If A m i t r A The Norfolk Weekly News utoulu i n M nij Result Is Considered a Great Diplomatic Victory X HATPS ItKTlltNS lVITHTKKATY Auirrliun hnniolKiit Over the Miiiim l ICnciiKiilrril nitti llio High In Iur eluine Imiil AkIiuiIIi mill 1IU Ainu Irtpni Iiik to Continue tlio War Manila Aug 24 Gcnoml John 0 Bates has returned from tho Sulu IhI nnds with a treaty signed by himself uml tho sultan Tho sultun ngiees to ull tho Amcrieuu terms proposed and reeognizes tho ubHoluto sovereignty of tho United States which tho author ities declare ho never did for Spain An important clause of tho treaty gives Ainoiicuns the right to purchase laud Wo retain all tho ports which tho Spanish occupied and reserve tint right to open otheis at our discretion Tho sultan collects no revenues but will receive an annual salary for main taining law and order Several of tho principal chiefs also uro salaried General Bates had diplomatically gained tho friendship of all tho power ful chiefs in Mindanao Biwilan Sulu Siussi and Tawitawi and had C10 sultan rebelled his overthrow could liavo been easily accomplished 1 or tho present ut least it is a great diplomatic victory Will Not Deal Willi Otis Hoxo Kosa Aug 24 A prominent Filipino siys that Aguinaltlo will nu or negotiate with General Otis for peace Tho Filipinos assert that tho American militaiy leaders precipitated tho hostilities in February when an amicable urruigquiii Was possible Therefore they distrust Otis Thoy nbo driiiro an explicit declination from mo congress at Washington Tho Fili pinos expross profound trust 11 Admiral Dewey They apparently believo him to bo tho only man who can nchievo a peaceful settlement They appear con fident of being able to maintain a suf ficient stock of war munitions to suc cessfully resist the American forces UNIVERSAL PEACE UNION Ihlitj tlilrd Aiiniiul Mooting Opens In Peace Temple at Mjstlc Conn Mystic Conn Aug 24 Tho 33d an nual meeting of tho Universal Peace union opened at thoPeaco Temple hero yesterday and will continue through tho week President A IK Lioe of Phila delphia was in the ohair and between COO and 600 members were present Letters of regret were read from a number of piomiuent persons among them being Andrew D White chair man of tho American Peace commis sion at Tho Hague Tho feature of tho morning session was tho annual repoit of President Love Touching on the subject of tho Philippine 1 evolution President Love in his report says the war is not only cruel but it is uniight cous and oppofcd to our professions of liberty and the avowed policy ot our own country Ilinttnn In Ho pl it t Kansas City Aug 24 A letter to tho Star dated Manila July 15 bays Genoiul Fiederiek Funston has been temporal lly relioved from duty at San Fernando and will go to tho second 1 o feerve hospital to receive treatment ne cessitated by tho reopening of a wound incurred whilo 111 tho Cuban army It is thought that General Funston will not again return to active duty as hi term of service will expire Sept 2 and lio has requested and been granted per mission to return to the United States with tho Kansas regiment Iosmj Im alien Mm ilerers Gkivnell la Aug 24 There ij now no doubt but officers are on tho light track of the murderers of Brake men Wilson and Matthews Tho men who were surrounded a few miles east of heie managed to escape to this city but were surprised by Marshalltowu of licors and u sharp battlo took placo in the park in the center of the town at 180 a m Six shots woio exchanged mid tho men managed to escape but are now closely pursuod and will no doubt bo captured neiln Still UcilrtliiiTiTii Paris Aug 24 Tho Gueriuitos are fetill holding out at tho headquai tors of the Anti Semito league whioh lias been bosioged since Aug 12 by tho authori ties us a result of tho recent disturb ances heie All is quiot but thoy have erected a fresh barricade of chuusand tables and liavo soaked them with pe troleum from which it is bolioved tho besieged contemplate immolatiou The firemen remain constantly ou duty out bide tho building Yaqul Take to the Motiutaiuf City op Mexico Aug 24 Tho min ister of war says Genoral Torres com manding tho federal forces near Torin has the Yaqui situation well in hand He has 800 national guaids 1700 infantry 400 cavalry and two machine guns No more troops are to bo sent Tho hostilos will not risk an other open engagement They have escaped to tho mountains and guerilla troops have beeu organized to follow them Wipe Out a Mining Camp Deadwood S D Aug 24 The mining camp of Galena nine miles bouthwest of this city was nearly wiped out by the Firo started in Peter Foyers blacksmith shop Five dwelling houses vero destroyed and two livery stable- Loss is about 10000 Tho lire spread from tho burning buildings to timber and a fire is raging around tho camp DREYFUS SCANDAL No Nnit lliil Ato lliimclil Out AgntiMt tlir Irlinnar KrNNKt Aug 21 Tho session of tho Dreyfus court martial yesteiday was conipiratioly uneventful The doposi tions were not productive of any leally thrilling incidents The systematlo production of tho llimsiest trash which tho prosecution deems profitable to in flict on tho judges nml which tho lat ter accept as evidence was piooeedetl with Much of the ridiculous testimony of the morning was devoted to an at tempt to blast Dreyfus pri ato ohaiac tor though when Muities Laborl ami Deuiango had finished with tho wit nesses their bubbles of tittle tattle wero badly pricked M Labori again distinguished him self by laying bare tho weak points of evidence Ho was less fierce however than usual though quite aggressive enough to arouso tho latent hostility of tho judges which showed itself in various little ways Tho only dangerous opponent of Drey fus today was General Gonso who mounted tho stage with a quick step and apparently light heart but ho left it badly mauled by M Laboii General Gonso began by declaring ho caiuo to defend his honor against those drivel ing against him But when his cross examination was finished ho returned to his seat with his tail between his legs for M Labori had driven him into 11 corner in tho attempts of tho geneial btaff to shield Estorhay and had shown that the general stall for which Gonso wtis responsible hud engineered Ebtor biuys escape fiom justice QUAY IN CONTROL Tltlut mill Ilatlnriii Will Ho 1iamml In Aoc oiiIiiiii 11 Willi lllft Withes ILvKltibiiUitii Ph Aug 21 There is nothing to nidicito that there will be any olungo in tho program arranged for todays Republican state convention by Senator Quay and his lioutenants Een tho most radical opponents of the senator concede thit ho will control the convention and that tho ticket and platform will bo framed in accordance with his wishes The nominees will bo Lieutenant Colonel James Burnett of tho Tenth Pennsylvania leginiont for stito treisuier J Ray Brown for su preme court judge and Josiah It Adams for superior court judge Tho platform will indorso the administration of Presi dent McKinloy and Governor Stone General Frank Reeder of Easton will succeed Attorney General Elkin who retires of his own accord us chaumnu of tho state committee Clirlitlun Mission Wo lit Hastings Nob Aug 2f Tho soo oud days session of tho 22d annual convention of tho Nebraska Christian Missionary society was opened in tho Christian church with an attendance of nearly 200 delegates W A Baldwin of Ulysses was elected chairman Tho convention then called for outlino re ports from tho churches and ituvili aiies Miss Giifiiths of Pawneo City leported her work lor the year closed This missionary society has laiscd and used i 732 HI during tho year IniiKlli fin lot ei nor Jacksox Miss Aug 24 Hon A 11 Longino was Wednesday nominated for governor of Mississippi by tho Demo cratic state convention without opposi tion Tho lesolutions endorse the Demo ciatic convention of 18G and declares W J Bryan to bo the ablest exponent of those principles tho statesman and patriot tho great tribune of the people AItitnteinnt of Science Columbus O Aug 21 Tho sessions of tho American Association for tho Ad vancement of Science and of tho Amer ican Forestry association and tho Geo logical Society of America were devoted yesterday to tho reading of papers and an addioss in tho evening on explosives by Professor Monroe Tho Aniencaa Folk Lore society will meet today TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Tho Natioual Shorthand Reporters association was organized at Chicago Wednesday In a battlo between Formosan soldiers and Japaueso garrison troops at Keo Lung 10 JapauebO and ill Fonnosans wero killed At Wednesdays meeting of tho na tional council of tho Daughters of Lib erty at Cincinnati tho charter fee was raised to 25 William Lawler whito was shot and instantly killed Wednesday by an un known negro at Willock Pa A race war is threatened Tho Peruvian government has sent troops to combati tho rovolutiouary leader Durand who was tho hero of tho last revolution and placed Piorola in the presidency President McKiuley has been olectod to represent tho Columbus oncampmont No 78 Union Veterans union at the national encampment to bo held in Bal timore Sept 18-14-15 William Brown and Alex Siugletary two negroes were killed outright and 20 others severely shocked while en gaged in the reconstruction of an eleo tno car liuo in Now Orleans Wednesday The date has beeu flually sot for there burial of tho bodies of tho followers of John Brown who met death with the intrepid leader at Harpers Ferry Va in 1859 Tho ceremony will tako placo Aug 28 at North Elba Daniel J Cainpau Michigan member of the Democratic national commit tee denies that there is any truth in the reported movement on foot to have the next national convention held threo or four mouths earlier than usual Tho feature of the Now England cir cuit bicycle races Wednesday was tho breaking of tho worlds professional 2 nulo paced record by Harry Gibson who r j1o tho distance behind a steam pacing machine m 30J 1 5 the former record being held by Major Taylor 31 J NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY AUGUST 211899 1ST MUSTERED OUT Nebraska Volunteers Arc Now Ordinary Citizens GET lAST PAY IltOM IMlll SAM Snlillcr Will lonxn Snn lianrleo For lliinin 1ihlnr Colonel Million Joins llm Ihlity ninth in Mnjm nml Will Not Ketiini With tlin llpgliniMtt S Kkancisi o Aug 2 J Tho pay master Hindu his last visit to tho camp of the Nobiusku regiment yesteiday and tlio lnitsteung out ceremony was com pleted later in tho day Tomorrow morning the Nebraska boys will leave for their homes Tho regiment goes out with a total of 851 men and 45 ofllcors Thoy wero a full regiment of 1272 men when thoy loft homo Tho leginient began getting paid at 1 oclock It requited tin 00 paymasters until 5 oclock to pay the 850 men tho 1140000 duo tho regiment The captains of tho ditloront com panies made short spooehes to their men just before marching to the pay- niastois concluding by saying that tho men weio now ill citizens Tho men cheered tho captains and mustering officers as they lined up for the last time Tho niusteiing olllcer said tho only ltlllculty ho experienced was that Nebraska lost more men than any other regiment so that it lequnod more time making thoir records Tho men me in excellent spirits Tho first thing they paid their debts to thoir conuades then huiried to tho city to find muling places until Fnday when tho regiment starts home Last night most of them attended tho theaters Colonel Mulfoid will not accompany tho legnnent but will bo mustered into tho Thirty ninth legnnent today as major CALIFORMANS ARRIVE Tlunspiilt Shei mini Item hen Sun Iluu Uo With All Well on ltimnl S in Francisco Aug 2 1 Tho United States transport bearing tho First Cali fornia regiment of volunteeis was sighted four miles outside the heads a few minutes before oclock last even ing No one living anywhere within tho boundaiies of Sun Fianciscowas long in ignoranco of thoanivalof tho transport Steam whistles shrieked birens screamed bells rang and tho streets wero soou filled with shouting cheering throngs Tho task of tho in bpuctors was speodily accomplished and tho federal quarantine officer examined the soldiers giving tho Sherman 11 clean bill of health A local paper scoiod a triumph in tho development of wireless telegraphy in connection with tho Shermans arnval Recoiving stations wero established at the Cliil house mill on tho light ship nine miles out and when tho news camo that the Sherman was in sight it was soon followed by tho cheeiing intelligence lecoived in tho suno way All well 011 board No death during tho voyage Tho prenuituio 111 rival of tho Sher man has dis11 ranged civic plans to a certain extent but it has been decided that today tlieio will bo an imposing naval pageant as tno riansport sans 111 through the Golden Gate City Vault Is IlioUrn Open Kansas City Aug 2 1 An unusual sceno occurred in tho city hall today when at the instigation of the board of election commissioners recently ap pointed by Governor Stephens a lock smith smashed in the door of tho vault containing tho records of the ofllco and the ballot boxes of tho city Former Election Commissioner J II Harris had refused to surrender the key to tho vault claiming that one of tho now commissioners E S Washburn had boon illegally appointed A contest is likoly Student Kllloil liy Iiillliit Stockton Cal Aug 24 Alfrod Molina collego studont boxed several rounds with John Musick last night After a short encounter Molina quit shaking hands with his antagonist Thero was no knockout and no great apparent damago doue ou oithor side but shortly after reaching his drowsing room Molina lapsod into unconscious ness dying today Musick lias been ar rested and charged witii murder Iteaily for the Eniaiiipnient Philadelphia Aug 24 With the exception of a few minor details the ar rangements for the oucampment of tile Grand Army of the Republic which be gins hero a week from next Monday aro complete Tho general committee yesterday issued tho ordor of the naval parade ou Sept 8 which is to be one of tho big featuros of tho reunion Ad miral Sampsons fleet will anchor in tho Dolawaro rivpr opposite tho city lrnpar for Their Part Nicx Aug 24 Admiral Dewey and tho officers and men of tho Olympia uow at Villefraucho near horo are al ready anticipating their Now York ro coptiou ami are proparing for their part in it The admiral has received per mission from the authorities to land the Olympia battalion at Villefranche for drill purposes during the remainder of tho cruisers stay there Neliruaka Steer for Knglunil HAiinuuo Nob Aug 24 S Finuol a heavy cattle feeder here disposed of a drovo ot iteors to a Chicago firm yester day to bo shipped to England direct Tho price realised wabt tents jwr pound at the farm net Some of the steen weighed lo00 iiouiKla This herd will not Mr Finuol in the uuigaooinooti oi 150000 DYRENFORTH RE ELECTED ChiiMii Cniiitnniiilni lit Cliluf ol Mm tnlou Xeteiiiiit1 I 11I011 Without Opposition Drs M disks Aug 21 Gent nil Rob ort St George Dyionfoith of Washing ton was le elected tonnniiniler in chief of the Union Vetoiuns union without opposition deputy coniniaudor in chief Geneial Geoige K Ludloy or South Da kota second deputy commander W L French of Massachusetts The other ollleers hoietofore elect le will be heieafter appointive A new constitu tion was adopted changing the niitno to Union Rattle Men or Union Vototans union Rueh state shall bo 11 division each command a regiment Tho annual oneatnpinent shall bo hold in October at a place to be selected a year previous The otganijitiou shall bo purely mili tary ami its objects are political to urge tho election and appointment of soldiers to office Washington Sioux Falls and Kansas City uro candidates for next yeat s encampment Tho mat ter will probably bo loft to tho executive committee linnet licit my Ilnn Troc Lkai S 13 Aug 21 Thoio is an insect in the lllaok Hills which is doing great injury to tho pino foiests For a year or initio small patches of tiees hao boon dying showing round spots ft out 11 few bundled foot in ciiuutnfeienco to 1111 net e or mom in extent The niNoctH boom to go 111 swaiins like grasshoppet s mid alter finding a tree to their liking they settle down and commence boiing until they disappear fiom sight loun Ilie Aiiuc liitlon full Dis Moim s Aug 21 Tho IowiiFne association failed yesterday State Aud itor Met nam invoking its authoiity to do business Application will be made today for tho appointment of 11 iccoivor The company was bttietly a mutual as hessmont concern with about J000 of lisks 111 foice Tho failuio win caused by too high expenses 11 II Laub ol Donisoii la is president ami S G Scott of Dos Moines seciotary lliilniiiie HikIiik IhiiiIiiiI Dmitotji la Aug 21 The Do buque Athletic association announces tho completion of tho caitl foi next weeks lioxuig carnival as follows Tuesday Choynski vs Jinimio Ryan Forbes vs Sulllold Wednesday Siiu try vs White Lewis vs Kenny Thins day Tommy Ryan vs Moffat Kerwin vs Selltus Klniti ii ill Slot 111 In low it Deh Moines Aug 24 A terrific lectno Htoini posted over tho contial portion of tho state last night In tins city electiic light circuith woio burned out cars btopped and lightning struck in soveral places about town Frank Kaniber aged 42 unmarried was killed by a bolt as ho stood 011 tho porch of his home Illiolt Ioioh tho liopliy Atlantic City Aug 21 J A It Elliott tho lecognied champion wing shot of the world yesterday loit tho eastern championship cup ami a side bet of 100 to W It Utosby of Ba tavni N Y The total was IM to 128 out of a possible 150 TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Tlie forest files 111 the Atlirondiiclts am extinguished or under contiol George A Fry postmaster at Byniiti Mont lias been found shoit SJJOOO 011 lus accounts Tito hot winds winch have prevailed for tho lust mouth have destroyed all chance of a largo cotton crop in Texas Clayton O Mason a nephew of Sena tor Mason of Illinois died in Washing ton Wednestlay night fiom an ovei tlose of morphine Fne stinted in tho boiler house of tho B Uhrig Coal company at Milwaukee Wednesday ami destroyed J7000 worth 01 coal ami property Tho Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul road Wednesday gave notico of its in tention to withdraw from the Western Passenger association Black Jack Ketchuni has been cap tured and the gang that has borne lus name and terrorized tho southwest for years has been broken up Judge W II Cato of Jonesboro Aik died Wednesday at St Vincent hospital Toledo of cancer Judge Cato was formeily a momber of congress Reports from southern Russia say that a current belief 011 tho approaching end of the world is causing a pamo among the uneducated classes Tho assault of tho whitocappors at Peek Fla on tho colored assistant postmaster there probably will result in the discoutinuanoe of tho postoflico Dr E S Shurloy a prominent De troit physician was fined 50 and costs by a justico of tho peace for failing to report a case of tuberculosis to the board of heulth At tho Sandy Hook proving grounds Wednesday an oxpenmout was mado with a dynamlto shell which tondod to provo that if it had struok a battleship tho latter would have beeu sunk General Victoriauo Torres comman der of San Jose do Las Matas Santo Domingo has deolared for tho revolu tion and it is reported that Santiago has also prouooncod in favor of the resolution Mrs Anna Teeple wife of Assutant Postmaster James Teoplo of Charles town Iud and her nine-year-old son Clarence members of a cm n ping party wore drowned in the Ohio Wodnosday The child got beyond his depth and tho mother went to his assistance Tho union miners have finally sub mitted to tho permit system inau gurated by tho state authorities shortly after martial law was deolared in tho Ctnur dAlono distuct All men who desire towoik in tho mines are required to secure u permit from tho shentl The Hearst mterost one third of the great Homostako mine of Deudwood is to be sold m Loudon next month Tho Hearsts get about f 1500000 for a third interest in Homctako alone and it is oupvol that tho same interest 111 Doadwood Torra and Highland will go alio PREPARING FOR WAR British Troops Mobilizing1 on the Transvaal Frontier RrntriTs nntiniMi roinuun lltitllellnir Noir Ilom rsnlnl ot Hie TmlKVunlt Iteplj ltd nltril liy llio KnglUti Imoln Olltrn mill It Nun tniliM Coinltlri ut Ion Oai kTows Aug 21 The Mafoking Hoi ho tegiment is mobiliiug lapidly Sevetal bundled lecnilts have m lived ami boon equipped heie and htivn joined Vivians camp ICvety tiaiu is bring iug ftesh leeruits It is rumored that MOO Hoers have fonned a laager on tho border Pun Kit M uiTZiutiiu Natal South Africa Aug 2 1 In connection with tho minor that tlieio are many Roots who aro British subjects and who out waidly sympathize with tho ltiitish while in leulily thiyate seeiot agents of Piesiilent lCiugei of t lit Transvaal to public the piomior ot Natal declined last evening Unit it was lie intention of tho government to talte steps to detect and punish any Hntisli subjects coop crating with ho enemies of tltoquoeii It is alleged that much sect el infor mation has been conveyed to ltesideut ICiugeriind thatovoii ambuscades hno boon ptopaicd for the Hutish lumps in tho event ol war by those sect el agents IiOitiso M Mtoii Dolagoii Bay Aug 21 The detained ammunition in tentled for tlio Tiausviuil litis beeu le moved to Hie Pottiigtiese tioopship In dia It is lepoited tlio Hoots contem plate sending a command foi tlio am munition let of 1 1 uiifitiiiilrt ICeply Londos Aug 21 Tito societal y of state for the colonies JoMiph hiimbet lun hits letonod tho lexl ol tho Tunis Minis teply to ho piopnsals of Hie lit it ish government and now has them tin tier coiisitlcnition The membois of the ealnuet 1110 within leach Intt until the government has determined 011 what course to pursue Mr Chamhctliin is unwilling to divulge the contents of tho message liom South Afnca The lohiiitnesbitig coitespoudent of tho Tunes says- Disquieting repoits have been lecoived horo from Natal It is said on Sundayutiaiii from Johannes burg was filed on in Tiansvaal terri tory The ieehng near tho border is bitter and tho disloyal Natal Dutch aio armed with Mausers f SECRETARY ROOT RETURNS ItilUKes to Alllriu ol Deny itepnitu Hint Mm 1 lit W to Siiceeit Mil WASiiiMJros Aug 21 Socictaiy of War Root letuiued to tho city lust night fiom his visit to tho president at Lake Cliamplain That tho campaign in tlio Philippines in to bo pushed vigotously and piomptly is evident fiom a initial 1c the seciotary made to tho iepoiters He was determined he wild that every man belonging to the 20 legiments of volunteeis now being lecrtiited shall eat his Christmas dinner 111 that countiy This statement was bioughl out by a lefeience to tlio published leport that ten of these legiments weie to be held 111 the United States as a roseive force Regaiding tho reports that Geneial Wesley Men it who has also been at Lake Ohainplatn in confeietuo with tho president anil hibvVar secretary isto kui coed Geneial Otis 111 command of the troops in tho Philippines Secretary Root was noncommittal Ho evaded all questions on this point and declined to make any positive statement whatovor 111 regard to tlio subject III SpomtKlo Iteinoteil San Fuascimo Aug 2 1 Governor Gago presented to tho lunacy commis sion his report of tho investigation into the management of tho insane asylum at Agnows Agieatdeulof tho report is unprintable It charges Dr Spoil agio medical superintendent of tho asylum with many crimes including rapo and minder Ho was removed ami Dr J II Crano of Santa Ana was ap pointed to fill the vacancy Drs Stock ing and Crystal woio charged with in competency and also removed ntl Mam Out Chinese WAhiiiNOTON Aug 24 Tlio state depaitmcut has been informed through a diplomatic channel that General Otis has applied tho Ohiuoso exolusion laws to the Philippines Tlio information was a supriso to tho authorities hero both stato and militnry as tho mattor has been under consideration for some time and it was not known that Gen eral Otis hail put the exclusion laws into force McKiuley to Itoturu lloiun PLATThitumi N Y Aug 24 Major Genoral Wesloy Merritt loft Plattsburg today on a tour of inspection of tho forts and defenses at Burlington Vt Boston and Portland Mo The presi dential party will leave Hotel Cliamplain for Pittnbuig this e veiling ouo day earlier than thoy originally intended Thoy will stop over for a day or two at Long Biauch as guests of Vico Piesidont Hoburt FIVE KILLED TEN WOUNDED ItfMitl or 11 I luht Hut mi Unmliii Hint anil llUoltiii toil C11I11111 Solillei HvNiivno Aug 21 Five men am dead and ten wounded as the losttlt of 11 fight between geiidiiiines and disap pointed Cuban suldieis at Otievitus thieo miles fiom Santiago where tlio piynienl of the Cuban lumps is pro glossing Tho impel feet list causes gtmit dissatisfaction and a minor tint tho pavmastois would leavo today aim mod tho men who had not been paid They began to collect In group and to show their annoyance Finally their tlueats hoounn Notions Captain Raliat with 20 gondii mcs was present to piosorve older among the applicants Suddenly Caplaiu Raliat who wai mounted wun smioutidod by 11 mob fit 1 tielt by stones and bottles and shot in tho aim His men pioiuptly fired n volley into tho mob threo poisons being instantly killed and ll wounded two ot whom died this motniiig CLOSES DEVLIN INCIDENT Chnli iiihii Ioiiuk llm n Ilnn for letting Ithl of 1 1 otllilennnie 1iietoi CiiHAtiD Aug 21 The Ohionielii says that Senator Jones chairman ol the Dnmocialic national committee luw closed the Devlin incident which dm tin bed llm peats and hiumoiiy of Mm national eoinmiltoo at Si Louis last Il ay and again at Chicago in Juno by otdeiing theiemovalof the ptess hut can to Washington mid aulhoiiing Mm selection bv o Govei not Stone of Mis mini 1 of a new editor Devlin will be out just as soon as Mr Stone can find the ughl man lo sum cod him That will bo within tho nest ten days It h lepoited that Sam R Cook chairman ol the Missotut slate tonltal committee may bo the nest editor of tho buieiu Inti hen VVIiik fiom lentiy Gosius N Y Aug 2 The 1 aeon yesteiday til the dnviiig pink tliew 11 ciovvd ol more than 10000 people The 2100 stake nice between the gieat paceis John R Gently 2 00l and Joe Piilehon 2 01 excited the great est inteiost The 111 si heat was declared a dead heat in 2 OS In the second Patohon won 111 2 0 ami in the third he reached the nulo snveiiil lengths ithoul of Gently who btoko soveial times Foi enteln Unit Ollli el llllil Ailjnlllll Watiuldo la Aug 21 The stata convention of the Catholic Older of For esters closed yesteiday Now Hampton Was selected as the place ol the next meeting Oflleois elected woio Chief lunger M L Henley Cedar Rapids vice chief iiuiger J ONeill Chilton secretary J A Limbaek Codur Rap ids treasuier 15 J McLaughlin Du hitquo Iteiinliin of lllue mill linj CltAKi Mo Aug 24 Tho second day of lie leunion of the blue anil gray heie hi ought out 1 20H iieonlo Frank Reavis ol Falls City Neb mado tho chief udili eii Mttjoi William Warner of Kansas City spoko bnefly 111 the aft ei noon and Senator Morati of St Jo seph talked dining tho foieuoou illlofteu Alll llllllnt Toitosio Aug 21 Another victory of the Aineiiciiu yacht GoiiomO was the losull ycstetiluy of tho Canadas cup faros Tho course was nino miles to windward nod ret 111 11 Tho challenger displaced unexpected wintlvvaid quali ties while the Reaver on tho other hand bin prised till her udmiiers by bur spued 111 running 1 oil IC0111I lloyi ott Kassss Cirv Aug 21 Tho froight boycott on the Kansas City Pittsbun and Gulf null oad by 10 ot the strong est of western lines will go into ofle t next Tuesday Then it seems likely Will como either a despeiato war 111 freight ratoh or a bitter conflict in tho United States courts Nun Mutt leihlp Neurn Ciilnpletlou Aug 2t The navy de partment has boon notified that tho bat tleship Alabama is so far along that lti builders trial will bo made next Mon day when it will leavo Cramps ship yard for a trip down to tho capos aud back Willi Illinium In IurU Paius Aug 21 A rumor was cur rent 111 various newspaper offices hist evening that President Loubot had boon assassinated at Ranibouillet Sub soquontly tlio report was officially de clared uutruij Crouiiicry unit Chetme Factory Flro Blakchaku la Aug 24 Tha Blauchard creamery and oheoso factory at this placo was burned lute last night with all contents Tho loss is 7000 insurance 700 Literally A Chicago woman had her husband Bin her pug dog cremated and ashes placed in the same urn and the esteemed editor of the Lost Creek Lyre regards the transaction as a dog gone burning shame Denver Post The laws of Mexico provide that a Mormon who wishes to take u second wife must present a certificate signed by tils first helpmate to the effect that she is willing and ho must also have the sipress consent of the second wife and aer parents Royal Absolutely Pure Baking Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome oi aAisa pooa co tin