f s i L 7 I 1 t I i n 7 iiii f 5 t s V They fit ths Teet as nature ntended s -a Get the Genuine Dont bo fooloil ly Uio just as good wUoii youvo nuulo up your mind to try Monnoss Millor Shoos Koniombcr this ono fact that appearances aro sonto times docoptivo Other shoes may resemble tho famous Jenness Miller Shoes in stylo of linish but thoy aro bound to lack tho inherent qualitios of tho jjonuino Tho perfect lit that means go much oase to tho foot is peculiar to tho anatomically correct Monnoss Millor Shoo It is tho only shoo that fits tho foot as naturo intended Wo invito you to examine Jonnoss Millor Shoos and Oxfords Wo know you will bo satisfied Only to be had of us in this city 350 Per Pair THE JOHNSON DRY GOODS CO 3 VRNK3 TYLER H J COLB J J B Barnos Attorney at Law Norfolk I M D Tylsr Nebraska R II T IIOLDEN Homeopathic LkrHlcian and Surgeon Ottioo ovor Citizens Nutionnl Hank Oilloe hoars 10 -00 to 12 M a in ami 2 AM to 5 -00 pm i evenings 700 to 400 Uostdeuoe Tolophouo No 9 Offioo No tut Norfolk Nebraska DENTIST Offlea OTerCltlieaa Natl Bank Baaldanoa oa bloak north of Ooaarogatlonal obareb Norfolk Nebraska jyfISS MARY SHELLEY Fasklonable Dressmaker Cpatalrala Cotton olook orar Baama ator Flrat cltaa work cnarantaad Norfolk Nebraska POWERS A HAYB ItterHera at Law Boom 10 It and U Malt Bloak Norfolk Nebraska gKSSIONS A BILL Undertakers aad Embalmers BaaalooaBlk Norfolk At Nirfolk Nebraska Iff M ROBERTSON Attorney at Law RooniR 1 and 2 Robertson Wilton Block Norfolk Mrs HHHull WILLOW Pieil TretnieQt Miaieariog and Shampoo WlUiladly oall at yoar bomu and do any of tbt work Ordara taken for flna hulr awltehaa Perfect match guaranteed Bealdeaoe on Flrat street Jnnotlon Ordora mar ba left at th Janotion DnurBtora Tdlepnon lO NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency Night Emlsslonsand wasting diseases all etiects of self W1 i abuse or excess and Indls icretlon A uorvo toulc and 1 blood builder Brings the rplnk glow to pale cheeks and restores tlu fire of vnuth RBv mall KQa nerbox O boxes icr ii ou wiin a written gunrau too to euro or ruluul tho inoiiuy Send for circular Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO Clinton Jackson Sts CHICAGO I Li For sale by Geo B OUristoph Norfolk 12 iu 7a Hi 111 H 16 o2 76 A 3117 Ml 40 tl 68 70 i 87 417 w rs US 80 07 ISO 35 3 431 25 S8 2 3tl I 101 89 7 42 137 i si VI ViS 1S1 Id 132 HI 51 1SS 50 108 A 02 N 131 177 at IM 31 48 iu in is KM St 78 aa in 14 11 69 VU Hi ai 98 451 48 W HI 78 83 Itt 83 74 C77 7 30 U 61 577 317 yo 109 71 102 it U 70 116 f 51 77 120 Srt 54 i 324 132 2 18 120 J 21 44 b6 43 74 101 630 42 51 6J7 616 IU 651 inH 24 i5 131 5 JO 17 in 13 r Tftcplmn loilnalaud Niiiuliers Ilrsl To onll give thn crank one ijnlrk turn Till tin tour Imll nnd also signals tlm ronlrnl dllloo I lied Immpdintnl put tho linmt tntn tilionn to tour itnr W hen lift operator Inquires NumW glvn llin uunilior of t ho nrt roti nnntlitit not lour own number unless tlm oMrntor nk for ll The operator will In imiilr niiiiii oi dm wlroK timl rlnif Minr irt r forjoiii Keep the telepiionotn loiirriir If tho party 1 ill wnnt In In tin will answer tlm omrn lor without lour riuxtiitf Donolrinu linok If tlm operator calls In nl any tline answer tier to prevent iliHCoiiiiirlloii When thiongli lvn a short rlrtK Uiulwoiiiiect ttiTiiiut When railed ilo not runt buck otlt atniireput the telephone to jour pur nml Inlk Third If nf tor joii hnvo railed the operator kiji lnnij It menus Hint tho party railed for It connected with some ono vim Malta few n ntnl anil nttniu Fourth Never ring thn noil except to cnll Central or to disconnect Klftli Avoid louil nml bnUtrrnns convenw Hon HlMiik In jour nuturiil tnuotiiid clonu to he transmitter Hlxth -When not In nse nlwars linnu thn hniiddeteplinun on Itn hook largo nul down otherwise your toloplmnn wont Inlk wnll Do not use jour lolepliotut during a t lititiilor ntorm No Hnbscrlber Al American Hoot Nngnr Co oltlco Mil Ailnnm J residence 877 Alexander W K residence 17 Allinton A II rosldendeuce 89 American Kxprtvw 7 Anznlgor IM Ahltimn Dr llertha residence UK llrnasch A Zuelow urocrry I It Harties J ailgn residence 8 llwr Dr raiililanM 10 lllrohnnl 1 T rwldonoo 01 Ilraajoli A Hon coal unit grata oltlos 11 lluttornolil V 11 maltlnnoo 7H llrunnon Dnllai raalilnnoii 10 Illiikonmn W Hrniltltnct 7M HaiiunK Trnnsfor Lino Oil llallnjr Nolllo rotlituuco 310 Union K Wrnililnoo an Hull r r roxhlouco 4 lloxO v ijrocory 107 Hox I V riiililonea I2 llrnrtHh J W ntalilonca 105 Hlntt It rcalilnnco te lions J K ulllco 1IH llunillok N riHiiluucn M Hullock K A offlcn S7 llurhoU llennnu riMiiloiiCo ti7 Hullock K A rosliliiion 140 HrltlKo S rnalilmico 22 lllrl W H rmliliMico hi llrliln V II riHiilcno 1 Cltliona National Hank A0 City Wntnrworka M City Klro Alarm 10 Colo II J roaldntim 101 Colo Dr lllolllco SI Orttl MAO Uy Ill lilcK LinmiMir io 12 Chapman C J roHlilcneo A7 Clinpiunn C J olllco 117 UrniuiHiry Ill CnlHlitou ilopot M City WntorOommlHslonor roililonco 72 Clovor Hollo 120 Cold stornuH 127 Iriink J K rolilinc I8U Ciirlor I W roMiiloiieo 1 11 oyin JnmiB urncory 141 ollnimirtV Irani Krociry A21 Cotton B S ruslilimco 32 DAlliT Nwh bnalneaa ottoi 27 Dnrlnnil A J Ollloo TiO Durlnml A J rotiloucn 112 Dnvonport loo Sr roddlonca IS DavntilMtrl Uooi barn 8t Doxtor W Hlnuuilry M7 IJonn 8 1 roalilouon 117 nouiior Albert luirilunri Uoxtor a K cold stormy Dimn K tirokoraomco Duitloy oo llvory horn Doxtor V 11 rontdenci Khlodoo Kdwitnlft J W linrHoalioer Kilily A N roaldouco Hlwmli A lira tf uril Lumbar Co Klootrlo LlKht KIwrhurtH roatunrnnt KHtnbrook K h rodldonco Kmwlor 8 Iiakory Kriiliiy John linnlwnro Koruoy C M droit Hta V K A M V lty Crouhtoa Dopot K K A M V Train Dlapatohara offloa Fair Store K K M V round lions Ooroako Herman roaldaaoa IhnHiimn moat mnrkot tlroiU MUlurd roHldonco Harnod C lit D roaldoucd Haoi Dr W II U residaaoa Iliinllnu Creamury Co llordluK Chiva roatdouco ltanly It K coal othcu Ilnya Jno It raaidonon Iduon M C roaliLnco tlopital for Insane Haae W N roaldenoe IIubo W Noffloo Ilorahiaor J L drn atom Holdou Dr It T nHidooco Holdon Dr H T otllo llolohun C II olllco llulir John Ilifth School HolTmnn V II rinIdeuco Ilollor Hiloou HiuiKorford Ira I rotudttneu i llnjoa J 8 ronldouco lllhlhu i rvrtldoaco llnlvorttoln 1 realdonco JolitiHon Dry loodn Co Jonrnal ottica Juuotlun lru Btoro Jnuoliou Meat Mnrkot Jaunmun F W ntlicn Junction School Honni Jobunon A J risidcMico Karo Ilroa meat nmrUot Kinsman J H reatdanca Kolpor Or I F auiorintoudent Inaane Kiesau A HilrUK Htnro Kloaao Dr F W reaidoucn Knollln A J V Co Mura rmldetico KooulKatcln 1 J roaldoncu Leonard Aaa K drag atore Laumlry Lulkurt A riHidpucd Lodur llarrjr aaloou Lobnow Mr8 M rtaiddneo Lowo K A rosiilonct Lewis A Snouardsou utiles Maoomber Dr A LofflceJ Madaen Fred L reildenee McDonald Kern Mlhilla W llverr barn Mlttloetadt L C otllce MoNoinee W J realdonoa McKlm 45 A rtfaidnuee Mackay Dr J H office Matran llCotltco Morrow J S residinic Morrow T J rosideuo Mbimm t Hbzuii Masters O 1 roHliloncu Mnllin J A reatdouce Norfolk National Bank Norfolk Waterworka Naettele A- Zlniaun meat market Norfolk Electric Lhilit A iowor Co Norfolk Btoam Laundry Norfolk Keot Satrar Co Mrfru realdenco Norfolk Foundry Oinard Hotel OdlorneT E resilience laclfio Hotel Pacific Kipreea Co Iattereon 11 11 residence Patterson II 11 office Parker DrC H realdence Power Juilif reaidunce Paewalt 11 A implement warehouse Pasoualk 11 A realdeucu ltalnbolt N A realdeace Reynolda C U realdauce Koland W grocery Holler Mllla Keea D realdence lteynoldaU H office ilUli V II realdence Hloe Chaa aaloon lieiua E ll reaidence Stewart H Areldence Suiter A Salter Dra office Salter Dr P il residence Salter D coal ollioe 8choree E J bakery BeKiou L realdence Shaffer Mat meat market Bhnrts n E grocery Sldlera dour and feed atore and dray Hue Sprochor 1 T realdence Sogar Faotory Sugar City Cereal Mill Seller O H livery Salter Dr Frank O realdeuca Semour Ed realdence Spear lleo 11 hotel Steiena E W reaidence SaT rd P lealdence School Dlatrict Illuh school School Dlatrict Waahiuuton ichool Hpanlillun 11 L residence Sooutfiu H L residence Siillera Klonr A Kiwi store t hurtz CI K rcaldoucn Suiter M P residence Sprecher P F reniilenee Schell Fml residence Shwp ranch Teal A residence Taehjeau lr A H office ThoinMnOroeer Timea Tnbuce Office frw THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JULY 20 1899 10 Tolotraiili olllco 11 Ulilo Oacar urocorr si Union Iacino Hallway 112 Vornoa tr KrMliloncc 31 Wnlkor M fool olla and natollna M WoRonor Kd llvory 40 ratorn Onion Toleitraph ohoo M Walnr Coinmlaalminr V Waiorworka puinpiiu alatlon 37 Wnlkpr M l rcnliloncii III M ftt M 1117 10 ounr It II nlllcj Wit7or Vu rothlonco Wlctfor K otlioo Wnnhlnittou fflhool Wnllor H H rralilnncu Vount M olllco jonif illatanrotiilnnhonn with niRtnlllcctr cult Intv Itulcn l tlm iit Your nttontlon Is dlroctod to tho ox- coptionnlly low nitus In elTect this com Ing Koitson to noarly ovorv prominent point In tho Kast Never boforo hns nuoh an excellent opportunity boon nffordod for a sumniPr vnciitiou tour or for visiting friouda In tho East Wo mention bolow a few of tho places to whioh greatly reduced rates havo booumado Tho UNION PACIFIC is tho lino that will glvo youtho bust service to any of thoso points Indianapolis Iud July 20 U3 Rato one faro plus f J00 for tho round trip For full Information as to ditto of salo anil limits on tlokots tlmo of trains oto call on F W Juneman Agent 1 K 1- M V CIIiump ICmnrnloin To Detroit Mtoh accouut Christian Endeavor convention oxoursiou tlckots at ono faro plus IJOO for round trip good to return by oxtousiou until Aug ust loth To Indianapolis Iud accouut Ep wortli loague excursion tickots on July 18 l and 20 at ono faro plus 2 00 for round trip good returning by extension until Aug tlOth To Hot Springs 5 D oxoursiou tickots on Jul and IS at one faro plus 200 for tho round trip with M day limit for return To Plaluviow Nob account district G A R rouuiou oxoursiou tickets at ono faro for the round trip on July 10 to 14 inclusive good to return until July lii To Indianapolis Iud excursion tickets ou July 18 II and xO at one fare plus 200 for tho round trip good to re turn until July 21 and by doposltluK ticket and payment of SO cents may bo extended until August 20 accouut Ep worth loague H C Matkau Aceut A Sound Liver Make a Well Man Aro you bilious constipated or troubled with jaundice sick headacho bad taste in mouth foul breath coated touguo dyspopsia indigestion hot dry skin pain iu buck and betweeu the shiuldors chills and fever etc If you havo any of these symptoms your liver Is out of order and your blood Is slowly being poisoned because your llvor does not act promptly Herblue will euro auy disorder of tho liver stomach or bowels It has no equal as a llvet medicine Price 75 cents Free trial bottle at G B Ohristophs OASTOniA Bean tba j nB M m mv as B l2nl SigDatare of uLrfffifa Are you lacking in streugth and en ergy Are you nervous despondent irritable billious constipated and generally run down In health If so your liver Is torpid aud a few doses of Herbiue will cure you Herbluo has no equal oh a health restorer Gko B Ohristoi ii CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always taught Bears the Signature of UCu For olliclal map of city of Los Angeles and N E A pamphlet address F W Juneman Grippe Cured Iast winter I had a bad cold and severe cough I was lame iu every joint and muscle I was sick and felt as though I was comimrdowu with typhoid fever It was no doubt a bad case of grippe Mr E P Budge gave me a bot tle of Brazilian Halm saying tie was sure it would help me The reli vas almost instantaneous It r stopped my cough and took the t wfth all the pains and soreness ou my system I gave the balauce of thr 50 cent bottle to Mrs Bishop Wiley for her daughter It proved so beneficial she says she never intends to be without it Edwin Pitzjones Cincinnati Ohio Asthma Onu lie Cured J R Niblo ex school superintendent of Rochester Pa says I nave been a great sufferer from asthma for years but I have had a splendid winter owiug to the surprising efficacy of Brazilian Balm A lady in Cincinnati who had suffered with asthma for 17 years could not lie down was perfectly cured witb Brazilian Balm Why Suffer vltli Dyspepsia Chas Broome 850 South Second St Philadelphia says It took only two months for Brazilian Balm to cure me of dyspepsia with which I suffered over 30 years Now I have no pain or stomach cough and can eat anything Brazilian Balm beats thn world PLEURISY QUICKLY CURED I have suffered the most excruciating pains in the side The Doctor said it was Pleurisy The Brazilian Halm gave me almost Instant relief when every thing else failedaud permanently cured me I took it and had some warmed ami rubbed ou strong Mrs Elizahktu Pakckis Marcus Hook Pa I IL ra I To PATENT Good Ideas may bo secured by our aid Address THE PATENT RECORD RllltmnrA MS Subscription to The Fteat Record tlUOpertaaum MImihiiI Clop iMidltloii CoMTMMA Mo July 20 Tho har voting of wheat is about completed Threshing i progressing with results a1 heretofore reported of a good grain bul light yield A fair crop of oats will bo savr d There continues to bo soma complaint of rust Corn has nuulo sub stantial progress except in southern counties I lay harvest is Hearing com plot ion A gootl crop will be saved within Ilia next two weeks weather permitting Flax is being cut and threshed The crop is a good one Uuckwhoat needs rain Cotton con tinues to improve and is advancing into bloom Millet and sugar cauo aro doin well Apples aro very poor An Wheel Accident NnwTON ICan July 20 An emery wheel in the railroad lunchiuo shopq here broke and struck Ted Aiken in tlm chest Tho wound is serious causing hemorrhages which may end iu death WeiluiKiliin llnanliiill lumen NATIONAL IKAOUK Halttmorn 0 Cincinnati J NuwYorkil Chlcnito II Philadelphia f Louisville 8 Hrooklyn I Pittsburg 1 Huston 8 Ht Louis 1 WnshliiKton T Cleviilatid 4 Second tamo WnMilnittou Cleveland X WtHTKIlN tKAour Kansas City II Indlnnapolls 11 Milwaukee 7 Detroit 9 CEREALS GO STILL LOWER Miirkct Influenced by Crop Now nml Ab sence nf Cnali Deinniid Chicago July 19 Values continual to nhrltik on thn Imard of trndo today Wheal closed nt tlm bottom of n lo decllno corn losl Jfo oats c whllo provisions closed un chanuod to 7c lower tho Intter In pork Per fect weather everywhere In tho wheat belt primary receipts unprecedented nt this time of the year lower rubles from both BiiKltiud nml the continent and tho entire nhsimrn for demand for cash wheatwero n fuw of tho mar ket features Clo diii prices WllKAT Sept TOJiie Dec Wo CoilN Hcpt ILo Dec UOJSc OATS Sept livtfdinje Dec 20o PoitK Scpt I9S J Uina Sept tS Laiiii Sept 55T Dec 573 Chicago Ile Stuck CmrAOO July 19 Cattle Rccnlpts 12000 receipts of cuttle were hinall today and jiHcim Kood Kontl to fancy steers broURht WU0o83 commonor Rrntlcs 410S00 Htockcrs and feeders 19Wijp480 bulls cows and heifers Ji00fit5l0 Texn s steers W5O052B and cnlves flfi0iip700 Hogs Receipts 5000 receipts were liberal nnd prices up alout 10c heavy lots wero wold nt ftlVftl00 commoner Brndes 4IW9405 lluhtH brought t440fa 453 plus f3ua 0i nnd culls nnd roUL li lots 200A4 Sheep Receipts 15tKW prices for heep ruled about stendy Helling nt for culls ta f500t52i for prime wethers western nine sheen brought f80Krt400 ycnrlliiKs ftiSSSOl sprint lumbs tlOOTw lambs brought 47 tl50 Knnsns City IUo Stock Kansas City July 19 Cattle Receipts fl 500 well finished steers strong to 10c higher medium grades steady common stuff shndu lower good stock and feeding cattle steady heavy native steers f52500 light weights t48V560 stockers and feeders t380ifli500 western steers tiUO4U0 Texan f315415 Hogs Receipts 10tS0 market opened nctivo nt advance of lOo weakened hut closed strong nt opening prices heavy f40445 medium f42140 light t4aXg487H pigs t415425 Sheep Receipts 1780 good nctivo market prices about steady spring lambs f500llOO muttons tlOOftO stockers and feeders f304 8125 culLs f200Wil00 South Oiuiiha Tlve Stock SotmijOMAHA July 10 Cattle Reootpts 3500 strong nativiCbcuf steors f48050O western steers f 400 400 Texas steers t875 400 cows and heifers fDHOfruO cuuners ta50350 stockers and feeders f380485 calves t4 00 050 bulls stags etc t100425 Hogs Receipts 9800 10c higher heavy t42545 mixed J4SYH27K light f42VJ 432 pigs 35042o bulk of sales f425f480 Sheep Receipts 1600 steady yearlings t425ij4G0 western muttons t40O9435 stock shuup t375425 Iambi 145029575 obtoux Bean tha J9 I m mw Always BOUJTl Signature Qf Ctffflju If your child has thin pale cheeks uncertain nppetite and uurestful sleep it has worms aud curing with strong medicine only makes conditions worse by irritating its delicate stomach Whites Cream Vermifuge is mild but certain iu effect and is a superior tonio as well as a positive worm destroyer Geo B Chkistoph O Bean th Signature of BTOXiXA The Kind You Have Always Bought GtfMu Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment gives Instant relief It allays Inflammation and heals It Is Dromot iu its action and positive iu its offect It is the kind that cures without paiu or discomfort It is for piles only 50 ceuts Tubes 75 cents Geo B Ohristoph The fat undertaker Who plants by the acre Poor victims of cough and cold Is sighing and crying For weve alt stopped dying Since Brazilian Ilalm was sold And or those who desire Not just yet to go higher It Is -worth its weight In gold Stop thnt barking by the use of Bal lards Horohouud Syrup It arrests the cough allays Irritation of the throat and relieves congestion of the lungs in a day It is safe and pleasant to take aud never disappoints 25 and 50 ceuts Geo B Ohristoph fkaUfrtpVtt tnmUU REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE V5i3kfi ivuixosc xusn Made a Well Man v of Me prodaoM thn above reaoita ln30 day ItacU powerfully and quickly Cures wben aU others Ul I Young men will regain their lost manhood and old men will recorer their youthful vigor by using BETIVO It gulckly and surely restores Nervous ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions Lost Power Failing Memory Wasting Cleeasesand all efforts of self -abuse or excess and Indiscretion which unOts one for study business or marriage II not only cures by starting at the eat of disease bul la 0 great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring ing back the Dlnlc clow to nale cheeks and re storing the Ore of youth It wards off Insanity ana consumption insist on having iKiavubo other It can be carried in vest pocket Dy mall 8100 per package or six for SSOO with a poel tiro written guarantee to enro or refund tho money Circular free Address Royal Medicine Co3lrtco0rll For sale iu Norfolk by Q tx B CUtUtopu fit tyijf555jr I V v J B L H via Jj9 m ll CAST0SH 1 f - - - 4 s r t - -1 i fc Hi r 1 1 1 i 1 n 1 t t 1 ai Vegetable PrcparationrorAs slmtlallng llicFocilatwiRcgula liiig ihc Stomachs andBo cls cf PromotcsDitlcstionChEcrful ucssandRcstContalrts ncillicr OpiutnMorphinC norMineraL Not Narcotic Jkapt efXl SWUnJ3lua Jmnfhn SttJ fimMUSJlt Am tt Stmt mrtmlmttmU nit fait - tnfd Sugar mir tt ngrvn B tMSJSBiai AncrfcctRcmcdv forConslioa lion Sour Stomach Diarrhoea Worms Lonvuisionsrevcnsri css andLosS OF SLEEP 00 locSimlte Signoturc of NEW YDHK EXACT C0PV Pr MBAEPCB Jsa Mm For and Children aliiH tj XT yg JJ IfiisM l WsfaasUUssilaWl The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Jf Signature of IJvF j AAtf i I 11 I sfXI Alt The Kind You Have Always Bought CASTORIA THE CCNTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK OITT HEALTH AND VITALITY JV33H V3DXIJCIVU XXXiXjS The crctt remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tho generative organs of olthersox such as Nervous Prostration Falling or Lost Manhood Impotency Nightly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry ozcesslva uso of Tooacco or Opium which lead to Consumption and Insamtv With overv ICTCD IIQIUC 5 order we guarantee to euro or refund the money Sold at 8100 per box ArlCnUOinOi g boxes for SJOO IJItITIOTTS CUEirUCAIi CO Clovelaud OUlo For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY M Uruea 37 Medford St Medfoxd ataos writes on Jany 81 it lavn t Av ii mM Vuilmnlt tar tna to Bnd lanrum ta dsaerlba nr auffertmr for throe Dr Kays Renovator Tastata ttra aora far and all nervooa and blood dlaaaaea ata AT Tml rlnvlfforata tna whole system ana andTlgor to the whole body The y 2 CO LU g Q T3 i I 3 C3 d nuvtrreenn to talc m IT HAS TWO TO TOTXK LK1TJTD luDIOIKEa BBLXJNO FOB R R TIMETA8LE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST DEPART Omaha Passenger 6 01 am Chicago Expresa 1210 p m EAST ARRIVE Chicago Express 7KW o m Omalin Pascngor 1240 p m WEST OEPAUT Dlack HUIs Express 7r2ipm Verdigre Passpngnr 1240 p m Verdigro Accommodation U OGam WEST ABBIVE niack Hills Kxpris ISfflOp m Verdigro Passenger fl 05 a in Verdigro Accommodation 740pm Tho Chicago and Black Hill Exprciw arrives and departs from Juuntiou depot Tbo Omaha aud Verdigre trains arrivo and depart from city depot H U Matbau Agent Union Pacific SOUTn DEPART Columbus Accommodation 8 00 p m Omaha Denver and Pacific Coast 10 40 a m NOHTn AKBIVE Columbus Ace mmodatton lJ3pm Omaha Denver and Pacific coast 9 05pm Connects nt Norfolk with b E 4 M V going west and north and with the C Ht P M O for points uurtli and east F V Jckbman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EAST DKPABT Sioux lty and Omaha Passenger 7 Mam Sioux lty Passenger l23pm WVHT ABUIVB Slonx City Pasenger 1033 a m bionx City Btid Omaha Passenger SJS p m Connects at Norfolk with P E A M V truing west and north aud with the U P for points south F W Juneman Agxnt Daij except Sunday QtO A LATIMER Attorney at Law Offlc In Mast Block INSKEEPS milililHEHY Cheapest and licit 323 Norfolk Avenue Spenase 6V Ovtlman Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly Done t km aad kidney diseases alaTjondener female LTalnabM aa U renoratea and a too biooa giving new me 1 a known Verv nleasant and H AS MANY D0BE3 AS H A M H FRIHB HOIQ DT nt prloe 860 and SL Sand for tha booklet It treats rii a - K u free v MffelstB or sent by mall on reoelptof diAnll diseases and maov say His wort IB If thny fould not get another sent T frromonr Wrxtern Olffie Dr B JKaj Medical Co S 18th Bt Oraahia Seh SBtiCfWmSti ttM ifVyeara before Uking your Dr Kays Eenovatorv Several physlolans pronounoed my teH S caaoone of Verroua Dyspepsia and Herons Prostration A little oxofqf C SK uon exoltement or worry would oansa great prostration extreme nervousness Oj4 Crr L hMuha lnrt ltlnn aa4 Mvera vomitlnc which at time kODt no oontlnually tor VHM VwoorthrewdayslngplWoC all my phyalolana paid do Ibeoame Terr thin U4f O y flesh and lc4 nearly aU of my lialrtitopc my aaedbelnf ntlrebr bald I sufThi fnrwlterrlMr with mrsonuwK being tmable to dlgeat anyUUnar I tried eeveral nhvilntB lolana WltUOUt getunff any reuea jruaauy awtugraarioaa wmi l io lOanovatiW US I huu la hntl me Dt Mi took U and to ehange was Lai MiauNiMfiiidBaMlkiaisirsaiiUUubimiir thank fnl for Book a panaooa aa Da Kaya Rsaotrntor as ijay ffcyaolano omid not help me AasooBaalbecutotmBrowBnyaatrbsamatoiTwwsnawUU ii eonia W2SSrtEVejrX2i Wf Railroad and Business Directory Z CO w y S CO 1 1 in a aB5 DC Z Lii ij Jsi C S HAYES Fine Watch Repairing IHC TRUMAN Paints and Cdall Paper House and Sign Painter J W EDWARDS VHHIWsnf SvJnvMKigsr The Norfolk Horseshoer Ali Woek Ooakanteed Cor Uh St and Ilraasch Ave W W MANGUS Painting and Paperhanglng Pine Work Guaranteed JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder 1 1 7 Fourtn Street S fJV H A- t 4 it 11 V iV