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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1899)
1 4- r4 tt t u s t t u The Norfolk Weekly News MANILA LIKE A POND The Present Rainy Season Far Worse Than Usual ADMIHAL WATSON X11AK MlOWMNfl Itoillmrl the TliPnil ScimrK ol lie fill jiliiox Ilns AiintriMl In lllllbld rrUim All Anomalous Condition of tho Cur rrniV Thnt 1m MiiUIiik Much Trouliln VANCOUVnu B O Ann 10 Manila iwlvicos rocoived ou tho steamship Em press of Japiiii siiy that typhoons and rains havo turned tho city wot enough at tho lost of times into an immenso pond with gutters over a foot deep in Avator Sanipaloo district was com pletely flooded so that tho people wero forced into tho upper stories of tho houses Tho police barracks wero com pletely surrounded and soldiers stood guard and carried on patrol duty in two feet of running water Hundreds of creeks that intersect tho city overflowed thoir banks and boats were been on a dozen streets Admiral Watson had a narrow escapo in tho Pasig His launch was about to pass under tho Puoutn Espana when tho roaring water caught it up and jammed it broadside into u stone pier breaking tho funnel uud tearing off tho gunwale Tho dreaded beriberi that in former years created such havoc among tho Filipinos has made its appearance in Bilibid prison Much grumbling is heard in Manila because American silver is not receivod at tho custom house nor is American gold or bank notes Tho existing cus tom houso regulations requiro that all customs shall bo paid in Philippine currency This leaves no option for of ficials becauso as long as thero is a chango or fluctuation in tho relative Talues of gold and silver any ofllciol who accepts payment in any unauthor ized currency is liablo to bo called upon to pay tho difference out of his own pocket Tho postofilco ou the 6thcr hand will not accopt curroucy which is compulsory at tho custom house unless tho stamp buyer is willing to be penal ized heavily OTIS SEVERELY CENSURED A ltritlith Naval Conuiiaiiilor Declare Him Utterly Incompetent Chicago Aug 10 A special dispatch to Tho Tribuuo from Victoria B C says Commander St John of tho Brit ish cruiser Peacock who arrived hero from Manila by yestordays Empress enrouto home doclares that Gonoral Otis is utterly ignorant of tho necessities or responsibilities of a campaign in the tropics Ho has 5000 dead to his ac count tho British officor declares and his hesitation has already shown his forces that he has no grasp on the situa tion Otis field transport service is declared to bo wretchedly insufficient and his hospital corps a farco and his plan of campaign calculated to advance tho ene mys interests A serious breech is de clared to exist between tho United States army and navy at tho front and Commander St John says the first thing that tho United States government should do is to recall this man It is really pitiful to see tho sacrifice of tho splendid men of his army Incidentally Commander St John says that tho press censorship is carried to tho extromo in Manila to save Otis from being swept down in a flood of popular indignation ROOT TO CONSULT MILES The Commanding General Advice to He Bought ou the Philippine War Washington Aug 10 Secretary El ihu Root of the war dopartmont re turned last night from his visit to Now York and Lake Cliamplain whore ho has been in conference with tho presi dent Thero is reason to believe Secretary Root will soon havo a conference with General Miles for tho purpose of de ciding whethor changes ought to bo mado among tho officers in command of tho American forces in tho Philip pine islands in accordance with tho ex pressed determination to push forward tho campaign there with all possiblo vigor To Spend m Day In Omulm San Fhancisco Aug 10 Tho Tenth Pennsylvania regiment will stop in Omaha to seo tho Greater America ex position Senator Muohlbrouuer of that etato yesterday received advices from Pittsburg that tho regiment could stop ono day at tho exposition Tho regi ment is to leave immediately after being mustered out tho evening of Aug 22 and will arrivo in Omaha Friday night Aug 25 where it will sleop in the cars Tho wholo of Saturday will bo spent at tho exposition Kem of the Fifty First Regiment Des Moines Aug 10 Tho monthly roports of tho officers of tho Fifty first regiment received yesterday indicate tho health of tho regiment is oxcelont A number of officers havo been takou from the regiment and givon commis sions in tho now volunteer army A cablegram announces tho death of Walter E Hutchinson private at Ma nila No cause of death is assigned but it is supposod to be duo to fover as ho has not boon reported injured in bat tle no niiHlnesa Chunrrs In Manila Omaha Aug 10 Sergeant J T Buchanan Corporal Harry T Whitman nnd Robert W Gillespie threo return ing members of tho Thurston Rifles reached home yesterday Mr Gillespie pays that Manila is no place for dis charged soldiers it beiug impossible for them to get licensed td go into any kiud of business except a return to the army GOLD ISSUE GOING SLOW IVwer Onlls Tor the New Orllllcatcs Tlmn Hud Hreu Kxprrteil Washington Aug 10 Tho reports so far received from subtroasury rities indicate that tho call for gold certifi cates in exchange for gold coin will bo considerably less than tho treasury of ficials expected Up to Tuesday night tho Now Yorlc banks had nsked for tho exchange of 1500000 Philadelphia 70000 Balti more 010000 Washington 150000 in tho departmental series and 150000 in to order certificated It is a mat ter of some surprise in tho treasury that a largo percoutago of tho Now York calls havo been for 20 and certifl catcsof other small denominations It wns expected tho certificates would bo used for rosorvo and thus release tho big holdings of greenbacks and treasury notes Tho real purpose of the banks in asking for small denominations proba bly will develop within tho noxt fow days MRS BEVERIDGE FIRED ON Surprised on the Firing Ilue the Sena tors Wire Fired Hark Vancouvkii B 0 Aug 10 In con nection with tho arrival of United States Senator Bovoridgo from Manila it is said that Mrs Bovoridgo who ac companied hor husband had tho dis tinction of firing five shots at tho Fili pinos While tho soilutor was on tho firing lino ono day she went on a drive es corted by a squad of Tennessee soldiers mid ventured too far Soon rebel bul lots were falling about her carriage and a hasty retreat was begun Mrs Bov oridgo drew hor revolver which sho had carried since arriving in Manila and fired five shots in the direction of the robols who could bo soon skulking in tho distance Italu Saved MIsintuTs Corn Crop Comjmiua Mo Aug 10 Tho finish ing touclit ptaued early corn bo yond j drouth camo with tlo rains on tho 4th 5th and 0th which visited all districts of tho state tho southwestern counties probably receiv ing less than other parts Relief camo in timo in tho central western counties whero drouth had provailed sinco tho first decade of July and corn was firing badly Lnto corn had been stimulated to a vigorous growth and now promises a good crop Tho threshing of wheat and oats from tho shock has progressed as rapidly as tho weather would permit Wheat is yielding light though of good quality while oats seem to bo abovo tho average both in grade and quantity Cotton is generally doing very well Ready For the Veteran Des Moines Aug 10 Tho national encampment of tho Union Veterans union will be held hore Aug 22 to 28 and preparations are about complcto for its entertainment Tho organiza tion will hold its sessions in Chautau qua park and from 2000 to 4000 will attend President McKinloy is still un able to state whether ho will come but he has promised to if his wifou health will permit Hustings May Vote Again Hastings Nob Aug 10 In all prob ability tho city of Hastings will havo to hold another special election beforo it can purchase an electric light plant as tho legality of tho recent special election is boing questioned Tho difficulty arose from insufficient publication of tho legal notice Ilryun Speaking In Indiana Waiisaw Ind Aug 10 Yesterday was Bryan day at tho Winona assombly and over 8000 people wero on tho grounds Ho delivered an address on Pending Problems and later for thoso who could not gain en trance to tho Auditorium he bpoko from an outer platform TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Emperor William will visit Victoria at Windsor castlo in November remain ing a wook A cablegram from Havana roports the death at Santiago of two civilians of yellow fover All civic transports are now to coal at Nagasaki going and coming to avoid delays at Manila Under tho will of Baronoss Nathaniel Roohschild tho Louvre will recoivo her splendid collection of pictures When tho Livortwol regiment sailed for Natal Wednesday tho crew of tho Chicago cheerod tho troops who replied vigorously Colonel William E Sinn for years proprietor of tho Montauk theatre Brooklyn died at Pittsfiold Mass Weduesday President McKiuleys secretary aud Solicitor General John K Richards witnessed tho prorogation of parliament Wednesday Patty Meager solo survivor of the Lady Elgiu disaster was found dead kneoliug at his bedsido Wednesday ut Bessemer Mich Tho promotion of tho German ambas sador to Franco to princely rank is re garded as another stop toward friend ship with Franco One of tho most violent thuudor storms experienced in years broke over Rome Weduesduy fusing wires connecting telephone batteries The Chicago manufacturers de clined to sign tho brickinakers agree ment Wednesday and a settlement of tho strike is agam uncertain Tho largest pig iron tonnage in the history of tho Uuited States was pro duced during the month of July which shows nu iucreaso of 12154 tons Three Venezuela blue books were is sued Wednesday at Loudon giving re spectively tho case counter case and British argument at Washington Five hundred business men of Cleve land held an untiboycott meeting Wed nesday night and a fuud of 10000 was started to ferret out car dyuauiiters NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY AHUST 101890 AFRICAN WAR CRISIS British Press Again Pessimistic Over the Transvaal YicToitiAS sriirn siuxiiicant Moin Tinops to Itn iMiitclird lo npn Tounlo Heplare Tliitsn Soul to Natal Impoilaiit New Sild to Hum mm Iroiu Sir Allied Mllncr London Aug 10 Parliament was prorogued yesterday by royal commis sion Tho queens hhhh1i contained among others tho following statement Wo havo received a petition from a considerable numbor of my subjects ro siding in the South African republic praying my assistanco to obtain a re moval of grievances aud disabilities of which they complain Tho position of my subjects in tho South African repub lic is inconsistent with tho promise of equal treatment whereon my grant of internal iudeieudeuco to that republic was founded and tho unrest caused thereby is a constant source of danger to tho peace and prosperity of my do minions in South Africa Negotiations on this subject with tho government of tho South African republic lmvo been entered into and are still proceeding Tho editorials in tho morning papers take a rather pessimistic tono in dealing with tho references to tho Transvaal in tho queens speech and in that of Mr Chamberlain Troops will bo dispatched on Aug 21 to roplaco those sent from Cape Town to Natal It is said that after parliament rose most important tolegraphio dispatches wero received from Sir Alfred Milnor at the Colonial office from South Africa WILLIAM TALKED OF DEWEY CouiroHiunn Fcmi Opinion of Ihn Tripsin War Slory Sough BritMN Aug 10 According to tho Tagblatt Emperor William received Con gressman George Edmund Foss of Illi nois and United States Naval Attuoho Bcehler on board tho imperial yacht Hohenzollern Wednesday last at Kiel granting them an audience of threo quarters of an hour His majesty began tho conversation by expressing a Iwliof that Admiral Dowey had not used tho words attributed to him suggesting tho possibility of a war botweou tho United States and Gcnnnny Mr Foss replied ho had just como from Trieste wjioro ho bad long talks with Admiral bowey who had shown no hostility toward Germany Tho dinperor then declared his conviction that German American relations would always remain friendly Germans in America he said would tako good care that no aggressivo or hostile policy should bo pursued toward Germany Kaunas Populists With tho Miner Topeka Aug 10 The oxecutivo connnitteo of tho Populist state com mittee at a meeting hold hero yoster day issued a manifesto declaring sympathy with tho striking coal miners condemning tho federal court for en joining the miners from interfering with tho operation of tho mines de nouncing Governor Stauloy for permit ting tho importation of negro miners from tho south and calling upon tho Populists of Kansas to lend tho strikers financial aid in their fight against tho coal initio operators who havo refused to rccognizo tho union Died From Au Overdose of Morphine Hastings Nob Aug 10 Mrs W H Leo of Salt Lako City Utah died in the Lindell hotel in Hastings last night from a hoavy dose of morphine sup posed to havo been taken with suicidal intont Mrs Leo was to havo taken a morning train to Cowlcs Neb where her parents livo A letter was found in hor room addressed to her father It was very brief and merely mentioned that sho was anxious to get home aud onjoy a family visit No causo is known for the uct Iloblinrs Note Iassed at Chadron Ciiadiion Neb Aug 10 Several of tho unsigned national bank notes of tho First National bank of Portland Or takon by tho Union Pacific robbers in Juno aro in circulation being of 10 20 uud 50 denominations Somo have been passed hero and it is hold by legal authorities that these bank notes aro legal aud must lo redcomed by tho bauk by an act of the last congress tiuhernatorlal lOlatlons Itesumed Jkffekson Oitv Aug 10 It nppears after all that diplomatic relations havfc tiot been severed botwecu tho sov eroigu states of Missouri aud Kansas When Governor Stephens roturned to tho oxecutivo ofllco yosterday ho found e requisition from tho governor of Kan has asking for ono George V Halliday under arrest at Ohillicothe charged witb embezzlement Platte Ilottom Furuieri Damaged Fremont Neb Aug 10 Farmera on tho Platto bottoms and u few ou the bluffs report considerable damage from tho hoavy rain of Monday uight Small Kraii cut and in tho shock will be al most a total loss tho weather boing so damp as to make it mildew and sprout In Elkhorn township water wasreportcd hi tome fields two feot deep Well Known Mnrkinuu KrowiirU Burr Neb Aug 10 Alga Arhut t prominent stockman while bathing ilono was drowned in a whirlpool The aody was found yosterday Death evi dently resulted from cramp Colonel Miller for Senator Lenox Iu Aug 10 Democrats and Populists iu joint convention in this dis trict havo nominated Colouel M Miller of tho Fifty first Iowa now in tho Phil ippine islands for senator VICTIMS OF A LIVE WIRE 6lt Omulm llitMiii u stiu l Dunn mid Colli Kllliid h the Im lent Omaiiv Aug 10 IjiiIo yesterday nft eruooti a fire ht olce out in the building of the Meii er Oliemieiil company re sulting in tho deatlt of four flicnien tho probably fatal Injury of two othon and the mm ions injury of two more The dead LlIlMUNWT JAM KM ADANH lltmU Itlul ladder iniuiv No II llAmrs A lloiTIMt minimi euiiipany No l Otto Onsrcici liook and Udder com pany No 1 Okihiiii Hissov IooU and ladder com pany No I Seriously shocked Allxirt Uvlnston hook and ladder conimliy No I Oeorgo lnlinor hook and ladder com pany No I After a brief but flereo fire in the fifth story of the building the six tlrenien wont into the alley in the rear Gies ccke climbed up a ladder and began handling a wire with the intention of taking it down The wlro had been cut and no danger was anticipated At its other end however it was still at tached and the current was still on Look out its alive shouted one of tho firemen Oh no its all right was the answer Just as these words wore uttered Giesecke fell to tho pave ment The wire next wound itself about tho others and they fell Thou the wire leaped back and tho men were quickly dragged from the alley into a safe place Physicians olTered their services Hopper soon revived and getting to his feet said Im all right 1 can walk lie entered the alley and walked a few yards and fell dead His body was removed to tho morgue Lieu tenant Adams did not show many signs of life and died 15 minutes later Gies ecke was thought by many to bo dead but strychnine was administered and in tho cases of Livingston and Palmer and hoenicd to bo effective Benson however wih thought to be inn bad way mid his death was expected The fifth floor of the Mercer building was gutted by tho lire but little dam age was done ou the other floors Tho damage to building and drugs will amount to -10000 with 80 per cent in surance The fire may have been caused by live wires but it is thought probable that a spark entering through the skylight in tho roof ignited a quan tity of chemicals An Unknown Floater Caught Piattsmoutii Neb Aug 10 A floater has been found in tho Missouri river east of Union near tho farm of Bon Albiu Tho body was that of a largo man On account of decomposi tion it will bo difficult to identify tho body TELEUHAPHIC BRIEFS The New York sub treasury has din tribnted 2 100000 of tho now gold cer tificutes A combination of flour aud cement bag manufacturers and paper makers is under way Tho National Casket company has acquired full title to the Chicago Fur niture company A monster fossil dinosaur iu a per fect state of preservation has boon ex humed at Laramie Thousands of Finlandors will emi grate becauso of the tyranny of tho Russian government Telegrams from Groyfown report tho arrival of 14 members of tho United States canal commission The Denver Smelting and Mining company will build a smelter iu Denver to compote with tho trust Tho Italian government has positivo confirmation that China aud Jupan havo concluded au alliance Peoria dairymon will fight an ordin ance compelling a registration of deal ers and imposing a test of milk Tho worlds cycle championship moot of tho International Cyclists union opened Wednesday at Montreal David Henderson the Chicago theat rical manager was discharged in bank ruptcy in Now York Wednesday Tho Republican uud Socialist parties havo agreed to demand tho expulsion from Spain of all religious orders The crickot match botweou Canada and tho United States concluded with the Americans winning by 34 runs William A Brady is finding difllculty iu getting a hall suitable for tho exhibition in Loudon Charles Best vice president of tho Wisconsin National bank died Wednes day at his summer homo at Pine Lake At Valparaiso Tuesday a tidal wavo swopt off cars locomotives and tons of merchandise causing a 1000000 loss Auothor general suspension of min ing operations iu Illinois is threatened over pick and machine mining differ entials Tho now Dominican government pro poses import rluties shall bo paid iu American gold or natioual silver or paier money The Chinese crow of tho steamship Victoria struck Weduesday Iwcauso tho bhip hud Irsou turned into a transport to lurry troops to Manila At Clifton Wis Wednesday light niug struck tho birn of Eugolbert Jersly destroying it aud killing his two sous Vincent and Kngelbert Tho Sunbury handicap plate of 800 lovereigns was won in Englaud Wed jsdiy ny Sheets Mai tin thd in iockhv ou Liuurnl R Much Government Property Destroyed In Porto Rico iiivi dcatiis miaunt tiioman A Hill l Ininn of Ill ill Vi lnrllv WiimMiik Tom in in lil ii R lli Klllliit Stork mid liupii lllui SlilppliiK Cat nil Itatiiiikn liittoi il and SIkuI Station Vi itImmI KiNimrov Aug 10 Tho barometers are alarmingly low here and Turks isl and reports a hurricane blowing with rapidly falling barometer at ot0 p in causing great apprehension St Thomas Aug 10 Later advices from St Kitts are that tho hurricane with a velocity of 7J miles destroyed about J00 small houses iu tho towns and dill considerable damage to the estates No injuries are reported Antigua also suffered severely in damage to estates and buildings in the towns Thero wero few fatalities loiter advices from St Croix iucreaso the amount of damage done there Nearly every estate has been wrecked the large buildings iu the owns being unroofed stock has been killed and a minimum of 11 deaths havo occurred among tho laborers PlTicuio Plata Aug 10 A hurricane has swept tho north coast since Tuesday night aud is increasing in violence Shipping in tho port is in peril The destruction ou laud will probably be considerable Wasiiinimon Aug 10 Meagre de tails of the western cyclone have begun to reach the navy and war departments iu tho shape of the following messages San Idas Porto Klco Aug lo Adju jtitaut ncncrul Washington Torrlhlu hliiilcnue cavalry Imrruuks destroyed si ore hoimes and oilier buildings damned Iron routing uud lumber required ClKM San Iitav Porto Illco Aug 10 -Signal Olllen Washington- Cyolonn Just pass In over Island prostrated telegraph and telephone lines several killed my quar ters wrecked uud signal barracks par tially ilionollslied many oilier pulillii liiillillnns llkowlM hundreds of native houses destroyed center and south pro ha bly fared worse CIlasskoud The navy department received a cable from Captain Snow in command of tho naval station at San Juan announcing that the hurricane had destroyed alout 2000 worth of property ut the station thero DISTANCED THE DEFENDER Columbia live the Old Yaihl the Worst Heating In ltn History NkwpoiiI I I Aug It Tho run of the Now York Yacht club from Gard iners Bay to this port yesterday 3 miles resulted in tho defeat of tho Do fender by the Columbia by over 22 min utes though iluo more to biul judgniont and bad luck of tho former than actual superiority Still the now boat showed herself very able and mado an average of fully Hi knots in tho run from Watch Hill to Point Judith so rapidly drop ping the Defender that when sho gybed round the whistling buoy her rival was hull down to the westward over five miles astern On the run up from Point Judith dead before the wind Columbia gained a minute or two more so that at tho finish the old Defender had received tho worst beating in her history Accord ing to the official figures the Columbia wins by 22 minutes 2i seconds A flinud Island Veteran Murdered Kansas Citv Aug 10 Tho corpse found floating iu tho Missouri river abovo Kansas City yesterday has been identified as James B Peters a votoran and former inmate of tho Soldiers home at Grand Island Neb There aro ovi deuces tho man was murdered and thrown into tho river About tho face a handkerchief was found tied tightly as if for a gag or blindfold Bandages wero also found tied alwut the legs us if tho body hud been weighted No Owner For Itorovered I ands Dis Moines Aug 10 K B Evans re turned yesterday from Northern Iowa uud reported a discovery of about 20000 acres of land to which title ha nover been mado Mr Evans is going to Washington to seo what cau bo dono to ward having the land rosurvoyed and title mode to the state and tliouco to tho counties in which tho laud lios Uudor the swanqi laud act of 1810 tho titlo to meandered lauds goes to the state State law gives it to the countios Kalu Mars lied ricks Hares Heduick la Aug 10 Tho post poned harness races on tho Hedrickmile track wero nmrml by a heavy rain and it was 4 oclock yesterday before tho horses wero lined up But ono event was decidod and that was tho 235 trot ting pursu 1000 takou by Fraskotta iu straight heats So Iowa Central Kale Proiua 111 Aug 10 J M TittO more acting general manager aud O W Huutiugton general superintendent of tho Iowa Central railroad deny em phatically tho Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul road is about to absorb the Iowa Central aV4I Baking rmrmd Absolutely Pure Powder Makes tfie food more delicious and wholesome ROTAl BtKINO POWDCR CO MW YORK SSSSMrMSJiasSlMSSSMSMSMSSC j s morrow DRIVl C Will ml down now nulls in rnpnlr old onus Lauin IYIowqps Sharpened gumJahtceu 1117 IliillpAin Teleplintm 121 OHAS DUDLEY HACK- LINE TI2IHIMIONH 71 HiMiitipinrtKls Knitiiiveil from DnTiuiporls sta ble to leo Dmllnys sliilileoti Aih St For Plumbing Steam Filling Pumps Tanks Wind Mills Ami nil roimlr work In tills line as W H RISH Hsllifsolion Insrantesrt Klrst door tontb of 1IIf Ns offlns MRS MARY L STANTON DRESSMAKING Pnices Reasonable Up stairs over Warohams Millinery WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH it TO- W 0 Halls Barber 8hop MAIN r5T Tlllltl DOUIt KAHT OK FOURTH KARO BROS Game Everybody wauts the host of moats We make a special effort to please our trade Oar Shp Is the Neatest in the City GRSE3LER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission Braasch Avenue and Third St PHONE 44 Gfoeefies Always Fresh and Just as Represented AT nt UHLES Bisheat Market Price Paid for Butter aud Egft THE North Western LINE F E M V 9 9 is the best to ao4 from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska Money to Loan ON Real Estate Association r 3aaiittM0Hmvm I S i