The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 08, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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1 1
Results from a
Bad Liver
and can
be Cured by
II Liver and
u A Certain Remedy for
Diseases of the Liver Kid-
neys and Urinary Organs
Ghair Gars on all
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
crn and Eastern points
Unexcelled timo anil accommodations
tn the
v Famous Hot Sorines of Arkansas
For moro complete information descriptive
pnmphlRts etc addreSB
j o riiiLLirn tv c barxes
A G F and P A TPA
Southeast Cor 14th and DouglnB Ste
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures Fistulas
Burns Scalds
II Wounds Bruises
Cuts Sores
Boils Tumors
f Eczema Eruptions
Salt Rheum Tetters
Chapped Hands
Fever Blisters
Sore Lips Nostrils
Corns Bunions
Stings Bites of Insects
Three Sizes 25c 50c and 100
Sold by druggists or sent poet paid on receipt ot price
iiMriinErsSBDco 111 uiwnusiuwTort
Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes
1729 New York Ave
fllcoostabliBliodlS09 Chaws moderate Cor
rospondonco requested
of Best Vurlctles at Hard Times Prices Small
fruit in laro supply Millions of Strawberry
platitH very thrifty and well rooted iettlie
hest near homo and savo freight or express
Send for prico list to
Norlh Bend Nurseries
North Bend Dodge County Neb
At Piorco Every Monday
Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb
-1 - - -- -
1 1 t
V r3
Class of 99 is Graduated With
Appropriate Ceremonies
Tho Methodist Church Filled to lt Ut
most Capacity UlRtit Voiiiir lnille nnd
1otir Young BIimi Ilrcelto Dlploimn An
Kvonliiff lloplotn With Intercut toTlioni
nnd Tholr Frlond
From Sntnrdajs Dully
Lnst ovoniug was given over to that
most momorablo nununl ovout which
comos in tho school yonr It was com
moncomout night
Tho Mothortist church early began to
illl up with tho friomls of thoso who
wero to say goodbye to their high sohool
work and by 8 oclock every Beat was
not only occupied but standing room
was at a premium
Tho stage was decorated most nrtistio
ally with potted plants Tho lloral oner
ings for each student woro alho massed
in tho foreground composing an im
mense and beautiful bank of fragrance
Back of tho platform in tho arched re
cess tho colors of tho class blue and
yellow wero tastily arraugod whilo
over tho arch itself was tho class motto
Different PathsOuo Purpose
It was 8 30 oclock when to tho strains
of music given by tho orchestra the
membors of tho graduating class
marched down tho islo of tho church
and took seats on tho platform Direct
ly in their roar and overlooking thorn
wore Beatod Prof OConnor and tho
corp9 of high school teachers Messrs
Whaloy aud Barnes and Misses Hartley
and Mygatt
Following a spirited inarch by tho
orchestra Rov John Jeffries stepped in
front of tho platform and invoked tho
divine blessing upon tho exercises of tho
eveuiug and upon aljwho should par
ticipate in them
An overture by the orchestra was
very delightfully rendered after which
Frank A Mastorstho class salutatorinu
delivered an oration on The Ideal
Country Mr Masters production
was a thoughtful one well delivered
and received morited attention and ap
preciation Ho dwelt especially on tho
responsibilities of citizensship that came
to every American citizen pointed out
some of tho dangers which threaten the
perpetuity of tho republic and empha
sized tho duty of his class mates to take
an intelligent aud wise part in making
this Tho Ideal Country
The orchestra gave a serenade aud
then Prof OConnor happily introduced
Dr S Wright Butler of Omaha as tho
speaker of tho evening
Dr Butlers address defies analysis
Any synopsis of it must necessarily be
inadequate For nearly an hour ho held
tho closest attention of his audienco and
he closed with them still expectant
He is an orator of the first rank and
from start to finish his abounding vigor
sparkling wit keen analysis of tho
fundamental principles of life bril
liant flashes of rhetoric and eloquent
antithesis and climaxes charm and in
Ho at first made a request that all rise
and sing one verso of My Country Tis
of Thee which was heartily responded
to and served to place all in a patriotic
frame of mind
He then proceeded to givo a graphic
account of tho scenes in ancient Rome
when the empire was at the heighth of
its power Tho coliseum was crowded
with four score thousand people Pres
ently the emperor surrounded by his
courtiers the vestal virgins and tho son
ate would take his place upon tho
throne prepared for him Tho gates of
tho arena would swing open and tho
gladiators the athletes of that age
would come forth and making obeisance
to Romes ruler would say Hail I Im
perial Ceasar Wo who are about to die
saluto you But tonight we livo in a
grander and nobler ago I These young
athletes who have completed their high
school course in Norfolk step forth bo
fore their country aud can say Hail
Imperial Republic Wo are are about to
live saluto you
Dr Butler then called attention to
one of tho conspicuous facts of history
Every nation has its sacred place dedi
cated to its heroes Germany its Val
halla Paris its Pantheon London its
Westminister Abbey and America its
capital city of Washington In tho old
hall of representatives made by con
gress in 1804 a national hall of statuary
there is room allowed eacli state for two
figures of thoso who shall best exempli
fy the history and purposes of each
commonwealth Some of these states
have already made their contribution
Pennsylvania has Franklin Now York
Robert Fulton IllinoisFrances Willard
but Nebraska has uouo as yet She is
waiting for her heroes tho world al
ways wants them and young men aud
young women are to bo congratulated
011 the splendid possibilities that stretch
out before them
The speaker described very vividly the
frescoos in sepia that can be seen in the
dome of the national capitol Artists
havo delineated there the early history
of this country aud its diflerout eras up
to tho close of tho civil war But there
is still much space unoccupied in the
domo waiting niches to bo filled by
heroes and events that shall yet trans
pire Now occasious teach new duties
The eternal ship of progress makes all
things new Tho golden age is before
----- mrmmssr7
earth Built of the best material that can be
Far superior to any other engine or separator on
bought and by old experienced workmen We have just received two lull rigs ior samples and
EARNESTLY INVITE YOUR INSPECTION and will prove our claim Come and see them
H G BRUEGGMANN Agt Norfolk Neb
J H Cline General Agent for Northeast Nebraska will be in Norfolk on Saturdays
and not behind Tho young man and
young woman face not a frowning world
but ono that is over looking for a new
Columbus or Joan of Arc It wants
most of all manly men and womonly
women It was a womaus crown
jewels that redeemed a continent from
Tho speaker compared what past ages
had contributed to tho worlds good
with what this ago was doing greatly to
tho credit of tho nineteenth century
Ho advised the graduates that their
chances in this world aud tho next de
pended altogether on how they lived
and dwelt at length on tho incentives to
scholarship Ho closed his address by
giving the maxim of George Stephen
son Think tho best of everything
believe the best of evorybody hope the
best for yourselves and thus servo your
After an overture by tho orchestra
Miss Anna G Law the valedictorian
addressed her class mates in a few woll
ohoseu remarks thanking tho board of
education for their efforts ill behalf of
tho schools nnd tho high school teachers
for their kindly guidauco and help dur
ing tho past four years While tho
orchestra played Auld Lang Sayno
Miss Law distributed roses tho class
flower to each member of the class aud
to each 0110 of tho teachers
Tho exercises closed with an address
to tho class by Prof OConnor compli
menting them upon reaching this hour
iu their lives and appealing to tho pub
lic to stand by the public schools of Nor
folk in the future as generously as they
havo iu tho past
II G Brueggemaun president of tho
board of education then presented tho
class with their diplomas Tho or
chestra closed with a choice selec
tion and the graduating exercises of
another class wero a tliiug of the putt
Tho friends of tho class of 00 gath
ered about them aud offered their con
gratulations There were 12 members
of the class Laura Durlaud Edna
Margaret Stafford Agues May Thomp
son Julia Wiuifred Jellories Anna
Gertrude Law Anna Vail Mollrido Leliu
Wiuifred Thomas Eva Mihills William
Meredith Darlington Ernest Bridgo
Edward George Hyde Frank Adtlbert
Work is Stopped on the Hole in
the Ground
The City Council Wisely Conclude Not
to Sink Any Moro Minify In an Attempt
to Secure an Arteolan Well The IIiilu Id
Down H70 Feet and CoHt Approximate
ly 4000
From Mondnys Daily
After six mouths of weary effort after
4000 of tho citysmoney has been in
vested in tho hole in the ground the city
council at a special meeting this morning
ordered Contractor Shaw to quit drilling
and proceed at onco to dig a well At
tho time this ordor was given Mr Shaw
who was present stated that tho hole
had reached a depth of 670 feet that the
drill was working in solid sand rock
with no prospect of water Ho stated
it as his opinion that the lass of rock in
which ho was working gave no encour
agement of finding an artesian flow of
water when a depth of 1 000 feet is
reached Upon this showing a motion
was mado by Councilman Bullock that
tho committee having tho matter in
charge bo instructed to discontinue work
on tho well Roll call showed Council
men Brummond Hucholz Bullock Dog
nor Dextor and Uhlo voting aye Ab
sent and not voting Heckuinnand Vielo
Then it was moved by Bullock that
tho mayor and city clerk bo instructed
to execute a contract with Josoph H
Shaw for tho immediate sinking of a 10
iuch well to tho depth of 125 feet moro
or less at 27500 the city to furnish
coal for steam and tho contractor to fur
nish all casiuc depth and location of
well aud aniouut of easing to bo deter
mined by tho committee Tho motion
received tho unanimous vote of thoso
J conncilnipu present
Thus is ended an item of expense to
tho city which for roveral mouths has
been recognized by many people as an
almost useless effort and tax payers will
now breathe easier Whilo tho invest
ment of approximately 1000 of tho
citys money has been without practical
result yet as as educational measure it
may bo worth all it cost For instance
thoso geologically inclined know that a
good vein of water can bo secured at a
depth of about 100 feot that below thoro
tho foundation of tho eartli is mado up
of layers of varied thicknesses and
grades of sand rock quicksand and
sand rock principally tho latter all
very useful in their way but not particu
larly adapted to furnishing drinking
Tho action of tho city council tlis
morning is a wise one and will meet
tho hearty approval of tax payers
IlumeMekerK KxcurMlon
On May 2 and 10 Juno 5 aud 20 18
the Missouri Pacific Railway compauy
will sell homeseekcrs excursion tickets
to certain poiuts in tho southwestern
parts of Missouri Kansas Arkansas
Indian Territory Oklahoma Territory
Colorada and Utah and to many other
points located in tho southeastern
states At rate of one faro for tho
round trip plus 2 For further infor
mation address W O Baknis
J O 1iHiiiiii T P A
A f J F P A
Southeast corner of 1 1th and Douglas
streets Omaha Nebraska
Nervous prostration is 11 term com
mouly used to indicate a weukoncd aud
debilitated state of tho nervous system
aud a vitiated condition of tho blood
Its symptoms nro unusual nervouMie
treat irritability and incapacity for
physical or mental labor and it is caused
bv errors in diet or hyuioiio Dr J H
McLeanh Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier is recognized everywhere
even by tho medical profession asasup
erior romedy to counteract woakuess of
this character Prico 50c and 1 a bot
tle at Koenigsteius Pharmacy
Dock Coflee Aigree Willi You
If uot drink Grain O mado from
pure grains A lady writes Tho first
timo I made Grain 0 I did not like it
but after using it for ono week nothing
would induce mo to go back to coffeo
It nourishes and feeds the system Tho
children can driuk it freely with great
benefit It is tho strengthening sub
stance of pure grains Get a package
today from your grocer follow the
dnectious in making it and you will
havo -a delicious aud healthful table
bevcrago for old au d yevug 15 and
tw 1
I0I111 It liny at Went Point
Hon John It Hays of this city deliver
ed tho Memorial day address at West
Point and of it tho Republican of that
city says Hon John 11 HayB of Nor
folk delivered one of tho most eloquent
and patriotic oratioiiBwhich it has been
the pleasure of our people to over listen
toTho strong wind mado outdoor speak
ing quite an effort but tho rapt at
tention of tho people to his logical ad
dress was encouragement sufficient to
causo anyouo to bravo tho inclement
weather The speaker among a
host of othor fine points told of how tho
Athenian centuries ago built monu
ments over and held sacred tho ground
where wus buried tho bodies of thoso
who fought iu tho battle for their coun
try His tribute to tho soldier dead and
living and tho firo of patriotism which
110 transmitted to nis audience maao n
dop impression on all who had tho pleas
ure of listening to tho silver tongued
orator We only regret that a more ex
tended roviow of his oration cannot bo
given here Mr Hays has a warm spot
iu tho hearts of West Pointers ho bay
ing spoken here onco boforoand it is tho
hope nnd wish of many thrt our pcoplo
may bo again favored by heariug his
eloquent voice
This always means trouble Tho
tongue is coated the appctito poor
tho digestion weak the blood thin
and tho nerves Irritable
Tho Bovels aro
Always Constipated
4 act directly on tho liver Ialasatiro
3 doses each uisht they will rcirulato
tho bowels tallo tho cojtintr oil tho
1 tongue cure biliousness and prevent 1
J BicU headache -5 cents a box p
d J C AYFJt CO Lowell Moss 1
00 trrV V W WTm
r K