V i 8 Norfolk JVflf H M A 11 Y SHELLEY TELEPHONE Mr BARNES A TYLKH JJH Mrni 1 M DTtUi Attorney ot Inr NorfoJk Nobrwikn 1L II- T IIOLDtiN lloiiieopnllilc IIithIHuii ami Nuik Ulllon ovnr IllUpns Nntliitml Hunk Olllco hnhm - III ti UMn m mill 2 Id n00tnt BTonltiKK 71 UiMIM Itmtdmicn Tolniioiin No 9 lOlllco No 101 Norfolk Nebraska J J COLK UKNTIHT Ufllen tor tiltUen Nnt1 Hank llMltlnnes on blook north o CoiwrngiUlmiRl ohnroh Nobnwka FaBhlonnlilo HroRHtiiakor In Uotton oloek ovnr llnm Klnt elaii work nrntoed Up tain itort Norfolk Nebraska pOWEItB HAYB AtlortiojH nt Lnw ttoom 10 II still 12 Want llltrk Norfolk Nebraska gKBSIONB BKLL VmlorlnkorH and EmbalniorB Bunion lllk Norlotk Atf Norfolk Nobraska W M KOHEUTSON Attorney nt Lnwt Rooms t mill 2 Robertson Wilton Mock Norfolk OHAS DUDLEY HACK- LINE TELEPHONE 731 iitiitliiuirtnrH Uvmovml from Diivpnimrta ntn liln to loo DiuIIimm Htnliloon Sth Ht j s moRRow DRIVE - WELLS Will nut ilowu now wollrt or rppulr olil imiH Lauin flotuops Sharpened guaranteed 1207 Ililllp Avo Tolophnim 121 Ladies Attentipn If im ur in imor htiilth iiiMiHtivrntn tlm VlAVliTHKATMKST Olllco oiioii all lny Momliiy inn Tuimliiy in Cotton Mock or ltiuini Ilrcm Htnro Ilimlth Hook frio by calliiiK on iiililriusliw tin mtitiAHur MKS S 1C LONG Norfolk Nolirnnkn ED WEGENER Livery Feed and Sale Stable Hack Line in Connection Telephone 68 ML C WALKER lHCAMCIt IN FLOUR FEED Oil and Gasoline NO 88 Groceries Always Fresh and Just as Represented AT- UHLES Highest Marltot Pricu Paid for Ituttoi niul KK ivhin vor want a coon SHAVE or BATH il W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAIN ST THIHD 10011 KABT OK TOUKTII Money to Loan ON Real Estate horn B S Ass For Plumbing Stum Fitting Pumps Units Wind Mills And all repair work in thli line call on H a KlOrill Satisfaction QnaranUed First door loath of Dally New otflco Thoy Ht the feet as nature intended vSaJH3 aSrW fflfiliaJr Healthy Feet Moan happiness comfort and peace of mind Corns bunions or foot aches cannot exist whoro tho ana tomically correct and hygioni cally constrnctctl JENNESS MILLER SHOES are worn Thoso shoes aro de signed to fil tho foot as naturo intended They aro as halm to tender feet and thoy pre serve tho graceful lines of healthy foot Every pair of J o 11 n o s s Miller Shoos is stamped with the autograph signature oj ilrs Jonness Miller and none tiro gonuino without it 350 Per Pair Only to bo hadof us in this city THE JOHNSON DRY GOODS CO T JJ M 1 Kffll SAY AV1IV NOT GET YOUR EYES TESTED BY PROF HAYES Who graduated at the Chicago Oph thalmic College and has had 10 years practice In testing and lilting eyes and Is testing eyes six days out of ev ery seven Every pair guaranteed EYES TESTED FREE Bargains in Organs 20 40 50 ino and co the PIANOS lor Kent Hayes Jewelry Music House Norfolk Neb LIVERITA THE - LITTLE LIVER PILL ETETTH mnm 100 PILLS 25 CTS CURES Biliousness Constipation Dyspepsia and Livor Complaint SUGAR COATBD Sold by nil drupelets or uent by mull NmlUMedlctlCo ChlcilO For salo by Geo B Christoph Norfolk THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 3 1899 MANY HURTINA WRECK Missouri Pacific Train Ditched Near Goffs Kan TIIREE OOAOHES TOPPLE OVER Trnln n OiiIiib t IiiII 8m Whrn tlio Arrlilrnt Occtirrnil rrncorn llurlcil lu ipry Dlrrrtlun nuit Itrturnii Thirty nml lortr Injiirnl but tin Onn Killed Mat ol Nnrluutly Injiirfd Atchison Kan Juno 8 An cast Iran ml mixed train on tho Central brunch of tho Missouri Pacific vras wrecked n mile enst of Goff h last night and botwoon 20 nnd 10 passengers iii jurod From hotno unknown causo tho mail car etuokor and chair car bo canio dorullod whilo tho train was going nt full Bpood and tho thrco cars well loaded with passongors toppled ovor into i Blight ombauktnont Tho nccitlont cJinto without tho Hllghtost warning and a ntnnbor of passongors wore lying doubled up ivsloop on tho cushions Tito passongors woro hurled in overy direction by tho sudden over turning of tho conchos which fortu nately tore themselves looso from tho balance of the train List of most se riously injured O O Wndlelgli Contrallft cut by glass Tames Duilkln Osborne buck badly in jured Hon McCrnry mall agent Concordia pelvis bono Injured John W Nuwbttrn postal clerk Atcld Hon lug and Hboiililcr Injured S A Wolstend Jewell City knee badly Injured C I Hldwell baggagonian Atchison back bui t S J Flsko areonlcaf Internal Injuries V T Rljiekpolo Waahlugtun Kan hand and hip Injured V K Ihtrke llurr Oak feot cut and hip bruised J 1 Hreinan Omaha hip and knee sprained Airs Hoy Ubolow arm cut Injured in ternally U S Iiurkhead Iowa side and back Injured W II Hnskoll Gnylord D T ago and wife Washington Kan W W Bontty Vloits J W Wilson Frankfort Weston Massoy Atchison and G II Ellis of Jamestown wcro bruiBod and cut with glass Physicians from Golfs wcro on tho spot giving tho wouudod modlcal at tention Tho injured woro roturnod to Golfs and cured for at tho hotels Conl Mou Form it Combine Kansas Oitv Juno 8 Nearly 200 mine oporators coal shippers and rotail coal merchants from Arkansas Mis souri Kaiibas Indian Territory uud Oklahoma at a meeting lioro yestorday organized as the Midstato Wholosalo and lletuil Goal Doalors association Tito object of this association is to ar bitrarily llx tho prieo of coal in tho stutos and torritorios named Tho by lawB adopted provido for fines of CO conts to 1 a ton to bo imposed upon operators who shall soil diroct to consum ers except in wholosalo lots and upon retailors who shall sell below tho fixed scale of prices A boycott of offonders by other mombors of tho association is provided for DUgukrIoii on Ktisiirvu Fund Kansas City Juno 8 Renewed in terest was shown at tho secoud days session of tho 11th biennial convention of the Modern Woodmen of America Soveral thousand bolated mombers of tho order had arrived and quostions of importance dovoloped enthusiastic work and discussion Tho action of Tuosday nights bcssiou which took tho prelimi nary stops toward croating a reserve fund a question which has boon fought for 10 yours was discussed frooly by dologutos before tho gathering mot Head Cousul Northcott had been in structed to appoint u committeo of fivo to draft n plan for such a fund and to report Tho roport was inudo tho special business of tho day and it proved one for fruitful dobuto Proiiotod luru rood togUIatlon Ciiicaoo Juno 8 Senator Mason of tho puro food commission mado tho fol lowing positivo statomont I wish to say that first tho commission will pro pure a bill compelling manufacturers of food products to mark their goodH for what thoy are for iustauco chicory must not bo labelled coltoe but chicory Wo will have in tho bill a provision that will absolutely prohibit tho introduction of deleterious substances in food pro ducts I propose to offer an amendmout to tho rovenuo bill which will abso lutely prohibit tlie importation of food articles the salo of which is prohibited in the country from which thoy aro ex ported Tritlu Ttiibbm InRlpy Cmu lolml IlAitTViiin Mo June S Jake Fag ley who has been on trial hero for u week past charged with complicity in tho robbery of a Kansas City Fort Scott and Memphis express trtiu at Macomb on Jan i last was adjudged guilty last night The- jury fixed his punishment at 12 years in the ponitou tiary Fngloy was a farmor Buforo ho turned train robber ho had been jus tice of tho peaco had been thrco times foromau of tho Wright county grand jury and had also beon a preacher of tho gospel Tho trials of Bill Hyan John Kennedy and tho others under ar rest charged with tho Macomb robbory will follow immediately Criiyblll Wlu Cliiiinplouiblp Shoot Sioux City la Juno 8 The second day of the Soo Gun clubs tournament wus tin ideal ono for tho sport The in terstate championship shoot was won by F S Craybill of Missouri Va Hoy There were 70 contestants but 12 of those shut 15 straight and so tho final shoot was between tho 12 In tho shoot off miss and out Craybill won his eighth bird the other contestants going all to pieces some missing tho first bird Fred Gilbert shot with the ama teurs and killed US out of 150 LOOKS LIKE A SETTLEMENT Oood IrngrflM Mniln on Alniknn Ilonn iiry liiitn Chiwiibrrlnln tlm Tnctor London Juno 8 A high authority of tho colonial office has informed a representative of tho Associated Press that the negotiations with roferenco to tho Alaskan question aro in tho rosiest possible condition After tho intorviow which United States Ambassador Choato had yester day with the marquis of Salisbury at tho foreign oillco tho lines of n pro spective settlement and for carrying on tho discussion in thp high commission wcro formally submitted by tho secre tary of stato for tho colonlos Joseph Ohamberlaiu who throughout has had most potont intlueuco with tho Cana dian sldo Every arraugoment in tho negotiations hero botwoon Mr Choato Lord Salisbury and Sir Julian Pauuco foto has gono through him nnd tho pro upoctlvo settlement tu n groat do groo may bo considered a triumph for Mr- Chamberlains tact and portovor nnco City Mny liny Lighting IInnt Columdus Nob Juno 8 At the last meeting of tho city council the contracts for lighting tho streets woro not re newed tho offers boing rojectod This move is construed to mean tho first stop in tho direction of tho city purchasi ng tho chictric light plant A Sound IIvor Make a Well Ainu Aro you bilious constipated or troubled with jnundico sick hoodacho bad tasto in mouth foul breath coated tonguo dyspopsin indigestion hot dry skin pain in bock nnd between the shoulders chills nnd fever etc If you hnvo nny of theso symptoms your liver is out of order nnd your blood is Blowly boing poisoned beennso your liver does not act promptly Herbiuo will euro nny disorder of tho liver stomach or bowels It has no equal as a livei medicine Prico 75 cents Free trial bottle nt G B Ohristophs OASTOniA Boars tho yins Mno iou naiaAfflais Bougni BIgnaturo of GtfM OASTOKIA Bean tho Tho Kind You Have Always Bought OASTOHIA Boars tho f lne ma DU m ftlas dounl BIgnaturo of LtfMM HOW 01 SheMKs Poor clntliPR cannot mikn vnti look old Kvch palo cheeks won t do It Ono tiling does It and never falls it is impossuiio to iook young wltb tho color ot seventy years In your hair Iflp Vljwp permanently rtTinf3 tho tell talo ubinsof age It brlngH bark tho color of jouth At fifty Miur hair luav look as It did at fifteen It thlokens tho hair also stops it from falling out and cleanses tuo scalp from ibndxufl 100 a bottle Atalldruggbts If yon do not obtain nil tho nenoflts you expected from tho uio of tho Vigor wrlto tho doctor ntiout It Addrets Dn J C ATEH Lowell Man Notice of Salo Under Chattel Mortgage Nntlro Ib heroby given that by vlrtuo of n chattel mortiruiM dated August 10 H5i and duly Illed iu thejolllco of county clerk of Madison county tooraeKB on uiozuii dny or Atiguot Kxocuted byllW Otla and M 1 Otis to tho Minneapolis Thrcsliini Machine company an incorporated company of Minneapolis Minne sota to secure tho pa ment of the sum of two hundred and thirty dollars f 230 nnd upon which there is no dim the Bum of 215 default having been in ado iu tho pavment of said sum nnd no suit or othorprnceodins at law having boon iiiHlitutfd to recover ssid debt or any part thereof thoroforo tho said Minneapolis Thresh ing Machluo compauy will sell tho property therein described viz Onn Columbian Victory separator with 32 iuch ij Under 41 iucli rear number 5050 with trucks nndor snmo 18 foot straw stacker complotn with all bolts parts and all attachment at public auctiou ou tho lots of tho Fremont Klkhorn nnd Missouri Vnlley It It iu tho village of Meadow irovo Mndison county Nebraska on the 0th day of June lsW at the hour of 8 oclock u in of said day Doted MayillhVI Tho Minnonpolis Threshine Mnchino com panj mortgugeo ltyO 11 McCmntock tjtato Agent Kotlce of Cbiittol JlortgiigoSule Notico is hereby givon that bv virtue of clint tel mnrleagn dated July SS ltH and duly tiled In theollico of county clerk of Madison county Nebraska on the 1 1 It das of AngustI6U3exe cutedbv W li0liiaiid M llOtlh to thnMiuuo apolis Tlireshiug Machiuocnmpaii nu iucorio rnted rumpaii of Minneapolis Minneiotn to secure tho sum of ouo thousand 31000 uud npou which there is now iluii tho sum of one thoimmd sixty dollars 1000 defanlt having been made in the pajmeut of said sum and no Miit or other nrocrmlingb nt law hav ing been Instituted to iccover said debt or nti part thereof therefom the bald Mi line npolis Throbbing Machine connmiij will tell the proorti tlieruiu descrihed viz One RaEsell straight Hue tractlnu engine 10 horso power nnd ouo J I Case automatic stacker with trnckb stacker rake nnd belts complete nt public nuction on tho lots of tho Koinont lilkliorn A Missouri Valleylt H In tho village of Mead ow irovo Madison county Nehrutka on he Wtb daj of Juuo 1S91 at the hour of S oclock a in ot said day Dated May 31 190 The Minneapolis Threshing Mnchino com pauy mortgagee Hy O II McCusiTOCK Stato Agent Notice to Creditors Stato of Nebraska Madisou county 6 In tho matter of the ostato of Jauo La Fargo deceased Notico Is hereby given to all persons having claims and demands ugainet Juux Lu Fargo late of Mndisouronuty deceaood that tho time Hied for tiling claim against said estatoisslx mouths from tho 7th day of June lt0 All such nerbonb aro roijulrod to pretont their claims with tko vouchers to tho couuty judge ot said county at his olllce therein on or tioforo the 7th day of e nam her 1SU9 nnd that all claims so filed ill bo heard before said judge on tho 7th day of De cerning ihw nt ouo o clock p iu It is further ordered that notice to ull persons IntiinKtiNl in said estate be fi ven n imbllshiuu a cop of this irdor iu the Nokioilv Daily Niwh a dally newspaper publmteil iu snd couuty for lourcoiitecuuve weehs prior iu sain ii m Wituete my baud this 2nd day of June A 1 SU9 SEAL I MM BATF8 County Judge t 109Wfl im 1 tui J IfcL lb r jl OU i -11 W PTBR4 1 jANtgcbblcPfcparaiionrorAs slmilatlng ihcroodandUcdula ling ihcStomochs antlBowcls of EromolcsBilcslionChcciful ncss andEcstContalns ndlhcr SnumIorpWno norMocraL OT NARCOTIC mvtarou iirSXMUELnTcnsii JmtfJitn Stti sUxSenna JiAtUtSJu jtnutSnd fmrrmnt tnCattanaSolA fKtmSttd flmfcd Sugar llSfryrun narvn Apcrfcctncmcdy forConstipa tion Sour StomachDiarrhoca Wortns Convulsions icss ondLoss OF SLEEP lacSimllc Signature of NEW YORK mjSVWTTTmjjGwnwMm EXACT COPT DT vVEAPPCB - tnvkoratea the whole system and ana vigor to tne wnoie poay ine Tr easT to take a IT HAS TWO TO sl7lClUID HLttDIOINEa SgTJTN 52i2 0AST01I Tor Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Signature of HSffiS I k US WTmralnaUe aa U neaaaa asuioi aca IU DJOpO rfOB TEBSAUB gists or 80nt by mall on reoelpt of prloe eso and H aii niivnMiil nn mm mi ik wnnji tn ix uibt ot end from our Western OnW Dr B J Kay Medical 5o 6 8 StiiifmfiMM own yer rVi 1ft Ar W fJ l The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY NCWVORK CITY Graceful Easy and Long Wearing THE FAMOUS Olga Ncthcrsole 250 Shoe FOR WOMEN Possesses tho merit of perfect style fit comfort nnd durability No breaking in necessary made to conform to tho lines of t Solo cry flexible Chromo Kid stock that is soft ns a git woars llko iron Lscel3 cuy 3j0shoo for wear and comfort No lW ChromoKld ullli tip of the same intdlum weight s toutliowlillliof uMlver half dollnr low hrel und toll pitti Von ulllllnd tiusshjou cjuibiuiLiuii ol style ad comfort Hanufuctured by The Rock Island Slice Co liock Island III and sold exclusively in this city by F A HUSTO ejL I Hx Mrs I M llarnes 37 Modford St Medford Hasa writes on Jany 91st Iff 3 frT unotil Vw iUHlwilt fnr ma tn flnrl lfincriinim to dMarlhA mv UfTorlnf for thretivfl - r r jt w - r lvj years Ixsloro taking your ut itay 3 ncnovaiorweTorai pnyBioiaoi pronounou uj rcasoono oixtorvoui ijypopi sua ngrvoiu x ruauriviuii iinn Tnlbimntnpnnr would mum rrnat nroatrauon eitroms nerrousnesa headtohe tndlgoation and sovore Tomlting which at Umas kept op continually for v two or three days la ipl toot all my phyalolana eealddo Ibeoamo Terr thin In lean ana ion nearly auoi my nairu top wmy jww wui wiwiu j vu ered terribly with my atomaofe belns nnablo Vo dbreat anything I triad Mreral iMnna wtthnnt mrAilam anT reliat Mnalfr lart AtMrnat a mend sent me Dr CavaRonrratranalbeaatotinproTuaooaMltook U and the ohango wu nnarfnL Ha u vu vr hnlltvd max than I nor eoald ueT be more thank- fni fnr mnti m nniAu aa Dr Kni tt nialnr aa bit nhnolaaa could not heln me Am aeon aa Tbecaa to lmDror ur uttMnn to trow apd mow tt la nloer thauever vl could L Ml m VM ma taking Dr Kays Renovator Ton an Mncrty wMU Otojm vtrre ear tor ine wnsi e fee ex a and all ncrvoua and blood dlaea dlaaaaM eta AT THIfl TTMB and kidney Tlteaiei dupoodenor female 3 oKl9 ring new IU tVI jieosani anaarfs KANT DOBE3 A3 FRIOB Bold by dTug Mfs or the booklet It treats W get another sent Ireevffi IftthBt nahtKebOJl VWVwVrMinPwu FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary C W BRAASCH DEALER IN Exclusive agent lur the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE Ol isfsifn imnitmmw itm MOTTS PENNYROYAL PILL They overcome Weak nuss irregularity and omissions increase ur nnu Danish nnitm of menstruntion They aro LIVE SAVERS to alt 5s at womanliood aiding duvolopmuut of organs and bodv No nown remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure tflOO lElt 1JOX 1JY MAIL Sold by driiKlsts Dll MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio For Salo at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY KARO BROS Everybody wants the est of meats We make a special effort to please our trade Our SUep is tho Kctost lu the City GRSEILER t Sale and - Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission Braasch Avenue and Third St PHONE 44 II 1 It f