The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 08, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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ii I
Come in and See
Urbil3 UiUttllrt IXULtrtOIrt JULI 151
Will Eclipse Last Year
The Druggist
ami inspect tho Latest Lino of Medicines Put on
the Market
Newtons Female Regulator and Tonic
Natures Groat Enmicnagomio 10 very lady suffering with
Female Troubles should try a bottle
Newtons Sarsaparilla and
Celery Compound
is one of the finest lilooil Kidney and Liver Preparations
on the market If in need be sure and try the latest
HuCon Hair Tonic
I f your Hair is falling out or you have Dandruff or any kind
of Scalp Disease be sure and try HIT CAN strictly
guaranteed One bottle will show a difference if used
regularly on any bald head
Leibigs Beef
Iron and Wine
is too well known for a Tonic Each fluid ounce con
tains the strength of two ounces of fresh lean beef
Four grains Cetvate of Iron dissolved in Sherry Wine
the best tonic for Dyspepsia Loss of Appetite Nerv
ous Debility and General Prostration
Try a box of
Irenes Cottonroot
Tansy and Pennyroyal Pills
Safe and Sure
JAe can save you 50 pp et on Pfresetfiptions
JSP Mail Orders Promptly Filled
fffWSi 1SS
From ioc a Double Roll up
Window Shades Room Mouldings Paints Oils Glass
o4 n 4thEst Brushes Etc Etc
Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Prices
Colonial People
Birds Animals
Products Homes j
Pains Fireworks j
Art Exhibit Me-
chanical g
w its The Midway
Godfreys British
Military Band 2
por the Discovery ol
Kuch el the PolIowInK Persona
VOLNO HAN Hotweon 15 ami 80 Is lietlctd m manner timiil Imttliful faco dlBllKurod with
blackhead and pimplem dnrt circles under esoi llurrintr uf lloatiui huocIb ejiHily tired
confuted or ruttled pour mpmor no ambition or priority 1h nfrnld to push aheud in buMnei s
t tudy or murriuKo in tired iu tlmmorniiii feels like mi old iiihii blusho wlunoa refer to tho
raubo of his trouble is count iratud Iiuh unnatural lobseH May have Varicocele llydrocelo Hup
tura Piles Weakness of Organs
MIDDLB AGUD MAN 30 to 50 who says ho feels like u man of 80 wonld has woik achinir
buck no manly Wiror no ixiwor to enjoy himself Han draitiH Biuartiutt urinatlini troubled at
niisht Has history of indiscreet outh uidoveriiidulKinco later on May liavu had Mood 1oi
hon with soro throat blotches on skin bono pains hair falliui out cannot sleep at iiluht j bae
ho in not th man ho should bo Tell him that Wo Can Oivo Him Back tho Powers that uro tho
IlirthrlKbtof Kvery Man
All letters answered in plain envelope No testimonials published Writo your symptoms
Looks More Like Business than
for Sonic Time
XV XV Irntinin and I MeeMliiK form
ItiK u Company to Complete tlio Itond
Tlio Pointer Now Onus the Crude mid
Antrrtft Unit tlio llno Will Im KIiiIkikmI
lli foro Cold Wuntlmr
From Wednesday Dally
Tho Yankton nud Norfolk railroad
project seems to bo reviving in a man-
ner that would imltcuto that this tlmo
thcro is something beside wind behind
it Tho morning trnin front Sioux City
todny brought W W Qrnhiun of Nor
walk Ohio 1 S Meokling of Chicago
and A 11 Orvisof Yankton Tlio llrst
nniuod is tho man who bid in tho grade
of tho Yankton road whon it was Hold
under tho llmiiinor a fow months ago
Mr Mockling is an old timo wes
torn railroad man who in 187U com
pleted tho Dakota Southern from Sioux
City to Yankton and a fow years later
tlio Sioux City and Pembina to Sioux
Falls both of which raulB now form a
part of tho Milwnukoo system Mr
Orvls is n member of tho law linn of
French Orvis Yankton
Thcso gentlemen were scon shortly
after thoy arrived in tho city by a rep
resentative of Tin Nkws and thoy vory
frankly admitted that thoy enmo hero to
look over tho ground inn preliminary
way for tho purpose of building tho
road betweon Yankton nntl Norfolk
which was started a uumbor of years
ago by J T M Piorco Tonight or to
morrow morning thoy will go to Piorco
and from there will drive acroES tho
country following the grado to Yank
Asked as to their plans Mr Graham
said thoir business was iirst to pick up
the ragged ends that had been dropped
at tho timo tho work was abandoned
Then thoy would bo roady to incorpor
ate a new company and when thiB is
done thoy havo parties who staud ready
to invest tho money required to com
plete tho road Tho bonds of tho now
road havo not yet boon sold but tho ne
gotiations aro all completed and thoy will
bo taken as soon as tho promoters make
thoir showing
Mr Graham said he had bceou work
ing on the project constantly einco tho
grade came into his possession Already
15 of tho iO miles aro graded and tho
bridges built so that all that is to bo
done with that portiou of tlio road is to
lay tho iron Work on tho remaining
15 miles of grado will bo rushed when
it is started On account of tho higher
prices of matorial and labor tho com
pletion of tho road will cost moro now
than it would a few years ago but
never was a hotter timo to build a road
as an abundance of money is seeking
this kind of iuvostmont Tho project
contemplates tho building of a bridge
acrohs tho Missouri at Yankton as th6
road without a bridge would bo almost
useless At present prices of material
the construction of tho bridgo will prob
ably cost -100000 while tlio cost of
completing tho road is estimnted at 1
000 a mile It is hoped by tho promot
ers to have tho preliminaries arrnngod
within bO days and oven by begin
ning at that lato date it is believed tho
road and bridgo can bo completed before
cold weather
Mr Graham said that ho had had as
surances from tho business men of Nor
folk that if tho road would bo com
pleted tho same aid wonld bo extended
aB was offered before Ho wished to as
suro tho people that there is no Eng
lish myth behind tho schomo now and
asserted that no aid would bo asked un
til ho and his colleagues aro fully pro
pared to demonstrate that tho road will
bo built
II Mirrlo of Hartington was in town
II S Workman was hero from Win
side yosterday
O E Burnham was a Tilden visitor
in tho city yesterday
P H Ij Willis was in tho city from
Battle Creek yesterday
Mr and Mrs L G Bloy wero here
from Madison yesterday
S K Warrick tho Battle Creek bank
er was in the city yesterday
Mrs Uaruett and daughter of Stan
ton wero city visitors yesterday
A Sucks torf of Piorco wns transact
ing business in the city yesterdny
Mrs Ilnttio Clark and Miss Edith Pet
ers of Madison wore in tho city yester
Thos ONeill is rejoicing ovor tho ar
rival of a now daughter at his homo last
Olarenco Itasley who has been suffer
ing with typhoid fever is reported let
ter today
Robert Utter is adding chinaware
piano1 and organs to his stook of books
aud stationery
Tho Fair store delivery team indulged
iu a lively runaway yestorday but no
damage resulted
Henry Newark ono of tho solid men of
Highland precinct was a visitor iu
Norfolk this afternoon
A G Hockmau and family will leave
tomorrow morning for a visit with
friends in Pond du Lio aud Milwaukee
Wis Thoy expect to bo absont about a
Etl Waltors clerk iu Boxs grocery
loft today for a two weeks vacation
whioh ho will spend with his paronts
noar Wakellold
Pat Stanton of Tilden well known iu
Norfolk is the father of a bouncing boy
tho first in tho family where there are a
number of girls
An Italian orchestra of tho tourist
variety is making music on the streets
today and ineidontly raking in a fow
dimes nud nlekles
Col S YV Hayes W U Hish 1 II
M ay lord and S 1 Dean wont to Lin
coln today to ropresunt Mosaic lodge No
oft it Masonic grand lodge
Tom Might has launched his pleasure
craft on tint plaoid waters of tho North
fork aud they arc now moored at the
boat house near tho north bridge
The Womens Home Missioneiy
society of tho M 15 church met yester
day afternoon with Mrs Goodrich who
surprised tho members by serving ice
cream and cake
Todays dispatches announce that
Major 15 11 Tracy of this place lias
been selected us lieutonant colonel of
the new Second regiment Nebraska
National guards
The new bell for tho Second Congre
gational church which is tho gift of
Manager Bidwell of the F 15 M V
has been ordered from Menoely tfc Co
of West Troy N Y and will bo heroin
ii few days
Postmastor C 15 Hunter of Wake
Held better known iu north Nebraska
Masonic circles as Uncle Cy was in
tho city over night tlio guest of his
daughter Mrs Frank Iloydar Ho
wont to Lincoln this morning to attend
Masonic grand lodge
Next Tuesday evening June lt there
will boanjentertaiument at tho Con
gregational church under the auspices
of tho Y P S O 15 consisting of
viows inBon Hur from ono of tho most
powerful stereopticons music by orches
tra and refreshments
Cards have been received by Norfolk
friends announcing tho forthcoming
marringo of Hobort Mathewson who
formerly lived hero but now resides at
Hartford Conn Tho intended brido is
Miss Bessio MoKiohon of Sioux City
where tlio wedding will tnko place on
Thursday Juno 15
About six weeks ago a 10-year-old boy
named Curryhnni living at Piorco ran
a nail into his heel Blood poison re
sulted and a fow days sinco tho boy
was brought to Norfolk and placed un
der tho care of Dr Taslijean At first
it was feared tho boy would loso his foot
but tho doctor hopes now to eavo it
Tlio various classes of tho city schools
having run tho gauntlet of class day
exorcises commencement alumni asso
ciation meeting class parties class rides
winding up with class picnics iu tho
rain yestorday it may bu said authori
tatively that tho Norfolk schools aro
now effectively and positively closed for
tho season
Dr F A Long of Madison president
and Dr Edward Tanner of Battle Creole
secretary of tho Elkhorn Vulloy Medical
society havo issued an announcement
that tho somi nnuual mooting of tho so
ciety will bo held in Norfolk on tho nf
tomoon aud evening of July 11 At
this meeting it is hoped tho membership
of tho society will bo materially in
At tho regular meeting of Mosaio
lodge No rn A P A M hold in
Maf onic hall lust evening tho following
named officers were elected for tho en
suing year W II Hish W M J B
Maylord S W B Barshingor J W
W II Bucholz treasurer D J Koo
nigstein secretary Tho appointive
oilicers will bo announced at tho timo of
installation which will bo on St Johns
day Juno 21
Tho Harding Croamery company havo
been making quito oxtonsivo improve
ments at tho Norfolk croamery during
tho past fow wooks Among tho articles
added to hotter facilitate tho work aro
four Boyd cream ripening vnts of 100
gallons each and a now combined chut n
and worker Chas Harding president
of tho company believes in keeping
abreast of thetimos aud ulways employs
the latest methods a policy that bears
fruit iu tho constantly increasing de
mand for tho products of his creameries
Tho nnuouncoment that two men
from Missouri will bo hero on tho 17th
to buy horses and mules calls to mind
tho fact that horses and mules aro again
worth something Not many years ago
this class of stock was imported from
Europo whilo now tho tide is turned
and this country is shipping horses to
tho old world for sorvico in tho French
Austrian and German cavalry as well
as for cab uso in tho continental cities
Tho farmor who has moro horses than
ho needs does not havo to turn thorn
looso on tho prairies as was tho caso u
few years ago becauEo ho could not
sell them but ho is now ablo to And a
ready market at fair prices
II J Newman ladies tailor UO llll
Paxton Block Omaha Neb 15 years
combined European aud American ex
perience Samples of goods and prices
for tailor mado suits and gowns made to
order only submitted on application
Special featuro tho nou ropetition of
nuy stylo when so desired an established
- -
CtmtodlutiA of School llulldliii NuIitIimI
for Dm Coiiilni Year lllitir HiMlncpm
Truin iHtMl liy tlio lloiiid
The regular meeting of tlio board of
education was held last evening when
thcro wero present Messrs Brueggenian
Ijiiikart Mirchard Salter and Mntrau
The minutes of the last regular anil
special mootlug i were read and approved
Tho following bills were rend and or
dered paid
- S Hayes repairing clocks 100
Btaaseh to Uees coal Jil ill
W N Huso supplies Ill 00
H W MillHrepairs 75
A Degner supplies 1 Mi
Ernest Bridge Mile Stone II oo
T 11 Slattcry orchestra J0 oil
M 15 church commencement in id
Monthly pay roll nwi ll
On motion il wiu ordered that applica
tion he niudo to the Fidelity mid Deposit
company of Maryland for a guarantee
bond for 7000 for lobn Friday treas
urer at a premium of iJIO to bo paid by
the school district according to law
Tho bond of the secretary with 0 W
Braaselt as surety for 1000 was read
and approved
Tho board proceeded to ballot for jan
itors which resulted in tlio election of
the following
S T Adams janilorat Lincoln school
Aug Hcllcrmau janitor at High
0 Ct Dolen janitor at Grunt school
Thomas ONeill janitor at Washing
ton school
The building committee was instruct
ed to grado and seed to blue grass the
grounds of the Washington school and
to investigate and report tlio cast of kill
soininiiig papering or painting walls of
school buildings where needed It was
ordered that tlio use of tho High school
building be tendered to County Superin
tendent Crum for examination and
teachers inptituto
Report of John Friday treasuier
showing balance cash on hand iu general
fundof 10718 1 building fund 71 cents
with unpaid outstanding warrants of
118511 was read and referred to aud
iting committee
On motion tho board adjourned
Itcul Imnto 1 ruiiHliirH
The following transfers of real estate
aro reported by Chester A Fuller man
ugor of the Madison county abstract
otllco at Norfolk
Josopli A Bant to Georgo H
Beed wd so 7 21 l li00 00
Frnnk OSliea to Olmrlio
111010 wd lot I block l R H
addition Newman Grove 00
Melinda It Webster to Andrew
P Larson wd so 18-22-1 2100 00
T 15 Odiorno and wife to Ralph
B Wellerwdeast 08 and 1 10
foot of ii of lot I block 8
Haass sub lots Norfolk 100 00
Geo N Beels and wifo to Sarah
F Beolswd block 11 Glen
Park Norfolk 200 00
II D Kelly and wifo to Mary
J Winder wd lot block ll
Dorsoy Placo Norfolk 700 00
Carrie LMontgomery and hus
band to Margaret Smith wd
lot 10 block 1 railroad addi
tion to Newman Grovo 700 00
M C Garrett administrator
to J J Adams deed n 4 1
feet of lots 1 and 2 block 22
P W Barnes second addi
tion to Madison 125 00
Kato F Hurford to Laura A
A Tanner wd w ill feet lot
l block 17 Battle Creek 500 00
C P W Murquardt and wifo
toll D Kelly lot 1 block li
Dorsoy Placo addition to Nor
folk 150 00
J D Horner and wifo to T D
Rosenburgor wd lot 2 block
1 F W Barnes addition to
Madison 100 00
Prank Haualek to Herman
Hartwig wd lots 0 nud 10
block 9 Edgewntor Park addi
tion to Norfolk 150 00
P T S Co to Deniso L Wy
nnt wd lot 7 block HI rail
road addition to Newman
Grovo 00 GO
Mary Ann Kost aud hus to Eliz
abeth Heller wd lots I and 10
blk 5 Koonigsteins iid addn
Norfolk 1100 00
Idn H Mudsen to D Richards
wd ko so and so bwJ i 20
2l 1 JOO 00
M O Garrett adm to T D
Hewitt and Grace Rosinsted
deed 2 5 and t Mary A Hew
itts add nud so1 Be- 5 21
lexc plat 1100 00
Annual Meclini to Welcome tlio C1iih ol
011 VtiiH Hold Saturday Ironing 1-
llters Elected for Another War
The Norfolk high school alumni as
sociation held its annual mooting at tho
homo of Miss Edith McClary Saturday
ovening for tho purposo of welcoming
tho class of 00 into membership Tho
rooms wero tastefully decorated for tho
occasion tho clnss colors of tho DO grad
uates blue and yellow predominating
Moro than 00 members of tho association
wero present besides a number of tho
teachers in tho city schools After tho
reception of tho new members Miss
FnvnceB Johnson president of tho asso
ciation gavo an address of welcome
which abounded in words of good choor
and hearty congratulations Tho class of
Ill was represented by Mlm Anna Mo
Bride who responded iu a well worded
address breathing wotds of satisfaction
for what had been accomplished ami
hope for the aspiral Ions of tlio future
Tho piano selections given by Miss Fun
nio Norton were appropriate and approc
iated after which refreshments of ice
cream and cake weie served
Tlio next hour was given up to social
affairs aud then the association went
into a business sesMon electing the fol
lowing named ollleers Id the ensulnir
year Miss Nellie Nelson president
Miss Anna McMride vice piesident Ar
thur llazen secretary treasurer
The Invitation In nieel at the home of
O J Chapman next year was accepted
Lost -Between Norfolk and Yellow
Ranks the body to a ladys light blown
mackintosh Finder please leave at
Johnson Dry Goods Stoic
Ilirinctx Attention
The Hog Raisers Mutual Instiianeo
company will insure your hogs against
cholera and all diseases
H O irriru
Agent Madison Neb
f1 u likin
Dont Stop
Vi rtMe KtimlcJrtn Hv
ww n j irfiiiuuiviii i
cause its warm weather
Keep taking it until you are
It will heal your lungs and
give you rich blood in sum
mer as in winter Its cod
liver oil made easy
50c nn J I All dnncgiili
irioUlntTuT V i in
C II MlMMriMAHlllH --
Initihii Nili May 15 IhMI Sealed pio
PohiiIh ill Irlpllrate will lie irnled hem and
at olllci H of itinrtirmuMiiH at MatloiiH named
until 2 nVlocK p in central I line hum li IMU
and then opened for fiiiiiiMliinir oate lirun liuy
mid fttiaw during the hhcnl ear cniiutiiiirliiir
Inly I ISiri at Korta mok Nlulirrru and IIiiIh
Iiikoii Neb j Oinaliii lcHit Neb Jellnrnon liar
rnrliH Mo InrtM liavenwnitli and Hiley Kan
huh loitau II ItontM Ark Itcno and Hill
Okla 1ropoHalH for ilnlhcry lit oilier poiiitH
will bn entertained I H renncH I iiht to re
ject or accept any orall iuiipomiIn or any part
thereof Information fiirulHlied on application
here or to iiiarlermiiHterH at MntioiiH uaiiiivl
KnvolnreK contaluliiK prnpoiil tdinuld bn
marknil Iroposiiln for Koriiiio and adilmiKnd
to nudnmlKiind or JiHirtnrriiiiHtnrH of Htatloim
aboo nomod K II HATHAWAY 3 Q M
Frazer kxh grease
lSs rTroTMi5 vY4rr iiCi jk y
sAuncTEHy JH
Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
Factories Chclago St Louis New York
let Away a Couple of Months
and visit
Asjieville or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
or the many
Tourist tickets on sale via
Southern - Hailmay
by all Ticket Agents
For schedules or further infor
mation write or call on
Wm 11 Tayujk A O P A
Louisville Ky
1 O IIkam Jr N W P A
i 0 dams St Chicago
w -
Kor tho euro of all chrome and
ncuto diteHKt u lifc Khiuk prin
ciple fine from nil ilriKB -Anthem
Bronchitis Catarrh Coiihuiiiptiou
Hi ndnche Neuralgia niieiiHintUm
Nervous Inwtration and ieucrul
Debility cured by inhalum
Our homo treatment which con
tains two mouths toiippty of I lorn
ponud lxijeii inhaling uppuru
ratiib full directions nnt to nuy
purt of the country Thin includes
medical advice during treatment
Pamphlet witli advice to the tdcK
homo treatment and toMiimmiuls
ma Olrard St
a Philadelphia Pa