The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 27, 1899, Image 1

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k V
General Hcurcaux of San
mingo Assassinated
WfuUlucton CrcilllH llntiroiiux With u
WIko Administration ami mi Cunn Tor
1 the Crimp U Known TIuiiirIi At
tempts Unto Uoen Mnilx
Font dk Fkancr Murtitiiquo July
27 General Ulysses Hcurcaux presi
Went of the Dominican Republic was
assassinated at Moon Sau Domingo nt
hulf paBt 4 oclock yesterday afternoon
llninon Caceros tho murderer suc
ceeded in making his escape but an
energetic pursuit was at onco begun and
it is probablo that ho will soon bo cap
tured Presldoiit Goneral Wencolao
Eiguereon immediately upon tho an
nouncement of tho presidents death
assumed tho direction of affairs
At present calmness prevails in tho
republic Ths remains of President
Hcurcaux will probably bo taken to
Sauto Domingo for tho funeral servicos
Washington July 27 No informa
tion was received last night from tho
consular ropresontativos of tho United
States in San Domingo regarding tho
assassination of President Houreux
Pending ofilcial advices of tho assassina
tion no formal action will bo taken by
this government William V Powoll
the minister teHayti is also chargo daf
faires to San Domingo whilo this gov
ernment is directly represented in tho
republic in the person of Campbell T
Maxwell who ih consul general and
John A Read who is vice consul
Officials hero recall that attempts
have heretofore been mado on tho lifo
of President Houreux Secretary Hay
paid a brief tribnto to tho work of tho
deceased president saying ho under
stood that he had given tho country a
good administration
Secretary Long said he could not re
call that there were an ships of tho
United States now in San Domingo
-waters Should tho developments of
tho next few days show a feeling of un
rest and uncertainty a United States
man-of-war will be dispatched to protect
American interests
They Fired on Ainorlriin Troops A Regi
ment ItulHcil in the Philippine
Washington July 27 Three cablo
messages from General Otis Were re
ceived at tho war department yesterday
One reports another engagement with
bandits in Cebu in which the American
forces were victorious us iullows
Following from Ccbu today Bandits
In Cobu mountains robbing and impress
ing peoplo of tho coast towns On Mon
day Liuutenunt Moore with dctauhmont
of Twenty third infantry whilo scouting
in tho mountains was fired upon from a
strongly fortified position one private
killed name not given no other casual
ties Enemys los3 five bandits killed
seven captured
Another rofors to tho organization of
volunteer regiments in tho Philippines
as follows
Boll has enlisted about 600 men Wal
lace still south has about -100 Iiockett
now enlisting has over 400 applications
which are coming in rapidly Might
raise hero an additional regiment exclu
sively voters
Tho third dispatch says
Storm has abated Sherman coaled
loaves today with all troops from Califor
nia Grant being coaled leaves in about
four duys with troops of North Dakota
Wyoming nnd Idaho Minnesota prepar
ing to leave on Sheridan soon as trans
port can be unloaded and coulod Other
volunteer organizations leave boon as
transports aro available
It is stated at tho war department
that General Otis has mado no com
munications to the department regard
ing the organization of any provisional
governments in tho islands or provinces
but it is presumed that ho may bo doing
60 if conditions warrant
lcace Keuclicil at Storm Lulce
Fout Dodge la July 27 Tho ten
sion of tho situation at Storm Lake
where tho Minneapolis and St Louis
and tho Milwaukee roads havo neon en
gaged in a struggle for right of way
has been relieved and tho Minneapolis
and St Louis is uow in possession of the
grounds Tho roads have signed an
agreomout by which tho Milwaukoo
will withdraw its mon and will not in
terfere with tho St Louis in tho build
ing of its track aud the St Louis will
go ahead and put four tracks over tho
disputed right of way Both sidos agree
that noithor side will loso auy allogod
rights by signing tho stipulation
Iowa Cattle Going Illlnd
Fout Dodoe July 27 A very pecu
liar diseaso among cattlo has been dis
covered in tho herd owned by James
Cunningham a prosperous farmer near
Clare in the northern part of tho coun
ty The cattlo aro becoming bliud and
within a month out of a herd of 75 one
third have lost their sight There is
no known cause for the diseaso as the
pasturo is ouo which has been used for
several seasons The blindness is caused
by a film forming over the oyo Voter
imiry Surgeon Gibson will examiuo tho
herd this week
Mloiirl Argonauts Hani Lurk
Paris Mo July 27 Chris Ruerk
Thomas J Murphy and Dennis M
Fields all bronzed and travel worn
havo returned to Paris after an absence
of 17 months iu Alaska Together with
22 other Paris prospectors they started
to Alaska in 1893 with between 35000
and 450000 in cash expecting to amass
a fortune in trading and prospecting
All they have to bhov for their outlay is
n big accumulation of hard luck
City Council In tiling tlin Men iittil limn
puny TiiRiitlii1
GtKVKiiAND July 27 A stop inwhioh
thcro is much hope of conciliating tho
street ear company nnd its striking em
ployes was taken hero Inst night by tho
committeo of tho council which suc
ceeded in patching up an agreement
over ho difficulties which oausod tho
first striko a month ago Tho commit
teo mado a request for a spocial moot
ing o f tho council to moot tonight to
discuss ways and means of putting an
end to the present distressing situation
It is regarded as probablo tho old bom
tnitteo will bo reappointed and at onco
sot about its labors Thoy succeeded in
tho first instance after tho board of jirbl
tration had failed at a coinproiiiso
Tho union inon on tholr part ugrcfcd to
treat tho nouuulonlstH working with
them with every consideration sUown
members of tho brotherhood Ovtf al
legations mado by both sides that1 tho
other had violated this agreement tho
striko which started n wook ago Sunday
grew Tho work of tho committor will
bo to discover if tho agreement has boon
violated and if so by whom
A boy was shot last night by a non
union conductor but whothor it was nn
accident or not tho police havo not de
termined Tho conductor who stood
on tho front platform with tho motor
man carried a revolver in his hand
Suddonly it was discharged and tho boy
was hit by tho ball on tho right I03 just
below tho groin
Kent fiction Unit Will Appurontly liar all
Ollmr Slock from Culm
Washington July 27 Tho secretary
of agriculture has amended tho regula
tions recently issued for the freo admis
sion of cattle into Cuba for tho next
year so as to provido for division in
spectors at Cuban ports instead of at
American ports which was originally
Tho change is mado at tho iustanco of
tho war department and is intended to
permit tho admission of cnttlo from
other countries upon tho same terms as
from tho United States Tho regula
tions as at first drafted requiring tho
stock to be graded and also immune
from fever will bo maintained It is
believed those requirements will result
in the practical limitation of tho cattlo
to American stock as tho South Amer
ican animaLs would not generally bo
graded and those from Europe would
not bo immune as a rulo
Moro NrgrooA for Kauna Mine
Independence Kan July 27 A
train passed through hero yesterday
with two coaches of negroes from Ala
bama for Weir City to tako tho places j
of the striking mmers thero An off or t
was mado to keep tho negroes from on
toriug Kansas which causod consider
able delay aud put the train bohiud
timo Tho negroes aro lockod in tho
cars and guarded by armed men as
trouble is oxpeotod at Weir City Tho
fooling thero is very strong against tho
imported negroes who havo already
caused trouble
Hospital lutlents Milrltlo
Dubuque la July 27 Allen A
Wilson a porter on tho steamer Quiucy
was left hero on the boats last trip suf
fering from typhoid fover Later
whilo delirious ho jumped from an
upper story of Mercy hospital and was
instantly killed Ho lived in St Louis
Suicide Fever at Muscatine
Muscatine la July 27 A suicide
epidemic has struck the city Out of
threo attempts two men and one
woman ouo was fatal Goorgo Satter
thwaito a carpenter and brother-in-law
to tho murderer -of Mrs Crippon last
Sunday took laudanum and died
The strike ou tho Hauua ore dock
has ended
Tho Guatemalan Central railroad has
been sold to a Now York syndicate
Tho government secret service has ar
rested Frank Farroll at Knoxvillo
Tonn for raising 1 certificates to 5
Tho government will assist 40 desti
tute miners at Fort Wranglo Alaska
and possibly 100 others to their homes
The report tho Rock Island road will
absorb tho Chicago nnd Eastern Illinois
nnd St Louis Southwestern is positively
Captain W H Elliott director gen
eral of posts for Porto Rico hailed Wed
nesday from San Juan for his homo in
Socrctary Hitchcock has disposed of
tho Cass Lako Minn controversy by
announcing tho government will sell
tho lands
Tho pig iron stringency predicted
weeks ngo appears to havo materialized
None is to bo had for shipment sooner
than Sept 1
Tho big stnko among the employes of
tho finishing mills at Youngstowu O
has beon settled by an advance of 25
per cent in wages
Representatives of big shoe concerns
havo agreed to an advance iu prices
rather than a cheapening of tho quality
because of highor leathor
Tho body of tho czarowitz was in
terred iu tho cathedral of St Peter uud
St Paul at St Petersburg Wednesday
iu tho preseuco of the czar
Rumors that American politicians
have arrived at Trieste to consult with
Admiral Dewey regarding tho presi
dency aro without foundation
The transports Ohio and Newport loft
San Francisco Wednesday night for
Manila with four compauies of tho Nine
teenth infantry and 700 recruits
Messrs Greyson Orowloy Switzer
nnd Jones expert clerks in tho postal
servico iu the Philippines aro being in
valided home on the transport Shorman
The Washington Post says Bryan will
bo a delegate to tho next Democratic
national convention and quotes Con
grehhimui Clayton of Alabaiii us au
i22rIclIB3 3m Ni
Arbitration Cannot Jeopardize
It Says Mr White
Tin AMiiAssAwm iNTKiivinwri
Anirilrnn Chief IVnrn Ituprommtntlvo Do
olnro If nny IMocllllcutlun U ier Mucin
of Hint rnllry It Cannot lie Done
Tlirotiilt Implication In n Treaty
London July 27 Tho Hague corre
spondent of tho Times reports a long
conversation with Andrew D Whito
Unlnod States ambassador at Merlin and
bond of tho Amorioau delegation in
which tho ambassndor said
I boliovo that 11 vaBt majority of our
people will wolcomo our arbitration
trcnty and in that connection havo a
serviceable plan from the outset from
which 11 moro Important system will bo
evolved Ah tlmo progresses without
doubt references to tho tribunal will bo
como increasingly natural and normal
aud thus wo may hopo to havo every
advantngo claimed for obligatory arbi
tration without its ovorwholming dis
advantages Dut it could hardly bo ex
pected that wo would bo willing to ac
copt the requirement to sweep away
hero and now tho policy of Monroeism
If any modification is over made of
that policy it must bo mado by tho
United States after It has had the op
portunity to study the matter in all its
bearings Snch a chango cannot bo
made hero by Implications in a treaty
for another purpose aud it is import
ant that thoro should bo no doubt on
this point
Mr White thon referred to tho doop
almost religious conviction in tho hearts
of the American peoplo against any
foreigu entanglomont Ho nddod how
ever that the declaration of Monroeism
would lonvo tho United Statos iwlicy
exactly what it had been heretofore aud
would not in tho slightest degree ham
per tho operations of tho arbitration
plan On the contrary tho United
States would fully and faithfully co
operato in tho judicial settlement of
international difficulties by means of
tho agency and machinery provided by
the convention
Champion In Irline Conillllon for HI
Content With Mitchell nml Hmlth
New Yonrc July 27 James J Jef
fries tho pugilist arrived in this city
yestorday after a pleasant trip across
tho country Tho big follow will sail
for Europo today on tho Fuerst Bis
marck Ho is in prime condition for his
contest with Oharloy Mitchell and Join
Smith which is to take placo abroad
within a fortnight Joffries will return
hero about Sept 15 when ho will go
into training at Asbury Park for his
fight with Shnrkey
Tho Sailor said Joffries has been
doing considerable talking about how
quickly ho will polish mo off when we
meet I dont say I will beat him in a
punch in four rounds or anything of
that sort Sharkoy is a big strong fol
low and has a chanco to defeat me but
I think I will got tho decision when wo
Regarding tho talk ubout 11 fight be
twoen himself and McCoy Jeffries said
ho did not consider tho Kid in his
class McCoy he said is a good
clover middleweight but has no chanco
against heavywoights If McCoy how
over insists on a match with me ho can
obtain it providing ho will agroo that
tho winner tako all I am not iu the
fighting gamo for fun I want to got
all tho money out of tho game thero is
in it whilo I am on top Whon some
follow comes along and boats mo I want
to havo a bank account on hand A
beaten fighter is not of much account
unless ho has money iu the bank
Justlcn IrouiUml to Italy
Rome July 27 United States Secre
tary of State John Hay has instructed
tho American embassy to assure tho
government of Italy that tho United
States will adopt overy legal measure
warranted by tho facts to insure justico
in the Tullulah affair The communi
cation adds that Scoretary Hay has ox
pressed to tho Italian chargo daffaires
at Washington tho regret of President
McKinley for tho deplorable occurrences
To Ileturn Captain Forliyi Itody
Washington July 27 Actiug Socre
tary of War Meiklojohu yesterday is
sued orders to Quartermaster Gonoral
Ludiugtou that the body of Captain Lee
Forby bo brought from tho Philippines
in conformity with tho wishes of his
father O H Forby of Omaha This
action was taken on tho earnest request
of Sonator Thurston
New Zinc FieliU In Ununn
Independence Kan July 27 Zino
ore which is pronounced by exports of
excellent quullty has been discovered at
soveral places among tho flint hills wost
of hero A great deal of prospecting is
being dona in that section and froir re
sults so far it is believed that another
great mineral district is to be opened
up in Kansas
Kmlomttil lCvitim anil MoKlnley
Atchison Kan July 27 John A
Martin post of Atchison is not iu sym
pathy with tho light being mudo by the
department of Kansas G A R on
Pension Commissioner Evans uud has
ploptod resolutions censuring certain
state officers of the G A R nnd en
dorsiug Evans and President McKinley
Jor IlnpLlns anil Ciiininlii
Pkiiky la July 27 The Republican
senatorial convention iu the Seventeenth
distiict yesterday nominated PM Hop-
I kins of U1U1tL tor state t nutm and in-
structott ror a
Stains senator
tj uumnuu tor u linen
Icntnll Hill lallix liiipioteiiimit
Washington Inly 27 lofforMm bar
racks secures an allotment of 75001
from the gonci al appropriation for tho
liuprovumuut of army posts
A Special Train OoinrjA 1iiRnritlt llinly
to Nimt Turk
New Youk July 27 Walston tho
beautiful homo at Dublin Ferry where
Robert IugoiMill died was a quiet place
yesterday Tho body of the dead ag
noitlo lay on Ills lower covered bier
Only tho widow and daughters sat near
ll tho othors kept awny
Three hundred loiters wore rorelvod
yesterday from all over tho country
most of them from Intimate friends
Among them letters from J II Man
loy of Maine Mrs Elizabeth Oady
Stanton who wrote a beautiful letter
of hopo ami sympathy Ootavo Tlianut
and Owen Miller prosldont of the
American Federation of Musicians
Colonel Ingersolls body will bo cre
mated today Tho coffin was sent to
Dobbs Ferry yostorday but It remained
all day at the local undertakers It is
a plain black oloth oovorod coffin with
out ornaments or handles of any kind
and without oven a name plate It is
simply a box iu which tho dead may
Ho at roNt during the joumoy to the
crematory at Fresh Pond L I
The body ot tho dead agnostic was
transferred from tho bier to I ho coffin
this morning and whenever tho widow
is ready tho hearso will start down tho
long hill that has been the joke of Col
onel Ingersoll man a time
A special train will tako tho party to
New York city It is only a fow min
utes ride to Freshpond Tho ineinurn
tiou will bo strictly private The tlmo
has not even been set in order that the
public may not know The funeral
party will wait during tho hours whilo
tho body is being consumed to tako tho
ashes back with them The funeral
urn has already been selected It is the
choice from 1000 of George Grey Bar
nard the sculptor and tho dead mans
friend This is only temporary but it
will satihfy Mrs Ingersoll until a finer
one can be mado She is determined
that tho ashes shall not bo away from
her a single moment
Senator Htowartn Plan to limim Htiuit
torlal lilectloiiH In Htatim
Washington July 27 Sonator Stew
art of Nevada In order to obviate tho
apparent nocosslty of an amendment to
the constitution to seouro nt all times a
full representation of states in tho
United States senate at tho next session
of congress will offor relief by legisla
tion Ho proposes that tho following
paragraph bo added at tho end of sec
tion 15 titlo 2 chapter 1 of tho Revised
If on tho third Tuesday after tho
organization of tho legislature no per
son has recoivod such majority thon on
that day or ou any succeeding day tho
person receiving a plurality of tho votes
cast a majority of all tho members
elected to both houses being prcsont nnd
voting shall bo declared olocted
This ho believes will insure tho olection
of a United States sonntor in overy state
at tho time specified by law
Krnmout Canal FruuolilMo irantari
Lincoln Nob July 27 The npplica
tiou of tho Fremont Canal and Power
company for right to tap tho Platte
river for a powor canal and to construct
a reservoir whose capacity shall bo
1254528000 cubic feet of water has
loon granted by State Engineer Wilson
Tho work of constructing tho canal
must begin not later than Jnu 25 1000
and bo comploted Jan 25 1003
Six prostrations from heat wero re
ported Wodnesday in Chicago
Manager Torroyson of tho Grand Rapids-Columbus
baseball team will aban
don Columbus for Springfield
Brickmakers In all tho union yards in
Chicago havo stopped work in pursu
unco of an ordor for a goucral striko
Two sons of Henry Gorman aged
nino and 1 1 years wore drowned while
bathing at Kewaunee Wis Wednes
Thero was uo sottlemont of the dis
pute botweeu the coal operators uud
miners of Illinois at the meeting Wed
P L Stocking assistant postmaster
at Taooma Wash has beon appointed
assistant director general of posts at
A oyolo match for the championship
of tho world aud a purse of 1200 lias
been arranged for Aug 12 at New
York betweou Harry Elkes uud Tom
Judge O O Koblsuat of Chicago in
an address before tho Bankruptcy con
vention Wednesday opposod tho now
bankruptcy law aud declared it should
be repealed
Tho five men who held up the Wis
consin Centrals through Chicago train
Within eight miles of Waupaca Wis
in 1805 aro said to havo been captured
Alfred Vnnderbllt son of Cornelius
Vanderbilt William P Burden sou of
James P Burden William Iselin and
Douglas Cochrau left New York Wed
uosduy for u years tour of tho world
Government Officials Accused
of Claim Gobbling
A MitIIiiu of Mlnnr Unlit
AiritlnM tlin McIIhhW of
Htitlim Cninnilmlontir DlnpiMnil
hy Ilin
Tinin Milium IIIkI on Many Tlnirn
Bkatmk Wash July 27 Advices
received on tho Mourner Ellhu Thomp
son from Dawson indicate that the
miners of Cameron and Anvil Oily are
wrought up to a high pilch 011 account
of the notion of United States Commis
sioner Shoppard backed by the United
States soldiers A miners meeting of
nearly 1000 men wns dispersed on tho
night of the 15th by a squad of soldiers
ou tho ground that they were not prop
erty owners
The meeting had boon called regularly
after five days notice to protest against
tho policy that has been followed lu lo
cating claims These miners declared
that a clique or ring hud been formed to
gobble up all the good properties iu the
country It is charged by minors who
came In 011 he Thompson that the ma
chinery of tho federal government on
tho Yukon has been turned to theHo Ille
gal practices Thoy say some of tho
Laplanders who wore sent up thero un
der live years emit runt by tho govern
ment have since arriving been natural
iod and claims have been staked in
their nanies Even tho reindeer which
these Ijupliuidfrri wero hired to tako
euro of have been used for hauling
stakes into tho country to mark the
claim boundaries for thu members of
the ring
When tho steamer left tho nioinbers
wore signing a protest which is to be
forwarded to Washington alleging the
officials al St Michaels aro conducting
tho affairs of the government to theii
own hellish ends Whilo returns be
twetii t lie miners and nlllcmls are at a
high tension thero has been 110 desire
shown to resort to force and no serious
trouble is anticipated Conditions aro
iu such a confused shape that nothing
is being done Hundreds of contests
have boon filed but that is as far as tho
men can go The rich claims ou
Anvil creek and Snow gulch have boon
filed on threo or four timos over Men
aro afraid to prospect lwcauso they sny
if ouo should striko anything ho would
not bo able to hold tho claim
Tph Million From tho Klonillltn
Washinhtov July 27 Information
from tho Klondike up to June 20 has
reached the state department from
United States Consul McOook ot Daw
sou Tho consul says 110000000 in
steiid of 0000000 in gold will covor
the gold product for the past 12 months
and adds that reports from Alaska indi
cate that moro gold will bo found
thero than over will como out of tho
Tlin Conversion of Coupon Into Hrlntnrit
HonclH Innifmnliii
Wariiinoton July 27 Tho conver
sion of coupon bonds of tho l per cont
Spauish war loan into registered bonds
continues to go forward rapidly When
tho loan was first issued thero wero 80-
81 1000 registered lionds issued on orig
inal applications Sinco that time there
have been exchanged 07010510 coupon
bonds for registered so that tho totul
amount of registered bonds of this issuo
outstanding for payment of the dividend
duo Aug 1 is8t50fil0
For a timo tho amount of bonds regis
tered iu tho names of national banks
hold as security for circulation and pub
lic deposits increased rapidly but for
tho quarter ending Aug 1 tho total will
bo less than for May 1 Tho number of
banks has increased however
As against this falling off iu tho hold
ings of registered bonds of national
banks thero seemed to bo a continued
sharp iucrcaso iu individual holdings
and tho quarter which will end with
August will show tho largest increaso of
such holdings of registered bonds iuuny
quarter sinco tho loan was Issued
Irenldeiit nnd Mr MoKlnley to Spnnil
Kovnrul Weeks In Now York
Washington July 27 Prosldont and
Mrs McKinley loft Washington on a
specinl train at 1 oclock yesterday for
tho Hotel Champlain Lako Champlain
for a stay of several weoks With the
president woro Miss Sarah Duncan his
niecoj Secretary Cortelyou and a rotiuue
of White House attaches and sorvants
A crowd of bovoral hundred was at tho
station to soo tho prosidontial party off
Tho party is duo to arrive at the Hotel
Champlain today
PLATTsmma N Y July 27 The
presidential party will arrivo at Hotel
Champlain today Tho suite of rooms
on the main floor which Mrs McKin
ley oujoyed so much during her stay
hero two yoars ago have Iwoii specially
furnished iu light blue hor favorite
color Tho president and his wife will
tako their meals in their own rooms
during their stay at tho hotel
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
The Norfolk Weekly News
j s mofRow
Will put ilown iinwwnlln or repair nM ohm
Iiauin luouions Sharpened ouJKwrftEEo
Viifl Plilllp Avn Tnlnpliotm lit
HciiiliiniitlciH mnnvl from Iciiirt
hlii In dim DtnllnyH ulnliln on M 1 1 Ht
Plumbing Stun Filling
Oar Shep Ih tho Neatest
in the City
Tanks Wind Mills
Ami all repidr work In tlili Him on 11
rUtlifnotlnn InnrMitonrt
Klmt ilonr ontb of lll New nffls
Prices treasonable
Up stairs over Waroliums Millinery
-110 TO-
W 0 Halls Barber Shop
Everybody wants the est oE
meats Wo make a spocial
effort to please our trade
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold
Braasch Avenue
and Third St
Highest Market Price Paid
Butter and Egrgrs
Always Fresh
and Just as
North Western
F E W V R Is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
Money to Loan
Real Estate