U 8 y i Graceful lasy nnd LoriR WcnrlnR Ttin IAMOUS Olga Ncthcrsolc 250 Shoe TOR WOMEN PnMoiitie llw merit of potfnrl llo fll comfort nnd iltirnblllty No tircnkltiir In ticconry to conform lo tlio linos of tlm foot Holo very llokltiloi Cliromn Kid Block that Is soft ns n glint- jot wears llko iron Kxcols imy 3Wlioo for wonr nnd comfort w inn JlhMtninKlil wllli tin nflhn RAtnn tnodlnm Welch Role tMiliPwiUlHirKilvir liolf ilollur low heel jiml golf pattern nu will find tliln uli io ii miuliliinllnii of strlo nml comfort nnnufactiirnl by The Hock Inland Shoe Co Kock Island III nnd sold rtcltmlt cly In this city by F A HUSTON Norfolk National tnemu see 5 aC Snsimil Application for Ii ukkIi Im Liquor IIciinc Matter of application of Geo U Ohristoph for a liquor license Notico is hereby given that Geo H Ohristoph did ou tho 17th day of May ISJl lllo his application to the mayor iwid city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors for medicinal mechanical aud chemical purposes at Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st dav of May lbOJ to tho ilOthday of April 1000 At No ill 4 Norfolk avouuo lu llrsi ward of said city It there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 17th day of May 18W tho said license will bo granted seal J O SriTT City Clerk No lee of Chattel Mortgage Sale Notiu is hereby Kion that by virtu of chat tel morttftge dated July iti 1MH and duly Mod iu tho otlica of county clerk of Madison county Nebrjbkaon tho ltd day of Atiirust ISM oxo cutnd by V II OtU anil M HOtU to th Mlnno npullrt Thrombin Machlno company an incorpo rated cumpauy of Minneapolis Minnesota to bocttro tlm aum of ono thouxand 11000 and upon wtiioli thorn in now duo thu gum of ono thouMiud nitty dollars tlOOO default hivimj been made in the payment of said aum and no i nit or other pruccotltngti at law hav iUK been liistituUht to recover said debt or unj jitrt thereof therefore tho wild Mlnno apoiig Threshing Machine company wllUell the proerty therein described u One Uutwll ttrBijibt line traction oukIiio 10 homo power ami one J I Caa automiticiitacVur with trucks t tucker rake and holla complete at public nnction on the lota of tho fremout Klkhorn X Misourl Vallpylt li iu tho village of New iniiti irovo Uatlisou comity Nebrnika rni tho th day of May IfctfJ at loo hour of 3 oclock a in 01 i 4iu uy Iatd MavS im The Minnttapoi pony mortgat Jhnwblns Machine cont HyOHUcr LiWTocf StatAcout mfi 7 JmWk if P N A KAINIIOIjT Promdent AIjKXANDKK IIAIt Vlco lroelilan W HHUOIIOLV Cashier KWZUTZ Assistant Uaslilor Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Htiys and RcIIh ICxoluttiKC Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Drafts unil Monoy Orders Rolrton any Point tn Europo A Ocnoral StommOilp and Foreign Passage Huslness Transacted DIKHOTOES A IIKAlf K 1 IIANIiON PJ IIALK W 11 NA KiMNIIOliT J01INH I1AYH P VEHHKH I1U0UPIZ WM ZOTfc 6 B COTTON BRAASCH REES DEALERS IN Gjr G3 TL JLI 2 CO Exclusive agents lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal tho best In the market beranton Hard Coal In all sixes TELEPHONE 11 S FUESLER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand Order of Hoiirlnir on Petition for Appoint ment of Administrator Statu of KobriiHkii Mailimm county hs At u county nonrt hnlil lit tlm county court room in anil for mild county May R A D 18lJ PrtMjnt Wm Hatiw county In tlm mnttiir of tlm oHtntn of Juno LnFnrKi ilpconncil On rondliiR nnil UIiir tho iiutition of loorun W IiiKarKontnl MHry Itiuli prnjlim tluit ml iniiilhtrAion of said cwtnln miiy lio rfrauUnl to II HnziMi u nilmlulHtraliir Ordoriil tluit Mny2dli A I 1SW nt ono oclock p m is iishIkupiI for lniirlp Hiiiii peti tion slum nil iHirmmn iiitoroitod iu Hiiil mnttor miiy iippcnr nl n county court to lo lmlil tn iitnl tor miiil connty nml dhow must uliy t lit prnynr of iulitUmirnHlimilil not bo rnntoJ nml Unit uoticn of tlio iHindcmoy of Hiid putltiou nml tin liomiiiK tliortMif IiokIvoii to nil pcreoun iutor ontiul in wild mnttiir by phIiIIhIiIiii n copy of this oiilor in Tnx NouioiK Daily News a muv piipur printiMl iu Hitld oouuty for thrco huccoj vio wcikii prior to aiiid diiy of linnrini mkm Wm IUtch County JuiIko Notlio of Sulo U nil or Ulmttiil MnrtfnKB Notion is lioroby Kivon tint t by vlrtno of n clmttol mortgHKo latoil AiikUHt tn IS9S ami duly fllml in thtJolllco of county clerk of Madison county Nobrnaka on tlm dny of August iixicutd by II W OtU nml M II Otix to thn MiunciipollH Tlitvuliintr Mftrliinn cnmpanv nu iutorpomtoil company of MiuucipoUs Miuno otii oecciiro tlio piiymoat of tlm gum of two liundiid and tlilrty tollnrH ifiiO nml upon which thoro in now Jim tlm mini of fUS default hnvim bevu nmdn in tlm pavuumt of -aid huiu nnd no uit or otlmr iirvccolinwii nt law ImvitiR btoii iiiititutid to rncornr nnld dibt or any part tlnTcof thnroforo tlio Htiid MiunnaiioliiiTnroali iiik Muchinn coinpiiny will noil tho property tliorolnileHcrlbiyt viz Ono Columbian Victory operator with iJ inch ijlindor 41 inch roar numtxT 5050 with truckH undnr mi mo li foot t raw Htuckur oomploto with ah boltn partH and nil attuchnionH at public auction on tlm loU of tlm Kriiuont Klkboru unit MUsourl Valley H It in this villain of Nnwmau drove Madison county Nobraka ou the siitli day of May ltfttJ nt the hour of 8 oclock a m of Hiid day Dattnl May rt ltMl Tho MlnmupoliH Throshlnn Machino com piu mortKOKoo Ily O II MuIlistock ritato AKout Many Hours Quicker TO THIS VIA I H ft Wtcv I 1 PICTO B PACIFIC COAST Than by any other line The Overland Ulmltad Carries the Government Fast For time tables folders illustrated books and pamphlets descriptive of the territory traversed call on F V JUNEMAN Agent For Plumbing Stem Fitting Pumps Tanks Wind Mills And all repair work In this Hue call on W H RISH Satisfaction QnarantePd Flrtt door south of Dally New ofHee Money to Loan ON Real Estate fd B S Association NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vff or tod Manhood Cure Impotency Night Emlsslonsand wasting diseases all effects of self- fry abuse or excess and indis cretion A nervo tonic and blootl builder Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the flre of youth By mall 50c per box O boxes for 25U with a written guaran tee to euro or refund tho money benu tor circular Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO Clinton Jackson 8ts CHICAGO 114 For Balo by Foruoy Drug Co Norfolk TEE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 25 1899 Mall SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND I1VI V Hours In Pan KrnncUco viUI 5S Honm to Iortlaml FROM MISSOURI RIVER A Honnd Llvnr Mnkei it Well Man Aro you blllotu coustlpatod or troubled with jnuudico Rick headocho mA tasto in mouth foul breath contod tongno dynpopsla Indigestion hot dry skin pnin In bock nnd between tho Bhouldorfl chills and fovor fcto If you lmvo nny of thoBO Hyinptoins your liver is out of ordor nnd your blood is slowly bolng poisoned bocauso your Hvor doos not act promptly Uorbino will euro any disorder of tho liver stomach or bowols It has no equal as n llvei medlcino Prico 75 conta Freo trial bottlo at 0 M Foksbyb o jBl m t o aiix a Bean ths f I f Kind You Kara Always Bought If your child haa thin palo chooks uucortaiu appotlto aud uurostf ul sloop it has worms and curing with strong medlcino only makes conditions worso by Irritating its dellcato stomach Whitos Cream VcrmifuKO is mild but certain in offoct and is a superior toulo as woll as a positive worm destroyer 0 M Founey OABTORIA Bean the A Kind YM aM WafS Aro you lacking m strougth and ou orgy Aro you nervous dospondout irrltablo billions constipated and Konorallv run down in hoalth If so your liver is torpid and a fow doseB of Uorbino will euro you Herbiuo has no equal as a health restorer 0 M Foksky CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always fought Boars tho Signaturo of Brings Kollor to tho coiToo drinker CoiYco drinking is a habit that is universally indulged in aud almost as universally injurious Have you tried Grain 0 It is almost llko coHeo but tho ejects aro just tho opposite Colleo upsets tho stomach ruins tho digestion effects tho heart and disturbs tho whole uorvouB system Graiu 0 tones up tho stomach aids digestion and btrongtheus tho norvoB Thero is nothing but nourishment in Graiu O It cant bo otherwise 15 and 21 cents per paokago Stop that barking by tho use of Bal lards Uorohound Syrup It arrests the cough allays irritation of tho throat and relioves congestion of the lungs iu a day It Is safe and pleasant to take and never disappoints 25 and 50 cents O M Forney OASTORIA Bean tho v Jha Kin1 You Ha9 Always Bought Blgaaturo of y7 The News 300 department is com plete in ovory particular Tablers Buckoyo Pile Ointment gives instant relief It allays inflammation aud hoals It is urouiDt in its action aud positive iu its effect It is the kind that euros without pain or discomfort It is for piles only 50 cents Tubes 75 couts O M Forney Oue Fnre For tho round trip via tho Union Pa cific to San Francisco Cal for Nation al Baptist Societies Anniversaries May 25 1800 For dates on which tickets will bo sold limits and full information call ou F W Junemak Agent National Itaptlst Societies Aunlvorsarlm Portland Ore Juno 3 5 ISO One fare plus 2 for round trip via Union Pacific For dates on which tickets will be sold limits and full information call ou F W Junemak Agent Grippe Cured Last winter I had a bad cold and severe cough I was lame iu even joint ard muscle I was sick and felt as though I was coming down with typhoid fever It was no doubt a bad case of grippe Mr E P Budge gave me a bot tle of Brazilian Balm saying he was sure it would help me The reli was almost instantaneous It 1 stopped my cough aud took the t whh all the paius aud soreness oli my system 1 gave the balance of th 50 cent bottle to Mrs Bishop Wiley for her daughter It proved so beneficial she says she never intends to be without it Edwin Pitzjoues CiucinnatiOhio WFWWWWWW AkMtkkifeSaA Doem Your 0 nj Head Achof Aro your nerves weak Cant you sleep well rain In your pack tack energy Appetlto poor Digestion bad Boils or pimples Thesoaro but somo of tho results of constipation If tho contents of tho bowels ore not rcmoed from tho body each day as naturo Intended poison ous substances aro sure to be ab sorbed Into tho blood always causing suffering and frequently causing sovere disease There is a common sense core Ayers PILLS Ther dallv lnsnro an easv and Wl natural movement of tho bowels A rrlce S5o a box All druggist fl Ayofm Sarsaparlllm with tho pills will iiastenrecovery y Write the rtoctor iait hor vou are ufferlng Vou wilt rtctive Uio bell uiouicai nuTifa wiinuut tuit l IJUV1 Vt Airn iam cii aiiii w A A A A AT1 SMOTHERED IN A BADQER HOLE John Oannoni logi Uld Kot Ieirt lint UiiK Out tlm I tody Qrgkiry Ornter May 25 Yoster day John Gannon th 17yoar old son of Thomas Gannon residing near this town wont out into tho Hold about a quarter of a mllo from tho house to dig out a badgor that was supposed to bo lu his holo taking with him two largo dogs Aftor 0 oclock his two brothors wont after tho cows and passod uoar tho place where Gannon had goue to got tho badgor and saw tho dogs digging and scratching tho earth lloachlug tho spot thoy found tholr brothor lyiut on his faco dead IIo had eulargod tho holo and thou outorod it with his hoad aud part of his body whon tho earth caved lu and smothored him Ills faithful dogs did not loavo him but scratched tno uirt irom on ins ixxty auu noau nuu had it completely romovod when louuu by his brothors but Hfo was extinct Crop Damaged by Ilnll Kansas City May 25 Rain and hall did much damage to crops atid proporty iu central Kansas last night Iu Sa line county whoat and other crops for miles wero completely dostroyod by tho heavy hall many buildings woro dam aged and thousands of window lights wero broken Some cattlo aud many chickens and birds wero killed At Eldorado Newton Abilene and Porry moro or loss minor damago was sus tained Iu tho vicinity of Porry tho proportions of a cloudburst wero reached aud tho small streams over flowed tholr banks flooding farm prop erty Luke Stcuinor Utirn nt liar Illicit 13UrUAio May 25 Tho steamer Cuba of tho Buffalo anl Greou Bay freight lino was bady damaged by llro last uiuht while lying at tho foot of Main streot Sho was loaded with sugar salt aud othor package freight aud boforo tho flro could bo subdued it was necessary to pump tho hold full of water The boat now lies ou tho bot tom of the river Tho loss will reach 810000 Tho ilro was caused by tho breaking of a lantern Strike ii lloiimizn Sllvor Mine AniLENi Kan May 25 A letter from Durango Mex says that Fred L Morris socrotary of tho Missouri Valley Trust company of Kansas City aud H E Ellison of Abileue who have been prospecting for somo weeks iu tho mountains have struck a bouauza sil ver miuo that promises a fortune Thoy claim to havo 200000 in sight aud lmvo commenced work Serious Dock Strlko In Culm Havana May 25 Tho coutiuuanco of tho lightermens strike is causing sorious inconvenience to shipping Nino hundred lighter mou nro iuvolved in tho striko Thoy admit thoy have boon earning 00 per mouth and tho differ once between them aud their employer is small Thoy refused a proposal to submit the matter to arbitration Wednesdays lliiscbull Games NATIONAL LKAQUIt lMtHburs 0 llaltimorc 7 Chicago lhllauolphia 14 St Louis 1 Itoiton S Cleveland 0 Washington a Cincinnati 7 Nuw York 0 Louisville 0 Hrooklyn 5 WETEBN LEAQtJE Kan4a9 City 3 Detroit rt MinucnpolU 4 Buffalo 5 St Iaul 3 Coluinbin7 Milwaukee 3 Indlnuapolls 1 WKSTEllM ASSOCIATION Bloomlngton J Kock Island 5 Itockford 13 Ottumwa 1 Cedar Itopids 5 Dubuquo a WHEAT CLOSES AT THE TOP Lower Range oi Prices Is Followed by Itnlly In Closlne lloum CnioAOO May St Crop damage reports poured in today and wheat closed with a net gain of 1 cent otter an early decline ofc Corn closed hlghor and oats a shade lower Tor lost iiiSie lard 53Hc nd ribs Sc Closing prices Wubat July 75c Sopt 7W5c Cobn July 33JB3tHo Sept 31c OATS Iuly 23c Sept 2054c POHK July 1832 Sept Sa7 UiBS July 470172 Sepu 433ISi LABD July 1507 Sepu HiOiii Cash quotations No 2 red wheat 76J7oyc No a spring W3I2KC No 2 hard 7a71c No 2 corn 3Jirc533o No 2 oats 20H7c Chicago Live Stock Cnicino May 21 Cattle Kecjlpta 15500 there was a fairly active demand for cattle to day at tho reeent advance fancy grades sold at 55535115 choics steers 525550 mediums Jlsijl05 beef steers JISft3l55 stockers and feeders J100523 bulls JJ0031J0 cows and hclfors J370U5 western fed steers 1100 540 Texans Jl003500 calves J5003J0 Hogs ltecelpts 130000 the supply of hogs ex ceeded the demand nnd buyers sueceodod in forcing a decline of 2HiS5c fair to choice J3S7V4IOS heavy packers J355vS38S mixed j365a3iw butchers jajUsaorH iiBhts J305 3J5 IiRS 3iJ3 60 Sheep lteecipts 15000 there was the usual active demand for sheep and lambs at steady prices poor to prime sheep brought H75 4505 yearlings 5U0575 woolod Colorado lambs JiIt170J clipped lambs Jl 7530 5J chlolly B25 and upwards spring lamb J00iJOO per 101 lbs Kansas City Live Stock Kansas Citv May 21 Cattle UeceiptsB8M good dematid for all grades Jtrade very activo strong to loc higher heavy native steers 1500 5M medium steers JtflOSSOJ light weights J45oailM stockurs and feeders Jl00550 butcher cows and heifers J825S500j western steers ja85jly3 Toxans J400l55 Hogs Koceipts 1S70 tritlo slow stoat- to 5c lowor heavy J3703 SO mixed 1 455 375 lights J31535 pigs ja35350 bheep Kecetpts 21JdO fairly active demand for sheep lambs slower shipping lambs 725S00 wool lambs JOUXtUO clipped latnb JSDuujU clipped muttons 150v5b0 ilrt arrivals of Arizona graspers brought 53i stoctors and feeders 3J0W0 culls J2OOS350 South Omaha Live Stock South Omaha May 24 Cattle Itecelpts 8100 strong to 10c higher nativv beef steers 1125535 western steers fl00483 Texas steers ja75L75 cows and heifers J3So4G0 anaers J20g375 stockers and feeders J100 a 10 calvvsJi00d700 bulls stogsetct3JJ0yfl2J Hogs Itecelpts 100JO shade to So lower heavy J3G0370 mixed J3X033J32J4 llghtJ355 3d2i pigs Ji253 00 bulk of sales JiOi a02H Sheep Itecelpts 500 active stronger western muttons J475td5tJ3 stock ihsep J40J 3500 lambs J3SJoa Almanac of the Day Thursday Suu rises at 435 sets at 719 Moou sets at 484 a m Tho Weather Iowa Fuir Thursday and probably Friday southerly winds Nebraska aud the Dskotas Fair Thurs day probably showers and cooler Fri day southerly winds 1 1 l vvi u v y y y y i y ii ijl vij a cj lVWBJBr3rJVMKtt1TWlVrjQ Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought nnd which has been in uso for over 30 years has borne tho signaturo of nnd has been made under his sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no ono lO UCCCIVO JOU i mm All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes nro but Ex periments that trlflo with nnd endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Cnstorla is n substituto for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless nnd Pleasant Ifc contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ngo is its guarantee It destroys Worm nnd nllays Pcvcrlshncss It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation nnd Flatulency It assimilates tho Food regulates tho Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of jcc i reus before teldnc case ono omirrani tlon axeltflsnant or waxrr risruorates andvlcorto reayotakej lata or sent by mall au nmmi aou man rfrom oar western AFTER USING tfor metofindlangoafe to oomxiim 1 m join Dr Kays Senoralor Several phyaw Xrapepla and Merrous Ppoetra wouldeatae vrakt proStraUoiiex m z - r T neaaaott ncureauoa aoa aerqiw twoarthTaOAralnnlUOC sul r Oesb ana ion aeany au oi tzrj i OJL Slaiirwltliottl Tettln tKara Ronorator anal begaa to I wonderful Moonewaaerertai Lful t or aook ft panacea es Dn Ka r M aooa as I tcn to tatpram ny I radalaaa memlAi rmyMtai m a tmeriYAw nv MrmaAti bin rmania so nuraai reific Finally Aattit a iMieook n laxi Uti4 The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THI CCNTAUR COMPANY TT MURRAY BTfltET NtWYORHCITY oreoBldtliavl Txsjsszsm 5S LUMWI m u v u tiaa r7M4r r nt Wafnrri Maa wrlUuon JanT USUI It would be difficult un9nn tor wnj ysiaisas yivuuuuuau iuj a tion A little aztrem eTTOUSat mpooai Tomltln which at time kept oonUnuaUj tor same TIII 1 DBOND BUI IM4 entirely oald I eoN m I tried sereral MntmeDr ea Dr Kays Renovator sam8s5mgm i eta then otbii vmmwnmir lU treai Jeb HEALTH AND VITALITY Tho great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tho generative organs of cither sox such as Nervous Prostration Falling or Lost Manhood Impotency Nlphtly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry excesslvo use of Tobacco or Opium which lead to Consumption and Insanity With ovcry 85 order wo guarantee to cure or refund tho money Sold at 8100 per box O bozos for goOO Dll ITIOTTS CIIE1HCAL CO Cleveland Ohio For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY Railroad and Business Directory - s Z TO q r Mi cu o DC g CO s X CO I w t Q u af o rf a c 1 R R TIME TABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST DEPART Omaha Passenger 60 a m Chicago Express 1210 pm east a run vr Chicago Express 70Jtim Omaha Passenger UI0 p in west depadt Dlnck iiills Express i 72Jpm Verdigro Pusnengir 1240 p m Vurdigro Accommodation 00ara EST A11BIVE Hack Hills Express 12Jrt p m Vurdigro IAesongur rt05iim Verdigro Accomniodation 710 um The Chicago nnd Black Hills Exprtss arrives HUd departs from Junction depot Tho Omaha aud Verdigro trams arnvo and depart from city depot U O Matiiau Agent UnionPacific SOLTII DEPAUT olamliuB Accommodation ti0op m Omaha Denver and Pacific Coast 1010 a m KOHTII AUBtVE Columbus Ace mmodation Uflipm Omaha Lleiner and Pncillc coast Ipm Connocts t Xorfolk lth F E M V going west nnd north and with the C Ht P M A O for poiuti north and eaet F V Junkman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EA9T DEPART Sioux City and Omnha Patsenger 7 05 a m Sioux City Passenger l 1pm WfbT ABBIVE Sionx Citr PaRengor 10 M a m fcloux City and Omaha Passenger 155 pm Connects at Norfolk with F E M V going west and north and witli the U P for points south F W Jcneman Agent Ua lj except Sunday OEO A LATIMER Attorney at Law Office in Mast Block INSTEPS IIiLIflERY Chcspcst and Dest 333 Norfolk Avenue Bpunoap 6l OVelmoD Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly Done C S HAYES Fine Watch Repairing IHC TKUMAN Paints and Qall Paper House and Sign Painter JWEDWARDS emrtffcii3iJeW5 HaK The Norfolk Horseshoer hhh WOBK GUABANTEEU Cor th St and Hraascb Aye WW MANQUS Painting and Paperhanglng Flnt Work Qusranteed JBHERMANN Contraotor and Baildev 1 1 7 Fourth Street -if f J 1 mm r H V i i Y v i i