The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 06, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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j SLv Results from a j j
Wmhk Bad Liver j j
I nflwM and can
vM be Cured by
u ft 1 r fill
fff Using
Dr j h McLeans
Liver and
Kidney Balm
A Certain Remedy
Diseases of the Liver Kid-
neys and Urinary Organs x
u y
Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
ern and Eastern points
Uuoxcollod time and nccommoilHtious
to tho
Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
For moro complete information descriptive
utunpuletB etc address
A G F and P A T P A
Southeast Cor 11th and Douglas Sts
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures Fistulas
Burns Scalds
II Wounds Bruises
Cuts Sores
Boils Tumors
Eczema Eruptions
Salt Rheum Tetters
Chapped Hands
Fever Blisters
Sore Lips Nostrils
Corns Bunions
Stings Bites or Insects
Three Sizes 25c 50c and 100
Hold by druggli t or sent post paid on receipt of price
ucarnnitsaKDco til iiiniuustKwiri
Frazer Axle Grease
M nFAn Ah KW
A2 f iV a
Not affected bv Heat op Cold-
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
tr1 Frazer Lubricator Co
Factories Ctelago St Uuli New York
A if
Norfolk People Observe
Natal Day
Tropin Wenk In Surrounding Town
While Other Knjojrd Ilcnln mill Illi
itiK Ilirtlcn or Faintly Dinner Oreat
Diij it Madliou mid Stanton
From Wntlncsdnjrs Dallj
Tho Fourth passod off vory quiotly lit
Norfolk tho city with tho oxcoptlon of
Pasownlk park being apparently nhnost
dosortotl Those who didnt colebrato
with neighboring towno elthor joiuoil
picnic parties or hold family dinners
At tho park tho flrcmou had erected a
largo and substantial bowery with an
excellent lloor and this was filled after
noon audovoulug by a merry crowd of
thoso who enjoy tho danco while hun
dreds of pooplo who didnt or couldnt
danco watched tho Bpectaclo from out
In tho oveuing the grounds wero
beautifully Illuminated with head lights
and Japanese lanterns Tho music rou
dorod was fino and tho shooting off of a
largo assortment of iiroworks waB
viewed by many who attended especially
for that part of tho program
It is understood that tho Iroboys
cleared in tho neighborhood of 100 as a
resultof tho dauco
At Madliou
Tho largest delegation that loft Nor
folk to attend a celebration was un
doubtedly that which went to Madison
About 150 went down on the train
while perhaps twico that number drovo
down There was a big crowd and the
celebration was a good one Tho
parade and speaking in tho morning
wore fine while tho afternoon sports
were very interesting and warmly con
tested One of tho very best features of
tho day was tho musiorendored by tho
Newman Grove military baud every
body speaking in warmest terms of its
spleuded music
Three bowery dances wero run all
day and evening bopides baby and cane
racks and other side attractions
In the evening an excellent naval dis
play of fireworks was niado on the mill
pond taking tho form of the sham battle
The contest was very realistic and thril
The usually commendatory manner in
which the U P trains run on time was
the cause of a good many getting left
last evening as many remained too long
at the fireworks display and wero com
pelled to either remain all night at the
county seat or drive home
Madisons guests wero well pleased
with their treatment and tho enterpris
ing and patriotic citizens of that city
were undoubtedly well repaid for their
expense and trouble by a good day of
trade and advertising
Several fights occurred during the day
one of them resulting in a participant
having a portion of his ear chewed off
Among the Norfolk delegation to
Madison wero W M Olmsted and
family W H Law Mrs Pilger and
daughter Bertha Mrs A M Hall Mr
and Mrs S R McFarland Mr and
Mrs Martin Slawter Mr and Mrs H
O Truman Misses Francos Sharpless
Nellie Schweuck Lottie Sidler Maude
Dingman Anna Killen Wilde Miller
Loescher Banning Zuelow Mueller
Harvey Lyudell and Messrs Frank
Davis Harry Hull Eugene Austin Ira
Austin Georgo Killen Perry Truelock
and Tom McNeal
8tautou Celebrates
A good delegation of Norfolk people
also went to Stanton and enjoyed a very
pleasant day with the people of tho sis
ter city on the east
The parade speaking music and
other exercises In the morning were very
pleasing while the afternoon was given
over to sports of various kinds and the
evening to the fireworks of which there
was a fine display
Tho ball game between the Stanton
team and the one from Wisner was very
interesting the home team winning by
a soore of 4 to 8 In tho bloycle race
Arthur Ahlmau took first prize and Ira
L Hungerford second
Among those who went to Stanton
were Dr O S Parker Misses Elizabeth
Davenport Ada Butterfield Frances
Johnson Nellie Soymour Hattle Semin
ler Anna Lobnow Efllo Ball Ada Or
den Messrs J B Barnes jr Russell
Thompson Paul Karo Ira L Hunger
ford Arthur Ahlmau Storrs Matthew
son Fred Lobnow Frank Masters and
Ohrls Anderson
ilshluir Iurty
One of the most enjoyable occasions
was the fishing party which picnicked
beside the Northfork near the old col
lege building Tho time passed most
pleasantly to all with amusements of a
character customary to the time and
Those who composed the party were
Rev J J Parker and family Dr H J
Cole and family Geo L lies and fam
ily Burt Mapes and family A J and
O B Durlaud and families the Misses
Durland Mrs Rutenber J B Maylord
Dr Salter and Sol G Mayer
Mr and Mrs Day were among those
who fished and picnicked yesterday
Members of the G A R aud W RO
enjoyed a picnlo at the home of Com-
Mjj Carrey
Si Ti Im vfN
lift IP
A rfHMJifcjM TT rn i - w T - T -
Far superior to any other engine or separator on earth Built of the best material that can be
bought and by old experienced workmen We have just received two full rigs for samples and
EARNESTLY INVITE YOUR INSPECTION and will prove our claim Come and see them
H G BRUEQGMANN Agt Norfolk Neb
J H Cline General Agent for Northeast Nebraska will be in Norfolk on Saturdays
rade J W Bovee northwest of tho city
It is said that In spite of all the fishing
parties held yesterday no one is reported
to have caught even so much as a bull
M O Walker and family Sidney
Robertson and Miss Anna Seymour
composed a fishing party that went to
Bohees lake and enjoyed a picnic
The B B lodge of young folks of
South Norfolk held a basket picnic at
Tafts grove The Sunday school of the
Second Congregational church partici
pated as Invited guests
A neighborhood picnic was held at
Tafts grove and the Fourth duly ob
served by the families of W H Butter
field Rev S F Sharpless O J John
sou and Dr H T Holden
W H Bridge O S Bridge Judge
Powers and Robt Utter and families
enjoyed a picnic party in Edgewater
park yesterday It was as enjoyable as
all such events are when no calamity Is
met with
A team of Norfolk boys went to Col
umbus to play ball with a home team
yesterday They were beaten by a score
of 15 to 8 but think they did remarkably
well considering tho fact that they bad
men and professionals at that to deal
with Ed Stephens and Carl Davenport
were Norfolks battery
IllluoU Central
Low Rates to Epworth League Con
vention Indianapolis July 20 21
On accouut of the Biennial Conven
tion International Epworth League at
Indianapolis Iud July 20 23 the Illi
nois Central will sell round trip tickets
from all points in Iowa Minnesota aud
South Dakota at a rate of only ono fare
plus 200 for the round trip Tickets
limited to July 24th with privilege of
extension until August 20th by paying
joint agency fee of 50 ceuts and de
positing ticket on or before July 24th
For further information and ndver
sing circulars addr ess the under
J F Merry
A G P A 111 Cent R R
Dubuque Iowa
Every farmer and stock miser should
keep Sloans Liniment on hand for an
emergency Ask your neighbor aud ho
will tell you why For salo by John
Mayor Simpson Han Ilecn InieiitlKatliiK
Ilrlck Walks Cheaper Thau
Hoard in the Hud
In view of tho fact that many walks
throughout the city will have to bo re
built during this and summers following
Mayor Simpson has intereseted himself
in looking np tho cost of brick walks It
being a well known fact that they will
outwear board walks by many years aud
in fact with a few repairs from year to
year are almost a permanent thing es
pecially in the residence portion of tho
city He finds that the cost for putting
in brick walks is but little more than
that of board walks He hopes to see
many walks of a permanent character
laid during the coming summer
The following is a result of his inves
A Karo laid 2711 feet of brick walk at
a cost of 90
W H Bucholz has 150 feet of walk
made of vitrified brick which cost him
Col S S Cotton has built 80 feet of
brick walk at a cost of 20
Dr H J Cole has 00 feot of brick
walk in front of his residence which
cost him 10
It will bo seen that these figures are
not much in excess of the cost of laying
board walks and it undoubtedly would
bo the part of economy for property
owners to hereafter lay brick rather
than board walks
Cheap Kates South
Ou the first and third Tuesdays of
each mouth up to and including Octo
ber the Southern Railway offers to
homeseekers and settlers tho advantages
of cheap oue way and round trip tickets
to practically all points in Tenuessee
Mississippi Alabama Georgia North
Carolina South Carolina Virginia and
Homeseekers tickets will bo sold at
the rate of one fare plus 2 for the round
trip tickets good 21 days from dato of
sale in which to return
The southeastern territory offers to
tho prospector and 6cttler more advant
ages than auy other part of tho United
States and the Southern Railway has
arrauged for the sale of tickets on the
Mn 2ivnru wswttrat Wsatrgy SmJIMSjfcfrjJjj
daton mentioned abovo at low enough
rates to enable any one to go South and
investigate the opportunities offered in
that territory
For illustrated matter rates and fur
ther particulars address
Wm H Taylor A G P A
Louisville Ky
J O Beam JhN W P A
80 Adams St Chicago Ills
SWAMP- uot recommended for
everything but if you
KvJU 1 have kidney liver or
bladder trouble it will bo fouud just tho
remedy you need At druggists in 50
cent aud 1 sizos You may havo a
asmple bottlo of this wonderful now dis
covery by moil free also a pamphlet tell
ing all about it
Address Dr Kilmer Co Bingham
ton N Y
Farmer Attention I
The Hog Raisers Mutual Insurance
company will msuro your hogs against
cholera and all diseases
B O Getter
Agent Madison Neb
Delegate to the Detroit Convention Ar
rliiiif by the ThoiuuuiL
Detkoit July 5 Moro than 1000
Christian Endeavor dolegatos havo ar
rived in Detroit tho forerunners of
thousands of other Eudeavorers now en
route to tho international convention
which opens tonight At tho grounds
tho final decorations are being put in
Tho red aud white aud O E mono
grams are everywhere In evidenco as
welcomo adornments of down town
business houses
Tho annual business meeting of tho
United Society of Gliristian Endeavor
urn tho uuuuul meeting of tho board of
trustees of tho United socioty will bo
held today The first convention gath
ering will afijomble in Tent Endeavor
UcliUu Trouble Continue
Antwerp July 5 At a meeting of
tho provincial council yesterday a coun
cillor belonging to tho left proposed a
resolution iii favor of tho rejection of
the new electoral bill A rightist coun
cillor protested that tho retolutiou was
a censure of the government Tho
remark wus the signal for tin uproarous
outburst in tho public galleries where
there were shouts of Down with the
government Down with the thieves
Down with tho priests and the Mar
selllaUo was also sung-
inrinun Delegate ItmUt mi Leaving Op
tion In II0111I1 of lnwer Concerned
The Haouk July C At a mooting
yesterday afternoon of tho arbitration
committee tho question of whether ar
bitration should be obligatory or op
tional was raised and drew a categorical
declaration from tho German delegate
to tho effect that ho had received formal
instructions not to accept tho principal
of obligatory arbritatiou otherwise than
by special conventions
In viow of this statement article 20 of
the Russian proposal was struck out
and replaced by a provision declaring
that arbitration would bo optional ex
cept in caso of conventions between tho
powers All the delegates adhered to
this M Bourgeois head of the French
delegation declared ho accoptod it only
as u compromise
trailer of un Organized Hand Arretted
at Alliance
Alliance Neb July 5 Tho capture
hero by tho sheriff of this county of J
R Crittenden nud John Davis ullogod
cattle rustlers is behoved to bo tho be
ginning of a general wur upon the bands
of btock thieves which infest this dis
trict Tho men were arrested at tho in
btanco of the Western Nebraska Stock
Growers association and it is claimed
tlioy uro at tho head of an orgauizod
baud of thieves operating in this port of
Nebraska South Dakota aud Wyoming
Tho charge upon which thoy will bo
triod is that of stealing horsos Sheriff
Sweeney who has had thom under sur
veillauco for somo time says this is only
oue of a number of depredations com
mitted by tho Crittenden and Davhi -ping
Iulluian ttond Race
CriiCAOO July 5 The fourth annual
Pullman road race was ran in a driz
zling rain over WTetched roads which
with othor unfavorable conditions pre
cluded the smashing of any records
Frank A Davis carried off the time
prize making the 14 miles in 40 minutes
47 1 5 seconds S Y Bander handi
capped by 2 minutes 40 aioondi was
the first man in making 9 distance fa
41 minutes US seconds
OlemMt tsd bwiUflM th hair
rroinoit luunist rtowth
Kever rll to Bttor On
Hill to JU youthful ColorT
cun icup difteuta ntir ui