Hi a MxaaiTOi iv 1 MMlIlllL I i VflVVluXVlVVnHHffnmi 1 rllw The Norfolk fleuxs V N HUSK PubllBhor KTry day eak IS oanta 1IAIIY Katabllilicil 1S87 oicopt Hutulny 11 cnrrlnr lly innil por your 0X WKKKIY Kstabllfiliml 1881 atery Thursday lly imill por yenr tlM por Kntrwl nt tho rostolllco nt Norfolk Nob ae ond oIkm innttor Tolopbnno No 22 It is BurprlflliiR what ntllltntiou with tho republican party will do for a man Even Poilors whiskers nro no longer tho subjoot of commout A prominent confeotionor of Now York haH just given 3000 to Syrocnso university and now tho young lnilioH at tending thoro think lies awfully woot Now that tho war news is languishing and tho swoot girl graduates havo lllttod from tho scono of aotiou wo may look for tho Minimi appoarauco of tho sea sorpont With ajl tho good ndvico heeded which has boon given by tho young mon aud young women in their coninionco wont addrossos tho republic cortainly ought to bo safo until tho next class graduates Ohauncoy M Dopow prodicts that thoro will bo another tromoudous cam paign in 1100 that it will bo fought out as that of 1SIU1 was botwoon McKinloy and Bryan and that McKinloy will tri umph by largo majorities It is easy to fnlmiuato against tho trusts but it is quito another thing to doviso ways and means to squelch thorn It is tho latter that tho country is wait ing to soo lono Ranting is rhcap and noisy Statesmanship may bo mora do liberate but it is worth more when dem onstrated Not tho man who complains of exist ing conditions but tho ono who seoing present defects goes bravely and cour ageously to work to oorrect and remedy them this is tho man whom his coun trymen will delight to honor Con structive ability is what tho world wants most America actually suffers from a plot bora of banquet orators but tho man who docs something who shows a way out of troublo that is practical is never too uumorous and will always havo a weloomo Tho year 1000 is approaching Tho republicans of Nobraska havo it in their powor this yoar by placing in nomina tion ablo aud irroproaohablo men oil tho stato ticket to mako thoir iuiluonco po tential in uational politics Tho people of this stato are disposed to givo their support to a party that represents achlovomont and progross Thoy know that fusiouism has boon a conglomer ation of egregious errors stupid incomp etency and mistakou policies Mr Bryans predictions of gouoral bank ruptcy in case of the triumph of tho gold standard havo proven utterly falso hi faco of tho most prosperous times now existing that Nebraska ever know Governor Poynters attitudo toward tho prosecution of tho war has been such a direct slap at the heroism of the Nebras kaus fighting in tho Philippines that ho has lost tho support of many patriotic men Tho revolatious of populistio in competence at Liucolu havo shown tho hollowuess of their professions Tho uoiniuation of strong clean men fol lowed by nu oarnost canvass will mean for the republicans of Nebraska a hand some mnjority this year and electoral votos for McKiuley uext year South Norfolk Nmvu Mr Ben Walker is on tho sick list Mr Fleming is at home for a few days nursiug a lamo back Vera Gorbal returned to her homo in Meadow Grove Sunday eveuiug Ali Wilkinson the young man who 3ms been driving the delivery wagon for J Mr Holand has returned tohiH homo for born- soiiHon Miss Mary Lund of Battle Crook victim her unclos Will and PROSPERITY HAS RETURNED Tlio HrtuikliiK llow In Afiiln ut Work THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 8 1899 jjiPI UMBRELLA SALE Wo have iust roeeivod ilircol from a largo custom manufacturer several bund rod umbrellas that wo placoon sale at UNAIATUIIA1JLI3 PJtlCHS on corresponding qualities 50 Ladies tl incli neat crook bundle strictly fast is John Beck Miss Mary Clarko and Cloldio Shridor havo gono to Fremont to visit frionds and relatives Mr Violo and dauchtor Francis boon confined to tho houso this weok with tousillti Mrs A Shridor has gono to Hot Springs S D for hor hoalth Sho ox pocts to roturn in about a wook Mr Fred Linorodo is conilnod to his bod with quinsy and Mr Daughorty is acting as yard master whilo ho is sick Mrs C J Chapman Elllo Ball and Eva Roland niado up a party to Buffalo Gap last night to visit Mr and Mrs Bond Thoy oxpoct to roturn Saturday noon E E Adams gavo a storcoptican en tertainment at Railway hall last Satur day ovouiug which was a very pleasing success greatly enjoyod by all present Another was to havo boou given next Sunday at tho Socoud Congregational church but has boon postponed for two weeks Miss Maud Diugmau had an operation performed on hor llttlo too yostordny Sho had boon bothorod with it for about two years and whon tho doctors cut it yesterday they found a pieco of bono growing straight out from hor too Sho sutlorod a good deal of pain tho first night but is resting easior now in tlui Weittoi n Part or tho DmluctloiiHof u Trip Mayor Simpson is of a vory observing turn of mind and whon ho goos away from homo ho usually soos about all there is to bo soon Last weok ho niado a bnsiuoss trip to Koaruoy and whilo waiting for tho train at Columbus ho strolled around tho town aud noted that that oity is growing nnd improving nicely many substantial now residences being built at tho prosout time All tho way to Kearnoy tho crops aro looking lino with tho oxcoptiou of tho fow fields of winter wheat which wero killed out by tho sovorocold winter Ho desoribos tho acreago of corn all along tho routo as Just simply iinmensoJ But of all tho signs of roturniug pros perity to bo seen on ovory hand tho most significant is in tho western part of tho stato where for the first timo in a number of years tho breaking plow is again seen trudging ovor hill and through valley At Kearnoy and neigh boring towns visited tho mayor found tho baukers complaining becauso thoir vaults wero stored with money whilo thoro wero no borrowers Tho farmors in that section generally havo their debts paid and having learuod a lesson from tho experiences of tho years fol lowing 1801 persistently refuso to bor row money or to go into auy 6ort of a venture unless they havo tho cosh in ad vauco to do it with which mauy of thorn havo Kearney is a city of magnificent dis tances with substantial business houses and beautiful homes Although badly nuected by tho calamities which swept ovor tho western part of tho state a few years ago sho is now rapidly recovering aud will in a short time bo ready to tnko tho place in tho column of prosperity that her promoters iuteudod she should Kearney has two advantages at least that it is fenrod tho nuiyor rather ouvied Ono is the opera houso which ho says is fit for a city of 100000 inhabitants The other is the system of brick gutters with stone borders which prevails throughout tho business portious of the city These gutters are always cleau and sightly aud take care of water quickly after u rain foil without tho slighest wash of the streets Tho mayor would like to see such a system adopted in Norfolk black sorgo 4o 50 20 inch Paragon frames natural crook handle OS HO 20 inch Paragon framo lino sorgo 75 50 20 inch line steel rod and frame Carola cloth 125 CORPORATION FORMED The Yankton Norfolk and Southern Railroad ARTI0LE8 DRAWN YEBTERDAY Norfolk DoHlKiiiitotl um tlio 1rluclpiil Pliico of llinlnoHS Tim Hill Also Huh IIIh Kycn on Norfolk Which Scomd to lio tlio Contor of Attraction According to it Kcport fromSloux City During tho afternoon yestorday Judgo BarnoB drow up articles of incorporation for Messrs Graham and Mockling tho promotors of tho Yankton railroad who arrived in tho oity in tho morning Tho uamo of tho Yankton Norfolk and Southern railroad was given to tho pro jected lino and tho articles of incorpora tion woro made broad enough to allow tho conBtruotion of a road from this place to Omaha and also to Kearnoy Norfolk waB inado tho principal placo of busiuoss and horo tho headquarters will bo located whon tho road is completed Tho capital stock was fixed at 1600000 and tho incorporators aro T S Modeling of Chicago W W Graham of Norwnlk Ohio two gentlemen of Cincinnati and threo of Yankton Messrs Meckliug aud Graham talk ns though thoy mean business and all with whom thoy camo in contact becamo impressed with tho idea that thoy aro sinccro in their efforts to rovivo and complete tho road And Jim Hill Too Tho Sioux City Journal of this morn ing contains tho folllowing railroad news which particularly interests this section just at this time Tho first hint of what will bo dono with tho Pa oiflc Short Lino received in Sioux City camo yesterday to a railroad official from an iiiBido sonrco of information nt St Paul It Booms to bo settled that the road will become a port of tho Great Northorn systom and that Presidont Hill contemplates using a part of tho road for a connecting link with the Union Pacific at Norfolk It may bo stated without reserva tion I think said tho official that T Konuedy Tod Co alroady have ar ranged for tho transfer of tho Short Lino to tho Great Northern Mr Hill also will absorb tho Sioux City and Northern Ho will mnko a connection with tho Uuiou Pacific by constructing alittlo pieco of road probably from Randolph on tho Short Lino to Nor folk This will givo Sioux City two connections with tho Union Pacific and would bo a good thing for city because ovon if tho contraot which the Union Pttciflo has just mado with tho North western to run its trains over tho Omaha into Sioux Oity should bo abro gated wo still would havo a Union Pacific connection A study of tho changed situation brought about by tho passing of the Paoitio Short Lino into tho hands of a powerful railroad corporation may supply for tho ruuuing into Sioux City of the Union Pacifio auothor reason than tho generous interest of Marvin Hughitt It is an interesting game boing played just now Iu my opinion tho Union Pacifio will resume running its trains into Sioux Oity principally becauso it fears n connection at Norfolk with a stub road from the Short Linon part of tho Great Northern system By leasing tho Omahas lino from Norfolk to Sioux Oity and running its trains into Sioux City it can compel the Great Northern to turn over busi ness for tho Uuiou Puoiflo at Sioux Oity instead of at Norfolk Dr Seymour hero Juno ono day only tho 10th for Hows This We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any caso of Catarrh that cau uot bo cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Props ToledoO Wo tho nudersigued have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years und be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially 50 20 inch Paragon framo Carola cloth best wear ing cloth used in umbrellas 1 00 50 20 inch fine steel rod and frame select handles 150 50 20 inch fino steel rod and frame select handles 200 Largo assotmt Ladies Black Silk Umbrellas 2 to 100 FANCY PARASOLS IN WHITE AND COLORS Dr T T Kinsler the nose throat nnd chest specialist of Omaha at tho earnest soliciatiou of his numerous rn tients in and around Norfolk will bo at tho Pacifio hotel in this city Wed nesday Juno 1 lth Anyone suffering with catarrh or other troublo of the noso throat or lungs should call aud seo tho doctor Nofclmrgefor consulta tion DrFronk Salter Diseases of children Dlnaoltitlon of Conartnemhlp Public notice is hereby given that tho copartnership of Braasch Rees is this day dissolved by mutual couseut and the business will hereafter be continued in the name and ownership of O W Braasch at tho old stand on Norfolk av enuo and Sixth street C W Braasch will collect all bills Thanking the public for its geuerous patronage of past years we trust tho same will bo contin ued in the futuro Dated Juno 2nd 1699 O W Bkaasch D Rei Suiders catsups ut Boxs Buy all your groceries of Box and get tho best For the SuUo of Fun iWlnchlef U Done A vast amount of mischief is doue too becauso people neglect to keep their blood pure The mischief appears in Call and Have Prices Quoted by HBJDiV iFimLLE KLsLTLfl lfu LKDIES UNDERWEKR A rcirular 15c Vest white and taped neck whilo they last 10c AVido range of styles at 5 10 15 25 50c h Our 50c Union Suit is a genuine 75c value MENS UNDERWEAR Men who have Underwear to buy should see our 25c Genuine Balbriggian Shirts and Drawers and judge for themselves whether exceptional values or not THE JOHNSON DRY GOODS COflPANY My Thiior For Your Spring and Summer Suits UP STAIRS MAST BLOCK ablo to carry out any obligation mndo by their firm West Thuax Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Waldino Kinnan Makvin Whole sale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Price Too per bottlo Sold by nil druggists Testimonials free Halls family Pills aro tho boBt ICtitinmto of KxpotmeH City of Norfolk No- lirusku for tho 1IbcuI Year 1800 C1KNEUAL FUND Salaries i000 00 Lighting 1200 00 Election Exponsos 200 00 Streets and Sidewalks 1000 00 Printing 250 00 Supplies 100 00 Firo Dopartmout 00 00 Miscellaneous 500 00 WATEll FUND Salaries 1200 00 Coal Oil and Supplies 1500 00 Repairs and extension 500 00 Indebtedness 2000 00 INTEREST FUND On Bonds Issued 18S7 000 00 On Bonds Issued 1801 000 00 On Refunding Wnter Bonds Issued 1899 1010 00 SinkingFund 1000 00 A G Heckman E A Bullock AuoBhummond Ways and Means Committee Kecolpt for Fiscal Your Ending August O 180S Saloon occupation 2750 00 Insurauco Companies 205 00 Miscellaneous Licenses Sill 50 DogTox 77 00 Sidewalk Ropairs eto 397 78 Taxes Road Tax 103 72 General 0127 03 Water Rental 2771 45 Total 15890 -18 A G Heckman E A Bullock Auo Brummund Ways and Means Committee eruptions dyspopsin indigestion nerv ousness kidney diseases aud other ail ments This mischiof fortunately may bo undone by tho faithful use of Hoods Sarsaparilla which cures all diseases originating in or promoted by impure blood Hoods Pills cure nil liver ills Non- irritating Oralii O HrlngH Ilullcf to tho coffee drinker Coffeo drinking is a habit that is universally indulged in and nlmost as universally injurious Havo you tried Graiu O It is almost liko coffeo but tho effects aro just tho opposite Coffeo upsets tho stomach ruins tho digestion effects tho heart and disturbs tho whole nervous system Grnin O tones up the stomach aids digestion and strengthens tho nerves There is nothing but nourishment in Graiu O It cant bo otherwise 15 nnd 23 cents por package Sturgeon is tho piano man Fans Hand painted fans from 50c up With or without laco trimming bono Yienna and enamel sticks 100 187 250 J50 500 up Ribbons Wo havo all widths and col ors for dress trimmings Six inch doub lo face satin ribbons were 125 now 72c Wo also havo a large line of neck and belt ribbons in fancy colors from 25o to 85c Shirt waists Weve got an immense stock of Bhirt waists Weve got every stylo that a lady could wish for White piques from 100 up White lawns 50c up Protty French ginghams dimities percales etc price 50c up Now guimps and waists for children 50c up Mrb J Benson South Kith St Omaha Nob Madison County G A It Ketiiilon For the abovo event at Meadow Grovo Juno 7 to 9 excursion tickets will bo sold at ono and ouo thirdfaro on Juno II 7 and 8 good to roturn until Juno 10th H O Matkau Agent isot iinon Tho abovo greatly reduced rato has been mode by tho Union Pacific to Cali fornia points Through tourist sleepers quicker time than any other liuo For tickots and full information call on F W Junemav Agent Notice For ItlilH The undersigned will receivo bids for tho erection of an addition to tlio First Congregational church of Norfolk Nob according to plans aud specifications submitted aud uow on file nt tho olllco of T E Odiorne Norfolk Tho party being awarded tho contract will bo re quired to give a good and sufficient bond for tho fulfillment of tho contraot Tho right iB reserved to roject any or all bids Bids will closo at 7 p m Satur day Juno 17 1899 S S Cotton O G Somers Norfolk Low ICatt s to tho Hunt Your attention is directed to tho ex ceptionally low rates in effect this com ing season to nearly overv prominent point iu tho East Never before has suoh an excellent opportunity been afforded for a summer vacation tour or for visiting friends in tho East Wo mention below a few nf the places to which greatly reduced rates have boenjuiade Tho UNION PACIFIC is the line that will givo you tho best Brvico to any of these points Columbus Ohio June 0 9 Rate cue jjRMftiM faro plus 200 for tho round trip St Paul Minn June 9 13 Rato one faro and ono third for the round trip on certificate plan Buffalo N Y June 14 15 Rate ono faro plus 200 for tho round trip Chicago 111 Juno 14 15 Rate ono fare and ono third for tho round trip on certificate plan Milwaukee Wis June 14 10 Rate one and one third fare for the round trip on certificate plan St Louis Mo Juno 20 215 Rate one fore plus 200 for the round trip Detroit Mich July 5 10 Rate one fare plus 200 for tho round trip Richmond Vn July 13 10 Rate one fare plus 200 for the round trip Iudiauapolis Ind July 20 23 Rato1 one fare plus 200 for tho round trip For full information as to date of sale aud limits on tickets timo of trains etc call on F W Juneman Agent 44 It is an III Wind That Blows Nobody Good t That small ache or pain or weakness is the wind that directs your attention to the necessity of purifying your blood by taking Hoods Sarsaparilla Then your whole body receives good for the purified blood goes tingling to every organ It is the great remedy for all ages and both sexes Dyspepsia Complicated ivUh liver and kidney trouble I suffered for years from dyspepsia with severe pains Hoods Sarsaparilla made me stiong anH hearty J B Emerion Auburn Me 3wGi SaUajyWiilta mmms llwir Illli euro livi rllUi tlic minlriltutlng nnd only mthiirtle to mke with llmnl rniaprUI L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work First door West of Post Office Mrs H H Hull wnii oivb Facial Trcatmept Manicuring and Shampoo Will gladly pall at yoar liomei and do any of thi pnw 0ra9r tallea or flnB hair witch treat Junotlori Onlor may be loft at tha MRS MARY L STANTON DRESSMAKING Priees Reasonable Up Hairs over Wnrehams Millinery IMONIO PARTfRSi Schools Sunduy Schools and other organizations that aro planniug to hold picnics can make arrauKements to have them in Pasewalks Park free of charge hy conferring with ESTHER BARNETT LESSEE