J i i LIBERAL CONTRIBUTION Norfolk Responds Generously to Call for Help 11ANDSOMK 1TM lOK HERMAN UHIiimih live rrniitil1y li AmIM Thoin atiuln Dcnlltutn ty llm Ah fill Storm of TiiPMUy A riirllim uf tlio 1itiiil Tiln xmptirit This Mtirnltii NoiiKOtK Nob Juno 11 0 V Wurdlo mnyor Uurnmn Nob Dniw on Oitizons Nntlonal bunk horn for ono hundred dollars our citizens contribu tlon for your RiilTorors J 13 S misov Mnyor Tho mayor wiw onnblod to hoiiiI tho nbovo telegram after tho commit too nn iiounccd lust evening had been at work only two hours thin morning Tho com initio did not Mop thon howovur but Icopt right on with tho ennvnss mid by noon hud swelled tho fund to 1228 1 This nftornoon tho mayor is Htlllntwork Hoolng thoso who woro missod this morn ing and by night considerable mom will 10 nddod Not for a Ioiik tlmo has thoro boon mich a i spontaneous rosponso to tin ap pend for assistance as Mossrs Simpson Lulkurt and Gow mot this morning when thoy asked that tho peoplo con tribute of tholr plonty to tho destitute juul fiufforing at llonnan whoso all was uwopt away from thorn by a torriblo cy clone Tuesday ovonlng In other oltlos in tho neighborhood re liot funds aro being speedily raised for the bonollt of tho ullliotod at Hermmi At Sioux Oity yesterday 310 10 were raised within an hour while largo con tributions have been sent from Omnha tho World Herald ulouo having sont four shipnionts of supplies Following are tho mimes of thoso who had contributed to thu fund up to noon today G A Luiknrt 8 fi W It Braasoh Loo Pnsownlk Blrs W M Robertson Ilov G II Main 1 E Simpson 12 P Weatherby Mliw A Willo J II Shaw J 1 Shaw JR B Woller 10 M Huntington W W Roberts Baiini Bros Tho Johnson Dry Goods Co f 1 ij H Durluuil A II Kiosau C O Gow 1 OS Hayes 10 B Konvon V J Gow If A Rainbolt W H Bucholz E W Zutz B Barbhinger JR Miller J 15 Ramos MDTyler Jsaiin Powers A J Durlund Cash G M Thompson Roberts Win Soiflort Both Kothledgo Nneglo Kr Ziniman Braasoh Zolow JFordinand Ilnnso J H Conloy Sugar City Cereal Mills W O Hall J 0 Stitt J A Lohmau M O Walker Sam Iknuburg J W Huinphroy Uooler Bros Richard Kilmurry 1 1 Oscar U hie 5 A Bucholz 1 W C Fry J F Oestorling H O Matrau JM J Stono Winter Shulz 1 H A Pasowalk 1 W A Moldonhauer 1 O D Hamstreot OFRenm Albert Wilde IVm Beruer 1 Cash Cash August Filter 1 Frank Davouport Goo Box Al Degnor 1 Bert Kberhnrt O B Durland 1 Cash J II Kingman G II Krahn Itolwrt Uttor O W Inskeop Win B Vail J W Lnmont H O Truman -- DO 00 50 00 00 DO 00 00 00 00 00 GO CO 00 00 50 50 00 50 00 a 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 50 00 no oo oo 50 00 no 50 50 no 2n 50 00 00 00 00 2 no no 25 00 00 00 25 50 2 00 50 50 no no 50 00 50 00 50 25 no 50 no 50 no 2- H W Jonas W H Rish Anzolger S V Hayos 1 W Edwards B O Walter J B Herman Goo Davenport W N uuso lCuro Bros Fair Store H Strawn Bert OBnnlon 1 L Daniels 9 Howens O B Holahau O W Tonos J B Maylord Ada Waroham SldlorCo James Coyle Herman Sattlur G B Salter Son 0 W Brnasch A D Howo Cash O 10 Hartford Carl ltoiuho O F W Marquardt H L Gardner John ICoeuigstoin Ludwlg lvoenigstein A J ICoeuigstoin MupesiX Hazen Cash O V A Maniuardt O F W Filter Fred Schelly W R Hoffman A Lodor Geo Stnlcop D H Owen S Fueslor II J Huston Ohus Kico 2 II C Hansen Chester A Fuller T 10 Odiorno Cash G W Jackson Alfred N Gorecko Cash Collauier Grant Dr 11 J Colo Mrs 10 Desmond Cash John Fridu v Dr D W Greouo Norfolk hospital fund headed by When the livers j wrong alls wrong Ayers Pills make wrong livers ght Dr Keiper tor islJOU solicited bv D Hoes Totnl 25 X M ro 00 25 50 fit 00 1 J lCoonigstoin 2B THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 22 1809 00 00 10 25 25 no 50 no no 2 25 50 50 no 00 00 50 2 2 2 25 fit no 2 2T no oo oo 50 00 no no 50 oo no no oo oo oo oo no oo 25 no 50 00 no no no oo 122 FRIDAY FACTS F 10 Fonder of York is a city visitor W II Law spoilt yesterday in Madi son John Huinphroy was a passonger for Lincoln today Edgar Allen was in town yesterday from Wisner Evorott Laughlin of Wayne visited Norfolk yostorday Ij 7 Hortou and wife of Stanton woro in town yostorday H M Nosbit of Oakdale camo to tho metropolis yesterday Johu Kost returned yesterday from a business trip to Omaha Dr Verges was called to Schuyler to day to hold a consultation Joseph W7obster and wifo of Monroe Nob aro city visitors today A J Langer of tho Wost Point Re publican is a city visitor today Burt Mapcs roturuedlast evening from a legal trip to Frontier county Tho county board of equalization ex pected to close its work today Mrs Dan Murphy visited tho scouo of tho cyclone at Ilcrmnu yestcftlay Aug Deck of Winsido transacted business in tho Sugar City today M isses Amy nud Martha Gnlloy of Croighton were in tho city this morning lOd Mndsen camo up from Missouri Valley today to speud Sunday with rela tives Miss Rose Trout went to ClarksNob this morning to visit hor parents a few days Judgo Evaus of Dakota City was in town yesterday on his way homo from Madison Judge Allen addressed tho teaohors institute this afternoon on the subject of Education Rev A Giose manager of tho orphans festival was in tho city from Blair yesterday A 10 Barnes of Pouca was in tho city between trnins yesterday the guest of his brother Judgo Barnes Mr and Mrs Frank Lambort of Os mond woro in tho city yestorday and drove homo a now corriage Mrs S L Gardner nud sou Hugh left yesterday for a two months visit with relatives at Minier 111 John Stouor who has been visiting his cousin Myron Lambert returned today to his homo at Bridgeport S D Mrs R D Edwards left today for her iew homo at Litchfield whore hor imrl liie i trciHrn nil tlin rllrniiH Miss Vivytin who has been with Dur land Sisters for the past three mouths returned to her homo at Lincoln today A Hoskins quartet composed of An drew Gould Audrew Lief O E Frost and Geo Horrigfeldt spent tho night in the city Miss Alta Slawsou a teacher iu tho South Norfolk schools left yesterday to spsml her vacation with her parents nt Alma Neb The Anti Saloou league has secured Taylor the noted temperance lecturer to give a series of lectures iu this city on July 2 3 nud 4 Perry Law another of tho stockyards boys was fouud iu Omahn on Wednes day by Sheriff Losey and brought to Madison nud placed in jail to await trial Mrs W A Auderson who was among those reported fatally injured in tho Hortnan cyolono was nt ono tlmo a rosldont of Norfolk Hor husband con ducted a harness shop nt this placo a few years ago Miss Gcrtlo Kloutz has takou tho posi tion of night operator nt tho tolophono oillco imulo vacant by tho resignation of Miss Anna Lobnow who is now ouo of Till Nbws force S It MoDonald camo down from Pierce yesterday to tnko tho cadot ex amination but as ho had not taken all the studies In which thoy woro to bo ex inlnod ho returned homo last night Chlno Champion Juno I Mr and Mrs J W Roso arrived horo thu first of tho wook from Nebraska and will mako their homo horo Mr Roso will have a position in the oillco of tho sugar fac tory Ho was formerly bookkeeper in the Oxnarrts factory at Norfolk Ne braska A gay party of young pooplo consist ing ot Sol Mayor Dr Parker Robert Johnson Arthur Pilgor nnd tho Misses Adn Buttoruold Alllo Johnson May Bates and Elizabeth Davenport tlrovo out to tho Yellow Banks this morning to picnic A tolophouo mossago from Schuyler this morning stated that tho mother of the Mossrs Sprecher who has boon ly ing dangerously low all tho week was still alive although It was not thought possible that bIic could survlvo much lougor Yestorday F B Alderman of Wost Point sont n 10 pound catfish to Messrs Sessions Boll but in tho nbsonco of thoso gontloniou from tho city tho fish found its way to tho tablo of 10 M Nor ton Ed always was lucky when thero woro any Ash in the enso Tho baby boy two years old of Mr and Mrs 7 A Willie died nt Ohadron yesterday Tho family formerly lived hero but when Mr Willio wus promoted to tho position of traveling engineer of tho Blnck Hills division of tho F 10 A M V they removed to Ohndron They still liavo uinuy friends horo to whom tho nows of thoir sad loss will bring Konuiuo sorrow r rvii with a deaith of first class outortniniuontp it seems too bad that tho dates of two good ones should fall on tho samo night Tluro are many people who would like to attend both the outortainmeut nud tho Alba Iloywood locturo to bo given by Prof Ott but this boiug n physical impossibility they will have to cho so between thorn with tho knowledge howover that which ovor thoy soloct will bo satisfactory Tho Musical carnival and Festival of Flowers to bo givou in tho big tent on McOlaryslawu two oveuiugs next week Juno 21 and 22 will without doubt bo tho event of tho season Eighty poople will tako part in fancy nhtionnl and comic dances artistic poses drills sqIos and othor novel features prominent among which are tho Kinder symphonic v nlt PluUis baud tho May polo dauco iu her graceful electric dans do sylphs grand coronation scene dart and quiver fantastics tho Spauish dauco etc The Jack olantern drill is a special feature which will be particularly pleasing Tho entertainment is given for thobeuo Qt of Trinity church choir under tho auspices of tho Ladies guild and is con ducted by Mrs It II Day who has boon training the little people a long timo for tho ovont Tho ladies will servo refresh ments on tho lawn during tho two evon ings POISON IN THE CANDY Tho Two Children of AV II KUli Vorj Sick from Eutlnj Sweet Purchased Iant EveuliiR From Fridays Daily Last evening Hazel aged 10 nud Harvey aged 8 children of W II Rish purchased a sack of what is known as bonu candy at tho Fair store both enjoying tho sweet boforo thoy retired During the night tho children were ni oinlr nnd rnilidlv crOW WOrSO UUtil morning wheu both wero suffering from ragiug fever Dr Frnuk Salter was called nnd ho pronounced tho cases poisouing After investigation he gave it as his opinion that the caudy onton had contained nniliuo coloring from the etVects of which the children were suffering By U oclock tho tempera turo of both children had gone up to 101 which is so high ns to bo extremely criticnl Tho boy is unconscious most of tho timo While tho couditiou of both is serious it is behoved thoy will pull through Mr Shurtz wns notified of the result nnd ho promptly throw away tho re mainder of tho caudy The childrens purchase had beou made from a new box just placed in stork yesterday Mr Shurtz says tho caudy came from a house that he has beeu dealing with for five years and this is the first trouble ho has over had Day at the Exposition July 3rd will bo Schley day at the Great Exposition The fighting 1st Ne braska is expected to attend The Fall of Manila will bo shown ou tho water at the Exposition Groauds A Fillipiuo Village of tweuty uative families in their Fillipiuo huts will bo one of the features of tho Greater America Expo sition Tho greatest educational Expo sition over givou in the wost will natur ally show what tho people want to kuow about our new possessions SATURDAY 3IFTINQ3 Tho Intorior of tho Croighton dopot Is bolng repainted Tim Procco of Battle Creole was iu town ovor night W A Roinlgor of Tildou wns n city visitor last ovoniug Arthur Mnrtin of Battlo Crook wns In the city over night Dr Mottleu was in tho city this morn ing from Bloomfiold Attornoy Guy It Wilbur of Wnyuo was In tho city yostordny Miss Josso Westervolt of Tllden is visiting friends in tho city Mrs S F Braco of Bnttlo Crook wns n Sugar Oity visitor yesterday Rev J B Van Floot roturued this morning from a visit at Wavorly Iown J Chauncy Ohllds will loavo Monday morning for Wayno to attend tho Nor mnl school F A Blakomnu of Indopondouco Iowa is iu tho city visiting his brother W II nud family Tho F 10 M V bridgo gang is ropairing bridges along tho Croighton branch of that road Tho U P pay car was hero overnight distributing dollars whero thoy would do tho most good timoug employes Dr 11 S Holdeu moved into tho Romo Miller houso at tho comer of Norfolk nvonuo and Thirteenth btreot yesterday Tho toachors iustituto which has boon In session nil tho weok nt the High school building will closo this after noon Sheriff Chns Crockett and A Wood of Bloomfiold brought a fouialo pntiont to tho hospital from Kuox county last evening Miss Bessie Duel who has boon visit ing at tho home of her cousin Art Bru baker returned to Meadow Grovo last evening Mrs Geo Lehman terminnted her visit with Mrs Geo II Spear nud ro turued to her homo in Columbus this morning u w Jirocaw returned Inst evening from a trip to Iowa and was called to Albion this morning by the illness of his little boy Bids for tho additions to tho Congre gational church will be opened nt tho homo of Col S S Cotton nt S oclock this evening Miss Jennio Touuchill will leave Mon day morning for Fremont whero she will attend tho summer term of tho Normal school Davenport Bros shoo store is keep ing up with spirit of improvement abroad iu tho town and is receiving a fresh coat of paint Mrs P J Stafford is enjoying a visit from Mrs T J Mnhouoy and daughter and Miss Powers of Omaha and Miss Pollard of South Omaha Misses Matilda Fricko May Aldersou Edith Richardson who have been visit ing friouds iu the city returned to their homes nt Madison this morning J II Shnw tho well contractor loaded his apparatus on a car last even ing for shipment to Humphrey whero ho goes to dig a well for that city Tho children of W H Rish who wero poisoned by eating candy Thurs day evening aro very much improved today and may be cousidered out of danger Reserved seat tlckots will be on sale Monday morning at Christophs drug storo for the Blind Boone concert which will bo given in tho Baptist church Thursday evening Juno 22 A number of persons have been sub poenaed to appear before Judgo Bates court iu Madison Monday afternoon at 1 oclock to give testimony on part of tho stnto in tho stock yards cases Earl Rock 11 years old the adopted son of Henry Leisy living at Scribner departed from the latters homo last Monday and has not been heard from siuco He is wanted badly by his foster father The branches of trees aro iu many places growing so low ovor the sidewalks that nu ordinarily tall man cannot walk under thorn without crooking his neck liko that of n squash Tho trees need trimming Sheriff Geo W Losey passed through tho city this morning on his way homo from Sioux City Ho says that ho now has tho thioves located who burglarized tho shoo storo of Greenwnlt Stoiu brecher last winter Another game of base ball was played between the teachers nud town boys yestorday nftornoon Tho rnlu storm came up iu time to stop the game at the end of tho sixth inning when honors were oven each side having scored 11 runs Dr A Bear returned yesterday from Rlchmoud Vn His trip to that placo comprised two objects one to visit his old home and the other to attend tho an nual convention of the National railway surgeous association The doctor en joyed his visit very much At tho meetiug of Norfolk lodge No 97 A O U W last evening there was a ro electiou of a portiou of the officers on acoouut of resignations ns follows Eugene Austin overseer Herman Mil ler guide T E Moolick inside watch Mike Moolick outside watch One new candidate was initiated Iu tho readjustment of postmasters There are many white soaps each represented to be just as good as the Ivory they are not but like all counterfeits lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon getting it COPYRIGHT ISOa nr THt PROCTER H OAMBLC CO OINCINNATI salaries which is announced by First Assistant Postmaster General Heath to tako placo July 1 Norfolk is scheduled for n raiso of 100 making the snlary 2100 a year Fifty niuo out of 05 offices in tho state will bo in creased nnd only threo diminished At tho hall of tho German Singing society last evening n largo number of tho friends of Councilmnn aud Mrs Oscar Uhlo held a party in honor of tho ladys birthday Those present had n jolly time until a late hour the evening boing takou up with singing dancing and refreshments It was n peusnnt oveuiug nud nt its closo the guests wished Mrs Uhle many happy leturus of tho day Norfolk has n superabundance of musical talent and yet this summer thoro is uo band in town to smite the nir with sounds more or less pleasing to the ear Mauy n young man who spends his evenings upou tho streets would have his time better employed if he were practicing with a band besides it would show more outerpriso on the part of Norfolk By nil means tho town should havo a baud Prof Ed Amherst Otts lecture at the M E church last evening beforo tho members of the teachers institute was well attended Tho subject The Bigot as presented by the lecturer contained much to think about and the speaker has the gifted faculty of pre senting his ideas clearly and forcefully to his audieuce This is Prof Otts second appearance hero on the platform aud both times he has made mauy friends nud admirers A telegram to the Sioux City Journal from Osmond speaking of the Fourth of July celebratiou iu that place says It is hoped that Hon John R Hays of Nor folk may bo procured as orator of tho day But ho cant simply for tho rea son that tho Osmond people are too late with their invitation Several weeks ago Mr Hays accepted an invitation to deliver a Fourth of July address at Wakefield aud since then he has had similar invitations from Wayne and Bloomueld Mr Hays is a flue orator and is very much iu demand Tho team of Geo Keiser became frightened at a train nt the U P cross ing over Main street this morning nnd ran away In the wagon at tho time was Mr Keiser and a young boy named Schwertfeger Down the street they wont at a furious gait over tho bridge aud out ou the road a half mile east wlion the outfit stopped because the horses had become tired Tho driver kept thorn in tho road nnd there was uo damage When tho bridgo wns ap proached the boy climbed out the back end of tho wagon nnd alighted without iujury Mrs Geo II Spear gave nu nftornoon yostorday at tho Oxuard to a large party of ladies in honor of her guest Mrs Geo Lenmnn of Columbus Tho nftornoon was pleasantly passed in a social way and delicious refreshments wero served One of tho features of tho day wns a floral tale being iu tho nature of a serios of conuudrams Among tho 40 ladies present eight gave correct nuswers being Mrs McKim Mrs Ed Altschuler Mrs Weutherby Mrs Warrick Mrs Ed Seymour Mrs O J Johnson Mrs MoNnmeo and Miss Warrick In the cut for first place Mrs McKim wou the prize a handsome book The entortalument given by tho Alba Iloywood company at the Marquardt hall last evening was greoted by a large and appreciative audience The pro gram was out of the usual order con sisting almost entirely of high class specialties Mr Iloywood assuming sev eral different roles aud doing all of them well The members of his company nre all artists in their linos nud tho encores to every number frequently repeated proved that tho audience was well pleased with tho entertainment If Mr Durland continues to secure first class entertainments for the newly opened hall there will bo uo doubt as to its suc cess in the now use to which it is being put Tho State Funeral Directors associa tion which has bepu held nt Grand Island during tho week had the largest attendance and was the most interesting aud instructive meeting over hold by tho asaoeiatiuu Carl Barnes who is at tho head of the Chicago college of embalm ing aiiri pn sideut of the Illinois stato Donra ot health and tho Chicago board of lcjlth had beeu secured to give n series of lectures and demonstrations be fore the association It wa3 because of the special educational advantages offered at this meeting that both Messrs Sessions nud Bell felt that it was their duty to nttend but their business was left in good hands during their abseuce Both returned last evening accompan ied by Mrs Bell Sioux City Journal 1G Miss Eliza beth M McKichau daughter of Mrs MaryE McKichan of this city and Rjbert Mathewson of Hartford Conn were married at 7 oclock last evening at the heme of W R Webb WU Eigh teenth street Rev Dr J C MiClin tock pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiating Only tho relatives and immediate friends of the young people were present at the ceremony The maid of honor was Miss Ruth Jen kins Kansas City and the bridesmaids were Misses Ida Webb and Elizabeth Hood of this city cousins of the bride Storrs Mathewson of Norfolk Neb cousiu of tho groom was best man and George Flynn and Ray Webb were groomsmen Mrs I A Harvey played the wedding march John Norris aud Irene McKichau were flower children Following the ceremony a wedding sup per was served aud latr iu tho evening tho young couple left for their homo at Hartford Tho Northeast Nebraska District G A R reunion will be held at Plainview on July 11 12 13 aud 14 It is an nounced that speakers of national repu tation will bo present aud deliver ad dresses among whom are Governor Wm A Poyuter Senator M L Hay ward Ex Senator W V Allen Adju tant General P H Barry Col J E Simpson and others Thero will bo bal games and other nuiusemeuts a shoot ing tournament ou July li nud 14 aud grand camp fires held nightly W R No Eye Like the Masters Eye ft You are master of your health and if you do not attend to duty the blame is easily located If your blood is out of order Hoods Sar saparilta will purify it It is the specific remedy for troubles of the blood kidneys bowels or liver Kldney8 My kidneys troubled me nnd ou advice took Hoods Sarsaparllla whirh gave prompt relief better appetite My sleep Is refreshing it cured my wife also Michael Boyle 3173 Denny Street Pittsburg Pa Scrofulous Humor- I was in terrible condition from the itching and burning of scrofulous humor Grew worse under treatment of several doctors Took Hoods Sarsaparllla and Hoods Pills These cured me thoroughly J J Little Fulton N V jOcdA SaUatmdfq Hoodi Itlli curt llTfrlllii the non IrtlUtlnTarM enly cathartic toTdkBVltli lloodt SaraprUU V f