The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 08, 1899, Image 1
i i I V It ft t f V Tn JUNE 20 doz 20 do 15 doz 10 do 80 doz 20 doz 10 doz 10 doz Ladles Ladies Ladies 88 in Extra Heavy Welt Cord Piquo 10 quality for 32 27 inch Very lvmo Colored Welt Cora Pique 75 quality for 28 incb Figured Welt Cord Pique 125 quality for 27 inch Plain Cord Piquo 15 quality for 27 iuoh Figured Organdy Desirablo for cool dresses and waists 12 a quality DEATHS FROM THE HEAT Torrid Temperature Prevails In New York City TWENTY EIGHT PEKS0NS SU00UMB Ton of the Unfortunate Are Women Ton tin In the Neighborhood Alio Re- port Intense Suffering nnd Many Pros L1 trations From the Stilling Iloat Wash B Ingtou In Iersplratlou 1 New York Juno 8 Although the temperature was sevoral degrees lower during the lattor part of the day and a stiff cool breozo startod up last night tho record of fatalities exceeded by far thoso of Tuesday in this vicinity Al together thero woro 28 deaths from heat in this vicinity and ten of thoso woro women Asido from those thero wero Ul prostrations tho victims of which uro still in tho hospitals in a moro or less sorious condition In Now York city alono 23 deaths woro recorded and Haokonsack Newark Plaiuflold Pas saio and Mbrristown each reported ouo death One of tho victims killed him eolf becauso of his sufferings from tho heat No Holler From Heat Washington- Juno 8 Tho maximum tomporaturo yesterday was 97 a degreo hotter than Tuesday Tho thunder storm which had boon promised by the weathor bureau as an interlude in tho long hot spoil apparently is no nearer than it was 24 hours ago Tho city suf fered intonsoly with tho hoat but the absence of casualties is considered ro markablo Tho general situation has improvod on tho north Atlantic coast Littlo roliof is promised tho couutry at largo except from local storms all tho indications boiug that tho hot wavo is as long lived as it is widespread MANY DIE IN ALASKA Orer One Hundred Prospectors Reported to Have Perished Seattle Juno 8 Tho list of pros pectors who have perished in the rush to tho Yukon gold flolds ovor tho Ed monton trail is growing and if reports brought down by tho steamer Laurada from southeastern Alaska uro to bo bolioved it will bo very largo when tho full story is told Fifty uro reported to havo been drowned in Great Slavo lako 20 havo perished in tho rapids of the Mud and Baird rivers 10 havo frozen to death 25 havo died from scurvy The bodios of a scoro who died of exposuro havo beou found A revised list of tho 59 19 09 07 June Bargains Ready to Wear Suits and Skirts - y We have a few High Class Tailor made La dies Jacket Suits that we are making VERY LOW PRICES OX A nice Black Silk Skirt full Sweep Tu nic style worth 1100 now SS50 A nico Black Silk Skirt full sweep Tu nic style worth 973 now 795 A nice Black Silk Skirt full sweep Tu nic style worth 900 now C79 A nice Black Sicilian Skirt full sweep Tuuio stylo worth 975 now 8C0 A nice Black Wool Habet Cloth Skirt f Tunic style worth 550 now 495 A nice Black Sicilian Skirt full sweop Tunic stylo worth 050 now 550 Black Storm Serge Skirt Tuuio style worth -173 now 315 Navy and Black Storm Sergo Skirt Tu nic stylo worth 200 now 1 79 Crash Blazer Suits worth 225 now 200 White Duck Blazer Suits worth 225 now 200 Duck Skirts tailored seams only 110 White Duck Skirts only 110 Crash Trimmed Skirts only 48 known dead recoived at Wraugel from Glenora Telegraph Creek and other points includes tho following James Mowut San Francisco scurvy Valen tino Woudlcr Philadelphia exposure Day Taylor frozon Prestou Philadel phia drowned Captain Mason Alaska drowned Huttou Vancouver frozen John Payne Vancouver frozen P Neoloy Saulto Sto Mario starved Leighton Victoria frozon O Richtor Now York Fcurvy W D Soabrook starvation IL Rierdan Cincinnati frozen J P McCrumb Pittsburg frozen Robert Tonsil Now Mexico frozon The Hpdson Bay company waB pro paring to seud a roliof party to Dioso lako with vegetable nourishment to the scurvy strlckou people Demonstrative of tho suffering along tho trail O Rich ter of Now York who suicided is said to have stuck up a sign on a troo whioh read Hell cant bo worso than this trail Ill chance it Indian Uprising on Mosquito Coast Kinqston Jamaica Juno 8 Mail advices from tho Mosquito coast say tho Indians thoro havo robellod against tho government of Nicaragua taking tho warpath and aro sending a dologation to invito Prince Olarenco to head tho ris ing which it is added will probably rcoivo ilnanclal support from tho for eign residonts of tho Mosquito coast Princo Olarenco is not at Kingston but ho recoutly declared ho would nover break faith witli tho British govern ment preferring his easy rotiromont hero to activo life as king of tho Mos quito coast Iolsou In the Jtcor Milwaukee Juno 8 Mrs Mario Edgar aged 05 is dead and Mrs J Ellen Wood 45 aud Joseph Morrissoy C3 aro said to bo dangerously ill from drinking boor in Silver City u suburb of Milwaukee It is believed tho beer was poisoned A littlo girl was sout to a neighboring saloon with a pail for beor nud it is said auothor pail of sim ilar appearance was substituted by au acquaintance of tho throo who is sus pected of doctoring the fluid Tho po lico aro after the buspect Collapses on Hie Qaljoivs Pkincetok Mo Juno 8 PoterKiud red who shot and billed Audrow A Alloy and dangerously wouuded his cousin Joseph A Alloy at Mercer on Feb 5 1808 was hanged in tho jail yard horo yesterday Kiudrod has been actiug strangely for two months and was thought to bo insane Ho had to bo carried to the scaffold aud held in position while being pinioned aiftMS OfiiU mf y Only 25 Cents A f Hv AUGUSTIMJIALY IS DEAD Noted Theatrical Man Passes Away In a Paris Hotel DEMISE IS VERY UNEXPECTED Mrs Daly and Miss Ilolian Who Wero With Him Are Distracted With Griof Ilemniiis Will Ho llrnucht to Aiunrlra Career of tho Well Known riaywrlght aud Manager Pauls Juno 8 Augustin Daly died suddenly yesterday Mr Dalys death was duo to heart failure Ho arrived here last Saturday and was stopping at tho Hotel Continental Both Mrs Daly aud Miss Ada Rohan who woro with him aro distracted with grief Mrs Daly will not loavo tho room Tho body will bo scut to Amer ica as soon us possible Tho late Augustin Daly was born in Plymouth N 0 Juno 20 1838 His education was received partly in Nor folk Va and in tho public schools in Now York city Ho bogan his literary career as dramatic editor of tho Sunday Courier in Now York in 1859 and ho continued to dischargo similar functions on that paper and on tho Now York Times the Sun tho Mail and Express and tho Citizen until 1809 when ho opened tho Fifth Avenuo thoater on Twenty fourth street This building was destroyed by firo in 1873 and threo weeks later ho opened another theater formerly tho Globo on Broadway under tho former name Eirly in August 1879 ho established Dalys theater in Broadway near Thirtioth 6trect aud sevoral years ago he oponed in Iwondon England a thoroughly equipped houso uudcr tho same name For several seasons ho mauaged thu Grand opora houso in Now York In recout years the combination of players with which his uamo has boon con nected Dalys company of comedians has achioved an international reputa tion Emperor of China Unpolled Diuid Vancouver Juno 8According to advices brought by tho Empress of Japan tho rumor has beou revived in Pekiu that tho emperor of China is dead Frightful storios of tho plaguo como from Sau Ning whilo Cauton aud Fatsohan aro roportod bad A Hong Kong papor says Tho city of Banning might correctly bo named Tho city of death Tho plaguo is raging with spo cial virulence and carrying off its vic tims iu largo numbers - - - - - 1 n 11 in 1 1 iii 11 uuiiiifisi if Emirm1 Wi - t Laces and NORFOLK NEBRASKA TlllkSDAY 1UNH H 1891 Embroideries On all our Embroid eries and Laces PRICES REDUCED VrP BEELBS o SILKS 19 in Fnucy Corded Taffeta waist lengths worth 120 now 98c 19 in Fancy Corded Taffeta worth SOc now 69c 19 in Plain TafTeta waist lengths worth 100 now 87c 19 inch Plaid Taffeta waist lengths worth 125 now 98c 19 in Plain Tuffeta waist lengths worth 00c now 82c 19 in Fancy TafTeta worth 50c now 39c 19 in Figured was 25c now 19c e u CO 4 GLOVES WHITE SUEDE LISLE Kid Gloves IN ALL THE POPULAR SHADES GLOVES FITTED AND J VA HA NT ICED WILL VISIT OTHER ISLANDS Professor Srhurinun to Confer With the NutMn Chief Manila Juno 8 Professor Schur man of tho United Stutcs Philippiuo commission sails from hero on Friday on board tho United States gunboat Bennington for a threo weeks trip imong tho southern islands Tho gun boat Potrol has also boen placed nt tho professors disposal and ho will visit Boilo Cobu Nogros and Sulu Ho ex pects to investigate tho local govern ments and havo talks with tho lealing natives General Halls brigade left Morong yostorday marching along tho lake to Taytay Tho troops encountered prac tically no opposition on entering sovoral small towns though a fow iusurgout sharpshooters hung about tho flanks of tho brigade which is an im portant port will bo garrisoned tempo rarily by tho North Dakota regiment and tho Fourth cavalry Itlii7i lit lit utrlre Beatrice Nob Juno 8 About midnight last night firo broko out in tho basomont of tho steam laundry of F J Kimball Co which occupios tho east half of tho Club building Tho laundry was gutted and tho printing houso of Paul Springer in tho wost half of tho building was nlmost destroyed tho presses being tho only thinirs saved After fighting for nearly an hour a sec ond alarm was sont in for holp several of tho firemen succumbing to tho smoko Kimballs loss is about 10000 covered by insurance Springers loss will bo heavy with iusurauce of 3000 Chnnrellnr MrTonii to Succeed Sclmffur Iowa City la Juno 8 Chancellor MoLean of Nebraska university has been olocted president of tho University of Iowa to succeed Charlos A Schaffer who diod last Soptomlwr MiicLeau Will Not Say Lincoln June 8 Chaucollor Mac Lean when asked about tho action of tho rodents of tho Iowa university and if ho would say what action ho would tako roplied that ho could say nothing for publication Tho board of regents of tho Nebraska stato university is in session horo this week but tho matter has not boen considered by them nor has tho election been formally an nounced to them Tho llnal details havo been arranged for tho laying of tho cable between tho United States and Germany thu last step betng a batisfuetory arrangement concerning gnomiuent messages und rates of cable tolls rr Cream Double Satin DnnuiHk Cream Double Damask Cream Doublo Damask Cream Double Damask Bleached Union Damask Damask Damask Damask Damask DiiiiiiihI tfllfc t The Norfolk Weekly News BHRGHINS OF SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE Hosiery Hormsdorf Blaok Hoso only 23o Blaok Hoso only loo Blaok Soamless Hoso 10o Ladles Black Seninloss Hoso 0o Childs Heavy Ribbed Blk Seamless Hoso slzo fi to 10c Oliilds Heavy Ribbed Blk Seamless Hoso slzo B to 0 0c Mens Bluo and Wlilto Ribbed Top Heavy Socks ore Mens Hertnsdorf Black Socks only lo White Goods a Window Shades 20 Dozen 6 feet Fringed Opaque Shades Dress Goods ilH inoh Blaok Sicilian 120 qualify for OO 40 Inch Black Sicilian 10 quality for 72 40 inch Black Sicilian 75 quality for 5g Ifi ln Blk all wool Ionium Henrietta I 00 quality for fg 50 lnoh Blank lino Surah Serge 100 quality for 82 50 lnoh Black lino Surah Sorgo W quality for 67 42 lnnh Blaok Bluhbor Crcpon 200 quality for 62 liMnoh Black Blubber Oropon 100 quality for 120 118 inch Venetian in French Blue Tan Ircon and CI ray M quality for 82ii S ln Novelty Drehs Pattern Longhts l 00 quality for 82 Corsets A BIG BARGAIN FOR SMALL LADIES J do 8sc IHxl Summer Corset h only rc 5 do Summer Coisots made to tell at 00c now only 2lc woilh 175 worth 1 l5 wort h worth worth worth worth worth worth worth 150 I 15 1 00 115 HO 00 15 now 159 now now now now now now now now now - June Bargains 72 inch 72 inch 72 inoh 72 lnoh 72 inch 72 inch OS iiioh 12 inch ll iiicli fill inch Linens Bleached Double Satin Bleached Double Satin Bloaohed Double Satin Blenched Double Satin Bleached Double Satin 18 129 127 N2 IS 09 49 Ml 21 Shoes We Offer Some Very Fine Bar gains in This Line 21 pr Ladies Tine Black Vici Kid Laco Shoes Latest toe and heel C DE worth 1100 for 2 10 ly pr Ladies Fine Black Vici Kid Lace Shoes Latest too and heel D EifcKE worth 250 for 200 li pr Ladies Kino Black Vici Kid Laco Shoes Latest too and heel D EEE worth 2 25 for 19S 21 pr Ladies Alodium Tan Lace Shoos Latest too onil heel D and E wortli 275 for 223 21 pr Ladies Chocolate Laco Shoes La- test heel and toe D and E worth 250 for 22 IS pr Ladies Blk Kid Laco Shoes EiVEE worth 150 for 125 18 pr Liulios Black Oxfords IXfeE worth 100 for 125 18 pr Ladies Black Oxfords E worth 120 for 100 I ROBERT UTTER - Book Seller and Stationer OFFICE Supplies China Bisquo Novelties Toys nnd Fancy Arti cles Useful Household Furnishing Goods NEWS DEPOT FINE CIGARS O A LU1KAUT Puksident CIIAB S IlKIDGE Vice Piusidunt R NORTH Platto Agent for Stoiu way Vose Son Ivors Pond Emerson Steiger Grunier and many other noted Pianos Estoy Chicago Cottago nnd other Organs Small Musical Instruments Will bo pleas ed to have you call W H JOIINBON Casiiieb W It ItltAASUH Ahst Casiiim The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Iluy anil soil oxcli8UK tlilx count r aud nil partH of Europe Farm Loans Directors -Cam Asmch V II Johnson Ciias S llninoi C W IliiAthcii HWANK i A LUlKAUT T K MlMMlMlUB L ShHMONH GETS BULLET WITH BRIDE Iralo Father Shouts Young Man Rloplng With Daughter Weiistkii City la Juno 8 Frank Starr was shot but not dangorously in jured near Homer yostorday by K uben S Spoucer whilo attempting to olopo with Spencers daughter aged 1 7 years Sponwr is a farmor Tho young peo plo liivo boon quiotly going togothor for soino tuuo which was against tho wishes of tho father Sponcor had threatened to kill Starr if ho saw him with tlio child Tho couplo started to olopo und Spoucer pursued on horso back Ho gainod rapidly and when Within range flrod tho full char go striking Starr iu tho baok Tho charge from tho old rusty guu did not do sori ous daniugo howovor and whilo Spencer returned homo belioving that ho had killed tho young man who was stealing away his daughter tho wounds wero dressed and tho pair married Cornerstuuu Laying at Inua City Iowa City la Juno 8 Tho corner- C M stono of tho now 175000 collegiato building of tho Stato University of Iowa was laid yostorday aftornoon Tho building stands closo to tho old capitol of Iowa and is on tho very spot whoro tho Indians of tho territory held their last war danco in 18413 Tho presiding olllcer was Governor Leslio M Shaw Addresses wero niado by him Dr G T W Patrick of tho univornity and Congressman J P Dolliver In tho court o of his address Congressman Dolliver soverely criticised Profossor Georgo D Ilerron and other teachers of applied Christianity whoso influouco upon Amoricau collegians ho claimed is distinctly bad Kansas For Iowa JUau TOITKA Juno 8 Tho Kansas Repub lican congressional dologation after 11 conference held in this city last night sent tho following telegram to Goueral Henderson At a conference of tho Re publican members of tho Kaunas dele gation with tho excoptiou of Mr Cur tis who is necessarily iu Washington it was unuuimously agreed to give you our vote for speaker nVAl Baking aiBSOLUTEtvPUBE ROtU BAKINd POOED CO MEW YORK SnSMSKSSSSllSSHHSSSISSSSUSSaSSIMISl Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome