it N ii I fh flv SPECIALS In Ladies Slippers and Oxfords Dont underestimate thoso offer ings they uro except ional House Slippers Lot No I in Sergo Slippers at TUC Lot No 2 PC Three Point Slippors at DJC Lot No 3 Qf Opera Slippers nt 0 UC Good Ev y Covering for Tender Fret jllL S eo our Oxford Kpc ials nt 75c SllH 12ii DflttEflPORT BROS Norfolk Shoeinen I II I iiinwrtMmyMTMWiamiHmiMMn NORFOLK LODGE NO 07 A 0 U W MeotB in Odd Follows Hnll 011 tlio Ilrst nml third Fridays of each mouth Visiting broth ers cordially iuvitod to nttoml nil our niootitiRS W H Hnllmnn Financier LC llnrRcIt lie cordor C J Dolnn Mnstur Workman Bhas H Johnson Will sell you any article in the shape of FURNITURE PIANOS ORGANS SEWING MACHINES OHINAWARE CROCKERY Shown in the Catalogues of Montgom ery Ward Co Sears Roebuck Co John M Smyth Co or any of the catalogue houses at from 5 to 25 Per Cent Less Than their prices If you have been studying their catalogues pick out what you want and leave the money with your order at Johnsons Furni ture Store lie will save you the dis count the bother of unpacking dray age postage cost of draft and furn ish the same goods or better For first class mer chant tailoring see My Tailor where you will have suits well made and trimmed which is the main part of mer chant tailoring when they are made to order Call on My Tailor and have prices quoted The Weutlier Conditions of the weather as recorded foe the 24 hoars ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 74 Minimum temperature 51 Average 1 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 09 Forecast for Nebraska Showers to night and possibly colder southeast por tion Friday THURSDAY TOPICS The homo of K W Stovous iu the Heights is beiug handsomely repainted Eberharts restaurant and the Turf Exchange are resplendent with Jnow cmts of paint Quite a crowd of people went to Mead ow Grove on the morning train to at tend the G A It reunion Deputy Grand Master Workman F F Miller is passing around cigars over the advent of a now daughter at his house this morning Mason Frazor who was working on a wheel at the Norfolk Bicycle Cob yes terday had his finger badly map hod by getting it caught between the sprocket and chain The little 20nionthsold daughter of Frank Russell living on Fourth street fell off a chair yesterday aftoruoon and broko her collar bono Dr Frank Salter was called and roducod tlio fracture Announcement of the marriage of Harry Woodward and Miss Amelia Kahl nt Omaha on Monday June 5 lias been received by friends in this city Mr Woodward is a traveling man who fro nucntly comes here It is reported from Woyue that Judge Norris started for Manila yesterday af ternoon where ho goes to assume the duties of his olllco as attornoy for the collector of customs Ho goes by wny of Sm Francisco His family will remain in Wayne for tlio timo being The preliminary henring of tlio two young men under arrest at Madison for their pirt in the stock yards affair has been set for tlio lflth Hy that timo it is expected the others for whom war rants are out will havo given themselves up so that nil mny bo tried at tho samo timo Tho Germnn gpsangveroin held its reg ular monthly meeting last Sunday and decided to move from tho Martpiardt hall to its old quarters In t ho 13hlo block Tho socioty will hereafter practice overy Tuesday ovoningjniid havo its regular business meeting on tho first Sunday in each month Tho nnnual meeting of tlio stockhold ers of the Noriolk Building and Loan association held last evening elected tho following named directors A Hucliolz AJ Durland and II h Snyder for three years Dr A Hear 0110 year to fill vacancy O J Johnson two years to fill vacancy As a quorum of directors was not present a meeting to elect olllcors could not bo hold Wakefield Republican Goo Bannon having accepted a good position in a store at Norfolk his family will soon romovo to that city Their residenco her will therefore presumably bo for rent It is with sincero regret that their many friends hero will see this estimablo funily romovo from Wakefield where they havo so long resided to make their homo and cast their lot iu a now place Dr John M Caldwell presiding older of tlio westerngdistrict of Chicago and an ominont Methodist divino is expect ed to prench in tho M E church of this place morning and evening of Sunday Juno 18 Mr Caldwoll was at one timo president of the Rock River seminary nt Mount Vernon 111 and during this timo Hon W M Robertson of this city attended that institution Tho reverend gentleman will bo Mr Robertsons guest during his visit in tho city Tho meeting of tho Norfolk Business Mens association tomorrow evening will bo one of nuusunl importance It will have for consideration tho proposi tion of Mr Williams to build an opera house nrrangements for tho hearing of tho freight rate case beforo tho railroad commissioners at this place on Juno 27 and in nil probability the matter of tho Yankton and Norfolk railway will come before tho meeting Not only all mem bers but every other business man in terested in tho welfare of tho town should bo present The farewell party to Prof Geo II Whaley by Mr and Mrs Geo II Spear at tho Oxnnrd last evening was largoly attended by that gentlemans friends and proved a very enjoyable affair It was called n sculpture party and each guest was given the namo of an object whicli was required to bo moulded in chewing gum which wns also furnished in quantities desired After that camo another game with pennies each guest finding as many objects ns possiblo on a ono cent piece Leo Pnsewalk was awarded first prize on sculpture and Miss Winnio Hartloy on tho penny con test Refreshments closed tho even ings entertainment which was pro nounced by all present to bo one of tho pleasautest they had ever attended Box can suit you on coffee Houses for sale T E Odiornk Wanted Some one to take half of a car to tho Pacific coast Enquire at Tub Niws office Farm and city loans Thk Durland Trust Co Free t Free The Woodmen of the World will give several smokers to invited friends of its members who believe in fraternity who believo iu banding together for a com mon good nnd mutual protection such ns believe in tho golden rulo etc Men who are lookiug towards tho betterment of mankind is tho material wo want Can you afford to go without protecting thoso loved ones Times chango improvements are going on so are tho impressions of maukiud changing It used to bo Can I afford life protection Now tho universal question is How can I afford to bo without life protection You aro not tho one that is takiug tho chnncvH of an early death It is your family who will suffer so seo Deputy Henning whilo bo is with us got yoar namo upon tlio roster of tho camp get a certificate that guarantees protection to thoso you lovo Tho Woodmen of tho World gives you a businoas proposition that it bohooves you not to ovorlook a limited number of payments a uou forfeitablo certificate an incontestable certificate and a hundred dollar monumout at tho grave of overy deceased sovereign not something for nothing but something for its actual cost not below cost All this nt reduced rate never heard of before A goat road freo Trust not to appearances but put your fuith in Hoods Snraupanlla which never disappoints It is tho best medi ciiio money can buy If you want to buy or trado como and see us G R Skuku Co Olllco iu Maat block House and barn lor rent on Niuth street John Fkeythalkr tlUijya DIED FOR HIS GOMRADE Nate Owen Sacrifices His Life to Save Another DROWNED IN THE NORTIirORK Hurry Krolor 1nlN Into Tlilrly lho IVct of Wntor ittitl I ISrieunl liy Nulo Om ii Who Liim i UN ln tlln In Mm lllliit I Ito Two lloj Vtno 1MiImk In it KCIMIIM Illltl Tho Northfork river is a beautiful romantic stream the placid blue of whose waters shaded by tho overhang ing foliage of trees and bordered by rich green lawns give it that appear ance of innocence that so attracts one to a mibs in her teens Yet within those depths of beauty repose tlio relentless clutches of death and many an nnfor tunnto victim now fills an utitiinely gravo because of the seductive yet tor rlblo waters of tho Northfork Another youthful lifo has been sacrificed to t ho rapacious greed of that awful river tho twenty second person it is claimed within tho past Hi years who has gone into tho water iu the full vigor of health and known no more until the judge ment tiny Bravo Nate Owen sacrificed his lifo last ovening to save that of his companion and today thero is mourn ing not only in his own homo but in overy homo 111 tho city over tlio unsuc cessful result of his gallant deed The startling cry A boy drowning I was spread about tho street with rapidity shortly before i oclock last evening and iu 11 very fow moments crowds of peoplo had gathered on tho banks of tho river near tho mill dam each eager to render all assistauco possiblo to help save tho drowning boy Volunteers wcro at work iu a fow mo ments aftor the alarm was given dragging tho stronni for tho boy whom it was hoped to rescue boforo it was too late to rovivo him But although tho men worked with frantic haste it was over an hour beforo the body wns found nnd brought to tho surface Whilo a doctor was boiug sent for thoso present nttempted to revive tho boy but woro unsuccessful After DrMcakaynrrived tho boy was touderly carried to tho homo of W H Widaman where there was a warm firo in tho kitchen and every method possiblo was applied to re store respratiou Willing hands helped but after working over him more than an hour tho effort was reluctantly given up Tlio remains wero then removed to Sessions Bells undertaking rooms Tho story of this sad affair as gathered from Win Kroeger who was on tlio bank fishing at tho time and Hrry Keeler tho 12 -years-old boy whoso lifo was saved by young Owen is wis follows Nato Owen and tho Keeler boy wero soining for minnows upon tho apron just below the dam where tho water is only a fow inches deep but flows very swiftly Tlio boards of which the apron is made have accumu lated moss and slime until they havo bo como very slippery Whilo wading around over this nnd when just about tho center of tho apron tho Keelor boy lost his footing nnd slid off into tho water Vo feet deep below Nate Oweu knowing that his companion could not swim did not hesitate an instant but courageously plunged iu after him Owen was nu expert swimmer and lie dived under tho other boy raising upon his back and carrying tho other on his breast Tho other was struggling and the effort soon proved too much for Owen who sank Ho camo up and suc ceeded in pushing tho Keeler bey nearer tho shore but again ho went down For the third time Owen camo up nud this timo ho caught tlio other boys toe whether for self preservation or with tho idea of still helping his companion will never bo known as iu tho struggle of tho Keoler boy to get to laud ho kicked Owou loose who sank for tho last timo A number of others fishing in tho neighborhood had by this timo gathered on tlio bank and forming a chain they wont out aiid rescued tho Keeler boy from his perilous position Tho Owen boy wont down tho last time nt about S 45 and his body was taken from tho water nt 1 C0 Ho had quito a severe bruso on tlio breast presumed to havo been made by striking a hard sub stance iu tho water during his struggles Tho sceno on tho bank during the search for the body was heart rendering indeed Friends had hastily brought Mrs Owen and her daughter Winnio to to tlio river and tho grief of tho frail little mother tho distress of tho sister as thoy watched tho efforts of tlio men to savo their boyevery momout an hour of anguish as thoy realized that it lessened tho chances of warding off tho awful calamity that had fallou upon their home caused strong men to turn their faces and women wero not ashamed of their tears of sympathy Iu this trying hour Mrs Owon and daughter nltnougb surrounded by friends who did all that could bo done did not iinvo the support of husband and father Mr Owon being a traveling man making his trip through tho Black IIUIb Nathan O Owen familiarly called Nate by his family and friends wns the younger son of Mr and Mrs D P Oweu Ho was born iu Chicago Janu ary 10 lbSU Ho was a member of tho Freshman class in the Norfolk High school was a bright scholar uud had a genial disposition and courageous heart as the manner of his death conclusively y THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 8 1899 proves Besides his paronts and sister ho leaves an older brothorFrank Owon who Is a volunteer with the First Ne braska in Manila to mourn his loss Mr Owen could not be located until nearly noon today when ho was at last reached by telegraph in Deadwood 1 to wired that lie would bo homo on the first train which will bring him here at 12 20 tomorrow Funeral arrangements will not be made until he arrives The body after boiug embalmed was re moved from the undertaking rooms to the home at I this afternoon Dr Seymours skill in his profession is unquestioned Consult him regarding the condition of your eyes At the On mini Juno the tilt It A carload of flue potatoes just received and now on foIo at cents per bushel Boxs Gitoncitv Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr F Verges residenco and olllco During tho warm season 1 will furnish ice cream for 7fi cents per gallon A P PltAIT A full line of Oneida Community and Curtice Bros canned goods at Boxs If you want to sell or trade your property list it with I J It Srnrii Co A full lino of Heinz celebrated pickles and pieMrveii at Boxs PEHSONAL 11 h Soiinonschiii is in the city from Stanton Dick Edwards wont to Albion on busi ness today FrankS lVrduo was hero from Mad ison yesterday Moll C Jay of Dakota City was in the city over night J E Blenkiron from Bancroft was in town yesterday O II Blood went to Neligh last night to work on tho mill Judge Kelly mado a business trip to Plain view yesterday Mrs Geo A Brooks of Bazilo Mills was in tho city yesterday W A Spencer and wife drovo in from Pierce this morning Rev 11 II Mossinan of Meadow Grovo is a city visitor today Arthur Brouobaker of Meadow Grove was a city visitor last evening A F Walla of West Point transacted business in tlio city yesterday hovi Kimball nnd Win Park wero horo from Wakefield over night II P Shumway and wifo of Wake- fiold wero city visitors yesterday Mrs J W Risk was 11 visitor in tlio city from Battle Creole yesterday Clyde Eisloy and family aro now boarding at tho homo of his paronts Mr and Mrs Victor Seymour of Lin coln aro visiting Mr and Mrs R II Uoynolds L C MittlestadH wont to Laurel this morning to look after his lunibor inter ests at that place Mrs II T Alliuson of Kansas is in tho city on her way to Noligh to visit her nephew Rev T George Max Lonser who has been Bponding a fow days with his parents returned to his studies at tho Omaha Business col logo this noon J S Painter who brought two pn tientsto tho asylum from Custer county yesterday roturned to his homo at Broken Bow this morning Rev S F Shnrpless returned this morning from Wayno where ho was presout nt tho installation of Rev Theo dore Morning as pastor of tho First Presbyterian church nt that place PhonoSfi for plumbingNFMfgCo Fifty thousand dollars eastern nionoy to loan on good farms G R Seilkr Co Lost Two parcels between Norfolk avenue and tho Junction by Mrs John Iloff Finder will pleaso return to this office gPPPPPPP IT IS A PLEASURE TO SIT IN OUR PAR LOR and WAT AN ICE CREAM SODA AE have recently added u large new fountain to our business and aro now prepared to serve you with Delicious Summer Drinks 0000 TRY OUR IGE CREflffl Full Lino of Confectionery Fruits and Cigars Palaee of Sweets NOKPOLK NHH SfHSKfiM - GEO B CHRISTOPH DRUGGIST SUCCH5SOK IO I III I OKNI1V lUl CO IU Hi Wst o HANOI IIS Till Alston Jlixed Paint minintilioil inilnl lii wry temped If yon coiitiiiiiritc jiiint ttiu PlOlfltl Willi 115 PRESCRIPTIONS Bring hi jour IloserlptioiiH and Iteclpes and hno theni pimiiiiiIoI 1 1 a Coinpeleiit Iliui nuiilst MFWQ RTPnT iu inlliil NW Depot ufciwi wiiriiViil w 4 m m m m m m m m m TRIMMED GOODS iicuo nenrvr iMiii iiun iitui tin iiLiio ULrui Latest Magazines and Ieilndlcals on sale Niihseilpl Inns taken for nnv magazine or paper published I nudliilly solicit 11 shine nt patronage W 7 ALL OUR HATS and Aw niiiilo on honor Wo 11101 11 Mini tlmy aro honeslly conslnioloil 11111I arc hnnosUy worlh I ho price wo chsiro Tor Ihoin Wo nvo nropiirod lo nicol - - - w any nnd all kind of eonipoUUon IT 1 yon wan I cheap hals wo can make jjL Ihoin for yon from OOccnls tip Ilis a point however worthy of your to consideration lo knoy IhaJ aljonr hals aro so made as oho of service fiL for more Mini one sen son When yon i 7 IB rip Uiemjn forrolninnnn yon vjll p lind Mm innlerinl so used ns lo ho easily oonvortjbje inllo oilier shajies L to siiil Mm change of style INSKEEPS MILLINERY zmGrd TO BE CORRECTLY DRESSED s noli it hard problem for M10 ladies of Miis town to solve when they have such a superior stoelc of correct styles tit their service as our store now a fiords Mieni Wo have just what yon need for HOT DAY WAISTS AND DRESSES WE ARE SHOWING SPECIAL BAR GAINS IN SILKS THIS WEEK OUR PKICtiS ARE CORRECT THE DRY GOODS PLACE F A HUSTON Robertson Blk Norfolk Neb 1 VT rt1 I N A HAINHOLT President m m IXI iltTfl I M i ALKXANOKH HKAK Vice Proeideo 1 IHIIIIIIIIV W II HUCIIOI Cnaliior 1 V J A Vr M It K W ZUTZ AmiMint Cimhler National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA c Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General BankingfBusiness Iiuys and Sells Exohanuo Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted -- DIBHOTOHS A HKA1C KJP HANION P J HAliK W H HI OHPiS WM ZCTZ NA HAlNHOIiT JOHN H HAYS P YKKUKtJ 8 8 COTTON S FUESLER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Staon Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etcConstantly on hand titiffifau