The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 15, 1899, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
Twenty Five Injured Five of
Whom Will Die
lsemleil Supplier Are Ittuhril to tlin
Stricken Town lroin All Dlrprllom
I Four Dwellings School lloujo mill One
Church All That Koinnlu
Heiiman Nob June lfi Hcnnnn is
a picture of desolation nftcr Tuesday
nights toriindo and cloudburst Ton
dead und 25 injured are in the morgues
ii ml hospitals Tho splintered ruins of
homes furniture broken trees and dead
uulmtils presents a siclconlnp and des
olate spectacle Three mangled bodies
lie in tho Methodist church Most all
of tho dwellings and busiuess housos
without oxcoption are totally destroyed
A bureau of rcliof has been opened in
tho school house which is a quarter of
a milo from town and which miracu
lously escaped destruction Wagon
loads of provisions are coming in from
surrounding towns and tho authorities
nro receiving aid from over tho state
Tho dead
Mn and Mns A B Hopkins
Anueiison Hopkins tholr son
I Mns Kilso of Pender
Louis ClawsoN of Missouri Valleys
W S RiciiAitDS postmaster
J E Hawkins lived In country
1 Child of S M Davis
Thomas Hines ot Blair
i Seriously wounded
Ella Hopkins face body and head
William Anderson hurt about head
Mrs William Anderson head and body
Ed LacUet head cut
Caney Wtst hurt about body
Mrs E G Bonncau head
Mrs John K Lingunbcurd head and
I Con Rankin Icr cut body bruised
Earl Piper bead nnd arms
Fred Christiansen head
I Gus Pegau head
Grandmu Naslcr
Mother Hawkins both arms crushed
I I Mrs J E Hawkins ribs broken
Miss Hawkins back hurt
Mr Lcnock probably fatal
Peter Lenig arm broken lives In coun
Trod Hurrcll of Splkcr head cut
Oliver Lowe head bruised
H II Hcrog head and arms cut
Carrie Kelso aged 7 head cut
George Buillugton face cut and body
Five of tho injured will die
Tho property loss aggregates 150000
only six buildings being left intact in
tho town four dwellings one school
house and one church One hundred
structures wcro totally wrecked and all
their contents destroyed and blown all
over tho surrounding country
i Cloudlmrftt In Texas
San Antonio Tex Juno 15 A
cloudburst occurred in tho mountains
north of Spofford Junction about mid
night Tho immenso volume of water
rushed down the mountain side sweep
ing overythiug bofore it and converting
dry arroyas and small creeks and rivers
into raging torrents and completely
flooding tho valley and level country be
low At the sheep ranch of M L But
ler every living thing was swept away
and tho entire Butler family consist
ing of father mother and two children
arc reported to have perished Houry
Carver on tho cattle ranch lower down
was drowned
The Southern Pacific track was washed
away in a half dozen places and three
largo bridges were completoly destroyed
The water is flowing four feet doop over
tho track in many places There are
many rumors of loss of life below the
railroad It is certain that there has
been great damage to cattle and sheep
ranches along tho streams that are now
so swollen
Tree Twltd Out by Their Hoot
Cahron la Juno 15 A cyclone
6tnick about threo miles north of this
place lato Tuesday night Beginning at
tho A B Perkins farm it blew off part
of tho roof of tho barn blow down sev
eral trees and taking a northeast course
struck tho farm of John Thropp totally
destroying two largo barns and a largo
grove near tho house Trees a foot
through were twisted out by tho roots
Sovcral head of hogs wero killed and
soino cattlo injured Tho houso stands
nlono and was but little injured Tho
family went to a cave and escaped injury-
Day of Ilinoiiils at New lUclunniitl
New IIicidioi Wis Juno 15
Thirty two now graves wero made yes
terday in tho two littlo cemeteries at
opposito sides of tho town a constant
train of funerals threading a passage
through tho littered streets all day long
Two of tho injured died yesterday Ten
bodies still remain unidentified Four
bodies wero found yesterday thoso of
Mrs Kate Hawkins Willie Hughes
John Prior and Henry Larseu
Drouth ISrohcn In Southern Nebraska
Stankohd Nob Juno 15 There
have- boon heavy rains from St Francis
Kan to Orleans Nob the drouth being
broken in time to save spring grain and
making corn prospects splendid Heavy
hail broke all tho windows in tho Cath
olic and Methodibt churches and resi
dences on tho west side of buildings in
I Jillli Victim ol allr fji louo
Sioux City la Juuo 15 Another
victim of the tornado uear Sulix la
was added to tho list yesterday
Thomas Malloy dying at the hospital
hero of shock to his nervous syntem
This makes tho fifth victim all in tho
Malloy family
Com out Ions Strength Id Divided Among
a Dozrn Cniutldiitrs Tor imlolil
IlAimisnmio Pa Juno 15 Four
hundred and thirty five representatives
of tho Democracy of Pennsylvania met
huro yesterday for tho pnrioso of nam
ing candidates for supromo court judge
superior court judge and stato treas
Shortly after midnight tho conven
tion adjourned until today without liav
iug accomplished tho first and most im
portant pieco of work cut out for thorn
namely tho selection of a candidato for
supremo judge Nearly six hours wero
consumed in the preliminary work of
the convention and between 1 oclock
and midnight with an hours intermis
sion for supper tho delegates cast 1 1
fruitless ballots for a score or moro of
candidates for that oillco tho deadlock
at midnight apparently being as firm as
it was at 1 oclock When adjournment
was hod thero wero 1 1 candidates in tho
field with votes ranging from 13 to 72
tho highest being a long way oil from
tho 218 necessary to oloct Tho deter
mined Iwttlo arises from tho fact that
tho nominee is sure to bo elected to
servo 20 years Tho fight appears to
have narrowed down to Judgo Kennedy
of Allegheny and Judge Yerkes of
Bucks although tho western friends
of Judgo Krobs of Clearfield refuse to
concede tho defeat of their candidate
Ex Congressman Wolverton who was
considered a strong candidate lost
steadily in tho Inst few ballots as did
also Judges Bechtel Allen and Al
bright The platform adopted reaffirms
tho Chicago platform and eulogizes Mr
Bryans leadership but contends that
tho campaign shall bo confined to a
fight against alleged Republican mis
rule and Quayism
It Wm lIunilniHou Day
Wathuloo la June 15 This was
Congressman Hendersons day at tho
Grand Army encampment of the de
partment of Iowa The old soldiers and
the citizens gave tho coining speaker of
the 5Gth congress an enthusiastic recep
tion when he nrrived from Dubuquo
Colonel Henderson wns accompanied by
COO of his fellow citizens Among them
were 200 Democrats who came to en
dorse tho prosectivo advancement of
their townsman
Last night Colonel Henderson spoko
at three big campfircs held in different
parts of the city and at each place tho
scenes of the afternoon were repeated
After the campfircs ho held a public re
ception in tho parlors of the Irving
The following officers wero elected
Commander C F Bailey Ireton senior
vice commander P H Lenon Guthrie
Center junior vice commander Win
Gooding Farmingtou medical director
Dr McCoy Algona chaplain Rov
W W Gist Osage
Iluuli at Ifitnl Olllcc
ONniLL Neb June 15 Tho rush
still continues at tho United States land
office for reservoir filing Up to last
night 1430 entries had been made West
ern Nebraska will soon be covered with
Dowcy SuilH Ior Coylon
Singapore Jnno 15 Admiral Dew
ey sailed today for Colombo Ceylon
He will probably visit the hills of Coy
lon for the benefit of his health
The first street railway in Seoul capi
tal of Corea is Hearing completion
Tho Spanish senate Wednesday
adopted the bill ceding tho Caroliuo
islands Ladrone and Pelow islands to
Tho statue of Benjamin Franklin
presoutcd to tho oity of Philadelphia by
Justis Strawbridgo was unveiled Wed
Manufacturers of wheels for vehicles
met at Chicago Wednesday and decided
to mako a geucral advance of about 15
per cent in prices on all wheels
Mill furnishers and flouring mill build
ers from cities throughout the west held
a secret meeting in Chicago Wednesday
to consider au advance in prices
Justico Beach in tho New York su
preme court has denied tho application
of Roland B Molinoux for writs of lin
beas corpus certiorari and prohibition
Hereafter no corporation chartered
under tho laws of Now Jersey for the
purpose of doing business in Texas will
bo granted a permit to do businoss in
that state
Several guards and about a dozen
prisoners at tho Ohio penitentiary wcro
taken seriously ill Wednesday from tho
eilects of ptomaino poisoniug caused by
drinking milk
The navy department has directed tho
sale of six vessels which wero purchased
for tho uso of tho navy just before the
outbreak of tho lato war and nro now
found to bo of no further servico
The American Flag association held
its annual meeting in Now York Wed
nesday Tho annual report of President
Prime showed that 19 states had laws
on their statute books forbidding tho
desecration of tho flag
The Baltimore and Ohio railroad Wed
nesday announced a cut of 3 in sum
mer tourist rates over their lines bo
tween Chicago and Pittsburg It is
probable that this action will result in a
demoralization of rates
The first of a numlwr of cases against
Pittsburg butchers for alleged violation
of tho pure food law in adulterating
meat to prevent decomposition was
tried Wednesday The defendant S
H Rood was found guilty
Major General Anderson command
ing tho department of the lakes was
mustered out of tho volunteer servico
Wednesday and assumed tho rank of
brigadier general which ho held beforo
the opening of the war with Spain
At a mass convention hold at Yazoo
City Miss Tuesday Hon Johu Sharp
Williams made formal announcement of
his candidacy for the long term in tho
United States senate His entrance com
plicates tho senatorial race between Gov
ernor McLuuriu and Private John
Buildings Badly Shattered by
Shells From Warships
Ijiwtonii Porcc Now Control Hove ml
Moro Mile of Coint lroin CiiUh lint-
ml OtU lteiortft Sntere IIkIiIIiik
Alum Iran Io 10 Klltoil 40 Woiiinluil
Manila Juno 15 Tho Filipinos re
treated several miles southward after
Tuesdays engagement to tho strongly
fortified town of Inius Tho shelling of
the American warships drove tho rebels
from Bacoor so tho Americans control
several more miles of coast General
Lawton with his staff and a troop of
tho Fourth cavalry started to ascertain
tho nature of tho insurgents position
He rode five miles along tho coast to
Bacoor without discovering tho enemy
Ho found tho town full of white flags
hut there wero no soldiers thero The
women and children who had led to
tho woods during tho bombardment
wcro camping in tho ruins of their
homes The shells hud almost knocked
the town to pieces Tho big church was
wrecked and many buildings wero
ruined Even tho trees and shrubbery
wero torn as by a hailstorm
Several hundred women and children
came into tho American lines for refuge
and tho road from Bacoor was covered
all day long witli processions of them on
foot and in carts driving animals nnt
carrying goods on their heads The
poaranee of tho battlefield testified to
tho fierceness of the fighting Tho
trees along tho river between tho lines
are almost lorn down by bullets The
American oilicers estimate that 100 in
surgents were killed and that 100 wero
wounded during tho engagement
Tho next battle will probably bo
fought at Imus Tho American troops
will soon control tho coast to Cavite
Otis ICcjioitH Scwro righting
Washington Juno 15 Tho follow
ing was received at tho war department
Manila Juno 14 Adjutant General
Washington Luwtons troops under
Wheaton ind Ovonshinc occupy country
south of Bacoor have scouted westward
and some distauco southward on tho
lino of tho Zapoto river and Bacoor
road enemy appears to have retired on
Imus abandoning tho bay country Tho
lighting yesterday was severe Our loss
was 10 killed and 40 wounded tho ma
jority at tho crossing of Zapoto river
The enemy was driven from heavy and
well constructed iutrenchments to
which they held tenaciously Their
loss was several hundred of whom 50
wero buried this morning Will not
probably make any determined future
stand in southern provinces Otis
Iomk Series of Conference Over Alaska
Itilnn ItvHiiltH at Lust
London Juno 15 Tho United States
ambassador here Josoph H Clioato has
just received from tho foreign office a
communication on tho Alaska question
which it is understood is a satisfactory
temporary arrangement of tho affair
The officials of the foreign office
while unwilling to discuss tho details
assure tho Associated Press that tho
Alaska difficulties aro practically
smoothed over until tho meeting of tho
high commission in August
Iolncure Meets With UeUiitlA
Pauls Juno 15 M Poincaro is con
tinuing his efforts to form a cabinet but
meets with numerous difficulties Ho
has boon especially desirous of having
MM Bourgeois Krantz nnd Delcasso in
tho ministry M Bourgeois doclines to
abandon his mission at The Hague M
Delcasso declines to take anything but
tho foreign offlco portfolio and M
Krantz raises difficulties concerning tho
Dreyfus trial pointing out that ho has
discussed tho matter with M Casimir
CoucckhIoiis hy Transvaal
Brussels Juno 15 Dr Loyds the
representative iu Europe of tho Trans
vaal republic received yesterday tho fol
lowing conciliatory dispatch from Pro
toria Tho government does not mako
arbitration a condition of concessions
It will continuo to mako concessions
oven as regards tho franchise independ
ently of Great Britains acceptance or
non acceptance qf arbitration
Cilhiillrt Al to Itn Let In
Santiago Juno 15 Tho Indopen
poncia is publishing a number of signed
articles from prominent Cubans advo
cating annexation to tho United States
In its editorials it disclaims any ap
proval of such ii policy Tho articles
aro causing a vigorous discussion 121
Porvenir bitterly antagonizes the Amer
ican occupation
Miatllit of Arhltratom
Pauls Juno 15 A preliminary and
informal meeting of counsel engaged in
tho Venezuelan arbitration took place
at tho ministry of foreign affairs yester
day Tho meeting of tho Venezuelan
commission will be held in the apart
ment plai od at tho disposal of the Spanish-American
Peaco commission
Rome DuninKliiR Testimony AruIiiM the
Arrnm it Tiiiln llolilior
SrDAiiA Mo Juno 15 Tho trial of
1211 Stubblertiltl on tho charge of hold
ing up and attempting to rob a Missouri
Pacific train near Sodalia tho night of
Nov 21 last was bogun hero yrwtonlay
A munlier of informers wero on tho
stand and tho testimony iidduood did
much to prejudice Htubblellelds cnse
L D Hopkins superintendent of tho
Missouri Pacific testified that ho had
boon informed in advance of ho pro
posed robbery by 12 11 Adams a fortnor
Missouri Pacific engineer and that
Adams told him who thu robbers wero
Robert It Cunningham who it in al
leged was one of tho conspirators to
rob tho train testified that ho had Ikhmi
asked by West and Stubblelleld to par
ticipate in thu robbery but hut ho
never had any intention of joining thorn
although he had led thnm to believu ho
12 II Adams tho ot ongincor testi
fied that tho plans for robbing tho train
wero arranged in his ollleo Witness
said he drove Stubblefiod and West to
the scene of the hold up and agreed to
wait for them until after tho rohlwry
but instead he drove home Tho
money front the robbery ho said was to
bo divided next day in his office witness
being promised a portion of tho haul
Mareilonla lln In Six IathoniH
Nrw YoitK Juno 15 Tho steamer
Rescue of the Morritt eb Chapman
Wrecking company arrived in quaran
tine yesterday having on board Captain
KUIlahl six of the crow and Charles W
Moss and I liiiimn Brandt two passen
gers of the steamer Macedonia of tho
Ward line which was sunk by tho
steamer Hamilton of tho Old Dominion
lino Tuesday night Tho remainder of
tho crew and ono passenger F W
Wright landed at Long Branch After
tho Hamilton locaiiio cleared from the
Macedonia and seeing tho ship still
afloat Captain KufVahl returned to it
and endeavored to beach it but it sud
denly took a lurch and sunk in six
fathoms of water
Ituln 1ell In TorrentH
Pfiisia la June 15 Rain fell in
torrents for over an hour last evening
Bridges on county roads are either dam
aged or washed away Thero is a small
washout near Persia on the Chicago
Minneapolis and St Paul railway
rri piuiiiK Ior Drejlm Tilnl
Paws Juno 15 M Viguio has gono
to Rennes where the new court martial
will sit to arrange for tho necessary
precautions during tho Dreyfus trial
A largo force of police and detectives
will bo sent there
Captain Alfred Dreyfus will disem
bark at Brest
Governor Pingreo says ho will not re
tire from politics
Earl Hunehotto Los Angeles Cal
killed his wife and attempted suicide by
It is now expected that tho peace con
ference will not adjourn beforo tho mid
dle of July
Single tax for Michigan cities es
caped enactment by the Michigan legis
lature by only one vote
Des Moines and Fort Dodgo Railroad
company has declared a dividend of 7
per cent payablo Aug 1
Frederick S Perkins tho woll known
nrchuologist died at his homo iu Bur
lington Wis Wednesday
Tho Maryland Democratic stato con
tort committee decided to hold tho stato
convention in Baltimore August 2
Over 10 jxjrsons wore poisoned by eat
ing ice cream at a social given by tho
Ladies Aid society at Dolton Mich
Lewis Patrick a negro was taken
from tho jail at Beaufort N C Wed
nesday by a mob and is believed to bo
Mrs Woodford wife of General Stew
art L Woodford former United States
minister to Spain died Wednosday in
President and Mrs McKinloy enjoyed
a brief outing on tho Potomac river
Wednesday going in tho naval dispatch
boat Sylpha
Tho Miners bank at Creedo Colo
and banks at Hooper and Monte Vista
of which President Maben of the Creedo
bank is also tho head closed Wednes
The Dutch government has sent Presi
dent Kruger a remonstrance respecting
tho disastrous consequences that are
likely to follow persistenco in his pres
ent policy
Jack Mufltitt of Chicago was given
tho decision over Charles Johnson of
Minneapolis in a 0 roiind contest at tho
Adilphi Athletic club Chicago Wedne
fiy night
John D Rockefeller nnd party nftcr
a two days stay in Tacoma left lor
Alaska lute Wednesday on the steamer
City There were 275 passen
gers in all every berth being taken
President McKinh y has granted a
nardon to John Washington and
Wolf two Seminole Indians con
victed in Kansas m lbbii ol crimiual as
sauli and sentenced to life imprison
Edward Gray a negro who was ar
rested in St John parish La alnjut a
war aj charged with a of burg
lans was lynched Wednesday after
having been released by the authorities
beoiuso thero was no evidence against
-Absolutely Ipure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Graceful llnsy and Long WcnrliiR
Olga Nethcrsole 250 Shoe
PoMOMoa tho morll of porfect Mlo fit comfort nml ilurnMllty
No htonkliiK In iiocoMiit to conform to llio linen of tlin foot
Bolowirj llculliloi Cliromn Kid slock llml In soft n n kIovo cl
wiuint like Iron Kxcoli any MMhImhi for wonr nnd comfort
No Ill Kill nltli llnot tlin itiMiin tnixlltim wHhIiI wiln
i iMiiiMiiiiiiniiin nmi iiniKir low lllMl mill ITOII IitllHiril
on u HI llinl UiIh nhoo a riimliliiiilloii of ot In nmi comfort
rianufucturcd by The Hock lulnml Shoe Co Hock lilanit III
nml nhl exclusively In thirdly hy
Highest Market Price Paid lor
Butter nnd Egs
Everybody wants the est of
moats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Onr Shop Is the Neatest
In Mie City 1
-00 TO-
W 0 Halls Barter Shop
Money to Loan
Real Estate
Elkhorn B S Association
ror Plumbing Steam Fitting Pump
Tanks Wind Mills
ii all repair work let tliii lino call 03
SatUfacticm Guaranteed
First door ontb of DalLi New office
1 y
uATeVr5v II
Book Seller and Stationer
OFFIOK Supplies China nitxpio
Noveltlos Toys and Fancy Arti
cles Useful Household Furnishing
1 A bUIKAKT Iliuoiiusr
HAS H IIIUDOIC Vim Iiiksiiiint
NORTH llatto Agont for Stein
way Voso iV Son Ivors Pond
lhuursoiSteiger Grantor and many
other noted Pianos Kstoy Chicago
Cottage and other Organs Small
Musical Instruments Will bo pleiiH
cd o have you cull
W H IIKAASIH Ahh i Cahiiiib
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
llli nml nrl I oxrliniiKo 011 tliix roiiutn nml nil tmrlH of Kiirotm Ilirm Ioiuin
Directum Cam Ahmi h W 11 Johnson iiah a llittimi W IIiuascii CM
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
la I
lac I
WeW dCbfaw JLumI
Exclusive agent lur the Celebrated Sweetwater Hock Spring Coal the
best In the market
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 01
Always Fresh
and Just as
ZV ft S-
Who graduated at the Chicago Oph
thalmic College and has had 10 years
practice in testing and titling eyea
and is testing eyes six days out of ev
ery seven Every pair guaranteed
Bargains in Organs
20 40 550
Come and see the PIANOS For Rent
Hayes Jewelry
Music House
Norfolk Neb
Ueavlqnartera Itemovol from Divouporte sta
ble to nO lhulloy8 BtRblo oa 5th St
j s moiRow
Will jmt down new well or repair old ones
Laoin fIooiers Sharpened guaranteed
1207 Philip Ave TelephPuo 121
Priees Reasonable
Up stnirs over Warehaiua Millinery