The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 01, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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    Rtery ilny
wok inopiitt
BtnlllliPl 1SM1
uicopt biinilny
Hy carrier
llv mull tr nir iJK
JKstnbllHlHMl 1881
BreryTlinrmmy Iy mil ior jenr flM
Kntrrtvl nt thn Piwtotllca nt Norfolk Nob
oml olns uiRttor
TVIoplumo No J2
Congressman Hontlorson of Iown
now tho nioht probable miiTCSsor
Speaker Heed
The Cubans will mako good Amori
wans They uro all willing to take that
75 and more if they can get it
The taking of 1000 portions out of tho
classified list of the civil service by Pros
ident McKinley is to be regretted it is
n step baokwnrd
Uryan has a competitor that ho wants
to watch protty closely Carl Drown
-who led Coxeys army is now organiz
imr n iiiitltriist rmrtv to bo called The
f - -
Sovereign Citizens of America
A little ovor a year ago move than
1000000 tons of pig iron were in storo in
oxcess of immediate demands Today
tho best authorities stato that not three
days supply is in sight in spite of tho
fact that blast furnaces are running at
full capacity including many which
bad been idle for years The mills were
put on the wido opnn schedule whon
McKinley was elected Omaha Ike
Tho people of this country all admire
tho intrepid heroism of Admiral Dewey
but a largo number of us are distinctly
opposed to tho plan of buying him a
high priced homo in Washington or any
whero olso Tho government pays its
high naval otllcers a gouorous salary
nud they nro ablo to own or occupy bet
tor houses than a vast majority of those
who will bo called upon to contributo to
tho Dowey
Bixby in Stato Journal
Tho trial of a littlo girl fifteen yours
of tige at Schuyler on a chargo of mur
dering her infant child tho sensational
caso nt Norfolk nud tho evident murder
some timo sinco of an unknown infant
child at David City nro indications of n
Btato of affairs that ought not oxiBt
The human passions should bo hold to
the control of reason aud with thoso
who nro uot capable of self -control tho
opportunity for ovil should bo avoided
ns of tho utmost importance No
human being enn deliberately willfully
and continually ooutiuoo in wrong do
ing and bo anything but a slave to hlB
Xx her bad habits Thore is probably no
better practical rulo than Coaso to do
evil learn to do well Columbus
The boy on tho farm is apt to sigh for
tho privileges givou tho oity boy but as
a matter of fact ho 1b tho most fortunato
of mortals An exchange gives expres
sion to what the exporionco of every
man who has passed middle ago most
fully confirms The world wants
workers vouug men who mean busi
ness who ore reliable and who will de
velop capaoity with experience Tho
farmer boy has a great advautago over
the city lad iu being raised among sur
roundings that bring out tho spirit of in
dustry that develop ability Tho oldor
wo grow and the more we boo of lifo tho
more do we realize that the country bred
man has a tremendous advantage iu tho
battle of life The boy is indeed fortu
nut who is a farmers sou
Ian McLaren in an interview sinco
Ills return home from America says that
he depreciates the mouoy gettiug spirit
of our people In this connection it is
-well to remember that Inn taking
of his popularity obtained
through his Drumtochty stories has
made two trips to this country and car
tried back with him each time thou6ands
of good hard Aiuoricnu dollars When
It comas to tho spirit of inonoy Hotting
tho llov John Watson has hhown that
ho Ichowh how to tnko advantage of ad
vertising mid gather in tho sholcols at
tho proper timo Theso Englishmen
who coino over horo to America tor tho
solo purposo of getting tho almighty
dollar succeed in being lionized nud
then go homo and inveigh against tho
pooplo who no freely spend thorn are
humorists of tho llrst order They make
ono havo that tirod fooling
A most startling and painful accident
occurred horo last Sunday morning in
tho drowning of Lester tho
son of Mr and Mrs N A Hngonstoin
of this place Ho and several other boys
had gone out on Union creek near
Schwanks slAughtor houso to fish A
boat was tied to a post across tho creek
and Ilagestein attempted to secure it
but when lie reached tho middle of tho
stream which is some seven of oight
feet deep at this point ho becamo
tangled in a lino and sank with tho
olleet above noted Ills frionds called
for help and tried to rescue him but
failed and it was not till tho body had
been in the water some lfi or 0 minutes
that they finally recovered it Doctors
were quickly summoned and efforts
miulu to revive him but without avail
The parents were stricken with tho
news of thoir loss and his mother whoso
health lias been poor for somu timo re
quired the Bui vices of both attending
physicians for some time Tho funeral
was hold Monday and tho remains in
terred in tho cemetery at Stanton Tho
sympathy of the ontiro community is
extended to Mr and Mrs llagoiifctoin in
thoir sad loss
A A Uley and Harry Feldstein woro
Norfolk visitors last Thursday
W Selling of Norfolk was in tho city
last Thursday
F L Kstabrook of Norfolk was in tho
city on business last Wednesday
J II Littlo went down to Beatrieo on
business last Saturday returning Mon
U II Hightmiro of Columbus was in
tho city Friday
Attoruoy W It Ellis of Bloomlleld
was in tho city Sunday visiting friondB
Attorney Tamos Nichols went ovor to
Newmans Grovo today
F S Huutloy of Stanton was trans
acting businoss in tho city Saturday
W 15 Heed and wifo left for a short
visit with relatives in Iowa Saturday
Mr Reeds slitter is to bo married and
they expect to attoud tho wedding be
fore thoy return
Wm Johnson of Wayiio was trans
acting business in tho city Saturday
At tho special election hold by tho
olectors of the school district of Madison
on Monday last the 10000 bond propo
sition failed to receive the necessary
two thirds vote and the matter has been
dropped for tho present
Memorial day was appropriately oh
Borvod horo Tuesday Tho militia boys
met at the armory at 1 oclock aud
marched to tho G A It hall where ser
vices wero hold After an appropriate
program had beeu liBtoiiod to tho audi
ence formod iu Hue and tho processiou
slowly wended its wny to the comotory
whero a salute was fired over tho graves
of tho departed comrades of the civil
war Flowers wero strewn over the
graves uud a tear was to bo seen in
many an oyo as fond parouts or sisters
thought of tho bravo boys that had left
them for tho defense of their country
and ours never to return again and
whoso graves in tho far oft Philippines
would receivo no littlo floral tribute to
commemorate their brnvery The scene
nt the cemotery ended the program for
tho day but it was one not soon to bo
forgotten by thoso that witnessod it
Mrs Sarah Cropper is numbered with
the sick
Rev Main of Norfolk talked to the
Hinoli null BARGAIN
Duck Skirts
INUKS A bitf assortment from a bi
purchase niiido of a mamifactuvur for
spot cash
Crush Skirt nalural color
ly tvinnnotl M yil
Crash Skirt natural color
inod panel front JIA yd
Crash Skirt natural color double
rows white anil bine triininiii
S 50
1 00
Hlno Duck Skirt white and blue
trimming 1
Hlue Duck Skirt white and blue
trimming 1 75
White Duck Skirtneatly trimmed 1 00
White Pique neatly trimmed 1 IS
JO pairs the ery finest
stock regular y00 and
1150 shoos choice
A Kino School Shoo
150 pairs of Pabies
Childrens Ladies and
Mens all latest styles
put out to close
At Deep Cut
- w n HUSK 1ubllnUor
children of tho Sunday school last Sun
Kd Howlott delivered t0 bushols of
corn to tho Elevator company Tuesday
Mrs Hiram Warner left horo Tuesday
to visit her two sons who reside in Ter
soyvillo 111
Geo Olmndlor was ciuito badly bruised
Monday evening by tho horso ho was
riding falling on him
Messrs Taunilnll and Cunningham
postponed tho diuico advortisod for last
Friday to Friday evening luno 2
l I V M V ClK np KxctirHloiiH
To St LouiB Mo account annual re
union of Elks excursion tickets on sale
Juno Ml and JO at ono faro plus 200 for
round trip good to return leaving St
Louis not lator than Juno 21th
To Detroit Mich account Christian
Endeavor convention excursion tickets
at ono faro plus 00 for round trip
good to return by extension until Aug
ust loth
To Richmond Vu account Baptist
Young PcoplcsJUuiou convention ex
cursion tickets on tale July 10 11 and
12 at ono faro plus 200 for round
trip good to return by extension until
August 15th
To Beatrice Neb account Chautau
qua excursion tickets on salo Juno 10 to
July 1 inclusive at ono faro for tho round
trip good returning until July otli
To llulValo N Y annual mooting
Mystic Shrine excursion tickets on salo
Juno 11 and 12 at ono faro plus 200 for
round trip good returning by extension
until July 2nd
To Columbus O nccount American
Medical association excursion tickets on
Juno 1 2 audi at ono faro plus 200
for round trip good roturniug until
Juno 14th
To Indianapolis Ind account Ep
worth league excursion tickots on July
18 11 and 20 at ono faro plus 200 for
round trip good returning by extension
until Aug 20th
To Kansas City nccount Modern
Woodmen excursion tickets at ono faro
plus 200 for round trip on sale Juno U
to 5 iuolusivo good returning until
June 10th
To Los Angoles Col excursiou tickets
at ono faro plus 200 for rouud trip ac
count National Educational association
on salo Juno 25 to July 8 inclusive good
returning until Sept 4th
H O Matkau Agent
Huwh TUIh
We offor Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any caso of Catarrh that can
not bo cured by Halls Catarrh Curo
F J CHENEY CO Props ToledoO
Wo tho undersigned havo known F
J Cheney for the lost 15 years and be
lieve him perfootly honorable iu nil
business transactions and financially
ablo to carry out any obligation made
by thoir firm
Vkst Truax Wholesale Druggists
Toledo O
Waldixo Kinkas Marvin Whole
sale DruggiBts Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Curo is takon internal
ly acting directly upon tho blood and
mucous surfacos of tho system Price
75c per bottle Sold by nil druggists
Testimonials free
Halls family Pills nro tho best
Law Hiitcii to the ist
Your attention is directed to tho ex
ceptionally low rates in effect this com
ing seasou to nearly everv prominent
point in the East
Never before has such an excellent
opportunity been afforded for n summer
vacatioutour or for visiting friends in
tho East We mention below a few of
the places to which greatly reduced rates
have beenjmude The UNION PACIFIC
is the Hue that will give you the nest
service to any of theso poiuts
Columbus Ohio Juue 0 0 Rate ono
faro plus 200 for tho rouud trip
St Paul Minn Juno 9 13 Hate ono
faro and one third for the round trip
on certificate plan
Buffalo N Y Juue 14 15 Rate one
fare plus f 200 for the round trip
Chicago 111 June 14 15 Rate ono
faro aud ono third for tho round trip
on certificate plan
Milwaukee Wis Juno 11 15
one aud one third faro for tho
trip on certificate plan
St Louis Mo June 20 2i Rate
faro plus 2 00 for tho round trip
Detroit Mich July o lO Rate
faro plus 2 00 for the round trip
Richmond Vu July lMO Ruto one
faro plus 200 tor the rounc trip
Indianapolis Ind July 20 2l Rato
ono fnro plus 200 for tho round trip
For full information as to dato of salo
and limits on tickets timo of trains
etc call on F W Juxkmax
Outi Faro
For tho round trip via tho Union Pa
cific to San Francisco Cal for Nation
al Baptist Societies Anniversaries May
25 18 For dates on which tickots
will be sold limits and full information
call on
F W Junkman
Sturgeon is the piano man
Does Ciillin AKreo Willi You
If not drink Graiu O made from
puro grains A lady writes Tho first
timo I mado Grain 0 I did not like it
but after using it for ono week nothing
would iuduco mo to go backto coffee
It nourishes and feeds tho system Tho
children can drink it freely with great
bouofit It is tho strengthening sub
stance of pure grains Get n package
today from your grocer follow the
directions iu making it and you will
havo a delicious aud healthful table
beverage for old and young lfi and 25c
To Krrlit Human
People liko to talk about attractive
things iu advertising In a company
recently tho proverb nbovo quoted and
which appeared at the head of one of
a well constructed Beries of advertise
ments of Hoods Sorsaprilla was so
much discussed that wo doubt if any
ono there will ever forgot the source
wheuco it came Messrs Hood Co
are using theso proverb advortisments on
a very broad scale and they are attrac
ting discussion aud favorble comment
Say No when a dealer offers you a
substitute for Hoods Sarsaparilla
the great blood purifier
A Fair Outside Is
a Poor Substitute
For Inward Worth
Good health inwardly of
the kidneys liver and bowels
is sure to come if Hoods Sar
saparilla is promptly used
This secures a fair outside and a
consequent vigor in the frame with the
glow of health on the cheek good
appetite perfect digestion pure blood
Catarrh I have had no return of the
catarrh which troubled me for years since
Hoods Sarsaparilla cured me Mrs Joe
Mabtin Washington St Ogdensburg N V
Dyspepsia Complicated with liver
and kidney trouble I suffered for years
with dyspepsia with severe pains Hoods
SHrsaparllla made me stroiiK ami hearty
J 11 Kmerton Main Street Auburn Me
Jktd6 SwuatmiL
Hoodt PU1 cure Ut r Uli tho non lrrlutlcg nd
nly CAthuUe to Uk with Uood SfcritpTtUa
Call and Have Prices Quoted by
ffm CURTAINS ilW i
UPk OVER 30 iSlli I
the nLSqshtS Neateft j Klii II I
7 mm fSB I
A Very Popular Medium- iJfSOT S
saso IMBHBh 1
My Thijor
For Your Spring and Summer Suits
ain Hiuo
S Pf U prlce nf
G A LU1KART Puesident
OIIAS S UHIDUE Vice Pbmident
11 NIC of it Awheel SECOND TO NONE
on earth for 40 Wheels made in Omaha
i and Chicairo of same material sell for GC It
has been and will continue to lie our motto to
furnish wheels for 25 less money than you
can buy an eastern wheel for of oqual value We
can do this because
We have the Largest and Most Complete Line of Bicycles
and Sundries in the state outside of Omaha but we heat
their prices Dont send cast and take chances on what you
get until yon have at least figured with us
North Nebraska Shipping Depot for Morgan Wright Tires Z
W U UBAASUH Asst Casdikb
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Bay and soil exclianKO 011 tliU country anil all parte of Europe Farm Loans
Directors Carl Abmcb W II Johnson I hah S Kridoe C V Huaascm
Swank U A Lvikabt T V Micmminqeb L Sessions
H3 eiiSsr
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Exclusive agents lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rook Spring Coal the
best in the market
Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 01
North Western
p E W V S R is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First dour West of Post Ofllce