The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 01, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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The four n the WoiIh
DCS bat fftr Ad Mono
All Wool
in Black
Blue and Brown
in Black
Brownand Mixed
1 10
Come in and See
Leibigs Beef
Iron and Wine
Superior All Wool
in Black
Blue and Brown
Genuine Comey
in Black Brawn
Gold end Oxford Ml
Nearly every wide awake Merchant In America handles
these Coats If your dealer does not write to us and
we will see that you are supplied
and inspect the Latest Line of Medicines Put on
the Market
Newtons Female Regulator and ToniB
Natures Great Enimenagoue Every lady suffering with
Female Troubles should try a bottle
Newtons Sarsaparilla and
Celery Compound
is one of the finest Blood Kidney and Liver Preparations
on the market If in need be sure and try the latest
HuCon Hair Tonic
If your Hair is falling out or you have Dandruff or any kind
of Scalp Disease be sure and try HU CAN strictly
guaranteed One bottle will show a difference if used
regularly on any bald head
is too well known for a Tonic Each fluid ounce con
tains the strength of two ounces of fresh lean beef
Four grains Cetrate of Iron dissolved in Sherry Wine
the best tonic for Dyspepsia Loss of Appetite Nerv
ous Debility and General Prostration
Try a box of
Irenes Cottonroot
Tansy and Pennyroyal Pills
Safo and Sure
We can save you 50 pr et on Prescriptions
W Mail Orders Promptly Filled
v rj z eTycua Fi AitatTiiriiYiViiHtttf rffaiiwMt iofaihil
tho dirtetent sites offered for tlio foilcril
Quito a party of young poopli ppent a
very delightful evening at the lionio of
Mi Kdith McClary Saturday Tho
patty was in honor of Mis Mabel Colin
nier who with hor parent soon re
moves to Sioux City
W 11 Bncholz had a birthday Satur
day and the members of tho Kindergar
ten elub concluded that it was tho pro
per timo to invado tho precincts of his
home unannounced They did o and
a very pleasant evening was passed
Tho now Manjuardt opera hall will bo
oponed tonight by tho Sinford Dodgo
company in Othollo The ushers will
bo in full dross antl tho opening night
promises to prove a treat to those who
attend A largo number of tickets
have been sold and a full house is as
Judgo Norris of Wnyno is in Norfolk
today in tho interest of Bloonifleld in
tho Knox county division case Ho
goes to Bloonillold tonight where ho
wilPdelivcr tho Memorial address The
judge has just been appointed solicitor
of customs at Mnnila and will within a
short timo depart with his family for
the Philippines
J II Clinc general ngent for north
east Nebraska for tho celebrated Nichols
As Shopard company vibrator threshing
machinery is a hustler who believes in
tho uso of printors ink and is advertis
ing his business He made a contract
with Tun Wkkkiy Nrws today tor a
largo display advertisement wnich will
appear this week
Last fall the voters of county
voted on tho proposition to divide tho
countyout of it forming tho now county
of Dewey with Blooinlleld as tho county
seat Whon tho votes weie counted
both those opposed and thoso in favor of
tho division claimed n victory Tho
matter will bo brought beforo lndgo
Kiuciid by mutual consent in this city
this afternoon who will hear tho evi
dence and render a decision Messrs
E A Houston S Draper and K II
Harris of Niobrara aro in tho city in
connection with tho enso
A party of gentlemen irom Kentucky
composed of Col M II Crump Dr
John D Woods Marshal Eunis K W
Covington Morgan Hughes and Robert
F Dulaney are in tho city investigating
the beot suuar industry with a view of
establishing a factory in the vicinity of
their home They livo in tho vicinity
of Bowling Green and are all substan
tial farmers of that section They raise
tobacco extensively but do not find it
very profitnblo and so are turning their
thoughts toward beet culture They
have been in tho city since Saturday
nnd are much gratified at tho courtesies
which have been extended to them by
Manager Wietzer They go homo quite
encouraged in regard to their enterprise
and are confident that Kentucky will
soon enter the lists as a beet sugar rais
ing state They expressed themselves
as highly pleased with Norfolk and
what they had seen of Nebraska
Wayne Republican It is done the
carpets are beaten tho pictures are back
in their accustomed place the stove is
snugly stored away to rust and pence
sweet peace abides with us for a time
but oh how short for in a few day- tho
pestiferous fly will make life miserable
and then confound those old screens
they will have to bo put in place Is
there any place on earth where such
troubles are not a hideous nightmnro to
the man of the house where ho can go
and enjoy freedom from the everlasting
round of carrying out stoves in the
spring carrying them back in tho fnll
and at both times losing all the grace of
God that ho ever had by being obliged
to wrest lo with a contrary old stove pipe
nnd listen to a voice advising you just
how to do tho job and at the same timo
pleading with him to bo caref ul nnd not
get soot on tho carpet or not to put your
dirty hands on tho wall paper a place
where bed bugs wont get iuto tho
cracks in the walls and persist in com
ing out when least expected or desired
and making their presenco known nnd
causing a pulling out of all tho furni
ture and tho tacks out of the carpet
There are times and circumstances that
makes a fellow really wonder whether
life is worth the living and when ho is
surely convinced that marriage is n fail
ure Oh those screens
A New Jund of the Sky Jlooklet
The Land of the Sky tho popular
designation for tho Ashevillo Plateau
Western North Carolina hns been large
ly advertised by tho Southern Railway
for a number of years on account of the
health and pleasure resorts and tho beau
tiful scenery of that section whero tho
Southern Railway crosses tho Blue
Ridgo mountains
QTho Southern Railway has just issued
u now and most attractive booklet with
appropriate half tone cuts nnd reading
matter and they ire being sent out free
to any address by Mr 1 O Beam Jr
N W P A Southern Railway fiO
Adams street Chicago
Klondike hotel Sixteenth Webster
St Best medium priced hotel in Omaha
Try it
Sloans Liniment has no equal for
household uso It is tho best known
J Troutman went to Wnyno this
Mayor Simpson went to Kearney this
morning on business
A C Sut tier win a passenger for
Tekanuth this morning
Mis I M CoinstaeU of Clinton Iowa
is a guest at the homo of E A I hillock
In a game of ball yost onlay between
tho Norfolk Bicycle companys nino and
the Heights nino the sooto stood into 10
in favor of tho former
Tho Ladies society of tho Congregn
tional church will meet on Thmsdny
afternoon at J with Mrs McMillan
and Mrs Bolter All aie invited
Rev S l Shatpless goes to Stuart
this evening wheio ho will assist in tho
ordination of Rev B 1 Brcthouwcr as
pastor of tho Pnsbyterian church at that
The Ladies Guild of Trinity church
will meet with Mrs II C Matrau
Thursday afternoon at J IK A good
attendance is desired as important busi
ness is to bo transacted
W P Williams special state agent of
tho Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance
company of Des Moinis Iowa has re
moved his family here and will occupy
u house in tho Heights Ho will woilc
tho territory from this point
An excursion train will be run on the
M As o next Sunday from this city to
Sioux City Train will leave Norfolk at
7 1 in tho morning and will loturn
from Sioux City at 7 in tho evening
Tho fare for the round trip is SLW
A special train left over tho U 1 this
morning for Columbus Tho occasion
was the passing through that city of
Admiral Schley today The faio for tho
round trip was ono dollar and quite a
number availed themselves of the op
poitunity to see tho bravo naval otllcer
The Santoid Dodge company have de
cided to disband heie Miss Sweitzcr is
troubled with tonsilitis which prevents
further playing on her pint for some
timo nnd Claude Soares has lamed him
self so that ho is obliged lo uso u crutch
The company has gained many friends
heio Mr Diirland speaks very highly
of Mr Dodgo as a thorough gentleman
with whom it is a pleasure to tiansact
bus i ss
Rev I P Wigton and family depart
ed for Osmond this afternoon whero
Mr Wigton assumes thepastoiatoof the
Presbyterian church to which ho was
recently called Mr Wigton has been
a resident of tho city lor tho past lo
years and ho and his family will bo
much nissed by the people of Norfolk
They carry with them tho hearty good
wishes of their friends for a pleasant
and successful future
R C Milhgan and family left this
morning for Sioax City which plnce
they will make their homo Mr Milli
gan has been a resident of Norfolk for
more than a dozen years During that
time he has been actively engaged in
tho renl estate business Ho and his
family will tnko with them to their new
homo tho kindly legard of their old
neighbors and lriends at Norfolk who
will hope for them bright days and en
larged success
Tho sample sale held by the ladies of
tho First Presbyteriau church was a
grand success About 200 was realized
They still have on hand n sulky plow a
saddle uud a Round Onk stove which
aro on sale at Dr F A Bryants drug
store They wish to thank tho mer
chants of Norfolk who so kiudly assisted
them nnd tho dnily papers who so liber
ally advertised their sale and Dr John
Koeuigstein who generously gave them
tho use of his storeroom
Marquardts hall was again well filled
last evening to listen to the presentation
of The Prisoner of Spain by tho San
ford Dodgo company While the play
lacked plot it abounded in stirring in
cidents of wnr and amusing episodes
which appealed to the spirit of patriot
ism among the people and struck a quick
response in tho pipular heart Tho
parts were all well taken and tho com
pany has made a very favorable impres
sion by their work in Norfolk
Tho contract for publishing tho Ne
braska Workman the official organ of
tho A O U W jurisdiction of Ne
braska was awarded at Grand Island on
Monday There were seven bidders and
the competition for tho work was very
strong but the publisher of this paper
succeeded in landing the contract and
tho Workman will continue to bo pub
lished from this office two years longer
The circulation of the Workman now
amounts to about 33000 copies
Last Sundny was n gala day for Piano
men at Norfolk Tho general manager
F O Wilson of Council Bluffs was
hero and n number of the assistants
of tho North Platto territory In tho
afternoon they visited tho gonernl agent
W H Blakemnn at his residence nnd
while there wero photographed in n
group by F M Hoyer Immediately
following thisdainty refreshments wero
served Tho boys dispersed feeling
that tho day of recnatiou and reunion
had been a very enjoyablo and profitable
remedy for rheumatism and in fact any j Bayard Powell formerly of South
pain It will kill a pain quicker than Norfolk died at Amherst on Satnrdny
any other remedy It can ho used with Ho was 20 years old Tho body was
equal certaiuty on animals Every ono brought here over tho Union Pacific on
who buys a bottle comes back and says Sunday nud Monday the remains wero
it is tho best medicine ho has ever used takon to Pierce whero ln parents now
For tale by Johu Koeuigstein reside for burial Ho was a member of
tho Second Congregational church of
this city wheio ho attended its Sunday
school and was a nieiuber of tho lodge
of Busy Hetw Twenty eight of the
school and lodge people led by Mr Chap
man went to Pleice to attend the funor
al Rev letleiles iiieaehed tho seiiuon
Doeoiation day cerelsv at Buttle
Citek wero of an unusually InipiTsshe
and interesting diameter Battle Creek
sent fotth seveial of its oiiiig men to
do battle at Manila and onoof them is
dead A portrait of young Hooei wit
coimpieiuoiiH over the pint form ami the
day was in icility a funeial day Col
1 E Simpson ol this city gave an do
quent address which was listened to
with rapt attention by the huge audi
once piesmt Tho school childi en took
a prominent pint in the piogram A
line dinner was served by the Indies to
tho old sohlleis and invited guests
Ono of the most notable gat hoi lugs of
the year in this section of Nebraska is
likely to bo held at Norlolk tho fouith
week in Juno The Orphans Homo of
Fremont has been invited by the Chnst
Lutheran ehuicli of this city to have
their annual picnic here at that time
it is not known as yet whetlur that
date will be satisfactory hut il not some
other will bo llxed When complete in
rangenients aie made Tin Nicus will
publish the piogiam in full Special
trains will bo urn to this city at the
timo and it is estimated by those who
have the matter in charge that upwiuds
of rillOO strangers will bo present
The audience Mint filled ManUardt s
hall the night it was opened as an npein
house and again last night both in char
acter anil numbers very plainly cw
deuces the desiie of the people of Nor
folk for better hall aecoiiimodatioiis
Mr A J Diulnnd deserves much ciedit
for providing such an iuipioved loom tor
the use of opera and the manner in
which the people have so heartily lecip
rocated ought to leave no furthei doubt
but what they will meet any amplerand
better facilities which may bo made m
the same geneious spirit Norfolk needs
a good well equipped opeia house and
will unquestionably make it prolltable
t j its projector
Sun t li Nmlnlli NiUm
Mrs Cases sister of Fairviow Iowa is
visiting here
Mrs Smith has returned from a
to her father in Scribner
Miss Anna Diegnan of Sioux City
visiting friends in this city
Mrs Koerbor and children went
Wisner yesterday to visit relatives
Mrs Seymore Miller Mrs Simon
Miller and Mrs Livingstone and daugh
ter went to Tilden for Decoration day
A party of young folks went to Pierce
Monday afternoon to attend tho funeral
of Bayard Powell a young mnn who
used to live in this community
Tho friend- of Misses Clara Beech and
Vera Gorgball gave them a pleasantsur
priso at Claras home Monday evening
They all enjoyed themselves and re
turned homo in the early hours of morn
ing Veras friends nil feel sad to think
she will soon bo laving them as sho is
to return to her homo in Meadow Grove
Fridiiy evening
SimtIhI MiMttlnj ol riro iJi piirtinriit
Tho following are minutes of tho spe
cial meeting of tho Norfolk Firo Depart
Called to order by presidont Winter
May 80th IbW It was moved by Win
ter and seconded by Buckel that we
have a dance on July It was
moved by Winter and seconded by Den
kinger that tho chair appoint a commit
tee of three to seo to hiring tho orches
tra renting a hall prompter etc Car
ried Committee Winter Grant and
The following committees wero ap
pointed by the chair
On printing Buckel Henielben Pat
terson and Iulkr
On selling tickets H O Pnsowalk
and II Klug
On receiving tickets Buckle Denk
inger Sidler and Fisher
On floor C E Hartford Frank
Klentz F Karo Wm Heinelben WII
Winter and F W Junemnn
Recieviug cloaks W M Klug O
L Barr R Chrischilles and John
Refreshments A Bruhaker Emil
Prebuow II 0 Truman and J
II Couley
Driuk Oruln O
after you have concluded that you onght
not to driuk coffee It is not a medicine
but doctors order it because it is
healthful invigorating and appetizing
It is mnde from puro groina and has
that rich seal brown color and tastes
liko tho fluest grades of coffeo nud costs
about H as much Children liko it and
thrivo on it because it is a genuine food
drink contaimng nothing but nourish
ment Ask yonr grocer for Grain O
the now food drink 15 uud 23 cents
1 1
i IK 11
t i II
JV h
r l RY If I mil
should always be kept i i
the house for the fol
lowing reasons
FIRST Koeaipi if any
of flu- family hv a hard culd
will kiiro It
SECOND- Hrciurc If the ch I
dren ntfl dHir ite and lckly It wi
make them strcny antl well
THIRD il the father t
mother Is lonlti flesh nnd becom
ng thin and emaciated It will bui l
ti ii up and ive thorn flesh ar 1
ti until
FftSJRTH - Hccnuso It Is i
MnniJnrd remedy In nil throat aui
limp affections
i r
lion Id be without
ummci ar n I
tm Nf w 01 L
Frazer Axle grease
r ir irrr
TA y
iNY Ol ni ij
Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
MdKd FnAZER lubricator Go
Fnctorlis Chcligo St Louis Nnw York
ict Away n
of Alonths
ami visit
Asheville or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
or the many
JVjtin t ticket- mi sik ia
Southern - Haitaay
by all Ticket Agents
Inr schedules or luithei infor
mation wilte or call on
Wm II Tawoj A i P A
Louisville Ky
1 C Iiam JrN W P A
0 dams St Chicago
1 llttBIU
Trctj a Farms of
1 f I Omtm
Comiiu Frtc Bock free
Office lilt iFarnamSfs
For tlio euro of nil clirouio ami
nruto n lifc civioK prin
ctplii fr 9 from nil drnKB ABtlimn
IlroHcIiItU Catarrh OoriHuiMptlon
Hi adnclie NcuralKia Klicumatitm
Nervous Prostrntion and lencriil
Debility cured by iulialiiiK
Our homo treatment which con
tains two moutliK MiMly of Com
jkjqikI Oxtkiii inhalini ajiparu
ratutt full dinction Mint to an
part of tho country Thib include-
nodical adviro dnriui treatment
lamphlet with mhiu to tho Bleb
homo treatment ami testimonial
1113 Olrard St
Philadelphia Pa j
Sheridan Hospital of Chronic Diseases
Itecsuized liv tho Htnto and conceded to ho tho loading aul mot nirceful Institution in
Nebraska hUinml with all tint facilities of European mu pitnlit including bprciiiluppurutntt
for tho tratm ut of all Nrou and flental Discuses Dlseaifj I Woru n Sptclul Private
iicpiiriiuoui lur xenons nun sneeiii 11kii r Mm VnnniAu mix
i i i ii ii r v - -- - I
iinuui nin auiip iiiuiiiiiic uuunr unu iLurciic iiBuit cured cuiurm in ull ItH toniu
Coiisumpl on cured lHpeclal method nuil in Eurotieoii HoiuitaU curium all cates in primari
and beceudarj etae If ouaroin need of thorough ciiatulc treatment for am Chronic Uib
taRcomo to tho Sheridan Hospital whero all curullo chronic dUoates Hrotroatetl by latett -entitle
iiitthudf WKITIJ jour troubles incloeiiiK bump for reply All letters answered ti
plain envelope special homo treutmeut for patienu unable to viMt hoopltul
KLI IKIISLI2 Sheridan Comity Hank or any buoineMi miiuiu tiordon
Consultation Free Examination Private
TION 1 ho climate of Cordon is especially tuitablo for ull lunu dUeabei