The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 08, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Tho Loulslniirt Fupir crop is sulTerlng
from drouth Tho NebrnnUn sugar crop
Tho harmony thut isprovulllngamonK
tho fUHlontotH of thin Mate to simply
Tho executive council or Iluwall will
ymt into elVeet in Inly n rule limiting
tho nuntlw of Japanese on tho plant
ntioiis so that they will not exceed uny
other uittiinality
Nebraska patriots at homo can ho de
pended uimn to stand byNtibrnslin honxw
in tho Held At tho earliest opportunity
they will fleet a governor who does not
misrepresent them
Admiral Sjhloy has added now lntirulH
to Ids crown of tiumi hy capturing tho
entire west without firing agun Every
whero ho is gieotod hy onthuBiuHtio
crowds eager to do him honor
Ktlgnr Howard in tho Papilllon Times
charges Govurnor Poyntor with u laek
of hnckhouo Tills is tho moro flignill
cantslnco Judge Howard has always
lwcn a strong friend or tho governors
There is trouhlo aheid in tho fusion
Mr llryaii hasnt as much to say about
expansion iib ho had a fow months ago
hut is now whacking away at trusts A
niau who is constantly chasing up now
issues and abandoning old ones Is hardly
of tho right calihro for tho pcoplo or tho
United States to trust as tholr chief ex
Tho post olllco dopartmont has boon
overwhelmed with applications from all
parts of tho country to havo thoir post
offices namod Dowoy Already
twonty oight different post olllccs in as
inauy states havo boon given tho iinuio
of tho hero of Manila Bay and ovor i00
applications aro on lllo Tho United
States will surely bo very Dowoy
There has boon u gouoral impression
that tho Indian was passing away and
that not many years would olapso boforo
tho nohlo rod man would bo known
no moro in America Whllo It Is trno
that many trlbos show no Increaso of
births ovor deaths and somo tribes havo
bocomo extinct it is quito cortaiu that
tho census will provo that an a raco tho
Indians aro increasing and not dimin
Tho men of business tho professional
men and tho men whoso means will not
permit of thoir hiring a team and milk
ing a tour of tho county aro to ho pitied
It is porhapa truo that tho uowspapor
man takes tho most comfort and host
appreciates what ho sees aud hears
Tho man of wealth measures up tho
farmer by tho cash valuo of his sur
roundings and estimates ovorything ho
sees fron tho standpoint of a dollar
Tho nowspapor mau sees n finely im
proved farm good houso good barn
shelter for tho farmers stock a bunoh
of cnttlo and anothor bunch of hogs
chickens around tho barnyard n lino
orchard a woll kopt gardon and othor
things which aro always visible on tho
well regulated farm aud ho estimates
thoir valuo from tho standpoint of com
fort contentment and happiness Tho
newspaper man realizos that only tho
contented farinor plants trees nnd estab
lishes orchards for futuro use Ho ba
lioves that tho discontented man does
not ornament his front yard with roso
bushes lilacs snowball bushes nnd oth
er lowering slirubs It is tho contented
man who took a Nebraska farm for tho
purpose of mokiug himself and family a
homo aud it is tho contented man with
a contented family who strives to moke
that homo as pleasant as possible
Hastiuga Record
What is beliovod to Ihj tho greatest
erimo against justieo in modem
civilization seems in a fair
way to bo righted Tho court
of cassation of Franco which is equiva
lent to our supromo court has at last
irrauted Captain Droyfus a new trial
Tho world applauds this verdict as tho
published accouuts of tho trial of Drey
fus loavo no doubt iu tho minds of peo
ple who Jovo justieo and fair play that
he was made tho victim of a horriblo
plot to shield tho guilty A captain iu
tho armyarrestod on tho charo thnt ho
had sold secret information to enemies
of his country ho was courtnmrtialod
aud found guilty of treasou without bo
iug given a chance to defend himself
and was kopt in iguorauco of tho charge
against him until tho day of his trial
which was conducted behind closed
doors in utmost secrecy During the
four years since that time ho has been
iu exile a guarded prisouor upon tho Ilo
du Diablo an arid island oil tho coubt of
French Guiaua iu South America
Tho friends of Droyfus havo novor be
lieved that he was guilty aud for four
years they havo been trying to havo the
oiso reopened Tho atTair which ontho
face of it is a disgrace to army methods
in Frauco has stirred up intonso feeliug
in that couutry aud has oxcited tho keen
interest of tho civilized world Every
possible technicality has boen taken ad
vantage of iu Frnuce to prevent tho caso
from being reopened but iiuolly the
court of cassation yielded to public sen
timent aud admitted that there was evi
dence which warrauted tho grouting of
a new trial
Asa K Leonard and Miss Ada
Gcrcckc This Morning
Dr 1rnl W Kloiiu In Omr In limit f
tur the llrl of llli titmice 1 W Ilimn
formerly ut ttitn 1lnt pSiiccmiiiiIk Itnfutn
the UrlKlit ly f Initliiiiii Vniitic
At tho hundsomo homoof tho bridos
parents Mr and Mrs Herman Ciorecku
at 1I0 this morning n very quiet wed
ding took place Kov Van Fleet per
forming tho ceromony which Joined Mr
Asa K Leonard and Miss Ada Gerecko
together uh man and wife Tho houso
had liven heuutlfully decorated in whito
for the occasion and tho ceremony
used was tho impressive sorvino of tho
Episcopal ohurch Only tho relatives of
tho family nnd immodiato neighbors and
friends were presold who after extend
ing congratulations woro sorvod with a
sumptuous wedding breakfast
At 1 1 oclock tho happy couplo en
tered n carriage and started upon their
wedding trip showered with lico and
good wishes and accompanied by num
erous old shoes which had boon tied to
tho wheels and other convenient places
about tho vehicle Tho wedding journey
consisted of u drive of 15 miles to Olo
Lowos lake whero they will camp llsh
and hunt during tho next week or ten
dayB Tho camp had nlroady boon es
tablished with a colored man In charge
who will look aftor tho wants of tho
couplo during thoir outing When they
return they will board with Mrs Des
mond a fow woeks and will go to
housokooping in thoir now homo on
Madison iivouuo as soon as it is com
pleted which will bo about July 1
Both of tho contracting parties aro
woll known in Norfolk Mr Leonard
has been u rosldout of tho city nbout 12
years during which timo ho has built
up u largo drug business has oreotod
ono of tho iluest brick blocks in tho city
and has forged his way to tho frout un
til ho is now ono of tho most prominent
business men of town Miss Qorocko
claims Norfolk as her birthplace whore
sho has lived and grown to womanhood
Sho is an attractive young lady of bright
attainments and genial disposition who
will preside ovor Mr Leonards now
homo with dignity Tin Nkws joins
many othor friends iu wishing thorn
happlucss and prosperity through life
OKnulVu Curuy
In St Marys ohurch at 70 this
morning Mr Ed OKoollo and Miss Kate
Caroy woro uuitod in marriage ltov
Father Walsh oiHciating Tho cero
mony was porformed in tho presence of
a largo numbor of relatives and friends
At its closo tho wedding party ropaircd
to tho homo of tho bridos mother Mrs
Ann Oaroy whero a delicious breakfast
was served Mr and Mrs OKeello loft
over tho Union Pacific ac 1010 for Don
vor where they will spoud thoir honoy
moon Mr OKeollo was formerly ex
press messenger on tho U P botweon
horoand Columbus and during that
timo ho mado many friends in this city
Tho brido lias lived horo about livo years
and is a popular young lady among a
largo circle of acquaintances Mr
OKeoiTo now has a run on tho main
lino botweon Council Bluffs nud Ogden
aud they will nrnko thoir homo at tho
former placo
Kliimil Deppc
Dr F W Kiesau will bo married this
ovonlug at Baxter Jasper county Iowa
the name of tho brido being Miss Emma
Deppo Miss Doppo was bridesmaid at
tho niarriago of Mr and Mrs Aug
Kiesau Tho nowly weddod couplo will
go to Chicago and othor cities and be
absout four wcoks Whon thoy return
they will occupy Dr Win Kiesaus now
houso on tho Hoights
Tho MiirrhiKOoTH Furinor Norfolkmi
Tho Martinsville Iud Daily Reporter
of last Thursday contains an ncconut of
tho wedding of J W Roso aud Miss
Mablo Shorloy which is published iu
full becauso of Mr Rosos wido ac
quaintanceship in this community
whore ho lived for many years and
whoro ho still has many friends who
will wish him and his brido an nbuud
nnco of health and prosperity through
life Followiug is tho story of tho wed
ding as prosonted by tho Roportor
A umrriogo that unites two of tho
oldest and most prominent families in
tho city took placo at tho homo of Mr
and Mrs V S Shorloy 177 N Joflerson
street on Wednesday evening at 8i0
oclock whon their daughter Mabel
Conduitt was wedded to Mr Jacob
Walter Rose son of Mr aud Mrs Aaron
Tho coming of the bridal party was
announced by ovor sweet stralus of
Lohengrin played by Mrs Fdwurd
Kriner sistor of tho bride Tho groom
was atteuded by his brother Mr Wilber
E Roso Miss Bornico Sherley sister of
the brido as maid of houor proceded
the brido who entered with her father
Rov George II Murphy of tho Metho
dist Episcopal church officiated nud
with tho ring ceromouy beautiful and
impressive tho fortunes of tho youug
couplo woro united till death do part
Tho bride whoso wedding gown of
white silk was veiled in French em
broidered gauze carried an arm bouquet
of the whito sweet peaseaud asparagus
fern Tho mold of honor woro a shoor
whlto organdie with shirred whito satin
ruchings trimmings pink llborty silk
sash and carried pink bridesmaid roses
Immediately nftor tho ceremony tho
serving of luncheon iu tho dining room
began Tho color scheme of n pink aud
whito wedding was canied out from tho
carnation favors to tho NcajKHtan
cream cakes bonbons followed hy tho
brides cako and colfco After tho
luncheon tho guests met tho bridal
party in tho parlors to exchango happy
greetings as they said good night At n
late hour Mr and Mrs Hoso wero
driven to Hoso Placo homo of tho
grooms poronts whore tho Hoso family
aro today holding a happy reunion
Tho Shorloy homo was beautifully
decorated for tho wedding under tho
supoi vision of tho visiting young friends
of the brido Misses liolllnger Wingato
Shorloy Mesdiunos E D Bailey and
Carrie Barrett Tho recaption hall nud
front parlor wero fragrant with rose
peonies massed with palms nnd forns
while garlands of Binllox woro gracefully
suspended from tho windows and ovor
tho mirrors From tho grillo in tho
doors connecting tho parlors hung ropes
of myrtlo In tho back parlor whoro
MiBsos Margaret Neoloy Leafy Branch
Joonotto Brenton nnd Daisy Grubbs
served at tho punch bowl woro margue
rites peonies and pink roes with ferns
feather foliage palms and begonias to
bank tho mantel Tho dining room was
decorated with ropos of myrtlo feather
forns marguerites and brides roses
Mr nnd Mrs Hoso will lcavo on
Friday for Oliiuo California to ronmiu
for several months whoro Mr Roso will
combine with tho wedding trip n souson
of business with tho American Boot Su
gar Co With which ho was pleasantly
connected for llvo years nt Norfolk No
braska Tho high psteom iu whloh tho
friends of Mr aud Mrs Roso both in aud
out of tho city regard thorn was mani
fested in tho largo numbor of rich uud
costly gifts telegrams and letters that
wore lit orally showored upon them Tho
tribute is a fitting ono to tho sterling
bueiuoss qualities and tho personal at
tractions of tho groom and to tho fair
young brido whoso sunny disposition has
so brightened tho homo tho church and
social circles that her doparturo ovon for
so briof a timo is dooply regretted
Among tho out-of-town guests wero
Mrs John Boyd and sou Alien Mrs
Mary Wilt Miss Mario Wilt Miss Jessie
Borg Indiauapolis Miss Bertha Bolin
gor St Paul Minnesota Miss Mary
Shorloy Louisville Kentucky Miss Eva
WingutoSholbyvillo Mrs Allison Breed
lovo Monrovia Mrs Iro Conduitt Miss
Jessio Conduitt Mooresvillo Messrs
Mark nnd Daniel Wolty Brooklyn
Mrs O D Roso son and daughters
Mrs J L Greou Univorsity Place Ne
braska Miss Harriet Rodmond Logans
port Mr Ralph Parker Indianapolis
Miss Loniso Taylor Miss Mary Powers
City Couuull lmcotMUuRN
Regulnr meeting of tho council held
June 1 1S99
Presont Councihnen Brummond
Bucholz Doxter Deguor Uhlo Heck
man and Bollock Absent Vielo
In tho absence of Mayor Simpson aud
President Violo Dexter was elected
Minutes of meetings of May 18 and 22
woro read and approved
Treasurers statement for May was
read Followiug balances wero shown
Geuorol fuud SISJO
Iuterest fuud 3J10 15
Road fuud 98US
Water fund fflii
Sinking fuud yGJ2i0
Firo department flJUO
A petitiou signed by J F Flyuu and
10 others was presonted and read ask
ing that Prospeot avenue from Ninth
street to F E M V railroad bo
opened to full width of iO feet
Tho following special comiuitteo was
appointed to confer with Dr Vorges re
garding tho purchase of tho ground
necessary to open said street Deguer
Bullock and Brummond
A communication was received from
Geo Stalcop to lease city lots ou South
Third street at per year ho to keep
up sidewalk aud ropairs On motion
tho city attoruoy was directed to draw
up such a lease and the mayor and clerk
woro authorized to execute tho sarao
A petitiou was received from F
Vorges asking permission to ropair nn
addition to tho Chas Rico building was
read and on motion granted
Tho application aud bond of Geo B
Christoph for druggists license was
read Moved to grant sanio Roll call
Ayes Brnniinond Bullock Bucholz
Deguer Doxter Heckmau Uhlo Car
A notice of assignment from J II
Shaw to Citizens National bank of 317
was received and filed
Jugo Powers appeared for Geo Foster
aud asked that tho city reimburse Mr
Foster for bidowalk ropairs mado neces
sary by tho failuro of tho sidewalk dur
ing tho Bryan meeting iu IbiHI Ou mo
tion tho matter was referred to tho fol
lowing comiuitteo Bucholz Brum
mond Uhlo
Mr S K Dexter of tho cold storage
plant appeared and requested that a
crosslug bo placed opposite tho cold stor
age plaut Referred to conimitteo on
streets aud alleys
Judge Powers requested that tho tele
graph poles on South Fourth street be
moved out to curb lino iu order to per
mit a 6idewalk being built
On motion tho ways and means com
iuitteo was authorized to mako tho an
nual cstimato of expenses and publish
Chairman Bullock reported that tho
well was down 820 foot and that It was
Imposslblo to proceed farther with six
inch casing on account of quick sand
Mr Shaw offered to furnish four iuch
casing down to 1000 feet nud If a How
was secured ho would thou sink tho six
inch casing dowir If a flow was not so
cured tho four inch pipe would bo pulled
by him nnd romaln his property
Moved hy Bullock that tho proposition
bo rejected Ayes Bucholz Bullock
Deguor Dexter llcckmnu Nays
Uhlo Brummond Carried
Moved by Bullock to advertiso forbids
for one cight inoh well 100 foot deep to
bo located hy tho conimitteo on well
Ayes Bullock Doxter Heckmau
Nays Brummond Bucholz Uhlo
in ordinance providing a licenso tax
for circuses etc was iutroducod aud
Moved to suspend tho rules and placo
ordinance on final passago Ayes
Bruunuond Bucholz Bullock Deguer
Doxter Ueckmnn Uhlo Corriod
Moved that tho ordiuauco bo passed
Roll coll Ayes Brumiuond Bucholz
Bullock Deguor Dexter Heckmau
Uhle Carried
tn ordiuauco regulating tho licenso
tax on drnys was introduced aud road
Moved to suspond rules nnd placo
ordiuauco on final passage Roll call
yes Bruunuond Bullock Bucholz
Deguor Doxter Hookniuu Uhlo Car
Moved that ordiuauco bo passed Roll
call Ayes Bruminond Bucholz Bul
lock Deguer Dextor Heckmau Uhlo
Tho following claims were read
Moved to allow as read Ayes Bruin-
moud Bullock Bucholz Degner Dox
ter Heckmau Uhlo Carried
J P Cook 1 89
Fred Klentz 2 50
Martin Kano 52 00
Albert Deguer 18 82
M H Collamer 80
W H Livingston 42 CO
Paul Wetzel 5 00
W O Rolnnd 10 05
A Amerine 5 00
Foruoy Drug Co 80
M MaHier 8 95
E Wegner 2 00
W J Freeman 5 00
Geo Dawson 2 25
W H Lowe 12 80
D Signor 10 25
H L Spaulding 01 20
II II Patterson fits 10
Geo Davonport 8 00
II H Pattersou 100 00
C O Mouwoller 4 00
C E Hartford 2 50
Interest on bonds -157 92
Frank Ueckormau 00
A Doau i 25
O W Babcock Co 185 00
John Friday 89 00
W A King 07 50
E Marshall 10 25
EHall 17 50
Times Tribuuo 15 77
W N Huso 10 25
Crane Churchill Co 100 40
Proposals for ii Hvullng Komi lied
Sealed bids will bo received by tho
board of county commissioners of Madi
sou county NebraskaatItho ofllco of the
county clerk of said county at any timo
before July 11 1809 at 12 oclock in for
the hauling aud spreading of gravel on
road two miles north of Meadow Grovo
Tho quantity of gravel required is ap
proximated at 1000 yards nud will bo
furnished by tho county distance to
haul oue half to three fourth of one mile
and bidder must Btato price for hauling
per cubio yard
Bidders ore required to accompony
thoir bids with a certified check of 25
to bo forfeitedjf contractor fails to make
contract and file a bond within ten 10
days from date of letting
Tho county board reserves the right to
reject any and nil bids
Dated this 2lth day of May 189
E G Hiilsian
County Clerk
A New Land of I he Sky Ilooklet
Tho Laud of the Sky tho popular
designation for the Ashovillo Plateau
Westoru North Carolina has been large
ly ndvertisod by tho Southern Railway
for a numbor of yoars ou nccouut of tho
health aud jloasuro resorts aud tho beau
tiful scenery of that section whoro tho
Southorn Railway crosses tho Bluo
Ridgo mountains
Tho Southern Railway has just issued
a now and most attractive booklet with
appropriate half toue cuts aud reading
matter and thoy tro being sent out free
to any address by Mr J O Beam Jr
N W P A Southorn Railway 60
Adams street Chicago
s uot recommended for
ovorything but if you
KvJU 1 havo kidney livor or
bladder trouhlo it will bo found just tho
remedy you need At druggists in 50
cent and II sizes You may havo a
samplo bottlo of this wonderful now dis
covery by mail freo also a pamphlet toll
ing all about it
Address Dr Kilmor Co Bingham
ton N Y
Klondike hotel Sixteenth ifc Webster
St Best medium priced hotol in Omaha
Try it
lOlttiuci mJ UiutlflM lh balr
iironiutti a lniurifciii Erowro
iNevcr rll to Hetore Qry
uuc io in jouiuiui v uiyr
ICurcf ilp diwiKt balrlulisf
aucmqfi wM nmriiw
Too Mnnj Trump
From Mondays Dally
A gang of tramps 6truck tho town Sat
urday and Immediately thorenfter tho
polico force of tho city had something to
do About 4 oclock Saturday nf torncon
Chief of Polico Spaulding mot threo of
thorn and although thov attempted to
scatter ho succeeded iu rolling two into
tho cooler They wero placed in tho
corridor of tho jail and whilo tho police
man was out looking after tho third thoy
undertook to dig u hole through tho
brick wall of tho jail Ho roturned in
timo to head that oh but not boforo thoy
had removed ono courso of brick Tho
trnuips woro thou locked up in tho cages
but duriug tho night thoy succeeded In
sawing tho lock and walking out Lato
iu tho ovoiiing Marshal Kano discovered
that thoro woro about 20 moro trumps in
Edgowutor Park indulging In a beor pic
nic Tho gang was too big to bo tackled
Binglo handed so ho waited for that
which ho know would follow When
tho liquid began to run low two of tlio
gang wero sent ovor to town for moto
beer Thcso wero nobbed aud locked
up Soon two moro wero sent over to
Beo what had becomo of tho first two
Thoy woro also locked up Thou two
moro came and mot tho samo fato
Thus thoy continued to conio until 11
had walkod into tho marshals trap
Thoy woro kopt in jail until this morn
ing whon thoy woro escorted to tho city
limits aud admonished to doporfc for
other fields
Dances aro bciug nrranged in tho Phil
ippines for tho iusurgoiits It remains
to bo seen whethor those provided by tho
peaco commission will prove any moro
effectual than tho dauco Gou Otis has
been leadiug thorn
During tho last six mouths of 1S98
thoro was issued in postal monoy orders
10520100 iu excess of the amount is
sued in tho same period n year before
This is only another of the many evi
dences of an indisputable prosperity
Drink Uruln O
aftor you havo concluded that you ought
not to driuk coffee It is not a medicine
but doctors order it becauso it is
healthful invigorating and appetizing
It is made from pure graius and has
that rich seal brown color and tastes
liko tho finest grades of coffeo and costs
about as much Children like it and
thrivo ou it becauso it is a genuine food
drink containing nothing but nourish
ment Ask your grocer for Grain O
tho now food driuk 15 and 25 cents
M G Perkins mauager of tho Amer
ican Press association of Omaha was n
city visitor over night
Cheap KuteH South
Ou the first aud third Tuesdays of
each month up to and including
bor tho Southern Railway offers to
homeseokers and settlors tho advantages
of cheap one way and round trip tickets
to practically all points in Tennesseo
Mississippi Alabama Georgia North
Carolina South Carolinn Virginia and
Homoseokers tiokets will bo sold nt
tho rato of ouo faro plus 82 for tho round
trip tickets good 21 days from date of
sale in which to return
Tho southeastern territory offers to
tho prospector and settler moro advant
ages than any other part of the United
States and the Southern Railway has
arranged for the sale of tickets on the
dates mentioned above at low enough
rates to enable any ono to go South and
investigate tho opportunities offered in
that territory
For illustrated matter rates and fur
ther particulars address
Wsi II Tayloe A G P A
Louisville Ky
J C Beam Jh N W P A
80 Adams St Chicago Ills
Promptly Reaches fiio Seat
of all Blood Diseases and
fWomen i
Thoro nro few women as beau
tiful as thoy might bo Powder
and paint and cosmetics dont
mako good looks Beauty is
simply an impossibility without
health Beautiful women aro
fow becauso healthy women aro
few Tho way to have a fair
face and a well rounded figure
is to tako
n tmnit immi
Thi3 i3 that old and time tried
medicine that cures all female
troubles and weaknesses and
drains It make3 no difference
what tho doctors call the trou
ble if there is anything tho
matter in tho distinctly feminine
organs BradKelds Fe
male Regulator will help
and euro it It is good for ir
regular or painful menstruation
for leucorrhoea for falling of tho
womb for nervousness head
ache backache and dizziness
Tako it and get well Then
your old time girlish features
and figure will be restored
Sold by druggists forjl a bottle
Attention rurmorx
Do yon ilcsiro to iecuro hnndcrilB of pamplo
coploB ot nKricnltrrnl journals mnwizlucs iibwb
pnperB books cntaloRUPS and circnlnrB of tho
latest Improved farm lmpleirentB and machin
ery and ho kept poet od on improved eooJb and
stock for two years or morot If eo eend nB
your namo with ton conta insllver nnd wo will
Insert thobnmo in the American Farmers Direc
tory which kocb whirling all over tho United
States to publUhcrs morclmntu and inanufnc
tnrors You will cot more ooil rendlnK mattor
than yon conld purchase for many times the
small coBt of ten cents Wo want every farmers
name In tho United States in our directory nt
onco FAUMEIta DlREOTnnY Co
Department 118
UiriniuRhani Aln
Christian Endeavor
Detroit Mich July 5 lli
The Illinois Central Knilroad
will sell tickets from all points on its Westoru
Lines to Detroit Michigan account of tho In
ternational Convention Young Peoplos Society
of Christian Endeavor at a rato of
Tickets on salo July 3rl to 5tli inclusive lim
ited for rotnrn to July IRtli with privilege of
oxtension until August lf 19U by depositing
ticket with Joint Agont at Detroit on or before
July 12th and payment of deposit fco of fifty
For printod mattor dessriptivo ot tho bcanti
fill city of Detroit which is ouo of tlio best con
vention cities in tho United States nnd infor
mation concerning excursion raleB for sidotiipq
from Dotroit to various points in the vicinity
olc etc address tho undersigned
A G P A 111 Cent Ii II
Dubuque lown
Notion to Margerott Ann Walker wifo of
Ooorgo M P Walker deceased and to his minor
and unknown heirs of euh decensod person
Goortio Wnlker Hnrison 1 Walker Margerott
Ann Walker That in tlio matter of tho applica
tion of tho plaintiff for a permanent receiver
for lots IU nnd 11 of block 8 Koenigstcins
Thrd addition to Norfolk Nobraxku that tho
judgo of the district court of Madison connty
Nebraska lins fixed Juno 0 1S9S1 ns tho time at
which yon aro to show cause why n poimanent
receiver should not ho appointed to succeed
GeorRO W Losoy shopf a temporary receiver
that unless rood ntitl sutlicient ennso is shown n
permanent receiver will bo appointed for said
Additional nilidavits of Anna George W
Lnmont ot al will boofferod in suppori of such
application for receiver Anna though
Dated April 2i ISSHt Plaintiff
By Geo A Latimer Attorney
y MIL UUH lUIlli
In ovory test mnrio 9 S S easily
iPiuonstrntPR its Btipuriority over other
blood leniLtlius It matters not how ob
stinate the caso nor whut other treat
ment or remedies havo failed S S S
n il in i n J irum my reaches and cures nn v
Cures the Worst Gases sfiltlrJrsriiJ
h00tl ureases knov3 that there
aro nn n
ments or troubles bo obstinate anil diillciU to cure Very few
to cure such real deep seated blood diseases as S S S curps remedies nii clnim -
offer such incontrovertible evidence of merit S S S is not morP v
s a cure 1 It goes down to the very seat of all blood disc mob m if LtT t Th
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very worst cnnnd routatho poison the tenl
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m view
tem II
only to break for h nora v
uL um more violently than ever S SSoceouoS
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MraT W Tm Mont ri ti r
t iLa oomo years
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