The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 01, 1899, Image 1

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MagC3SsiMCMgu6jft MairjiMfrarB
Ready to Wear
Suits and
Iowa Nebraska and South Da
kota Swept by Storms
Worst Destruction Appear to Have Ueen
Wrought Near JMIneola Llttlo Girl
Killed uud Others of Itohrburi Family
Injuroil Three Small TwUtora Sweep
Over the Country Near Pouca Neb
i Sioux City Juno 1 Sioux City was
in tho center of five tornadoes Tuesday
uight which did much damage in Iowa
South Dakota aud Nobraska Ono
btorm struck near Kiugsloy la a soo
ond near Jefferson S D and threo
ucross tho Missouri river into Nobraska
No livos are reported lost
A tornado formed about three milos
southwest of Kiugsloy la and moved
north about ono mile where it struck
aud demolished tho largo barn uud out
buildings ou tho Williams Adams farm
west of town From this placo it moved
north to tho farm owned by W A
Stovons whoro it literally demolished
avery building on tho placo A family
namod Johnson who lived at this place
was saved by going into tho cave From
this placo it continued its course north
to tho farm of B J Kellner whoro it
demolished tho buildings after which
the wreck took firo and was destroyed
Next tho storm struck tho Balska placo
and took everything excopt tho houso
Soino stock was killed
In South Dakota tho damage was all
confined to tho farms No loss of life
is boliovod to have occurrod Fortu
nately tho tornado which swopt through
u thickly settled country did not hit
many farmhouses although it passod
very closo to two score of them thoir
escapo from destruction eeomiug almost
miraculous Passing to the north of
town tho cloud struck tho flue farm
house of Joseph Ynrtos and scattered
his furnituro in all directions Tho res
idence of E Borohard was blown into
thousands of piocos and littlo romaius
buitho foundation Berchard saw tho
etorm coming and wont into tho collar
with his wife and child All escaped
injury excopt Mr Berchard who was
bruised about tho head
There woro three twisters in north
eastorn Nebraska Tuesday night Tho
Btorm that passod botwoeu Pouca and
Newcastlo followed along tho grouud
for Eovoral miles before it broke up
Johu Wilbur lost everything but his
houso Charles Murfins house and
barn were wreclcpd Samuel Greens
We have a low High Class Tailor made La
dies Jacket Suits thatWe are making VERY
A nico Black Silk Skirt full Sweep Tu
nic stylo worth 1100 now 3C0
A nice Black Silk Skirt full sweep Tu
nic style worth 075 now 703
A nice Black Silk Skirt full swoop Tu
nic style worth 000 now 0 70
A nice Black Siciliau Skirt full swoop
Tuuio stylo worth 075 now SftO
A niro Black Wool Habec Cloth Skirt
Tunc style worth GftO nov 415
A met jvck Sinw feltir lull fwocjw j
Tnuic stylo worth 150 now oftO
Black Storm Serge Skirt Tunic style worth 175 now JJ15
Kavy and Black Storm Sergo Skirt Tu
nic stylo worth 200 now 170
Crash Blazer Suits worth 225 now 200
Whito Duck Blazer Suits worth 225 now 200
Duck Skirts tailored seams only llo
White Duck Skirts only 110
Crash Trimmed Skirts only IS
barn was destroyed aud Juke Dennis
lost both his houso aud barn James
Cones houso was totally destroyed
George Walbecks baru was blown
away A second storm destroyed a
great deal of property near Martinsburg
and killed considerable livo stock A
third wrecked a school houso at Plain
view and did other damago
Girl Killed and Others Injured
Malvekx la Juno 1 A tornado
swept over tho uorthwost part of Mills
county Tuesday night doing consider
able damago to farm property Tho
house barn and outbuildings of John
Rohrburg a prominont farmer living
two miles north of Mineola were tot
ally destroyed his littlo girl about 11
years old was killod ouo of his boys
had a log broken and tho balanco of the
family woro more or loss seriously in
jured Tho barn and corn cribs of
Fred Hanson wcro destroyed and his
harness aad farm implomeuts scattered
ovor tho farm and sovoral of his cows
killed Michaol Gaspers barn aud
outbuildinas wero destroyed aud part
of his dwolling houso blown away All
tolegraph wires aro torn down for quito
a distauco and tho tolegraph polos and
cross arms aro broken to pieces and
scattered ovor tho adjoining fields
Fierce Storm at Duhufjua
Duiiuque Juno 1 A flerco oloctrio
aud rain storm swept this section yes
terday All crooks iu tho southern and
western portions of tho country aro out
of banks and several bridgos havo been
swept away At Balltownand Laitner
villo trees wero uprooted barns and
outbuildings blown down and sovoral
cattle killed Tho brick sohool house
at Nowwino was wrocked A sohool
houso aud blacksmith shop at Moral
were blown down but no one was in
Three Tornadoes at Work ut Ouce
UockiOrt Mo Juno 1 Threo tor
nadoes swept through differont parts of
tho country yosterday Ouo child was
killod and several persous wero injured
so badly that they cannot live Sub
stantial and commodious buildings were
smashod and orchard aud forest trees
wero uprooted Tho scones of devasta
tion are miles apart
Claims Her tlushauds Itody
Wateuloo la June 1 The body
of Edwin J Barker tho last of tho vic
tims of tho wreck was sout away yos
terday Mrs Barkor and her mother
Mrs J F Swiugley arrived from the
south aud accompanied the body Ida
Shadville who claimed Barker was to
have been married to her last Mouday
iu Minneapolis hus left the city
Only 25 Cents
10 in Fancy Corded Tatleta waist
lengths worth 120 now
10 in Fancy Corded Tuffoln worth
SOc now
10 in Plain Taffeta waist lengths
worth 100 now
10 inch Plaid Taffeta waist
lengths worth 1 25 now
10 in Plain Taffeta waist lengths
worth J0e now
10 in Fancy Taffeta worth 5ic
i 19 in Figured was 2k
1 i9c
Transmississippi Commercial
Congress Opens In Wichita
tar go Attendance at the Convention In
Assured Session Formally Opened
hy Addresses of Welcome Fellows of
Tonoka and Patterson or Denver Load
ing Candidates for President
Wichita Kan Juno 1 Tho 10th
annual session of the Transmississippi
commercial congress oponcd here yester
day morning with 300 delegatos in at
tendance Two hundred moro aro ex
ported today Every stato and territory
west of tho Mississippi with tho excep
tion of Washington Nevada aud Idaho
is roprosontod Govornor Murphy
heads tho delegation from Arizona
Govornor Barnes from Oklahoma Gov
ernor Stanloy from Kansas ox-Governor
Princo from Now Moxico aud ox
Governor Fishback from Arkausas
Govornor Jones of Arkansas aud ex
Governor Francis from Missouri with
additional dologatos aro oxpoctod this
afternoon Hon Hugh Craig of San
Francisco president of tho congress
failed to como and Vico President
Prince of Now Moxico called tho con
gress to order Governor Stanloy of
Kansas delivered tho address of wel
come Ho said that Kansas contributed
more in a primary way to tho wealth
and prosperity of tho nation than any
other stato iu tho union and that this
stato was glad to wolcomo representa
tives of tho richest and busiest section
in tho world
Tho first address of tho sossiou was
made by Professor Morrow of the Okla
homa Agricultural collogo ou tho In
troduction of Corn In Europo as a Food
Product Francis B Thurbor of Now
York city chairman of tho Amoricau
Exporters association spoko ou Wider
Markets and How to Got Them Ex
Congressman W B Slosson of Texas
spoko on Kansas and Doop Water
Ports ou tho Gulf Frod W Bontley
of Wichita spoko ou Equitable Freight
Rates At the evening session Hon
George H Maxwell of San Francisco
representing tho National Irrigation
congress spoke on tho creatiou of an
inland empire He urged the polioy for
tho reclamation and settlement of the
arid region that is boiug advocated by
tho National Irrigation congress which
is that the federal government should
give to tho west its 6haro of tho rivor
and harbor appropriations for building
Laces and
On all our Embroid
eries and Laces
rrzttia aTrrrrrKsmcBtasnxxzxTnnmx
Kid Gloves
gnat storage reservoirs to save tho
waters winch in tlood times now go
down in groat volumes carrying de
struction with them and that titlo to
tho public lands should bo coded to in
dividual settlers only and not coded to
states also that tho grazing lands of
tho west should bo leased by tho states
at a low rato and tho proceods used for
constructing irrigation canals
A resolution from Lowis of Wyoming
condemned Edward Atkinson for his
pamphlet against war in tho Philip
pines and asked tho national congress
to oncourago tho exportation of nogroos
to the Philippines
A lively light is on between tho irri
gatiouists ou tho question of building
reservoirs for tho arid districts One
faction led by Governor Murphy wants
cession to tho states and stato reser
voirs Opposed to this is a faction fa
voring tho storaco of water by govern
ment reservoirs
Hot SpringB Ark Cripplo Creek
Col and Houston Tex are uftor tho
next congress O A Follows of To
peka and Thomas Patterson of Denver
arc candidates for president
Frelijlit Handlers Again on Btrllii
BurrAhO Juno 1 With tho excep
tion of a low men at tho Central freight
houso all the freight handlers ou tho
docks wont ou striko again at 0 oclock
1 ist night It was announced that if
thoir grievances aro not sottled today
tho grain shovolers will quit in sym
pathy with thorn Tho trouble started
early in the day at tho Ijchigh Valley
freight house whoro tho men claim
that a boss ordored them to tuko tho
larger loads on trucks The mon ro
fused to do so claiming that an agree
ment existed by virtuo of which they
wero to carry a certain vload mid thoy
would carry no moro Tho leaders of
tho freight haudlors wero at once sum
moned to tho dock but all efforts to
settlo the trouble wero unavailing and
tho men quit
Civil Service Iteforiners Itai at Iresldeut
Baltimore Juuo L Tho Civil Sorv
ico Reform association of Maryland
yesterday adopted resolutions regret
ting President McKmleys backward
stop iu promulgating tho rocent order
modifying tho civil service rules dot-hiring
tho order inconsistent with tho
principles of good government and
with tho repeated declarations of Mr
McKiuloy himself Tho association
tukes pleasuro in contratiug with those
discouraging aud discreditable failures
in duty ou part of oxecutlvo and legis
lative ollicers tho rocent gratifying pro
gress made by the roform in tho state
of New York under the inspiration of
Governor Roosevelt
The Norfolk Weebxy New
wssssssanftv TSSSsassMBra rnKKixjnatK SJ35lJ5b
r v m v cjr v V4 h n Stv m u o
jzd i nujhi 1 1 i of
20 doz Ladies Heriusdorf Bluek lloso ouly 2lo
JO doz Ladies Black 1 loo only lot
If doz Ladies Black Soainloss Hose Wo
10 doz Indies Black Soninloss 1 lose 0o
10 doz Childs llouvv Ribbed Blk Seamless lloso sizo ft to I 10c
SO doz Childs Heavv Ribbed 1311c Seamless Hose sizo ft toll 0V
10 doz Mens Bluo and Whito Ribbed Top Heavy Socks nV
10 doz Mens llernisdorf Mack Socks only lki
White Goods
JlS lu Extra Heavy Wolt Cord Piquo -10 quality for 32
27 inch Vory Fine Colored Wolt Cord
Piquo To quality for 59
28 iueh Figurod Welt Cord Piquo 2f qunlity for 19
7 inch Plain Cord Piquo 1ft quality for 09
27 inch Figured Organdy Desirable
for cool drosses and waists 12i quality 07 s
June Bargains
Window Shades
20 Dozen
6 ibet
rtncTrnrrT fmi m miATcc3tiiacaituriMUiJHte8irr
Dsaess Goods
inch Mlach Sii thuu il Jilipialilv for
in tm li Blaok Hirllinu tin quality for
lll ilioh Klnolt Sioiliall Jo iiimIiI lor
in Ill li all Wiol ionium llonriolla I till una III v
ni iiiiii iiiiii i nun fsuran ni rge
50 inili Mlni k lint Mnah Surnn
h inoh Black Bluhlicr rciioii
lU inch Hlacli HIuMmt 1ivoii
is inch Venetian in KiviicIi Mlm
Tan frccn and irnv
Union I ml lie Team Up Trw It nl Onialnt
Itildge mid Terminal Cniiiuiiy
Omaha Juno 1 Tho Union Pacific
Railroad company has declared war on
tho Oniiilm Bridge and Terminal com
pany At 8 oclock last night tho
Union Pacific sot a force of 100 mon at
work touring upon tho single track of
tho Terminal company extending two
blocks from Cuming to Webster streots
As fast as tho material is takou up it in
loaded onto fiatcars and hauled onto
Union Pacifio proporty A now track
is thon laid on tho samo placo that was
occupied by tho Terminal companys
tracks and heavy Union Pacific engines
run on to hold it down This action it
is said is being taken by tho Union
Pacifio company becauso it claims tho
Terminal company has not paid tho
Union Pacific tho sum of 2t000 which
tho latter asserts was promisod either
as a purchase prico for tho proporty or
as a rental Tho work of tearing up
and roplaeing tho track was all com
pleted at a30 this morning except mak
ing connection with tho Union Pacifio
main track If tho Union Pacific sue
ceeds in blocking tho Terminal perma
nently tho Illinois Central will bo com
polled to enter Omaha over tho Union
Pacifio bridge
Corn AerriiKit Increased
CiiiCAOO Juno L Tho Corn Bolt in
its monthly summary of tho crop situa
tion for tho month of May says In
Nobraska tho corn aereago is increased
Ll per cent owing to killed wheat being
plowed up and put iu corn In Iowa
tho acreage is about tho samo as lact
year iu Kansas an incroaso of 20 per
cent and in Missouri an increase of 17
per cent
Price uud Moss Have u Tilt
New Yohk Juue 1 Tho sensation
iu the testimony heard by tho Mazot
commltteo yesterday camo just before
the adjournment in uu angry contro
versy between Polico Captain Prico aud
Counsel Moss the former having gono
on tho stand boiling with wrath over
his treatment by Mr Mosh at previous
sessions The remuinder of tho day
was takou up with an investigation of
I ooiiiinlih lot
si quality for
J ioiuiiiiv for
I iO iiiallly for
Miiiiallty for
iis iu Novelty Dn ss 1 attorn luiglilH I no iiiality for
475 now
1 115 now
I 50 now
1 15 now
loo now
I 15 now
HO now
10 now
15 now
115 now
I do mc 1SI Sumincr CoisotH only
ti do Sununor torsels nimlc to soil at i0c now oulv
June Bargains
wniytisUiiuwLicaatiisimjii3rjaiMiijaTjrjuarm3anaBo nimiumirii
7 incli llloachod Doulilc Silin DamaKk woilh
iiUn llloaoliod Doulilo Satin nauinsk worth
r incli llluaolicd Duuliln Sitiu Diiuiask worth
rJ inch Mloachod Doulilo Sitin Daina I worth
7 iiicli Mlcnchcd liililc Satin Dunask worth
T iiiili Itoitiii Donhlc Satin DamaKk wotlh
lis iiich Cream Double Dauuk woitli
Ir incli Cicain Douhlo DauiiiHl worth
ill inch Cream Dnnlilit Dimai k woitli
5i inch Mloachod Union Damask worth
I a
We Offer Sonic Very Fine Bar
gains in This Line
H pr Ladies IM no Mlack Vici Kid Liwo
Slioes Latest too and hool DiVK worth l00 lor - I
is lr Ladies liuo Mlack Vici Kid Laco
Shoes- Liittst too and liool J IkVJiK worth i 50 for VOn
50 pr Ladies Fine Black Vici Kid Lace
Snoes Latect too and hoi 1 1 FAKIO Wfrlh J5 for 1 0s
I pr Lvlios Medium Tan Laco Shoes
Liest toe and heel I and K worth i5 for i
kilpr Ladies Chocolate Laco Shoes
tes4 heel and toe--1 and K worth 5n for 5
is pr Ladies I Uk Kid Lico SIiooh woit h 150 for 1 Ji
IS pr Lidies Mliiek Ovlords DiVK worth 150 for 1
1 ir Ladies Black Kfords K worth I S for 100
statements concerning alleged abuses at
the Tombs prison concert hall license
and whether certain individuals had at
tempted to buy their way into and se
cure positions on tho polico force
Only One Hid for Armor Pinto
Washinotok Juno 1 Burustino
Brothers of San Francisco wero tho
only bidders yesterday uudor proposals
inviting steel works to furnish 2 1000
ions of armor for our now navy Their
bid was impossible of acceptance thoir
prico being abovo tho congressional
limit Tho two concerns which have
furnished armor iu tho past tho Carne
gie and Bethlehem companies declined
to bid
Hlaln hy Ills Son
POIlAll BlUrT Mo IllUO 1
nmtion reached hero last evening from
Ten Milo to the effect that Robert Robb
u prosperous farmer was shot and killed
by his 18-year-old son Goorgo Tho
sou who went into hiding uunouueed
ho had committed tho crimo to shield
his mother trom his fathers abuso
Full Itacus at Iiiliiiciin
Dliiqle la Juno 1 President
Hancock of tho Nutwood Driving club
officially announces that tho fall races
will take placo us advertised Tho total
guaranteed purses amount to 00000
Total entries aro lioU forfivo davs mcimr
and lator closing events aro oxpooled to
maice six days
Aixenul Milker Kelurn to Work
DaveniOUt Juno 1 Sixty striking
machinists returned to work at tho
Rock Island arsonal this morning
Eighty other strikers tiro left without
work owing to tlioir places beiuu filled
duriug tho striko
Opposed to Funerals ou Situday
Des Moines Juno 1 The Funeral
Directors association of Iowa met in
annual convention here yesterday with
200 mombers present Tho association
decided to go on record as opposod to
funerals on Sunday ou tho theory that
thoy aro entitled to ono days rest in the
week as well as anyono Disinfect
ants was tho priucipal subject of the
first days discussion
AV4 Baking
r mfMA
lr Powder
isowtax Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome