The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 01, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Mtv r F
Dewey Is on his way homo bnt he will
not roach New Yoik until October
Andrew Carnegie has already given
nwny more than 17000000 hut still has
100000000 nion to dNpetiFO
Tho world is made poorer by tho death
of such an artist as Kcmi Honahour and
such n statesman as Ktnilio Castelnr
If tho CuImih n iilly dont want tho
money UneloSnm hi generously nllors
thorn there aro plenty of newspaper
mon who will appreciate It
Queen Victoria is sittl to bo in falling
health This U unilnubtidly true but Is
not necossardy ulnrininir It is hardly
to bo expected that a woman who has
just parsed her 80th birthday Ib gaining
in strength
Tho suggestion in made by n demo
cratlo paper that ir tho people give
Dowey a house in Washington thoy
givo him tho whlto house Hut It for
nets that Dewey is in favor of keeping
tho Philippines
An enterprising Texas boy 10 years
of ago proposes to walk around tho
earth Ho will start from Fort Worth
luno 1st and go to St Louis Chicago
and liohton sail for Greenland walk
through Scotland and England Europe
Asia tho Philippines and roturn by
way of San Francisco Ho will pay his
way by writing accounts of his trip for
Out in southern California tho farm
ers of lledhmd Pasadena and Pomona
aro offering 5000 to u Tain maker to
cause one single Inch of rain to fall upon
tho parched snrraco of tho soil Horo In
drouth stricken Nebraska a larger
fund might easily bo raised for unyono
who could successfully provont tho rain
from falling for awhile at lenst long
onough for farmers to got all their tloldB
Tho news comes across tho water from
tho Philippines that tho men of tho
Yorktown who wero captured by the
Filipinos somo weeks ago aro recoiving
most cruel treatment from their captors
This is in violation of tho law of nations
aud very plainly shows what kind of n
condition of affairs would oxist if Again
aldo wero nllowed to sot up a govern
ment of hiB own Tho currout facts of
history aro making tho position of tho
little Americans as pitiable as It is con
tomntiblo Tho United States would
deservo tho scorn of tho civilized world
If it nllowed theso people to bo loft to
themselves It would mean tholr de
Tho viows of no ouo man on tho Phil
ippine question aro of moro valuo thnn
thoso of Admiral Dowoy Ho has had a
chanco to study tho situation at closo
range In an interviow whilo ho was at
Hong Kong Dewoy said I havo tho
greatest enthusiasm in tho futuro of tho
Philippines I hopo to spo America
possessions tho koy to oriental commerce
and civilization Tho brains of our
great country will develop tho untold
agricultural and miuoral richness of
tho islands Wo must novor soil them
Such nn act would bring another great
wnr Wo will novor part with the Phil
ippines I nm suro and in futuro years
tho idea that anybody should havo seri
ously suggested it will bo ouo of the
curiosities of history
By comparison with any other state
as to climnte sanitary conditions rural
landscapes aud tremendous capabilities
of production Nobrnska is always a
gainer Relative to nil other states Ne
braska is the best cattle cereal swino
and fruit producing stato in tho uuiou
By comparison with tho Golds of Franco
Belgium Germany and England the
lielda of Nebraska aro mado more valu
nblo more beautiful Nowhero on this
continent nowhere in Europe can lands
be found in this latitado as easily
worked as Inexhaustible as productive
and as generously remunerative to its
cultivators and homebuilders By com
parison Nebraska lands grow in estima
tion If all Nebraska farmers could 6ee
all tho farms aud farmers outsido of Ne
braska there would be a marking up
of prices ou these luxuriant plains which
would make each acre adequate to twico
its present power to buy mouey Tho
An exchange very pertiueutly calls at
tention to one of the smaller things
which ore a hindrance to tho prosperity
of bo many communities and which de
serves the attention of every man who
dees business It is tinio that a com
plete change of front wus mado in tho
payment of small bills Thero is lots of
good hard Bense and sound advice in tho
following We want to say a good
word for tho man who promptly pays all
his Email obligations Thero is too few
of him and tho breed needs encouraging
Most meu will pay somo time but only
the few promptly Almost nuy business
man doing a credit business will testify
that counting time postago bookkoep
iug interest and tho like it costs all some
accounts are worth to collect them and
still the man owing it to them is per
fectly good in a financial way It often
happens that the worst siuuers in this
particular aro the men best nblo to pay
Wo have known mere than one case
where a mau having money on deposit
in tho bank drawing interest mado a
poor llttlo shopkeeper wait aud wait for
IiIr pay nearly a year so that tho debtor
might get tho benefit or tho I per cent
interest which his bank deposit drew
Clod bleos tho man who Is uneasy just as
long us ho owes a man a dollar and
who when ho has tho money to pay
with will hunt up his creditor with as
much energy as somo creditors aro
forced to uro In hunting up their dobt
ors Tho everyday business of ovory
community would bo Immonsoly bono
fitted by tho prompt payment by nil of
tho small obligations for a dollar can do
a lot of buslnoss in twonty four hours
when it is on tho road traveling Tho
slackness of a fow mon in thisporticulnr
in a community makcH It harder for all
to carry this plan Into effect If you
havo been ono of theso slack ones turn
over a now leaf
Tho Memphis Commercial Appeal
democratic says Populism is n
thing of tho past Thoso who control
tho wreckago and paraphernalia may
meet together now and then for tho pur
pose of dickering with tho old parties
but n representative convention of pop
ulists is not likely to bo held within tho
lifetlmo of tho propont generation In
other words tho democratic party Btart
od out to bonovolontly nssiniilato tho
pops and under tho disguise of fusion
havo succeeded in swallowing them alto
gether Thero aro signs of disoontont
howovor hero in Nobrnska and tho out
look is not altogether a poacoful ono
Tlioro aro men in this Muto who aro pop
ulists boforo thoy aro democrat a and
thoy aro likely to niako a llvoly protost
against absoluto burial or absorption
Snoh exorcises as wero held at Norfolk
and tho countloss other cities of tho land
aro of priceless valuo to us as a pooplo
Who can estimate tho incentives to pa
triotism unci lovo of country that such
scones inspiro Tho respect wo owo to
tho dead is unquestioned but our admi
ration for tholr deeds grows upon ub In
tho contemplation of what thoy did for
us Not only what thoy did on tho bat
tlefields which havo mado thoir nnmos
historic and imperishable but what thoy
aro still doing for us every year by theso
recurring Memorial Days
Tho veterans aro growing old There
nro no longer nuy young men among
them But ns tholr ranks thin year by
yoar thoso who aro loft grow moro prec
ious in our Bight What thoy stand for
tho indivisibility of n great and glori
ous union assumes moro signiucanco
each year Whilo thoy havo been grow
ing old tho nation has boon growing
great This wns rendered possiblo only
by thoir labors Tho Grand Army of
tho Republic is tho grandest organiza
tion uudor tho protection of tho ling bo
causo by it tho flag wns protected and
saved Ilouor tho veterans
It was fitting that tho fironien should
havo a prominent place in yesterdays
particle Wo owo much to thorn Thoy
aro heroes who at tho risk of lifo and
limb often do deods ns bravo and cour
ageous ns auy poi formed on battlefields
Thoy too deservo our appreciation nnd
kindliest consideration aud should al
ways havo a genorous recognition from
every citizen In time of clangor whon
our homes nro threatened by tho fire
fiend it is to thorn wo turn for help nnd
they never fail us
Tho boys who had next place to the
old soldiers yesterday wero in tho right
placo at the right tinio Gou Garfield
ouco said that ho felt like taking off his
hat in the preseuco of a boy becauso ho
was suoh n bundlo of latent and unde
veloped possibilities Wo all noed moro
of that feeling Boys nro so apt to bo
cast ouo sido and iguorod when it is to
thorn wo must look for tho futuro pa
triots of the land If thoir wooden guns
of their own manufacturo looked some
what grotesque if their marching was
not very exnet llttlo does it niattor
Tho bare legged angular youth in the
Kentucky and Indiana forests was not
particularly presentable and yet in his
final development ho became next to
George Washington Amoricas greatest
character Thero was stuff in that boy
Way down among tho hills of Ver
inout n half century ago could be noted
a growing boy a good deal like other
boys Ho had the same general charac
teristics restless untrained and crude
A year ago that boy stood ou a battle
ship dlrectiug a great nnval engagement
and as n result tho stars and stripes float
over Manila and now everybody is wait
ing impatiently Deweys return to his
native land Thero was stun in that
Who shall say that when tho trials
come iu our natlounl lifo duriugtho next
half century aud como thoy will some
of these kids who marched with tho
veterans of Norfolk in lc 9l may not
make their names illustrious Who
doubts that they will at least prove he
roes God bless tho boys 1
It is safe to say that loynlty received
added emphasis in this community yes
terday The address of Hon W M
Robertson was liko a fresh breeze from
the uorthclearly setting forth that patri
otisin is somethiug real nnd that in n
groat wariu which a nutiou is involved
Stephen A Douglas words always hold
true Thero can bo no neutrals nil
must bo either patriots or traitors
limp Itntr
On tho first nnd third Tuesdays of
each month up to nnd including Octo
ber tho Southern Railway offers to
hoincseokcrs and settlors tho advantages
of cheap ono way nnd round trip tlckots
to practically all polntB in Tennessee
Mississippi Alabama Georgia North
Carolina South Carollnn Virginia and
Uomeseokors tlckots will be sold tit
tho rato of ono faro plus J for tho round
trip tickets good 21 days from dato of
salo in which to return
Tho southeastern territory offers to
tho prospector and settlor moro advant
ages than tiny othor part of tho United
States and tho Southern Railway has
nrrauged for tho snlo of tickets on tho
dates mentioned nbovo nt low enough
rates to onnblo nuy ono to go South nnd
investigate tho opportunities offered in
that territory
For illustrated matter rates and fur
ther particulars address
Wm II Taylor A G P A
Louisvillo Ky
J O Bkam JitN W P A
SO Adams St Chicago Ills
Hi itl Kntnut TriuiMorft
Tho following trniiBfors of ronl cstato
aro reported by Chester A Fuller man
ager of tho Madison county abstract
oillco at Norfolk
Arohio Robiuson to Rufus Pryor
wd lot S block in R R addi
tion to Nowmnn Grove 50 00
Carl Roinecclus and wlfo to W
13 Reed wd no- 1 7 i 1 -1 1510 00
F J Halo and wife to Joseph
Dlttrlck wd lots 1 2 It and -1
block 0 Days addition Battle
Creek 100 00
William II Mnlo to Fred J
Keller wd lot 1 block o Mnth
owsoiib addition Norfolk 050 00
Frederick Shopllin and wlfo to
Caroliuo Llnstadt wd ei uw
f and w noii -0-21-3 1 00
Milindn R Webster to Andrew
O Lnrson wd sojjf 18-22-1 2000 00
Carl Linstndt to Cnrolluo
htndt wd o no 20-21-
1 00
A Clump rami ami a food One
Do you want a good farm whero you
can work outdoors in your shirt alcoves
for ten months in tho year and whero
your stock can forage for itsolf till tho
year round If so write to P Sid Joucb
Passongor Agout Birmingham Aln or
Dr It BCrawfordTraveliug Passenger
Agent 0 Rookory building Chicago 111
Do you want to go down and look at
somo of tho gnrden spots of this country
Tho Louisvillo Ss Nashvillo railroad pro
vides tho way and the opportunity on tho
first and third Tuesday of each month
with excursions at only two dollars over
ouo faro for round trip tickets Writo
Mr C P Atmoro General Passenger
Agout Louisvillo Ky for particulars
Do you want to read about thorn
foro going Then send 10 cents in silver
or postago stamps for a copy of Garden
Spots to Mr Atmore
ltollof In Six Hour
Distressing kidney and bladder
disease relieved in six hours by New
Great South Aineilcan Kidney Cure
It is i grcnt surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness n oievini
pain in bladder kldrcys and bacK n
male or female Relieve rstsntion of
water almost immediately If you
want quick relief and cure this is the
remedy Sold by Kocnigsteln Phar
macy Norfolk Neb
Dock Collet Areu With You
If not drink Graiu O mado from
puro grains A lady writes Tho first
tinio I mado Grain O I did not like it
but ufter using it for ono week nothing
would iuduco mo to go backto coffee
It nourishes aud feeds tho system Tho
children can drink it freely with great
benefit It is tho strengthening sub
stauco of puro graius Get a package
today from your grocer follow the
directions in making it and you will
havo a delicious and healthful table
beverage for old and young 10 and 25c
Give tho Children u Drink
callod Grain O It is a delicious appe
tizing nourishing food drink to tako
the placo of coffee Sold by all grocers
and liked by all who havo used it be
causo when properly prepared it tastes
liko the finest coffee but is free from all
its injurious properties Graiu 0 aids
digestion and strengthens the nerves
It is not a stimulant but a health
builder and children as well as adults
can drink it with great benefit Costs
about one fourth us much as coffee
15 and 25 cents
Letter List
List of letters remaining uncalled
at tho postofllco May 29 1899
Miss Hazel Bailey Miss Annie Carton
Alvio Ellison M E Hughes Mr John
Miller Mrs Jack Ninss Johannes Ohm
John Plulmcek M E Russell
If not called for in 10 days will bo
sent to tho dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
It is now reported thnt Aguinaldo will
quit fighting aud como to tho Uuited
States aud stump tho couutry for tho
anti imperinlists in 1900
Tho trade of tho United States with
China during tho last fiscal year was
20000000 This is three times what it
nuiounted to a deoado ngo
Speculators nro beginuiug to talk about
a short wheat crop iu this country this
year but the grain keeps oil growing
just the same and in ix or eight weeks
I the actual conditions will tell tho story
i ft
CoiiiiiiImIoiktu Irncccdliign
Madison May ill 1S01 1 p m
Board of county commissioners met pur
sunlit to adjournment with A O John
son II W Winter nnd John J Hughes
Minutes of Inst meeting rend and on
motion approved
On motion tho clerk wits instructed to
striko from the tax list taxes levied on
lots 1 nnd 2 block 22 F W Barnes
Second addition to tho town of Mndison
for tho yoars 1K81 and 1882 tho records
showing thnt said lota wore tho property
of school district No 1 and wero used
for school purposes during said years
Letter from O U Sprnguo superin
tendent stnting thnt tho sum of 57 Ib
duo tho institute for feoblo minded
youth account of Tliomns Shnlloy was
rofotrcd to Commissioner Hughes
Tho clerk wns on motion requested to
notify tho Clinton Biidgo company thnt
several pllo bridges must bo erected nt
On motion cleric wns directed to ad
vertiso for bids for hauling gravel on
road two miles north of Meadow Grovo
Frank Reed appeared beforo tho board
for tho purpose of consummating a
sottlemout of alleged diimugos sustained
ou account of lovy on threshing mnchino
nud power nnd tho matter was compro
mised to tho effect that tho county pny
him li
On motion board adjourned for supper
nud mot nt 7 I0 p m
On motion claims wero allowed ns fol
Hammond Bros Stephens record
books nud blanks for county superin
tendent ijItdoO
Stnto Jonrnnl reoard books for county
clork 1700
Union Typewriter company type
writer ribbons ii50
Madison Water works plumbers sup
plies for county jail ijl 05
Madison Water works water rent
E G Reeves meals for jurors sjU 23
Thomas Parage plumbing in jail 12
less personal tax 75 cents balance 1125
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tnx Thomas Farage 1808 73 cents
J F Altstadt work on bridges 1300
F M Martin 2 days work with team
000 allowed nt 500 less personal tax
100 balance U0
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax F M Mnrtiu 1 CO
James Hughes work on bridges
S P Tyrrell work on bridge 150
applied on personal tax
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax S P Tyrrell 1893 150
Andrew Miller work on bridge 160
applied on porsonal tax
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax Andrew Miller 150
Wm Horshaiu work on bridge 150
applied on personal tax
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax Wm Horshaiu 150
J II DeGroot work ou bridge 150
Frank Webb work on bridge 1 50
John J Malone work on bridge
John Malone work on bridge 300
applied on personal tax
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax John Malone 300
Charley Clark work on bridge 150
applied on personal tax
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax Charley Clark 150
R E F Crozior renovating residence
part of jail building 1925
Charles Fuller riprapping 300
Hnrley Doud riprapping 150
H E Lewis riprapping 1000 less
personal tax 325 balance 475
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax H E Lewis 1805 525
J B Donovan printing for county
ofilcials 550 applied on personal tax
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax J B Donovan 350
Chicago Lumber company lumber for
bridges SU0
Johu H Hulf printing stationary
28 50
On motion board adjourned until to
morrow morning at 8 00 a in
Board met at 8 00 a m May 25 1809
Claims were on motion allowed towit
O M Forney medicino for relief of
A Smith 1 15 Brown 90 cents total
Dr E N Smart medical attendance
aud medicino to James Harden 1750
Gray at
Nothing tells of age bo quickly as
gray hair
Hair Vigor
i is a youth renower It novcr fails
to restoro color to gray hair It
stops tho hair from coming out
Thin hair becomes thick hair and
short hair bccomo3 long hair It
cleanses the scalp removes dandruff
100 a bottle All druggists
If yon do not obtain nil tho benefits
you exrocted from tho uso ot the Vigor
vfllv iuu uuciur iivuu
Du J O ATElt Lowell Mass
I t
less personnl tax 001 balance f 1053
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tnx Dr Sinnrt 001
G F Fox labor performed nnd lum
ber used in riprapping river nt Meadow
Grovo 09 10 O W Fox assisting
3102 totnl 15072
Theodore Willo hauling piling etc
81 00
C A Willo hauling lumber for rip
rnpping 12 50
Joseph Sheets hnnliug trees 3300
F II Gossett timber furnished and
hauled 22 50
lloruinn Lewis work nt riprapping
Philander Doud riprapping 350
lees porsonal tax 218 balauco 132
Carl Wildo county treasurer account
tax P Doud 218
Robert Alyea timber for riprapping
2 50 npplicd on personal tax
Ctrl Wilde county treasurer account
tax 11 Alycn 250
O M Boylcs riprapping 000 ap
plied on personal tax
Carl Wildo couutv treasurer account
tax O M Boyles 000
Jacob Sheets riprapping 450 less
personal tax 321 balance 120
Carl Wildo county treasurer account
tax Jacob Sheets 321
Fred Nichols riprapping 1575
Davenport Bros rubber boots 800
W G Irvin now counter in clerks
oflico aud removiug storm windows
C W Crum county superintendent
salary for April 10000
F 11 Gossett and Joseph Sheets 12
wolf scalps 2400 less personal tax
278 balauco 2122
Carl Wildo county treasurer account
tax Gossett 150 tax Joseph Sheets
J O Reeves ono wolf scalp 2 00
Wilson Cloyd seven wolf scnlps
1400 applied on personal tax
Carl Wildo county treasurer account
tax Wilson Cloyd 14 00
Mike Richnrdsou eight wolf scalps
T II Sesler eight wolf scnlps 1000
less peronnl tax 170 balance 1130
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax T H Sesler 470
W B Tyler 10 wolf scalps 2000
Bert Hooker four wolf scalps S0O
F Wheeler ouo wolf scalp 2 00
H E Cunningham five wolf scalps
Eli Collins four wolf scalps 800 less
personal tnx 100 balance 340
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax Eli Collins 100
B B Hetrick six wolf scnlps 1200
less personal tax 800 balauce 400
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax Hetrick 800
W V Gambill four wolf scalps
800 less personal tax 390 balance
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax W V Gambill 390
Mike Richardson 12 wolf scalps
On motion Wm R Daniel wns ap
pointed road overseer in and for district
No 11
On motion C A Wakely wns ap
pointed road overseer district No 24
On motion board ndjourned to meet
as a board of equalization at 1 oclock
p m on Tuesday June 13 1899
E G Heilman
Comity Clerk
Tho Approach of Motherhood is tho
Occacion of Iduch Anxloty to All
Every woman dreads tho ordeal
through which sho must pass in becom
ing a mother Tho pnin nnd suffering
which is in storo for her is n sourco of
constant anxiety fear nnd drend to
say nothing of tho danger which tho
coming incident entails Tho joyous
anticipations with which sho looks for
ward to babys coming gives way to nn
Indescribable drend of tho ordeal when
sho fully realizes tho critical nnd trying
event which will soon approach and
havo to bo endured
Women Bhould hnil with delight a
remedy which insures to them im
munity from llio pain EUlTcring nnd
danger incidental to ehi id bearing
Such a remedy is now oflered nnd
women need no fenr longer tho hour of
childbirth MotherB Friend is a
scientific linlmentand if used before
confinement gently and surely prepares
tho body for tho great requirements
and changes it is undergoing insures
Bnfety to Doth mother nnd child nnd
tnke3 her through tho event with com-
eoso nnd comfort This won
orful remedy is pre cod by every
womnn who haa ued it
What woman is not interested in
Mothers Friend This wonderful
remedy has been tested and its price
less value proven by tho experience of
thousands of happy mothers who
havo used it during tho most critical
period of womans life tho approach
and culmination of motherhood
It has won their everlasting praise
for it gave them help and iiope in
tholr most trying hour and when
most needed Every woman may some
day need MotherB Friend The
little book Beforo Baby is Born
telling all about it and when it Bhould
bo used will prove of great interest and
benefit to nil expectant mothers and
will bo sent freo to any address upon
application to the Brndiield Regulator
Company Atlanta Ga
Attention runners
Do sou ilesiro to secure linuderds of t ampu
cojiIob of ngricultrrul journals mnnztnn newe
tmparB books cntnloROeR unit circnlars of tho
It Ht improved fiirm imploirents nnd mncliir
u iiml bo kept pritodnn improved toods nud
Block for two jears or moro If to eeud iib
Miiimnmo with tau cants itiBilver iind wo will
insert thoMimo in tho American KurmprB Uirec
or whirli itoob wbirlinT nil over tho United
SHtcs to ptibllhlicrn merchants nnd mnnufne
t iru h Yon will cot more food readlDK matter
tlninjon conld ptuchnso tor many timos tho
email coBt of ton cents Wo nut overi farmers
nntno in tho United States in our directory nt
ouco FABMriid DittKoroKY Co
Depn nentllB
Kiiiiimilnm Ala
Christian Endeavor
Detroit Midi July 5 li
The Illinois Central Railroad
will pell tickets from all poiutH on its Wi Btern
Lines to Dotroit Micliisei account of tho In
ternational Convention Young Peoples Society
of Christian Endeavor at a rate of
Tickets on snlo July 3rd to 5th inclusive lim
ited for retnrn to July 15th with prhieo of
oxtcnsionuntl Aucast 15 1S9U by dopotitinff
ticket with Joint Agent at Detroit on or beforo
July 12th and payment of deposit feo of fifty
For printed mnttor dessriplivo of tho boauti
fnl city of Detroit which is one of tuo best con
ention cities in tlia United States and infor
mation concerning excursion rales for sidetiiiis
from Detroit to various points in the icmity
etc etc addrctH tho undorsicned
A G P A 111 Tent R H
Dubuque lovn
MUbl VIULtNl uAbbb HAVb
anyHttlosoie pimple or scratch which
shows uo deposition to heal under ordin
ADPEAQCn AT PIDQT AQ ary treatment No one can tell how soon these
HrrCHnCU HI linOI HO will develop into Cancer of the worst type
o many people uio trom Uancer simply be
causo thoy do not know just what tho disease is
they naturally turn themselves over to the doctors
nnd are forced to submit to a cruel and dangerous
operation tho only treatment which tho doctors know for Cancer Tho disease
promptly returns however and is oven moro violent and destructive than
before Cancer is a deadly poison in tho blood nnd an operation plaster or
other external treatment can nave no elFect whatever upon it The cure must
come from within the last vestige of poison must bo eradicated
Mr Wm Walpolo of Walshtown S D says A
little blotch about tho size of n pea came under my left
eye gradually growing larger from which shooting pnins
at intervals ran in all directions I became greatly alarmed
and consulted a good doctor who pronounced it Cancer
and advised thnt it be cut out but this I could not con
bent to I read in my local paper of a cure effected by
S S S and decided to try it It acted like a charm the
Cancer becoming nt first irritated nnd then dfcehnrging
very freely This gradually grew less and then discon
tinued altogether leaving n small scab which soon drop
ped off and now only a healthy little scar remains where
whot threatened to destroy my life once held full sway
Tositivelv the onlv cure for Cancer is Swifts Snecific
because it is tho only remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root of
tho diseaso and force it out of tho sjEtetn permanently A surgical operation
does not reach tho blood tho real seat of the disease because the blood can
not be cut away Insist upon S H S nothing can take its place
S S S cures nlso any case of Sctofula Eczema Rheumatism Contagious
Blood Poison Ulcers Sores or any other form nf blood disease Valuable
books on Cancer nnd Blood Diseases will bo mailed freo to any address by
Swift Specific Company Atlanta Georgia
From ioc a Double Roll up
Window Shades Room Mouldings Paints Oils Glass
o4 n Brushes Etc Etc
Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Prices
sVsVVt X