The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 20, 1899, Page 3, Image 3
s - V Come in and See r LEONARD The Druggist and inspect the Latest Line of Medicines Put on the Market Newtons Female Regulator ami Tonic Natures Great Emmenagogue Every lady suffering with f Female Troubles should try a bottle Newtons Sarsaparilla and Celery Compound is one of the finest Blood Kidney and Liver Preparations on the market If in need be sure and try the latest NEWTONS HuCon Hair Tonic If your Hair is falling out or you have Dandruff or any kind of Scalp Disease be sure and try HU CAN strictly guaranteed One bottle will show a difference if used regularly on any bald head Leibigs Beef Iron and Wine is too well known for a Tonic Each lluid ounce con tains the strength of two ounces of fresh lean beef Four grains Cetrate of Iron dissolved in Sherry Wine the best tonic for Dyspepsia Loss of Appetite Nerv ous Debility and General Prostration Try a box of Irenes Cottonroot Tansy and Pennyroyal Pills H C TRUMAN Safe and Sure We ean save you 50 pn efc on Prescriptions LEONARD THE DRUGGIST NORFOLK NEBRASKA Mail Orders Promptly Filled WALL PAPER r rx i w it Prom ioc a Double Roll up Window Shades Room Mouldings Paints Oils Glass Brushes Etc 04 n thSt Etc Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Prices W TREES AND PLANTS MftSK of Best Varieties at Hard Timet Prlccf Small fruit in large supply Million of Btrawborry plants very thrifty and well rooted lot the HEBTuear dome and bbto freight or express Bend for price list to North Bend Nurseries North Bend Dodge County Neh DR C S PARKER DENTIST At Pierce Every Monday Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb TAe Gentlewoman OF NEW YORK CITY Wauls an ant in our town It cues premiums of Cam era HuiiTo Scvsitic Machine Desks Sen of Dishes kinis Watches Sliln and bilk Vait Handkricbicft cic in fan about a hundred useful and ornamcnial armies and household necessities can be ecured without costlnt one cent A new and atlractUe plan of secunni subscribers without the objectionable features ol canui In CilMliuoilAN now has a circulation of ucr 300000 Cples each montli Will WU CI as our agent All supplies free Write lor I articular to GENTLEWOMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY lentletioiniiH HuHdlng Stw ivrk Citvi A J ryfcefv War- J VVf IN A I U Kb b REnEDV For the cure of all chrome and acute dUeases a Hfe tcivinK priu ciple free from all drnejB Asthma HronchitifCatarrh Consumption Headache NeuraliiuUlieiimat ism Nervous Prostration anil ieneral Debility curd by inhaling Compound Oxygen Our homo treatment which con tain a two months supply of Cora ponnd OxTpeu inhaling appara ratim full directiout tent to any part of the country This includei medical advice dnritiK treatment 1amphlet with advice to the sick home treatment and testimonials free DRS STARKEV PALEN 1113 airard St Philadelphia Pa - THfi NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY llfLY 20 1800 MONDAY MENTION W D Mixterwasin the city yesterday from Osmond Atty Fred Krco was n passoiiKor to MimUboii today Harry Torpin of Oaltdalo was n city visitor ycBterdny LkuIb Fischer nttendcd tho picuio nt Stanton yesterday A II Carter of Wiusido was it Sun day visitor in Norfolk Hon John It Iluya wont to Madison tliis morning to attend court Miss I tfim Stealer is spending this week with Stanton friends 1 II ArtH and wife of Petersburg wore city visitors Saturday Dr Frank Salter made n professional visit to Winsido this morning Attorney M 0 llnzon hod business be fore tho court at Madison today H JlJaeknHand wifo of Lindsay woro Sunday visitors in tho Sugar City Howard Littlo and Arnold Hollmiiu drove ovor from Madison yesterday Mr O W loneK is at Hot Springs S D and is registered at tho Evaus Miss Gortrudo Austin camo up front Omaha last ovouing for a few days visit County Attorney M D Tyler hud professional business in Madison today Tom Morris Meadow GrovoB leading druggiBt waB n visitor in Norfolk over Sunday County Commissioner Maskontoin of Stanton passed through tho city thiH morning Miss Esther Nichols is in tho city from Neligh visiting her nnmerous friends A L Sauudersou and children Lynn and Nellio were passengers to Madisom today Miss Pearl Kethledge has gone to Tildou to visit her friend Miss Jessie Westorvelt Chas Cunningham wob in tho city Saturday on his way home to Tildou front tho reunion Mrs W J Gow and children are vis iting Mrs Gowb sister Mrs S B Reed of Monroe Nobr Watts 0 Valentine of West Point will sail for Manila on tho 22ud to tnko a first lieutenancy in the army Miss Kneabol returned to her homo in Winside today aftor a visit of u few days at tho homo of Geo 13 Christoph Miss Anna Lobnow departod yester day noon for Fremont to accept a posi tion in tho telephone central station Tho Missionfest of tho Battle Creek Lutheran church will bo held at Tomha geus grovo near that city next Sunday Miss Maggie Morrow returned Satur day from Plainviow where she was pick nicking and visiting friends several days Mr and Mrs M Itoots returned Sat urday from their summer vacation trip They will board with Miss Valley Gar lingor Rev S F Sharpless has announced his intention of occupying tho Presby terian pnlpit at this place once a month nereafter Mrs Carl Wilde returned this morn ing to her home in Madison after a visit ot several days with Norfolk relatives and friends Judge R E Evans of Dakota City passed through the city this morning on his way to Madison where he will pre side at a term of court J M Bates of Long Pino who is well known to many Norfolk people is expect ed to arrive tomorrow noon and spend a few days wiih Rev J B Van Fleet Rev and Mrs J P Mueller and youngest son left this noon for Fisher ville Ontario where they will visit for about a mouth with Mrs Muellers family Mr and Mrs Myron Collamer are the proud parents of a handsome baby girl who arrived at their home on South Sixth street Saturday morning at 10 oclock G F Mc Cormick received a telegram yesterday evening announcing tho death of his Bister Mrs PH Fisher who died at 2 oclock at her home in Lynnsburg Kansas A party of young folks picnicked at the Yellow Banks yesterday and had a most happy time The weather was all that could have been desired for such an excursion Geo B Christoph received a large in voice of drugs for the hospital for insane this morning and the same are being properly placed in that institutions laboratory H 0 Matrau is eu joying a visit from an Iowa cousin Mr Parsons He speaks very highly of his impression of Nebraska aud especially the crop out look for this year A team of horses that was tied on Second street yesterday broke loose aud traveled west at a rapid gait creating considerable excitement but doing no particular damage W O Tollver writes from Laurel that businets is good and that the projects for a big fall trade wero never better being backed by immeuso crops of every thing and good prices While playing on tho fence at the residence of W H Bucholz this morn ing Margaret Sharpless fell and broke her right arm just above the elbow The injury proved very painful but re ceived prompt attention and she will bo all right ngain in a short time A lowery danco was given last even ing at the Epler place 11 vo miles north of tho city A lnrgo number of Nor folk people were present and report a most enjoyable tlnie Hastings will have a street fair from the 18th to tho 2d or September Tho hunt ot f 0000 has been raised to pay rash prizes aud a big hucccsb is antici pated for tho project Max Astnus aud Curtis Stilt stinted at an enrly hour this morning on their bicycles on a trip to Concordia Kansas and other places They expect to bo absent about two weeks and antici pate a great deal of pleasure front tho trip Lizzie Kennedy tho lfiyoar old daughter of William K Kennedy whose home is near Bega sohoolhougo in Stan ton county northeast of tho city died yesterday of consumption The funeral will bo held at 1 oclock tomorrow after noon and will bo conducted by How 1 H Van Floot of this city Bishop Scanncll has made a number of ecclesiastical changes in tho diocese of Omaha Hov J G McNiunara who has teou assistant pastor at St Marys Catholic church this city has been ap pointed assistant to Jackson Rev O J Petition has been appointed its assistant hero Thoso aro tho only two changes that affect Norfolk Battlo Creek Republican Hov F L Cox arrived Saturday night from Lib erty Mo whoro ho attended college Ho occupied hia old place in tho pulpit of tho Baptist church Sunday night On Monday ho departed for Richmond Va to attend tho national B Y P U convention and after its close ho will visit his old homo in that state W A Hemloben will stort his ltfth car of chickons toward San Francisco this evening It contains 1000 head mid will bo tilled at Madisou 1 lumphruy Platte Center and Columbus Ho ex pects to start a car ovory two weeks Ho has succeeded iu building up quite a poultry trado horo and as ho pays a good cash prico succoods iu drawing business from a long distauce Ho is reeoiying chickens not only by wagon but many surrounding towns aro sending them in by rail Ho claims to pay a bettor price for poultry than either Omaha or Sioux City The insuranco adjuster of tho Nebras ka Mercantile company was hero this morning and in company with Chester A Fuller representing the Grand Rap ids company adjusted tho loss by lire recently sustained by Mrs Esther Bur nett Tho two gentlemen thoroughly examined into every phase of tho loss and sottled by giving flK of the -150 for which tho policies called The settlement was very satisfactory to all parties concerned Mrs Barnett an nounces hor intention of remaining iu Norfolk and will probably ro engago iu business Tho Missionfest of tho Stanton Lu theran church hold in the grovo of Her man Nowman west of that city yester day was very largely attended a big delegation of Norfolk peoplo helpiug to swell the crowd Speaking by various pastors of the church organization sing ing instrumental musio and a sumpt uous dinner wero the leadiug pleasures of tho day All who attended from here report au enjoyable time and pleasant ride The rain cf Saturday afternoon was much heavier at that point than here and the grove was quite damp but the picnic was in no wise marred on that account Mrs Hattie Best wife of Eugene Best died at 10 0 oclock this morning at the family residence on Eighth street in the 25th year of her age The funeral will be held tomorrow Leaving the home at 1 oclock tho remains will be taken to the Best school house west of the city where services will bo held and interment will take place in tho Best cemetery Rev G H Main will con duct tho services Out of town relatives who wero present ut Mrs Bests doath bed were her father and mother Mr and Mrs Frank Hendersoi of Verdell and her sister Mrs M Bressler of Meadow Grovo Mr and Mrs Best have leen married five years A telegram was received here Satur day afternoon announcing tho death of Mrs Wm H Hall mother of Mrs II E Austin aud A M Hull of this city which occurred at her homo near Ainu worth that day Mrs Austin camo up from Omaha Saturday evening and last evening in company with hor brother took tho train for Ainsworth They wero met nt ONeill by throe sis ters from Iowa and South Dakota and the funeral will be held this afternoon Mrs Hall was mora than SO years of age and since her husbands death in 1888 hasmade her home with her child ren in various parts of tho country She lived in Norfolk for a year about three years ago Wisuer Chronicle A great deal of excitement was aroused on Wednesday by tho antics of an insane woman Mrs Bolesky who had been coutluod iu the asylum at Norfolk but was permitted to accompany her husband on an overlaud journey to thoir home at Farewell in the hope that the visit would be beuo flcial to her A few miles northwest o of this place she became ungovernable and goiug to the homes of Paul euEou aud Lewis Jones proceeded to break the windows in their houses and terrorize the inmates Her husband had Mr Jones bring her to Wlsner find turn her over to the authorities She was placed In tho calaboose and the asylum authorities notified at once Showustitkon back to Norfolk by attend ants from tho itpylum tho same evening Mr and Mrs Herman Gall and daughter whoso homo Is on Philip uvo imp were tho victims of quite a Uboh trous runaway yesterday They hart been visiting at tho homo of August Lon iilKutt two and ono half miles southeast of town and wero on their nit urn toward town when ono of tho holts of tho buggy was lost letting tho tongue down This frightened tho horses and thoy began to run The buggy was overturned and tho occn pants thrown to the ground Mrs Gall had her arm broken in two places and was otherwise bruised and cut up whllo Mr Gall was severely bruised anil out about tho head Tho laughter also re ceived painful bruises and had her dress badly torn Tho horses ran a consider able distance and smashed the vehicle up into kindling wood The injured people wero brought homo and received needed medical care They aro now getting along as well as could be expec ted TUESDAY TOPICS Miss 1 Webb of Toronto Canada Is visiting with her sister MrB W J Mo- Nattieo August Schul camo down from Creighton this morning to visit his parents Judgo Poworsantl wifo will leave this evening for Hot Springs S D for au outing of several days Mrs 11 A Piisowalk and children will go to Sioux City tomorrow to visit Mrs Pasowalks parents Carl T Seoly aud wife accompanied by Miss Maud Stoen and Miss Stella Bauch wero iu tho city yesterday from Madison Mrs F J Wallis ouo of tho touchers iu tho Wayno Normal school was in tho city yesterday returning to Wayno aftor a visit to her home iu Madison Misses Isabollo and Anna Hoffman wero iu tho city today from Plainviow on their way to Colorado Springs Col whoro they will remain until the lattor part of October Frank Yost state inspector for the Nebraska Telephone company was in the city on business and incidentally greet ing his numerous friends He departed for Schuyler this morning Tho graders arts nosv at work on South Thirteenth street building up the middle of tho road and making waterways on each side When tho work is completed tho road will bo iu first class shape Mr Lancholl aud family of Fromont stopped at tho homo of Charles Florcs yesterday and today Thoy uro on their way to Battlo Creek to make a two weeks visit with Mrs Lancholls folks Simon Straight of Hoskins was in tho city yesterday aud unloaded a now steam thresher aud engine Raj Gleasou was tho engineer who manipu lated tho engine They departed this morning for Hoskins Burglars cutered the houso of Otto Egorman east of tho city last Saturday evening while tho family was absent from home They secured some dress goods a shaving outfit and 1 r0 in money No clue to the marauders has yet been discovered Four new telephones will bo added to the exchange this week One will bo in Dr D W Greens rooms in the Most block ono each in the residences of Chester A Fuller and W H Cooley and No I Ml will be in Dr F W Kiesaus residence Miss Mary Schelly departed today for Council Bluffs whore sho will visit for a time and then go to Chicago She ex pects to be homo in September While absent she will study the latest styles of making dresses and will be better pre pared than ever to give her patrons satisfaction Washington dispatches state that Supervising Architect Taylor will do nothiug concerning the Norfolk and Blair sites for goverment buildiugs nutil he has received modified bids for which ho has asked Thoro is a big fight on over the selection of tho Hustiugs site and tho choice will probably bo considerably delayed About i oclock this morning would be burglars attempted to gain entrance into the house of Jas Davies ou South Fourth street Mrs Davies was alone with her children and listened to the noise which sounded like someone tam pering with the screen door for quite a while and then gave au alarm which was answered by Dr II L Scoggiu a near neighbor He mado a search for the individual who had been causing the disturbance but was unable to discover anyone The following persons took all or part of the jegular teachers examination be fore Superintendent Crum last Friday nud Saturday itlCncllia M Abts W B Elliott Maude Steene Frances Procher Grace Hummouds Nellio Wakeley Lois Purely Ida Bryant Hattie Copelaud Marie Snuro aud John J Malone of Madisou Lottie Otis Nellie Otis Ber tha Meueely and Ida Burg of Newman Grove Agues McCallum of Meadow Grove Mabel Whitla Lottie Knesel Hattie Maliew Lillian Willis and Anna Wautlin of Battle Creek Manager G T Sprecher of the tele t phone exchange with his daughters Beth and Thoo and Chan Hugey re turned yesterday noon from their trip to Omaha Mr Sproohor states that tho company hits decided to add another section to the switch board at the con tra station and make other in connection therewith Wttu this work Is complotod it is oxpooted that the telephone force horo will bo Increased by tho addition of an assistant day operator who could well bo used nt the present time and will bo a necessity when this work is completed Four genllomen from Hprlngflold S I wero in tho city this noon They aro taking a trip through the country on their blcyclefl Their route passed through Running Water South Dakota where they crossed the river thou through Knox and Plerco counties to this city ICront horo they will proceed south to Monroo aud thenco east to Omaha where they will crosB into Iowa They will rldo thtough that state iib far as Pes Moliiefl and will then return home to Springfield Tho names of tho gentlemen composing the party aro H M Davison W 1 Mead HJ Hill and R G Stevens They compose a jolly quartet and aro extracting much pleasure from their outing II S FramboH representing tho Swarlh Illustrating company of Chi cago is in the city endeavoring to in tetesf advertiser in tho latest method of attracting the attention of readers Tho motto of his company is ono that will meet tho approval of all experi enced advertisers Advertising liko making lovo to a widow cannot bo overdone This company is largely patronized by advertisers of tho citlos who get very satisfactory resultH from tho advertisements furnished Tho company does its advertising in tho local newspapers which is enncedod by nil to bo the best means of reachiug pa trons They know that tho newBpapor roaches tho class of people wanted by tho advertiser and aro always confident of the result when it is employed ns tho medium r i L Dont Sto Sisal or Standard Manila Free on earn Uniiihii P taking Scotts Emulsion be cause its warm wealhr Keep taking it until you arc cured It will heal your lungs anc give you rich blood in sum mer as in winter Its cot liver oil made easy 50c and I All drugcisu 4ffi Ho fce n i v i IMPORTANT Cut this out and send to us aud wo will sell you the best quality of Binding Twine AT Wholesale Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re funded We Iiiivd I1k Hock unci enn make prompt hhiprneiits the day oritur in received so dont tn I it cliaiiccK on h iiiIIiik nlnuwhere Wo KimrniiWit that every hall of our twine Iiiib Ixfii made on new nplncllin within tho last ninety iIiijh Stuiotiy rtiiHT riAHH No curried nfpr twine horn Will olilp 0 1 xubject to exmiiiniitioii if desired Will twine iijmxi pit incut of 10 per cent down and hhip later Nebras ka National hank till paper or any ono of oiirJOOOciiHtoiiiiirHof I Mil Aildrem The Western Mercantile Co 10th mid Kiiriuiin Ht Omiihii Tho llniiK tlmt Biivf H You Momty Attention lriiiTH Do ron ilchire to socurn hunderdH of naiuplo copies of itKrlcultrrul Journals muKnilnes Kipsra books catiilnirtieH aud circulars ot tho tost imtfrovctd farm implements aud machin ery aud bo Kept pouted on improved boodu anil stock for two years or moreT If to tond ns your nnme with ten cents insllTcr aud we will inMirt the Mime iu the American Farmers Direc tory which woes whirlinir all over tho United States to publhlicrs merchants and manufac turers You will net more ttood reeding matter than yon could purchase for many timea tho small cost of ten cents We want every farmers name In tho United States in our directory at once FaumkusDiukotokvCo Department 118 HlrmiiiKham Ala Oct Away a Couple of Months from BAD WEATHER and visit Asheville or Hot Springs N C Aiken S C Augusta or Savannah Ga or the many FLORIDA RESORTS Tomist tickets on sale via Southern - Hailway by all Ticket Agents Fir schedules or further Infor mation write or call on WM H Taylok A G P A Louisville Ky J O Hkam Jr S W P A fell dams St Chicago iKOMSV yifffrilKHWl