The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 20, 1899, Image 5

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toaty of feature
Misd beatify of foot
tre both equally
to be desired
The tatter can
thvos be as
mrec by
ate A
GreenWheeler Shoes
The Qrccn Wlicelcr Shoes
nrc famous for clegnucc
of fit ease and durability
No ladys wardrobe is
complete without them
Thousands of Amer
ienn m omctt nclil
their jirnlc of I lie
liiKli ciunllly of
tlie e slices We
confine tlie sale
to one dealer
Sold Exclusively by
Norfolk Shoemen
A 0 U W
Meeti in Odd Fellow Hall on the first and
tbird Fridayi of each month Visiting broth
ers cordially invited to attend all onr meetings
W B Hoffman Financier L C Burgclt Be
eorder C O Dolau If aster Workman
Have You Noticed
Johnsons Furniture
The windows are full of them
Offico Hardys Cool Office
Three good houses to rent
Home worth 1000 for 600
Two good rooms up3tairs oue large
tale room dowr stairs for rent
Money to loan on real estate
Come and see me when yon want in
surance J E SIMPSON
For first class mer
chant tailoring see My
Tailor where you will
have suits well made
and trimmed which is
the main part of mer
chant tailoring when
they are made to order
Call on My Tailor and
have prices quoted
The Weather
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hoars ending at 8 a m to
Maximum temperature 88
Minimum temperature 00
Average 74
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for mouth 121
Barometer 2948
Forecast for Nebraska Generally
fair tonight and Friday Warmer west
central portion tonight
Mrs August Pasewalk is very sick
and it is feared that she will not live
through the day
Tom Hight now has his baths at the
dam in running order aud is prepared to
attend to the wants of those who like
1 lenty of water for their bath
Louis Bagger Co patent attorneys
Washington D O report that on hut
Tuesday George N Beels of thiB place
obtained a valuable patent for improve
ments in book marks
While Gus Marquardt was riding his
wbe l and carrying a package yesterday
his wheel got balky aud threw him to
the ground bruising his knee quite bad
ly He is stiff aud laino from the effects
of the fall today
Mrs Dr Cole is entertaining a num
ber of neighborhood children at a pic
nic party at Spring Branch this after
uoon Refreshments and games will
coufctituto a largo portion of the after
noons entertainment
Norfolk lodge No 40 I O O V
meets in regular session tonight It is
twi that there wiU be work in the
initiatory and firbt degree All
hers nre urged to atteud Visiting
brothers cordinlly invited
Prosiect Hill is now a beautiful come
tcry nnd its appearance is being im
proved each year Tho green sward is
as smooth as nny lawn in tho city
while the will kept flower beds trees
nnd shrubbery serve to greatly enhance
its beauty
Tho Yankton Press and Dnkotanof
Mommy says V W Graham who
is to build tho Yankton Norfolk fc
Southern railway is expected to reach
Ynuktou from Norwnlk Ohio tomor
row He reached Norwalk from New
Yoik city on Saturday
Lincoln Journal A resident of North
Nineteenth streot waB up town the other
evening with his wife hud on returning
homo was surprised to find a bundle on
his doorstop that very much resembled
a little baby Examination proved that
tho baby was only a mako bolievo ouo
and all ended well Ho Bays tho owner
can have tho doll by calling for it Tho
matter was not reported to tho police
Croto Herald Tho Custer County
Chief tells of n gentleman who has re
cently finished a telephono system to
Merua using tho barbed wire on tho
fences for the lino Ii states that tho
syttem is a success and some extensions
will probably bo made It scorns to us
that tho hchomo is a good one but
wouldnt tho words be a little pointed
by thejjtime M sot to tho end of tho
A considerable judge of human nature
had an opportunity to exorciso his tnl
ents in this direction today Ho saw a
farmer drive up in front of a store with
a load of potatoes get off tho wagon
and enter the store When ho had got
out of sight tho team started aud moved
out toward the middle of the street
where they were stopped by a boy
This is where the reader of character
got in hie work He said If that man
does not sell his potatoes he will lick tho
horses if he does ho will not After a
few minutes tho farmer came out of tho
store whipped the horses and drove off
Moral no sale Conclusion A man
generally lets his mad out on something
and usually it if nt the direct cause of
the mad that gets tho worst of the deal
The kissing bug is causing consid
erable worry and is said to bo tho cause
of a number of deaths in various parts
of the country Its bite or sting is said
to be fatal and as it attacks the lips of a
sleeping person it has come to be known
as the kissing bug Reports of deaths
from this source state that the face and
body of the person attacked swell to
about twice their normnl size The lat
est report of its action comes from Chi
cago where it is said that Mrs Mary
Steger wife of a saloon keeper was the
victim The private opinion of Tiik
News publicly expressed is that these
tales are more or less of a hoax on a par
with the flying machine and sea serpent
stories of previous summers and the
writer does not propose to take any
great precautions against the attacks of
this terrible insect 1
A J Wosterchill familiarly called
Blacky who worked for 9 R Seiler
last spring and later went to work for
Mr Shaw the well contractor aud ac
companied him to Omaha went to the
polioe station in that city Tuesday and
filed a complaint against M A Sadler
a woman who conducts an employment
agency at Sixteenth and Dodge streets
In an interview with a Bee reporter he
said he gave her 1 for a position as
blacksmith as she had informed him
she had a place for him and could send
him right out into the country After
receiving the money sho concluded that
she had better write a letter regarding
the position and told him to come back
again He returned half a dozen times
without receiving a satisfactory answer
Finally he gave it up in disgust and
notified the police The woman is ac
cused of violating the ordinance govern
ing employment agencies
Grand Island Independent The
Union Pacific had a novelty on tho
tracks iu this section this morning it
being an observation car for the fore
men of the various section crews Tho
car started out at Omaha and took all
the section foreman along the division
to this city to allow them to view the
track and observe how other foremen
than themselves kept their districts
Hero those of tho first division were ex
cused to return to their homes on the
regular trains and the section men on
the second division were gradually
picked up and the train proceeded on its
ruu to North Platte It is stated that
the car is to be a permanent thing and
that every now and then the sectiou
men will bo thus taken over the road
The car looks much like a sectiou of an
opera house one seat being higher than
the oher The car is pushed instead of
pulled by the eugiue is entirely open
free from smoke and the trip will espec
ially iu this weather be a pleasurable
one as well as instructive
W R Foster manager of the poultry
department ot Swift Co of Omaha
was in tho city yesterday in conference
with W A Hemleben who repreneuts
western poultry iuterests aud to look
over tho field tributary to Norfolk Ho
staes that they are getting short of i
poultry iu Omaha aud are nothing the
drain made by tho western buyers
whose prices they have thus far failed to
meet They do not want to make a
fight but want a division of territory
The present western prices are eo high
that tho dressers of Onmha aud Sioux
City arc barely getting out even Thoy
have been having this territory all their
own way until recently and have made
a good thing on tho poultry handled but
tho western bnyors aro now strong com
pctitors nnd aro ablo to pay prlcos al
most prohibitory to tho eastern purchas
ers They seek an agreement regarding
territory which thoy hope to reach about
October 1st and if this cannot bo
effected thcro will probably bo a light
for supremacy in which tho poultry
raiser will profit Poultry is now boing
purchased at tho highest price over
known hero and tho chicken Is proving
a sourco of much profit to farmers In tho
country Mr liomlebcn is of tho opin
ion that tho western buyers will sustain
their end in caso it comes to a show
Mayor Simpson has taken considerable
interest in making inquiries as to what is
thought of the proposition from Madison
of helping iu tho reception of company V
on their return homo Chief Winter and
President Hartford look favorably on
tho propositon of tho fire department go
ing over and have promised to present
thomattor at tho next meeting of tho de
partment Captain iereeko of company
L will ak for an expression from mem
bers of that organization as to whether
or not they desire to assist at thoir moot
ing Monday evening Prof Ludwig
Koouigstoin will uso his best endeavors
toward organizing a band to lead tho
crowd nnd Commander II M Roborts
will ask tho G A 11 post at its next
mooting if thoy choose to ntteud in a
body Kvorybody spoken to was most
favorably impressed with the proposition
to assist Madison on that occasion nnd it
is quite likely that a largo crowd will at
tend from Norfolk Tho trains run very
favorably leaving at 10 40 in tho morn
ing aud returning u I iu tho evening and
Agont Tunemnn states that his road will
endeavor to comfortably handle tho
crowd that may go down It Is sug
gested that it can bo made quite an inter
esting affair if tho men will take thoir
families and a basket of provisions pro
pared to enjoy the day
Blackberries and other fruit at
House to rent Ciiicaoo LrMirit Co
Plunge bnth 15 ceutsat the bath house
above tho dam
Twenty acres of good grasB for sale by
Dr F Verges
Farm and city loans
The Durland Tkust Co
Phone 85 for plumbiugNFMfgCo
DrFrauk Salter Diseases of children
Fifty thousand dollars eastern money
to loan on good farms
G R Skilkr Co
Suiders catsupB at Boxs
S K Winchell was up from Stanton
Mrs N P Nelson was in the city yes
terday from Columbus
Miss Zoda Sherman was in the city
yesterday from Stanton
John W Warrick was in the city from
Meadow Grove yesterday
Miss Nellie Schwenk has gone to Stan
ton to visit friends for a week
Al Jess of Fremont is visiting Norfolk
friends for a couple of weeks
Mrs E Chopey and daughter of
Wayne were city visitors yesterday
L B Baker and Howard Miller of
Battle Creek had business in this metrop
olis yesterday
Mrs J Sutherland and daughter
Myrtle were in the Sugar City yester
day from Battle Creek
Mrs W Williams departed this uoon
for New York where she will visit a
sister and other friends
Mrs BurtMapesanddaughterBeruice
have gone to Omaha to visit for a week
with relatives and friends
Mrs Geo Fox has rented the Rainbolt
cottage corner Main and Eighth street
and will occupy it as a residence
Mrs Geo H Spear and daughter
Grace left this morning for Columbus
They will visit there and other places
for about three weeks
E II Requa left this morning for
Rock Island 111 whore he will spend
three weeks In visiting his brothers aud
sisters and other relatives and friends
MrB H A Pasewalk who intended to
go to Sioux City yesterday as reported by
this paper got as far as the depot when
she was detained by the announcement
that Mrs August Pasewalk was very
sick aud her trip was indefinitely past
Buy all your groceries of Box aud get
the best
If you want to buy or trado come and
see us G R Seilkk Co
Otlico iu Mast block
Waniid A girl for genernl house
work Mas J IJ Baiines
Captain William Astor Chanler cong
ressman from New York is the presi
dent of The New York Star which is
giving away a forty dollar bicycle daily
as offered by thoir advertisement in an
other column Hon Amos J Cum
inings M O Col Asa Bird Gardner
district attorney of New York ex-Governor
Hogg of Texas nnd Col Fred
Feigle of New York are among the well
known uames in their board of directors
Tim Outlook Vrrv IliiiiiiiriiuliiK Ion Iliini
Incnl li iilor Mini
Frank II Pea vy of Minneapolis who
with a party of friends passed through
Norfolk snmn days ago has returned to
his home Ho has tills to say concern
ing his trip through Nebraska and Kan
Our trip covered tho Union Pacilo
lino hi Nebraska and Kansas Wo went
west to North Platte Neb and from
Manhattan and Saliim in Kansas to Kan
sas City I found wheat better than 1
expected to In Nobraska and iu Kansas
about IH por cent of last years yield on
the Union Piiclllo system which makes a
better showing than on lines further
Booth however With no accident to
com Kansas will break all her records as
a corn producing state
Iu Nebraska tho corn looks better
than in Kansas if that is possible Tho
farmers are improving their lands and
lmildingH substantially and also their
Mr Peavey said that the prospect was
so encouraging that he should build a new
lino of elovutors in Nebraska and would
probably add to his system iu Kansas
As to northwest prospects Mr Peavey
said Our privato reports suggest a
splendid wheat harvest for tho north
west It looks to me as if good fortune
is again to shine upon us
Twenty ll Cent rortlm UuiiimlRii
Tho State Journal
printed every Tuesday nnd Friday will
bo sent postpaid with all of tho news of
tho world from now until after election
for only 2fi ceutB 1 1 1b worth that much
to read about tho Fighting First Regi
ments return The Journal printed at
tho state capital is tho leading Nebraska
paper and its mighty cheap at a quarter
Box can suit you on coffoo
Attorney W E Reed went over to
Omaha hist night on legnl business
Miss Emma Fischer of Ann Arbor
Mich is vibitingllov Little nnd family
Attorney J R Hays was in the city
on legal business Moudny of this week
Attorney James Nichols was in New
man Grove on important legal business
Miss Minnie Fricko went up to Nor
folk Thursday last to spend a few days
with friends returning Monday
Judge EvauB of Dakota City held a
special session of district court forjudge
Allen Monday to dispose of homo old
eases in equity work
Juito a largo crowd went down to
Humphrey from heroSaturdayit being
estimated that fully tioO or I00 people
went trom Madison alone
Contractor James Hide has taken tho
contract for tho erection of a school
house iu district No Hi Cost to be
J54r0 The work will bo started at
Dr W J Little who is practicing in
Kansas City camo up last week Tues
day for a short visit with his parents
llev J W Little and wife returning
A mass meeting was called for last
Saturday evening to make arrangements
for a grand reception to be given to the
boys of Co F but owing to the rain it
was postponed to this week Saturday
when an enthusiastic meeting is ex
Houses for sale T E Odiobmk
Like diamonds raindrops glisten
Drops of Hoods Sarsaparillaare precious
jewels for the blood which glisten in
their use
Pilgrimage of Cryptic MuNons Denver
Colorado AugiiHt 1 11 1HUO
For the above occasion the Union
Pacific has made the greatly reduced
rate of one fare plus 200 for the round
trip to Deuver Colorado Springs and
Pueblo from points in Kansas and Ne
Do not complete arrangements for your
trip without first asking your agent about
the magnificent train service and fast
timo to Colorado via the Union Pacific
For tickets sleeping car reservations
and full information call on
F W Junkman Agent
Sturgeon is the piano man
A full Hue of Heinz celebrated pickles
and preserveu at Boxs
Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr
F Verges residence and office
Shirt WitUU
Prettiest shirt waists ever shown for
tho money In Omaha Colored waists
from 48 cents up Whlto waists from
75 ceuts up
Childrens pretty colored dresses pink
aud blue iu percales ginghams and
lawns prices from 45 cents up
Childrens straw hats with flowers
lawn aud lace trimming iu pink blue
and white prices 58 ceuts up
Mull caps 25 cents up Pretty bobbi
net aud mull ties 25 cents up
Poke bonnets from 05 ceuts up
Wash corded hats from 5 cents up
Real laco ties 287 up duchesso ren
uaisauco and point gauze
New and largo line of shirt waist sets
from 25 cents up
Mits J Bcnhon
South Kith St
Omaha Nebr
Every well man hath his ill day
When a bit off or when seriously ill
you should take Hoods Sarsuparilla and
get well
Our Nation in War
PICTURING I panoramic magnificence and leallstlc elaboration tho
most Hloody Struggles Fiercest ClmrgfH Terrlllo niiiiibaidinoiitfl His
toric Sieges Desperate Naval Engagements and Examples of Astounding
Heroism that have punctured with epoch ami decisive action the history of
our country from 1771 to HUH
I urn giving thorn away to my customers For further information call on
Norfolk Nebraska
rTIIl Ion rcul pieces ihnl make Uio dollars
by trading with us We must close out
till our summer goods this week nnd wo aro
offering every thing in thai line AT COST and
Wo can save you enough pieces on a very small amount
to make one of those large round dollars
Dont Take Our Word Take our Goods Instead
They Speak for Themselves
Robertson BIk Norfolk Neb
N A HAINIIOIT 1n iiilnbt
ALKXAMIHH HKAH Vfce Iroclilwit
K W in Hklmiiitliinlilnr
National Bank
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and RqIIb Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts and M oney Orders Sold on any Point in Europe
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Huslness Transacted
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock SprlDg Coal the
best in the market
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 61
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fruits and Vegetables in Season
Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
4 V
gSSSm immmuimismmmamBimmsmmAimmi
Wo nought our Hard Coal before the ad
vance July 1st aud it is tho Genuine Scran
ton coal the best in tho market Now is the
time to place your order to secure the Lowest
Price When this coal arrives we would pre
fer to unload direct from tho car into onr cus
tomers bins to storing in onr sheds If you
will get your bius ready aud leave your order
with us we will do the rest I will guarantee
our coal as good as the best and as cheap an
the cheapest
All coul bcreeued before leaviug our yards
Office 4th Sreet
Telephone 35