The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 03, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Till M
llulll VIJl
Promoters Say Grading Will
Begin September i
hopks or Tin rvn urn kkvivkii
9lrMr MfnhllriR Mint liulmiii In llin Clly
rnxt KtmiliiR tn limit V I Ilnriii
Aim tMIHIH0 lur iinliilWliili
InriliiiiinliiK 11 u III Hull 111 Imi INril
rriiTiuwln Unlh
1 S Meokliug of Ohloigo and W W
Graham of Norwullc Ohio promoters of
tho Yankton Norfolk Southwestern
Railway company worn In the oity yes
terday and loft today for Pit rai on busi
ness connected with tho proposed lino
Thoy huvo with thorn great rolls of blue
lirlntH RhowiiiK n0 rimt0 f l10 llm
grades oto It is understood that u
mooting of stockholders will ho hold
hero for tho purpose of elootlng officers
nutl trummotlug othor important busi
Tho prospoot for tho oarly building of
tho lino hi tholr estimation Is brighter
thnn over unil it may lo thut Norfolks
dcslro for tho past sovonil years will at
last bo realized
While passing through Sioux Oity yes
torday Mr Mookllng was interviewed
by a representative of tho Journal who
gleaned tho following Informrtlon
Tho Yauktou Norfolk road and
tho Yankton bridge aro to bo built at
lust I havo Iwon in tho Hold almost all
tho tinio Hinco I passed through Sioux
City two lmmthtt ago Aftor Bixty days
of as hard work as I ovor did in my
fifty years of railroad oxporiouoo wo
havo oomplotod tho survoy and havo tho
grado stakes not Grading will begin
Soptombor 1 and tho track layers will
follow right behind tho graders My
negotiations with tho manufacturers of
mils aro proatioally concluded and a
shipment of ilvo or ton miles oould bo
nuulo auy day Struugo as it may hooui
I oau got all tho rails I want in ton days
Ill explain how that happens Wo in
tend to uso a light rail one that will
woigh not to exceed sixty pounds to tho
yard and that is a lighter rail than gon
orally is demanded just now All tho
mills have more light rails in stock than
thoy want
Tho construction of tho hridgo and
road will cost 1800000 tho amount at
which tho company has beuu capital
ized Tho arrangements for tho limine
dug of tho company woro completed
mouths ago
It is needless to sny that Yauktou
people ii3 well as Norfolk people and
people at intermediate joints aro i lated
it tho prospootsof securing tho railroad
this year ami if there is auy feeliug of
rogrot in Sioux City I might say there is
juo necessity for it That road I hon
estly boliovo will bo a groat help to
Sioux Oity Sioux City is the best city
in tho northwost and whatever devel
ops tho territory around Stoux Oity is
beneficial to Sioux City itself
Mr Meokliug haB been closely watch
ing tho movements of President Hill of
tho Great Northern iu his investigation
iu the vicinity of Yankton and is in
duced to beliovo tho Groat Northern in
tends to build -a road from Yauktou
through Oharles Mix county to the point
on tho Missouri rivor where tho White
rivor emptied iu from tho Bluolc Hills
Tho Journal reporter also interviewed
A W Erwln presidout of tho Sioux
Oity Commercial association iu regard
to how tho proposed road would elleot
Sioux Oity commercially should it bo
constructed Mr Erwiu candidly ac
knowledged that tho road would bo of
dotriuiont to Sioux Oity aud a benefit to
Omaha as lias boon ropresoutod to the
commercial club of tho latter oity He
It will hurt us thoro is uo question
about it Tho road will bo a positive
harm to Sioux Citys interests A lot of
trulllo from a rich region in Nebraska
and from a garden spot iu South Dakota
which latter always has boon tributary
to Sioux City will bo diverted to Omaha
I do not think tho road will be
built by tho Groat Northern or auy othor
railroad In my mind its construction
ami tho construction of the bridge is de
pendent upon tho salo of tho bonds as
tho const uctiou of the Omaha and
Northern is so depondout
44 It is an III Wind
That Blows Nobody Good
That small ache or pain or
weakness is the ill wind
that directs your attention to
the necessity of purifying
your blood by taking Hoods
Sarsaparilla Then your
whote body receives good
for the purified blood goes
tingling to every organ It
is the great remedy for all
ages and both sexes
Dyspepsia Complicated with
liver and kidney trouble I suffered for
years from dyspepsia with severe pains
Hoods Sarsaparilla made me strong and
hearty J B Emerton Auburn Me
Hood i lllli cure lltrur lilt Hie uou lrrUutliian4
only cathartic to taKa willi llnoJ t aarnparliu
Win Wanko win In from Foster yes
F 1 Halo was in tho oity yesterday
from Hitttlo Creek
Squire 0 A Fuller made a business
visit to Madison today
Paul Kudut came homo fiom a visit to
Wiusido this morning
Mrs II L Spaulding went ovor to
Madison this morning
1 V Hriulo a Nellgh real ostutomiui
was In town yosteiduy
John Sutherland was In town fiom
UuttlulJaok yoMorday
Mr and Mrs Fred Drew woro city
visitors yesterday from Piorco
Misses Anna and Maggie Hyan of
Winner wine city visitors today
John Friday Is kept fiom his place of
business by an attack of sickness
Miss Lena Sleglor who lias boon qulto
sick for about a weok Is now conva
Sheriff I lass and Dad Vanannau of
Piorco woro tnuiBaotlug buslnoss In tho
city today
Fred Sldlor returned yesterday from
Wlusldo where ho has been doing export
machinist work
Mr and Mrs N F Rccknrd and
daughter of Omaha aro visiting with
Norfolk relatives
Mrs J P Wright and her daughtor
Mrs Stevens went ovor to the county
seat this morning
MrB O Foxworthy has purchased the
Hon Ton rostauraut from N J Davis
and Is now in possession
Ferdinand Koch of West Point visited
with relatives over night aud loft this
morning for Ponder on business
Arthur Overtou has accepted tho po
sition with Mr True iu the Palace of
Sweets recontly vacated by Frank Twiss
1 udge and Mrs Isaao Powors returned
yoatorduy noon from tho Blaok Hills
whoro they spent n vory oujoyublo vaca
Com ty Attorney M D Tyler left on
tho noon train for Indiana whore ho will
visit his old homo two or three weeks
Mrs Victor and children and her
mother Mrs U Gregory were iu tho
city last evening aud this morning went
to Way no
A party of four or flvo tailors of tho
city aro planning to go to Horseshoe
lako this ovoulug aud make an ollort to
catch some llsh
Mrs J II Watts who 1ms boon visit
ing at tho homo of her parents Mr aut
Mrs Jos Allbory departed this morning
for her homo iu Ohoynno Wyo
Mrs J J Parker who has boon sick
for tho past couple of weoks is still very
ill Horinauy friends hope however
that she will boou bo on tho road to
rapid recovery
Miss Gortrudo Bliss who with hor
mother has beon doing embroidery
work at tho Johnson dry goods store
will loavo this oveuing for ONeill to
continue her work thoro
Oscar Nicholson aud his sister-in-law
Mis D S Nicholson drove over from
Madison yesterday with tho mother and
sister of tho former Mrs 0 A and
Miss Alta Nicholson who boarded tho
evening train for their home iu Aius
Jos Pheasant this morning accident
ally got his haud caught between a pair
of the rollers used at tho steam laundry
aud his fingers up to tho knuckle joints
woro quite badly crushed Tho result is
u mighty painful hand Though It Is
uot believed he will lose any of the flu
gors he will be laid up for somo time
A baud meeting will be held this ovou
lug iu tho old baud hall lu the Shelly
block to whloh all old members aud all
who play a baud Instrument are earnest
ly urged attend tho purpose being to
organize a temporary baud to accompany
the Norfolk delegation to Mudison ou
tho occasion of that citys reception to
company F
The assets of tho beet sugar gaurautee
committee were sold at auction yester
day afternoon Tho bidding was quite
spirited but did uot result iu a largo sum
of money The property consisted of
reil ostato subscriptious notes and
judgments aud the total amouut re
ceived from tho sle was 1 29170 Tho
original estimate placed ou these assets
was about 141000 While this sale re
lieves tho committee to some oxteut it is
still iu debt to the two bauks of the
o ty about 1800 which it will have to
make up
Sincerity lodge No 244 A F and A
M was instituted at Battle Creek last
mght by Graud Muster Judgo Wm W
Keysor ot Omaha assisted by Past
Grand Master S W Hayes of this city
Graud Custodian Jas A Fullus of Oma
ha Graud Juuior Wardou Judgo R E
Evaus of Dakota City and tho following
members from Norfolk Burt Mapes
M D Tyler J O Stitt G W Box S
G Dean W H Rish D J Koeuigsteiu
G T Spreoher J B Maylord Jos All
bery J 0 Aid aud W R Hoftuiau
Duriug the evening two candidates
were instructed iu the mysteries of the
Third degree Tho banquet 6erved aft
tor the work was over was very fine aud
heartily enjoyed by all present The
Norfolk Mosous who attended drove
home at au early hour this morning
Mr aud Mrs W N Huso returued
this morning from their trip with the
National Editorial association to the Pa-
cillc coast Since thoy loft horo four
wooks ago today thoy havo travolod a
distaiico of 0i miles and havo met
with royal ontertalnmont at every placo
visited Naturally thoy wore kopt on the
move to cover the distance and weio per
mitted but few stops for tiny considerable
t lino so that they aro pretty well tired
out and plonsod to got homo unil rest
At St Paul Minn they woro joined by
Norris and Gone who had been visiting
lu that city and at Sioux Falls S I nnd
Ilawnrden Iowa If thoro is any set of
persons who havo missed Mr and Mrs
I luso more than another It Is tho forco
nt the Tin xrws oillro ovety member of
whloh is pleased to have them horo again
Nelson Barber son of Dr Barber
who was formerly assistant physician at
tho Norfolk hospital for Insane ai rived
at his homo in Fullorton Wednesday
ovoniug from tho Philippines having
come over in tho Indiana which arrived
at Sin Francisco somo days ago Ho
was a member of tho regimental band of
tho Fighting First but duriug tho past
six months has been using a gun luttead
of a musical instrument Whon ho ar
rived home ho was mot nt tho homo of
his paronts by a largo crowd of pooplo
and the band and tho Fullorton demon
titration to one of Its heroes is au event
long to bo remombored both by those
taking part and tho worthy recipient of
tho honors Ho is all right with tho ex
ception of a disabled foot which com
pels him to uso crutches iu getting
around but It is not thought that this is
of a permanent character and his friends
hope to see him soon rocover Tho Nor
folk acquaintances of tho family oxtontl
congratulations ou tho safo return of tho
sou and brother aud sharo to a largo ex
tent lu tho prido which thoy must feel
for their returned hero
W A Homlobou is carrying tho poul
try war Into tho ouomys country
Having learned that sovou buyers of a
What Cheer houso woro coming down th
line of tho 0 St P M O road ho
started this morniug and mot thorn at
Hosklus Ho telephouos that tho fight
Is ou lu oaruest and ho is probably mak
ing tho ohickeus hard for the other fel
lows to catch The gaug of buyers ho
mot at Hoskins is from tho Iowa Pro
duce company aud is under tho charge
of Ohas Baldwin Homlebeu claims
thoy roproiout thouisolvos as tho Norfolk
buyer iu order to secure better success
aud says they aro offering but five cents
a pound for delivery ou the 2oth of Aug
ust Thoy go into tho country aud work
tho fanners for contracts for futuro do
livery and if there is any question about
tho price politely volunteer tho informa
tion that it has fallen during the past
fow days Mr Henilebou is still offering
six ceuts and expects to have his car ou
tho track nt that place tomorrow Of
course his Norfolk friends hope he will
succeed iu scoopiug his competitors at
every turn Nebraska poultry is in grent
demand poth east aud west aud laying
us it does about midway botweeu the tw
markets it may bo expected that there
will boa pretty hard fight Not only is
tho west afterpoultry but Its importance
as a market for othor products is grow
ing daily aud it will not belong perhaps
when Nebraska will feel tho effects of
tho competition between east and west
along othor lines
Sunt the 1rotvL totH
Mayor Simpson has sent the flannel
protectors provided by tho ladies of
Norfolk to Sau Francisco accompanied
by tho following lotter
Noukolk July 28 Brig Geu P H
Barry Adgt Geu Nebraska Sau Frau
Cisco Cul Dear Sir Iu response to
your call I this day mail you 31 chest
protectors for company F First Ne
braska There are two marked ouo for
Frauk D Owens company C aud
oue for Julius Nelson company 0
First Nebraska I wish you would see
that they are delivered to them
This is tho result of tho labors of tho
Womaus Relief Corps of this city aud
the generosity of our citlzus
Very respectfully
J E Simpson Mayor
Iloml Notice to Litml Owiium
To All Whom It May Concern
The commissiouer appointed to veiw
aud locate a road commencing at the
northeast corner of tho southeast
quarter of tho southeast quarter of sec
tion M iu township 22 north raugo 1
west iu Madison county Nebraska aud
the uorthwest corner of the southwest
quarter of tho southwest quarter of seo
tiou S1 iu township 22 north range 1
eust iu Stautou couuty Nebraska run
uiug thence south on couuty lino ubout
8 ns to the township hue betweeu
townships 21 and 22 thence west ou
said township Hue in said MadiBon
couuty oue mile to connect with a pub
lic highway leadiug to tho city of Mudi
sou already established aud recorded
has reported iu favor of the establish
ment thereof aud his report having
been endorsed and concurred in by a
like commissioner from Stautou couuty
all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages must be filed iu tho couuty clerks
oilice on or before noon of the 12th day
of September A D 1801 or said road
will be established without reference
E G Heilmax
County Clerk
Every farmer uud stock miser should
keep Sloans Liniment ou baud for an
emergency Ask your neighbor aud ho
will tell you why For salo by Johu
It Sonnonscholn was up from Stanton
j estorday
G F Colby of Elgin was a city visitor
Au miction was held this afternoon at
Mlhllls barn
Hov Hngodorn wns In tho city yester
day from Winsido
F A Dearborn was a city visitor yos
torday from Wayne
F W Melcher was In tho city yostor
day from West Point
II Morris was a visitor in tho city
yesterday from Sterling
Tho Long Pino Chautauqua will opon
ou August 11 aud continue until tho 2id
Suporiutondoiit D 0 OConnor mndo
a business trip to Columbus this morning
Last night was tho coldest of tho
mouth tho thermometer registering fiJ
County Superintendent Orum was iu
tho city today from Madison calling on
his frlouds
Rich Homig of Nellgh Is in tho oity
to tako an examination for a teachers
Miss Mary Ackermau of Stautou has
beon visiting this woek with Miss Nel
lie Schwouk
Mrs Edholm mothor of Mrs Charles
Harding returned to hor homo In Omuha
this moruiug
Rov D Marquetto of Oakdalo was in
tho city yestorday a fow hours calling on
his Norfolk friends
Frank Twiss loft this morning for
Wayne to assume his duties as day
clerk of the Boyd houso
E B Kouyou returned this moruing
from a visit with his mother who lives
in Delowure couuty Iowa
Kid Hall brother of W 0 Hall
tho barber left yestoiduy for Foudu
Iowa whero ho has a position
Miss Hattio Seiumler is taking her va
cation this week and will resume her
duties at Baum Bros next Monday
Adolph Altsohuler who has boon vis
iting relatives hero nil summer will
loavo tomorrow for Philadelphia Pa
MisB Frances Sharpless will entertain
a party of friends this afternoon at a six
oclock tea the occasion being hor birth
Mrs P C Wood and sou Arthur de
parted yesterday for Coucordia Kansas
whero they will visit relatives aud
Arthur Ahlnian has returned from
Chrystal Lake four miles from Sioux
City where ho was camping with u com
pany of friendB
Tho splendid rain which fell at Nor
folk tho other night was quite local it
being suid that uot a drop fell ut Pierce
or at Wayuo
I J Johnsons family arrived from
Illinois this moruiug uud they will at
ouco go to housekeeping everything
haviug been placed in readiness
Mr and Mrs Dave Baum Mr and
Mrs Juke Bnum aud Mrs A Alt
sohuler will leave Monday for Hot
Sptiugs S D where they will enjoy an
M Becker Mrs E Becker aud Mar
gie Becker were guests at tho homo ot
Mr aud Mrs Morris Mayer ovor night
Thoy loft for their home iu Albion this
Tho Wakefield Republican is celebrat
ing its 17th birthday this week It is a
nourishing journal and is still strong
iu the fuith of making a metropolis ol
Messrs Baxter and Chapman two
officials of the Union Paoiflo occupied
tho special officers car attached to the
10 10 train this moruiug They are on
a tour of inspection
Rev W H Eatou writes from Wau
couda 111 stating that We are hav
ing a splendid good time boating and
llshiug He Is in need of The News
however to mako happiness complete
Angle Irons cross aims pius and
knobs were received by the local man
agemout of tho telephone company this
moruiug aud will be used in raising the
wires ou Main street whore they cross
the tracks
Agents of Rlugliug Bros circus are in
tho state mnkiutrjdates for that popular
show Norfolk is usually favored with
a visit by that aggregation aud the ad
vance agents may be expeoted here al
most auy day
The Union Pacific is advertising for
laborers ou its extensions in Wyoming
and its uow track work in Nebraska
bat they are hard to get aud that road
has thus far found it impossible to se
cure sufficient help to do tho necessary
The dance given at rne railway hall
South Norfolk last eveulng while not
attended by a large crowd was a very
enjoyable affair and perhaps more so
than if the hall had been full of people
Quito a numbnr of young folks from the
city proper were preseut
Neligh Yeoman Tom Shultz wound
ed a pelican the other day aud secured
him alive He brought him to town
aud tried to sell him but no customer
could be fouud We gave him the ad
dress of Bell Sessions the Norfolk
taxidermists who might like him
Liucolu Is preparing for an unique
attraction at its street fair which is to
be held September 18 to 23 This will
be a wedding to take place on a plat
4- rnw w l
Comparing the sizes of toilet soaps with Ivory Soap
the Ivory Soap should cost four times as much as the
toilet soaps It is exactly the reverse and when you
buy Ivory Soap you pay about one fourth as much for it
The best people use Ivory Soap for their toilet and
bath because of its purity the effect upon the skin is
form especially prepared for tho occa
sion Tho brido and groom aro to be
dressed by tho merchants of the city
The Hoskins correspondent of the
Wiusido Tribuue claims that town has
a woman who threatens to kill children
if she can catch them or will hold them
until her son cau pound them black aud
blue Said correspondent also says she
gives hr sou n garden hoe to fight
children half his ago with
Chadrou Journal J Kennedy the
now Auioricau Express companys agent
arrived in this city Saturday morning
from Norfolk and is now in charge of
the affairs of the Express company
Mr Kennedy Is a pleasant young mau
aud has mado a good impression with
the busiuess men of this city
Newniau Grove Herald Nils Olson
one of the staunchest republicans in
Platte couuty and in Nebraska refutes
the statements and preachings of the
pops that farmers in Nebraska are down
trodden moneyless beings aud points
with pride to the fact that he mm e
enough money one year off of forty
acres to buy a farm of 1G0 acres
Pender Ropnblic Our Methodist
brethren have adopted an unique if not
novel mode of advertising their Lyous
camp meeting Ou each corner of their
large po ter displayed iu the Pender
postofiioe is a small poster with the
words Shako the bottle printed there
on Wo aro not advised as to just the
meaning this is intended to couvoy
Clydo Eisoleys baby died this morning
from tuberculosis which it probably in
herited from its mother who died from
the same disease several weoks ago It
has been sick for some time Mr
Eiseleys friends heartily sympathize
with him iu tho loss of his wife and
child and it is realized that their deaths
coming so closo together aro the cause
of deep pain to him
The band meeting which was called
for last evening was not as largely at
tended as it should have been and no
busiuess was done Those interested
think the boys who can play should ei
ther turn out aud assist or declare tluir
unwillingness to do so Another meet
is called for Monday eveniug wheu it is
hoped there will be a good attendance of
those who cau play a baud instrument
About a dozen of the youug frieuds of
Frank Twiss enjoyed a farewell party
iu his honor last evening After au en
joyable hayrack ride about the streets of
the city those composing it were treated
to ice cream aud cake at Mr Truos
Palace of Sweets Frauk is a very popu
lar youug mau aud while eujoyiug the
evening his friends were uot highly
pleased that he wus soon to leave them
Pierce Leader The Norfolk Yauk
tou has bobbed up ugaln Woods Coues
the first of the week received a letter
from Hurry Eller at Yauktou asking
for tho address ot T R Beck who a few
years ago acted as right-of-way agent
for the railroad Mr Eller stated that
W W Graham of Norwalk Ohio and
J S Meokliug of Chicago were now at
Yaukton aud would be iu Pierce in a
few days
A number of the youug girl friends of
Miss Hattie Karo gave her a surprise
party yesterday afternoon at the home
of her parents coruer Fourth street aud
Philip avenue the occasion being that
youug ladys birthday Those attend
ing were Anna Miller Ella Miller Freda
Singer Adelia Bucholz Lois Hardy
Emma Brueggemau and Constance
Reinhardt It is quite unnecessary to
add that a pleasant time wus enjoyed
A curious fact noticeable this sum
mer is that trees which were apparent
ly dead as the result of the severe
weather oflast whiter have started
luuumuin iuici umer irues iu mo
ity lnve finished Some of them are
still budding and but a few days ago an
apple tree was uoticod with several
blossoms on A Pilger correspondent to
the Stautou Picket tells of trees on ouo
part of which is fruit as large as guinea
eggs while other branches bear blos
soms ns profuse fresh aud fragrant as
in early spring
While so much has been said about
the growing crops of corn and small
grain aud the great showing they are
making the writer wants to speak a word
for the flowers There sileut miuisters
to mans happiness and comfort are also
making a pheuouieual showiug and the
gurdeus about the city were never so nu
merous and attruetivo as this summer
aud aro doing their full share toward
making life worth living The lawns
aud grounds surrounding a house may
be perfectly kept aud be possessed of a
certain beauty but they are us incomplete
without a few beds of flowers as a Fourth
of July celebration without a baud
The attention bestowed ou the flowers by
the housewife or even the head of the
family is a pleasant relaxation from other
Dakota City Record Two of South
Sioux Citys high sohool girls were walk
ing down the Short Liue track Sunday
morning nnd duriug their stroll ran onto
a most beautiiul auunul They both ex
claimed as in oue breath Oh isnt
it sweet The nuiinnl was quite
young and easily caught They asked a
young mau who came along to catch it
for them as thoy wished to carry it home
for a pet The youug man griuued
aud offered to catch it aud oue of tho
girls removed her hair ribbon to tie
around its neck When the animal was
securely tied and tho girls were leadiug
it home by the ribbon the young man
told them not to get too familar with
their pet as it was a skunk They at
once screamed dropped the ribbou aud
got away They made tho youug man
promise he would uot tell a living soul
and of course he has kept his word
The territory covered by a good item
in a local newspaper is unbounded and
sometimes has an influence in places
seemingly out of reach The following
from the Wiusido Tribuuo is an instance
of how an item will travel The Trib
une iteui of a couple of weeks ago in re
gard to F W Sornbergers sheep has
gained a wide circulation The Nob
folk News wrote an article based ou it
and the Wayne papers have all either
written articles based on the Tribunes
or copied that from Tun Norfolk
News Many other papers in this seo
tiou have copied or commented on the
article while a friend informs us he has
seou it in Chicago and Minneapolis
papers Advertising even in the Wiu
side Tribune pays and this item has
given Mr Soruberger Wiuside Wayne
county Nebraska and sheep raising con
siderable advertising thut cost none of
the beneficiaries a cent
While ninny couuty fair associations
have retired into iuocuous desuetude
during the past few years owing to the
uuappro ichublo competition of state
fairs aud expositions it is said that the
Madison couuty association is preparing
for a larger aud better show than ever
before given aud that it will be oue
worth goiug miles to see Stanton
couuty is also arranging to givo a good
fair this full Iu muuy couuties the
etreet fair where uo admission cau be
charged is takiug the place of the
couuty fair and although a practically
new thing for this country their suc
cess is almost assured The luaiu object
of a fair after all is to draw a crowd
advertise the resources of a county aud
gain trade for merchants If this oau
be accomplished without cost to those
composing tho crowd it will be that
much larger and people will show their
appreciation by leaving with the town
leople many times what they woul
pay for adnilfiaiou