The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 27, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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i y
Results from a
Bad Liver
and can
be Cured by
A It
Liver and
Kidney Balm
A Certain Remedy for
Diseases of the Liver Kid-
X neys and Urinary Organs
Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
cm and Eastern points
Uuoxcellod thno and accommodations
to the
Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
For more complnto Information descriptive
paraplilots etc address
A G F and P A T P A
Southeast Cor 14th and Douglas Sts
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures Fistulas
Burns Scalds
I J Wounds Bruises
Cuts Sores
Boils Tumors
Eczema Eruptions
Salt Rheum Tetters
Chapped Hands
Fever Blisters
Sore Lips Nostrils
O Corns Bunions
Stings Bites of Insects
Three Sizes 25c 50c and 100
Bold by druggists or sent post paid onreoclpt of price
ucaruncisBKDco 111 iiiwuuMBtNrrk
Frazer Axle Grease
h TsSPaaau i m iiuiiiwpw l
nHH Twine AOr
Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
Httttiuni Frazer Lubricator Co
Factorial Chciigo SI Louis New York
Martin J Ostorling wout up to ONeill
G A Luikart had business in Modi
sou today
Miss Ilnttio Sonimlor wout to Osmond
this morning
E L Sargont was in tho city yostor
day from Piorco
Bernieo Brooks was in tho city yes
torday from Wayuo
Logan McBrido camo ovor from Madi
son on tho noon train
Guy Cooloy departed this morning
for Humphrey to visit
Mrs Jas Kingman has gono wost for
a visit of soverul days
A Sponco of Mudison had business iu
this metropolis yesterday
John K Nosbit and son aio iu tho
city today from Tukamnh
Attomoy M 0 Haon paid u profes
sional visit to Stanton today
Mr and Mrs Honry Fox of Piorco
wore city vibitors yestorday
II S Rupert is in tho city today from
Piorco attouding to busiuoss
Judgo 11 E Evans of Dakota City
was a Norfolk visitor yesterday
J H McColo of Buttle Crock visited
his cousin Jos Conloy yestorday
RogiBtorod at tho Evans Hot Springs
South Dakota from Norfolk Mr D W
Registered at tho Evans Hot Springs
S D from Norfolk Mr and Mrs I
Mrs S L Garduor has returned from
an extended visit to her parents in
Mrs E H Requas many friends will
bo pleased to learn that she is able to bo
around again
Mrs L M Beolor and children will
loavo for Oakdulo this ovouiug to visit
friends a few days
Misses Abbio aud Etta Hodgetts havo
returned from Froinout whore they vis
ited friends a few days
Ira D Marstou of Kearney is in tho
city looking after business interests aud
visiting with old friends
Another of thoso popular dances will
bo givon next Friday evening at tho
railroad hall South Norfolk
H O Keyo of Tildeu was in town to
day on his way homo from n visit to
relatives and friends at Pierco
Ira L Hungerford departed this noon
for Sioux City whore he will accept a
position with the Tribune company of
that city
Mrs H F Owon departed this morn
ing for Colorado Springs to join her
husband who has a grading contract
near there
Miss Mable Hook came down from
Chadron yesterday and stopped over
night with Norfolk frieuds She wont
on to Fremont today
Mrs Cora A Beels has returned after
a months absence iu Chicago aud will
resume her class of music pupils tomor
row at the usual hours
Miss Bertha Wille of Neligh who has
been visiting at Bennington arrived here
last evening and will visit a few days be
fore going on to her home
T N Bundick has planned a bioycle
party this evening in honor of his sister
who is visiting here If everything is
favorable for a ride a run to Hadar aud
bock will be made
Elsewhere in this paper will be found
a notice from Ira L Hungerford offering
his interest in the Times Tribune for sale
This should bo an excellent opportunity
for the present publishers to secure full
control of the plant which is perhaps
more or less valuablo
H W Learn secretary of the Long
Pine Chautauqua association desires
this paper to announce that the rail
road fare to this summers meeting will
be one rate for tho round trip within a
distance of 150 miles Tho grounds at
Long Pine ore very beautiful aud offer a
most pleasant placo in which to tako a
few days outing
Tho ice cream social given on tho par
sonage lawn last eveniug by the ladies
of tho Womans Home Missionary Bociety
of the M E church was quite liberally
patronized and a pleasant time was en
joyed by those in attendance With
its decorations of Chinese lanterns
and bunting tho lawn looked very at
tractive aud was a comfortable place to
be after tho disagreeable weather of the
Considerable activity iu the sale of
threshing machine outfits is being dis
played by Norfolk implement dealers
indicating thnt tho bumper harvest in
this neighborhood will be promptly tak
en care of Two outfits were sold in
Norfolk yesterday II G Brugjjoinann
sold a thresher aud eugiue to Aug
Rhuolow of Pierce who started home
with it this morning and Henry Klug
also sold a steam outfit
N Hills has on display at his real estate
ofllce a stalk of corn 14 feet iu height
which is from the field of Ohas Lodge u
prosperous farmer who lives about eight
miles south of town This corn is of a
now variety that has boou growu by Mr
Lodge for tho past few years This is a
phenomenally largo stalk for this season
of the yoar and Mr Lodge says it was
not especially picked out but that nearly
tho whole field from which it was taken
is as large asthe specimen
The party given by Miss Mamie Matrau
m u M JBrAt BBMBBTm BBBBBBTBfifc iWBBBBfci BBBJBaBBBBBBVSBBBBBBBBBfBBSj llflHRU HAjsflKBUTj0 j f If lr tfttf u1 it i rt niIfrT i is A j lj j BE r Mm
per time the young gentlemen appeared
on the scene and were sorred with a
choice spread of good things Tho party
drove homo iu the cool of tho evening
much pleased with their outing
A prominent cyclist suggests that in
asmuch as the bioycle riders privileges
have been regulated by ordinance it
might bo tho fair thing to also rogulate
tho privileges of people who boo fit to
throw glass tacks and other tire-puncturing
ill-humor-producing articles into
the street This practice has been quite
frequently indulged in of late but may
be dono without iutention of annoying
wheel riders or it may havo been dono
maliciously Anyway tho bicycle rider
should havo somo rights that other peo
ple aro bound to respect
Rev F W Leavitt was ordained at
Wost Point yesterday to the work of the
Congregational ministry Mr Leavitt
will be remembered as one of tho first
graduates of tho Norfolk High school
From bore he wout to Doauo college
whore he took a full classical course
This finished ho went to Audoyer
Theological seminary where ho gradu
ated this yoar As might be expected
so much preparation has resulted iu a
strong man West Poiut is to be con
gratulated on acquiring so efficient a
minister Norfolk was well represented
on the ordaining council The parents
of the candidato were there also Mr
Parker Mrs McMillan Mr D O
OConnor and Rov John Jeffries
Mrs Ormsby wife of M M Orrasby
died at her homo on Braasoh avenue
yesterday noon at tho age of 43 years
after a most distressing illness of reran
months from Bright a disease Short
funeral services will bo held at the
houso tomorrow morning at 1050 at
which Rov J J Parker will preside
and the remains will be taken to tho
former home of the family at Maplo
Park 111 011 tho noon train for buriul
Besides her husband sho leaves a son
aud throe daughters to mourn her loss
Mrs A H Alliusou of this placo is a
uaugmer 01 air urmsoy ir auu jurs
J f UuUXLi W
Ormsby camo horo from Maplo Park ten
mouths ago today during which timo
Mr Ormsby who is a carpenter by
trade has been working on the uow
homo of his son-in-law Although not
long residents of Norfolk the family has
won many friends who will sincerely
sympathize with the remaining mom
bors over the loss they havo sustained
Mrs Ormsby was especially fond of
children who also loved her and it is
tho desire of the husband that all littlo
folks who desire should bo permitted to
attend tho services tomorrow morning
Visitors Intltuil
The following extract from tho Uni
versity News Lettor published by tho
university of Nebraska indicates a do
sire to have people call at tho agricultu
ral experiment station and derivo tho
benefit which is intended to bo received
from it
Although a very large number of
persons iu the state recoivo tho bulletins
published by the U S agricultural ex
periment station connected with tho
state university yet comparatively fow
havo visited tho statiou farm and fa
miliarized themselves with tho experi
ments beiug conducted thero There is
no reason why picnio excursions should
not bo inado from various points and tho
affair made oxtremely pleasant aud prof
itable Some of tho railroads have con
sented to give au excursion rate of one
faro for the round trip to Lincoln aud
return Picnio parties could bo formed
iu any neighborhood aud tho rate ob
tained by application thou with lunch
baskets wives aud sweethearts a jolly
trip could be started A pleasant place
for eating luncheon will bo provided on
tho station farm
Visitors aro always assured of a
hearty welcome to the experiment sta
tion farm There is much there to boo
and those connected with the statiou are
always pleased to pxplain to vibitors
what is going on However when ex
cursion parties arrive special pains will
ho taken for their entertainment and in
It is hoped that this suggestion will
bo abundantly put into practice It
offers au oppoitunity for the most de
sirable kind of au outiug following tho
plan which has made tho summer Chau
tauqua course so popular iu combining
mstiuctiou with pleasure
- ceiaLSikSMZi
Par superior to any other engine or separator on earth Built of the best material that can be
bought and by old experienced workmen We have just received two full rigs for samples and
EARNESTLY INVITE YOUR INSPECTION and will prove our claim Come and see them
H G BRUEGGMANN Agt Norfolk Neb
J H Cline General Agent for Northeast Nebraska will be in Norfolk on Saturdays
yesterday afternoon aud evening at Taf ts
grove south of the city was a very pleas
ant affair Tho youug ladies of the par
ty drove down in the afternoon and en
joyed a few hours splashing around in
the cool waters of the river About sup
Savliifr TreH
Tho Bohemiau Club of Sau Francisco
which is in tho habit of going off into
tho redwoods once a yoar to colebrato a
jinks has done a good thing iu buying
up a tract of beautiful forest land It
has agreed to pay 27500 for tho prop
erty Thus it is mado certaiu that at
least ono fragmout of redwood forest in
California will be Baved from tho lum
bermans ax Oakland Calif En
Nervous prostration is a term com
monly used to indicate a weakened aud
debilitated state of tho nervous system
aud a vitiated condition of tho blood
Its symptoms aro unusual uervousnoss
groat irritability aud incapacity for
physical or mental lubor aud itis caused
by orrors in diet or hygiene Dr J H
McLeans Strengthening Cordial aud
Blood Purifier is recognized everywhere
oven by tho medical profession as a sup
erior romedy to counteract weakness of
this character Price 50o aud 1 a bot
tle at Koouigsteius Pharmacy
Filipino 11 ir e AilKUHt 1st
The Filipino Villago will arrivo at
Omaha tho lost week in July iu twelve
elegantly docked passongor coaches from
San Francisco Thoy are the real
things No person cau afford to miss
seoiug them The Hawaiiaus nro 011 tho
grouuds as well as the interesting Cuban
aud Porto Rican Villages The Greater
Amorica has redeemed its pledgo to havo
a Colonial oxhibit worth seeing Every
thing is conipleto Good music Puinos
Fireworks Splendid Art Exhibit The
great Mormon Chorus is coming soon
aud scores of interesting spocial features
Dnuk Uruln O
after you havo concluded that you ought
not to drink coffee It is not a medicine
but doctors order it becauso it is
healthful invigorating and appetizing
It is made from pure grains and has
that rich seal brown color and tastes
like tho finest grados of coffee aud costs
ubout H as much Children like it and
thrive ou it becauso it is a geuuiuo food
drink containing nothing but nourish
inoiit Ask your grocer for Graiu O
tho now food drink 15 and 25 cents
A KtU IhiiiI of tli SU Itnukltt
The Laud of tho Sky tho popular
designation for tho Asheville Plateau
ygjsrymifiat BaMgt ffwiMf wfiwrtfiRyfr avtpaaag 4
Western North Caroliua has boon largo
ly advertised by tho Southern Railway
for a number of yours on accouut of tho
health and rlcasuro rosorts aud tho beau
tiful scouery of that section whoru thu
Southern Railway orossos tho Blua
Ridgo mountains
Tho Southern Railway has just issued
a now and most attractive booklet with
appropriate half tone outs and reading
matter ami thoy ire being sont out freo
to any nddross by Mr J C Beam Jr
N W P A Southern Railwuy 80
Adums street Chicago
IIMiioIk Cautrul
Low Rates to Epworth Loaguo Con
vention Indianapolis July 20 I
On account of the Bionnial Conven
tion International Epworth League at
Indianapolis Ind July iO iW tho Illi
nois Contrul will soil round trip tickets
from all points iu Iowa Miuuosota and
South Dakota at a ruto of only ono fora
plus fri 00 for tho round trip Tickets
limited to July 21th with privilege of
oxtoiisiou until August 20th by paying
joint agency foe of 50 cents and de
positing ticket on or before July 24th
For further information and adver
tising circulars address tho under
J F Mkrry
A G P A 111 Cent R It
Dubuque Iowa
Ornln O Hrlng Keller
to the coffee drinker Coffee drinking
is a habit that is universally indulged in
and almost as univorsally injurious
Have you tried Graiu O Itis almost
like coffee but tho effects aro just the
opposite Coffee upsets the stomach
ruius the digostiou effects the heart
and disturbs tho whole nervous system
Graiu O tones up the stomach aids
digostiou aud streugtheus the nerves
Thero is nothing but nourishment iu
Graiu O It caut be otherwise 15
ud 2o ceuts per paokago
JVlpN Kiduoy trouble preys up-
ou tue muti discourages
A M n
nud lessons ambition
WOMEN teaQtyi vigor aud choer
fuluess soon disappear
when the kidneys are out of order or
diseased For pleasing results use Dr
Kilmers Swamp Root the great kidney
remedy At druggists Sample bottle
froe also pamphlet Address Dr Kil
mer Co Biughamtou N Y
CImlhm and beautifies the hair
Iromotei a luxuriant gruath
Never Falls to Ilcatore Oraj
juair o 11a tuuiuiuf vuioc
Curti icatp dici btir talliu
frc auJjlUJat DrupgUU