The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 01, 1899, Page 2, Image 2
2 f INTERESTING 3ERV1GE3 Rev Jeffries Discourses to the Veterans of Norfolk PARKER ADDRE88E8 QRADUATES Ulm MrnlhcNnrvli n Almlil Tim Ciuikcs 4hOotliunl HoMiltnof MinUUII Wnr In Oio KxiiiliiRltio Story r ifonnili U lotil lo llinlllKlt SdimiPOliHiiit IMt tliliill Sort lrc Jtiiro Miimlnj a Dully YoHtordny nioriiliiff by invitation tho old soldiers ami tholr friends thronged tho Second Congregational church A largo representation both of Muthowson post G A R and tho WomimH Hcllof Corps woro present Tho rooms of tho mat struct uro worn tastily decorated jvnd tho music- rendered was ospcrliilly appropriate to tho day Rev J Intlrlos spoke on Tho Causes tho Cost and tho Result of tho civil war Ilo gave a vory earnest practical discus wionof thociucstion As to tho causes they woro deeply rooted way back In English history and bad tholr founda tion In tbo antipathies or Cavalier and Puritan In tbo now woild ouo of thoso olonumtH settled In tho south tho other in tbo north Tho quest ion of slavery was tbo incl rtont wbtob brought this quarrel to a focus The cost of tbo war In loss of llfo was frightful hut tho shedding of blood seoniedtobo Inevitable In grout national epochs like that of tho tlOs Ilo briolly sunnnod up tbo results of tbo war as not only tho unification of a Kroat people but thought tho experience jind training then gained wero a Mucosa ity to tit us for tbo larger work of help ing oppiossed humanity in other lands which tho past year had been so glori ously begun Tho address was IMonod to with evi dent appreciation by tbo old veterans who bad uesombled Tin AdilrtM Tbo shower which prevailed at tho hour of sorvico prevented many from it tending Nevertheless the Congrega tional church was well Hied hist even ing Tho occasion was tho annual ad dress to tho graduating class of tho High school given by Hov 1 1 Parker Tho class of Ml as a body occupied soats in the front of tho ohdroh On tho plat form wero tho pastors Hov TolVrles of the Second Congregational church Row W 11 Eaton of tho Baptist Hov J 11 Van Fleot of Trinity Kpiscopal and Hov V I Wigtou of tho Presbyterian Tbo different paBtors took part in the sorvico The choir rondurod two nuthein air Parker took tho lifo of lo oph as tho embodiment of a succo sful career and very graphically portrayed tho qualities which mado him groat and helped him to wi Josopha was an iuteresting ohamctor lie appeals to men bocauso of tho tragio elements iM his careor Ho had bis ups and downs His individuality was Heuorous and attractivo Ho was buoy nut courageous hopeful sulf poisodaud resourceful Ho was successful und suc cess always does and always ought to on right lines win emulntion and ad miration Ho bocamo tbo rulor of Egypt That inoaut in a land domi nated by castes nud traditions that he was a gronfc man ho had to bo to over come such obstacles Tho man who succeeds in any ago is tho man who has tbo qualities that iusuro succoss En virinments may b helpful bat thoy vU count for little uuloss thero nro tho right qualities to take advantago of thini Gods blisslug novor goes with incapacity or carelessness Tuo spoaker swko further of othor qualities possessed by Jojoph Ho was always uueerful faithful in his duties and ho had a natural aptitude for public ntlnirs His prudouco nud foresight forehtalled tho yojrH of famiuo so that he was roady for them when they camo air Parker emphasized tho fact that these qualities didnt reveal tbomsolves all at once You cant grow fruit in a day Ho served bis apprenticeship iu nil of them Then ho used his success to help others His brothers father and tho peoplo Ho had not only ability but character rooted in lovo of God Relig ion is not to bo considered surplus lug gage or an annex but an essential part of lifo if vou are to bo winners In closiug Hev Pirkr briefly ad dressed tho class urgiut them to make their prosout progress only a Mopping atono to inoro strenuous endeavor and to apply to their lives tho story of Joseph Try them all every s Tom Dick and Harrys j sarsaparilla J Then try Auers the leader of them j 1 I J FRIDAY FACTS Hob Applohy of Stanton was in Nor folk today W H Loamy tho Plalnviow attorney is In tho city John Diueon of Platto Center was In tho city today Douglass Conos tho 1lcrco attornoy was in town last ovoning Tho m oil that is being bored by tho city has reached a dopth of 810 foot Congressman Hobinson of Madison was greotlng friends in tho city today W W Brown and M L Sullivan of Meadow Grovo wero in town this noon Tho noxt meeting of tho Nebraska Liquor Doalcrs association will bo hold iu this city Another carload of eggs will bo ship ped from tho cold storage to Lowell Mass tomorrow S K Dexter arrivod from Lowell Mass yesterday Mr Dexor canto by way of tbo Canadian Pnolllo Tho sociable to bo hold by tbo Ladles guild of the Episcopal church tonight will bo ut tho homo of Mrs A D Colo A now otllco building going up on tho lot west of Hlcos saloon is being erected by Dr Verges who will occupy it as an olllce S G Doan Sr arrived last ovoiilug from Knox county 111 and will spond tho summer with his son S G Dean in this city Tho Sugar City Cereal mills shippod another car 1100 casos of cereals to Denver last night This makes tho se cond car that has gono to Donvor within a month 0 M HlaokmaL president of tho First National bank of Wkitowuter Wis and Joseph Gushing u banker of tbo same place are in town Thoy are old time friends of O S Hrldgo and Olms Alexander V H Olumons president of tho Fre mont normal was visiting friends in tbo olty today Ho was on his way to Tildon whero ho delivers an address before tbo graduating class of tho high school tills ovoning Tbo address to tbo graduating class of 09 of the Norfolk High school will bo given at tbo Congregational church next Sunday evening by Hov J J Par ker It will be a union sorvico and tho pastors of tho othor churches will par ticipate iu it Tho storm last ovoning is reported vory heavy in tho vicinity of Piorco Today it has boon bright and sunuy with a rising temperature and a prospect for more showers tonight It is growing weather uud crops of all kind aro jump ing forward by leap3 and bounds A dispatch from Omaha recioved this afternoon states that 80 oditors from Wisconsin will invado tho products of this municipality this ovoniug on thoir way to Hot Springs S D Thoy will arrivo over tho Elkhorn at 7 oclock and will only romaiu long enough for supper D Hoes has recoivod notico of his ap pointment by Gov Poyuter as stoward at tho Norfolk hospital for iusauo and ho will outer upon tho discharge of his now duties Juuo 1 Mr Roes is n good business man having boon for a number yours ouo of tho Arm of Braasch Hoes aud under his euro tho stewardship of tho hospital will bo woll managed Mr O D Jenkins the retiring stoward has mado many friends during his torm of otllco who will hopo that ho may so ar raugo his affars that ho will still romaiu a resident of to city A happy surpriso was sprung on the pastor of tho Socoud Congregational churoh and bis family last ovoniug A crowd of thoir friends called on them with an abuuduueo of ice croam nud cako aud speut a delightful thno but before leaving presouted Mr JolTries with a puro with which to buy various articles Such surprises do niuoh to strengthen tho hands and faith of tho pastor Mr Chapman made tho presen tation on behalf of tho people and Mr Jotlries responded happily He has just comploted his third year as paster of the church Tho entertainment given at tho Cong regational church last ovouing was woll attended notwithstanding tho uupro pitious weather which prevailed at tho time About 20 was realized Tho readings of Miss Esther Masou wero of nn uuusuall meritorious ordor being given with a freedom and uaturaluess of manner which demonstrated marked power as an impersonator Miss Ma- sous friends havo a right to feol proud of her ability and can well bo sauguiuo of her success iu the future All tho other parts wero well executed and tho ovoniug proyed a vory delightful ouo to all who wero proseut At tho oloso of the entertainment tho ladies of the so ciety served refreshmouts to all thoso who had so kiudly assisted them to make the ovoniug a success This afternoon the different commit tees appointed by Mntthewsou post G A H visitod tho publio schools and tho exercises held iu the various depart monts wero of a patriotio character Tho cbildreu suug the national hymuB gave reoitations and readings while the veterans told them in language oloquout and pathetic something of thoir struggles and trials iu those years when they marched weary miles nud fought like heroes long nud well iu order that tho uuiou might bo preserved References were f requeut totho younger generation THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 1 1890 as woll of heroes who at Santiago Ma nila and olsowhoro during tho past year havo demonstrated tholr lovo for tho Hag Tho children wero onthuslnstio over their ternaries and showed tholr ap preciation by frcquont outbursts of up pluuse Tub Nkws received its information yostorday concerning tho issuanco of warrants for tho arrest of sovon young mon iu connection with tho scandal which has been agitating tho public mind for sonio time from Fred II Froo tho attornoy who caused tho issuanco of tho warrants and who certainly was in position to know tho facts The names of tho parties Implicated was printed just as Mr Freo gavo them This morn ing Mr Free states that no warrant has been issued for tho arrest of Paul Karo In thulatost phnso of tho aflair Tin Nnws of course rogrots oxtroinely that tho nanio of Mr Karo was connected with it in tho report published yester day Hut it Mill docs not see how it could havo obtained more reliable infor mation than from tho attornoy who filed the information in tho caso nud who un questionably know tho nnmes of all tho defendants As to why Mr Froo gavo tho nanio of Mr Karo with tho others for publication ho only Is in position to oxplaiu Nebraska weather said a resldout of Norfolk who has lived hero moro than M years has a way of boiug very persistant It is characteristic of this olitnato todlsplay n great deal of energy in u given direction on tho principal I suppose of whats worth doing at nil is worth doing woll When wo havo a cold season it continues for a long while with scarcoly any lot up but kcops pog glng away until north winds beconio so familiar that it is hard to realize that thero is nny othor point of tho compass In tho sumo way whou it is dry and windy is it has beou somo seasons it has seomed as if inoiMuro was unknown hero but when tho blessed rain comes tho samo law holds truo With the wannor weather oioh day those freauout rains aro grand for tho country nud practically insure immenso crops On tho whole said he as bo partod coni pauy from Tun Nrws representative I think tho man who mnkes his homo in this section is a most fortunate man Tboro is soldom a fuiluro of crops uud tho climate is much moro congenial uud healthy than it is cither furtbor east or south Tho truth of his remarks is being veriflod overy day by tho incom ing homo seekers from thoso sections who aro dolightod with tho Nebraska prairies their wonderful fertility and tho genial spirit of tho people Tho tide of prosperity which is so undeniably swooping over tho couutry nowhero is making moro changes for the hotter tbau in northeastern Nebraska Norfolk is bound to sharo in this onward march of progress and development on a much Inrgor sense than its people nro nworo Tho man locnted hero oither on tbo farm or in busiuess is most happily situated Tho mau who isnt will bo wise to in vestigate tbo possibilities and prospects of this section Stand up for Norfolk aud Nebraska 1 Admiral Dewcjs Ilouto Admiral Dewoy has covered 800 milos of his journey homoward Whou tho Olympia has had nocessary repairs made at Hong Kong which will require about two weeks timo it will turn its prow southeastward and go dowu to Singapore on the equator a little jaunt of 1700 miles Around the Malay peninsula and up to Penang is -150 miles then comes n sploudid voyage of 1800 miles across the Indian ocean to Colombo and a longer one yet of some 2500 miles more to Aden this on the assumption that tho admiral will take tho shortest routo to the Suez From Aden through tho Rod Sea and canal to Port Said will add some 1500 milos more to his log Through tbo Mediterranean with per haps a stop for fireworks at Maltn will add say 2000 milos more to Gibraltar aud to Now York 1000 moro an iusido total of lr0 miles to got tho hero home Omaha Heo Teuchorit IiiNtllute Tho Madison County Teachers Insti tute will bo held ut Norfolk June 0 at S oclock a mf to Juno 17 nt 1 oclock p iu All persous desiring to teach in this county tho coming year must bo in nt toudnuco g tTho 9th nud 10th will be devoted to tho regular teachers examiuatiou I de sire that nil teachors whoso certificates expire tho coming year make mouts for their renewal at this time All grades nbove 81 will bo renewed if attended to at this timo AU applicants for examiuatiou at later dates will coufer a favor on this otllco by appearing tho third Friday and Saturday of July October January nud April aud not at othor times Remember these dates It will pay youug persous who may oxpect to teaoh within a few years to attend the iustitute nud get an insight into tho work nud to take tho examina tion which will enable them to discover their weak points and strengthen them Teachers will do well to urge all ad vanced pupils to tako advantage of this opportunity Patrons of tho schools are cordially in vited to attend as much of the institute as possible nud particularly tbo lecture to bo delivered by Ed Amherst Ott tho ovoniug of June 10 Mr Ott is ouo of the strongest popular lecturers on the pluttonn O W Crum Couuty Superintendent SATURDAY SIFTINQS It rained last night Geo L Damon of Way no was in tho city Charles Hlco wont to Omaha this morning E O Stephens loft for Colorado Springs yostorday Goo Harry of Uattlo Creek was iu town this morning Hobort Foytou tho Crelghtou baukcr was hi town todny D O Giflcrt of Wost Point spent tho uiorning in Norfolk Dr P II Salter was called to Meadow Grovo this morning Miss Etnmn Sohroodor of Hoskins was in tho city yostorday Mrs P Stafford visited Creightou bo tweoii trains yoBtordny Hov O W Hrlnstnd of Fremont was tho guest of Pnstor Eaton yesterdny T M Hull and wifo woro at Hnttlo Creole whero thoy enjoyed u days fish ing Misses Edun and KatoStafford woro passengers for Omnha on tho early morning train It is warm and sultry ngain today with tho prospects good for moro heavy showers tonight During last nights storm lightning struck nud killed three cows belonging to Carl Schwichtonberg Mrs A Tealo who has beou visiting iu the south part of tho state roturued homo yesterday O W Landers aud family of Gouoa aro visitiug at P F Bolls home Thoy arrived hist oveuiug Mrs Atlco Hart of Dakota City who lias been visiting Mrs I Powers re turned homo this noon Father McNumnra wont to Bloomfleld today to supply tho placo of Father Fitzgerald for a short timo William Wurneko loft last night for Hot Springs S D whero ho will seek relief from rheumatic trouble Mrs George Davenport returned homo from Sioux City yesterday after a two wooks yisit with her sou Will Miss Leua Stewart left for Omaha this morning to join her aunt Mrs Graham whom sho will nccompauy to Priucotou Iud tho first of tho week Conductor Wm Cooloy C M Forney nud Sam L Gardner boarded tho wost bouud passonger last ovoniug for Atkin son whero thoy will speud n few days fishing Cards aro out announcing tbo innr riage of Ed OKeere and Miss Kate Caroy which will take place at the Catholic church in this city on Wednes day June 7 Father Walsh goes to Chadron and other western points tomorrow accom panying Bishop Scauuoll whom ho will assist in conducting a mission During his ubsonso Father Wall of Omaha will havo charge of tho Catholic church hero Dr A Bear accompanied by his daughter Robinetto left this morning for Richmond Vu the doctors former home Ho went ns a delegate to tho an nual national convention of railway sur geons which convenes iu that city June 1st Stanton Register Special agent Ed Gerecko ofJthe Norfolk beet sugar fac tory reports that the beets in Stanton county ore growing nicely and every field has a good stand Tho prospects aro excellent if tho warm weather con tinues The healthfulness of Norfolk and vicinity is attested by the fact that dur ing the last 40 days only one death has been reported When it is realized that this takes in n surrounding territory of 10 miles nnd a population of not less than 15000 people the statement gains strength Tho advance agont of tho Alba Hey ward Co the celebrated comedian was iu tho city yesterdny aud mado arrange ments for that company to play hero June 10 Tbo high character of the company is recognized by tho sale of moro than 100 tickets the same after noon Tbo outlook for a celebration of the Glorious Fourth is not brilliant Tho Are department started out to collect a suitnblo fund but met with 6uch a frost nt tho hnnds of tho business men that thoy have given up thoir project It is not now likely that Norfolk will cele brate this year The editor of tho Culbertson Era has this to Fay of his town but as far as we know now Norfolk cnu lay claim to tho same kiudof greatuess Culbertson is a remarkable town in moro ways thnu ouo Her latest claim to greatness lies iu the fact that she has no people who claim that their fathers were school mates of Admiral Dewoy Stanton Register A Stanton county farmer who is planting potatoes and onions iu alternate rows is certainly up to date in taking percaution against drouth Ho reasons that the onions will be strong enough to bring tears from tho eyes of tho potatoes in sufficient quan tities to furnish all the moisture neces sary to keep tho vegetables growiug The opera house is coming on finely It will be ready for occupancy Moudny nnd all who have not secured reserved sats for Othello should do so at ouco Mr Durlnnd is sparing no pains to give Norfolk a first class pleasure hall where its people can be comfortably housed 3LJK4 NS U TO CLEAN CARPETS If you have a carpet that looks dingy and you wish to restore it to its original freshness make a stiff lather of Ivory Soap and warm water and scrub it width by width with the lather Wipe with a clean damp sponge Do not apply more water than necessary The vegetable oils of which Ivory Soap is made nnd its purity fit it for many special uses for which other soaps are unsafe and unsatisfactory COPYRIGHT I09Q DY THE PROCTER CAM0LE CO CINCINNATI and whore thero will bo sufficeut room to induco good companies to include Norfolk iu their list of towns Hov G H Main will preach the memorial sermon at Oakdalo tomorrow In bis absence Hev D Marquette form erly presiding elder of this district will fill the pulpit at the Methodist church tomorrow morning The Kpwoith League will bold regular nieutiiu nt 7 oclock p in Thor will bo no preach ing service in the eveniu on account of tho uuion meeting at the Congregational church Mr Parker will preach tomorrow moruing in the First Congregational church ou The Unique Grcitucss of xVncient Israd or God in Natural Life Iu the evening he will deliver tho nddress to the graduates of the High school Tho Episcopal Methodist Bap tist aud the Second Congregational churches will nil unite in the services aud the pastors will take part The public is cordially invited Service nt 8 oclock The Mathewson Post with the Womens Relief Corps will attend ser vice tomorrow moruing iu the Secoud Congregational church While it met in Railway hall this church did not feel like inviting tho post to meet with it but now that it is has a neat home of its own the church has invited it and the invitation has been accepted Thus Memorial day services and Decoration day exercises rightly conceived aud wise ly conducted do much to promote aud strengthen tho fruit of patriotism in all As there will be no Fourth of July cele bration here this year let us do as much as possible to make Memorial and Decoration day successful The Eubject of the discourse in the Second Congre gational church tomorrow morning will be The Causes Cost and Value of the American Civil War In the evening the church will suspend its services that its people may attend the baccalaureate Bormon in the First Congregational church lroiiosiita for Graveling Jtmirt IJimI Sealed bids will bo received by tho board of county commistiouers of Madi son county Nebraska atjthe office of the county clerk of said couuty nt any tin o bofore July 11 IS nt 12 oclock in for tho hauling and spreading of gravel on road two miles north of Meadow Grovo Tho quantity of gravel required is ap proximated at 1000 yards nud will be furnished by tho county distnuco to haul oue half to three fourth of one mile and bidder must state price for hauling per cubio yard Bidders are required to accompany their bids with a certified check of 25 to bo forfeited if contractor fails to make contract and filo a bond within ten 10 days from date of letting Tho county board reserves the right to reject any nud all bids Dated this 215th day of May 1899 E G Heilmak County Clerk KIDNEY sa deceptive disease ttismtdi e thousands have it IKUUtSLb nud dont know it If you want quick results you can make no mistake by using Dr Kilmers Swamp Root tho great kidney remedy At druggists iu 50 cent and 1 sizes Sample bottle by mail free also pamph let telling you how to find out if you have kidney trouble Address Dr Kilmer Co Bingham ton N Y H J Nowman ladies tailor 010 013 Paxton Block Omaha Neb 15 years combined Europenu and American ex perience Samples of goods aud prices for tailor made suits and gowns made to order only submitted ou application Special feature the non repetitiou of any stylo when so desired au established rule MONDAY MENTION Rev Wm McKiui left for Niobrara today Dick Richards of Sioux City was iu the city yesterday Carl T Seeley aud his sou Ben wero iu the city today Chits Schultz qf Wakefield is visitiug tbo ALltnaim boys Judge M F Kiucaid ol ONeill ar rived in town this noon Miss Nt lite Sehweuk leturned from Stanrcu lnet cvniug County Olerk E G Kfilman wns a SuHiiystur from Mudivm Dr W H Deering of Lincoln wns greeting old friends in tho ciiy today Geo L lies went to Madison nud T J Morrow to Humphrey this morning Charles Carter went to Hartiugtou to day He will remain there working as a barber C A Fuller Chas Rice and E P Weatherby returned from Omaha yes terday A big bouncing boy arrived this nf ter noon at tho home of Mr and Mrs Frank Hirsch Bob Scott of the Battle Creek Enter prise was in town today on his way to Creighton Mrs H L Waruer leaves for Jersey ville 111 tomorrow morning on a visit to her 6on Aug Roettler and wife of Stauton visited at the homo of Rev G Streicher yesterday Rev H Piepper of Stauton occupied the pulpit of the Germau Evangelical church last evening Mrs Mary L Stanton has opened up dress making rooms over Miss Ware hams millinery store and solicits the patronage of those in need of such work S Saunders and wife P F Murray M M Patton J B Frynnie W D Funk J M Kiugeny C D Jewel and M R Ellis make up a Bloomfleld party here today The Madison Couuty Reporter will be removed to Newman Grove this week nud will bo under the direct personal management of J B Donovan of tho Madison Star An Indian girl was brought to the asylum this moniiug from Thurston couuty She was quite violently insane caused by grief over the suddeu death of her father and mother Cougressmau Mercer has received ns surances from tho treasury dopartmeut that tbo inspector will visit Norfolk about the middlo of Juno aud look over 44 Example is Better Than Precept It is not what ive say but iuhat Hoods Sarsaparilla does that tells the story Thousands of testimonials are examples of iuhat Hoods has done for others and what it will do for you Scrofula Running scrofula sores made nie shunned by neighbors Medical treatment failed A relative urged me to try Hoods Sarsaparilla Did so and In few months the sores completely healed Mas J M IUtcu Etna N H Inflammatory Rheumatism -Two attacks of the grip left mo with Inflamma tory rheumatism Am 89 years old but Hoods Sarsaparilla cured me and I can climb stairs und wallt anywhere JLove land 373 Fargo Ave Buffalo N Y 3bedSt TUaftmiiui Ji WJityMln UdBrTt Piltt cure lher llli the mii Irritating and only cathartic to take with HooJ banapirllla n -4 i