1 8 Norfolk V1SS MARY SlUCIjLliY MM rtio4ofraphf4 rrumiiini BSitw All J3AKNK8 A TYLER VitJiIJ Attomoyrt at IiR Norfolk Nobrnskrv 5 IL 11 T HOLilHCN Homeopathic IMirHlcInn mill Miirjroon Olltoo over CitUens National Hank OHIee hours 10 rtfl to 12 Km it in nml 2 to 5 KK pm MWllllKN7SMt0 8il lmliliinnTnloiliiiiii No It Ollinit No Il Norfolk Nebraska 5 T JJ J COLK 1IKINTIHT Office nTorOltlrona Nntl Hank ibvddmieo on bloek north of Congregational ohnroli Nebraska Ftshlonnblo Dronsmftkor Up lUIn In I Cotton nlook ovr Hanois itor Ftnt I olass work anarantd Norfolk Nebraska pOWKK8 HAYS AttornorH al Law Room 10 II and U Matt Block Norfolk Nebraska gKSaiONB BULL Ualertakera and Embaimora BmsIomUUe Norfolk At Norfolk Nebraska Y M UOUKUTSON Attorney u Liin Kooms I unci i Itohortsou rVlgton Ulock Norfolk Mrs HH Hull rniniTi Facial Treatment Manienrlog and Sbmpoi Will elaillf oall at jrour lioinoi and ilo any of Hit work Orders taaon for tins hair swltokat Pt foot nintoh guaranteed UoaldnnoA on First atrofft Junction Orders may bs left at th Jnnotlnn Drug Htorn Tolonhono IO LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL 100 PILLS 25 CTS CURES Biliousness Constipation Dyspopsia Sick Head -ache and Liver Complaint SUGAR COATIO ISoIil by all druggists or Hunt by mot JNcrrlU Mealed Co Chlcit For sale by Quo B Ohrlstoph Norfolk To PATENT Good Ideas may bo secured by our aid Address THE PATENT RECORD Baltimore Md Subscriptions to The Patent Itcconl 1100 per anuuiu REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY rTl k the bInJh O IUELF Wl rM Madoa Well Man A of Me prodaoea the abovo ronalts ln30 days It icti and quickly tiurea when all othora fslL Soworiully rang mon will rogalQ tholr lost manhood and old men will recovor their youthful vigor by using REVIVO It Quickly and surely restores Nervous nesa Lost Vitality Irnpotency Nightly Eiulsslona Lost Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and all effocta of solf abaso or ciccKaand Indiscretion which unDtaonaforstudybualneasormarrlage It Dot only ouroa by starting at tho neat ot disease but la a great nerve tenia and blood builder bring ing back tho pink glow to pale checks and re storing tho fire of yonth It wards off Insanity and Consumption Inslnt ou having HE VIVO no other It can be carried In vest pocket Dy mall 10O per package or alx for S5O0 with poal tlve written guarantee to cure or refund themuney Circular Iroo Address Royal Medicine Co For sale In Norfolk by floo U Chrlsvoph w AT SPECIAL TRJP RATE Tills large illustrated sportsmans weekly is just the paper for you if you are a shooter or angl or amateur sailor or camper or observf t nature Fokest and Stkeam is called tile sportsmans home journal be cause all in the home read it To know it is to like it The price is io cents per copy of all newsdealers but that you may get acquainted witli I okest and Stream send 35 cents silver or stamps and we will send the paper for four weeks as a special trial trip Our catalogue of best books on outdooi sports will come to you free Address FOKBST AND STRGAM PUUUSIUNU CO 146 Broadway New York 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE jjTTJTjn Trade MaAks Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a aketcu and description may nam our upiuiuu free wu probably patentable Co ctlv eoul jeut free Oldest quickly ascertain liivniitlnn la couaaonual iiauabooa on raieni Patent tjiken tptelol nodes without eiher an Communlca ueucy for securing pateuta turouuh Munn X Co rocolve charge In the Scientific flmerkuii A handsomely lllnstratod woekly Ijiriet iHiInn tf now aylAIIHn liriiDil IArti S3 A Mnw v vvv j j 1 four iuoiiiu 94 duiu u wi iivnuuw rear ttrancnoa On aeiBroadwa Unuf VnrV moa im V Bt Washington D U Jtet Telephone liiilnnlKiul Nunibara first -To oall give tho orank mm iinlek turn Tlilf rititXH our Ih11 nml nlan signals tho central olllce Tliixl Immediately put Iho hand tele phone to tour par When the operator llHiulros Nurnlwrr kIto tho number of the part im wiuthul not lour own nutnlmr tiulesa tint oimrntor nska for It Tho operator will In- Mnnlly connect thnwlrr a nml ring jour party for foil Keep tint tnliitionnto joiirenr If tile party jju want la In Im will answer tho oporn Inr without jour ringing Dniiolrlng hack If tliooprntorcnlla In nt any tlmo anawer hrr to prevetit illM oimeclliui When through give rt abort rliiK todliwoiiiioct Second When culled do lint ring bark but nt ourit put the telephone to jour enr anil talk Third If after jou have rnlleil the operator anjn Imajt It nieiuia Hint tho parly called for laroiiuected Willi aoniit mi ulxo Walla few niluut aauil call ngnlu Ioiirth Neror ring the ih II except to oall Central or to dUconnect Ilfth Avoid loud and hnlatornna ronverau tlon HHak In your natural tone and eloao to tho ttniiamtttor Hlxtli Wliitii not In uo always liana tho handtolitphouo on Ita IkmiU large end down othnrulao your telephone wont talk well Donoluao your telephone during a thunder atorm No rJubacrllwr fla American Hoot Sugar o olllco 01 American Hoot Sugar Co Mgra roaldnuco Mil Ailiunn J t realdotice 177 Alexander W K realdonco 47 Allluanu A II residence 89 American Kxpron 7 Anxnlgnr 1S5 Ahliuan Dr llertha residence 1 1 rt llrnaach A uolow grocery Ill HariiPM Judge roamauoa H 0 01 II 7H 111 7H IUI am 4 107 u tin 2 I7 MR 411 417 O S8 149 123 89 07 UtO 35 3 430 25 S8 3D 0 101 3 7 42 137 2rt 547 in OJ 128 121 3d 132 HI 53 US 133 0 108 25 lV2 150 1 4 477 50 1 S3 Oil 31 48 131 121 Itt 45 100 81 79 id 111 14 11 09 124 125 31 W 151 49 56 114 78 83 85 71 677 7 30 55 01 577 317 Oil 0 Hi Ol too 109 71 102 at 70 us 64 51 77 120 8n 54 2 324 132 2 19 120 S3 21 It 66 43 74 104 033 12 51 CJ7 616 10 051 10 24 05 134 Hear Dr rpnlilonon Illrchard l T realdnnon Ilrnasnh A Heea coal and ralu olllo HutUtrflold W II ntaldonoa Ilruuaon Dallas rnsldonon Illakeinau W Ilreatdenca llairKaKeTmnnfur Iinn illu ilnlloy Nellie realdeuco lliitoa K Wrosldenoe Hell I 1 nwlilmice Hex I W itromtry Ilox CI W residence llrnanh 0 W resldeuoi lllntt It residence UH Uliliillck 1 N rmldeuoe W 7 1117 141 122 82 I Ml 57 111 101 HI Ul 12 17 117 lit ttt 72 1211 127 lll 1411 24 140 o 22 27 XV is VI7 117 1211 711 02 111 HI It V2 70 ft tin 1 7 50 70 llullock 1 A omen llucholx llennnli resldnuro llullock 1C A residondo ilriduo H nialdencn Ilulni W II rimldeuoi llrldgoW U rtMlditnoti UltUena National Dank Jlty Watorworka City Klre Alarm rele II J rcaldenon Colo Dr It J olllco OHtl MAO Ily hictio LnmlMtr Co jhntimnn 1 realdenon Cluipimui G J olllco Cnuimory relghton depot lty Wnter Cdiniiilmloiinr rotidsuco Clover Kjllo Cold atirnKH Crouk 1 K resldeucit Coyle James grnoury f ollnmor A Oriint itrooory Cotton H S reshhinco Cooley W It resldmico Chrlstoph Uon 11 Drug storo Daily Nkwh bnalnoas otllon Diulitud A J Ullloo Ilurlimd A J riwidonco Unveiiport loo Br nwldouce Davenport Goo Iinru liomi8 residonoo Degner Allntrt hardware Dexter H IC cold stornire Dudley leo lhory burn Dexter W II reHiduuct Khle leo IMwurilH J W linrHiuthonr Kddy A N realdouce IC I wards t llrudford lUubrCo Klectrio Light lilierlmrtH restaurant ICetnlirook F L rosidenco hi la A oideiicn uilin d linlrnHI 411 Krlihiv John hardware tig K K i M V Ily Creighton Depot K K A M v Train Ulspatonera oUloa Fair Storo K K M V ronml honso Fnllor O A realdonco Fuller Choster A olllco Oerooko Herman roatdenoa N tlliasmau meat market Ireou Millard realdonco Greene l Wrejliance llarood U U D residence llagoy Dr W 11 II rosldenos Harding Creamery Co Harding Chas resldeno Hardy 11 K ooal otlloe Hays Juo It realdenort Hazen M C realdjiice Hospital for Inaane Hnse W N roaldenoe Huao W NotKoo Herahiaer J I drug atom Holden Dr 11 T nwidntioe Holden Dr 11 T ollloo llololmn C 11 otllce HullT John HUh School HolTmim W It roHidouce Heller Ceo xiiloiin Hnyea CS realdeuce lllliUtn O J reiddnuce Hiiivorstetu realtlouca JoluiHon Dry loodri Co Journal otlloe Juuotlou Drug Store Junction Mont Market Jnnmnati F W otllce Junction School Hout Johiioiiu A J roaldenoe Jenkins C D rosidouco Knro Ilros meat market KlmttnnnJil rosidonoe Keipor Dr U F suporluteudaut Insane Klmau A HdrngHtoro Kiesnu Dr F W roaldenoe Knollin A J A Co Mgrs rojidenco Koenlgstelii D J reeldonco Kioiau A 11 residotico Leonard Asa K drag store Lauudry Lulkart O A riMldeuce Lodor Harry saloon Lolmow Mrs M rcwlihince Lowe K A reaidonoo Lewis t Shooardaonotllci Leouard A K roridsuca Maoomber Dr A L otHcoj Madaeu Krixl L nwldouoe McDonald Fern Mlhllls C W Uvory barn MlttUtstadt L I otlloe MoNamee W J resldonoo MoKim t A residnce Mackay Dr J Holllce Matran 11 C olllco Morrow J S remdiMiot Morrow T J resideuce Mapea A Hazen Maatera O I roaldunco Mullln J A resldeuoi Norfolk National Dank Norfolk Waterworks Nuegelo A Zlmanii moat marknt Norfolk Klectrio Light A towor Co Norfolk Steam Laundry Norfolk Foundry Oxnard Hotel Odiorne T K rwideuee Pacifio Hotel Iacifio Kx press Co latteraooH H residence Patterson 11 H otlioe Parker DrC t residence Powers Judge realdenoo Pasewalk II A implement wareUonae Pabounlk 11 A rosldonnt i nblo Telsphono Norfolk Jnactlon 1 bllcTeleptKua Oxuard Hotal Public Telephone Pacific Hotel Halnbolt N A residence Reynolds C U resldenoa Itolaud W C grocery Holler Mills HejmldsC5 HotUco iilsh W 11 resldeuoe lllco Chas saloon Heiiua K 11 realdonco Stewart II A residence Salter A Salter Drs ottlce Salter Dr P H resideuo Salter H 11 coal otlloe Bohorogge E J bakery Hoi slons I resMenoo HhulTer Mat meat market hurtx K grooery Bidlor F resldenoa aprectior 1 T resideucj Sugar Faotory Sugar City Cental Mills teller CI H livery Salter Dr Frauktl rosldeuod Seymour Kd reuldeuce Spear Cteo It hotel Stevens K W redidonoe Stall nl P resideuce School District Highschuit School District Wushlutcton oliool Spauldlue H L residouco Scoggiu H L residouco Sidlvre Dray lino hurtz CI H resmeuce Suiter M P roaideuce Slireeber I V realdonco Schelly Fred resldduco Suoep much THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST 3 1899 III 530 117 15 lfl 10 15 II 4 112 31 08 II 55 Ml 37 01 05 03 53 017 037 10 Hotiwartfergnr W A rniidonca Teal A resldonoiS Tnahjonn Ir A II olllce Thompaonadrooerv Tlinea Trlhuno Olllco Telegraidi ulllrn Trontmiiti J CI roildanci Uhle Oaonr groeuiy Union Pacific Hallway Verges Dr K residence Walker 51 I TimmI oils and gaaotlnn Wegener Kd livery tt torn Union Telegraph ollion Water Tommlaslouer Wnterworka pumping station Walker M residence Weller It 11 olllce Wlolzor I roildetice Wlflrnr F olllce Washington ncbool Weller It II residence William Win P tenlilntio Yount M olllco Liiiiir ilUtntineteletihnne with itmtnltlft cult A Sound Liver Mullen 11 Well Aliiti Art you blllotiH coiiHtipntccl or troubled with jaundice nick horulnclio bud tiLsto in mouth foul bronth contod tontruo flyHpopHin IndiKostion hut dry Hlcin pitln in buck mid botwoon tho HhonldorH ohlllH ntid fovor oto If you hnvo nay of thoHo HymptoutH your llvor 1h out of ordor and your blood Ih slowly boliiB iiolsonod boonuHo your llvor doos not net promptly Horbino will ouru nay dtHordor of tho livor Htotnttoh or bownls It linn no oqurtl ttfl 11 llvoi miMlloiuo Prioo 75 coutfl Proo trial bottlo nt Q B OhrUtopha OA Bean the Slgnatore of Boars the Siguaturo ITOniA Th Kind You Hag Always Bought C6aStzMX Aro you Inoklii ui strongth nud on orfy Aro you norvouH du8poiidout irritnblo billiouH ooiiHtipntcd nud KOuornlly run down in hunlth If so your livor is torpid mid n fow doses of Horbino will euro you Horbiuo has no oqunl as a health restorer Gko B GimiSTOPH CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought ZfWcc OASTO Bears the 81gnatnro of IV The Kind You Have Always Bought If your child has thin palo cheeks uncertain appetite and uurestful sloop it has worms and curing with strong modioiue only makes conditions worse by irritating its dolicato stomach Whites Oream Vermifutro is mild but cortain in offoct and is a superior tonio as well as a positivo worm dostroyer Geo B Ohkistoph Ditch Notice Notice is hereby givou that the Boards of County Commissioners of Madison aud Stanton couutios will receive sealed bids for the construction of a ditch about 12J feet long 27 feet widoat tho top and 20 feet wido at tho bottom aud about 4 foot deep Tho said ditch to be situ ated between Section 1 Township 23 Range 1 west Madison county and Section ti Township 2 lluugo 1 east in Stanton county A more particular description of saitl ditch may bo obtained by applying to H W Winter of Nor folk Nebraska or HormanIaskeuthiuo Stanton Nebraska Also to construct a dam about 75 feet long across the uoith branch of tho Elk- horn river Tho suid dam to bo so situ ated as to forco tho wator of said river through tho abovo described ditch All bids to be loft with H W Winter at Norfolk Nebraska nud to bo opened at 0 oclock a m August 8 180 jt the Oxnard hotel iu Norfolk Nebraska Rights reserved to reject any aud all bids H W Wiktbr County Commissioner Madison County H J Maskkxthike County Commissioner Stanton County OAST Bears the Signature of ine Kind You Have Always Bought Twenty Five Cetita fortlie Campaign Tho State Journal printed every Tuesday and Friday will be sent postpaid with all of the news of tho world from uow until after election for only 25 cents It is worth that muoh to read about tho Fighting IFirst Regi ments return Tho Journal printed at the striU capital is the leading Nebraska paper aud Its mighty uhoap at a quarter Tablers Buokoye Pile Oiutmeut gives lustaut relief It allays inflammation and heals It is uromut iu its action and positive lu Us effect It Is the kiud that oures without palu or discomfort It Is for piles only 50 cents Tubes 75 cents Geo B Oiiristopii The fat undertaker Who plauta by the acre Poor victims of cough and cold Iighiu ami crying Ior weve alt stopped dylojr Since Ilruriliau Halm was sold And for those who deaire Not just yet to go higher It is worth its weight lu gold Stop that burking by the use of Bal lards Horohouud Syrup It arrosts the cough allays irritation of tho throat aud relieves cougestlou of the luugs In a day It Is safe and pleasant to take and never disappoints 25 and 50 cents Geo B Ohkistoph Astlmm Can Ho Cured J R Niblo ex school superintendent f Rochester la says I have been a vjreat sufferer from asthma for years but I have had a splendid winter owing to the surpribiug efficacy of Brazilian lialm A lady iu Cincinnati who had ouffered with asthma for 17 years could not lie down was perfectly cured with Brazilian Jiulm COLUMBIAS GEAR A WRECK A Defer In Her Itlgglng Irovra Nearly Put ill to the Veilit Nkwpoiit R I Aug All nccl dent to tho Columbia marred what promised to bo n thorough tost to tho relative speed of that Ixiat and tho De fender iu a lino topsail biwo yesterday and tho nuw bout was towed to her builders works at Bristol a total wreck above decks Her new steel main must bent double just ulxmt midway between tho deck anil tho masthead nml all that remained of iter magnillcent spread of canvas and specially iniido rigging was piled up iu a heap about the stump of the mast a tatiglud mass The dauingu occurred half an hour after tho new and old defenders htarted on tho beat out to tho lag boat olT the north end of Bloek island Tito Colum bia was fairly tearing through thu water when there was a sound of breaking spars and in an instant thu topmast went crashing to leeward car rying with it tho lino now club topsail aud small jib topsail The steel main mast at once buckled iu tho middle aud down came tho upper end of the spar aud the huge mainsail dropped into tho wator Fortunately all hands escaped Injury Tho discipline was oxcollout not a man leaving his place The topmast shroud which Mr Iselin states was the cause of all the trouble was not in just tho position to properly Bupport tho topmast Tho expense of re rigging tho Columbia will bo heavy aud although most of tho wire shrouds and stays can bo used again they will have to undergo a severe test for strength CANADA MAY RETAIN IT The Contest for the Hoiiwunliiiku Cup Hinges Now 011 Olio Ituee Dokval Quo Aug a Yostorday was another Gloucairu day the Cana dian boat winning her second nud tho fourth race for tho Seawauhaka cup Tho Constanco succoedod in crossing tho lino two lengths ahead of the Gloucairu at tho start but tho Gloucairu smartly crept Into tho windward position ran up a reaching jib took tho Constances wind away ami left her standiug Tho Gloncairn by clover seamnuship got ahead and kept it winning tho race by 5 minutes and 3 seconds Tho Canadian boats supporters feel that thero is every chunco of tho cup remain ing hero for anothor year as tho wind Is likely to bo of a lighter ordor today Wednesdays Itnaehnll Gullies NATIONAL IKAC1UK St Louts 2 Boston 10 Soconil jamo St IouIh 1 Hoston 5 Pittsburg 8 Hnltiinore 0 Cincinnati 8 Ilrooklyn II Louisville 7 Now York 0 Phihidulphhi 8 Cleveland 5 WKSTKHN IKAOUK Kniisas City 4 Minneapolis 10 Detroit 0 Orund Kaplds 0 Milwaukee 7 St Paul 0 Indianapolis 0 Buffalo 2 WHEAT TAKES A REBOUND Up Almost n Cent 011 Katlmntes of Less Spring Wheat Chicago Aug 2 A rally in forolgn mar lcitn nud estimates of a considerable smaller spring wheat crop than u joar ngo xtopped the decline in wheat and neat prices to a point ifipOp nliovo yesterdays close Courso grains were also strong corn nnd oats closing a higher Provisions advanced 2j3c Clos ing pricus WiiKAT Sept OOJfjrgsTOn Dec 717aT2e Coiin Sept Hrrt 311010 Dee 2sj 0i OATS Sept IOJho Dee 10e PoilK Sept WIW Oct 8X Ill US Sept f 40 Out Sl0700 LAliti Sept 527 Oet Chicago I lte Mtock ClMOAOO Aug 2 Cuttle Receipt 15501 receipts of cuttle were large todny and hiiiiki early sales wei e nt mluctions later the mar ket was linn tho demand good funcy cattle sold at 5 11 iOO commoner grades at 4lVip 530 stoelters and feeders brought il2Xi 4S0 bulls cows and heifers 22ig52o Texas steers 350A30 aud calves 375nj085 Hogs Hecelpts 23000 hog prices were irregular really good brought 5o more than yesterday but common lots were about unchanged heavy hogs sold at 38yl50 mixed lots at f4irxPlV light at 43a405 pigs brought tflOOicclM and culLs 225400 Sheep Re ceipts 14000 liberal receipts of sheep and lambs caused a sluggish market and many lambs went nt reductions of 15o sheep sold at 475520 for good lots and for com mon grades fancy lambs Hold at 000085 good at to00 aud ordinary lambs at 3503575 Kansas City Live Stock Kansas City Aug 2 Cattle Receipts 7 600 good active demand at steady prices heavy native ateors 52550D light weights 4O5500 stookors and feeders 375 600 butchers cows and heifers 300ftp52o ennners 250300 western steers 400fl550 Texnits 32642o Hogs ItoculpU 8100 marked Improvement In demand steady heavy 431X3 437JJ mixed 425rtp5S5 light 425437J5 pigs 1509490 Sheep Receipts 110J Kupply absorbed at stead prices Lambs 500a370 muttons l0Jc150 stockers aud feodom 32543 culls 2HS325 South Oiuuha Live Stook South Omaha Aug 2 Cattle Receipts 2300 active stronger native beef steers 475 670 western steers 4003180 Texas steers 30Uip415 cows and lielfers 35A425 can tiers 2253310 btockers and feeders 3HlKJ 470 cnlvt s4XX3125 bulls stags etc 28U9 420 Hogs Receipts 4700 5o higher heavy 1 42VJ130 mixed 42o427 light t420d4a pigs 375423 bulk of sales 425 427 IJieep Receipts 3000 strong to higher 425lO0 western muttons t378ai415 Kook sheep 3i31W UmUs J45O30a5 Aluiauao of the Day Thursday Suu rises at 458 sets at 714 Moon rises at 217 a in The weather Iowa Showers and probably thunder storms Thursday Fri day probably fair variablo winds Ne braska Generally fair Thursday and Friduy preceded by showors and coolor iu eastern portion Thursday winds bo coming uorthwesterly um ap r P AYcgctnulc Prcparationibr As similating ihc Food and Rctfiila liiifj lie Stoiaadis nnd Bowels of Promotes DicsiionCliccrFul ncssandncstContalns ncimcr OpiumIorphine iiorriQcraL InotNahcotic JhdpttfOtdnrSMUILBIEBB PmmfJcm SrfJ MxJtnnm jRAMmSJu JniitJttd aWAswA Issswsi rimrwi ADcrfccr Remedy for Cons tirwi lion Sour StornachDiarrrioca Worms Convulsions Fcvcnsli css and LOSS OF SLEEP Tac Simile Signature of SEW YORK EXACT COPT OF VmAPPEH MOTTS CO 1 i DC o T3 0 rV U U LU s S U z - - s g TOT trit CASTQii tor Ivifa iits and Children The Kind You Have Always Bpugfit Bears the Signature PENNYROYAL PILLS R R TIMETABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST DEPART Omaha Passenger 6 05 a m Chicago Express 1240 p m v EAST ARU1VE Chicago Express 700 d m Omaha Passtuger 1240 pm WEST DEPART Mack Hills Express 720pm Venllgre Passenger 12 40 pm Verdigro Accommodation 900 am WEST ABBIVE Black Hills Express 1220pm Vontigro Passenger 005am Verdigie Accommodation 740 p m TI10 Chicago and Blnck Hills Express arrives and departs from Junction depot Tho Omaha nml Vordigra trains arrive nnd depart from city depot U C Matuao Agant Union Pacific SOUTFt DEPART Columbus Accommodation 000 pm Omaha Denver aud Pacific Coast 1040 11 m N0TH ABBIVK Columbus Aco mmodatlon 1225pm Omaha Denver and Pacific coast 005pm Connects at Norfolk with F E M V going west and north and with tho C St P 51 O for points north and oast F W Junkman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EAST DKPABT Sioux City and Omaha Passenger 705 am Sioux tlty Passenger 125pm VST ABRtVE Sioux City Passenger 1035 a m Sioux City aud Omaha Passenger 555 p m Connects at Norfolk with F E M V going west and north and with the D P for points south F W Juneman Agent Dnly except Sunday INSKEEPS IrlluhlNERY Cheapest and Best Norfolk Avenue rr Spanoap 6 Ovalman Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly Done m A W fT All The Kind You Have Always Bought CAST0R1A TMC CCNTAUW COM ANT HKW YOWK CITY sHslHsillllllBiiiisniBBHIBiBsBixxHsVHixBiliixHslV They overcome Weak ness irreeularitv and omissions increase or ana nanisn pama of menstruation They are LIFE SAVERS to girls at womanhood aiding development of organs and body No known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm Ufa becomes a pleasure 100 PER BOX BY MAIL Sold by druggists DR MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Old For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY Railroad and Business Directory co stH a C j f 111 - E CO I en s C S HAYES Watch Repairing IH C T8UMAN Paints and mall Paper House and Sign Painter d W EDWARDS timfflfffeSfTsWaatfiiilr The Norfolk Hopseshoer All Work Guaranteed Cor 4th St and Iiraasch Ave WW MANGU8 Painting and Paperhanging Flnr Work Ouaranteed JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder 1 1 7 Fourth Street w L Mfflffi Rev D C Hopson Pastor M E Church Wauneta Neb writes After years ot noustlpatiou aim stomacn aisoruer ur Kays Innovator has removea tho constipation and made my stomach almost new I could not hear a watch tick with It closo to my right ear and but a very short distance from my left one I can now hear ono quite a dUtanco from my right ear and a long distance from my left one and tho thick heavy fooling between my eyes to my Dr Kays Renovator jov Is gone Dr Kays Catarrh Cure did It It is tho best thing I over tried wo give FREE ADVICE and send free Dr Kays Home Treatment an illustrated trok of 114 pages treating all aliments common to tho human family Wrlto us all about your cuse If druggists do not have our remedies dont take any substitutes they say aro just as good for they have No Equal They can bo hud prepaid by return mail by enclosing price to us Lr Kays Henovutcr 25 cts and J100 or 2600 worth for 1500 Catarrh Cure W eta Address Dr U J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Y n r5 ntt f3 w fl fP H y 1 i t r f