The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 20, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Manufacturing and Importing
Interests Antagonistic
An rirorl In Itltcrt AtlnMlmi rnnii llm
Working of Onn r I It lcintlni Mii
llr Mr Oxiuuil DcT In llm Tit HIT
Tun IpiiiIIiir Trunin urn mil Trolnrlful
At tho time of tlio organization of tho
American Hoot Sugar company to which
tho Norfolk factory belongs it was usso
dated by many with tho American Su
trar Refining company of which II O
Havomoyor tho trust magimt1 is tho
honil Tho former howovor is cxclu
Hivolyii manufacturing concern whilo
tho latter attends almost wholly to tho
Importing business tho two interests
thoroforo bolng rivals in tho market
Tho testimony given by Mr Havomoyor
boforo tho industrial commission in
which ho Books to direct attoution from
tho trust to tho protective tariff by
charging tho tariff with lwing rospon
nlblo for all trusts has callod forth from
Honry T Oxutird prosidont of tho boot
nugor company tho following convin
cing article in roply In it ho charges
Havomoyor with gross mlsstatomouts
rind with Hooking to destroy tho boot su
gar industry which is proving sucli a
clangorous competitor of tho trust Tho
following is Mr OxuardH artiolo
In juBtioo to tho homo sugar pro
ducers and as president of tho Ameri
can Boot Sugar Producers Association
I wish to call attoution to a fow of tho
inacouracios in H O HavomoyerH ro
cent mid woudorfully fallacious argu
ment boforo tho industrial commission
nt Washington Mr Havomoyor makos
claims whloh ho cannot in any way
Hubtantiuto A fair sample of his Illogi
cal argument is found in tho first lino
which forms tho basis of Ids whole argu
ment viz Tho customs tariff is tho
mother of all trusts
Mr Havomoyor says that tho tariff
is responsible for all largo trusts booauso
thoy are inordinately protected except
tho sugar trust Tho two largost in
facttho plonoor trust in this country
is ovory one knows aro tho Standard
Oil and Sugar trusts Tho Standard Oil
company uoos not enjoy its monopoly
from tho tariff and tho American Sugar
Refining company according to Mr
JIavemeyer receives only Ili per cent
protection How absurd thou this is
to wiy that tho tariff is rospouslblo for
trusts But right bore I wish to dlsputo
Mr Havomoyors statomont regarding
tho protection afforded to sugar refining
claiming that it only recolvos a protec
tion of i per cent In tho Dingloy
tariff act sugar rolluiug rocolvos a pro
tection of an olghth of a cont por pound
nud tho testimony produced boforo tho
ways and moans committee of which
Mr Dingloy was chairman brought
ont tho fact that sugar in a modern re
finery with Iwst machinery well loca
ted cau bo refined tit a oast of about a
quarter of a cont por pound Wo there
fore find that sugar rolluiug under those
conditions is receiving a protootiou of
not M but fit per oont ad valorem
based ou tho cost of refining sugar
Tho error in Mr Havomoyors argu
ment is that he arrivos at tho protootiou
to sugar rofiuod based on tho valuo of
roflnod sugar Iu othor words basing
tho valuo at 1 couts per pound and
receiving a protection of only 13Jj
cents Mr Havomoyor would bo right iu
ayiug that ho receiver ouly a protection
of approximately 4 por cont but Mr
Havomoyor does uot produce the sugar
and his only interest is in tho cost of
making raw sugar white or iu othor
words refining raw browu sugar and
bis protootiou must be based on what the
cost is of refining instod of tho valuo of
the sugar whloh brings his protection
from 4 por cent up to 40 or 60 per cont
Tho protootiou granted tho sugar pro
ducers wuo uiuKo tuo article or of sugar
itself is 40 per cent ou tho cost of raw
sugars to day or idoutical with tho pro
toctiou granted tho sugar refiuiug com
Should Mr Havomoyors selfish sug
gestious be adopted it would wipe out
entirely tho American home sugar iu
04 The Thorn Comes Forth
With Point Forward
The thorn point of disease
is an ache or pain But the
blood is the feeder of the
ivhole body Purify it with
Hoods Sarsaparitla
Kidneys liver and stomach will at
once respond No thorn in this point
Blood Poisoning Tlie surgeon said
wlit n he took out the brass shell received in
wound at San Juan Hill two weeks before
that it would have poisoned me If It bad
not been for my pure blood I told him it
was Hoods Sarsuparllla that made it pure
Geoboe P Coopeb Co O 25th U S Int
Washington Uarracks Washington D C
Rheumatism -Myself und u friend
both 6 u II u red from severe attacks of rheu
matltmi Hoods Sarsuparllla cured both
We would not be without It Wm II
iKiTni C5 Leonard St fall Klver Mass
JfhodS SaMafHVill
llo il Illlicurellver il the 11011 Irritating ui
dtistry and allow Mr Havomoyor
contlnno refining foreign raw sugars
Wo must look to tho reason which
led Mr Havomoyor to niako this won
derful and fallacious attaok on homo
sugar production In tho first placebo
knows porfoctly well ami can read tho
handwriting on tho wall which says
that tho production of sugar from sugar
lieots carried out on tho lines on which
tho industry is Iwing devolopod in tho
Unltod Statos will finally rosult in pro
ducing tho sugar consumed by tho people
of tho Unltod States In a thousand boot
Riigar factorlos dottod all ovor tho union
and rondor nsoless tho roflneries on tho
const Thoso factorlos will employ a
hundred men where ono is employed to
day by tho sugar trust and give tho
farmers tho bonoflt of a protcctlvo tariff
ou a new and profitablo crop which is a
doslrablo end to bo obtained for tho
ugrcultural clussos who aro not usually
benefitted by nny tariff protection
Mr Havomoyor as prosidont of tho
American Sugar Refining company is
perfectly right to do everything iu his
powor to protoct tho industry ho ropro
flouts and his suggestion that raw su
garswhich aro his raw uuitorial
should bo lot iu duty froo 1b undoubted
ly ou tho lines most favorable to tho su
gar trust
Ho suggests that sugar bo admitted
duty froo from Oulm knowing full woll
that this would at tho prosout time pre
vont tho development of tho homo boot
sugar iuduBtry which Is a now Industry
iu this country only having had a prac
tical existence sluco tho MoKiuloy act
but a most promising ono and ono whloh
will If fostorod during tho uoxt ton or
fiftooti yoars supply tho Unltod States
with thoir own sugar iustoad of sending
abroad ovor one liuudrod million dollars
for this agricultural articlo of dally uso
Auothor reason for Mr Havomoyors
attaok on tho tariff iu gouoral and tho
homo sugar Industry iu particular may
10 aocountod for by his dosiro to direct
tho attoution away from trusts and have
it contorod ou tho tariff Tho oxpori
oncos of doprossiou following tho Wilson
act contrasted with tho prospority
which succoodod tho MoKiuloy law will
hardly fool tho majority of tho Amer
ican pooplo Mr Havomoyor and
othors havo selfish intorosts to protect
notwithstanding Mr Havomoyor
wants raw sugar froo and favors Oubau
planters against American farmers
This might be an udditiouul reason for
his suggestion that Oubau sugar should
be admitted froo but tho main nud iu
my opinion underlying reason for his
statement rosts ou the fact that ho sees
tho final destruction of tho sugar rofiu
lug Industry throatouod by the coming
prospority of tho homo beet sugar indus
try which is beginning to assuino most
important proportions and whiuh oxists
today in California Oregon Washing
ton Utah Now Mexico Colorado No
braslcu Minuosota Wisconsin Illinois
Mlchigau and Now York having de
veloped phenomenally iu tho last two
There is no trust among tho sugar
producers of this country aud thoro
never can be for the simple reason that
tho boot sugar industry can be started iu
almost any part of tho uuion
I concludo by calling attention to the
faot that tho homo sugar industry which
Mr Havomoyor claims to bo inordinate
ly proteoted is uot iu a trust whereas
tho sugar refiuiug industry which ho
claims does not recoivo oue half of the
protection it requires Is with tho Stand
ard Oil Company the plonoer of this uew
buslnoss consolidation kuowu as trust
I will not disputo Mr Havemoyors
claim that 10 per ceut is sufficient pro
tection to tho sugar refining intorosts
which he represents but I do assert
that he canuot make the American peo
ple believe that the industries of this
country aud business prospered during
the years we were struggling under the
Wllsou law whou tho average
tlou amounted to 40 per cent ad valorem
If Mr Havomoyor had said that keon
and losing competition iu busiuess led
to the formation of trusts he would bo
right for tho tariff has nothing to do
with tho formation of truBts
Henby T Oxnard
lload Notice to Landowner
To All Whom it May Concern
The commissioner appointed to velw
aud locate a road comuiouoiug at the
northeast ooruer of the southeast
quarter of the southeast quartor of soo
tiou JW iu township 22 north range 1
west iu Madison county Nebraska aud
the northwest coruer of the southwest
quarter of tho southwest quarter of sec
tion 31 lu township 23 north range 1
east in Stantou county Nebraska run
ning thence south ou couuty lino about
80 rods to the township line betweeu
townships 31 aud 23 thence west ou
said towuship line iu said Madison
oouuty oue mile to oounoot with a pub
Ho highway leading to the city of Madi
son already established and recorded
has reported iu favor of the establish
ment thereof and his report having
been endorsed and concurred lu by a
like commissioner from Stanton county
all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages must bo filed iu the couuty clerks
office ou or before noon of tho 13th day
of September A D 1899 or said road
will be established without reference
E G Hkilmak
Couuty Clerk
Mrs Maria Lobuow is ou the siok list
Ira L Hangorford went to Madison
A F Lowis has gono to Omaha on
H Sohostay was lu from Columbus
M T Krygor of Nollgh Is iu this me
tropolis today
F K Pondor was a city visitor yostor
day from York
F J Halo was in town from Battlo
Crook yostorday
V E Bralnard was In tho city from
Noligh yesterday
Mrs 1 A Rood has gono to Vordlgrls
to visit a fow days
1 S McOlary was a passenger for
Omaha this morning
II Lohrinan Is in tho oity from Stan
ton today ou business
Attorney F II Froo was a passougor
to Madison this morning
Ohostor A Fuller had nbstract busi
ness iu Madison this morning
Mr and Mrs Asa K Leonard wont
up to tho Plainviow rouuiou today
Mrs W O Brandt of Omaha is lutho
city visiting her Blstor Mrs II T
Tho frouf of Sharploss Sistors milli
nery store is being treated to a now coat
of paint
Attornoy Tas Nichols came up from
Madison last ovouing aud roturuod this
J W Tiunor W M Might and H L
Ilousen woro city visitors from Wayno
Chas Blakoly of tho Fair storo re
turned last evening from a trip to Con
cordia Kansas
A F Eiios editor of tho Stanton
Picket was iu tho citytoday and mado
this olllco a call
Mrs M W Caso of South Norfolk do
parted today for Eaglo Grovo Iowa
whoro she will visit
S S Towusloy and son J Boyd
Towusloy of Vormillion S D aro iu
the city on business
A shooting gallory has opened up for
business ou tho vacant lot east of B O
Wnltors socond hand store
W W Craig camo down from Battlo
Creek yesterday to spend tho day with
his daughtor Mrs A F Lewis
A largo number of Norfolk pooplo aro
preparing to attend tho Bryan demon
stration at Humphrey tomorrow
Maungor G T Sprechor of tho telo
phono exchange has gone to Stanton
aud Pilgor on a trip of inspection
Arthur Taylor of Cedar Rapids Iowa
who has beou visiting his cousin C S
Hayos left today for David City to vis
it an uuclo
Miss Emma Kuover came ovor from
Winsido this morning to visit at tho
homo of Goo Cristoph nud with other
Norfolk friouds
Postmastor P F Sprechor made a
business trip to Schuyler yesterday re
turning last nveniug Ho was accom
panied home by his noico Miss Ethel
Sprechor who will visit hore
CougitBsman oloct John S Robinson
was iu tho city betweeu trams today
Ho was ou his way home from Plaiu
vlow whore ho addressed tho old soldiers
aud thoir friends last evening
0 D Jonkius late steward of the
Norfolk hospital for the insane has pur
chased a half interest in tho Fair storo
from O E Sliurtz Tho proprietors are
uow invoicing the stock preparatory to
making the change
Miss Mno Olney very pleasantly enter
taiued about 20 of Iter friouds at tho 01
uoy home coruer First street aud Mod
ison avenue last evening in honor of her
friend Miss Emily Holt who Is visiting
relativos hore The oveuiug was very
pleasantly spout choice refreshments
being served
A youug fellow giving his home as
Noligh made complaint to the officers
this morning that he had been robbed
of quite a sum of mouoy while in the
row last night At the timo he made
tho complaint ho was considerably the
worse for liquor aud was advised to
sober up bofore attempting to recover
his property
A party consisting of Julius Alt
sohuler Sam Ikouberg Gus Kuhl aud
Henry Bovee tried thoir luck at fishing
at the dam lost evening Sam carried a
box of bottled bait which he claims was
in great demand The party reports a
string of 13 fish which were eaten for
breakfast Auother report however
places the number of fish caught at four
Mike Flaherty who several years ago
called Norfolk his home was soen ou
the streets this morning He was on
his way from Plainviow to Humphrey
Since livlug here Flaheaty claims to
have been iu Africa England and other
foreign countries as woll as having
traveled extensively over the United
States He was at one time reported
dead but his reappearance brands tho
report aa without foundation
The following officers were installed
In Norfolk lodgo No 40 I O O P
last night by 0 F W Marquardt dop
uty grand master Dr William
Kiesau N G Dr F W Kiesau V
G Andrew Gould V E E Beels It
S N G S R MoFarland L S N
G W H Clark I G Other officers
will be installed at the uext meeting
Tho roprosontativos to grand lodgo
which moots at Hastings In Ootobor
aro 0 F W Marquardt and II D
An editor always has a good word for
his friends oven though his frlonds
find suicido nocossary A tributo to ono
of thoso was paid lu tho following
touching stylo Poor John slung his
earthly garments on a limb and
swam tho rlvor yostorday Ho didnt
stand back bocauso tho water was cold
but plunged In roso smiling and struck
out for tho othor shoro whero angola
woro waiting for him with a finor buit
than ho had over woru in his llfo boforo
John was a poor man but ho paid IiIb
subscription to tho homo paper and got
thcro In good shape
A H Ellis was in town yesterday
from Wnyuo
Mrs Trcdwoll of Stantou was a city
visitor yostorday
Miss Lizzlo Kleutz joined tho crowd
to Humphrey today
Tas Gary was In tho oity yostorday
from Emorsou
Miss Nellie Williams has gono to
Humphrey ou a visit
1 F Frouoh was a Sugar City visitor
from Wayno yostorday
Mrs Wm Gorocko was up from Stan
tou yostorday grooting Norfolk frlonds
Dr Frank Salter roturuod this morn
ing from a professioual visit from Win
H J Billorbeck nud daughter of
Vau3a wero visiters in this metropolis
Ex Sonutor W V Allen was iu tho
city today ou his way from Plainviow to
G T Sprechor aud Chas Hagoy wont
to Omaha today to visit and attoud to
busiuess in at tors
Miss Minnie Fricko who has boon
visiting Miss Irono Dexter returned to
her homo in Madisou today
Dick RichardB came in from Sioux
City this morning and will visit for a
whilo with Norfolk friends
W B Ilight of Edpowater Park is
having his houso improved by tho appli
cation of a new coat of paint
Miss Faunio Norton came homo last
night from Albion whore sho has been
visiting for the past ten days
Fritz Glanders attendant at the hos
pital for insane is enjoying a two weeks
vacation bogiuuiug yesterday
It is expected that Laud Commissioner
Jacob V Wolfe will make an official
visit to tho hospital for iusauo tonight
T M Hull supervisor at the hospital
for insane was among the crowd that
went to Humphrey to honor Bryan to
O S Evans was a visitor to tho county
seat yesterday in the interest of tho
Times Tribune which was sued by Ira
L Hungorford
Billie Ferguson has purchased from
Robt Bailey the peanut stand on the
corner of Main aud Fourth streets and
has again opened It to the public
J B Donovan of Madison head mau
of tho Star and Madisou Couuty Report
er of Newmau Grove was iu tho city to
day looking after busiuess interests
Mrs F G Bilger celebrated her 48th
birthday last ovouing at her home ou
First street A small company of
friends enjoyed the occasion very thor
The Journal is uow published all at
home having dispensed with the patent
innards The service rendered is
quite au improvement and will no doubt
be appreciated
Miss Auua Lobuow who has beeu
holding down a case on Tub Nkws
leaves tomorrow for Fremont where she
has accepted a good position iu the tele
phone exohauge
Frank Yost formerly a resident of
this oity but who has lately been con
nected with tho Omaha tolephone office
has beeu advanced to the position of
stato inspector for the Nebraska Tele
phone company
Adjutant General P H Barry was in
the oity yesterday ou his way home to
Lincoln from the Ploinview reunion
He inquired iuto the affairs of Company
L and seemed well pleased with the
manner iu which they are being con
Noligh Leader Billy Woods aud Ell
RaBley ofNorfolk havo rented the Weir
livery barn and will oonduot It as a
training and boarding stable Mr
Woods is a horseman woll known
throughout Nebraska aud has handled
some fast trotters
David Whltla of Battle Creek was
transacting busiuess in tho oity today
He and his wife have recently returned
from a trip through Wayne Pierce
Knox aud other counties aud Mr Whit
la says he uever saw the equal of the
crops throughout this district
Madisou is arranging for a big recep
tion to be giveu iu honor of the mem
bers of company F of the Fighting
First ou their return from the Philip
pines There is no question but that
tiie bravo soldier boys will be gladly
welcomed wherever they may appear
There wero 41 round trip and 10 oue
way tickets 6old at tho Uuion Pacitio
depot tills morning for Humphrey
This was not a large crowd but was un
doubtedly materially increased at other
W n
-- y
Before starting on a run a refreshing wash with
Ivory Soap gives new energy It lathers quickly in any
kind of water and does not cost more than common
soap The luxury of being clean is not realized without
using Ivory Soap You need not fear alkali or other
injurious ingredients found in many soaps Ivory Soap is
nothing but pure materials combined to make a soap that
will clean and rinse quickly thoroughly satisfactorily
coprmQHr ua av thc proctih i aimc co oincinnati
stations aud by tho time the train
reached its destination it was probably
Mrs Josephine Hull took several fiuo
productions of hor brush to Humphrey
this morning One was a fruit paint
ing which sho was about to deliver to a
customer aud was au exceedingly fiuo
picture and true to nature The
other two wero excellent likeuetses of
Mr Bryan aud Ex Seuator Allen
Tho cold storage people shipped an
other carload of oggs to headquarters at
Lowell Mass yesterday Since coming
under tho now management the cold
storago is proving au important busine
factor iu Norfolk and North Nebraska
The people are pleased to witness its
success and hope it mny always continue
Tho German Lutherans are arranging
for a missionary picnic to be held in the
grove of Herman Newman this side of
Stantou tomorrow A good program of
oxercises has been arranged and dinner
will be served Rev King of Hadar
will preach in the forenoon and preach
ing will also be held in the afternoon
Everybody is invited to attend the
The trustees of Gates college havo se
cured a meeting of the Congregational
board of education which will be held
uext week whou the collego will be re
organized on au academic basis No
funds have yet been received to pay off
the old indebtedness of tho college but
it is hoped that some arrangements for
wiping out tho debt may be made at the
meeting of the board
Emerson the young sou of Supt D
C OConnor this inoruiug fell from the
roof of the house and sustained some
painful bruises Repairs are under way
on the property and the ladders were too
great a temptation for the little follow
to resist Had it uot beeu for the foot
that considerable loose dirt had beeu
filled lu around the house the fall might
have resulted far more seriously
The grading that has beeu done ou
tho sugar factory road over whloh form
erly nm the electric street railway
tracks is au improvement that all who
havo occasion to drive that way will ap
olate There aro other roads leading
out of the city that could be benefitted
by simtliar treatment aud It is hoped
that tho good work will uot be allowed
to lag until all causes for complaint by
farmers who make this oity their trad
ing point has beeu removed
Madison Chronicle L O Largen
electrician from Wayno was iu tho city
Thursday aud Friday of last week look
ing over tho ground and Intervelwiug
the city council preparatory to drafting
plans aud specifications for au electrio
light plant at this place It is a rec
ognizee fact that Wayne has one of the
very finest plauts iu the state aud Mr
Largous draft will be ou a similar plau
no doubt Mr Largeu is expected here
again this evening to attend a meetiug
of the citizens at which time his plans
and specifications will come before that
A Winsido sheop raiser F W Sorn
berger made the first shipment of wool
ever sent to market from that point this
week It was tho seasons clip from
250 sheep weighed 1800 pounds aud
brought 203 It averaged por sheep
seven aud oue half pounds the price
averaging 103 per animal Iu addi
tion to this Mr Sornbergor has an in
crease of 225 lambs from his flock it
thus being nearly doubled The gontle
mau Is much pleased with his veuture
He bought the Mock last fall aud figures
that the increase aud wool by this fall
will be worth all the original flock cost
As the feed of tho Bheep costs very little
they beiug ablo to live aud grow fat
where other auimals would starve it
will be seen that as a profit producer
sheep aro hard to beat An investment
that will almost double each year is bet
tor than loaning money at 10 per cent
Grasshoppers and locusts aro playing
havoc with tho crops in various parts of
tho state aud country This leads Prof
Lawrence Bruuer entomologist of tho
university to renew his plea for the
protection of tho birds ns thoy are all
very fond of locusts and especially of
the young ones A single bird will des
troy many thousands of these insects
Only a fow weeks ago Prof Bruuer saw
dozens of birds feeding upon the young
of the migrating locusts in Sioux couuty
where the insects had hatched in one of
the vilWs by millions One of the best
artifioil means of destroying tho pests
s the hopper dozer which is an ar
rangement of pans containing water
and kerosene to bo hauled over the
ground with a screen at the back The
hoppors fly against this screen fall
into tho pans containing tho kerosene
and are thus killed This machine may
be built any size to be handled either by
hand or team The hoppers have not
yet made thoir appearance in this vicini
ty in any uumbers and it is to be hoped
thoy will uot
The force of habit says the Louisville
Times is pretty strong almost as strong
as the ruling passion which is in at the
death It has become the fashion to fol
low every little address or song with
upplaue sometimes as a mark of cour
tesy sometimes because the audience is
really delighted People become acous
tomed to this and respond automatically
to any publio remarks Oue day lately
at a meetiug a woman member of au
organization prominent iu southern cir
cles of society arose and made a pleasant
little speech to her sister members
Later on she bowed her head solemnly
aud offered up a touching prayer All
cast down their eyes aud looked im
impressed aud when ameu was breathed
a member who had succumbed to tho
force of habit forgot herself aud clapped
her bands loudly iu applause of the
prayer Everybody caught on to the mis
take aud not even the solemnity of the oc
casion prevented tho other members
from griuuiug aside or casting playful
glances at the luckless maker of the
The Dodge Criterion The editor
Fourth of Julyed at his home near Mead
ow Grove with his poreuts While me
andering arouud among the young moun
tains north of tho Elkhoru river one ele
vation higher than its neighbors was
uoticed to be void of grass on its summit
Suspeotiug that it was a prehistoric
graveyard spades and shovels were pro
cured at once aud excavations beguu lu
earuest The search was soon rewarded
in tho discovery of two good Indians
who must have been buried there from
sixty to one hundred years or more iu
tho past Judging by the pluuder that
had been buried with thein they be
longed to a raco that lived ou the spoils
of war and the chase Three iron sad
dle stirrups of ancient make were fouud
iu one of tho graves As uear as we
have beeu able to learn they were of the
style of the sixteenth century aud might
have been taken from some uufortuuato
explorer of that period Beads pieces
of deer skin aud ornaments were found
lu profusion This was not the ordiuary
way of celebrating our national anniver
sary but it served iu a most Impressive
manner to illustrate the changes that
have taken place on this continent aud
iu this country within the last two
dred years Two hundred years ago the
mighty expause of western plains was
inhabited by wild auimals aud roaming
savages who worshiped the god of war j
today its teeming millions are engaged
iu the peaceful pursuits of the commerca
of civilization and eulighteumeut aud
the worship of the God of peace