I W 9 fiR BI5TTEII HAVE A CARE The Bicycle Ordinance is to be Enforced TiiitKi riiisovH uiiormiT ii Mote Arrruli Will lln Miuln If li I Not Olmnnnl MiMiilirM itf Itlrjrln lilnli nml llmnliii It iImjj Tiili on VIiiIiiIoik Tim InlliiiiiiCT Krom 1tlilnjV Dnllyi Pooplo who rlilii bicycles will soon bo gin to Imvo i oiiio rtvqitct for tho utili nanco regulating tho uso of whools In tho city and tho preliminary stops woro tnkon today to mo that Its provisions nro mom closely lived up to On account of tho privileges glvoii thorn by tho city council tho bioyclo club Is Intorontod in hnvlng tho law ob served and Imvo taken tho troublo to biro a speolnl olllcor to watch for violat ors and mako complaint to tho city authorities As u result of this throo parsons woro today advisud to appear boforo tho po lluo Judge aud siiuaro thonisolves boforo tho court This they did and woro as sessed a flno of 1 and costs It Is understood that this is ouly a starter providing tho law Is not nioro olosoly obsorved In order to give tho pooplo fair notlco of tho provisions of tho law Tun Nrws ropnbllshos tho ordlnauco in full mul nil who rido bicycles should mako a careful study of It so they may not havo reason for complaint should thoy bo brought up short by tho oilleors for Its violation Orillimiirn No U An ordinance regulating tho uso of bicycles on tho streets and stdownlks of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska and pro viding a penalty for tho violation of tho provisions of said ordinance Bo it ordained by tho mayor and city council of Norfolk Nebraska Section ono It shall bo unlawful for any person to ride a bioyclo upon tho sidewalks of tho city of Norfolk No liraska upon either side of Norfolk uv onuo betweou Sixth and First stro ts Seotion two It shall bo unlawful for persons to rido bicycles nioro than two abreast upon tho streets or sidewalks of tho city of Norfolk Neb audit shall bo unlawful for them to rido at a rate of speed exceeding eight nnlos per hour Section throo It shall bo unlawful for any person to rido a bicycle upon tho sidownlks of tho city of Norfolk Ne braska at any timo excopt when tho strcots of said olty of Norfolk aro in such condition by reason ot rain snow or other causo that a bioyolo cannot be safely ridden thereon Whou riding upon tho sidewalks oh abovo specified every parson upon mooting or passing a pedestrian or person standing upon the sidowalk shall dismount from his or her wheel aud shall valk past suoh pedes trian or person boforo reinouutiug Section four It shall bo unlawful for any porsou to rido a bioyolo within tho corporate limits of tho city of Nor folk Nebraska after it begius to grow dark unless thero Is attached to tho front of said bioyclo a lighted bioyolo lamp Section flvo It shall bo unlawful for any person to rido a bioyolo within tho corporato limits of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska unless thoro bo attached to said bioyclo an alarm signal or bell and tho samo shall bo souudod by tho porsou riding tho bioyclo before crossing a stroet or crosswalk Soction six It shall be the duty of overy porsou riding u bioyolo to turn to tho right upon motting any vehicle or pedestrian Soction seven Any porson violating any of tho provisions of this ordlnauco shall upon convlctiou thoreof be fined in any sum not oxcoodlug five dollars and shall bo adjudged to pay tho costs of tho prosecntlou and may bo commit ted to tho city jail of Norfolk Nebraska until said lino and costs aro paid or un til otherwise discharged according to law Soction oight All ordinances aud parts of ordiuaucos in coutlict with this ordinance aro hereby ropealed This ordlnauco shall be in force on and after its passage aud publication ac cording to law J E SiimsON J 0 Stitt Mayor City Clerk 44 Necessity is the Mother of Invention ti tf It was the necessity for an honest reliable blood purifier and tonic that brought into existence Hoods Sarsapa rilla It is a highly concen trated extract prepared by a combination proportion and process peculiar to itself and giving to Hoods SarsaparUla unequalled curative power Its wonderful record of cures has made it Americas Greatest Medicinet Rosy Cheeks have good health and rosy cheeks thanks to Hoods SarsaparUla Jt builds me up and saves doctor bills Mary A Burke East Clair St Indianapolis Jnd cfiOOtCh SateabWilKa llood lllli cure liter ll tliu non Irritating did only cathartic tu ulta ultli IKkkIj nimptrthi h FRIDAY FACT3 Guy Vox loft this morning for Omaha A 1 liowii Is helping tho Journal out todaj Ira Ij llungerfonl Is visiting friends In Stanton John Meyer was In town yostorday from Stanton John Molntyro Is a visitor In tho city from Stanton U J Lambert wont to Tllden yester day on business J J Burleson of Atkinson was a city visitor yesterday J T Hunyoii was In tho city yester day from Randolph Prof W IJ Iilrons of Plorco is a Norfolk visitor today W A Moldonhauor mado a business trip to ltosklns today Supt D 0 OConnor drove to Battle Creek tills afternoon Mrs Will Ulmoro and Mrs Law woro up from Stanton yesterday Mrs J B Long and Mrs Meado of Madison woro Norfolk visitors yostor day Mr and Mrs W B Fuorst of Battle Creek woro visitors yostorday In tho Sugar City O B Durluud aud son Ohas jr woro passengers for Wayno on this mornings train Miss Flora Chouey was in tho city from Orolghton yostorday roturulng homo this morning Uriah Tatmau Is on tho sick list aud John B Barnes jr Is looking after his duties at tho postofllco Mrs T E Oillorno nnd daughter Mario returned homo from their visit to Sioux City last evening E B Ovelman has roturnod homo from Milwaukee Wis where ho has been attoudiug the carnival John Morse left this morning for Os ceola Iowa to accept a position with tho Omaha Elevator company Prof M Doorlng of Battle Creek is visiting with Prof M B Slngor teach er of Christs ohurch parochial school Tho inoiiibors of tho choir of Christs Lutheran church will enjoy a piouic in Blys grove south of town next Sunday A pleasant time is boiug planned Goorgo Harrigfold Andrew Gould Audrow Loaf and G Johnson of kins wero in tho city lust ovouiug Mr Harrigfold coutompiatos starting on his western trip noxt week J J Johnson a traveling ninn from Springfield 111 arrived in tho city InBt evening and has routed thoD Roos rest douce expecting to make Norfolk his homo in tho near future W P Evans and family returned from Iuniau whero they visited ovor tho Fourth last evening Thoy wore accompanied by Mrs Evnus sister Mrs L Downey who will visit hero a short timo The lighting of Maniuardts opora house was materially improved last night with tho aid of E M Nortons acotylouo gas machiue which ho kindly loaned to tho outoutalumout Tho trial of Charles Curtis colored on tho charge of potty larceny was held before a jury in Judgo Hayes court yes terday aftoruoou After hearing the ovidouco tho jury could not reach an agreement aud thecaso was dismissed by the court J Walter Rose writes from Ohino California to a Norfolk friend that it is oppressively hot there tho themometer registering 03 aud 100 degrees in the shade commonly Compared with that kind of weather Norfolk people have no causo for complaint on the matter of high temperature Madison Chronicle The city of Nor folk doue itself proud this year There woro about 200 people came down Taos day to givo thoJGreat American Eagle bird a send off and this city will always boar tho faot in miud aud whenever the opportunity offers we will return tho compliment with iutorest Arthur Ahlnian is endeavoring to see what cau be done toward seouriug a bi cycle meet to lastacouploof days duriug the first of August If enough Interest is shown the track at tho fair grounds will bo placed in first class condition and he hopes to seoure the attendance of leading professional and amateur ridors of the state TheDavrup3rtIa Democrat finds that wie newspapers or me state uavo oeen spelling the name of tho new president of tho state university in different ways viz M Lean McLeau MoLaue and MacLeou It suggests that one way is onough and states that in the absence of explicit directions from the professor himself the authorized way of writing it is Maclean That central at tho telephone sta tion has no suap Is an easy conclusion from the record kept yesterday There were 742 calls answered between 8 10 in the morning and 0 oclock in the even ing This averages more than TO an hour during the day and when it is con sidered that at times they buuch up it may be realized that the operator is kept on the move to keop up Sioux City Journal Tho Tuttl Fruttis returned home yesterday from Randolph Neb whero Tuesday afteruoou they mtt the Coleridge Neb baseball team ou the diamond The Sioux City boys were vanquished by a score of -1 to 3 They say they were beaten all rightv THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JULY 13 1800 howovor William Shoolny of this city pitched a good game and William Yager and Frank Bryson did sonio good woik behind tho bat Tho Modern Woodiuon of Madison county will hold their first annual pic nic at Battle Crook Wednesday July 12 Arrnugomonts havo been mado to so euro ono and one third faro for tho round trip A coach for tho special ac commodation of those who desiro to at tend will bo attaohed to tho morning freight and will leavo tho Creightoii do pot at 7110 returning at 015 in tho ovouiug All Woodmen and tho public generally nro invited to attend It would appear by tho following Item taken from tho Ohino Valley Champion of Ohino California that thero Is a nuolous for a Norfolk Club of no small membership at that town A four-in-hand tally ho convoyod n party from hero to Coldwater canyon on Sat urday morning returning Sunday even ing There woro in tho pnrty Mr ami Mrs W S Pardonner Mr and Mrs J McCoy Williams Mr and Mrs J W lloso Mr nnd Mrs Pollock aud Miss Pollock of Pomona Miss Taylor of On tario Miss Hamilton E C Hamilton E S Potior Roger Williams Wilson Pardouuer and Jeauuetto Pardonner Tho attondanco of citizens at tho G A It mooting at tho post hall last oven lug could soarcely be taken to moan that Norfolk people nro anxious to ontortain tho next district reunion of tho Grand Army thoro not boiug a porsou present outsido of post members However this may bo no Indication of tho seuti mout of tho peoplo as soveral promi nent business mou havo expressed them selves as heartily in favor of tho project aud it may be that business or socinl en gagomonts provouted thoir nttendanco at tho mooting It is understood that a canvass will bo mado of tho city aud in dividual expressions gleaned as to tho desiro of tho business men aud other citizens Tho Norfolk friends of Miss Clare Whvninu who formerly lived hero with her parents Mr and Mrs II O Why- man will bo glad to hoar of her just reward for her studiousuoss Tho pleas ing intelligence is gleaned from tho Daily Beacon of Aurora Illinois where tho family now has its homo Under tho head Valuablo Reward the paper says Miss Clare Whyinan of Gar field avenue stood at tho head of the graduating class of tho West Aurora High School in both daily recitations and examinations nnd bar reward is n schol arship in tho University of Chicago This university is ono of the leading educational institutions of the country and Miss Wliynan Is indeed to be con gratulated Nebraska pooplo seem to havo a way about them that captures anything good In sight A good audience attended the third performance of tho Festival of Flowers at Maniuardts opera house last ovou iug and wero well repaid for doiug so Tho popular features of tho other per formances as usual elicited praiso and applauso while some of the now num bers completely captured the audience The artistio poses aud serpentine dance by Baby Phyllis tho Highland Fling by Miss Grace Spear tho song by Marion bailor the jolly waiters trom all na tions aud tho Turkey Turks wero es pecially pleasiug to those iu attendance The reception accorded Miss Nellie Ger ecke ou her reappearance before a Nor folk audiouco was very enthusiastic and must have been very satisfactory to her On her appearance the buildiug fairly shook with the demonstration in her honor and at the close of nor solcction it was if anything more enthusiastic Hor voice is very sweet and tho finish which has been given it by the instruc tion she has received and her hard study and training have made It about perfect as to volume tone aud expression Tre distinct utterance of her words are iu pleasing contrast with many trained singers imperfections in that particular Norfolk may well be proud of Miss Ger eckes accomplishments aud should she again appear boforo a home audience it will greatly please a largo number of people Prof Ludwig Koeuigsteiu ren dered the accompaniment to Miss Gereckes selection iu a very satisfactory manner Frenlnu Wf lit her In July Would cause great discomfort aud loss but fortuuutely it is seldom kuowu A vast amount of miser is caused at this season however by impoverished blood poor appetite and general debility These conditions may be remedied by euriuhlug the blood and touiug the stomach with Hoods SarsaparUla This mediciuo seems to put new life into the whole physical system simply because of itswouderfnl power to purify enrich and vitalize the blood create an appetite and invigorate the digestive functions We advise you to get a bottle aud try it if you are not feeling just right It will do you more good than a six weeks vacation It is the best medi olne mouoy cau buy KIDNEY Isa deceptive disease TnniiDi c thousands have it IKUUDLb and dout know it If you waut quick results you cau make no mistake by using Dr Kilmers Swamp Root the great kidney remedy At druggists in 50 ceut uud 1 sizes Sample bottle by mail free aUo pamph let telling you how to fiud out if you havo kdnoy trouble Address Dr Kilmer Co Biugham tou N Y SATURDAY SIFTINQ3 J E Coopor was iu town yostorday from Oakdalo Uriah Tatman has resumed his duties at tho postolhco Win Hart of Winsido was a visitor In tho city yesterday J L Knosel was In tho city from Bat tlo Creok this morning Mrs Win Schwortforger wont to Ewing today to visit for a timo with her parents A party of young peoplo aro plannh g to rido to Stanton on their bicycles this evening Miss Annie Hormau returned yester day from a two weeks visit with friends in Osmond 0 S Evans of tho Times Tribuuo re turned last evonlng from a busluoss trip to Nowman Grovo Dealers in bicyclo supplies aro said to bo doing a rushing business iu latnps and alarm bolls lately L It Prlchard was In tho city from Meadow Grovo last ovouiug greeting old frlouds and acquaintances William Bryant and wife of Blair stopped iu town a short timo today while ou their way to Bazllo Mills Dr A L Macomber is painting and otherwlso materially improving tho ap pearance of his office on Fourth street W O Bryant of Grlswold and Benj Bryant of Bioomfield Iowa aro visitiug their brother and sou Dr F A Bryant of this olty Commander J 15 Evans of tho No bras ka department G A It has ap pointed H O Matrau of this city as ono of his Tho school board will hold a meeting this evening to consider tho matter of rouvatlng tho sohool houses particularly the high school building Tho millinery store of Sharpless Sis ters is beim ropaluted and otherwise im proved Its appearance is very ueut whero tho work is completed Tho reunion grounds at Plainvicw havo been christened Camp Fnuston in honor of tho gallant Kansas colonel who distinguished himself in tho Philippines Geo N Beels has abaudoned tho practice of law for tho practice of Christ ian Science healing His now shiuKlo was hung out to tho public this morn ing Row and Mrs Main havo returned from the Black Hills where they have enjoyed an outing of sevoral weeks dur ation Mr Main will aguiu occupy tho pulpit of tho M E church tomorrow WillJDarcy a 19-year-old Creightou boy was auother of tho Fourth of July victimsHe took hold of tho wrong eud of a sky rocket nnd lighted it nnd is now minus a fore finger and may lose the eutiro hand Mrs S It McFarlaud of Stanton auut of S It McFarlaud of this city died last Thursday aud was buried yester day She was 50 years of age and bad long been a sufferer from consumption from which disease she died Tho ONeill Frontier ono of the best weekly publications in the west this week started iu on its 20th year It says we nre a stout healthy kid of niueteen and no one acquainted with the paper will deny the statement Several of the old soldiers and their friends are arranging to attend tho re uuton at Plainview next week That is a good plnce to be and those who enjoy camp life recreation and amusement cannot miss it by going to Plainview Poison the horse which won tho long distance cow boy raqe from Ohadron to Chicago in 1893 is now offered for sale at 125 with no takers The animal was owned by A D Clark of Iowa Falls Iowa who prized it highly during his life Harry Patterson and Stella Luikart mot unexpectedly near Twelfth street last evening They were on their bioy clos aud the meeting was not so pleasant as some meetings are The shook of the meet threw them both off but neither was very badly hurt ONeill Frontier A piece of plate glass measuring one quarter of an inch thick was brought down from Aiuswjorth yesterday as evideuca of what a hail storm did thero the night of the 4 th Hail stones were as large as eggs and smashed that heavy glass iu fliuters Norinie Zimmer a Newman Grove lad received a bad cut in the leg on the lourth caused by a lying piece of a jug iu which two other boys exploded a gl nut firecracker What a kid wont think of in the woy of shooting off his fire works on the Fourth is hardly worth mentioning R D Scott of the Battle Creek En terprise departed Thursday for a visit to his old home in Grayson County Vir ginia with tho hope thnt the change rest aud recreation will benefit his health which has been very poorly for some time Bobs Norfolk friends will wish that his hopes may be realized Plainview News On Tuesday tho auditor of the American express com pany arrived and made the formal trans fer of the agency from the Short Lino to the F E M V depot and S T Skeen was duly installed as agent Plainview now has two express com panies the Northern and American A Chicago paper contains the follow ing estimate of Fourth of July casuali ties nnd accldeuts which includes reli t j Y The cakes of Ivory Soap are so shaped that they may be used entire for general purposes or divided with a stout thread into two perfectly formed cakes for toilet use For any use put to Ivory Soap is a quick cleanser absolutely safe and pure ii wakninu There are many white soaps each represented to be Just as cooj as the Ivory they ARn NOT but like all counterfeits lack the neeullar anJ remirkihl iiii1IiIp i the genuine Ask for Ivory CnH l t i Soap anJ Insist upon rettlnc It copyniOHr iaoa or tmi proctih gamolc co Cincinnati able returns from 250 towns and cities Dead 13 injured 1710 firo losses 2S1070 injured by cauuon crackers 7J1 injured by powder explosious 257 injured by toy camions 2fil hit by stray bullets GO Tho Chicago Record of recent date contains au announcement of tho death of Mrs Maggie Ingoldsby nee Gleasou wifo of John Ingoldsby which occurred Juno 2Sth Mrs Ingoldsby was 0 years of ago aud leaves besides a husband two sous aud four daughters She was a well known resident of Norfolk sev eral years ago Ira L Hungerford came up from Stan ton last night and in company with Arthur Ahlmau drove to Madison today on business It is understood that the iiuuruoy ior tne Tinies Tribuno suc ceeded in getting a judgment for quite a largo sum of money against Hungerford without the latters knowledge and he has gone down to seo if the judgment could not bo set aside Neligh Yeoman Elder and Mrs Gorst intend to start next Monday ior Janesville Wisconsin where tho family of Mrs Gorsts pnronts are to have a re union They will be gone about twelve days N J Davis came up from Norfolk on Wednesdays freight Iu the afternoon Mr Corby drove him over to ins mrm wnicli ho had not seen for two years He thinks he is slowly iniprov ing tatauton Register Last Sunday tho German Evangelical Lutheran congrega tion accepted in its regular meeting the endowment of the late Frederick Sprick consisting of 750 This is the first endowment that has been made to that church aud we believe it is the first church in this county to receive a le gacy The late Mr Sprick also willed 750 to the Orphan Home Society of Fremont M O Wager of Battle Creek super intendent of the county poor farm is in the city today He reports that crops on the farm nre looking well with the prospect of a big harvest There are now seven inmates of tho poor house one of whom is Petie Pierco a former well known Norfolk character who used to furnish much amusement for the boys both old and young Mr Wager says that Petle is quite feeble and is fail ing rapidly being now almost blind Stanton Picket Prosperity is hitting theNorfolk Beet Sugar Company pretty hard The company has several hundred acres of beets growing but caut get help to tend them and the weeds are also growing Tho compauy pays good wages aifd pays promptly and the only reason thoy cannot procure help is that help is not to be had Everybody is employed It is the same everywhere The number of laborers is noteoual to the demand It didnt used to bo thus Oulbertsou Era A blaud little urchin of this city with a lurking gleam of wickedness in his eye celebrated the glorious Fourth iu a manuer which won the plaudits of all his immediate neigh bors but one That one had a parrot which incessantly screamed Polly wants a cracker The kid heard its ap peal touched a match to a giant cracker aud fed it to Polly whose spirit on tho other shore concludes that the supply ot cracker for once exceeded the demaud A letter dated May 20 from W F Reavis who went to Alaska from Bat tle Creek in this weeks Republican contains this information We think wo con make some good money this sum mer We were trying it a little today tWe sluiced ubout one hour aud a half and cleaned up something over 5 We think we can mako 15 or 20 per day thi9 summer and we caut work out more thuu ouo eighth part of our grouud by ourselves Tell Bud and Courad thut if they were here with grub enough to last them this summer we would givo thorn 10 per day for every day they worked Wo expect to hire five or six niou aud that is what wo will havo to pay them per day or 1 an hour Connections wero today mnda with the now well at tho waterworks pump ing stntion nnd fresh water from tho bosom of mother earth Is now circulat ing through the arteries of the Norfolk waterwoiks system This more thau doubles the water supply capacity of tho system and there is now no danger of a water famine in time of need The water was at first somewhat rily but is now as clear as crystal The new well adds iwu per cent to the capacity or 81t per cent more than tho two old wells combined The stand nine was filled this moraine iu the remarkable short time of two hours and a half tho pumps having nil the water thoy could handle for the first time since the pump ing stntion has been established It is said that men aro about to be re venged on women iu the matter of fash ion The latter have so industriously been monopolizing mens clothes and styles that the worm is about to turu in fact has turned iu the effete east The garment they hnve adopted is tho most sensible women ever wore the shirt waist and it is the part of good judg ment for man to adopt the idea A man appearing iu his shirt sleeves and showing his suspeuder buckles could never be considered as dressed while the coat and vest may look all right but are most of them decidedly uncom fortable in hot weather What better idea could there be than to wear a gauzy shirt waist to cover tho suspenders thus producing comfort convenience and a dressy appearance Let the shirt wast come and relieve some of the sorrows of suffering mankind Julius Hulff of tho Anzeiger is getting a most interesting collection and ono that in tho estimation of the writer beats stamp coin or bird egg collections all hollow His is a collection of newspa pers from all parts of the world aud published in every language under tho sun Some are very diillcult to get but his specimens are already very numer ous His latest acquisition was re ceived this morning and is a copy of The Bounding Billow dated June 1893 It is a newspaper published by tho sailors of the Asiatic fleet and print ed on board Deweys flagship tho Olympia The paper contains a splen did write up of the battle of Manila Bay by Its sailor editor L S Young of wiu ivuitugii is neatly printed ou heavy linen paper captured from the Spaniards at Cavite and contains a map of Manila Bay engraved after many failures with sail needles Besides being a spleudid addition to his collection Mr Hulff values it highly because of its historio connections The News is informed that there is still a chauce for Norfolk to secure tho district G A R reunion for next year but it will require an effort and the raising of some money ou the part of city residents to get it Among the ex panses to be met are tho procuring of about 400 tents besides hay straw wood and other necessities for the camp ers The cost to the city would be be tweenflOOand 500 whioh is not a large amount if every one does his share while the benefits to be gained in addi tional trade and advertising would ex- ceed that amount many time3 When it is considered that several hundred old soldiers will be here constantly during the eucampmeut aud that thousands of other visitors would be in attendance on the principal days it would seem that this is worth striving forparticularly bo cause Norfolk has not had auythiug for years that would draw a largo number V i a hi