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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1899)
v i A i The Norfolk Weekly News FIRST FROM THE WAR i Soldiers Reach Native Shores SAX lHAXCISCOS NOISY WELCOME Ai tho TmtiMiorl Nnuptul nnil Ohio Ali tor ml Mm Iturbor tho Ilnmn Cotnliifr Volunteers Rlicornl From Deck nmt 1 RIrkIiik Tu Urn to Oliiiiunlltin Hliitlon San Francisco July 13 Tho United States transports Newport and Ohio bearing tho Oregon volunteer regiment from Manila arrived hero last night Tho vessels wore sighted early in tho nftcrnoou and soon tho shrieking of steam whistles tho clanging of bolls and tho firing of cannon announced that tho first batch of returning volun teers from Manila wcro uoariug tho shores of California Within a fow minutes tho streets wero thronged with people wending tholr way to tho docks und to tho heights overlooking tho bay intent on catching a glimpso of tho transports as they steamed up tho har bor under tho oscort of a scoro of ves sels which had been mado ready for tho arrival of tho steamers Tho reception committees boarded tugboats and Governor Irwin headed tho committee On ono boat wore tho harbor commissioners tho officials of tho notional guard of California and Governor Geer of Oregon and his staff On another a band and Mayor Phelan und invited guests Tho revenue cut ter Golden Gate bearing federal oillc ials was boon under way and she was joined by tho federal health authorities boat from Wrangol island Then there were boats ut tho disposal of tho Rod Cross and other societies and many chattered by private persons As tho transports slowly steamed up the harbor tho boldiers gathered in ex cited groups on deck and some climbed into the rigging whero they shouted mid cheered liko mad Tho band on the tug boat played patriotic ah and the set canting of many steam scions created pandemonium The health of ficals boarded tho vessels which changed their coin o toward the quarantine sta tions whero tho doctors will nialco a thorough examination of the men It is yet undecided whether tho Otogon volunteers will be allowed to land in San Francisco before returning to their Oicgon homes RUSH WORKON A CRUISER A Guutcmiilitii Outlntiilc Sluy Iviiuliu tlio IllilUllplollIllrt IJ1 LNPIILC Nnw Yoiiic July li A special from Washington to tho World says Outers to nish lepairs on tho cruiser Philadel phia and fit her for sea as quickly as possible wero sent yesterday to Admiral KauU at San Francisco Tho board of survey which usually determines -whether repairs shall bo made was dis pensed with to save time and it is also uudei stood that expenso is not to bo considered Tho navy department ofllcials will not Fay wheio tho cruiser is going but it is believed that an outbreak in Guatemala is feared and that tho warship is ordered thero to protect American intetosts IIsiio No Faith In Ieon Story TcrruKSON Citv Mo July 13 Of ficers ot thy penitentiary think thut there is no truth in tho letter written uy ono James Leo in which ho asserts that ho knew Albort Gates in Arioua in 1894 Leo says that Gates did not want to let his peoplo know whero ho was because ho liked tho wild life of a miner Ho asserts also that Gates went under tho name of George Doroy uut for what reason he does not know While he says Gates told him his life ho mado no mention about wlint be came of his property while traveling in Missouri where ho was supposed to have been killed llrst Itejjlment Itereptlon Abumlonnil Omaha July 13 The committee in charge of tho reception to tho Firot reg iment has decided to abandon tho plan of holding a demonstration in tho namo of tho state and for tho entire regiment and to leavo to each town tho task of entertainiucr its own company Tho consideration leading tho committee to tho decision was tho receipt of letters indicating tho light in which many peo plo of tho outsido towns regarded tho movement 3 Murder und bulcltle ut Stuntou Stanton Neb July 13 Frank Top ley a well-to-do Bohomiau fanner 10 miles from hero yesterday killed his wife with a carpenters hammer and then committed suicido by taking poi boti He objected to his wife visiting a disinherited daughtt and son-in-law Cunuon Wuhes Uxuuiluutlou Salt Lake July 13 Angus M Can non president of tho Salt Lake Stato of Zion who was recently arrested on tho charge of polygamy appeared boforo a justice of tho peace yesterday aud waived examination Ho rofused to My anything about tho case Former Seuutor Column III Magnolia Mass July 13 Former Senator Arthur P Gorman is ill at tho Hesperus hotel aud his wife and two daughters aro at his bedside His con dition is not considered serious Ho suffers from exhaustion or a relupo of the grip A tH Church Tor linen la Ames la July 13 Tho contract for tho now Congregational church has been let to J F Atkinson Co of Mar thalltown and Webster City in tho faco of stiong competition by eastern linns The building will be completed by Nov 1 next for 223 NO TICKETNAMED YET Hut It l i Iiiiproup no tlim Tmlor Will II Nonihmtinl ut Lemnoton Ky July li The Re publican state convention has comploted nllitswoik except tho adoption of a platform and tho nomination of a ticket It would have nominated part of tho ticket last night but for tho fact that it became entangled in mistakes und misunderstandings regarding tho adoption of tho report on rules Tho convention adjourned while points of order wero being rulsed Tho ovening session was not ono of parliamentary decorum Tho delegates wero kept waiting for over two hours on tho committee on credentials and wore not In good humor after that time over any questionable rulings or any thing olso Tho Taylof men hnvo had thoir way in everything at tho district meetings tho committee meetings and in tho con vention They havo tho permanent or ganization as completely as they had tho temporary organization and havo reconciled tho colored element by mak ing a negro secretary of tho convention with a list of white assistants Thero is nothing unusual in tho reso lutions except that tho civil service is not endorsed in tho plank commending President MeKinley for recent modifica tion of tho civil service During the afternoon sossion yester day an accident camo very near causing a stampede Tho btago was over crowded and it cracked but it did not givo way A now platform was con structed in another part of tho hall during tho recess and it was ready for the eening session FIFTY THOUSAND FOR IT Kansus City Will Iiij this Sum Tor the Duiuni mile Contention Chicago July lii Tho Record says Kansas City Democrats backed by members of their party in othor parts of Missouri havo raised i50000 which they intend ottering to the Democratic na tional committee if tho committee will send tho Democratic national conven tion to Kansas City A largo delegation of Kansas City Democrats will bo in Chicago next Thursday when the national committee men meet here ready to hand over J0 000 for tjho comention This money would go into the national Demociatio campaign fund and it is the opinion of Democittic leaders that Chicago Omaha Denver Pittsburg or any other city which is fishing for the convention must do better than 30000 if it hopes to win the priu INDIANAPOLIS NEWS SOLD Thu liiici Ik Knnkil Down to Dolman SinlUi at lnlillc Silo Indianapolis July 13 Tho In dianapolis News wtis put up at public sale yesteiday afternoon at 2 oclock by order of tho com t growing out of tho litigation between tho paitners W J Richardson on one sido and Chailes R Williams and Delavan Smith on tho other Tho sale began with a bid of 00000 by a local syndicate Another bid was 802o0 by II M Bowling of this city representing unknown parties His only opponent was I M Jordan of Cincinnati ulso representing unknown parties At 0 p in after thrco hours of bid ding tho paper was knocked down to Dolavan Smith of Chicago and Charles R Williams for 4930000 They already owned C03 per cent of tho stock Probable Murder at Iowa City Iowa Citv la July 13 John Mey ers a German laboring man residing in this city has beeu found dead and thero aro evidences that tho man was mur dered Iowa Stato Bur Meeting Sioux City July 13 Tho first day of tho convention of tho Iowa Stato Bar association in Sioux City was full of important features and interesting discussions Many of tho prominent men of tho stato wero prosont About 300 other lawyers aro in attendance TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS The Globo National bank of Provi donco has wound up its affairs with a liquidation dividend of 120 per cent Tho Amorican Lamp Chimnoy com pany Wednesday transferred its in terest to tho MucBoth Evantl company Tho Cincinnati Busoball club has signed Jacob Stenzel formerly of tho St Louis club but released about a month ago Tho roport that tho whisky trust had bought up tho famous Gibson plant near Pittsburg is absolutely doiiiod by tho owner Tho members of tho athlotio teams of Yale ami Harvard universities havo ar rived at Southampton Eng in excel lent health Terry McGovern of Brooklyn and Pedlar Palmer of Loudon aro matched to meet in a 25 round bout at Westchos ter A 0 Sopt 1 for apursoof 10000 Severe thunder storms accompanied by a great downpour of rain flooding valleys and interrupting railroad traffic have occurred in many portions of Eng land Reliablo information iudicatos tho in definite postponement of the discussions of Anglo American commission ap pointed to consider matters in dispute between tho United States and Canada Tho Retail Clerks National Protect ive association protests against tho in human practice of compelling mou aud women to work seven days in succession and calls upon American trade unions to secure legislation agaiust it The first of tho sub committees 6ent out by the Industrial commission to in vestigate special industries began its inquny into tho mining interests in Denver Weduesdav Tho second will take up tho manufacturing interests m Bost m next Monday NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY 11LY lU890 11PIMRM mBftdriBi sitfTOjEMtwaTSgflifcT m The Generals Departure for Manila Reopens Agitation HIS IllSKJXATlOX IS llEQlttSTM Alabama Administration Join mil mi linnlrtnl Artlrlo on tho Situa tion Whcolni HnltrriitoA Ho lutcuiM tu Ilntulu UN Scat Birminoham Ala July 13 Since Joseph Wheeler has boon ordered to tho Philippines a renewal of the discussion aliout declaring his soat in congress va cant has boon begun Lust winter when Goueral Wheolor was in Cuba Attomoy General Fitts rendered an opinion for tho governor to tho effect that General Wheolor by ac cepting a command in tho army had vacated his seat and it was within tho power of tho governor to order an elec tion to fill tho vacancy Commenting on tho sentiment then and now tho Montgomery Journal which is looked upon as tho organ of tho stato adminis tration says Then thero was sotno s mptithy for tho cause In which General Wheeler was en gaged a foreign war was tu progress and tho country was In a flame of patriotic fervor anil enthusiasm ovor tho contest but thero is no such sentiment today us that which then swept o or the country and tho people are In a more practical mood and are Inclined to look at things In a nioro ptuctlcal way Thoro are many peoplo who would particularly appioxo the act if the governor wero to older an election In tho Iighth district ts elect a congressman and tho governor will no doubt bo urged to tiUo somo action in tho premises Chicaoo July 13 General Joseph Wheeler passed thiough Chicago yester day bound for tho Philippines Miss Aniiio Wheeler tho generals daughter accompanies him to Manila Slio goes out as a Red Cross liurso without pay and intends to remain so long as health permits or her services aio needed General Wheeler roiterated his state ment that ho would not givo up his seat in congiess That was settled he said hut it will piobably have to bo settled at the next congiess At tho last session a majority of tho Demo crats and man Republicans voted lor mo and I hope they w ill do it again ALGER SAYSHE WILL STAY Ho Will Not ICrtiio I Ills ll lul Can not Tot C ist tho lutliio Washington July 13 Secietiry Alger has made to a lcprosentativo of tho Associated Press his first personal statomeut concerning tho tepoits that he is iiLjxt to tesign from tho cabinet When asked as to tho truth of tho tumors the secretary said What do you mean exactly I mean to ask whether or not tho stories that you aio to letiro ft out tho cabinet in the near future aio true Thero is nothing in these tepoits but air replied tho secretary I shall not retire this year ceitainly and cannot say as to the fntuio My private busi ness and tho stato of my health will govern my future course These constant assaults and repeated baseless reports aro of course very an noying to mo and extiemely distressing to my family but I havo never retired under firo and I do not proposo to do so now Nothing I havo ever heard of or known of has beon so cruol as tho at tacks upon mo If my critics can point to mo ono thing in my oflicial career that I havo dono that I ought not to havo dono or that I havo not dono that I should havo done I shall bo very glad to surrender my present oflicial duties To Set the Cniupaa Bight Washinoton July 13 Scientific men aro manifesting much interest in tho preparations now making by tho coast aud geodotic survey which is charged with the mognetio survey of tho United States for determining tho accurate doviatlon of tho compass at sea Recent accidents at sea and tho sovero competition of ocean liners have called attention in a striking way to tho need of accurate values of tho deviation of tho compass uecdlo Tho values of tho deviation of tho needle usually used aro almost wholly dopondont on tho ob servations mado on laud and littlo has been dono by tho United States to so euro observations nt sea Tho vessels of tho survey aro being fitted with special magnetic- instruments for these observa tions June IluiiuliiK the Campaign Washinoton July 13 Tho Post says Senator Jones of Arkansas will not resign his position us chairman of tho Democratic national committee This can 1 stated anthoritativoly onco for all Two letters wero received from him iu this city yesterday in which ho not only makes clear his intention of re maining ut the head of tho committee but outlines work upon which ho in tends to eugago as soon as ho returns to tho United States It is not known whether Senator Jones will solid a let ter to be road at tho meeting of tho na tional committeo iu Chicago next woek but if ho does not tho members of tho committeo will bo mado acquainted with tho contents of tho letters which havo ulreadv leen received hero hiHltlou MuuuguiiiHiit lleorganlzed Omaha July 13 At tho meeting of tho directory of tho Greater America exposition held Wednesday tho execu tive committeo was reorgauued by tho election of Ficd A Nash and William F White as additional meinliers and Georgo W Clabaugh to succeed J II Kitchen The new committee is author ized to bonow tho hum of 25000 to nuance tho exposition over tho dull months PHASES OF SCHOOL WORK ui loin Sulijci t II1IHMH In Mil en Cnnilhliilm lor Pi rldonl los Amikiks July 111 lit the morn lug session of tho National lCducational association convention Professor 1 11 Hlnomaii of Pino lllulV Aik loprosont lug tho Southern Educational associa tion dolhorod an adilicss upon tho educational status in tho south which aroused gicat attention Quo Vadis was tlto reminiscent tltloof a iwpcr read by Mrs Helen Gronfoll stato sitiwlntoiulont of puhlio instruction Colorado Tho Averago Scholarship of tho Average Pupil was tho topic dealt with by Professor V Ritzier superin tendent of schools at Poitlanil Oro Professor W S Monroe Winflelil Wis read a paper on Fatigue Among Ohildron in which ho pointed out many of tho promoting causes and sug gested tho remedy Tho paper that aroused witlest com ment at the evening session of tho con vention was tho ono read by Professor Elinor E Brown Uniyoisity of Califor nia upon tlto subject of Ait In Educa tion Other papers wero read by T B Har vey superintendent of public instruc tion Wisconsin on Fundamentals iu Teaching by Fiank Rigler superin tendent of schools Poitland Oro on Tho Average Scholarship of tho Aver ago Pupil by F W Parker principal of tho normal school Chicago on The Education of the Citicu and by C D Gilbert superintendent of schools New ark N J on Tho Manifest Destiny of Popular Education Tho depatt incut of child study was enlivened by a comprohensho addiess by President W S Monioe West Hold Mass on Tho Status of Child Study iu Euiopo Miss O M Edmund prin cipal ol tho training school at Lowell Mass also contiibuting a piper on Child Study in Noimal aud Tunning Schools in winch site contended that psychology biology physiology and child study havo contributed mnic now truths bearing on odi during the last 25 years than wero discoeiod dur ing the pieeoding 200 Mrs Mat te Kiaus Boelto NowYoik city presided in tho kindoigaiton und Dr N Muiity pointed out somo of tho weaknesses of methods olVeiing sug gestions for remedying the delects Mrs Ruef Hoofer Chicago lead a paper on Hie Educational Uses of Music for Cluldiou Under tho Ago of Seven Years and a chaiactor study in tho kiudeigaitcn was presented by Pin lessor T P Bailey ono of tho faculty of tho University of California Candidates for tho presidency aro L D Harvey Madison Wis J A hay hiipciintendent of schools Los Angeles Elmer E Brown Berkeley C M Joiditn Minneapolis and C O It Carson Cincinnati Tho contest be tween lepiosontatives of tho various cities for tho next convention lias nar rowed down to tin oo cities Cincinnati Charleston and Monti eal So far Chin leston appears to bo the most fav ored place Tho nominating committee has agreed on the follow ing list of oflicers who will be balloted upon today President O P Corson ex supot intention t of schools of Ohio vico president Eoram Lyle of Pennsylvania secretary Irwin Shepard of Winona Minn incumbent treastnor O M Pearso superintendent of schools Omaha As thero is no known opposition to tho candidates thoy will no doubt bo elected unanimously Swullouefl it Tobacco Tug St Louis July 13 A largo tobacco tag has been romoved from tho tliroat of 1 -year-old Gertrude Henning Sho swallowed it 1 1 days ago and suffered intense pain until it was dislodged by a physician Tho child was playing on tho floor when sho saw a tobacco tag and put it in her mouth TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD William H Peake tho original Swiss bellringer is dead The total sum of tho contributions to tho Dewey homo fund to date isliJ8 The strikes of tho coal miners of Du Bois Pa district aro ottlod aud all tho minors will resume work Fire iu tho Riter Couey manufactur ing plant iu Alloghony Pa caused tho loss of about 1150000 fully covered by insurance It is announced that tho houso Electric and Manufacturing com pany ot Pittsburg will uuild works at Muuchestor Eng anil employ 5000 men Tho board of directors of tho Asso ciated Bill Posters of the United States ami Canada have reinstated the St Louis Bill Posting company an offend ing member Belief that a great brewery trust is forming iu tho United States hus been confirmed by numerous rumors preva lent that several Toledo breweries wero negotiating There is a well authenticated rumor at Cleveland that tho Delaware Lacku wanna uud Western is not going to lease the Nickel Plato road from tho Vuuderbilts Almost complete returns to tho bu reau of immigration of immigrants ar urivmg in the United States lor tho fiftcal year ended Juno 30 189J bhow au iucreiuo of 8257J over 1803 R SBNSATIONAL END i The Gallingcr Hearing Con cludes With Much Bitterness iiAMiEit Accrsri or intuitu Hoxi tal Wiiiiii lltulii lletueen SenutiiM tlnlllllKiu Cnlleiluuti Ihreilttnn thn hah man of tlm Mill Stu li a Commix uliiu With ItiiuiiMil Coscoui Nil July 13 Tho hear ing bofoio tho United States olvll serv ice commission on charges of tho viola tion of tin law on political assessment by United States Senator Jacob II Gal linger is practically concluded Tho final session ptoved most sensational Not only did Senator Gallingor accuse ills colleague Senator Chandler of speaking an untruth but lie offered to back up his statement outside tho com mitteo loom Previous to this incident Senator Chandler became involved in a warm dispute with Chairman Mark S Brewer of tint commission and not only accused him of paitiality but threatened to ask for hi removal The author of tho assessment chcular William S Thayer did not testify bo foio tho commission mid it is tho ini ptession that no futther evidence will lo taken Tho commission has to coivod a communication from Mr Thayer iu which ho stated thut ho pto limed tho cnculnr on his own rcsponsi bility but Unit Senator Gallinger knew of its being sent to Inderal otllcchold crs Tlto heatings both yesteiday and today Iiiimi been tuiiiked by bitterness on the iu I of tho senatois lowuid eacli oilier PORTER 1 ho llni nln DID NOT APPEAR luwIlKuloin Mil Summon Mini Im niitiiiipt Lincoln July IU Tho senate inves tigating committeo yesterday issued a summons lor Sen otary of State Poi lor to appear and give testimony on tho al lowed fraudulent count of ballots in IbM He ailed to appear and a hum moils for t outempt may bo issued Mr Poller questions tho committees juiis diction Edwaid Simon tlto stato house jani tor hnd one tea son lie aided in tho con spnacyto count in tlto two Populist judges was that lie hail been piomised it seated they would decide iu Ins lavor a case in tho supieiuo comt in which he was niteiestid F O llcdluiid formeily deputy state auditor a member ot the recount com mission stiit t liit as soon as lie iiati pos itive knowledge of fiaud being com mitted in the let mint ho exposed tho matter I To conohorated pait ot Simons testimony Nflil iinIoim IImimmI In IlogM Lincoln July 111 Tho past week lias been an excellent one for tho gtowth of vegetation in all pnts of tho state Winter wheat has ripened rapidly and harvesting lias ommeiiced The qual ity is every whom good but tho ucieago is small and tho yield per acioisulso small Oats havo made rapid piogiess Somo damage is reported by lodging rust aud hail but it is small and tho crop promises to bo a largo one Spring wheat is looking well and coin has con tinued to grow rapidly and taken as a whole continues in exceptionally good condition A rap MiootmH Itraily IlMol Omaha July I The refusal of a colored man to allow a game of craps iu his back yard was tho causo of two at tempts ut murder Wednesday ovening John Walker tho negro to whom tho crap playing privilege was denied fired flvo shots at Thud Lockloy tho proprie tor of tho premises ono of tho bullets taking effect iu tho left forearm Half an hour later ho tried to avoid arrest by shooting tho policeman who overtook him on a bicycle fulling becauso tho chamber of his rovolver was empty wheu ho snapped tho trigger Mimlor uml Arioii nt Itlchiiionil Mo Richmond Mo July I Tho rosi donco of Thomas Graves eight miles southwest of Richmond burned last night and Mr Gravos and his sistor Lucy perished iu tho flames It was not known that tho building had been burned until lato iu the afternoon when a neighbor visited tho plaice Graves was considered a miser and it was sup posed thut he had considerable gold hidden on tho premises und it is the general boliof that tho two wore mur dered und tho bodies uud building burned to hido tho crinio John Iynrhi Sou noil lluir Iouml WatkiuH IaJuly 13 John Lynch nn iron moulder of this city claims to bo one of tho heirs of tho cntato of Will iam Lynch tho contenariau of Kenosha Wis who died last Saturday leaving T0000 to his sou and daughter Tho roport of William Lynch s death con tained tho statement that the sou had disappeared ubout 21 years ago John Lynch says ho left his homo at Kenosha 24 years ago and has never been back He will ut onco comuiuuicato with his sister aV4 Baking Absolutely Pure Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROVAl OAHIVQ PODI CO Nt YORK iuauaauaaaaMa mjmmmemmMmmwmmmmmmJm J S mORROW J3KI VE - WKLLS Will mt ilnwn iinwunlli or rnpiiir olil ono Lauin rVIouiers Sharpened ouaranteed UD7 riiltloAvrt Toloplioim UI OHAS DUDLEY HACK- LINE TGLMMIONB 73 Ilniiiliiinrtirn Itouiurcd from Iiivmiort nU liln to dim Diullii ntuliln on Alii Ht For Plumbing Stun Fitting Puipt Tanks Wind Mills Ami all ronnlr work Iu tlili Una on n W H RISH Hatltfaetinn UuanuitaAil Ftmt ilnor nnth of Dally Hw offis MRS MARY L STANTON DRESSMAKING Pruees Reasonable Up stairs over Warohuins Mllliuorjr KARO BROS Everybody wants tho G3t of meats Wo make a special effort to please our trade Our Shop is tho Neatest in tho City GRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold Commission Bransch Avenue aud Third St on PHONE 44 Groceries Always Fresh and Just as Represented AT UHLES Highest Market Price Paid lor flutter aud Kgrg s Many Hours Quicker VIA TO TUB PlCTCrt V PACIFIC COAST Than by any other line The Ovaelond liimlted Carries the Government Fast Mail SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND iVI V 60 Hour to Pan Francineo vMtl m Hour to Portland FROM MISSOURI RIVER For time tables folders Illustrated Hooks and pamphlets descriptive of the territory traversed call un F V JUNBMAN Agent jzifismmmimmi