The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 17, 1899, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
A Force Without Ammunition
i Intrenched Calulet
Whit thnTwnlfHi liiliintry Vns Driving
the Kunniy Thoy Tried to Flunk Cuptnlii
Kvaha tliittittltin A Correspondent
Wounded ami iui Ofllrur Hurt
Manila Aug 17 8 n m Thu
Twelfth iufuutry loft Calulot nt Hunriso
toduy niid advanced up tho railway
Captain Evans battalion deployed to
tho right of tho track and Captain
Woods to tho luft Two companies re
mained on the truck with tho artillery
Tho insurgents wcro found well in
trenched in front of tho town tho
trenches having been dug within a fow
days and since tho occupation of Calulet
At a distance of 1500 yards tha Fili
pinos opened liro Thoir forco was esti
mated by Colonel Smith at lfiOO al
though the residents afterward said it
exceeded those figures by 1000
Tho enemy sent heavy volleys ugainst
tho whole American lino Most of
thoir shooting as usual was high but
they concentrated thoir heaviest fire
down tho track on tho artillery Col
onel Smith kept tho whole lino moving
rapidly with frequent rushes Tho in
surgents attempted to flank Captain
Evans and thcroforo two companies
wero sent to tho right and drove thorn
Unablo to stand our continuous vol
leys tho Filipinos abandoned the
trenches and retreated through tho town
northward It appears that thoy had
only recoived their supply of ammuni
tion this morning and had thoy boon at
tacked sooner they could havo made lit
tle resistance Tho iutenso heat caused
much suffering among tho Americans
A reporter of tho Manila Times who
was accompanying Colonel Smith was
shot in tho head probably fatally Ono
American oflicer received u slight
wound on tho faco Lieutenant How
land of General Wheatous stalf who
know tho country thoroughly as tho re
sult of rocouuaisanccs and who assisted
in directing tho movement received a
volley while riding across a Hold closo
to tho trenches but escaped unharmed
Nebraska NurausSuiit In
Lincoln Aug 17 In respouso to a
dispatch from Secretary of War Root
Governor Poyuter last night telegraphed
the war department a list of nomina
tions for commissioned officers in tho
live provisional regiments which are to
be organized It is said tho list includes
Lieutenant Colonel Eagor of tho First
regiment Major Tracy of tho Second
und Lieutenant Colouol McCluy of tho
Third Nebraskas allotment is a major
ono captain and two lieutenants
LIstR of Olllcers Sent McKlnley
Washington Aug 17 Secretary
Root was in communication with the
president yesterday in regard to tho or
ganization of the new regimouts of vol
unteers Tho names of officers for col
onels and lieutenant colonels as well as
fcomo other officers havo been sent to
President McKinloy and it is probable
the recommendations of tho secretary
will bo favored by him
More Transports Churtered
Washington Aug 17 Secretary
Root is expediting the movement of tho
Philippine reinforcements and yosterday
afternoon directed that four additional
transports bo charterod It is Secretary
Roots desiro the ontiro body of rein
forcoments may reach tho Philippines
during Octobor at tho latest
Colorado lleglment Arrive
San Fkancisco Aug 17 Gaily
dressed with lines of many colored flags
tho transport Warren arrived at this
port at 5 oclock yosterday afternoon
having on board tho First Colorado rogi
niont back from tho Philippines About
40 of tho men on board aro suffering
from dysentery
llattery A Goes Into Camp
Lincoln Aug 17 Orders woro is
sued yosterday for battory A of Wymoro
to go into annual camp of instruction
Aug 23 Tho buttery consists of 60
men including officers
New Judges at Nutwood Ilacei
Dubuque Aug 17 The Nutwood
Driving club has decided upon these
judges for next weeks races Lansing
Warren Chicago W J Ijams Terro
Haute Iud A H Farwoll Iudepend
enco la and A W McElroy Chicago
starting judge
Kauian Cattle Statistics
Topeka Aug 17 The state board
of agriculture reports a net increaso
over 1808 in all cattle milch cows in
cluded of 288003 head or 1083 per
cent making the uumbor for this year
F A Youngs Body Pound
LiNCOLNAug 17 The body of Fred
A Youug who was drowned in Salt
creek Saturday afternoon was found
yesterday partly submerged and badly
decomposed down the creek about half
u mile
Mount Conners Retreat Ends
Dubuque Aug 17 Tho eight days
retreat at Mount Carmel conveut closed
yesterday There wero 208 nuns aud
V6 novices took vows Rev Burrows of
Creightou college Omaha had charge
of the ceremonies
Three leuerutlnm Iresunt
Pulaski la Aug 17 Mr und Mrs
J J Plant yesterday celebrated their 55th
wedding auuiversary with 58 members
of the family present including 83
tut for tlit Trusts Nolirnskiis Prnsonl
Corn Crop Would Ha Impossible
Ciuoago Aug 17 Tho Civio Feder
ation which is arranging for a confer
enco on trusts hero Sept 1 has been
notified by tho governors of many states
of tho appointment of delegates Among
other lotters is ono from J Sterling
Morton of Nebraska in which ho says
Forty flvo years ago I camo to Ne
braska It was then more than t00
miles from any point within its boundary
to any railroad Capital was individual
Tliero was no corporation anywhere
within tho limits of tho territory There
wero very fow corporations in Iowa or
Tho first corn planted on tho farm
where I lived in lSiS and havo lived
over sinco was dropped by hand and cov
ered with hoes So was tho socond crop
But tho man with tho hoo has dropped
Tho villugo blacksmith who niado hoes
has been crushed out by tho cruel com
petition of combined capital Thoro aro
today 10000000 acres planted to corn in
Nobniska It promised a yield of 80
bushels to tho aero This will make an
average of JOO000000 bushols for tho
stato If the hoo and tho man with tho
hoo who dropped tho corn with his
lingers had never been supplanted by
the doublod rowod two horso corn
planter aud in tillago crushed out by
doublod rowed cultivators suoh a
breadth of corn would havo been an im
possibility Combinations of capital
made tho corn planters mado cultivators
crushed out tho villago blacksmith anil
relegated tho man with tho hoo to over
lasting inutility
But tho great multitudo of mouths
which consume food made from corn
get this food at a less price than thoy
over did before and for a very small
por cent of what tho cost of corn food
would havo been at this timo if it had
continued to be plunted and cultivated
by a man with a hoo
Theso samples aro illustrative of tho
fact that all theso great combinations of
capital whilo thoy may put out of
t a vast number of traveling
1 others differently employed
thoy also reduce competitive wasto
Tho traveling men and all their expen
ses havo been paid invariably by tho
consumexs of tho goods which thoy sold
Tho cutiro advancement and improve
ment of tho industrial world aro marked
by tho wrecks and ruius of individuals
but illuminated and glorified by tho ad
vantages they havo given to tho multi
Missouris Corn Good and Hail
Oomjmhia Mo Aug 17 A general
rain over tho first four tiers of counties
north of i o Arkansas line is much
needed to save corn and pastures In
Dallas Polk and several other counties
it is very dry plowing is impracticable
com is drying up and tho prospect has
been reduced to half a crop Over tho
southern portion corn is below tho aver
nge whilo in tho northern districts
where it is greon and tho ears long and
well filled only a premature frost can
prevent a record -breaking yield
Tho IIrst to Attend tho Kuiinlon
Lincoln Aug 17 It is expected tha
stato reunion of tho Grand Army of the
Republic at tho old stato fair grounds
Sopt 11 10 will bo attended by 5000
soldiers of tho civil war and swelled to
a largo extent by veterans of tho Span
ish war Tho program committee has
arranged for a sham battlo If present
plans carry tho First regiment will bo
camped on tho grounds the first three
Policeman Hen Stump Dond
Falls City Neb Aug 17 Officer
Ben Stump who was shot by a tramp
in the Missouri Pacific yards July 10
died yesterday Nothing has been
hoard of the tramp who committed the
Dr Von Benda a member of tha
reichstag and the Prussian diet is dead
Governor Roosovolt addressed 10000
persons at an Olcott N Y picnic Wed
Tho Prussian diot was crowded Wed
nesday on tho resumption of tho canal
bill dobato
Alfred Bohrond an American ex
porter has boon created a Knight of
tho Legion of Honor
Frank Bartloy wou on a foul from
Moso La Fontise at Deuvor Wednesday
night in tho 12th round
Professor Georgo Honoh of Ann Ar
bor Mich iujured by a fall from a
bicycle died Wednesday
A woman was killed and threo persons
injured Wodnesday in Berlin by tho
overturning of an automobile
Tho Chicago Mica Mining and Mill
ing company will locate a largo factory
in Chicago to cut aud grind its product
Experiments mado at tho Pasteur in
stitute identify tho Oporto epidemic
microbes as those of thebubouio plague
The 31st convention of the Irish Cath
olic Bouovolont union of this country
aud Canada has opened at Philadelphia
Gustave Charles Kionbusch a wealthy
tobacco merchant known as Baron
Kienbusoh died at Now York Wed
In the congress of Zionists at Basle
Wednesday Rabbi Gottheil of Now
York described the progress of Zionism
in America
The captain aud crow of the Motoor
Emperor Williams yacht will start for
the United States immediately to holp
sail the Shamrock
A check for 1150282 was paid into
court Wednesday to cancel tho lieu
against tho Pullman estate under tho
inheritance tax law
Tho Santa Fe and other roads have
joiued in tho boycott of tho Kansas
City Pittsburg und Gulf railroad by
competing companies
The secretary of tho interior has bo
gun to grunt permits under the now
Alaskan code to persons and firms to
bell firearms to the natives of Alaska
Iowa Democrats Choose Him
to Make the Race Again
poitusts rxnonsr tiik tickit
Soils nml Hnslior Withdraw Adilltiu Thtdr
SlriMiKth In Whlltis nml ImiloisliiK HI
Cnuillilimy A Populist Ior Itiilluny
ComniUslnurr llijnti KihIoisimI
Uovornor Khkii 15 Wilms
Llimtrnnnt Governor M I IlKVm
JuilKiiHuiiifiuii Court A Van Wauhnkn
Ilnlhvny CummNtilmiiT V It Uaiiiocn
Hupurlntciuliiit Public Instruction
II IMoit
Drs Moines Aug 17 Tho Demo
cratic stato convention nominated tho
foregoing ticket yesterday and tho
Populist stato convention met and en
dorsed it All tho nominees aro Demo
crats except Cal
houn who was
tho Populist can
didate Tho Chi
cago platform
was endorsed in
its entirety and
tho Democratic
state committee
was empowered
to fill any vacan
cies caused by
deatli or other
wise Cuto Sells
could havo been
nominated for
govornor but was not acceptable to tho
Populists and withdrew throwing his
strength to White who was tho candi
date on tho fusion ticket two years ago
being defeated by Governor Shaw Tho
conventions business was transacted
with some difficulty at times but tho
results nro satisfactory to tho silver cle
ment which was in control It is not
probablo however tho sound monoy
eloment will mnko nil attempt to main
tain a separate organization this your
L T Geuung presented tho namo of
F E Whito for tho nomination for
governor and R F Grimm presented
tho name of Cato Soils Sells addressed
tho convention withdrawing as u can
didate aud seconding tho nomination
of Whito S W Bashor who was con
sidered as a candidate also seconded
Whitos nomination Other candidates
favored Sells and Bashor but thoy
again withdrew and tho informal ballot
resulted Whito 742JJ Sells 102
Dougherty 100 Bashor 81J Daly 10
Genuug 13 Tho ballot was mado for
mal aud tho nomination was mado
Tho committee on resolutions in its
report indorsed tho Chicago platform
in wholo and in detail pro
claimed admiration for and loyalty to
that peerless exponent of Democratic
principles William J Bryan and fa
vored him for tho nomination in 1000
Tho reuort then noes on to stato
Tho Wur Plunk
We rojoteo in tho exulted sentiment and
motive that prompted the government of
the United States to take up urms In de
fense of the bitterly oppressed pcoplo of
Cuba in tho successful termination of thu
war with Spuln und in tho patriotism und
unsurpassed bravery displayed by soldiers
und sullors on land und sea
Tho war for tho liberation of tho tyran
ny cursed Island was worthy of tho great
est republic und tho most civilized nation
thut bus flourished In tho tides of tlmu
but for tho samu reason that wo glory in
tho successful war against Spuln wo
deprecnto the continued war against thu
Filipinos One war wus for tho emanci
pation of the people Tho other was for
thu subjugation of the peoplu und if tho
wnr against Spain was right and It wus
thut against tho natives of tho Philip
pines who havo committed no offense
save to love liberty und to be willing to
fight and dio for It Is wrong Tho army
authorized by congress to conqior tho
natives of tho oriental islands Is u repudi
ation of tho American dootrlne of consent
affirmed in tho Deolurution of Independ
ence and in conflict with tho principles
which George Washington and his fellow
patriots of tho revolution made sacrifices
to establish
Wo also condemn the wur aguinst the
Filipinos believing ft to havo been In
spired by Great Britain for tho purpose of
producing conditions that will force un
Anglo American ulliunco nnd wo not only
protest uguinst tho wur and demand tho
extension to tho Filipinos of the saino us
suranco given to tho Cubans but wo
record our deop seuted nntugonlsm to an
ulllance with Great Britain or any other
European power and oxpross oar detesta
tion of tho attempt mudo in British Inter
ests to disrupt tho friendly rolutions whloh
havo uniformly existed between tho Unit
ed States und Gorniuny
Wo oppose tho conquest of tho Philip
pines bocuuso imporiulism means mili
tarism becunso militarism mums govern
ment by forco and bocuuso government
by force means the dcuth of government
by consout destruction of political and
industrial freedom and tho obliteration of
equality of rights and tho association of
democratic institutions
Pronouncement on Truitf
Wo view with ularm tho multiplication
of those combinations of capital known
as trusts that are conoentrutlng und mo
nopollzlng Industry crushing out inde
pendent producers of limited means de
stroying competition restricting opportu
nities for labor artificially limiting pro
duction und raising prices and creating
an industrial condition different from
state socialism only in thu respect that
under socialism benefits of production
would go to all while under tho trust
system they go to Increase- tho fortunes of
tho Individual
These trusts and combinations ure tho
direct outgrowth of the policy of tho Re
publican party which has not only fav
ored theso Institutions but has accepted
their support ami ollcltuil thoir contrlbu
tlons to aid that party In retaining
power I has placed tho burden of tuxu
tlon po thosH who lubor und produce in
thu m s f peace und who tight our but
tles lu im of war while tho wealth of tho
count iy Is exempted from these bullions
Wo condemn thN policy and It U our sol
emn conviction thut the trusti must b
destroyed or they will destroy free gov
ernment und wo demand thut they bu
suppressed by the repeal of the protective
tariff und other privileges conferring ley
Islutlon responsible for them 11 v I lie en
actment of suoh legislation the sUtto nnd
nation will uld In holr destruction
Tho platform concludes with a de
nunciation of letting convict labor by
contract urging a careful study of the
existing liquor laws aud a condemna
tion of tho administration of Leslie M
Shaw and tho Republican party of tho
stato of lown Tho Populist partys
resolutions aro similar in theory
Populist Convention lmrcodliiRS
Dies Moines Aug 17 Tho Iowa
Populists met in stato convention yes
terday Tho First Second Third and
Fourth congressional districts woro not
represented General J B Weaver
Killed thu convention to order and W
II Huberts of Crest on was solected tem
porary chairman and Mr J 11 Clark
of Albia secretary Committees wore
appointed and also a committee of three
to confer with tho Democrats At the
afternoon session tills committed re
ported n satisfactory agreement hud
been reached After tho Democratic
convention adjourned tho Populists en
dorsed tho nominees and resolutions of
tlie Democrats and then adjourned
Kentuckys Dninnrrutlii liisiitxitils Noiul
niitu un Aull Ooiihol Titiknt
Lhxinciton Ky Aug 17 From
every county of tho 1IM composing tho
state but nine ono of thu most remark
able gatherings of Koutuckians assem
bled yosterday to nouilnato a ticket to
oppose tho one headed by William
Goebol Over 1000 wero in tho conven
tion hall when Phil Thompson Sr
called tho convention to order John W
Greene was ohuirmun
The resolutions doclnro thu Louisville
nominees not nominees of tho Demo
cratic party demand tho enactment of
a law giving force to section 10 of tho
state constitution which provides for
deprivation of office of any person who
in his election has been guilty of unlaw
ful use of money eudnrsu tho princi
ples of the Chicago platform in 18J
and Bryan for president in 1000 de
nounce the Goebel olection law and
condemn McKinloy for alleged advance
ment of tho iutorsts of tho trusts
Tiieodoro Iinllum of Kenton nominated
John Young Brown for governor and
the nomination wus mudo by acclama
Want tin IiuIkv Turn A limit
Newton Kan Aug 17 In tho Re
publican judical convention of tho
Ninth district Harvoy county filod a
protest against a discrimination of 20
years standing Reno county has had
tho judgeship 17 years and McPhorson
threo und as Reno and McPhorson woro
botli instructed for M P Simpson tho
present incumbent McPhorson will
havo it for four years more Tho Har
vey county delegation quietly withdrew
from tho convention
Winning lloiHis at Ditvmipnrl
Davenpout la Aug 17 Tho win
ners of tho second dny of tho August
mooting were 2J0 class trotting
purse ijSiOO Rotta K in straight heats
host time 217 210 class pacing purso
sJioOO Moronial won first second and
fourth heats best timo 210 220 class
pacing purso 500 Marie Derby won
first fourth and fifth heats best timo
Zinc round on Smoky ttlvcr
McPmutsoN Kan Aug 17A far
inor came to town yesterday with a
largo piece of ore or zinc jack which
lie fouud in tho hills He refused to
tell whero but is interesting several
persons here to necuro tho laud It is
thought to bo near Marquette in tho
hills along tiie Smoky river
Admiral Dewey I Hotter
Leohoun Aug 17 Admiral Dowoy
whrlias been sufforing from a fevor in
now better and yesterday ho rewaiuoi
on tho deck of tho Olympla
W J White has signed a contract to
start Star Pointer at Now York for a
purso of 4000
Tho total issue of gold oortificates up
to Wednesday in excliango for gold
coin was fid 200230
Bruno Kirvcs was successfully elec
trocuted Wednosduy in tho uunex of tho
Columbus pouitentiary
Tho Republicans of St Louis have
taken tho initiative in tho testing of
tho uow police und election laws
Tho Loudon Times protests against
the cantankerous comments of the Ger
man press on the Samoau commission
Jim Mitchell a colorod coachman
aud au unknown whito man were fouud
murdorod at Hot Springs Ark Wed
Marconi in experiments at Dover
Wednesday passed messages through
Boveral miles of cliff and 12 miles across
the sea
Justico Everitt of Chicago has fined
Mrs Henrika Blatsoh a faith healer
f100 und costs for violating tho medical
practice act
A 1200 position in the treasury de
partment has been given Miss Portia
Spraguc daughter of the lute Kate
Onuso Sprague
Tho will of tho late Horatio U Slater
the richest man in Massachusetts wan
opened Wednesday It makos no bo
quests to charity
The first national convention of the
Young Peoples Christian Temperance
union has been culled to meet in Chi
cago Sopt 27 28
A largo delegation from Milwaukee
visited Boston Wednosday to persuade
tho Wheelmans league to meet in Mil
waukee next year
The case iu England of Mrs Perot
for abduction of her daughter from Bal
timore has beeu settled by tho grand-
parents taiuug tuo cmid
A Mysterious Hint Adjourn
ment Wont Again Be Denied
Tin iwriiNsi now in poor hands
At tin ItKiidliiK or tliu Oltlilul Itnporl of
Ills llnrsli Tioiilnmiil llnijriis llrrnlcs
IIimtii lu Court mill is llcniys
Wilbur it Witness
Hicnnks Franco Aug 17 Lust night
it was understood that Mnitro Doiuaugo
will today repeat the application for au
adjournment of the Dreyfus trial in con
neipieuco of a hint that the government
commissioner Major Carriero has re
ceived Instruction not to opKso it
Maitro Murium who roprosonted
Mine Dreyfus iu the revision proceed
ings before I lie court of cassation has
beeu summoned to repluoo Mult re Ijii
liori until thu latter is able to return to
Ills post M Moruurd Is expected to
iippour in court today Ho is however
u poor substitute for Luliori
The trial of Dreyfus wus continued
yesterday Major Carriero having re
fused to agree tothe adjournment of tho
case until Monday M Lohon tho
former minister of tho colonies testified
iu justification of his instructions to
treat Dreyfus rigorously Colonel Jouuust
asked Dreyfus if ho hud uny now ques
tion to put to the witness mid ho re
plied iu un emotional voice No I
urn hero to defend my honor I do not
wish to speak of the atrocious suffering
which for five years I a Fioncliiuuu nnd
un innocent uiiin suffered on tho Islo
lu Diablo
M Deiiiungo asked thut tho nfllcinl re
port of tho treatment of Dreyfus on lie
Isloilu Diablo should bo reud Tho
clerk of the court did so and in u sym
pathetic tone recounted tho harrowing
talo of Dreyfus mental and physical
sufferings und inhuman treatment on
tho island
Deep drawn breaths of indignation
camo from tho hearers Dreyfus eyes
as the story proceeded und incidents of
his awful existence wero brought up
before him grow dim and tears slowly
trickled down Ills cheeks For tho first
timo during his trial he gave way aud
silently wept Tho faces of tho audi
ence expressed sypinpathy and oven tho
captain of gendarmes sitting beside
Dreyfus gave him a look of unconcealed
Tho widow of Colouol Honry who
committed suicido admitted the fre
quent visits of Kstorliazy to her hus
band and said her husband told her ho
hod forged ono document in order to
save tho honor of tho country
Tho of luliorl Alukus M Do-
uniiKo AiirliniiHlv of Ihn Outcome
Rknnks Franco Aug 17 Fmile
Zola lias telegraphed saying On
learning of the outrage I send you thu
expression of my indignant anger My
heart is full of tendernoss und admira
tion for you M Demango had a long
coiisultutiou with Mutthieu Dreyfus re
specting todays session the gruvity of
which is fully recognized M Do
niuguo is much upset by the loss of M
Lubori particularly as tho latter hud
prepared a set of questions for General
London Aug 17 Tho correspondent
of Tho Times at Rennos who speaks of
tho rolapso noted by tho doctors after
the Roentgen examination of M Lu
bori h wound yesterday says this was
probably due to tho fact thut his inabil
ity to attend the court martial whilo
Droyfus was boing subjected to a grand
inquisition at the hands of Mercier
Rogot and others proyed upon M La
boris mind und that tho official bul
letin pays too little importauco to this
Tho Times correspondent says of yes
terdays proceedings Goneml Rogot
proved a most eloquent and influential
adversary of Droyfus For two hourii
with singular ease and in effectivo rhet
orical and Jesuitical stylo he hold tho
uttontion of tho judges interesting
them by his rare conversational powors
and surprising them by tho insidious
aud wicked suggestivouoss of his moth
oils Evidently ho was trying to pro
voke tho accused und wanted a scene
Droyfus was frequontly on tho point of
replying but Maitro Demango hold him
lonit Corn Crop Not All Hale
Des Moinbs Aug 17 Tho stato crop
bulletin says the corn crop is making
rapid advancement toward maturity
The early planted will be safo from
frost by Sept 15 Sixty per cent will
thou be safe Tho rest will bo safo by
Sept 80 Warm dry weather will bo
required to bring tho late corn to safo
maturity aud tho weather will probably
uot be such as to suvo the entire crop
The wet weather delayed stacking and
threshing Oats iu Bhock wero dam
Governor Poyuter a Delegate
Albion Nob Aug 17 Tho Populist
county convention elocted Governor
Poyuter a delegate at largo to tha state
Vltliiuilo ltioiiy of Ihn Sciintor In
I milted Ior Nim
BitowNVliiK Neb Aug 17 Sena
tor llitywurdH condition hist night
showed a miirkcd improvement though
lie still suffers severe pain In moving
An attempt will ho mudo today to ro
move It 1 in to Ills homo tit Nebraska City
if tho improvement conllnuoH
Senator I lay ward passed a good day
yestertluy Ho rested quietly partooh
of nourishment and his mind an Dr
Whitton remarked1 was as clear as a
bell Ho suffers but little pain and in
able to turn himself iu bed without oh
slsluiice Au otfort was mado to got
him out of bed yesterday but upon aria
ing ho sullered excruciating pain and
tho attempt wus abandoned His physi
cians are most hopeful of thu ultimate
recovery of tho patiout
Tuo Thousiind KIIIimI Oulrltfht and Otltorn
Dlur Dully
Washington Aug 17 Tho appal
ling conditions existing iu Porto Rico
wero mudo more fully Itnnwu to tho
war department yesterday by Gononil
Davis in a dispatch which says tho
deaths outright in tho island will roach
2000 whilo many aro dying daily from
injuries and privations
Medical assistance is scarco iu all
parts of thu island What mnkoB tho
present distress greater is the fact that
a month ago all publio iniprovomontu
wero stopped owing to tho lack of ap
propriations Thousands of porsotm
wero then thrown out of employment
A rcuuwal of public works would bo u
great relief
Poncr Aug 17 Tho masses who so
long as thoy aro fod aro indolent really
feel that thoy havo not booi groc j losori
by t lie disaster It is the planters and
merchants who havo lost everything
and thoy receive no holp
Tho lflfty ViMr Fruuulilne Void
Council Biufks Aug 17 Th
umoudatory ordinance passed by thn
city council Sept 20 1807 nnd approved
by Mayor Carson granting tho Omaha
and Council BlulTs Railway and Bridge
company n 50 year fruuehiso has been
declared illegal by Tudgo Thornoll of
tho district court who holds tho publi
cation was not valid and tho voto of
tho people was requirod
luileo lluul Not u Cuudldiito
Hastings Nob Aug 17 Distriok
Tudgo F B Beull has announced that
ho has withdrawn from tho raco for
district judgeship on the Populist tiokct
Ho lias presided as judgo over the Tenth
judicial district during tho lust eight
years Iu his letter ho says lie does not
withdraw in tho interests of any one of
the candidates
Kvuni Itomovul Demanded
Topeka Aug 17 A protest agains
tho retention of Commissioner Evana
at tho head of the pension bureau has
been signed by United States Senator
Baker and Congressmen Curtis Bower
sock Miller aud Oalderhead and for
warded to General Kay of Brooklyn
who will dolivor it in person to Presi
dent McKinley at Plattsburg N Y
Tho protest is in tho nature of a de
maud for Evans removal
Oood Itouds IrnpuKiiudUti Coining
Omaha Aug 17 Tho Stato and In
terstate Good Roods and Publio Im
provement association which is not in
favor of any particular patont kind of
roads or system of roadmaking will or
ganize tho stato within tho noxt few
months W H Moore president of
the association who was in Omaha re
cently will return in about a month
Flrat Couilua Marry In lows
Maryvilie Mo Aug 17 William
Wooldridge aged BO a merchant ofr
Lougtou Kan and Mrs M B Kelly
aged 54 of St Joseph were married
yesterday near Hopkins The bride
and groom were first cousins and aa
they could not be married iu Missouri
went over the line into Iowa
Ilia Reference
Chief to commercial traveler seek
ing a place Do yon know how to talk
up goods to customers t
Applicant Allow me to turn on this
phonograph with a conversation be
tween a customer and myself Flie
gende Blatter
iVAl Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ovu BAWha powotw co mw york
t - llWIttftliW