen was thou
circulating n stibsciiption paper asking
for contributions When last ooii Mr
Owens fund amounted to about fllO 00
and ho hoped to make It i IOOOt by
night which will bo sent in by tele
graph this evening
Mis Paulino Wichinan passed away
at her homo near Iludar yesteiday
morning after a lingering illness at the
ago of 7T years Tho funeral was held
at Hadar this afternoon conducted by
Uov Mr King Mis Wiohuimi was an
old losident of this section having come
hoie with her family more than 110 years
ago Her lirst Nebraska homo was on a
farm whero tho Junction now is a
piaiter section of laud being taken as a
homestead by her husband Carl Wich
inan and another quarter by her son
Herman lleneo sho has lived to seo
what was then a wild prairie at that
time considered on tho extreme western
border of a habitable country glow and
develop until it is in tho very center ol
civilization Mrs Wiehmau was tho
mother of ten children si of whom
three sons and three daughters hvo to
mourn her loss Sho had many friends
especially among tho older settlers and
her funeral at Hadar this afternoon was
largely attended
The populist county convention held
at MadiHon on Saturday transacted its
business wit li less friction than did its
democratic partner tho day before
Harvey Bohannon acted as chairman
and Chester A Fuller as secretary
Those solected as delegates to tho state
coin ontion aro Win V Allen Joseph
Martin O D Jenkins C S I3ans R
P Avery 1 B Donovan C W Crum
A II Bohannon Henry Nye C
Gossard 0 A Hiler Wesley McCalluin
Chester A Fuller David Reynolds
Samuel Kent and L B Baker Resolu
tions were adopted endorsing the state
administration and instructing tho dele
gates to tho judiciul convention to sup
port Wm V Allen for district judge
AftcrappoiutingAil Bohannon J I
Donovan and O D Jenkins ns a com
mittee to confer with the democrats on
the question of fusion tho convention
adjourned to meet at Battle Creek Sep
tember 2 at 1 1 am for tho purposo
of nominating a county ticket
lfiil UN IIiIiiiiiii
C P W Marquardt has been taking
a corresuondenca course with tho Phila
delphia Optical college one of the lead
ing institutions of the kind in America
and this morning lie received not ice that
ho had passed a successful oxamiutaioM
The course consists of J8 lessons of 2
questions each and as a rule it requires
threo montliB to get through but so well
posted was he that ho finished in si
weeks Tho following letter from the
president or the college is tho greatest
recommendation that Mr Manmardt
could havo as to his proficiency as an
Piiiiaiiiiiii August 17 18 Mr
C P W Marquardt Norrolk Neo -Dear
Sir I im pleased to say your
general average is 02 per cent which we
consider most excellent and thererore
the diploma has been ordered for you
and will be forwarded without delay
Congratulating you on your graduation
as a master optician and wishing you
much success I have the pleasure to be
Yours faithfully
C H Biiows M D
Cheap lliitex south
On tho first nnd third Tuesdays of
each month up to and including Octo
ber tho Southern Railway oilers to
homeseekers and bettlers the advantages
of cheap ono way and round trip tickets
to practically all points in Tennessee
Mississippi Alabama Georgia North
Carolina South Carolina Virginia and
Homeseekers tickets will b sold at
tho rate of ono fare plus 2 for the round
trip tickets good 21 days from dato of
sale iu which to return
Tho southeastern territory offers to
tho prosector nnd settler more advant
ages than any other part of tho United
States and tho Southern Railway has
arranged for the sale of tickets on the
dates mentioned above nt low enough
rates to onablo any one to go South and
investigate the opportunities offered m
that territory
For illustrated matter rates and fur
ther particulars address
Wm H Tayloka G P A
Louisville Ky
J O Beam Jit X W P A
80 Adams St Chicago Ills
At the receut Bryau demonstration at
Groenfield Indiana a man was robbed
of a gold watch aud a quantity of gold
coin The idea of intending a Bryan
soiree with gold
There is a Moiv of n mnn who wn mi
bunv looking at the stats that uu he
wulVctl he Mumbled
Into a well Thats i V
Uiestoivcrf a r Jln
cal man too busy CcV X
re- c llijjTF
r t
looking nt things na oir to notice
nunc important tilings noai bv
One sixth of all dentils ate from con
sumption Hut the tuati got s along with
hi ers bulging to wiUh ihohru nnd
yellow fert lie disdains to cure the
eold ot cheek the little cough and ion
sumption triim him up
Dont neglect little ailments Keep
the mutcni up to the point cl ellnttial
rcMMiineo against disease This is lust
done b the of ti Iletcts Cohh u
Mistical lisoover It strengthens the
stomach I net oases the action ol tin
blood making glnnds imcsnll ilisotilets
of the in gum of digestion and nutiition
cm opt cancel of the stomach punfies the
blood ineieascs the vital enetg and so
enables the Ksl to resist and thiiiw oil
disease Kon when theie is emanation
weakness beetle cough bleeding at the
lungs and otbet alatuutig snnptotiis
Golden Medical Hivoven can lie
counted on tu belt eeij tune and to
heal oS times out of every Ininiltcil
Sick people can consult Hi K V
ltotoo llulfalo N Y hv littot without fie
ot chatge Keiylottei is toad m pitvalo
and ttoated as t sacred lonlidencc All
iLiilies aie sent in plum i nvelopes
liisl spline I wni laki ti with M li lintni ill
III chnl mid it wiwink I iiHilil Initill wnllc
nlmilt till hinisi hii Mm I It Kilt el Imt
DdcIki Wrliatd Co limn I tiled mviiiiI
pli kUImih nnd lliiN told air I hud iniiMiitipllim
I hcutil cif Di ln in icildra Mcdicnl IHco
tti mid I iIioiikIiI I wcinhl It menu ol it llefnic
I hud takiu the flml licittlt I wiu vit much hrl
lit I took fiw IhiIIUi ot it mid Iiiim nut tt
hail ini ttlutiiol tin tionlik
lleadmhe is i ttrcd by using Dr
lieices Pleasant Pellet
5 aupd 2000 Sewing Machines
IarKost Variety of the
- ix m t -
5 Jo
very iokicm Rrncif fcruniK mil
chllim In lcct fiota Wi fkdl ii
flrM cla innchtne rlintmitrnl
Intir nliKotutrly pcrlcct llhti it
riiiminK Sunintfd liy n irk
ouiialhle couch n lor I itntB
lower Ihnn nny nthrr fiicturv In
Aniurlcn only 6 tcf2B flint
mny Hounil itrotiK hut wtitc Im
mlr Alt rAlnlw flnrl alj u Xlt
will jitoxc It we handle onlr the flnrM Ktndr
itoods B toJ2B You have privilege nrthiiroiiuh
test hefore piiyliu monty rtundid on ant machine
not abiolutel latlilaclorjr Why pay f 10 or J VI lot
n machine we nil at wholeiafc only Vourir
anvc f il to 130 liy JcnlliiH with us Hcnieiiiliir
trial coiti nothing
Pianos and Organs
the best on entth nt iinhenrd
of price Some wonderful
ummer hnriiHina Wiitc for
coufidentlnl oITcih
Above Company ate perfectly reliable- iditor
The White of AIiinUii
Till lure wild white sheep Im fniinil no
wheie in tlie w ot Id hut Alaska anil few
Hpec linens f ot iiiiMintliiK uhile hau eei
In en iihlaineil This HpcniH nnineil Ous
bill hj IlipfeHHiii Dull ililTors fiom its
cousin tho Hock mountain hi licit n
Ovis moiitaiiii in oloi Ovis inontan
hohiK a dull hiowii in niiilHiiiiiinei hiinj
iiiK to a KiaMsh ill ah in winter with a
1 1 K 1 1 1 nsliv rolnicil patch oei tho lump
all tho eai while the his clnlll 1H niiow
white at all seasons In fact theie is not
a coloieil hah on an pint of his body
He is not quite so stoolil built as om
Ijik hoill Mt mole 1 1 i til Olid ulupcl
Two ol inj specimens Moot IU inc lies at
tho hliollhlci Ills limbs aie not quite si
heavy ami IiIh Iioiiih will not ateiiiKo as
law at the hnse iiUIiciiikIi quite as lone
1 lie hoi ns of m IniKist specimen ol IS17
uieasiiuil 11 inches in length anil I l
inches in eiic uinferenc e nt the hase
The tksh is the most clciiuuim of all
wild km me JiitiiiK
Does Your
Back Ache
In constant pain when onl
your feet
la that dragging- pulling
sensation with you from morn
till night
Why not put the medicine
exactly on tho disease Why
tnot apply tho cure right toi
the spot itself
f You can do it with
Immediately after tho
kPlaster is applied you feeli
its warming soothing in J
ffluence Its healing remedies
quickly penetrate down deep
into tho inflamed tissues
Pain is quieted soreness is re
lieved and strength imparted
No plaster was eer made like It
No plaster eer acted go quickly
and thortughiy No plaster ever
had such complete control overall
kinds ol pain
Placed over tho chest it is
a powerful aid to Ayers
Cherry Pectoral relieving
congestion and drawing out
all inflammation
Cut tills out and send to us and wo
will sol Miu tho lust quality of
Binding Twine
Wholesale Prices
Sisal or Standard
I ii 1 on t urn huiiliii
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re
i lime hit kIi i I mill 101 mil ki iroinil
lllpllll 11U ibe 1 In mill 1 IH H I I Mid Ml ill in I
liili iIiiiiiiik on unilinit iliiuliiie We
li 111 1 11 lit 1 1 tlniliiiT hull id out Iwiim Iiiih
hi 1 11 iiiiiiIi in 111 w Hplliilli k u it li 1 lb IllHl
lillllH Sl IIUMMIlHH No
1 mi 11 il on 1 tuini hi 11 illbii I
Mllljl l I til IXIIIIIIIIIll Hll T lIlMllll Will II
cue twiiii iipiui IH1M111 nt nf III n 1 1 nit
down mid slop lnti 1 Hi fi 1 S In iii
I a Siitiuiiiil lunik llokpnpii m nii nun of
Ml ll llMliniPMi III IMll illlllKH
The Western VIecantile Go
UmIi mill I iniiiiiii Mi liiuilui
I In IIiiiim that Sni h iui M 1 iu
A t I Ill I loll I Ml IIIKIO
Do lull 1I1H11 to Hieiiti IiiiiiiIiiiIn of Klllllplll
rnpliH of him lot ill rrnl join tiitlf iniirarltieN now h
i stm liniilcH iiitiiloitui n mill eiri iiIiiih of the
Intcit ImpiiiMil fiirm impleii iIiIk unci marhln
er 11111I In In it luihtiil on iiiiiniM d mhhIh nnil
Hllll ll fill tll Jllllh Ol llintl If Ml Hlllll 1111
Mint lilinii with tiii iilitu iiinlhi 1 11111I uu will
IiimtI I be iiiiiie in tlie AniKiliiia KntiniiM Din e
toij wlili li foH wIiIiIInk all mil tbn Diiitnil
Stall to ii1 ii ln ih iiiiirliiinlH nnd tiimiiifne
Iiiiiik Nun will kiii mum to il 11 miliar mnltm
thiol Mill could puinliiihi fur mini timns tho
hiiuill i hhI of tiii 1 1 nth e w nn t 1 11 rj fnrinir h
iiiiiiii In tin tiniti d SI11I111 in inn dliKnlor at
0111 e I MIMKIIS HlllM iuiiyCo
Dipnrtiiuiit 1 IH
Illrmliiuliiiiii Ala
let Away a Couple of Months
illltl st
Asheville or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
01 tho many
Tonus tiokols on salt1 in
Southern - Railway
by all Tickot Audits
Kot schedules in Itiithoi Infor
uiatioii wiito or call on
Wm II Tamoi A O I A
Louisvlllo Ky
1 CI Hiam Ir N W I A
dams St Chicago
Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes
172U New York Aie
WAblllNdlON I C
Illciibtnliliiilieil IVIW liiirKfMiioiloriito Cor
rihpomli nn 1 1 11 1 Und
Kor thci 1 ore of nil chnioc nnd
iiriile illienhiv 11 llfi KlilliS
fun from nlllilri c ANtluiiH
llroiirliitic tttiirrfi oiiHiimption
Hi ndiiclo Niiinilc iii Hliiiinuitii m
Ni riiiiie IriHtratioii unci diiicriil
li hlllty cnriil b iiiIibIiiik
Our lioinc trislmint uhicli con
titfiiK two mo nt I h supply of Com
loiiticl OxtKiii inlniliiiK iippnra
rntiiH full ilirictJonr n nt to any
part of tlio country J Iiih inc luilne
iiiciIichI nihil 1 dcirin tnutiaiiit
Illlllpllllt Willi Hill im to tllH nick
home trc atrnc nt nuil tmtiiiioiiiiilH
1112 Girard St
Uiiiuaucipnia Ia
Louisville 8 Nashville
Write for Infcrmatlon to