The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 20, 1899, Image 1
I i l i K i Ar i The Norfolk Weekly News LGER DOWN AND 01 rp The War Secretary Suddenly Tenders His Resignation HEIKLEJOIIX TO ACT TKMPOIIAKIIjY No Iiiimeriiutn Appoint mr nt Ilxprrlcil Algnrn tailor to llo Mmle Public Willi Mm lrrlliit Arroptnno Mlililsmi Visit ii ii Alleged Cmno of KtrniiKAiur iit Wasiuxoton July SO Lato yestcr dny Secretary Alger tendered to tho president his resignation of tho war portfolio to become effective Aug 1 though it was tendered at tho pleasure of tho president The president will accept it Gossip has hogun already as to his successor but is entirely speculative for notwithstanding tho reports that Mr Alger would not long continuo at tho head of tho war department his actual resignation came suddenly and unex pectedly Formal acceptance of tho resignation will bo mado in a letter to bo written by tho president within tho next day or two No official statement as to tho cause of tho resignation was procurable either from tho president or from Socro tary Alger neither of whom would talk on tho subjoct nor was tho letter of resignation obtainable For tho present nothing will bo mado public concerning tho soveraiico of tho relations of tho president and his war minister but latter on tho official cor respondence closing tho latters career as chief of tho war department will doubtless be givon to tho press Tho belief had prevailed in Washing ton for somo time that Secretary Alger would resign from tho cabinet but tho date generally sot for it was toward tho end of tho year after ho had submitted his annual report in which ho intended to sum up what had been accomplished during his briof but eventful direction of the war department Its tender then had been regarded as almost a foregone conclusion in view of Mr Algers an nouncement about a month ago that ho had concluded to enter into competition for tho vacancy in tho United Statos senate to be caused by the expiration of tho term of Senator McMillan a strong supporter of tho administration and that ho had enlisted in his active sup port Governor Piiigreo to whom had oeen attributed free criticismsof tho policy that was supposed to be cherished by tho president toward the Filipinos Strained Kclutloim Hinted At There have been many explanations and denials of the facts in that case but in tho end the impression was con voyed that tho result of tho Michigan visit of the secrotsiry had been to change tho relations between the president and himself to such a degree as to make tho restoration of their former status im possible and to render tho connection of tho two as part of tho same official fam ily impossible At one time since then has there been ground for tho belief that a rupture might bo avoided but this belief ceased to bo hold when tho news spread that Vice President Hobart and Secretory Alger wore in conference at Norman hurst It was largely at least as a re sult of this conference that Socrctary Alger decided to leave tho cabinot at this time At tho conference there wero present besides Secretary Alger his military aide una close personal and political friend and advisor Major Hopkins and perhaps somo other persons or person -who ulso felt a deep interest in tho future of tho secretary There has been no disclosure of what passed by tho sea side but it is significant that tho return of tho secretary to Washington was fol lowed by prompt action He arrived in Washington Tuesday night too late to make any official calls Almost before tho oxecutivo depart ments wero opened for business Wednes day ho called at tho white houso and vis iting tho prcsidont in his office an nounced that ho had concluded to re sign his office What passed on that point botweon himsolf and tho president is only u matter of Hurmiso for neither have anything to say on this point Some routine busi ness pertaining to tho war department was disposed of and then Mr Alger went to his office where ho wrote out his formal lotter of resignation and personally carried it over to tho White Houso His call on this occasion was brief and when ho roturned to tho war department ho closed tho door of his oflico to most of tho many callers who wero in waiting and had a long confer ence with Adjutant General Corbin To the uewspapor meu who sought to secure somo expression from him the secretary was courteous but firm At his residonco in tho oveniug tho secro tary was equally uncommunicative and positively declined to assign any reason for the action he had taken Mnlklejolin to Take Charge His plans for tho future havo already been defined Mr Moiklejohn tho as sistant secretary of war is at present supposed to be in Wisconsin He has been notified of what has happened and is expected to return to Washington to assume charge of the war department until such time as the president may name a permanent secretary Probably that will bo by tho end of tho present mouth Secretary Alger is much wearied by the weight of responsibility he has borne for nearly two years and a half und has aged many years in the opinion of his peraouul friends and is in need of rest He proposes to depart for the northwest and sneud some timo in the lumber camps belonging to him and then to pay visits to his children Those will occupy his timo until woll along into next fall About political matters tho secretary does not speak now but it may be fairly surmised that ho will be ready to take such part in the Miehigau senatorial contest as conditions at tho time will warrant Tho closest inquiry falls to elicit any details as to tho intentions of tho presi dent respecting tho appointment of a successor Tho tuemlwrs of tho cabinot were all dlsinclinod to talk about tho succession though ono did remark that tho president had mado no mention of a nnino to him and ho bolieved that no decision had yot boon reached Ho also convoyed tho impression that no ap pointment would bo mado immediately but that Mr Meiklojohn would bu al lowed to dlroot affairs for somo timo to como Among the names whioh havo boon montioned from timo to time aro those of General Horace Porter of Now York now ambassador to Franco Governor Iloosovolt of Now York General Harri son Gray Otis and Assistant Secretary Meiklojohn Tho name of General Corbin has beon mentioned in connec tion with an ad interim appointment pending the selection of a permanent occupant of tho ofileo This gossip also included questions of locality and tho opinion was expressed in somo well posted quarters that tho selection would be mado from tho west All this how ever is more speculation and it seems probable from the fact tho prcsidont has not yet had timo to canvass tho situa tion and mako a selection At tho Whito Houso there was no evi dence throughout tho evening that any unusual ovent had occurred Tho pres ident wont for a drivo with his niece Miss Duncan late in tho aftoruoon handling the reins himsolf About oclock Secretary Hay accompanied by Senator Fairbanks of Indiana came over for a talk on tho subject Secre tary Hitchcock and Comptroller Dawes called socially for a few minutes Thero was no evidence of a cabinet confirenco and no suggestion of any progress in that line History of Cabinet Cliimce Secretary Algers departure from tho cabinet will loavo in it only three of those members who entered it at tho bo ginning of tho administration namely Messrs Gage Long and Wilson Tho number of changes that havo occurred in the two and a half years of its life has been very unusual Six cabinet of ficers in all havo resigned their port folios either to retire to private lifo or to accept other positions of honor and trust at the hands of the president Thepe include Secretaries of State Slier man who went out because of ill health and advanced ago and Day who ac cepted a United States judgeship At torney General McKonna who accepted a position on the supremo court bench of the United Statos Postmaster Gen eral Gary who retired because of ill health and Secretary Bliss of tho in terior department who returned to Now York and resumed activo connection with business affairs EPWORTH LEAGUERS MEET Fourth lllennlal Convention HegiiiR nt Indianapolis Tills Afternoon Indianapolis July 20 All prepara tions have beon completed the tout raised ami the city decorated and every thing is in readiness for tho opening session this afternoon of tho fourth bi ennial international couvontiou of the Epworth leaguo of tho Methodist Epis copal church tho Methodist Episcopal Church South and tho Canadian Metho dist church Owing to objections raised against the proposition to erect the Epworth tent on tho state houso lawn the court house lawn was brought into service and tho mammoth tout raised Across the street from tho tent is located Tom liuson hall and tho opening session of tho league will bo hold in tho tout and Tomlinson hall simultaneously Fri day tho leaguo meetings will bo cx tended to the English opora houso and thereafter sessions will bo conducted iu tho threo places at tho saino timo Delegates began thronging tho city about noon yestorday The estimate of tho various officials placo tho numbei of dolegatos at from 12000 to 15000 Thero will bo at least 500 colored dolo gates from southern statos Probablj tho only business that will como up will bo tho selection of tho placo of mooting in 1001 Los Angeles and San Francisco aro both in tho race Fivo packages of literaturo against the seating of Congressman Robortl have arrived directed to Rev T O Iliff of Salt Lako who will attempt u movement among tho Epworths against the Mormon congressman Souatoi Fairbanks who was to have delivered tho address of welcome iu Tomlinson hall is iu Washington HIT BY A TRAMPS BULLET Watchman Ilunjuinln Stump Probably Murdered at Palls City bjr a Vttgraut Falls City Nob July 20 Yester day morniug about 2 oclock as Polico muu Ben Stump was making his rounds of tho Missouri Pacific yards he ap proached a boxcar aud flashed his light and a man iusido supposed to be a tramp fired at him the bullot outoriug at tho top of Stumps forehead and ranging downward Tho tramp made his escape but bloodhounds from Beatrice will bo put ou his track Tho wounded officor is iu a serious condition llld on a Court llotue Junction City Kan July 20 The county commissioners opened bids this afternoon foi tho proposed now 15000 court house and jail Zeigler Daltou of Junction City wjro tha lowest bid ders at J 1335 NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY JULY 20 1899 KRW YORK FOR BRYAN Her Chicago Delegation De clares This In a Manifesto LOYALTY OlTAMMANY lMlLACHKl National Donnx ralln Comniltti n In Inn In Chit ago Willi Altcnld as n troiy Mumlinr Local Olirornurtx of Now York mill Chicago May Hn Ignored Chicago July 20 Representatives of tho Chicago platform Democrats of the state of New York last night issued an address to the moiubcrs of tho Demo cratic national committee ami to tho voters of tho United States concerning the situation in tho stato of Now York It was assorted in tho address that an overwhelming majority of tho voters iu tho Doinooratio party in tho stato of Now York are enthusiastically in favor of tho principles laid down in tho Chi cago platform of 18 I and demand tho nomination of the man who most thor oughly stands for those principles It was declared that tho small group of men who havo seized upon tho ma chinery of tho Democratic party in tho stato of Now York are absolutely op posed oponly or covertly to all that tho Chicago platform stands for and tho nomination of any man holding those principles The electoral machinory in tho stato of New York it was also stated was such that any attempt to oust tho men now in control of the Tammany organization by work within that body would bo fruitless The ad dress concluded with an impeachment of Tammanys loyalty Acting Chairman William J Stono of Missouri will call the Democratic na tional committee to order today in tho Sherman House William Jennings Bryan will probably sit as a committee man arrangements having been made to furnish him with a proxy John P Altgeld holds tho proxy of William II Whito of Washington His presence iu tho committee may causo trouble for it is believed that Thomas Gahau mem ber of the comniittoo from Illinois may question Mr Alt golds right to repre sent a Democratic committeeman Apparently Mr Altgeld is desirous of avoiding trouble If nny of the mem bcrs resent his presence ho will tole graph Mr White suggesting some other proxy bo named then if Mr White in sists that he reprcsout him ho will do so If Acting Chairman Stones wishes aro carried out and apparently most of tho committeemen tiro with him the factional differences local to Chicago and New York will not bo brought be fore tho committco in any form According to tho plan of action given out thero will bo two subsidiary com mitteos named tho financial committee which will tako tho placo of tho com mittee ou ways and means aud the executive comniittoo which iu addition to its other duties will tako chargo of tho press bureau It is predicted that if a subcommittee of tho finauco com mittee is named to do tho work which has beou dono by tho ways and means committee Uroy Woodson of Kentucky and Judge Johnson of Kansas will bo two of its members and Samuel Book of Missouri will bo mado superintend ent It is intimated tho resignations of Senators Teller aud Allen aud ex-Governor Stono as mombors of tho auxiliary or ways and meaus committee will bo handed iu Sonator Jones absence iu Europo will leave Mr Altgeld tho only remaining member of this committee and au attempt may bo mado to forco him out and rcorganizo the comniittoo with only Domocrats as members leav ing out tho Populists and Silver Repub licans It is expected Mr Bryan will arrivo iu Chicago today aud will then announce whothor or uot he will speak at tho Auditorium meeting tonight DEWEY INSTEAD OF BRYAN W C Whitney Hope to Make the Ail in Ira I u Canilhluto Chicago July 20 Oliver H P Bel mont of Now York was asked last night if William C Whitnoya suddon depart ure for Europo was in tho nature of a mission Ho said ho understood Mr Whitney meant to boo Admiral Dowoy aud porsuado tho seaman to lot his namo bo presented to tho national con voutiou as a caudiduto for tho nomina tion Not that I boliovo Mr Whitnoy will succeed iu his object continued Mr Belmont I do not think tho admiral would consont to become a candidate Do you think Mr Belmont that if tho admiral wore brought to consent ho could boat Mr Bryan in tho convention Could ho stampede tho convention Candidly ropliod Mr Belmont I dont think he could Mr Bryan so far as I cau fathom seoms tho well nigh unanimous ohoico of the whole party Assuredly ho is tho uatural and logical caudiduto aud today at least he is invincible Made Innuiio by a Dream Sedalia Mo July 20 Mrs John Williams has become mentally deranged and is in a critical condition us a result of a dream that sho saw her husbauds traiu wrecked and himself ground to pieces Mrs Williams and nor hus band who is u brakeman aro both be lievers in Uhristian Science and she is being treated by the absent method To TextUho Ileer Law Jkiteksov City Mo July 20 E O Kelir a prominent St Louis attornoy is tracing the passage of the beer in spection bill through tho two houses for the tit- Louis tin wrs association pre- I Umiiuiy U a test of the law PLAGUE STEAMER IN PORT Tim Aiutnlt n Main Mall mid lmr iiHUM ljiiit nittlm il ill San liaiiclco Sax FiuMisco July 20 The steamer America Marti from Hong lvtng and Yokohama anchored in the stream lias been ordered into quarantine Passen gers will not be released until tomor row at the earliest No mail matter has yet beon landed i The steamer on entering port did not fly tho yellow Hag and it Is understood that she was sent to tho quarantine sta tion chielly because sho had been placed in quarantine at Nagasaki by the Jap anese oMlclaln u suspicious death at tributed to the bubonic plague having oocurred on the voyage from Hong Kong THE SHAMROCK AGROUND All Accident ItnnillA Ihn OhallaiiRer III Niiiiliitiiint at Her Iorforinanco Portsmouth Fug July 20 The Shamrock grounded on Sandy Bottom yesterday but was not hurt Sho will probably be examined by divers today before starting for Belfast London July JO Tho morning papers express regret at tho abortive ending of yesterdays trial race between the Sham rock and Britannia which they concur again proved th Shamrock much faster than the Britannia to windward but only a trifle better before tho wind mi lima Vntnrnu Wahiiinuton July -JO Colonel Will iam C Birkheinier assigned to the new Twenty eighth regiment at Camp Meade Pa was born In Ohio and served as a private in company M of the Fourth Iowa cavalry from March 1811 to August 1805 He entered West Point u year later and after graduation in 1870 served with the Third artillery on eastern and southern stations Hu was also instructor at West Point He has been with his regiment iu tho Phil ippines since June 1818 und was espe cially recommended for promotion by Major General Lawton for gallantry litunS Crop Siiiiniiiiry TW lnlVMV lllir Oil fltVll fWMtfll rtions in Iowa are hiunniiirized us fol lows A good deal of hay has beon in jured by frequent rains and lack of sun shine in the drier districts fair progress has been made in haying and harvesting ri n 1iii lv smvii nuts and burluv Willi - -- i i favorable conditions harvesting spring Ln nin uroiis will bu lcuoral within ten days Corn has mado very good pro gress Prospects for this crop as a whole are steadily improving Oats and other small grain crops aro standing up fairly well under adverse conditions Klxnliitf Hug lit Oimihii Omaha July 20 Tho dread kissing bug lias made its appearance in Omaha Threo cases of people suffering from tho insects venomous sting havo been re ported The bug corresponds exactly with the description givon in tho Phila delphia Medical News It was an inch in length dark brownish red color with long antennae or whiskers and has six legs Its generic name is opiscao tus and it is said to bo a parasite spe cies of bedbug KanfttiH City Lockout Still Uiulmtigml Kansas City July 20 Very little if any change has taken place in the situ ation at tho lockout of the Schwarzchild Sulzberger packing houso ilio com panys officials assert that additional signatures to their agreemont havo been secured siuco yesterday Thero is no iminediato prospect of a reopening howovor All of tho employes were paid off during tho day Hvrept Away hy h Cloiiilhiimt Tekamah Neb July 20 In north western Iowa near tho Minnesota lino ou Monday night A W Blades his wife and eight children wero drowned while enrouto to Minnesota iu nn emi grant wagon Tho family was en cam pod on u creek when a cloudburst raised the creek 15 feet and tho family team and wagon were swept away A National Christian Ticket Des Moinks July 20 A cull has beon issued by W R Wonkert of Da vonport la for a national convention of tho Uuited Christian party to bo hold at Chicago Dec 24 1800 and to remain in sossion a wool when ou Jan 1 1900 it is proposed to uominato a national ticket for which all God fearing men and women can vote Hurried to Death hy Ouiiolliie Council Blukks July 20 Mrs TTnnrv Anutin wtnv wirli her hiiftlinml ur - - -v aud two ohildren havo beon living in u covcreu wagon a row nines ease oi mis ft wnd faf ilfte hiirnnrl vncfntvlnv while attempting to pour gasoline into tho tank of a stovo while it was lighted Shot Ueuil hy Her Niftier Gkeenvillk Mo July 20 Miss Anna Weston was accidentally shot to death by hor sister Tuba Weston while out driving with Sam Bouo a farm bund Bono permittod tho young women to amuse themselves with his rovolvor Many ItalloU for Senator Emmettsbuiui la July 20 Over 2000 ballots have been taken without result in tho Ropubllcuu senatorial con vention Tho contest for Senator Gears seat is the overshadowing featur R New Yorks Trolley Strike Is Assuming Serious Phases SCOKHS 01 ILltSONS AUK IN111KKI A llmitlnu Mnh llll Srnoiiil Avmmn nml ThmnAie Mirny Plnrun HIiiiKitlm Willi the Inllco Slrlkn Irowliiu on Until Hid or the Itlicl Nuw Youk July 20 The Now York trolley inon have joined the Brooklyn strikers in their big strike The confer of operations in New York city Is tin Second avenue tho excitement In Brook lyn is centered in tho vicinity of Thirty sixth street and Fifth avenue where early yesterday morning dynamite was used Iu au attempt to blow down the olovated structure The rioting that took place In Now York yesterday afternoon and last night was of a serious nature infinitely fiercer than any that has taken place yet in the borough across tho river Scores of peo ple were injured and severely injured in the Second avenue district liUNt night that great thoroughfare was crowded with a jeering howling mob almost its entire length Tho great tenements gave forth their workingmeu residents who backed up the strikers in many a lioivo struggle with the police ami with the men were many women and still greater numbers of children They stoned every car that passed over the tracks they hurled stones and chunks of iron and vegetables of a vari ety or nature from roofs ami windows they barricaded the streets with paving stones tore up the street iron choked up the slots with wire and spikos and blocked the thoroughfares They hud many a conllict with the i0 patrolmen that had been placed along the line Of the injured the exact number can not be known Several policemen wore removed to hospitals with broken bones and torn scalps At least one striker or strike sympathizer hail his skull frac tured and a boy had his skull fractured Innumerable passengers on tho ears ro ceived bud wounds and it was impossi ble for passengers on Second avenue to go much above Fourteenth street It was hoped by the strikers to niiiku a deep effect by their success on Second avenue and so far as rioting was con cerned they made it On tho other lines in New York the strike was uot at any timo prominent during the day Last night however the motormen ou the Eighth avenue Hue to tho numbei of 100 or more organized and declared u strike Thoy thereupon set about to porsuade their fellow workmen to leave their curs and with sufficient success to huvu curs running ou only au hourly schedule before midnight Today thoy declare tho Eighth uvouuo will ulso tie tied up The officials of the Sixth ave nue lino iniidc the stutomout last night thut the curs nn this avenuo were mov ing about the same us over An attempt was mado at 1 oclock this morning iu Brooklyn to wreck a Park avenue car on its way to Manhat tan A cable similar to those used to ntruleh electric light and telophoun wires was tied across tho street from post to post and a foot above tho pave ment Tho car struck it at full spood The fonder was bent under tho car throwing tho front trucks off tho rails and tho motorman James Woodward of Philadelphia was thrown over tho dash lioard to the pavement and bruised about tho shoulders and head Thoro wore no passengers ou tho car Six policemen were aboard but thoy es caped with a shaking up Twonty two strikers aro under arrest for Wednes days dynamite oxplosiou TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Tho reports of recruiting Wednesday shows 410 men wore onrollod making a total of 2078 All tho field officers of tho now vol unteer regiments have boon uppointod and assigned Tho prico of flour dropped 20 cents a barrel Wednesday aud is now choapor than for somo timo An effort is being made to enlarge the seamless stool tubing trust of the Shelby Tube company At a mooting of tho striking ore hand lers at Cleveland Weduesday tho strike begun at the Erio dock wus declared off Governor Bradley of Kentucky will not call u special sossion of tho legisla ture nor soud troops to the Clay county battle field Clevelands O city electrician has found two water connections eaten off and water mains badly damaged by electrolysis Captain Barker commander of tho Oregon was a passonger ou tho stoamor Empress of India which arrived at Vic toria B 0 Wednesday Senator Fairbanks chairman of too joint high Americaii Cuuadiuu commis sion is still confident of u resumption of tho Alaskan boundary negotiations John Hyde cotton export for the United States commission to tho Paris exposition is sondiug out circulars re questing contributions fur the proposed exhibit AVil Baking iiWSOHJTElY IftjRE Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ppvi runiM powscr co ke rod in lrilii IB zzusamm f jwfstwvjiii u s moRRow DK1VE - WKLLS Will til ilnwn nnw iIU or tnpilr old hum Itatun Mowers Sharpened oumJanteeo I2i7 Ililllp Ave Tnliiplionn 121 CHAS DUDLEY HACK- LINE THLUIMIONB 73 ltnilittnrtori ItmnoTml from DiiTntiforti U hlo to list Dtitllnyn ntalilo on nth Ht For Plumbing Stun Fitting Poapx Tanks Wind Mills And Kit repair work In tills Una on n W H RISH HktUfaetion ItMnuitMrt Plrat door ion lb of Dallr Ntw nfflmi MRS MARY L STANTON DRESSMAKING Ptticcs Reasonable Up stnirs over Warohams Millinery WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH -an to- W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAIM tlT Tlllltl 10011 KAHT OK KOMtTIl KARO BROS Everybody wants the -est of meats We make a special effort to please our trade Oar Shp Is the Neatest In the City CRSEILER i Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission Braasch Avenue and Third St PHONE 44 Groceries Always Fresh and Just as Represented AT UHLES Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Egg THE North Western LINE F E ft V R R is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska Money to Loan ON Real Estate Eton B S Association MSI i