The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 20, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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The floitf oik He
V N HUBK Publisher
Bm day mmjh fnmlny Hy carrier per
k Meruit lljr mull r year 16
KrtAbllMied IW1
Biti Thursday Hy mail prr jrar llM
Boris at the PoMollle at Norfolk Neb
iotut Um matter
Telephone No 22
The New Lemon of Wcnltli
Mr Andrew InrtiuglcH recent public
drclnrntlmi Hint u limn should give
awny IiIn iIcIich before Ik dies linn set
one of tlic enterprising newspapers to
work trying In get opinions on Ills
mibjrct fi inn otlier American million
nil en The did not to any great ox
lent light fliy of It mill tlui result nu
pet forth In print lends to the mirprls
hiK conclusion that the American mil
lionaire its a rule Ih nut tinted by n
burning desliu to give away all that bo
has only hi cannot And tbo proper
channel of dlHtrlhutlon Mr John D
Itockcfeller Ih credited with Haying
1 do not believe that there Is a man
In this country today with n million
dollnrs beyond IiIh own personal and
butducHH needs who would not gladly
Klve It to any object Hint he full per
fectly KUie would help the commu
nity TIiIh Ih a valunblo piece of In
formation mill while It does not pre
sent n very favorable plcturo of the
community It nevertheless overtuniH
vonie of our previous notlotiH It Is
specially fatal to that widely held opin
ion that the more money a man gets
the more he wants If Mr Rockefeller
la right the more lie gets the more he
wnnts to Klve It nwny IuBtend of the
Acquisition of gold when It becomes
the main object of life limiting n man
miserly It ou the contrary broadens
nnd deepeiiB bis generosity and liberal
ity In fact with this uew light on the
subject we sec thnt In order to learn
bow valuable money Is to other people
one must devote his life to snatching It
for himself It inny certainly bo set
down iih a fact that no man but a mil
lionaire Is eaten up by a desire to give
nway all that he has If Mr Rockefel
ler expects the hard working and av
erage American to swallow this taf
feta lit a gulp ho Is very much mis
taken There are certain facts In hu
man nature that are dead against his
conclusion and one is that If a man
begins business with n particularly
generous nature and a moderate
knowledge of the amount of need
there Is In the world ho will never be
come a millionaire The question has
been Impertinently asked by the so
cialists mid It has never been satis
factorily answered Can a man In nu
ordinary lifetime mnko a hundred mil
lion dollars honestly and give an
equivalent for It V It Ib uot at all Im
proper lu view of Mr Rockefellers
Htatemeut to answer that question to
this extent No man can make n hun
dred millions who begins with the
proposition that be Is willing to give
all over and above his personal needs
to the community Once admit the
atatement nud there would nut be a
millionaire lu the laud
The Distribution of Wealth
Mr Audrew Carnegies statement
that a man ought uot to die rich
and bin determination to try nud get
rid of all his wealth before death over
lakes blui have been received with
much Incredulity But there Ib cer
tainly a growing disposition on the
jart of our rich men to ifcturu some
tportlon of their wealth to the com
munity In which they made It The
list of magultlceut bequests thnt have
been uinde wlthiu a year will bring
tills to view Moat of them have been
lu favor of public Institutions
ud charities The Into Mr Robert 0
JlUllugs left 1500000 to be distribut
ed In this way A careful computa
tion of the money given within teu
years by rich meu and women to pub
lic charities and educational enter
prises would make one of the most as
tounding of exhibits This munltlceuce
is assuming nu American largeness
and is already attracting the attention
aud eliciting the admiration of foreigu
Senator Chnuncey Depew once more
upon his native heath roiy vivacious
Toluble mid clear headed proceeds to
deliver with inimitable grace his little
lecture lu the shape of an Interview
ou his summer tour Some of his ob
servations nre worth listening to again
because they are as sagacious as usu
al and time cannot rob them of their
perennial charm Ills fnclle sketch of
the difference thnt bo once more ob
served existed between Franco and
Kuglnud is informing and tilling
JFrauce clings to the usages the glitter
aud the frivolity of the empire in spite
of her republican preteuslous Her
people shout mid slug republicanism
but do uot take kindly to Its simplicity
tThey nre democrats lu the street but
Imperialists nt the theater the horse
race nud the military review Over In
England the turmoil and uncertainty
of the continent do not disturb a
lialr Our Chnuncey finds once more
that finances society politics Institu
tions move straight along unperturb
ed as they have always moved Year
after year he makes his annual visit
and the same hands are stretched out
to receive him the same barber or the
ame barbers sou shaves him he Is
put up In the pnme room waited upon
by the wuno maid or the snmu innhli
daughter he In hmiiled the snnio can
dle or the same candles stump he eats
the snuic kind of chop nud the same
fiiulllns nud toast turn up regularly
mid he Unils the same men discussing
the saiij things In thu smuo old way
and thus the tight llttlo Islo Jogs
steadily on utterly unaware that
dynasties nre trembling on the brink
mid the mud woild In considering
whether It shall erect barricades and
go backward or Jump suicidally Into
dangers that It knows not of
CMiimend tin in times of stress to our
Ohauncey Always when the human
heart Rinks Into despair anil thu causa
of man is lost somebody Intercepts
Chauiicey nud then the dawn appears
nud all In well with the world He has
Just been Interviewed In Loudon and
presto here he Isl The situation In
larls which Is equivalent to Franco
seems gradually becoming more satis
factory All this spasmodic upset this
changing of ministers these cries from
the housetops are surely lnylng the
foundation for something better mid
making men divide off Into those cog
uato parties which well defined will
lu my opinion yet raise Franco Into
thu very front rank This beaming
obviousness Is positively refreshing
Ono can now see through Chnunceys
glasses that France advances Into the
sereno ether through her own mud
puddles nud Ksterlmzy himself Is lay
ing the cornerstone of a higher mid bet
ter civilization As an optimist Ohaun
cey bentB Joe Jefferson Heros to
you nnd your friends May they llvo
long uud prosper
Mr Rockefellers monolith cut
from a solid piece of granite to be set
up In the Lake View cemetery is
receiving a great deal of hastily
written admiration Ono dispatch
sent out nil over the country says it
Is the largest monument of Its kind In
tho world This is palpably untrue
The Lake View obelisk Is K feet high
and weighs 80 tons whereas the
Egyptian obelisk lu Central park
New York Is W feet 11 Inches high
nnd weighs ISO tons In cutting me
morials of this kind the undents still
beat us There Is a cut stone lying
at llaalbec where the workmen left
It that would make Mr Rockefellers
obelisk look small However there
Is something Egyptian lu this mod
ern stonecuttlng of American mil
lionaires and one need uot be sur
prised to see In time a Vanderbllt or
a Rockefeller try his hand at a pyra
Mrs Frances Hodgson lluruett linn
shaken tho dust of America from her
feet and goue to live permaueiitly lu
England There nre some evidences of
pique In this movement Her last
book A Lady of Quality was uot
well received In this country It was
pronounced by the critics a snd falling
off from the standard she had raised in
That Lass o Lowrles and Itwas un
deniably theatric and tawdry When
It was produced here upon the stage
by Miss Julia Arthur the two women
fell out over it Mrs Burnett had sc
lected as the Ideal of her heroine an
English actress nud nothing that Miss
Arthur could do satisfied her But
Miss Arthur made a success of the
role and the Ideal English woman fail
ed in It This only made matters
worse and now Mrs Buruett like Mr
Astor bns gone to England to spend
the money she made lu America
Tho celebration of the Fourth of July
this year was far more earnestly patri
otic in the small towns of the ccntrnl
aud western states than It was In the
large cities of the east where It ex
pended Itself In meaningless noise and
ordinary outdoor games But In many
of the lesser Iowub and quieter ham
lets of the country the Declaration of
Independence was read with solemn
sincerity and local orators fauued the
old flames of patriotism Aud this Is
as It should be Tho Fourth of July
Is the uatlous chronological altar
where we ought to bring our children
and tell them over all those hack
ueyed things which will live forever
The women shoppers of Chicago art
getting ready to boycott the stores
which refuee to provide seats for their
women clerks The cry goes up that it
is injurious to the health of female
clerks to stand up for ninti hours No
one is prepared to dispute this mid
everybody hopes thut it will be reme
died But at the same time what a
curious argument it presents in fuvor
of women competing with meu in all
fields of labor
If Mr Poultney Bigelow ever returns
to the United States he will probubly
be slightly ashamed of himself for his
attempts to make the Englishmen laugh
at the expense of the American volun
teer It seems thnt he could not be
funny except by belittling the Yjnnkee
soldier One can forgive the English
men for Inughiug but what will we do
with Bigelow T
Mrs Margaret Cuuuius now living
in San Francisco is walking around at
tending to her affairs as dead us a door
nail At least that is the decision of the
courts to which she applied for moneys
coming to her A decision that ehe was
deud was registered uud Ehe has been
duly notified to remain defanct
- r
Ktr Indue tninit to Thoe Who Knllt
in lie New llevlinriitii
Wahiiinoton July 20 Tho war de
partment is offering extra inducements
to expedite tho recruitment of the ten
volunteer regiments Nearly all tho
commissions having been It sued mnuy
of the disappointed applicants have been
advised to enter tho ranks as in that
way it may bo pohslblo for them to se
cure commissions
General Corbin says that tho policy of
tho administration will bo to fill nil va
cancies which may occur aiming com
missioned officers from tho ranks A
number oT applicants for commissions
have enlisted us privates in the differ
ent regiments nnd hnvo been appointed
noncommissioned officers wherever
possible nnd consequently are next in
lino of promotion to commissioned rank
in the event of a vacanoj
Another method of securing recruits
is to offer commissions to meu other
wise qualified who will undertake to
furnish in each caso not less than -10
men who ran pass muster as soldiers
aud will onlist for service in the Philip
pines Thorn hnvo been several cases of
this kiud during the past week
Tod Sloan it is announced will Mill
from Ixmdon for tho United States by
tho steamer Now York Saturday
Absolute confirmation has been ob
tained that ex King Milan of Sorvia
himself planned tho sham attempt on
his Hfo for political purposes
Tom Jenkins worlds champion
wrestler has been offered
apurhoof 1800 for a contest with
Ernest Koobor and will probably ac
Sam Cetchum ono of tbo Folson train
robbers was captured Wednesday night
at Lamberts ranch in Now Mexico
where he enmo in for medical attend
ance and food
Army surgoons Charles H Aldon Q
II Tornoy and Q L Powell have been
detailed to re present the army medical
department at tbo meeting of Military
Surgeons at Kansas City in September
Tho retirement of Colonel Evan Miles
First infantry was announced Wednes
day Lieuteuant Colonel A A Har
back becomes colonel Major Sumner
Lincoln lieuteiinnt colonel and Captain
George L R Brown major
Cedar Full Ilnnk Again Rued
Watekioo la July 20 Action was
begun hero today in tho district court
for Cole Ambrose of Stuntley Hall Islo
Ely England against Fields Brothers
of Cedar Falls Fields Brothers owned
tho First Nationnl bank which failed at
Cedar Falls iu 1802 They wore in
dicted for receiving money when tho
institution was known to bo insolvent
W H Fiolds was convicted in a lower
court but tbo supremo court reversed
tbo decision on u technicality and tho
caso was finally dismissed The indebt
edness to Colo Ambrose was contracted
on promissory notes which Fields
Brothers negotiated at Ely Cambridge
shire England between tbo dates of
June 8 1891 aud Sept 8 1892 There
is alleged to be due some 3157 or
Protection Tor Hoiuit Veteriuia
Leavknwokth Kan July 20 Gov
ernor Stanley came ovor from Topoka nt
noon today and held a two hours con
ference with Governor Rowland of the
soldiers homo relative to taking steps
to close tho dives iu tho Klondike dis
trict near the soldiers homo where the
robbery of veterans of pension money is
carried on in a systematic mnnner
Aside from the Kansas prohibitory law
there is a special statu law making it a
penitentiary offeuso to sell liquor to
Some Illmirder itt Cleveland
Cleveland July 20 The police suc
ceeded today in maintaining fairly good
order along the lines of railroad in oper
ation A few stones were thrown at
rars passing tho corner of St Clair and
Water streets during tho noon hour
The strikers maintain great reticence
concerning their plaus It is stated
they will publish a daily newspaper be
ginning tomorrow in which they can
present their view of the controversy to
the people
Few Oregon Troops Killed
Washington July 20 A statement
prepared at tho war department shows
that of 50 officers and 1310 enlisted men
of tlie Second Oregon regiment only 49
wero killed in battle or died of disease
duriug the campaign in tho Philip
pines a percentage of 30
True Thrift
Hicks appreciated the shrewd as well
as the humorous sayings of the Cornish
country folk There dwelt not far from
his abode a dairywomnn and her hus
band who had begun life in a very
email way with ono cow und who by
industry uud thrift hud acquired quite
a number
How is it suid Hicks to her one
dny that you have got on bo well
Mrs P V
Well yon see Mr Hicks she re
plied moht people be alius thinking
of what they do want but I and my
old mun we be alius thinking of what
wo can do without
Tnklnv u Walk
Justice What have you to say in on
swer to the charge of stealing this
mans plank walk
The Accused I took it by advice of
my physician yer houor Ho told me
to take a long walk every day This
was the first long walk I saw today and
of course I tock it A man cant afford
to employ a doctor unlets he takes his
Justice The court however will
give you ndvico for nothing threo
months rest Yon will tako it in the
house of correction Boston Tran
Jill IM of Adi vrllslnur
No street iu the world is more plas
tered with advertising thun Broadway
New York Even to thobe recognizing
that fact the amount does not appear
startling until it is put into figures
The combined length of the two sides of
Broadway from the Battery to Central
park iu o2800 feet The amount of ad
vertising on the buildings mid in shop
windows is such that It would take n
man between eight and ten days ol
eight hours each to read his way up out
eido and down tbo other
Until Mttilo Merutnldena
In reference to a recent paragraph on
tnermnldens a correspondent writes
It inn j not be generally known that
Jnpnn exports these shnms In assorted
sizes in glass cases at so much per
footrun They are mndo of the body
of a fish and the dried bend of a
monkey so skillfully united that It Is
difficult to detect where one begins nnd
the otlier ends Of Into the market for
mermnldeuB has been 11 a U At one time
they were fairly common In the curi
osity shops
lieu it roof Ointment Tor Cutiirrh tlmt
ron tit I n Mercury
nR mercury will surely dobtroy the seuso
of smoll nnd completely dernugo tho
whole system when entering it through
tho mucous surfaces Such articles
should novcr bo used except ou prescrip
tions from reputablo physiciauB as the
datnago they will do is ten fold tho good
you can possibly dcrivo from them
Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by
F J Cheney Co Toledo O contains
uo mercury aud is taken internally
acting directly upon tho blood and
mucous surfaces of the system In
buying Hnlls Catarrh Cure bo sure you
get tho genuine It is taken internally
and inndo in Toledo Ohin by F J
Cheney Co Testimonials free
Sold by Druggists price 75 cents per
Halls Family Pills are the best
If you wnut to sell or trade your
property list it with
G R SniLrK Co
KxnoBltton An A mured SurceiM
The Greater America exposition now
open ntJOmnha is proving Itself worthy
of public patronage Omaha is united
in itB support The buildings are full of
fino exhibits The pictures the war
relics tho music tho fireworks the reg
ular and special exhibits all conspire to
make a splendid exposition There are
so many new features that those who
saw the exposition last year will enjoy
it the more this year The Filipino vil
lage will open August 1 The Cubans
are hero and so are tho Hawaiians
An Cinpty Sack Cannot Stand Upright
Neither can poor weak thin blocd
nourish aud susruin tho physical Bystem
For strength of nerves and muscles
there must bo pure rich vigorous blood
HoodB Sarsaparilla iB tho standard prep
aration for the blood and its many re
marknblo cures aud the fact that it does
everybody good who takes it prove it is
just what you need if you are weak and
Hoods Pills do not gripe All drug
gists 25 cents
A 94000 Dirycle Given Away Dally
The publishers of The New York Star
the handsomely illustrated Sunday news
paper are giving a high grade bicycle
each day for the largest list of words
mado by using the letters contained in
no more times in any one word than it
is fond in the New York Star Web-
sters Dictionary to be considered as
authority Two good watches first
class time keepers will be given daily
for second and third beBt lists and many
other valuable rewards including din
ner sets tea sets china sterling silver
ware etc etc in orderof merit This
educational contest iB being given to ad
vertise and introduce this successful
weekly into new homes and all prizes
will be awarded promptly withont
partiality Twelve 2 cent stamps must
be inclosed for thirteen weeks trial sub
scription with full particulars and list
of over 300 valuable rewards Contest
opens and awards commence Monday
June 20th and closes Monday
August 21st 1899 Your list can reach
us any day between theso dates and
will receive the award to which it may
be entitled for that day and your name
will be printed in the following issue of
The New York Star Only one list can
be entered by the same person Prizes
are on exhibition at Thb Stars business
ofllues Persons securing bicycles may
have choice of ladies gentlemens or
juveniles 1899 model color or size de
sired Call or address Dept E The
Now York Star 280 W 89th street New
York City
Give the Children it Drink
called Grain O It is a delicious appe
tizing nourishing food drink to take
the place of coffee Soldby all grocers
aud liked by all who have used it be
cause when properly prepared it tastes
like the finest coffee but iB free from all
its injurious properties Grniu 0 aids
digestion aud strengthens the nerves
It is not a stimulant but a health
builder aud children as well as adults
cau driuk it with great benefit Costs
about one fourth as much as conee
15 aud 25 cents
Headache Biliousness
Indigestion Dizziness
Indicate that your liver
Is out ot order The
best medicine to rouse
the liver and cure all
these ills is found In
Hoods Pills
S3 cent Sold by all medicine dealers
Graceful Easy and Long Wearing
Ola Ncthcrsole 250 Shoe
Tottcssce tho merit of perfect style fit comfort and durability
No breaking lu uocc8ary mndo to conform to tlio lines of tho foot
Sola vory flcxlblo Chromo Kid stock that is soft ns a clove yet
wenmlllio iroa Kicclsnny MWslioo for wenr nnd comfort
Nn 1j5 llhrnmn Kill wtth tin nf tlinreimp motUum vrnli lil nolo
tiotliMMlcUli of iiMIver Imlf ilollnr low Iipol nnd colt tutturn
Inu will Und tills fclioen coiutiliintlon ol style and comfort
rUnufoctnrtd by The Rock Island Shoe Co Kock Island III
and sold delusively In this city by
0 A LUIKAHT Ibbiidknt
Crowning Virtue
Brlton Mo July 27
For years I suffered terrible pains every
month and my doctor told me I could not
be cured except by an operation I felt I
could not submit to that and was fo des
pondent I had given up all hopes of a cure
My husband insisted on my trying Wine of
Cardui nnd at lmt thank God I Sid try it
Last month I did not have a pain and did
all my work which I had not done in seen
l3 7
V 2 1
N f
W II HIIAASI II Abst Casbixb
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Bny nnd poll exchange on thin country and all inrtn nt Kurune rami Lonnt
Directors Catii Akmlh W II Johnson Chab S Uniion C W Hraascii
Swank I A Lcikabt T P Mkmmimikr L Sessions
Modesty is the crowning virtue of American women It is the trait
that all mankind admires A modest woman is the most pleasing of all
created things Because of this becoming virtue thousands of women
prefer to suffer untold miseries rather than confide their troubles to a
physician and to even think of submitting to an examination is revolt
ing They cant get their own consent to an operation Wine of Cardui
permits sensitive women to retain their modesty With it they can cure
female troubles in the quiet of their own rooms If special treatment
is required they can write to the Advisory Department of the Chatta
nooga Medicine Co and their letters will be promptly answered by
For advice In cases requiring special
uiidiunB nufirrim Kivinir yinmnmn
Udlf AdtUor Ujpt TkclllAlTASOOUl
uuiuniiu unauanooca Term
Direct Line to
Points West
women trained in tne cure ot
womanly weaknesses and irregu
larities There should be no hesita
tion Delayed treatment means a
chronic condition The longer
postponed the harder to cure
0 M
There are
Ladies Attention
If you are iu poor liealtlil investigate the
VIAVI TREATMENT Oflice open all day
Monday and Tuesday In Cotton Block over
Ilaaui IlroB store Health Book free by calling
ou addretisluK tlie manager Mltd S K LONG
Norfolk Nebraska
lu the District Court of Madison Comity
In the matter ot tlie estate of Jane
LaKaryi decabeil J
This cam came on for hearing upon tlio peti
tion of M C liazen administrator of the estate
of Jano LaKarK deceased priiying for license
to sell tlie following described reat estate situ
ated in tbo county of Madison in tlio state of
Nebraska to wit Lot twelve 12 in bloik
t ten 7 in Koeniasteins addition to the town
of Norfolk lots thirteen 13 und fourteen It
iu block seven 17 aud lot twelvo It and ibe
south half of lot tbirteen 118 in block six 6
in Koenigsleius third addition to the town of
Norfolk or a sufficient amouut of sumeMo brlnir
tbo sum of 1200 for thu pajmeutnf tlio debts
against raid estate and tlie costs of administra
tion there uot being sulllcient personal pr iiertj
to pay the said debts and eiieun
It is therefore ordereil tuatall persons
in said estate npear before meat my
olllce in tbe city of MaiUou in Mudisou county
Nebraska ou tbe Jtb day of Jtiiy IbWl at 1
oclock p m to show canto why a license
should not granted to the said admiustrutor to
tell so much of tho above described real estute
as shall beuecessury and pay aid debts aud ex
Dated this 12th day of Jane 1699
W VAliek
Judge of District Court
Vestibuled Trains
you win find Fishing in Rocky Mountain Streams
Hunting in Wyoming
Curative Waters in Hot Springs of Idaho
For Time Tables Folders Illustrated Books Pamphlets descrsptive of the
territory traversed call on
Pneumonia Cured
Mrs A J Lawrence of Beaver Pa
says Hraziliau ISalm brought me out
of a severe attack of pneumonia in
splendid shape It is a wonderful rem
edy for coughs aud lung troubles Also
for outward use for burus cold sores
and chapped hands aud face it cures
like magc It is invaluable in the
Oil and Gasoline
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
The Famous
Summer Resort
Klevnlion 5200 feot
Ury Air
Mean Temperature
Iloutiug ou tlio Luke
Near Harney Peuk
Mountain Scenery Uusurpatsed
Send for Someuir VIowb
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First door West of Post Oflice
Money Saved
I WILL clean and make over all kinds
of MattresseB Do all kinds of Up
bolstering buy old chair frames and
old sofHS Will upholster and paint bu
ties uud carriages iu flrt class shape
Will make any kind of new mattress
Givo me a call and seo for yourself that
it is for your interest
1st door South of Main St on Third St