The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 03, 1899, Image 1
V AJ A rK i 1 The Norfolk Weekly News LOYAL TO MKINLEY Endorsed In Peace and War by I Iowa Republicans stati omnvis uinomixatii Jll tlm MtH nil tlipTlrkot Pimpnt liculi llxcrpt 1I11I111 0 Slim mIii or Mmoti i Cllj ltiiitiliiionlj CIiimoii for Suprriim IuiIk tliu Iouttli lliilliitt I Dfs Moists Aufj a The Ropublioan elate convontion uoiuluiitcil tho follow ing ticket Governor Lillo M Slmw of linUon Lieutenant Governor 10 Mllllniiin of Logan Superintendent of Public Instruction R C Unrrett of Osapo Uallroatl Commissioner K A Dawson of Wnvcrly Supronii Judge John 0 Sherwin of Wiison City I Tho first four nominees itro tho pros cut incumbents and woro named by ac clamation Judge Sherwin was iiated on tho fourth ballot Tho con vention m in tho now Auditorium at II a m yesterday nnd listened to tho address of Charles E Pickott of Water loo Tho hall was packed with homo 2500 delegates and vibitors and Chair man Picketts address was warmly ap plauded particularly his rcferunco to tho administration and its policy of ex pansion After the appointment of tho working committees tho convention ad journed until 2 p in In tho afternoon tho convention list cued to an address by Former Con gressman George W Curtis permanent chairman Tho first nomination was for governor and tho chairman recog nized Congressman Smith McPhcrson who said I move that Lehlio M Shaw bo tho nominee for governor that it bo made by acclamation and by u ris ing vote Thcro woro scores of sec onds from all over tho house and tho convention roso enmavso and cheered loud and long for Governor Shaw Governor Shaw was presented to tho fnnviiirinii nml iiiln iv firirriiin1 snrppli eulogizing President McKinloy tho Re publican party and Iowas delegation to congress Congressman W P Hepburn pro Rented the uamo of J O Millimnu for lieutenant governor and moved that his nomination bo mado by acclamation which was carried with another dem onstration Tho balloting for nominee for judge of the supremo court thou be gan Fonr llullotg for In Irk Tho firbt ballot gave Robinson 81GK Totes Sherwin 202 Burnjiam 218j Pee 210 Sloan 189J Giffen 52 no choice Tho second ballot resulted in 827 votes for Sherwin 340 for Robin eon 182j for Buruham 200 for Feo 108 for Sloan 2 for Giffen Tho third bal lot stood Robinson 335g Sherwin 401 Buruham 132 K Feo 170 Sloan 89 Giffen 31 Tho fourth ballot showed a landslide for Shorwin and at its close his nomination was made unanimous Superintendent of Public Instruction Barrett nnd Railroad Commissioner Dawson were then nominated by accla mation Following the adoption of the resolutions the convention adjourned The resolutions commend tho action of tho Iowa delegation for its support of protection tho tariff tho gold standnd nnd its faithful support of President McKinloy in his policy in peace and war and endorse tho prospective tiou of David B Henderson as speaker of tho house of representatives Tho money plank in tho Iowa Republican platform of 1898 is readopted Tho resolutions also deolaro industry nnd commerce should bo loft free to pro ceed according to natural laws but when business aggregations known as trusts prove hurtful to tho pooplo they must be restrained and if need be abol ishod by law A concluding paragraph in tho resolu tions says We admiro tho courage and skill of our officers and glory in the heroism und constancy of our soldier boys in tho army und navy Nothing of support or sympathy or moral or ma terial aid and comfort will we ever with hold from them VICTIMIZE DJN BELGIUM CougreasnuXu Loterlnj IuLkut 1lrkttil of TlioiiaiiniW by Tno Men Buussels Aug 3 William O Lover iug member of tho United States houso of representatives from Massachusetts was robbed Saturday hist whilo on his way from Osteud to this city Whilo in tho station at Ostond ho was jostled by two men but took littlo notice of the occurrence at the timo On arriving in this city however he discovered his pockotbook together with 13000 valu able papers and notes for 85 6torliug liad disappeared Mr Lovoring notified tho authorities and tho matter was placed in tlia hands of tho police Terrible Flf lit With a Hull Fout Doixjk la Aug John Dirk a farmer living near Pomeroy mot a horriblo death yesterday Mr Dirk was attacked in the pasture by a maddened bull His wife ran to his assistance and tho bull knocked both down She man aged to escape and summoned a neigh bor who flrod two charges from a shot gun into tho animul driving it away Dirks body was trampled into an al most unrecognizable mass Mrs Dirk had two ribs crushed Kutlibun 3Itiier Muni Go New Yok Aug 3 Judge Thomas in tho United States district court toduy dismissed tho writ of IiuIkms corpus pro cured in tho case of tho 18 miners from Austriu who were permitted to laud and went to work at Rathbun la and they will be deported TWENTY DAYS AT FRISCO TlieXelrnkn Ui kIiiumiI In to MuMur Out li Auk 3 Svn Tuancisco Aug 3 Tho weal her at tho Presidio is fine beyond all expec tation nnd tho health nf tho Nchruskans continues good and there uiu no serious casos in tho hospital General Shaffer has complimented tho regiment for tho rapidity and precision with which tho payrolls are mado out 1 mst night Corporal Frnnk It John son of company M received tho follow ing telegram from Pluttsmouth Will you accept nomination for sheriff on Republican ticket Your father con sents Answer my uxponso II N Dovitr Johnson wired back as follows Thanks for the honor llaxo no grasp of tho situation Consult father What ho sjiys goes Johnson Lieutenant Phil W Russell who served on tho staff of General Otis at Manila has received a message with tho offer of a commission to return to Manila Ho is an Omaha boy a univer sity graduato and onlistod in company D last year as a private Aug 23 has been set as tho date for tho muster out of the regiment Today tho regiment left camp to meet tho Tenth Pennsylvania which disem barked from tho Senator After escort ing tho Koystono boys to camp tho No Imiskans entertained them at dinner MULFORD WOULD GO AGAIN fill NeliriiskauH Colonel Willing to Itnlne Another KuKliiiunt Washington Aug 3 Tho dissatis faction alleged to exiht in tho First Ne braska over tho couduct of tho war is not borne out by tho facts Colonel Mulford has assured the war depart ment that ho can raise a regiment for service in tho Philippines and expresses a hearty desiro to return to tho scene of his and tho First Nebraskas triumphs It is stated that before leaving Manila ho was offered a lieutenant colonelcy in Bells regiment by General Otis but de clined on tho ground that Nebraska deserved higher recognition Colonel Mulford desires to go back to Luzon nnd efforts will undoubtedly bo made to meet his wishes although how this is to bo done will be a problem for tho war department to decide It is now believed thnt Colonel Mulford will decline tho captaincy in tho Thirty second infantry to which ho was ap pointed in view of his strong endorse ment from Goneral Otis Halo and Mc Arthur Colonel IlawklnH Hoilv on Shoio San Fuancisco Aug 3 Tho dock ing of tho transport Senator yesterday was unaccompanied by tho blowing of steam sirens and tho ringing of bells Thousands of people thronged tho docks to witness tho lauding of tho vessel which had borno tho Tenth Pennsyl vania from the Philippines Later in tho day a detachmout of soldiers carried tho casket containing tho body of Col onel Hawkins to nn awaiting hearse A guard will accompany it east Today tho Pennsylvania boys will be given a chance to stretch their legs in tho city Sick Wffttui iierit on the KclIrC San Fkancisco Aug 3 Tho hospital ship Relief has arrived Among other sick nnd wounded sho brings Captain John F Zerlingor First Nebraska Cap tain William J Watson Twentieth Kausas Captain Adna G Clark Twen tieth Kansas Second Lieutenant Collin H Ball Twentieth Kansas Second Lieutenant Oliver Clapp South Dakota Among tho sick mon Iowa has 19 Kan bus 31 Nebraska 14 North Dakota 2 South Dakota 25 Stole a Curloml of Steers Junction City Kan Aug 3 A stranger stolo a horso near Heringtou rode to Roys pasture at Delevau stolo a carload of steers from his pasture drove thorn to White City aud shippod them to Kausas City aud remained hero until Friday for tho return of advices from Kansas City and thou fled Mr Roy did not discover the loss until Sat urday TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Governor Bradley of Kentucky issued a message on tho Clay county situation Wednesday At tho Kentucky convention tho anti Goobol Democrats will claim the regu lar pnrty emblem A Cuban conimitteo at Havana will detennino a definite form of govern ment for tho island In tho Basses Alps Wednesday bridges wero swept away flocks drowned and crops ruined by u storm Tho action of tho California supremo court in a murder caso may lead to a now trial for Mrs Botkiu Tho town of Carabello a prosperous port ou the Gulf of Mexico was almost destroyed by wind Tuesday At Toronto tho Washington Leaguo team defeated the Torontos Wednes day 1 to 4 in au exhibition game At Santiago four cases of yellow fever have been reported iu tho last four days tho victims being American civilians Tho Pall Mall Gazette learns Great Britain will surrendor to China tho town of San Chun occupied May 16 William Waldorf Astor has been bo Bieged by reporters since tho oflicial an nouncement of his becoming a British subject Tho export lumber aud products of wood from southern forests during the year is boyoud auything in the history of the trade The English admiralty court has awarded 0205 to tugs aud other ves sels for towing off tho French steamer Admiral Aube Witnesses summoned in behalf of Dreyfus include Captain to whom the prisonor is alleged to have made a confession Agents of tho agricultural depart ment iu Germany report influences are active to out tail to the minimum the importation of American food products NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY AHUKST 18UJ nONORS SH0VN ALGBR Detroit Receives the Ex-Secretary With an Ovation its itmiMKvr movih to tiivks CkimiIi Shouted llneiit AU Itlclil ntiil tltno Win o lliiiitlni Voice Iu lll MpiMi h the Geueiul Dmlluilil lie Unit Nodi let mice IliiKiee Sirnk lliittj Divikoit Aug 3 Whatever may havo been tho personal feelings of the lato secretary of war General Russell A Alger concerning recent incidents of his olllcial career all sentiments wive thoso of genuine happiness wero very ovidontly banished yesterday afternoon and evening by tho innguillcout wel come tendered him by the pooplo of his own city and stato From 4 oclock when tho welcoming conimitteo crowded into his private car upon its arrival at Toledo until 0 oclock when tho gen eral ceased grasping outstretched hands tho scene was a constant spontaneous ovation Smiles and tears repeatedly struggled for tho mastery over the sec retarys bronzed oountennneo as he gazed into tho eagor faces of tho multi tudes who loudly and convincingly in sisted that Algers all right and no dissonant voico was heard Darkness fell during tho speeches from tho reviewing stand in front of tho city hall giving opportunity for throwing a searchlight upon tho fea tures of General Alger drawn in crayon on a canvass 10 feet wninro hung from tho city hall front and surrouutlod by patriotic decorations A great crush at the indoor reception was tho fluid fea ture Tho special train which met General Alger and party at Toledo consisted of six coaches It earned 500 members of the reception committee When the Pennsylvania train arrived the generals car was besieged by friends General Alger was escorted through the recep tion train and greeted by all Headed by about 300 bicyclists over 1000 niurchers escorted General Alger from tho Michigau Central station by a cir cuitous course leading past tho generals home to tho reviowing stand Fairbanks post carried two great banners sti etch ing half across tho street which de clared There is only ono Alger Mayor Maybury after calling to order said General Alger I should despair sir of being able to voico tho heartiness of this wolcomo woro it not already shown in this vast concourse through which you havo passed It will go fortli to tho world sir that where you aro best known there you aro host beloved and best appreciated It will go forth to tho world sir a duo notico that tho standard of high character built up by patienco nnd persovorance honosty and uprightness cannot bo thrown down by slander Governor Pingreo in his speech nindo on behalf of the stato mado some pointed roferoncos to incidents leading to Algers homo coming and fired some characteristic shots at tho nowspipers which ho assorted woro largoly respon sible The governor said that Algers best service for his country was in his ofllcicnt management of tho wur depart ment Said he Tho people of Michigan will remem ber tho indignity to which tho stato has been subjected Iu time thoy will conio to know who is responsible for it I think thoy already seo that politics makes cowards of some men iu both high und low positions They will iu time despiso tho official uo matter how exalted his position who truckled to tho uowspapers or who considered money or influcuco iu any form I havo como to boliovo that tho insti tution most dangerous to our form of government is tho nowspaper Its boasted liberality is rather license It has no scruple and no consoiouco There aro of courso exceptions but I speak of tho press asu whole Because you General Alger would not bow to thorn aud couduct tho war department iu the interests of tho combines the army contractors aud tho commercial interests which control tho newspapers you became a marked man Home Without u Urietuure General Alger responding said I can command no language to express my gratitude to you for this royal wol como to my homo I am glad from the bottom of my heart to bo released from oflicial care and to again enter tho old homo und live among the people of Michigau Since I went away two and a half years ago as you know tho country has pased through u terrifto struggle The oflico of which I was the head was taxed to tho utmost of evory maus strength who occupied any position iu it I gavo my best thought and honest effort and did overythiug I could to carry out my part of that great work What has been dono is a matter of rec ord aud I am perfoctly willing to rest the case with my countrymen Every trausactiou ovory order aud overythiug that was dono iu conducting that war is a mutter of record and tho people have a right to have that record searched Aud uow my follow citizens I come home without a grievance Duiiug that btrugglo and whilo that great work was upou mo I can truthfully ay that I had from the president all tho support that ho could give The closiug sceno was a reception iu tho city hall corridor Mrs Alger and u score ot otli r ladies with several of tho generals relatives viewed tho scene from a cauopied decorated platform built into tho mam stairway and thou sands pushed past aud grupjd General Algoro uuud WRITS FOR THE ASSEMBLY Oolliiiiu lc gMiittie llotlr Siilipoeimeil liy tlie Mimtt ImcillKittiiM Ntu Youk Aug 3 The most inter esting thing do eloped jctoi day in con nection with the itiNostigutitig commit tee was the fact that every member of tho municipal council has been sub poenaed today to detennino why the present city legislatho body should not bo abolished A member of the stall for Mr Moss counsel forthecomniilteo attended tho meeting iu tho municipal assembly yesterday and seied tho sub poenas With each subpoena was a letter fiom Counsel Moss saying- You will bo subpoenaed to appear bofore this committee at II a in Thurs day and will bo treated fairly and cour teously Tho assembly will bo urged to convene and legislate against tho mun icipal assembly and I desiio that your Hide of tho contiovoisy shall bo eon cot ly presented VENGEANCE FORHEUREAUX Two of the Sim Domingo Amtunitlua Shot 1 he Miwlilnn Ai rite Fout dk Fkanck Aug 3 The latest advices from Santo Domingo say Gen eral Figuereo yesterday took tho oath of oflico aud was invested with full power as president Yesteiday two accom plices of the assassins of President Ilour oaux weio arrested and shot at Moca Two persons ono of whom was said to bo a priest wore taken into custody at Santiago ye t onlay and subsequently shot Last night placards bearing tho inscriptions Down with Tyrants and Long Live tho Revolution woro posted iu various paits of tho city Santo Domimio Aug 3 Tho com mander ot the gunboat Machias in this port has been otllcially lecoived by President Figuereo Tho future move ments of the warship aro not known Too Dry In MIihoihI CoiUMitiA Mo Aug 3 Practically no rain has fallen tho last two weeks or more in central and central w ostein counties where tho complaint of dam ago to com saving that in Imttoms pastilles mid gardens is general Soil is too dry to cultivate corn on uplands Late corn is mcdiug rain badly and will be cut shoit unless moistened soon Pastures aie drying up and stock water is becoming scarce Plowing lor wheat is impracticable Drouth was partially relieved by rams iu central counties on tho 31st To Wiiko it Will on l ilillior Dknviic Aug 3 Colorado Kansas and western Nebraska have agreed to unite on a war against grasshoppers Details of tho campaign will bo ar ranged at a meeting to bo held today at tho Fort Collins agricultural college Professor Lawrence Brunnor stato en tomologist of Nobrasku pictures tho condition as something scarcely within comprehension of city residents He passed through Denver yesterday with Professor Wood of Kansas to attend tho conference ltouiht l Cllli mkoiiiih Lincoia Aug 3 It has developed that tho new owners of the Fnruicis and Merchants Insurance company of Lin coln sold a month ago by D 13 Thomp son are a number of Chicago capital ists Joseph E Calleuder and Mont gomery and Funkhouser of Chicago who havo sont out letters notifying tho stockholders tho capital stock will bo in ci eased from 100000 to 1200000 Tho company has already seemed permis sion to do business in Kaunas us well as Nebraska and Illinois Murilereil For Their Kinliic iNDElENIJKNCK Kan Aug 3 A tramp 27 years old giving his name as R O Young has confessed to murder ing A O Bush and John Cooloy east erners traveling iu a wagon for pleas ure iu tho Indian Territory They al lowed Young to rido with thorn and that night he murdered them with an axe Killed by an Olil IiMnl Stkommjiuj Nob Aug 3 Clark Prosson youngest son of Rov and Mrs J II Pressou of this city shot himself by accident and was instantly killed yesteiday An old revolver ho hail been repairing was discharged and tho bullet entered his brain just ubovo the right eye TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD English pilots havo sued tho owner of the Paris for 300 salvage services Italy it is said has abandoned all idea of territorial acquisition iu China Kentuckys prohibition convention lioininated O T Wallace of Garraid t ounty for governor Georgo J Gould His wife and daugh In sailed for Euroo Wediiosday to leturn about sept ii A boat convoying sailors to a warship 1 1 liuda Pest Wednesday capsized and tvo wero drowned The convention of tho Regular Army iiid Navy union Oct next has Iwoii changed from Baltimore Md to Wash ington D C William Jones who is churged with ibductiug Nollio Burger tiom lior homo near Rochester Iud several days ago has lxion urrested Tho governments of the United States and Iiuyti will submit to arbitration three claims of an American citizen for alleged indignities aud lo s R LAGUK UNDKR CHHCK Four NewCasis but No Deaths at Hampton rrsnirMT miii hi itt down IM of Im litiiighcil MiiiiIiim Ihe Ileum ItelliK Ilepitieil to IZiuihto liic illlllii to lletiilll Such Mcmhct it Itcimilinliln lime Im I Muni i 1iii I I iiii lltumiiilea WAsiiiMiroN Aug 2 Advices in ceied by Sin geon General Wytunn fiom Hampton show that tho only change iu the yellow fin or situation is the addi tion of four suspected cases to those al ready in ovistence These have been sent from ho camp to tho hospital This information nnd the additional statement that hero has not been a death since Tuesday night and that everything with refeience to the dis ease Is mote than lavorable was lecelved from Governor P T Woodlln of the Soldieis home He also declared hois quite sure the pestileuuo will be stamped out From Dr White who has general charge of affairs at Hampton but who remains away Irom the institution wind came that the situation is un changed Governor Wood tin has pie patcd a list of all members of tho home who have been fiuloughed since Jul v 22 at the same time giving their destinu tion This will bo telegraphed to Sur geon Geueiul Wyiiiuu and will be spiead broadcast tin ough tho piess thus ena bling localities whom the inmates may now bo to detain them for a leasonablo length of time Dr Wymiiii has sent dispatches to the health commission of Baltimoie and the president ol the board of health of Richmond asking them what measures mo being taken rcgai ding refugees lioni the home at Hampton or tho neighbor ing town of lhochus The doctor thinks it is ot the most importance that such persons should be kept under close oh seiviition tor ten days following their doptrtuio piitieulariy thoso who stopped over one night iu either place Tho removal ol troops from Foil Mon roe ami the olllccrs and their families will begin today a passenger steamer is scheduled to leave this afternoon lor Capo Chailes A barge with cars is ex pected to go to the reservation tomonow to take tho baggage and equipment of the troops A dispatch from Dr Wusdin says a houso inspection of Phoebus discloses nothing Tho dispatch adds Suspic ious wise of I ist night veritled No new casos at tho homo today One duipor ato Dr Wasdin will start today to canvass lr00 of the inmates then to disinfect the rookeries presumably thoso at Phoebus HANSENsHlONG RIDE ENDS At Midnight lie Mini Fifteen Ileum to Do 1 unlit y Mile Minneapolis Aug 3 Bicyclist A A Hansen st u ted at 10 oclock this morning on the last 20 miles of his 1 000 mile ndo His actual tiding timo will bo about 73 hours or an average of 15 miles an hour while on tho wheel The leeoul tor the distance is held by T A Edge ol England who rode 1000 miles in 115 hours and 10 minutes Ieertel to Oo to Oinulm Omaha Aug 3 Nineteen of the Fil ipinos for the niuusomout section of the exposition have arrived and taken up quarters in the Filipino village Thoy are all men and ure from the island of Luzon which place thoy left 35 days ago A muulicr of them woro iu Aguin aldos army aud deserted to come to America Their tirst act was to take a plunge in the little hike No xtouion to Ogtlru Omaha Aug 3 General Manager Holdrego of tho Burlington says We have uo plans for un extension to Odgoii und tho story that such a movement is ou foot is muuulocturcd out of whole i loth The only building that we are iloing ut tins time is the extension of nur lino irom Alliance to Hurtville and there is uo intention to go boyoud that pouit O II Ilitrimril Clitlm Itefurreil Lincoln Aug 8 A committeo of members of tho Stato Historical society visited tho capitol Wediiosday to induco Auditor Cornell to allow tho claim of C H Barnard of Falls City for 1500 for expenses of tho society Tho matter has loon referred to tho attornoy gen eral Hnyl Oiikn May Ho Itualnrtc Lincoln Aug 3 Tho Royal Oaks Insurance company of Omaha has boon licensed by Auditor Cornell Deputy Iusuranco Commissioner Bryant refused to license this company several weeks ago because it liad uot the required number of members for a fraternal in surance pormit Hhunuliun Held for Murder South Omaha Aug 3 Tho coro ners jury holds John Shanalian the Q street suloon keeper responsible for tho death of Edward Joyce who was shot iu tho Shanalian saloon at au early hour Sunday morning tVAl Baking mrMA iisotuiEtY Pure Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROVAl eMsa POWOER CO YOUK iMUbia J S mORROW UKIVIi Will put down new nulla m repnlr old otine uauin JilouiGfs Shnppenod OtMHAtnEEO 1107 Ililllp in Tilitliiilin IM CHAS DUDLEY HACK- LINE TIJLIJIMIONU 7J ltiniliMiirtirH Unmoved from I la vnn ort e nt liln to tleii DudleyM Ktnlile on Mil Ht For Plumbing Steam Fitting Pumps Tanks Wind Mills Anil nil rupnlr work In thin linn nn W H RISH iUtUfaotion tlnnranlnnd Pint door m Hi nf Dklli Ncw nfltan MRS MARY L STANTON DRESSMAKING Pttiees Reasonable Up stairs over Warehiuns Millinery WHEN Y00 WANT A Q00D SHAVE or BATH TO- W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAIN rir TlllltDDOOlt KAHT OK KOUUTIC KARO BROS fopHSkHpflA Tilt Everybody wants tho eat of moats Wo make a special effort to please our trade Our Shep Ifi tho Noatent In the Cltjr RSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission Braasch Avenue and Third St PHONE 44 Groceries Always Fresh and Just as Represented AT- UHLES Highest Market Price Paid for Butter aud Eggi THE North Western LINE F E P V R R is the best to at from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska Money to Loan ON Real Estate Elkhorn B k S Association